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Oshawa Daily Times, 29 Mar 1930, p. 7

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i PAGE SEVEN or Sree Unit 11 am -- "The Problem of Forgiveness" 2.30 p.m; == Sunday School & Bible Classes 6.48 pm, = Song Service PM "THE IDEAL F RIENDSHIP". Music led by "Choral Class" of over Fifty Voices Pastor Auisted by Group of Yaung Hien St. Andrew'sUnited Church Rev. F. J, Maxwell, Minister, Miss I. P. Fletcher, Asst., SUNDAY SERVICES, MARCH 30 11 am, SUBIKCT: '1#THE HOME CHURCH OF THE FIRST EUROPEAN CONVERT" 3pm, SUNDAY SCHOOL AND BIBLE CLASS 7 pm. "The Strangest Motive in Life" \ You Will Find These Services Helpful Oshawa Pentecostal Holiness Church Pastor b. yr y Obarge 10 a.m.==Sunday Behool. 11 um==Morplog Wore ip, . 1 pp. = Evening Wor ship, door SF bot Soares Mab 0 ih k at bo a pom. re . service, Wednosday, 8 DM Young People's Meeting, Friday, 8 pm, «-_ Dible Study ! We Pray for the Hick KNOX Prasbyterien Church Simcoe Nirewt North aod Brook Street lov Duncan Munroe #4 Brook Bt, W, t Phony S554 Sunday. March 30 11 am, == "Esau the Northminster "United Church | Rev A MANSELL IRWIN, || | B.D, Pastor | 30 Greta Bt. "Phone sreaw | | 11 am, = Morning Wore ship==Pastor, ' Sunday Scheel --= 3 pm and § p.m 7pm Evening Woretlp astor g Mom, 8 dm. --= Missionary Departipent Young People's | League. | Cordial Welcome Always _ Splendid Animal" 3 pon." Sunday School. 7 un w= "The, Ship thé rophet Saw' Mon. 8 pom. = Young Peoples : Fri, 8 p.m -- Prepara: tory Service. fee GRACE { Lutheran Church MASONIC BUILDING Rev, A. C, Hahn 182 Allee Street Sunday, March 30 9,80 a.m. Sunday School 10.80 Lo, Moralug Wore abip, Thur, 7.80 pm, «= "Christ, Condemned by Pliate" ALL ARE CORDIALLY WELCOME A Re one 1730 3 Jt aac itar, 4 3 8, MacMulion , of Wellevilio former estvatieg rs Lae Loago_tunioh Goa ion " hwy 2.00 Du. = Sunday School | 7.00 pms Monday, § pon, - BYP. ¢ 1 i NYY!" - one 4 Soven Doudly Sine' / BOPYicomsLilugta Bw ¥ pm, bd | ov Rev, T Sunday Services In The Oshawa Churches First Baptist Church There are somethings that will not mix, to try to nux them Iv useless, perhaps positively harmful, Selece tion of one thing or another ly me perative, In his sermon "Making o Veclsion," Reve Av W. Somll, will discuss at First. Baptist Church aext Sunday evening, tear him in the morning ulso on "A Stainless Life" » ¥ Unity Truth Contre The worship of Unity "Lruth Cene tre will be held in Welch's Parlors, tomorrow, y St, Andrew's United "The Home 'Church of the First the sermon which the pastor, Rev, F, J. Maxwell, will preach ut the morning service of St. Andrew's Unis ted chisteh, Sunday. In the evening Rev, Mr, Maxwell will preach on "I'he Strangest Motive in Lite" Free Methodist Rev. R, L. Casement, the pastor, will conduct the services of the Free Methodist Chureh, Sunday, , wtaubibel Aisembily The pv of Pentecostal Asien bly tomorrow will Je in [rye of the pastor; Kev, 51 « Ball Sivioes Stress United "The Great Intercessor" is the title uf the sermon which will be preach. ed by the pastor, Kev. E. Harston, at the morning service of = Simcoe Street United church, Sunday, The subject of Rev, Harston's evenin sermon has been announced as New Trial Demanded" The Map he Leaf Quartette of Galt, will sin both services and will be heard in " concert at the chureh on Monday night following. "on Christ Anglican "Carmel, the Mount of Decisioh" will be the subject by the rector, Rev. R. B, Patterson, at the morn. ing service of Christ Anglican church on Sunday. In the evening the rec- tor will Shenk on "Envy" one of the seven deadly sins. A special Len- ten service will be beld on Friday from eight 10 nine pm