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Oshawa Daily Times, 29 Mar 1930, p. 8

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THE OSHAWA PALLY TIMES, SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1930 AND WESTON'S CITY LACROSSE TEAMS RECEIVE MEDALS Closing 'Carnival at Arena Tonight nd Runners-Up. Lacrosse League Dy "Receive Medals at Banquet Meio "Lacrosse Teams, Cy saws Tums in 1929 oY Lacrosse -- 1 Lan night at the YMC A. the members of the Tod's lacrosse team, 'elty champions for 1929, members © Wenan 8, runners-up, were a en an enjoyable evening's "entertainment by the Oshawa La. | crosse Club, sponsors of the local City Lacrosse League, The banquet and presentation of medals served pot only as a fitting climax to a successful season, 1929, + that also served to stimulate interest in the coming ceason. The players and their managers, together with several members of the .xeoutive, gathered at the Y. M.CA, ut 7.00 p, m, After the boys had done justice to a plentiful repast, the presentation oF the medals was made, CHIL, or skin disorders nective fluld that w a instant----oruptions di . BB yg Aypon" ¥, W. Thompson Drug Store Yhe CART W LUMBER (© | ""home-byew" dues, who aoted ai Chlraimn tor the evening, called on Wm, Lok burs, manger of the Weston' Bakery, to make the presentatiol to the 'Weston's team, who were runners-up, Clit, James, who Wan manager ob the Sods eam, i) sented the Medals to Lhe chan plony, The following are the names of the boys who received medals, Tod's, the champlons, 1, Bun. mons, HM, Dick, "I Armour, B, Bell, GQ, Geadd, W. Hicks M, Core rin, B, Deinkle, L, Daniels, J. Top~ ings, DU, Black, G, Campbell, H ayes, J. Henley, A, Bmith and U, | Gonatable, 'Weston's the runners: ww G4, Bucknam, ©, Hooper, A, aller, W, Hare, J, James, (1 Grant, L, MeMurtry, M, Oke, M, Armitage, G, Luke, L. Woods, UO, Gittord, B, Broadbent, R, Leloy, J. Bovin and CQ, grothers, After the presentation of the medals, the ghalrman called on dir ferent ones of those who were present for speeches, All of the speaghes were short and to the pointy For the mest part the speeches took the form of gone gratulations, and encouragement for the coming season, Wm, Col burn, ausured the, club and his team of the continued support of the Wenton's bakery, This ane pouncement was greeted with much enthusiasm, Hert Constable, the hard-working President of the Oshawa Club, gave a short address and urged the players for thelr cos operation and support, Jaok Rupert, manager. of the Wenton's team, urged tho players to stivk together and get in bes hind the supporters of the gmme Frank LeRoy, pointed out what groat strides had been made in two Yoprs, since the idea of 'pro- motin Jharatnan ong the younger boys first thought of, and Atated that it the boys stayed with ts game and continued to ime prove, that in a very few yeary time, Oshawa would have a Senior Lacrosse team that was entirely af team, Lou, Corrin ET _--. a hat On Thursday, March 20th, Cal. mont No. 2 commenced pounding into the limestone aftér changing the equi nt over to.the special SheldonsBurden drill. This well is 25 foet in the lime and the adjacent Home producers are getting production at a depth of 185 feet in the limestone. . Both Calmont No. | and 2 are now proceeding to the horizons that give the "golden fluid." We advise the purchase of "Calmont Oils outright Quaker Pace porn Li. LR i ---- ------ | 0.A.,C.72 Ons | Colorado Wheat 6 and 2 Rowed 1 | gave bis impression of the game fram the standpolut of a father of 4 player and sdvised the boys to ticle with sport, Cutt, James, Kd: dy Drinkle, Wallie Hare, Jean Bovin, Guy luke and Geo, Camp: bell were all called upon for short speeches and replied in a suitable manner, ! (The eaptaing for' the different tonms congratulnied thelr oppons ont and a hearty vote of thanks was glven to the executive of the club wud 'all those responsible for the success-of the lengue und for the banquet, A very Intevesting evening wus brought to a gloke by the singing of the "King", i -- Jimmy McLarnin Gets the Decision mite dn Jimmy MeLarnin's vight hand. failed to explode last night and the clouting eolt from "Van. conver, B.C, wus foreed to stage 0 rvapidefire Anish to gain a Slope