» THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, Jomen's Interests in' the Home - and the Community Social and Personal. for the Social Column and other items of Baws. for the Wome ante Hg o iham, of Galt Ontam Doroth oh ig Ontario Colla 30. Art ob ate 18 the ook-and gues of Mise Pine © Toss, ng ' \ Miss a Fo , of Tore onto Normal Hehool w 1 pend the Wesirong at her Pup on Bagot Street, Mr, Mrs, hl 7. 'W. Renwick, of Ti A wil be the guests of Mr. Mo 1 Renwick, Con. naught Stree ie weok-ond, Mm. Renwick will remain in town for a few days next week. A most enjoyable bridge of the North Simcoe Home and Sehool Association was held in the Ma- ith Temple Jridor, witerndon over sevently on 40 y An additional number of 'guests came in for the tea hour, i The 'group of the King Hireet W.M.8. of which Mrs, Hugh mur ray and Mrs, 10, Cawker are the leaders held a ten Thursday after. noon at the home of Mrs, J I Booth, 100 Ritson Road Wouth. During the afternoon Mrs, Peever and Mrs, Dyer sang a duet, Mrs. 0. D. Friend a voes! solo and Mrs, RA Wright gave a reading, Mas- ters Kenneth Dobson and Jimmie Smart, two boys from Ritson Road School, played a duet, A delightful program was kiv- en by groups of pupils of the North Simcoe School under the capable direction of Mr, Richer, The community in charge connist~ od of Mrs, U, Jones, Mrs, H: D, Wilson, Mrs, C. Splleted, Mm, Rn, Daniels, Mrs, Gowdy, Mry, 8, Pere ry and Miss Taylor. The thanks of the elub Is dve to all who were contributory to the success of the afternoon, Combining X-ray apparatus and a pantograph, a sclentist has develop od a machine for obtaining plotures of bones and internal organs with: 4 out using photographie negatives, Near Cor. King & Simcoe St NEW SPRING COATS AND DRESSES Many styles to Choose from, Our prices are right. THE FASHION SHOPPE 84 Simcoe St, 8, to the Nola) Kaitor ae writing on hoth sides of the paper, Ontario Ladies' College Annus! Oratorical Contest The annual Oratories! Contest was beld at the Ontario Ladies College, Whitby, Inst evening, This your there were four "col Misses Eleanor and Marl of Bloomfield, Oftario; Kerr, of Detroit, Michigan, and Margaret Craig, ot Bdmonton, Ale berta, The judges, Mrs, C. Brown, Mr, Fred Irwin, and Dr, Steven. son, all of Whithy, decided in favs or of Miss Wieanor Cronk for first place and Miss Marion Cronk for second place, SS -------- LODGE BOWLING TEAM HAS CLOSING The Chosen Vrionds Bowling Team had their closing last even ing at the home of Miss | Freda Davis, Athol Street, 'Mri Art (ireonfleld spoke on the work of the team end reported that It had boon & great financial j ugtess. On behait of the lodme' Mrs, w, Tell thanked the tea for their sup. nort In all endeavors of the lodge. To take the place of 'howling, nuw that the warm weather iy coming on a soft ball team was organised Iant evening' under the leadershin of J. Rosseo, It was anponnend that fifty members of the lodwe would attend the banquet. in Ram. flton next week, The hus will leave tha Pringe Street Btation, A soolal time was enjoyed ut nm tlone of the avenine whan Mr, Norrish plaved tha plano for dane. ing, A vote of thanks wan extend. ad Miss Davis for the use of her home for the evening WOMEN EWNATORN ("'Looker<On" ub the Dally Chron. ele, Now that" Owmada has a woman sangtor, tha hittar pve nf tha Belts 16h neeresnen, wha hold thelr titles fn thaty awn wight and wha am axolnded from the Wana of Tnavas I sania tn hesoma londap' Thee Alaim thet thare Is no Jaw whisk aon them ont hacia nf thelw any, ANA 14 In nrahahla thay with wmalg thaly newt attamnt thranwh tha eovele, an tha Manadion waman AA, Bihari thew hava phnpsiad th tha Tarde ta admit them, Naw they are meditating a more snros salve mare. CUT HIS SALES Customer | So you've ot rid of that pretty misty t You had? Chemist: Yes, all mv gentlemen customers kept saying that a smile from her was as good as a tonic! The Humorist, two hours after eating, many people suffer from sour stome achs, They call it Indigestion , It means that the stomach neryes have been oversstimulated, There is ex. cosy acid, The way to correct it Is with an alkali, which neutralizes "if 7 times its yolume in acid: o right way is Phillips Milk of Mann =<just a tasteless dose In water, It pleasant, efficient and "heemless, It has remained she standard with phiysiciung in 4he 50 yoars since its invent It is the quick Tethod: Results come almast instan It in the approved method, u will never uke "another when you Be sure to get the gon iné Phils lips' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physicians. for 50 years. vy correcting excess acids, Each hotye containg full