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Oshawa Daily Times, 29 Mar 1930, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1930 PACE THREN § The Legion Corner By USHAWI lon members felt led on Thursday evening when new members stoed up for ink | +The next meeting will prob | foe about fifty more Initiations, which gives some iden of the rapid growth of the Legion in Wik, --------r The Legion officers are grateful to the oMoers of the Ontario Regiment for the » tion iva by inelud. ing the on the tosst 11st at thelr annual dinner, An place of the old time-honored toast to "Militia of bygons days" This 1s a splendid 0of.of the splendid position which | he Legion has attained as n sound and worthwhile organisation, ICol, 1. R._ LaFiedhs, who! Ke at the Vimy Anniversary | nquet in Rotevy Hall on April 10, in addition to being the Dominion president of the Legion, is spokes man for all veterans in Canada be fore the pensions parliamentary eony mittee, He has carried the load of preparing the legislative program al | most single-handed, and it 1s a trl bute to his qualities of honesty, sincerity dnd mood judgment that | branch, __all the other veterans organisations still In existence were willing to Jeave thelr fate in his hands, It will be M new experience for the Rev, 1, Harston when he preach: We don't know whet he is going to talk about ond don't believe he dita od BRN WILL ROGERS Wik be Quest Artist of , MELODIES TER Mt pl REE RI RY ACs The Burns Co. Ltd, - "REAR RANKER" 8 ut the Vimy Memorial Wervice in his church on Sunday, April 13, Ap 6 full-fledged member of the Le on, Captain Harston will be preach- ng his frst sermon to his fellow: members of the organization, The Captain was one of the new members enrolled in the last fow weeks, Four Oshawa Legionnaires are to fp to Brooklin next Tuesday night to elp the Brooklin Branch with program of entertainment, They are George Walsh, Hurry Power, Bob Gibble and Walter Jackson, The chairman of the executive, M, McIntyre Hood, has spent many | days In Ottawa recently assisting in the, preparation of "the legislative program, and also appenred as a wit ness before the parliamentary com» mittee on Thursdey, being given the place of closing speaker, to sum up the Legion's case on behalf of all veterans, Next Thursday he speaks At & banquet of the Whitby Nranch, on Aprii 9 or 11 at a banguet of the Lindy branch and on April 23 ut 6 mass meeting of the Peterboro The membership ' campaign . still continues, The secretary, Harry Power, sent twenty more new appli: oations off to headquarters yester: day, With this good work continu: ing, the branch should woon be one of the few in Ontario with over 400 members, A splendid: program of speakers has been arranged for the Vimy An niversary banquet, details of which will be announced. Inter, In addition to Col, LaWleche, the Dominion Pro. sident, other high oMeers of the Le glon are expected to be in attend. Anes, ns well an representatives of "| nevoral of the district branches, Lt.-Col, In R, LaVleche, the Domin fon, president, was commanding offi oer of the 29nd French-Canadian re giment at the front, He has a wag nificent war record, being awarded the MC, and DRO, and was, In ad dition, badly disabled in the war, Dut in spite of IMs disabilities, he still carries on his work as the active head of the Canadian Legion, William Darrowdale is deserving of the thanks of the lodal Legion, On [Wl ocoantons on Which the woryloes : of o bugler are required, he » Hi the At me | Jair and he Hs py. inte in services very highly, 0 DROADUAST TOMORROW Mrs, Grant Barry of this elty will sing over the radio station OKNO, Toronto, tomorrow afters noon between four and fNve o's olook, ORDERED HOME Bdaa MoCann of this olty, charg: od with vagrancy, was advised to ¥o heme and stay heme when she ® red before the magistrate in police court this morning, TOO TATE TO CLASSIFY ANTS ment, furnished or unfurnished, j| tood locality, for couple, no child, (70a) ren, Phone 27, VALS home, close to Motors, Phone BAT, (160) (| bungalow. All conveniences, News ly decorated throughout, 651 Car neglie