decision triumph over the hord- hitting volored welterweight, young Jack Thompson of Oakland, Cal, in the tensround feature of Madi: son Square Cnrden's fistle frole; Banged and battered, frequently out=punehed and outboxed, MoLar- nin needed ull his remarkable courage, generalshiy and skill to save himself from defeat at the hands of the wiry, colored. boxer, A rally In the last three rounds, when he outscored Thompson in norien of spectacular exchanges, en- abled MoLarnin to gain the unani. mous verdict of Referee Jimmy Crowley and the two judges, Thompson Is Krratlo A near capacity crowd of 18,000 was In an uproar throughout most of the fight, Although MeLarnin was the popular favorite, Thomp- son's spectacular, but also erratic work won the approval of the orowd, and there was donsiderahble booing when the Irish lad's hand wan litied In wi by Joe Hum- phries at the fi On the Associated' Press score nheet, MoLarnin was given five rounds, Thompson three, with twe raled even, The Irishman was given the first, third, fourth, eight and sinth, Thompson the wecoud, fifth and seventh, with the sixth and tanth registered even, PORT SNAPSHOT By Guo. Campania, Sports Editor Grand 'Closing Carnival The Gri Closing Carnival of the Oshawa Arena will be held tonight, starting at 2.30 pan, * The Carnival promises to be a gala event and it 1s more than likely thut the ide surface of the Arena will be crowded to eapacity, During the lust few Saturday nights, there has been o large atéendance, but with a Carnival as an added attraction coupled with the fact that it is the last opportunity of the senyon, there Is sure to be a record crowd on hand, There will' be raced as well as the Costume Contests , The prizes for the winners of the eon- est und of the races are very suitable, Two handsome cups will be glven to the winners of the main races, You can't afford to miss this Carnival, LJ A Ld » 82 Medals Présented Thirty-two beautiful gold medals wera presented last night at the banquet given to the winners and the runners-up of the 1929 Oshawa City Lacrosse' Leugue, The banguet was g great success and a great deal of enthuslam' for the coming season was shown, The boys are very proud of 'lr medals, It Is likely that both the Tod's and the Weston's teams will be back again this year * " re # | Friendly Tournament The bowlers of the Office und Shop of the Grinell Co, Limited, of Toronto, will visitsOshawa today and they will play a series of games with the bowlers of the Malleable, The games will be held at the Central Alleys, They are scheduled to start at 3.30 pm, : [J . . ' Anglers Annual Meeting The punual meeting of the Oshawa Anglers Association will be held in Welsh's Parlors, en Monday evening, March 31, at 8.00 o'clock, The meeting will hear reports from the Secretary and the Treasurer and an address from the President, covering the activities of the past year, The mbeting will also discuss plans for the coming season, Mr, Oem, Gamsby %0f Orono, will be on hand to entertain the gathering with song and story, An interesting time is assured and all members of the Astoclation and any others who are interested in joining this year are requested to attend the meeting » » ¥ * Another Record Apparently the different hockey teams in the NH. Lo are soe just how long they can make one game last, About a week age, a new resbrd was made of one hour and forty-five 'minutes. Since that time, that record has been broken twice. Once by an hour and fifty. two minutes and last night the Canadiens and the Rangers battled fon two hours and eight minutes before the Canadiens finally won by a score of 2 to lL» out to Les Canadiens First Game Rangers and Canadiens | Eight Minutes Before a Winner is Decided Next Game in New York -- Montreal, March 20--After two hours and eight minutes of gruels ling struggle Canadions, Montreal's sole hope in the Stanley Cup ser fon, defeated New York Rangers 2-1 hore leat night betore a record crowd of over 13,000 peodple, After nearly five periods of overtime, Gustave Dearivieres, Canuck rookie nim, ook over Roach to drive the Canadiens' supporters wild, Never in the history of the Na. tional Hookey League has so long & struggle been fought, It was a hard game to loss and an equally great