direstions=any drugstore, fonterprising children Wilbur, Mol shows Lila Jim. ndian woman, cons i wR with attorney, John », Knibloe, In finlo court during selection of Jurors, Ms, Jimerson | enuse of the Hho that the Is on trian) for murder In connece tion with the winying of 'Mw, Clothilde Marchand, an artist's wito, Ee St. Andrew's Young People Take Charge of Program The Community Night service at Northminster Ohureh last eves Ing was the final one of this sea~ son, These Friday night hour services, which have come to be such u groat myccess in the north part of the eity, will "be continued agin in the fall of this yeur, Last evening St. Andrew's Young Peo ple were In charge of the grew part of the programme, but before they took charge, Mrs, A, C, Cam» oron sang a solo and two anthems were sung by the Northminster Children's Chelr under the direc. tion of Mrs, Ayling, Mr, Harold Bartley, president o? St, Andrew's Young People's Boclety, then ocous pled the chair and called upon the speaker of the evening, Mrs, Thomas Hawks, He told of some very interesting | experiences In Australia, At the close of 'the meeting, My, Irwin thanked ol) those who had taken a part in the oventun's "entertainment, SILVER WEDDING |S CELEBRATED Mr. and Mrs, Frank Oke Honored by Friends on Occasion Néarly 70 friends and relatives of Mr, and Mrs, Frank Oke gath- ored at thelr residence on King street east last Saturday for the purpose of celebrating with them 9 30th anniversary of thelr wed. ing. 1) company having been onl 0 qrder, the bride and groom of long ago were ushered fnto. the room while Mrd, Albert Cole at the plane played the weds ding march, Mrs, W, Riding acted in the Sapnolty of ohalrman and called on Ormiston to read the following address, r Mr, and Mrs, Oke, our relatives and friends have A this. opportunity of taking your poftage by surprise tonight on ths, the 38th anuiversary of your wedding day, We congratulate you oth most heartily on enjoying these 25 years of married bliss and trust that God by his grace will apare you both te enjoy many other such festive occasions, "How swiftly the years Advi mingled with changes ah dness and sorrow, burdens and appiness, but looking back you oan only wee the Wilton of Joy, You have hoon truly blest with have of COMMUNITY NIGHTS| Mores mow mex ENDED FOR SERN ¥ A n check list of the outstanding ones the moat priceless gift that (his world can bestow, good health, u Jovely home, in every sence of the where the wanctitien of life ve found their most endearing | A and three affectionate and Evelyn besides one grand. fix Gloria, You have dlaplayed rng efforts to pleasa others Ides your congenlallty - a Xin houpitality have made Hix ne enjoyable to ter at Mpa ine the unileht of inereasing } happiness be yours : kn to come and may t you his favor, We now Jo 10 notept this small alt Iver ten service) not for tel worth but for the a reprasents, and the 'well resent, od Donat of your velas friends, ==Mra, 'Alberta mn conven - Miss a Dotty Frise of Tarvonto, pre. ted the bride With a bouquet of | oan Reautv rores while Flor, with a heautls counle made fen an 3 8 rest of n atneing, ky Wan ors and by the ladise at Ah luni the evening's fostivitione, Di \ JUNIOR LIBRARY New hooks have been pouring into he Boys' and Girly' Library so fast might be of Interest to the boys and iris, merson, Cavoline-=A Hattub Tale Two \feriectly delightful litle uni mals, and Tuek, live in a house by the 4 of Fundy, - They meet pirates and alse 8 mermaid' by the name of Evangeline; Nip gets caught in a weir, has a very exciting adven ture with a shark and eventually finds gold, Fyloman, Ross-=Forty Good Morn. ing Tales Forty brief, whims il Thére are nonsensical Sele queer characters lke Mrs, who tohogganed down stair tray, and a pirate with a passion for pickled onlons, There are tales of fairies, gobbling, hymaus, magic brooms, weathercocks, all amusing tories wie nf Moodle on a ten ART EXHIBITION SPONSORED BY H. AND S. COUNCIL A Number of Pictures From Toronto Art Gallery to be on Display apho 1 Is the jptentian of ihe focal Home and Sehool Cau. cll to bring to the eity fr the benefit of the school children and the general pubs le, a number of "holed pictures from the Toronto Ast Gallery, The exhibi- tion wilh take place. cither the Just week of April or in the first week of May wd will lust for four days, It is hoped by the Council that they will be able ta hold KB in the audi pis Ho of Centre street school, he ease of It being a0 ventral and ber room I» well' lighted, The choice "of pictures is being left to the council, and it is likely thas mn large pereentage of the» will 'he the works of Canadian