LJ L " St. George's Anglican The regular services of St, Geore ge's Anglican church will be con. ducted on Sunday with the rector, Canon C, R. dePencier in charge. Rey, F. J, Nicholson, of the Nath» andll Institute, Toronto, will be the spe ecinl sopeaker at thé evening sere e, Musk for the fay includes the unthem, "The Lord Is My Shepherd" by the choir. in the a Luing while in the Jrening, Mr. M, Merritt will sing "Then Shall a Righteous Shine." a Salvation Army Ensign and Mrs, A. Dixon will be in charge of the regular services at "the Salvation Army Citadel, Sunday. In the morning Fasign Dixon will preach on "The .\ght Emphasis," while in the evening hi his subject will be "Lost Opportunities European Convert" is the subject of | J, Knox. Presbyterian "Esau, the Splendid Animal" will be the 'Wubject of the pastor, Ve Duncan Munroe, at the morning wer vice Knox Presbyterian chireh, tomorrow, 'Rev. Munrog's cvelting sermon hag bech shnounced us. "The Ship the gphet Sw. " "Reality" Chine 8 Mg thie subject for discussion at the regular Sumday service of the First Chireh of Christ Scientist, CT Oshawa, Pentecostal ' Heliner. Services of Oshawa Peritecostal Holiness church tomgerow will be conducted by 'the! pastor, Rev, GC euge, W Ww * Grace Lutheran o" Rev, A C, Hahn, the pastor, will be in charge of the service of Grace Lutherat church tomorrow, At the Lenten service to be held next Thurs. day evening Rev, Hahn will take as his sermon "Christ, Condemned by Pilate" W " Northminster United Rev, A, M, Irwin, the pastor, will preach. at both services of North. minister United church tomorrow, Hély Trinity Anglican Services at Holy Trinity Anglican church Horan will be conducted by Rev. I, E. Robinson, of Pickering, The Wednesda, evening Lenten ser- vice will 'be addressed by Rev, Can- on Plumptree, of St. James Cathed- ral, Toronto, . King Street United "The 'Problem of Forglveness" will be the sermon by the pastor, Rev, C, E, Cragg, at the gnorning Orthodox Church. service of Kin ifs United church tomorrow Ideal Friendship" | will be Nicumed by Rev. Cragg ot | the evening service. The music Is t be led by a chofal class of over fifty voices while the pastor will be as sted by a group, of young men, " hay Temple The special services of evangelism Hi er the oy ices of the Oshawa slonar ge will be continued | y the et Templé auditorium, Sunday night, when Evangelists Mof« fett and Hartin will preach on "The Man With the Mystic Number 666." At the Wednesday night service the subject "Divine Healing" will be preached upon. » / Contre Street United "Bracketed With Christ" is the subject of the sermon which will be reached Uy the pastor; Rev, Ww. p Pletcher, ui the morning service of Centre Street United church. tomor« row, In the evening the pastor's sub. jeet will be "The Father's Attitude to the Lost Boy." . 8 Albert Street United Rev. J. 8 MacMillan, of Belle. ville, a fokmer pastor, will be the special speaker at the services. of Albert Street United church tomors row, The Church World Wide Samuel Carter, a well-known lay aman in Guelph of the United church Canada, has remembered his nae tive village in England, In Rudding- ton, near Nottingham, there Is a Wella an Methodist Church and ale 80 rimitive Methodist Songtegh- tion On condition that the tome 4 united body of worship ore he promises to provide an endow. ment of $50,000, A prominent English beached, Reve Won Paxton, FP, cat George Chureh, Liverpool, Wil oceupy: the it of De Park United Church, oronte; dun, the yacation of its minister Rev, G. Stanl Russell, ) John n Hallie Fro rofessor of J akematic Tino! n Eimiuel 'oronto, has acoe a ar Union Theological Seminary, New York, There is