one to win, Either team de- served thw victory, for never more agually, The Canucks got the break and the game, Outstanding among the players on both teams were the goaltend- ers, Who, 8s In previous games for the Stanley Cup here, were greatly responsible for the long overtime, Gruelling Struggle 2.1|-- &® Battle for Two Hours and | Take After Long Congress at the Crystal ~Puneh, The cinema Is to be an import. ant feature of the World Poultry Palace, but It I not stated whether tne filma are to be silent or oluckies. Young Golf Pro. Wins North and South Open ! ---- Pinehurst, NO, March 20, With a large crowd billowing about him and stempeding in his path,8 Paul Runyan, 21-your-old assists unt professions! trom Bloomfield, Nu, yostérday shot near perfect gol for two rounds to win the twonty-eighth annual North ang south open golt tournament here, The young wshot-maker,. Who learned his tricks on the Concordia course in Little Rook, Ark, calmly pounded out rounds of 78° and 7V today to post the winning score of 401 snd woore un decisive victory over his more experienced rivals, Runyan, with tho exception of & bad wecend round, when - he soared to 717, shot' stepdy neur- par golt throughout the grusiiing contest, His four-round scores ot 7847-72-70 show the consistency of his game, ---------------- Allan Cup 1 eams Are Entertained ------ Toronto, Mar, 2§,~'The Port Ar thur and Montreal AAA, 'Allan Cup teams together with the of: ficlnls and delegates of the UA, H.A, wore guests of the City ot Toronto ut a luncheon held in the Royal York Hotel at noon yes terday. In the ubsonce of Mayor Wemp, Controller Summerville 0o- cuplod the chaly' and introduced the other members of the Hoard of Control together with a num: ber of the Aldermen, Mr, Bum merville extended the welcome to the hockey players and officials on behalf of the city, A special welcome was nocorded the Montreal players by Controller Claude Poarce, while to Controller James Simpson way alloted the task of extending the city's hows pitality to the Fort Arthur team. Hoth gentlemen gave inspiring ad: dresses 'and oxtolled the many ad. vantages of Toronto as those of Montreal and the Twin Cities of which Port Arthur is a part, On behalf of the C. AHA, retin ing President Willlam Fry address. od a few words to the gathering, and President-elect J. W. Hamil: ton, of Regina, also represented that body In a few well chosen words, Manager Oglivie of the M AAA: team and Manager Coches rane of Port Arthur replied on be- half of those ajubs, Connje Smph Hon, Joe Thompson 'and Captaly } well ms | Cowley were other speakers, Oshawa Curlers Hold Their Annual Meeting: ---- About Sixty Members A Present at Annual Meet- dP icers for 'Next Are Elected Last night at thelr local Club Rooms on Bond street east, the Osh. uwi Curling Club held thelr annual meeting, The meeting was a great success, There wero about sixty membérs pre sent, The members gave their views on the pust season and the financial report was heard, The election of the officers who will act next year wus held and the followlbg capable mem. bers were elected to office, President, W, H, Ross; 1st Vice: President, ¥. Parsons; 2nd Viee- President, R., Henderson; Sect'y« Treasurer, R., A Loa, The financial statement was given and the embers were pleased to learn that the club had had a very successful year, financially as well ay in all other respects apd th that a sib HOCKEY RESULTS NH, 1. xOnnadions ,.2 Hangers x08 minutes overtime, T.A MHA, Intormedinte Xohoos 2 MeMurrieh Junior Moss Park ..2 Emmanuel ..,.1 Kmmanuel wing round 4 to 4, Juvenile Oke AC, ..4 Kimb: Oke A.C. wins yound Midget Vie oy «44 te 0, Boys +.044V Keep your home cool this stantial balance. next 'season, During the year, the Oshawa eurl ers have entertained a number © of rinks: from the clubs of neighboring cities, Among those clubs who haye been cotemtained at Oshawa this last seuson are Peterboro, Cobourg, Scare boro, 'Toronto Victorias, Granites, High Park and Hom, W, D, Ross and his party which visited Oshawa a few weeks ago, Besides these visi- tors there were twenty-four rinks vi- sited Oshawa when the annual bon- spiel was held some time ago The bonspiel this ear, was an even great er success than usual and the