Library News Despite the had weather the "J ronage of the library continues to ingreuse, The large pumber of rer prints und new books added lave woved ta be none too many, ¥ An excellent pleture of Ftioh village life is given in "The History of Voge Panderyil by GW, Bullet, In this story of the adolescence and young manhood of an English shops keeper Mr, Bullet has given erdin. ary people and events an unusual glynour, Mis Vege Pandervil is a sensitive boy whe 4 the a yes sivences that might have oy "hi higher position in life, but who achi- eves something lke happiness in spite of his limitation, "Borgia by Zona Gale Is the story of Maria, cold, delf« soniqred, and im nginative, A series of coincidences persundes her that she Is the cause of misfortune to others, as evil an ins fluence as u Borgls, It brings her unhappiness until in the end love promises to free her from the ob» cession A delightful romance of the elgh« teenth century Is to be read In "Diana Dauntless," hy 1, Kester; A beaytiful penniless, Trish girl sets out for Lon. don with her blind grandfather to artists, Mrs, It. 5, McLaughlin, pre the choosing of the works to he] on display, Wie council will pay only for the transportation and dnsirance on the pietures, One hall of this is to be pald for by the Home and School Clubs of the city and the other half by the councils An admis slon charge of ten cents will be ta ken at the door, Dyring the exhibi tion two Home and Sehool Cluliy will serve afternoon ten each day, GOODYEAR PLANT CHOIR AL an meeting last week of the axscutive of the Goodyear Reeron tion Club ft way decided that the elub would orgmmige and sponsor a cholr which will sing at the even ing service at Trinity United Chureh next Sunday, All members of the choir will be employees of the Goodyear Company and one of ite number will be a soloist for the evening INDIRECT HINT Auntle( ta Tony whe | see baby): What do yo u thi hi) wl in saying, Tony? Tony (with .y ble) 1 Sounds like of eake=Pussing Show, outhiyl eves on ta "Give Tony a plece and surprising, Petersham, M.~Miska A gay and altogether delightful | book about the suvrgeising things a | small boy did and saw when he re. | turned to visit his grandparents in | Budapest, Hlustrated | Bull, A, HoRovern 0" tha VV "oy The adventures of a patrol of Cane adian Boy Scouts are told in this ads | mirable book, have exciting encounters with the Indians and the life and customs of the hedaking are interestingly Intro duce Field, Rachel--HittyaHer Firet Hundred Years The story of a Wooden doll whittled from a plgoe of mountain ash, She writes her own memolrs=and tells in a sprightly manner about her voyage on a whaling ship, the time she was owned by a charmer of snakes, und many, other strange adventures: Am exciting story, and amusing MeNell, Everett--The Shores of Ad: venture The story of YXuon de Valour, a lad of eighteen wha embarks with Jae ques Cartler on his second voyn to the new word, Thaw have adventures with Indians; mutiny, treachery, and 'the difeovery af the casket of Tueten Comtles The spor | also gives a vivid and plausible ac count of the discovery of the St, Lawrence river and Montreal, Men will enjoy reading this book as well as boys, Hulbert, Winifred-- Conse Firing and Other Stories Bight stores of bays" and girls which show the effects some of the ediets and decisions of the League of Nations have had upon the lives of people in many counties, They are short and dramatie and are all haved on actual incidents in the League's history, "Away with almanacs!" Rain wate is no longer the softest water obtain. able for washing clothes, Every drop of water used jr this modern laundry is as soft as scientific. me thods can make it, and no dirt can vesist it when combined with pure soap such as we use, We have five different ways of do- ing family wa Il mo. derately priced, Among these you will find one that will exactly fit your family requirements, Phone today or step any di one of our drivers, : Phone 788 courteous The vouth psthfinders |* HONE re. Ext Te Posy Qfnn Perfect dyeing so easily done! | IAMOND DYES contain the ben oo" quality anilines money ean b That's why they give such tre, bright, new colors to dresses, drapes, | nferie. ho anilines in Diamond Dyes | make them so easy to use, spottin, even colors, that hold through wear and Washing. Diamond {ho never give things that re.dyed look, Thet are Just | 16e at all drug stores hen per foot dyeing costa no more=-is so OY experiment with make. Diamond-Dyes Wehest Gudhy for 30 Yours | Prepare them NOW for hair bret The easiest ie to ewe for a child's hair jrovet ly, in with Dand« ering. Put a little on 'the