mueh regret at his leaying, Begause his standing. us a scholar and preacher is very high, Reve Wilfrid F. Gaets, of McDou- if 18! ducted experiients fn scat de gi I fr Rad Other Toren from " box kite near all United ch rch, eatony has ull t to church, | an dge . United § Fe i hag J od hel Bf Bell, hy maloting 0 strong ow dy, March 16, was set by the Christian forces in England, and the Protestants of France and Switzer] land, as a day of prayer for those persecuted in Russia, Both of the archbishops ate lending their great influence in the matter, Rev, Dr, Moffatt, the famous writer and teacher, now on the 'staff of Union Seminary, New York, is returning to the Old Country for his vacation, afs ter an absence of three years, Dr Herbert Gra has in taken up the paktoral duties' at rouchenl, 'ress erian Church, London, Eng, als ter his prolonged visit on. this side of the Atlantic in connection with the Student Movement, Drs, Hanson and Robert. were on its historic, roll of pastors, Rev, och Yuille, *B.D,, whose last charge was Knox church, Dunedin, N.Z, has "been called to Claughton Church, Birkenhead, Eng. He is a native of Kilmarnoch, Ayr shire and went to Australia as a young graduate twenty-two years ago ddd fine mission work under the of the late Dr. John Kelman, Sines then he has had rapid pros motion; his church in Dunedin bes the R00 nvucae in Australasia. For year he has been taking De ae work, and again res om od to the pulpit, || BABY BAPTIZED IN PORTABLE CHURCH Toronto, ont, March 20.<With the erent; 0g about 60 bee Cochrane, headend of United Church orthern ML Set land, hy I Doet one oF ring! Ron Fibruary, Water way obtaih pi Shire hd 0. The or Mi t hia ed to serve as font phat $ re was dedicated mony 'was per nd bk time the baptismal cores] | ¢ The U. 8 Forestry Bureau recent Je method ene large areas of Fd er fiot ngview, pel a AR A poate 4 as been ES «11080 Sh JT Conference on Social Welfare to be Held PNY awa fs * have a miniature oS PEC, (Conference on Christian Pol tie, Economic and Citizenship) Mise the Birmingham patie on April ers worthy of he great Gy A WC will UA reset D. otal hn ohn Coburn, on A rv Hoggarth and Full particulars will appear on this page next weeks After ull, there 1 a limit to the useful 'notivity which laymen oan find fi the church without becom: log busybodies, Fortunately most Jeo 0 have pressing business and mily concerns to prevent them bocoming amateur theologians wir oceleslantical ese stelle in China Impends witb ate oxperts cans mp + doubt about the winner of t | Cardinal Merry de Val Hed A Little House nt in t vil in AA "LUTHERAN fr STILL OPEN IN SOVIET RUSSIA| Hib of Amarietn Lutherans Finds Alig Reporis ' Dr, John A, Morehead, a leader In thy United Lutheran Chareh of America, has inyestiguted certain alaging stories about the persecu- tion of Christians in Russia, and up to Feb, 20, he is able to report, the case is not as bud av represented, It was sald that 'Bl hep Malingren, head of the Lutheran Seminary in Leningrad, and' two daughters of previous bishop had been deported to Solowki, on the Red Seas, und the college closed. The fact Is that on the date mentiondd above, Bishop Malmgren was safe ut his home in Leningrad, the doors of the college open und funds could be baled sent; ws haretofore, for its support, ishop Meyer lives ut Mowcow and watches over his flocks in Southern Russia and Siberia, There are at present 98 theologically trained pastors and 200 | charges, some "of them with sever. | songréy ations At one time there were about three million Lutherans in Russia, the tmjority having been invited there to engage in agricul ture, their language and religion guaranteed by