TO ig. Sot | t u gathering held in the auditorium pf the ¥ M.C.A: biul ing n branch of the Ontagio Prohibie an Union was formed, Several mine and members of various chur- es in the city were represented at eeting 'ch was presided over Rev, Dr, McTavish, Rev, R. A, ttam, of Toronto; an officer of Union was present and gave an ens, chiefly outlining the aims 3 eects of the Union, APPOINT JUVENILE JUDGES 2 Magis 'ate W, E. Wig- ins of Bancroft and Magistrate R, {Casement of Madoc have been "by order-in-coyncll to be under the Children's Aid So. y. These Magistrates will now be to try juvenile cases in and for County of Hastings, ---- ROTARY OFFICERS Port Hope~At the regular Rotary uneheon, the retiring: President, J, B Holland announced the followin offic rs for' the coniine year: Presi- dent, W, Pn Tickell: vice-president, Dr, C..B, Kelly: secretary, I George; treasurer, A. 1. And.ews; Arrangements were made for twen- ty Port' Hone Rotarians to attend the inter-city meeting at Peterboro on. Monday evening, Marck Js, TRAFFIC OFFICER Cobourg~Frank Lo Barker has heen appointed 1raflic officer for the town of Cobourg for the spring and summer months, BILL PASSES STON X 9, ah J. Rigney, City So» Vieitor has received word from Col, . 7. Ashmore Kidd, speaker of the Ontario Legislature, that the bill sponsored by the city of Kingaton, for the annexation of certain lots in Kingston township had beens given its second and final readings by the Legislature, NEW FAIR BUILDING Kingston~It the present plans Carry Shrough, the Kingston Indust rial Exhibition this year will have a most attractive automobile show in connection with the fair, the motors | 10 be housed in a separate and new | building. KINGSTON HEALTH GOOD Kingston--~Dr, S, J, Keyes, medi- cul health officer, stated that outside 'of cases 'of chickenpox the genera] health of the city could be reported as good, There are at the present time twenty-five cases of chickenpox in the city, AGES OF FAMILY TOTAL 411 Picton, ~The Mitchell family, all of whom reside in Prince Edward County with the exception of Shed. viele Mitchell, who resides at 'Weol- er have attained remarkable ages, 'The total years of the five living members of the family reaches 411, Their, names and ages are: Shedrick iteell, 92; William Mitchell, 83; | ie Mary Ann Johnson, 81; Mrs, Uligabeth Steenburg, 78; Robert Mit- chell 76, J PR. F. J. FARLEY DIES rgnton ~Dr. Frank Joncs Farley, racticin yaiciun tor the past 38 : 3p aiod away at his home, on Anata afternoon after a leng- thy illness, The late Dr, Farley was ell known in Trenton and district highly respected for his keen ine "terest in all affairs pertaining to the 'advancement of his home town, BADLY INJURED 2 Cornwall--=Pinned beneath their automobile when it overturned into a deep ditch three siles south of Finch six persons received injuries, rs, J. Bourgeouis, St, Albert, the more se ly injured member of the is not expected to recover, (party was enroute from St, Albert to Cornwall in an automo . bile driven by Albert Landry when the. car took to the ditch and turn- ed turtle, ---- © SUE FOR $50,000 Ottawa ~A civic suit will be in. Dy the city against Howard Latham, former secretary of the ission, claiming $50, gd tions In the funds of the Ottawn Housing Commission | to. which = he pleaded guilty and for which he was rrr by strate . Hopewell to two years in the penitentiary, Sm ---- ORGANIST RESIGNS Belleville~William N, Stevenson, who hip been organist and choir master of Memorial Park United church, Carleton Place, since Sep- tember last, has resigned to nceept a similar position in the United church at Perth, SE---- TO CAMP AT BARRIEFIELD Cornwall=Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Highlanders, under the command of Lt, Colonel! F, GL. Ros bison, will attend the annual dist- riet mulitle training camp at Barrie. field this year, Dates for the camp huve not been decided upon, PROTEST TRAIN CHANGES Brockville~~At a necting of the management committee of the' Board of Education a resolution wus unan- imously passed protgsting against the proposed changes IA the operation of the trains over the Brockville and Westport division of the Canadian National Railways, Copies of the re solution will be forwarded to Sir Henry Thornton, president; and J, Gill Gardner, director, of the Cana dian National Railways, BAND'S SILVER JUBILEE Cornwall =On July 4, the silver jubilee of Cornwall City aBnd, suc cessor 10 the National Band, will take place, Ernest. Go Hamel is the veteran of the comps having been with it for the past 23 years, During the 25 years of its existence, Corns wall City Band has had its quiet and active times but the members held to their instruments and in the past year, this group of men has reach. ed a high state of perfection in the musical line under the direction of Thomas Fldridge, URGES EXTENSION 'B.C. BOUNDARY Yukon Should be Included In Canada, Declares Victoria MP, Victoria, B.C.