Avenue, (100) dential lot as first payment on or 7 room house, What have you! Phone 1303W, Toa) | be LOCAL INSPECTOR GIVES ADDRESS AT CONVENTION D. A. HUBBELL SPEAKS! TO PETERBORO' MEETING = ° Gives Considerable Atten tion to Necessity of Pure Water Supply A comprehdnsive and Interesting paper on plumbing end drainage was pres. tel by Ii A, Hubbel), Jucal sa- nitary and phanbing inspector, at » convention of the = Association of Plumbing and Drain Inspectors held in Peterborov gh yesterday asternoon, Mr, Hubbell is a former. president of the ussbelation, Mun ooints are discussed In Ine spector Hubbell's 'paper incloding Joint wiping, lead work, he construe- tion of traps, venting, soll.piping and other features of the trade which are mvsteries 10 the layman but matters of deep Intercst and Imnortance to those engaged in plumbing Inspec: thon, v The Altration 'of sewage and water supply received considerable atten- ton ut the hands of Insnector Hub bell and he pointed out the necessity of obtaining un pure supply of drink: Ing water, While commenting upon the rent value of public Hltration plants as 150 | In most of the lars wer cities he stressed that the human element also éntered In and that In. efficiency carelessness nnd accident in the operation of gueh plants might cuslly endanger the heplth of a whole municipality, After a perusal of Inspector Hub. bell's paper, a' copy of which he kind ly forwarded to The Thmes one read: Hy agrees with ls paragraph in which he defined what he Bo terms ed the theory for the Flumber and plumbing Inspector "In order that they nay be success ful In thelr work, the plumber and the plumbing Inspector of today must have at their command not only & knowledge of the practical requires wents of the plumbing trade, but ale 80 a knowledge of the theory that underlies it, Every action that takes place In the drainage or supply sys: tem depends (n Aome way upon some natural law, oo avo the nection of va- rlous devices employed in the plumb. lng system, If is evident then that a knowledge of certain «fF these netions and the laws governing thew ds necy epsity to the plumber and plumb. ib Iuspectar, In order that they may Be Aha better A0 Uhderstand wh solve the varioud problems that & constantly arising In his work, Pos: sibly, to a greater extent than In al most any other trade, the efMclency of the plumbue consists largely in his ability to aveld trouble and to sue: cessfully ger out of trouble that he already finds himself confronted ith" ren ase-------- 10 C0-GPERATEN ART EXHIBITION OF OSHAWA SCHOOLS Harmony Home and School Club Will Assist in.En- tertaining During vent ---- Harmony, March $0--Co-operas tion will be extended by the. Har Mong Home and School Club in the Arf Exhibition being held by the ublio sehools of Oshawa early In pril, It was decided at the meet. fog of the local club In the school last night, that this olub would co operate with North Simcoe Home and Sohool Club in entertaining tor one day at the exhibition, Mrs, Marold Hart, the president, wan in the ohalr at last night's meeting, and the usual reports were read and npproved, It was decided tp hold the manthly afters noon tea on Wedneaday, April', at the sehool, In the form of a kits olen shower, Ladies are requested to bring an artiold such as may used in the kitohen, Miss M. Gunn's class won the prise for having the most parents § present at the meeting, A The | by the a f Jhogran included a dyet Iason Wilmot and Muriel Oarruthers, and community sings ing from the new mong book, n | interesting address on "Vooatlonal Ndueation" was given by Lewis Neattie, collegiate inspector] for the oity of Toronto, ' MISSING GIRLS 1 ARE FOUND SAFE \_(Goittaued from Page 1) ~ olsed, Late last night the coastal | dai that shohad taken aboard ha 38 members of the Khine Juru's erew and was proceeding to fun Praneiseo, po vy steamer Mumboldt wires Jet fuatde the Gulden Gate the | WN Slaten bmer rook 38 heathud hady vor y on the sandy and Hevea to be In nv although she wae leaking bdly when beached, The crew conrprives 24 men, i Toronto Stock Exchange Low b1] iw * 1 |: Btock Br, A, OI 29 brag, .. 