the Government, There are ut present about one-third of that number, and their privileges are cancelled, The objection to them, however, Is not as great as that against the remnant of the Russian ABLE CHURCHMAN LOST BY ROME Distinguished Career Rome loses her young ecclesiastics as well as her veterans, There is uni« versal regret at the passing of Card. inal Merry del Val at the age of 65, Since 1896, when he was Papal Ables gate to Canada, during the contro« vetsy over the Manitoba School Question, his brilliant career has been watched by the people of the country, He was the only 31 at that time, but already possessed a rare genius for diplomacy, an exceptional gift of speech in various languages, and strength of character, Ile ow much te the fact that he was born in England, where he received his primary education; that he way the son of an honored Spanish Ambase sador to the Court of St. James, and that he had Irish blood in his veins us well as the pure Spanish lineage, Before his duties as Papal Secre- tary of State confined him. to the Vatican. he had acted as legate at ueen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee, the funeral of a German Emperor, and 'the coronation of King Edward VII, In Rome he was one of the greatest Cardinals, Pius X leaned upon his rare knowledge and ability; the Vatican was modernized by elec. tricity, telephones, ete, but under his influence was kept strictly orthodox, twice. a strong candidate tn clave. for the papal chair, 'RALPH CONNOR' TO CONDUCT MISSION IN'WHITBY CHURCH Famous * Author and Ex. Moderator of Presbyterian Church Will Be Heard "Ralph Connor™ at Whitby. Ralph Conner, (Dr, C. W, Gordon, od Ww nnipeg), mous author of "The Sky Pilot," and numerous other books, famous also as preacher and former moderator of the Presbyter- | fan church in Cynada, conducts a week's preaching mission at the Unis ted church, Whitby, commencing to- morrow, Sunday. These missions, held: in Toronto and clsewhese, have brought crowds of people under thespell of Dr, Gor: |} don and his message, a message Which finds room for the grace of |} the Gospel as well as its social ime plications, « In addition pending every Cif night Dr, Gordon is to address the |} ithy Chamber of Commerge, the Ontario Ladies' College and the School students, By Alix T) Thorn I've seen u little empty house, That on a cross-road stands, And hag the very sient view, Across 'the meadow lands, Sometimes it looks quite lonely 1st if it Nundered why very many people uu Laman, ih it ron the cone |, High |f ee EF reTtl er Asc ' SIMCOE. ST. UNITED CHURCH "THE HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP" All the Churches Bid You a Hearty Welcome PHONE 148 3 pm.~~Sunday | School "CONVERSION" IF | WESLEY DATED MARCH 24, 1738 Founder of Methodism Pur. || chased Meeting House A Year Later It was. on March 24, 1738, that Jolin. Wesley, to use his own words, was converted. He had been in Georgia, America, as a missionary, hut confessed that while preaching for the conversion of others, he had ot beent converted himself, A little over a year after that experience he purchased the property in the Horse hair, Bristol, England, called the New Room, in order that the converts gained while preaching in the felds and lanes of "cities might be" in- structed in the Word of God, He had reached the Epistle of John in the course of Bible study, where it says "He that Is born of God doth not commit sin,' "and one of the first hymns SUNK was "Arm of the Lord, Awake!" Dr. Ritson, at the reopen ing services SSRI, compared the "New Room" 'of Wesley to the stones set up at Gilgal by Joshua after ros ing the Jordan "This Room," «he said, "Is. the