~~Extensions of the boundaries of British Columbia north to the Aretio in the Yukon fs baing urged by DD, B, Plunkett, M.P,, for Vietorla, who declares that he will make formal proposal of this plan during the present session of the House of Commons "Ontario, Manitoba and Quebec have extended their territories to the north and it is time that we took in the Yukon," sald Mr, Plunkett, "Ontario has been made a new province by its new northern terris tory, and so has Quebec, You have heard a good deal about the great development of Manitoba's north. land during the past yea oe of British Columbia are just as cap. able of expansion as the other pro. vinces, Our boundary in the north should fringe the Arctic ocean afd we Mould make that our definite goal." : CANARY COLLEGE IN VANCOUVER HAS 78 BIRD PUPILS Barber-Maestro Has 'Six Bird "Professors" Who Train Classes Vietovia, B,0,~~This is the home of Canada's most unique musical institution--a college of canaries, which 'trains nearly 100 birde at & time, The principal 1s P. R, Dav "the amount of the defalcas idson, barber by necessity and I Be {3 py 1 AL] \wevSTone/ | | ESS Ean = | | i lp 7 CHEVROLET SEDAN _ tery. In every way an exceptional ALTAR IRR ER ERA A L FRIAR ESSEX COACH--First class bab ALLL LLU CUSED LILA) Cuticura Preparations rip AT SE 1928 CHEVROLET COUPE in New car condition Ci rashes of : oN w= New Tires, New Bat. $375.00 $450.00 $625.00 Co., Wd. LLL RERT TREE TPIT AREA AEE ana 'Imbecilo and epileptic son, was de: ivered by «coroner's jury here last} The Jacobs (8), Weston, Ont, In soising an axe from the hands of Tom borne, 41-year-old maniac, was all that saved the life of her oight-yoar-old daughter, Vera, when Osborne who had been considered harmless, suddenly van amuck last Monday afternoon, Use ing the heavy axe, Osborne bate tered through the kitchen door. way of the Jacobs home (1), after TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 1930 a A : chasing his 'mother from her home next or along the pathway ins dicated in (2), Dorothy Jacobs (8) assisted her mother in saving Vera from harm. maestro by choles, and his pro- fessors are pix feathered nongsters who spend thelr day teaching pu pils the finishing touches of their art, There are now the vocal class, form the majority pupil population, "The rollers have the natural voice and the Intelligence," ex plains the barber<principal, 'They respond better to teaching." When 'n bird pupil is received = always a fledgling or little more he is kept under close observation and his first tentative twittorings carefully considered. Rivds, like human beings, have volces of dif. ferent sorts, they are classified as soprano, contralto, tenor, ete As soon as the embryo feather od soloists' voice is properly "place od," lessons begin, Kindergarten classes are all with the violin lead, The teachers play scraps of melody, featuring simple harmonies, easy runs and thrills, It Isn't long be- fore the musle-conscious claws | takes notice and essays imitative competition .or close harmonising. Thus was the "canary Caruso,' the best paid vaudeville act of the past hall century, developed hy his prideful owner a New York orchestra violinist, The greater part of the conser. vatolre course is with the: violin, Bucoess depands largely upon the violinist and his aequaintance with bird temperament and bird tastes dn musical art---much also upon teacher and pupil being equally In thorough health and the right mood, Those long, liquid runs and trills, In which the rollers special, ize, are only sequired with infinite patience én the one hand and infin. {te Industry on the other, When the birds have graduated as it' were, each In his own cage and oach baving received individual in- struction, the time comes for the feathered professors of the ostab lishment to play théir parts. These naturally are themselves. star per formers in the different bird voices, The one whose voice and 'method best approximate the partially de- veloped voice and indicate style of & partioular pupil is assigned ax its instructon, They are given a room to themselver; their cages hung close together, It is not long before the instruet« or«bird is proudly doing his stuff, The pupil Hetens--ambition stirs onvy intrudes, and soon he is do- ing his bird bat to duplicate or improve 'upon the performance of the professor. It