46 Can, 1st 89 Can, Brd, '19 Cockshutt' 10% Clty, Dry, 48% Dis, Bgrm, 10% Dm, Wry, 20 Gypsum Hr, Wal, int, UL, int, Nk1, int, Yet, Ind. Aleh, imp, ON Lob, "A"' High % i, Biation: bi 1 Standard Mining Exchange 1] 100 145 [1 Ho "wo 11] p00 LLY 1360 260 LL] 106 LT) ive 145 "" ob 400 141] mo LL) 1360 60 Abana 4, Alnx Amulet 140 Biz Mis, 64 De, Mos, 805 Falcon, 460 Holl, ,, 188 He, O11 p00 Hy, Gold §0 Hd, By, 1400 Lk, Bh, 2200 | Alleghany - Stock. Market = Prices Marke Summary by Canalis Press Toronto and New York #ock Quotations Bnapplied by Alger Building, Th, Hg. Ventures 180 Wr, Hr, 180 New York Exchange 4% 66% 180 ih 60 hoy 15% 06) 239 200% 1% ( + x Bald dn ., 36% Ub Borg War, 40% "Wi Beth, steel 106% Can, Dry «0 14% Can, Pac, 216 Chrysler .. 0% Day, Chem, 41% Fox ovis 88% Gen, Elec, Bb% Gen, Mot, +.» BV Uoodyenr ,. V0 % Urt, North, 102 Kon, Copper 50% 14q, Card, 80% Mt, Ward a's Nt. Ch. Rg. 68 Pen Rail .., 80% Hadio ...» Nem, Rand Bim, Bed .. Bin, Ol ,., Bt. of NJ. Studebaker Tm, RI, Boar 86% U8. Bes] 104% UB. Rubber 30% Allis Chal, Amn, Inter, Amp, Bmel, Amn, Tel, Annconda SKY HAWK MADE FINE PRESSION Advance Showing of British Picture Given at Regent This Morning Oshawa Is being favored with another British sound talking ples ture In "The Bky Hawk" to oe shown at the Regent Theatre, to- day, Monday and Tuesday, This morning an advance showing was made of "The Bky Hawk" when a pumber of oitisens were 'present 4% the guthts of Leon Osied, man. ager of the theatre, In the opinion of many this British production is distinetly different from other war plotures an It combines a greater degree of realigm and in fact has been rated by some coritios as a better, plo: ture than "Wings" which took the motion pleture publie by storm two years ago. Although .a war pleture, it is not devoid of humor which comes as a welcome rellet to some of the tense and thrilling soenes, the Zeppelin raid above London and the fight between: the small areoplane piloted by the hero and the big German raider are masterpieces of photographie art, A love story Involving the son and hele of an English peer and a Canadian girl Is woven through. out and after many trials finally results in a happy romance, The nobleman's son is the central ng- ure of the ploture and his sucoass- ful fight with the zeppelin frees him from a false acousytion of vowardloe, Those who were present at the advance showing this. morning ware distinotly and favorably im. pressed with "The Sky Hawk" and nooept 36 as an indieation that Dritish genius in tHumphing in the fleld of talking plotures, EATIMATES APPROVED Among the items approved in parljement at Ottawa yehterday wird the estimates of $80,000 for harbor improvements in this elty and also 40400 for repairs and Amprovements ut Whitby Harbor, ' igh | ad "Mark Collegiate Chatter ---------- The school has been rick this week both In the quantity and the quality of their speakers: Karly in the week it had the pleasure of hearing Mr, Ross, of Montreal, 8 talented and entertaining speaker pnd later in the week Mr. Rutherford and Colonel Hodgins spoke to the school, Colonel Hodgine' talk was on ranking as a vocation and Mr, Rutherford was a guest of honor, Now that the basketball 'and hoe: key schedules have terminated the interest of the schoo! has turned 'to volley ball, with: astonishing results, Keen interest is taken in the game real talent has been develope and volleyball promises to become a very popular game IA the next few weeks, Fifth # redeemed' itself! | By virtue of a 3-2 victory over 3B, they are Inter-form hockey champions, Fifth formers were becoming despers ate, In former years the laurels for the majority of the sports had rests ed with them, but this year they had been practically shut out until their victory over JB gave them the hoo. key championship. 