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Oshawa Daily Times, 29 Mar 1930, p. 6

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ISI i he A » [ (HE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1930 ' J THE LOCAL SCREEN Hawk" Of ers Who's Who & What's What in the Amuse. ment World Interesting Pen Impres. ) sions of the Coming Attractions on... r oe "Dangerous Rogue' Romantic Sea Film Is Step Ahead of Rest "Sky iat at a ait Thellls galore and & gombnee of unusual charm ave brilliantly pho togvaphed galore in. "Fhe. Bky Hawk," the Aveuking BEVOON'N BYEIL all talking dramas of wartime tly» jug filmed in the sky, which opens i three day engdgement at the Me won} Theatre today, if any further proof ui the value of speech In pletires were needed this Teaturs nay be llsted ay o shining example, Its veallsm wun the dramatic power of Is dialog, ue well 4s Lo Its many epectaeular werinl and ground sequences makes hig fim tower tay above ull pre vious such produtionse In faci it 18 a noteworthy contyibution to wereen history, The Zeppelin raids over London form the background of the story, A young Uritieh wviater, unjustly branded a¥ a coward when he « orashes his plane on the eve of his departure for setive wervige and 1s crippled foy life, live mygniticently 10 release his Huneea from her ene gagement, Tinkering th an old condemned plane, he manages to put it In Hying conaitiony goes uloft during a deppelin attack wid brings the giant alvship down In flames, A simple enough story, but an the more human Lor its sipplieiy, "The Bky Hawk" bas become one of the most Tmpressive plotures ot "the year because of the excellence Of #8 onst and Lhe flawless dire tion of John Biydtone, John Gar viok, the yolithtul Kughsh notoy: Aviator, a real find, seems to have been born 'for just this rele; and Helen Chaud.or, former dramatle gtar of the "Theatre Gulld who soored as the heroine of "Malute," gives a splendid performance as the gir! In the case, Thrilling Romance Rita La RY Matias Bow in 4 : Delightful Rogue" Rita La Roy, erstwhile star of the Canadian stage, makes hey how as 0 loadin, ly in filme in "The Delightful ov wv) an allstalking Radio Pls: ture, now at the New Martin Theatre, She plays 'opposite Rod La Rocque in this story of a med. ern pirate in the treples, 11's the first sea pirture to made in sound, Ullhery Emery, whom audiences | will recall as the HNeotland Yard | deotetive In "Behind That Curtain' offers an even greater characters fantion In the role of Major Nelson, Billy Bevan, Joyce Compton, Len- | nox Pawle; Lumisden Hae, Laph- ne Pollard and other noted playery are in the supporting east, adding to the entertainment qualities of the Him, | Home of the breath (aking se quences are included in the ple= ture, particularly the neenes ot London shiveiing under the rain ol Zeppelin bombh, Ta top this comes the stirving elimax when Uarriok conquers his huge opponent ami the bursting shrapnel and great searchlight rays, Llewellyn Hughes' magasine story, "Chap Oalled Dardell," was adapted by the puthor, whe also wrote the dialog, In association with Campbel¥ Gullan, the wel known British stage director and actor who staged the production "under Wystone's direction, NEVER NACE Old habits are Ineltued to cling, IL 16 true in. motordor: as anys where else, Que of the manifesta tions of the fact that Is quite uommon is the practice of some motorists of racing the engine just hefore cutting off the ignition, It may have meant womething fu the days of earlier models, but now it means nothing, Further than that, it never is a good idea to Tate an engine, thoroughly ewarmed, car 1d pulling, Unless th AFFECTS SPEEDOMETER That. tives witioh are not props erly inflated wear out more quick ly should ba known by all mots oristee=whether ~ they use the Knowledge or not, That under«ns flallon plays queer tricks with the npendometer is not so generally known, In the oalibration of the inatrunient, however, everything is based upon the proper inflation of the tres, Accuracy from it eannot be expected on any other