the teacher-bird is inclined to loaf, ambition and industry are stimulated with a little violin competition, Imitation and competition are the mainspringsof the system to produce the songbird artists, and some of these college-bred rollers from Vietoria now ave found in all parts of thea world, even in ders many, the fatherland of the roll. ors, ] { EXONERATIO OF AGED MAN IS GIVEN BY JURY Giving of Poison To Son Is Declared Acci- dental p-- Waterford, April I, «= Complele exoneration. of (Walter, Blayney, 78 from suspicion of having puryosely jut wi end' to the suffering of his 1 78 songbirds In German rollers of the male 4 night at the inquest into the death of Lewis (Blayney, 35-year-ald of, p The verdict' was reached despite the ubsence from the crowded cont: room of the peed futher, who Yes dangerously IF ah is hone near here, cars wre held he may' soon fallow his son red Ra ) o vordiet read us follows: "That. Lewis" Clark Blavhev, who Aled on Mareh 12 ut about 230 wan, at the home sol his father, Veta nomev, aceidentally 'came to his Teath an overd f laudanum un nhor and inate oF YhiBheh a Wey i ad ministered by his futher, . Walter | v Blayney," Coroner Dr. W, Simeoe presided The definite tone of the jury's des cision. grew largely from the failure of Dv, E, C. Copeman of Simcoe, called to attend the idiot, to sub stantiate serious statementsihe made against Walter Blayney when he re fused td sign the death certificate It was Dr, Copeman's action und subsequent statements to the press und coroner which brought about the investigation WEIRD FORECASTS OF GOLF IN2929 Manchester Newspaper's Contest Brings Out In. ventive Genius of Golf Improvers A. Melntosh of on -- Manchester, England, April le Some fearsome conceptions of goit an it will be played in 29320 resuit« od from a contest inaugurated by the Manchester Guardian recently, The plotures of the ancient gamo as it will be played 1,000 years from now=-it it is played---providu very amusing reading even If they ure not exactly prophetio, The winner's effort rands like an overdose of H, G, Wells, He writes of the "Mancunian Golf Club 2089," "as follows:-+exhibition game by her Honor Judge Ureen awatour open champion, Her husband, Mr, Smith-~by (his year's Act maiden names are retained after marriggo--was present, "The judge wore a radio-heat costume, automatically adjusting ftaelt to the body's temperature, Her "Robot Caddie' followed by the elecirig 'attraction' system, producing clubs whenever her volee struek Its somsative sound box, Judge Green's score was 51 -~gRoellont testimony to modern scientific methods, The fight an exact lo of the ball were noted by dual-fovus ' telescopic She landed once in the rough, but the musical purr automatically emanating from the ball quickly located it, The clubs used were n threesfoot driver --- a toy to our Pupil Nurses Wanted Buffalo City Hospital 462 Grider St,, Buffalo, N.Y: 8683 beds for the reception olevery known disease, SIX 'DISPENSARIES: IN CONNECTION Affiliated with the University of | Buffalo Medical and tal Schools and Visiting Nursing Association, 4 year vegistered course, fitting pupils for Bedside, Public Health and Administrative Nursing. 670 hours devoted to'classes, reci- tations, demonstrations and Jay- oratery work in Dietetics, Home Keonomics, Bacteriology, Chem~ intr, Physiology and' General Nursing subjects, Opportunities for selected gradu. ates to fill, paid' executive poni« tions or pursue special study courses, ! OUR EXPERIENCE OFFERS MOST OF THE ADVAN TAGES OF 'A THREE YEAR COLLEGE COURSE | Kotrance requirements: ' 2 years New York Stato itigh Scheel or its equivalent, Salary, #15,00 a month, Food, lodging, unitorms, laundry ane | books furnished free Steaight eight hour duty, Ne split witteheow, One whole day oft every [| Jeu h darn hn BS A wel ducted nursing course iu a fine preparation for wi y ud a, splendiy . opportunity to cultivate the habit 'of -vight v ' 1iving. spectacles, | taller ancestors; and firma, invents od 2028. from ir (on) and ma (shie); and an ""al-in-aJl"~-g but ton-controlled nibliek-Cum-putier, The only ball played was an "ever lasting," continuously used by the Judgs for the past ter years "Judge Green and Mr, Smith left after the game for the New York links in their nolseless Bat plane-«of the engineless pattern [30 by power broadcast from AD 2, Some fantastical hazards are en- countered In the following descrip tion: "Brown stepped onthe first tee from the escalator which rau round the course, "Your opponefft is late, Smith, he said: 1 passed him flying over Knutsford, and he wirelessed that he was taking the wife shopping and would