40 are Upper School basketball champions and IB are Lower School champions. When these two teams meet for the Inter-form basketball shamblonship, there is promise of a real game, Neither team has lost a me as yet, and there Is a great esire in Lower School to see the cup repose in JB class room, 4B are ovary bit as desirous of seeing this cup adorn thelr room and no small amount of antagonism Is felt between the two forms, Final prepurations are being made for the performance to be put on by the orchestra, Glee Club and Stud. ent Players Club on April 3, 4, The seating plan will be out early next week and if the enthusiasm shown 1 the student body is any indication ol the success of the performacne, there is finje Through fn cause of worry, error on the part of the returning officers in the recent school elections; the returns for the office of vice-president were confus- and Murray Cock was declared the sucgessful candidate for this pos fon. Later the mistake was dis: covered awd Jack McAdams, Cock's opponent was tought to be the ulti mate winner, It was an unfortunate happaning but Cock tool' his beating and disappointment like a good scout and his sportsmanship was equalled In all respects by McAdam, Every Grave" 0 that glowed ; Last '| Carla-Rite, when more than 150 OFFICIAL OPENING OF COLLEGIATE TO LAST THREE, DAYS FUNCTION WILL TAKE PLACE EARLY IN, "APRIL Will Include Annual Com- mencement and Collegiate Frolic Although no official date has heen pet for the formal opening of the New Oshawa Collegiate and Vocational Lastitute it is expected that this function will take place early in April, the Times was ine formed this morning by A. W, Bel), chairman of the Board of Kduce- tion, The entire celebration of the opening will last for three days and many prominent speakers are expected to be present, The Ane nusl commencement exercises will be & feature of the three days and the ceremonies will be brought to a fitting close on the third day with the annual Collegiate frolle, The technical school addition to the Collegiate which Is considered one of the finest in appearance and equipment in the province, was orocted at n cost of $836,000 and Is one of the most imposing build. ings in the city, The festivities iu connection with the formal open. ing will be open to the public nd during the three days citizens will have ample opportunity of seeing for themselves one of the finest educations! buildings on this econ. /tinent, The province of Ontario is con sidered foremost in the world for educational facilities and the eity of Oshawa can well be proud that It Is keeping abreast of the entire province in the erection of . its splendid Collegiate and Vooational Institute, UKRAINIANS T0 HONOR MEMORY OF NATIONAL POET To Give Concert Sunday Evening--Mrs. F, B. Live- ' say to Speak This coming /Bunday evening the Ukrainians of Oshawa will com« moemorate the memory of their greatest poet and national hero, Taras Shevchenko, with a grand concert given at St, George's Uk. rainian Hall by the two largest Uk. rainlan organizations here, the "Prosvita" society and. the one meeting at Bt. George's Hall, The concert will be composed of choral, and solo numbers, mands olin orchestra, violin solo, recita- tions and a brief address to be given by .ilichael Petrowsky, on Shevchenko, , The program is coms posed invariably of compositions based on the pooms by Bhevehenko among which are some most beaut itul pleces expressing the greatness of the man, Mds, J. ¥. B, Livesay of Toronto in to be the honored guset at the concert of the Oshawa Ukrainians, and Is included in the program. Mrs, Livesay, who is known as one of the loading poets, play-wrights and novelists of Canada, is popular among the Ukrainians as the auth or of "The Songs of Ukraine," a translation 'ot 'Ukrainian song and poems among. which are included the poems by Shevchenko, Lately, Mrs, Livesay has translated a Uk- rainian classio entitled *'Marusia' which is now in the hands of the publishers, The number of Lknglish A ing friends of the Ukrainians are expected to attend the concert, which will commence at 7.30 p.m, Uv lan om The Shevchenko concert is a oustumary affair among the Uk. raintans 'wherever they live each yoar, No other nation honors its great poet in the manner Ukraine fans do. They not only celebrate the ocoasion by a big concert, but the churches hold special services in his memory, To Canadians such. a custom is rather unusual, and the name