brush enol time the hair is arvanged, Then ad you draw it through the strands, it supplies the unatues! pils removed from the hair and scalp by washing with soap and water, "Train" a child's hair with Daud orine, Sew how this keeps it orders ly, lustrous, clea, The natural eurl is accentuated, A girl's waves "sor" with it stay in longer; look tue natural, And Danderine {ant ) Ha 0 or oily; doesn't show, on the "wie of « Danderine hes comes a daily habit in pour hoine, longer, thicker, more abundant hair is sure to follows=tor every member, Dandering helps stop falling hair; asalves eve artlole of dandrufl Sra} Ropes eo hale and scalp clean healthy} changes dull, brittle, Re ho LY hair tbat is NT ot AY 100 manage Taito nek ao year LX vii effeativeniv sg, Bom or streaking, Just cloar, | | {elaim thelr share of the family fore sident of the council, Is attending to | Hane She is the vietim of Intrigue and treachery, Is pursued by villians, married by force and sold to another man, befriended by gypsies and roy- | nity, and at the end is successful and | happy, { Tale of Devonshire Lryphena" by E, Phillpotts Is a slow moving story of the Deven coast ind Devonshire characters, filled with the kindly wisdom of the simple country. people Phillpotts knows so well, Bt tells the story of a little foundling who is adopted hy the Croom family, and prgves to be the daughter of the lord of the manor, \ Cree girl is the central character of "Nipsya" by C.' Bugnet, the scene the Peace River country--and the period of the Rie! Rebellion, Nipsya lives with her grandmother in a settlement that is almost untapehed bry the white man's 'civilization; her | religion is the old faith of the Crees | Opposed to this scene Is that of the mission settlement where men talk | French and join whole-heartedly. in | the religlous service of the missions | aries, The story describes the Ins | dian girl. emergmg from the wilder [ ness intelligently accepting what the [ newcomers ean give her, but remain ing as faithful us she can to the tras ditions of her forefathers, "Pamela's Spring Song" by Ceell Roberts is a charming storys That travel poster Pamela used to see every day on her way to the office made her terribly restless, And then suddenly she found herself in pose session of seven hundred dollars, So she went to the Austrian Tyrol, i: | came a paying guest at an old caltle la ud "thee romance began in the 7 anjheing fashion, Sie Arthur Canon Deyle has writs ten an ingenious and amusing tale in "Maracot Deep" Dr, Maracot has | constructed a steel and glass diving box, the suspension eable of which broken by a deep sea monster when he and 'his friends descended to the bottom of the sea, Having thus falls | en to the floor of the ovean==they find | the mselves at a sunken city of the lost Atlantis still peopled by an. ans clent rage, Rescued by these people [ hy means of protective oxygen suits | the earth dwellers encounter many amasiug adevntures hefore they are shot back to the surface, "The Human Side of Science" by [ G;, Wilson has heen written after ten [ ye ars of research, Beginning with I'hales, futher of sclence, the author considers the work and its results, of hall a doren Greek scientists through lie next four vears, then Galen and tolemy, on to the thirteenth century | Roger Bacon, a dosen hore nd erie, {angley Hl Einstein, Yio writes of Pasteur, Darwin, Mendel, Is in the sketches what achieve. nts each one of them must be redited with, but views him as a wan as much as a scientist, and con» sliders his contributions to: knowledge in the light of their influence on hy- man lie rather than as mere seciens tific achievements, The Transvaal For w great many years H, A, Chil. vers the author of "Out af the Crug. ible," has been in the center of all that has happened, in the Transvaal, He writes of the country hefore the discovery of the geld fields, and eof the eritieal times ufter the discovery was madesfor instance, we read of an old Boer refusing to give more than eight oxen to by a farm that twenty years later produced seventy» five million pounds 'of gold, Then there is the memorable story of the Jameson Raid, the difficulties and prablems of the Hoop War, strikin sketehes of Cell Rhodes and I ul Kruger, and much mere useful larmation, "Ga North, Young.) Man" by Court hook that. will i ney R, Cooper fs a terest all 'Canadians, The frontier Canada development in northern opens a field for pioneers, and author describes its Attractions for the adventurous, its eSonuint fers | Mines | me hilton particularly and mining, and w, secu the establishment of air npr, | Useful "information on the more Importaut items of the