be latedsh, Shall we play? 1 "It wag a nineshole 6.300 yards. faced mammoth driver, drove the second green (310 yards) with No. : 17 irons, The third (00) yards) Brown pitehied neatly, but Smith caught the revolving bunke: and was [lleked 50 yards rougb= wards, Both negotiated the island (fourth green in contre of lake). Leaving the fifth nil square, both found the rain hazard (artificial drizzle 40 yards square) at the sixth, At the seventh Brown hit the pin owing to faulty mochan- ism in the automatic remover of same, Here they met Brown's wile' («=4) playing the perapiring professional (seratch), At the eight Smith was Inespacitated by the ball being too forcibly ejected Ltrom the hole by the "never bend" gadget affixed therein, "Roturning to the clubhouse Brown remirked: Too bad, men are only allowed on the course two days n woek." The aboye was the third prises winning effort and in hoth It wae noted that women werd expected to bocome dominant the on Bolt course of | Smith, with spring | id in one thousund years, Some will rise to remark that there is no nerd (0 walt a thoussnd years for this 10 happen, The Manchester Guardian itselt commented that yar tionalization snd mechanization might well produce within a. con tury nimestenths of tho develop- ments suggested, But it is doubtful whether real devotees of the game submitted the ahoye descriptions, "The . dieds in-the-wool goiter Is veluetaut to admit the game could be improved And ven if the supermen of 2029 are replaced by angels and supor- ungols, there will be many a goiter who will believe the rules of the Royal, and Ancient Club will re- mata unaltered, Just ng the per~ haps lesser known 1dWs of the Medes and Persians, GODFREY GIVEN CONFIDENCE VOTE etm ei ---- Constituents Enthusiastically Endorse 'Postscript' Episode J ---- Toronto, March 3Jl-<Hon, Dr, Forbes Godfrey was the recipient of a standing vote of confidence, wpontancously and enthusiasteally given by people of his own riding, ufter ho had told the $00 present at the New Toronto euchre and dance, his side of the posteript ephode, Not only this, but the resolution wag: moved and seconded by two women, Mrs, 'H, ¥., Harsant and Mrs, KH. Darby, «In it the Con~ servatives of New Toronto expres ved thelr confidence in and loyalty to thely member and his admin. istration of the Department of Health and Labor, Tho resolution has been forwarded to Hom, Howard Yerguson, VFrime Mine inter "I have not yelL received any notice of the resolution," sald Mr, Ferguson last night, "and until | do +] prefer not Lo spy anything about it." LITTLE BOY FROM NORTH END OF CITY FOUND IN HARMONY Lost Child Had Walked Dis- tance of Almost Two Miles Mafmony, March 29. «= A little boy about two and a half years old was found wandering down the side walk on Friday afternoon, He was quite thinly clad and when - found and taken into Mrs, D, E. Weese's store was nearly frozen: "I'he police were informed and as they were trying to locate two boys who had heen reported lost, soon came and got the little fellow, His home is in the south part of a prize to the winners in the Junior, the Temperance examination through Intermediate and Senior grade of the Northern Messenger, which the pupils are writing on now, "Ihe ev- ening was spent in games, contests and singing, Mrs, Dyer and Mr, Timmins winning the contest, Re- freshments were served and an en. joyable evening was spent by all, Jack Powell entertained a few of his schoolboy friends at his home on Tuesday evening, March 18th, it being the occasion of his thirteenth birthday. The table was prettily de corated and was centred with « birthday cake. Favours were at each plate for the boys. Games of all kinds made the entertainment for the evening. Those present were, Francis Rundle, Earle Wakely, Ross Edwards, George Barlow and Geo Hunking., The boys left with best wishes to Jack for many more haps py birthdays A very pleasant surprise was give en Miss Mae Winter at her home on Wednesday evening when the C. GILT, "Chums" gathered there in honor of her birthday. number of games and contests were played and everyone juined heartily in them all. During the evening the following address was read by the president, Beatrice presentation of a lovely purse was made by Ruth Tooley. "Miss Mae Winter, Our dear Leader = We have gathered here this evening in honor of your birthday and to show in a small way our appreciation of your leadership with the "Chums." We enjoy our meetings and working together and hope to live up to our motto and be able to do our part in whatever service you call on us for, We hope that the coming vears of our Club work, will ever be a