Shevehenko is little known, It was in J023 when the English speaking people first be. came acquainted with: works ot this poet by Dr. A, J, Hunter, ot Toulon, Man, who trausiated and. published some of Hohevohenko' | booms ih a little volume entitled (Continued on Page 11) Col. J. R. Peatkes, V.C., Was Guest of Honor Toronto, March £9~-Once a year the who went overseas with Oth Battalion, meet again to rekindle the fires of comradeship, #0 brightly in "those night's reunion in the Attondod, provided ample proot that the old spirit will never dle, Lisut-Col, J, R, Pearkes, | was guest of honor, us a' former 0.0, of the 116th, with whom about '] 400 of the 160th went to Fran | At prose nt ho ds chile? of staf of Royal Military Coll Kingston, Ounsn I. J Cody, Major M3: Ding! Major General W, A. | Logte, Ob. Major M, 8, Boehm, Fred Missh shaw, | Baek 0. QM, nasal ward who & ° wn Thies was chalrman. Oshawa Leads Ontario Cities in Low Record of Contagion Only One Case of Diphtheria Here in Nine Months, With Scarlet Fever Also Light CITY NEWS| SAID TO HAVE MORPHINE Harry Vipnegin, of Simcoe street north, Osbaws, was arrest- od yesterday by Detective Sergeant Plntoff and charged with llega) possession of morphine, When ar- rested the necused, police alleged, had In his possession 500 quarter grains and 100 half grains of the drug, We was remanded in custody until April 3 when he appeared he- fore Magistrate Willls in police court this morning, VINED. $100 Kroost Wright was the solitary transgressor of the Liguyor Control Act in police court this morning. His cane did not take long to dis jose of, "You are charged with be- ng Intoxicated in a public place," said his worship, "Guilty or not guilty?" "Guilty, answered the ac. cused. "$100 or 30 days" said the magistrate, ALAS! FOR THE TAXIMAN Here is the story of an innocent young tax! driver from Oshawa and we hope all his brethren-known far and wide for theih trustfulness in the matter of fares--will heed the awful lesson, He was hired in Oshawa by a stranger who wanted to be driven (for $25) to Penetang, all went well until Oriilin was achieved, Here the fare decided to take the train to Midland, the bus to Penetang. The taxi was to await his return at the Orillia station and drive him back to Oshawa, He waited In Orillin for a long time and will probably wait in Oshawa for a much longer time ere he con- pects with the 20 smackers.--Bar- rie Emaminer, MOOSE LODGE MEETS Oshawa Lodge No, 825 Loyal Ors der of Moose, held their regular meeting last 11 0.t in the S.0.E, Hall, As there were new candidates to be Initiated, a good « vd was present, Bro, T. Thomas, of Cardiff, Moose Lodge, Cardiff, Wal. , was present and spoke of the Moose movement In England, Although the first Moose Lodge |. "ngland was established only in 1926, thee are now over 100 Moose' Lodges Sin England and Wales, Brother Thomas has taken up fesidencs In Oshawa and Is trans. ferring to Oshawa Lodge. INTERESTING BROADCAST A highly interesting radio pro: gram. Is announced for Sunday eve: ning, March 30 at 800 pm, when Will Rogers, the inimitable humorist and comedian, will be on the air ov. er the entire blue network of the National Broadcasting Comnany, with the program originating with Station. WIZ, and being broadcast over 35 other stations, Ts broad. cast is being sponsored hy the manu. fucturers of Enna-Tettick Shges, and should be of exceptional interest, BANQUET HELD BY MYRTLE SUNDAY SCHOOL FRIDAY Bible Class and Executive of Sunday School Hold Joint Social (By Stat Correspondent) Myrtle, March 29--The "climax of the winter's, social activities ohme last: night when the Bible Clans and Executive of the Myrtle United Church Sunday School held a banquet in the Sunday Sohool last night A large number were in attendance and Oscar Downey acts od as tonstmaster in capable fas hion, { "Selfishness is the ohtef sin in Myrtle as it is in all other coms munities throught the world," aes cording to Rev, Capt, T. ¥, Best, astor of the , itby Baptist hurch, who prénented an interests iug and inspiring address at the Danguet on "The Greatest Sin in Myrtle," The speaker pointed