Gilgal of Methodism, the first sanctuary our fathers built that they might worship God in free. dom." Further on he said, "Jt will be to Methodists what the House Beautiful was to Christian in the Pi! grim's Progress." ------------------ SCHOOL BOOK HAS PECULIAR INFORMATION N.S. Has Nice Horses But Saint John, NB, March 20) «= 'While nice horses are to be seen in Nova Scotia, the ox is atill the principal beast of burden." This striking information, culls od from the "Canadian Geograph fon! and industrial Reader" {ssued for the special Lanefit of schook teachers," brought warm comment at a Shealal meeting of the board of trade yesterday, Commissioner ", M, Solanders was instructed to read the hook through, find wheth« or oxen flourished in the other pro- vinces of Canada, and make a re- port on ft, In addition to the oxen that plod along the highways, in thé marl times, the board learned from the same sources that all the rivers of Nova Sootla are empty of water at low tide and are only "ugly red geashes\in the land;" that ¥ vessels can only enter the maritime hare bors at full tide. Whether the Canadian eograph- foal and industrial reader ls of pare ticular help to the teachers of the maritimes or the rest of the Domine fon, the board has not yet learned, It intends to find out, however, how the reader was compiled. Free Methodist (Over arcade) 19 SIMOOW 8T, N\ Rev, R. Ln Casement, Pastor ' Sunday, March 30 2 p.m ~Sunday School, 3 pam, «= Preaching Ser . vice. i Wed. 7.30 pam, Prayer | Meeting. Cordial Welcome DE Minister==Rev, E, Harston, LLB. "The Great Intercessor" 'A New Trial Demanded' The Minister wie Preach at Both Services PROC 2 BY CUARTE Good Singing--Fine Fellowship--Helpful Services A HEARTY WELCOME AWAITS YOU HERE OFFICE 3128 11 aim. 6.45 p.m,--~Song Service 7 pm, uartotte at Both Services MONDAY EVENING SUNDAY, MARCH 30, 7.15 P.M. EVANGELISTS MOFFETT & HARTIN | Will Speak at MASONIC TEMPLE CENTRE AND METCALFE STS. ON | "THE MAN WITH THE MYSTIC | NUMBER -- 666" "This Will Interest Orangemen AND Wednesday, April 2 7.30 p.m. | "Divine Healing" Hand Your Written Questions to the Ushers «= They Will Be Answered Before the Sermon | | CANON 0. A. Centre St, United Church REV, W. P, FLETCHER, B.A, DD, Sunday, March 30 11 am, =~ "Bratketed with Christ." St. George's ANGLICAN dePENCIER, M.A. Cor, Bagot aud Centre Sts. Organist and Cholrmaster- Matthew Gouldburs, ALC, 8 am, -- Holy Communion 11 wy, == Morning Prayer "The Lord i My. Bhep- herd" ~ the choir, pm, == Kvening Prayer Special preacher -- Rev, ¥, J. Nicholson, 8010 ~~ "Then Shall the Righteous Shing" --- by Mr, M, Merritt, Wed, 8 ~~ Lenten Service Fri, 8 pm. ~~ Confirmation 2.30 «= Sunday School, 7.00 p.m, == "The Fathers Attitude to the Lost Boy" Moh, 8 pm, -- Young Peo ple's, Wed, § pm. --= Frayer and Study. : Christian Science First Church of Christ, Soleatist 64 Colborne 'Street Hast Class, second Sunday oach month, Sunday, March 30 Pentecostal 'Assembly ROTARY Y CLUB BLDG.,. Rev. wu ri Ball . Sunday, March 30 10 am~--Sunday Scheol 1 am.~--Morning_ 'Ser« vice . 7 p.m, == Evenifig Wor. ship, : Special Singing All Welcome | 'RE ALITY! Morning Service at 11 am. 10 am. Sunday School | 11 amy w Moralog Service Corner Court and Harvie 8th, REV, 8, C. ARRETT : "Aneum 30 Fairbanks St. § a.m, «= Holy Communion 11 am, '~ Mating and Ser mon, 3 pm, = Sunday School, ¥ pm, -- Kvensong and Sermon, Service taken. by Re ~ E. Robinson, okering, Wod. § am, -- Holy Com: munion, Wed. 7.30 pan, = Address 4 Rev Pri Se rep, St. James Cal ay Toronto. Pane, A Rony Ac 3 Cone. Thur, Thre: 11 am, = ® ol ALL 'The Rian ; a Bk We * Hour of Mug A pe

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