housewiie Shopping list with simple tut practi intelligently and econom iy ln tobe testa which will sable] or Joe in, in "The Shopping Beok" + Baldwin, Shows the buyer how to get her money's worth ing merchandise that will give pan service, up" by -- ful hook a some Barton is a helplu sixty chanters' of two or three cach the author writes little ina oe tonal lectures for people who need to he encouraged and enlivened, Each chapter starts off with an aneedote, then Jit orisp vigorous sentences { Mo the anecdote Appheation to T'he_Civik Service of Cana Ri M: Dawson ha nt vals of the h BES a sei nies ¢hnisafion eh t pe vice, . The first part o veys the se from prescon Na Words Cannot Express His Gratitude New Brunmwick Man Praises Dodd's Kidney Pills " 1d I hd 4d a diseased Kidney and 1 was Just eas wm Mir William H, Lambert, : shous al wes 'I took twelve NB ' boxes of Dodd's Kidney pi ill and and am now able to attend th all my duties, Practically as well a" ever, Cannot say toe much in their praise' Dodd's Kidney Pills ho thelr opulatisy not s they make, bu Seatuuse of thoy do. Dodd's Kidney Pills are purely and Siam I a Kidney remedy, They strengthen the Kidneys so they can do their full ork of siraining the impurities out of L 80c At peal Déatess, oi Malt br from The LLL iim-- DODD'S KIDNEY Mrs. Wm, Smale visited her. mos ther at Taronto on Monday, David McBride, Baltimore, Is vig iting at the home of Mrs, Smale, Mr, and Mrs, Miten Avery, Bufs falo, visited ut the home of B. Avery Sunday, Toronto HAMPTON COUPLE |i deals with the principles apd probs | lems of organization, and makes sug gestions towards the achievement of i healthy service, on stendel Mrs, W, Cunningham and daugh Are Honored By Mr, and Mrs; Will Wilbur and twenty-five friends met at the home| Congratulation were with « presentation of a hall tree, | brated the ittleth anniversary of and the remainder of the evening | were former residents of this village, erously served noon In the absence of Rev, J, R ut Allin 1s u teacher, gave them a sec There + 1 'attendance' of 138 sity, speht the week end at home, Mrs, Ida Smale, has returned {fom 4 Rochester where she visited: hep daughter, Mrs, Jerome Barrie Mr, and Mrs, Lewis Allin ter, Fen lon Valls! Is visiting her | mother, Mrs Ciraco Clatworthy Friends L Mrs, Tames Burns, visited relatives | Hampton, Murch 28 About Oshawa an Monday, of Mr, and Mrs, Lewls Alin on| fram friends here to Mr and Mr, Thursday night and surprised them | Will Short, Bowmanville, who cele After expressing thanks for the gilt | their wedding day on Saturday, they made the company feel at home | March 220d, My, and Mrs, Short Wits Spent In Muse; games, and so Rev, 1. R, Bic oceupled the pulpit cial chat, Refreshments were gens | at Salem Cliveeh on Sunday afters On Friday night the "Gleaners," | Trumpour, who preached at the afie Sunday school clans, of which Mrs. | niversary seryiee Pidad ond surprise by spending a social ey Sunda wida Ihe ening with them, Hoth pathering oll at ening service 14 fain | tended alse ' Ideal March weather marked last Sunday snow. fell during the night and on Monday, making it possible for sleighing, The ehildren enloyeil snowhalling and sleigh riding rh ' even though it was supposed to be the third day of spring, Hunters were busy also tracking rabbits In the fresh snow, Rain fell during the night; and. on Tuesday, making . it very ley, freeing as it fell, C,H, Burrows, Oshawa, spent Su vith his sister Mrs. Mary Goods were a celebration ef the thirtieth anniversary of thelr wedding da the 21st of March, The Young Peaple's Friday evening was not as attended as usual there being about twenty-five present, After the op ening. exercises Will' White took | charge of the devotional, Mrs, / vin Peters gave view of a book she had read recent ly, "The Adventures of David Gray son," Several hymns were sung during the meeting which was eo singin League on | largely (rs, Al an interesting re | day | man gluded hy a contest and the of the Natlonal Anthem, 3 Mrs: Jas, Jobson eelebrated her WP birthday on Friday, when a mmber | of friends spent a social evening at | TERRIBLE MAKEUP her home, | "Why do vou stare at me Harry Holwell Installed a radio | "Father suys you are a s¢ last week, man," Mr, and Mrs, Jas, Curtis, Well, why stare tained friends on Wednesday "I'm wondering why you ing, yourself like that e'Tit-Rits ' ismade enter Ld even Made CAREFUL MOTHERS Adive ve Children {hurt emselvos Carefree impulses seem to che to ah os aime! run for When our ilies somats with a hurt of ny bud ih ¢ Ito this special cin pain, prevents stores torn or burnt Dad x normal tion days to 1928; the second part ,