out' that Bunday school classes and ors ganizations whose aims and ideals were based on wervice did much to combat the sin of selfishness, At the conclusion of Capt, Best's address he was tendered a hearty vote of thanks, The toast to the church wag pros by Miss Vance while Mr ns Minter responded. Th He class Wan od roole, the rep Rev, R, J, Merriam, Other toasts included, to the visitors, b) Mr, Plkly and responded to hy Mrs, Mole; to the ladies, by Mr, Thomp- son and responded to by Mr. An nan, Brief addresses were alio given by Mr, Graham, supt, of the Sunday {oRool, Mr, Beacook and Te osetia He uded. : 0. selections by Miss oleen Price and 43 aplondid vocal numbers by Mr, t) The tables were beautifully de- corated and an ample and. ue Tapas, ws ssrveds ht mong those pi at the : table were Rev, OY akg Me. and Nre. Pord Ne. oy Mra Graham, Miss Vanoe, Broole, Mr. and Mrs, Mole, Mra, ing made Roan Mr, anu Mra, Dally, Rev, AN Mr, George West others, hig naval attitude towards wo Local Health Departmen Believes That Few Ons tario Cities Can Approach or Equal Fine Situation in Qshawa SEVERAL RECORDS SET UP RECENTLY, of Contagious Disease in City Now, Although This is Worst Season of the Year Oshawe has an enviable record this winter in the matter of ¢am~ munteable. diseases, according to / D. A, Hubbell, sanitary inspector of the city, At the present time there are only a little more than A dozen cases of communicable dis~ eases in the city, most of these being German measles, and none of them. being of the types genu= erally considered serious, ' Although many other Ontario cities have been praising thems selves on their fine record In ree gard to diphtheria and scarlet fe yer, the Oshawa health department believes that this city leads the way in this respect, and has & re- cord for the last few months that few Ontario cities can gpproach, let alone equal, Only one diphtueria case ' has been reported in this cit, in Nine months, Up to the time that this isolated cuso was discovered a lit tle over a month ago, there bad been no case of this disesse in eight months in tile city. There bave only been twa or three scar fot fever cases in the city in the lant few months, showing that this disease has also been practically eliminated from the eity, The spring season, when winter breaks up tnd the damp days are prevalent, is conceded to be the worst time of the year fod the sproad of contagious diseases, and the wsituation in Oshawa' now, when there ure only about a dozen cakes of contagion on record, is considered to be a very favorable one, The local health department has been pointing out tor some time that the remarkable decrease in contagious diseases this last yaer has no doubt been due to the im munization work carried out in the public schools agakst diphtheria, scarlet fever and smallpox, The number of cases of these diseases among school children who have been Jmmunized hus boen almost negligible during the last few years, and this preventive work is given eredit for the fine situation, by the health authorities, Several now low records in cone tagion have been sot up here dur+ ing the last tew months, both alls time records, and for. the number of contagious disease cases for the particular season cf the year in | which pared, DEADLOCK FEARED AT NAVAL PARLEY (Continued from Page 1) reports were being come forelgn secretary and t was ase sumed that the situati for discussion, ' (By Dewitt MacKenalo, Associated YT rots Start Write) : President Abpro "London, Maren 3 The Prine oiples which the U.S, delegs has shaped to' guide 3] United States participation in a ute. Wes Suggested consultati for the benefit of France said today on the hi ! : ity to have been lly appraved by \ President Hoover, This statement was in 10 press ROOTS rom - Qorrespon : \ rs to the offoct that | was unfavorable tion's © pact, "NANCY ANNA BROWN'S i pm, CHOSEN FRIENDS OPEN CN 3 minute euoh over Commerce, Wednesday, Hone of EUCHRE IN 5.0L. HA day evening, March TR 280, RD ab ROUND AND and | atrants OnIER,. On tission die, § # on "ame up A 3 VE pis.

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