pleasant and successful as the past one has been, We wish you mans happy returns of your birthday and ask you to accept this gift, As you use it in the future think of us as (signed) The Happy L.G.LT, Chums. DENTAL SERVICE IN RURAL SCHOOLS Ontario Health Minister An. nounces Completion of the town and he had walked all the way to Harmony «corner, 80 we think | very likely he would be glad to go to bed apd rest, as that is a long walk for such little feet, The C.GLT., "Chums" are giving a mother and daughter banquet at the school on Apgll 12. Invitations are being sent out now, The "Chums held their regular business meeting on Friday night, On Tuesday evening the School held their regular business meeting at the . home of Mr and Mrs, V, Drew. It was de- Sunday monthly cided that the Sunday Sehool give | dus da ous oftjih here shows Jule as he 'we ) My yond' of 'the fame co upon her an 3 by J \ eo A ow York for a Set wimiona wi Roulka Dolly {ls the wife of Morthuer Davis, son A Of late Sir Mortimer Davis, Mowts | real, whose widow, Lady Davis, | 'has recently entered suit in Mout real courts to remove Lond Shaughsy| hatey ak ono of trusteos of the) eo Plans Toronto, March 31--Announce- ment has been made by Hon, Dr, Forbes Godfrey, Ontario Minister of Health, plans have been coms pleted hy his department to bring dental service within the reach of rural Ontario wsshool! children, particularly in the Uruce Pening- ula and on Manitoulin Island, Teeth conditions in the latter two places are 'lamentable and hard to Dbelleve," Dr, Godfroy stated. One dentist will be sent to Bruce Peninsula, another to Man« itoulin Island and a third to the territory between North Bay and the country extending from Coche Coghrane, It fs proposed to cover the country extending from Coch- rane, It is proposed to cover the country extending from Cdghrane up to Rainy River, Dog Upsets Lamp, Burns House Quebec,~The destruction of a house by fire hore, was blamed up on a dog that was sleeping near a korosene lamp and presumably jumped up, during the night, up potting the lamp and starting the blage, The occupants woke up in time to escape. Willson and a} BATTLED STORM T0 FLAG TRAIN Serious Accident Believed to Have Been Averted By Negro Truro, N.B., April 1=To Archi Tzzard, a negro who lives in a little house near the railway track at Bear Brook, Pictou county, the passengers und crew of a Halifax-Sydney ex- press train owe their escape from possible death or injury on the night of Wednesday, March 12, It was Izzard who discovered the washout at Bear Brook, near Bar- ney's River station, Pictou County, and gave the notification to railway authorities that resulted in the train' halting. Alarmed by the sound of rushing waters, Izzard discovered the A | break in the dam at McPhee's Mill which resutled in nearly five hun- dred feet of track being washed out, Knowing that a train was due to cross in a comparatively short time, he ran a mile through the storm to the nearest telephone and gave the alarm, TWOKILLEDIN Sw CRASH AT OTTAWA Automobile Runs Off Curve and Hits Telephone Pole Ottawa, April 1 «= Two pe: sons were instantly killed and & third injured late Fatuaday when their attomobile leff the Mont. real-Hull Highway 'and crashed into a telephone pole on a curve near Hull, 'The dead are: au! Martin, agde 30, and William Paquette, aged 44, Albert Vesiua, aged 33, was injured. All are OL tawans, The men, employed as bouss painters, were returning to Ute tawa via Hull after spending the afternoon in Gatineau Point, Seems ingly the driver, Martin, cduld not negotiate the sharp turss opposiie Notre Dame Cemetery, and was forced to the side of the highway, his light car striking the pole with su¢h force that it turned over twice and landed right side up fac ing in the opposite direction about 25 foot from the pole. Brakeman Crushed Quebec,~While he was coupling cars in the yards of the Johnson Asbestos Co,, at Thetford Mines, Emile Lessard, 20, a brakeman em- ployed by the company fell under the wheels of one of the moving cars and was crushed to death, Telephone Companies The Dell Telephone Company, while the largest by far, is but one of over 800 telephone companies. op- erating in Ontario and Quebec. . At the end of last year, connecting companies, serving 140,038 telephones, were interchanging business with the Bell. Company under mutually satis- factory arrangements, The result of this interconnection is to make for easy communication between rural and urban communitits everywhere in_the two provinces, APR, 187 Li --COKE-- SEMET - SOLVAY WE ARE SOLE AGENTS El POCAHONTAS SCREENED AND CLEAN : - CANNEL FOR FIRE PLACE