basis, even one that 1s | | GAN FROM WOOD | Two substitutes for gasoline as a motor fuel are being studied; one in Awitseriand and one by the United Mtutes Bureau of Mines, Tho Swiss fuel is galled gasoline and In manufactured from wood | ohareonl, This would be used chief ly for the operation of trucks, IL Is said to show an economy of 70 per cent, in operation, The latter fuel is gasoline made from shale oll, Refined ahale oll gusoline un: { der test developed wore than four per cent, electrical horseppwer | {than the ordinary gasoline, --- a an rhm----r NPARNK PARTS In addition te being sluggish In | burning over the engine, a low battery furnishes a very weak spark, which further delays starts Ing, Old foner tibay may be cut Inte stripe and used for insulating the floor board from '#he frame, It outs dawn many of the annoying | | noises about fhe car, | Scenes from Theatre Attractions During Next Week A ONG SHOTS AND CLOSE UPS Several players have been signed for featured roles in Fox Movies tone production including Matty Kemp, for "Common Clay,' Bramwell Fletcher for "So This 1s Londen," and Paul Nicholson for "Fox Movies tom Follies of 1900" LJ \ J . Columbia's sereen adaptation of the Broadway stage success, "Sol- diers and Women," will shortly go inte production, under the direc tion of Edward Sloman, It will mark the director's first work for Columbia, "I'he play is by Paul Hervey Fox and George Tilton Hod 8 4 Tha success of "The Cohens and Kellys in Scotland," emphasiaing, as it does, the effectiveness of the cospartnership of George Sidney and Charlie Murray, has led them Into a new contract with Universal, These two will be featured in a long sérles of two-reel comedies under the direction of Nat Rom ne 4 . . "I'he King of Jarr" Is completed, Paul Whiteman has shot all the necessary retaltes and the black-outs featuring Lavra La Plante, George Sidney, Charlie Murray, Glenn Tryon and Merna Kennedy are all made, The big Job of cutting down to footage this highest expression of Tech nieglor Idveliness and perfect recording will give Jom Murray Anders son the first headache hie-has had since Universal hired him to direct his first moving pleture, . ' s , Raquel! Torres Is the frst Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer feninine player to be given a role In a Spanish version of one of this company's fea tured pictures, She will Have the leading rele opposite Buster Keaton in the Spanish transeripfon of Keaton's new comedy vehicle, "Free and Easy," which Edward Sedgwick is directing. Don Alvarado Is the only other player to be seleeted for this foreign version up to date, . + LJ » For the first time since they weie featured In Columbia's "Beware of Blondes," Dorothy Revier and Matt Moore will play opposite each other in Columbia's "Call of the West." The picture Is an adaptation of "Roryowed Love" a drama in which the East and West meet on a commen footing alter many adventures and complications, The story culls for massive settings and much contrasting action varying from the gay life In New York night elubs to a ranch rodeo, Al Ray will direc, | A PICTURE OF -- {BLAZING ROMANCE | SHOT WITH TROPIC FIRE! w= In Love as in Battle «= His Demand was All or Nothing SEE HEAR ! | ------------ \ Richard Lee and His Dark Clouds of Joy at the Winter Gardens Again Tonight My HENTY" 1've seen a orowd Lo ravin' dip. py and a million dollars worth ot hats in the alr when a hdme awa ter olipped the ball on the beagle with the score tied un the ninth Innings and two on base, with two out and two strikes on the batter I've seen people shriek and soreain until hoarse and melted aver a crack football or basketball thrill elimax, Yet == 1 have to pee again tho dancing publio move satisfied with an orehestra at the start than the I way they treated Richard Lee and "His Dark Clouds of Joy" last | Thureday evening. "Maint human the way they moogled their feet Um digay you «= They sald they DELIGHTFUL R R CQUE bY § ADDED ATTRACTIONS -- Chapter 4 -- + The Tiger 5 8 4 1] SATURDAY just couldn't help it, They will