meme bers were loud in their praise of the men who were In charge of the 'spiel, After the Curling Club had con- cluded their meeting, the Oshawi Curlirs Limited held their annual meeting, Tie following officers were elected for the coming season President, ¥, L., Mason; Vice-Pre. sident, W, A, Cond; Sect'y<Tren surer, R, A, Loa; Directors; G. W. Hezzelwood, C, E, Hare, E. Parso W., ¥ Ross and H .C, Lander. The curlers will close thelr pre ent season, tonight at the local club rooms, when a ser. + of games and o social evening will be enjoyed by the mem, in left to stary the SNE Here I It I The greatest remady for sore throats, cough, oroup, bronchitis, whoo ing. -cough, and ton oll wii ments, "Mrs, ph ila pahr's Ton sllithe," GUARANTEE You can't lose Try. It, Oshawa Druggists, summer, warm next winter, by insulating now with TEN/TEST, Save money on your fuel bills, Ask your architect, contractor or. nearest TEN/TEST Insulation INTERNATIONAL FIBRE BOARD LIMITED 111 Beaver Hall HIN Montreal, Que, representative agboutih, » + « +» » INSULATING BUILDING BOARD i SOLD BY -- OSHAWA LUMBER CO, LTD, Although the Canucks' forward line was slightly faster than that of thelr opponents, the Rangers' superior defense eusily offeet and advantage the flying Frenchmen had in this respect, Rangers ware tha fi. to score, Murdoch drilling a hot one past Halnaworth on a pass from "Butch" Keeling near the end of the first period, They managed to hold their advantage until near the end of the when Mondou, who vovered himself with glory by giv ing Morens the pass to score the winning tally against Chicago on Wednesday night, took the puck from Keeling as the latter came down to seore, Skating through the whole Ran gor team alone and meeting the de- fenne instead of swerving, Mondou bored thfough the mjddip and, al. though he fell, mana to slide the puck into the net The Canucks now go to New York with & game lead, The second game of the two-out-of-three series will be played there Sunday night The winner of the seriea meotx Boston ia the final for the Stanley Cup. Steve Rocco Wins From | Pablo Dano Torouto, Mareh 20--Steve Roc 00, Toronto flywelght, against whom Frenchy Helanger wi do- tend the Canadian C fonship, oh April 28, was in vietor over Pablo Dano paraistent' Filipino, in the main bout at the Shamrock A, show at the. Coliseum last eve eningd A few Ww ago Rocco t kad sion from" Dano at the ow held in ald of the war veter: ans,' ahd eo ard th the Jvard. | hy a supe y of uns clint Whol at night's de lon was hd for there ware boos fiom a tion of the wd. Once wover, there; more, 8 od t to be little reason to din: 1th the verdict, for, while Rocco a not at time have his fmt be tte wont in veal dis: + but slowly, "' ttle FR {come in handy, ls the opinion Al 0.B.A.A. WILL MEET ON SATURDAY, APRIL 5, AT ST. CATHARINES Toronto, Mar, 20,~The- twelfth annual meeting of the Ontario Haseball Amateur Association will be held on Haturday, April 0, at the Leonard Hotel, i Catharine, lations / and leagucs at A a, which wre desirous of having a vote at "hia meeting must furnis, properly certitied tedeutiala, ana the Pattiliation fee must be paid to the association Treasurer, in une cordagoe with the constitution, checkers and rummy and wote let ters, but did their best work in the dining-room, They didn't mis a meal, Never do, for that matter, Pranidént Lo Lol Softusy fy Mrs, MS eg im Daan, ott ---- thelr ourney A expected to are in 'Toronto Monday or asada, th ball yA though they WH i would be better or ioasnd it they. were sure t a man a the yuad able to up a game in nF oyhor Bi 08 Alexander 'vould 9. Best Men's But otherwise he, the president, and Steve O'Neill are convinced that they have a mighy I team, And they have, Jint Duna, RACES 5. Best Girl's Costume, COSTUMES g fo Some 5. Bunt Ladise® Contume, a o 'clock Dance on the Ice Monster: Moccasin Costumes to be Judged 25 Per Cent. Originality 10. Best Lady Skater in Costume. ~~ 11, Best Gentleman Skater in Costume. 12, Best Pair of Skaters in Costume. 13. Oldest Skater on the lee. 14 Best Pai of Costumed Dancers. 34th Regimental Band in attendance, by permission of the Commanding Officer, Lieut. Colonel E. C. Hodgins

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