play again to-night in the Winter Gardens at 8,30 pm You will be delighted with this amooth, poppy colored orohestra fil the way from Conlin's Inn, | New York Qity, UE Just Tet these your clothes renew Pil look like wou have quite @ few, The secret of a come plete wardrobe is an acquaintanceahip with W firat lass dry cleans SR work is i the opportu to Auted win yous elothes, IG MONDAY TUESDAY Loftellitds La Moy in "The lighttul Rogue", Contre olen Chandler and John Gare viol in "The Sky Hawk", lie. hihi He Boi n 0 ful Rogue's | thrills, | lightful Rogue" Is merely & high-hat "Al, the hero enters on his cus!' Thus Red La Rocque, strumming his guitar with languid fingers, seis the tempo=-and the sktire=of "I'he Delightful Rogue," 8 swashbueking yarn of 8 modern pirate In the trop. ies, which opened, today ut the New Martin Theatre, Radio Pletures has turned out w different talkle with this story by Wallace Smith, It Is the first sen picture In sound and It Is the first the the sound camers has taken a tonguesin-the-cheek attitude about drama and had fun with its own Lost it be thought that "The De. full of subleties, it should be men tioned at the outset that there Is more old«-time asetion snd thrills than snything seen to date on the sound screen, But that action Is polished with a gay humor rare to the movies Rod La Rocque Is Lastiro, a Latin | vagabond, He seizes 5 millionalre's | AUSTRALIANS PLAN | ONTARIO FACTORY | pa-- | Emissaries Under Contract | ly, there have been evidences of Troop Good Turns appearing, Recently, the Ontarle Forenry Branch of the Provincial Government wrote to each of the troops in town, asking them to distribute posters urging farmers to reforest the waste argas on thelr farm, On Saturday last we went out armed with posters to a convenient rural road to start the work, thinkin that we would be the first out and have a clear field for our work, Judge our surprise when on arelys ing at the first suitable spot we found the post already occupied by one of the self same posters that we were preparing to post, And ao it yas all over the country wherever we went somebody had already heen there first, until we worked our way so far north that we thought we would soon reach the North Pole, However we finally got our posters out and wended our way home happy in the knowledge that the other troops had done their good turn so promptly, During the year thera will be other opportunities for each troop amd each boy to do numerous good turfs and we feel that they will grasp these opportunities as often as they come. ER m-- SCOUT NOTES Those whe attended the Fourth Troop's Coneert on Friday last cer tainly felt that the evening was well spent, The play wan very good and we hear rumours of some of the young men in the audience falling very madly in love with the beautiful dams sels who so enhanced the audience, The other parts were played equally {well and the faet that ghe of the prineiple ¢haractors was taken sick on the eve of the performance 'did not prevent the part from being filled ary capably by a Jast minute subs stitute, i Great preparations are being made by the 1st Thornton's Corners Troop for their tenth annual banquet, It Is hoped that a large percenta of the old boys of the Troop will be present to Join with the present wens " in their Selebrution: i § The programme for the: evel being prepared with a great deal of ful, The Fifth Troop held their meetin a5 usual on hi last in the LAY 'A further reorganisation of dhe pas trols to segregate the Tenderfoot, Second Claw, and First Class Scouts was started, in order to permit group inrucion more easily, + The Eighth Troon met on Wednes- day last, instead of on Friday - wen SCOUT NOTICES The Fifth 4 nee NAA jo ne : or s must be bein thei Good. Tan Slips With on. h Boy Scout Activities News of what the Boy Scouts of Oshawa are doing contributed by the scout lead. ers, Contributions to this column will be welcomed, and should be sent to the Times office not morning each week, Out around the countryside recent & care and prontises to be quite success: than Tuesday TH TROOP The Troop met on Wednesday, in stead .of Friday, because of Lenten Services in Christ Church, Nearly all scouts reported thelr parents' willing to allow them to Samp this year, August was selected as the most suitable month, and the troop will Sap for two weeks, A Patrol and Scout efficiency eon: test will begin on Apri) the fourth and continue until June twentysseys enth, A Patrol flag will be awarded 1) fhe winning Patrol. The most efficient Scout will Hceire A prise donated by Sceutmaster Rigg, Mr, Arthur Colbourne, who is te be connected with the Troop as ase sistant Scoutmaster, will award a prise to the P, L, who's Patrol wins the flag. Every Scout [s urged » attend meetings regularly to help his Patrol win, In go doing he may be surprise ed to find himself the winner of the Scout efficiency prive. LEGISLATURE MAY S04 OR Toronto, Mareh u0.=The legis: lature will probably p ue nest riday: Yesterday it adjourned acing the unusual = situation of having three empty aan ahead of it, 'The next session will be held next Thursday, Bocause the Iublic Accounts committee was unable to table ita final report, this unusual altuas tion has been Op fon forces: are de to hear witn in the probe {ne augurated by MN. Sinolaln, Liberal leader, into allegations that a farm omploye working tor Frank OC, Jlohardson, northern development fnapecton at Porguie Nunotion, had been pald fn departs ment cheques, The' committee maota noxt Weds nesday mor in what is hopeu will be ita tial session. On Thu the wil probably be tabled fn the legisla: tue ha wil be thé only tiem on the day oF pADOr booause te itan up of all legislation yeas onday, CHECK VALVE FIRSY 14 took one motorist two tim tires to learn that what seems to ba, a Tonciute oftun fa a leaky valve, 1n Hoth canes, the tire went tat overnight, Bach time, he ves moved the tire, took it oft the rim and weat in quest ot the punoture: Neither time did he find one tor the simple ronson that it was the valve which was the cause, Now he always obecks the A fret. Held at Vancouver by Immigration Officials (By Canadian Prose Leased Wire) | Yanoouver, March 20. ight passengers arrived bere yesterday | on the R.M.H, Aorang! with the in-/ yacht and turns it into & plrateer, 1c plunder a group of tropleal Islands As a 1929 pirate, whose pijumus would be the envy of a Vanity Vals column eonductor, with » radio 1 his cubin and tes every afternoon, La Rocque gives vie of the niost entes taining performances A his career, Rita La Roy, recently recrulted from the stage, appears opposite Lu Roeque as Nydra, the enfe dance: into whose love affulrs Lastro pokes his attractive villlun's nove, Her voice bas an unusual appeal She Introduces the romantic theme song, "Gay Love" by Oscar Leva and Sidney Clare, Charles Byer, Hurry Semels, Bd Brady and Rert Moorehouse round out the supporting cast with ¢apubl performances "The Delightful Rogues" was d rected by A, Leslie Pearce and Lynn Shores, The adaptation snd digloguc of the film were written by Smith from his own original Cosmopolitan story, "A | wn Decides." RCA Photephone was used to record, tention of proceeding to Waterloo, Ont, Lo establish nan farm imple ment fuotory thers for the Mc Gay interests in Australian, As they are under contract, however, they some under the category of con tract labor and are helng held » the immigration authorities, In view of the fact that their principals are establishing a ne industry in Canada, it Is thought Ottawa may tnko a #pocial dispon sation It is understood that Mc Cay Interests propota to send an other group of 16 to Canada to take positions in the new indus try, the inter Gardens i "cd eine a dd 3 a0. atta A Feature Art's Don't Fall to hear Them TONIGHT Saturday, March 29, 8.30 p.m. -- RICHARD | LEE and HIS DARK CLOUDS OF JOY Direct from Conlin's Inn New York City = tT ---- Its Wonderful / Nee: ne WON oo TODA MONDAY & TUESDAY 2.30=7.00--9.00 A Braathlons drama ove and co of a Canadian Miss. and an English Nobleman! Approve

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