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Oshawa Daily Times, 1 Apr 1930, p. 7

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/ THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES TUESDAY, APRIL, 1930 PAGE SEVEN Mar ets, Grain and Produce Exchanges | Produce Prices' in the +] Commercial Markets ICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES icaca March - 31.=~Quotations were down this: but at the decline market a dy on it will row. volume of po" Rave i he's itidicat Bfesent. easy and ced to od Saw FR Ll oe fer: and break ork ag ket. Littue he interest appeared in either the spot or futures call, so that price fluctuations were narrow, NOLEN, Commitments mAbri Bind? vember eggs, s 41; sine buttery 1} "November but- ter, ad icigo spot market---Butter, ext- 38c; standards, 38c; tone unset- A, Eggs, faded frets, ES 1-2 to, 2 dre; tone steady at decline, $y markets on hand--Buttes 11,» 500,305, Eggs 060,635, Two market receipe Butter | today, 17,815; last year 18,522) Eggs today, 09,381; last year 74473, New York spot market--~Butter ex- ras 37 1e2c; wk tone. Eggs, firsts, 20; tone rien r, Six cltige-=Butiey 4,506,797; eggs, 354,04 Street stocks--Butter today 83,071; lst year yy Eggs today, 136,743; last year, 38. , Bh BA cities---Buir.. 220 153; last year, 513 :#ast year 231,343, Cheese 33,800, 798; Yat vear 64 A Movement at ten markets--Butter net out, 1200599; last ear net out, 46,403, Fags net in 44,483; last year net in, 39,632, TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain. dealers on the . Toronto Board, of Trade are making the fol- lowing quotations for car lots: Manjsobe wheat =Ne. 1 Northern, 81.12 3-4; No, 2 do, $1.10 1-4; No. 3. $1.07: No, 4, $1.05; No, 5, $1.00 1.4 No. 6, 74¢; ised, 0c (ck Goderich and Bay ports Manitoba J2aY=NG, 1 feed 52; No, 2, c. Amin corn--No, 2 Jollow, id + No. 3, do, 95¢; No. 4 do, 9 bY ilfeed delivered Lhe] freights bags included--Bran, per ton $31.25: shorts, per ton, $39.25] lings $3825 \ Ontario grain--Wheat, $1.10; 85¢c; $105 to rye, 78 to 75¢; buckwheat, 80c. ---------------- CHICAGO GRAIN Chicago, 111, Apr. 1 --= Wheat, May 1.008%: July 107%; Sept. 1.00%; Corn, May 84%; . July, 86%; sept. 88%; mes, May 44; io ge U8 Torosto, Aprild, ew Cathie th rade opened slowly with sd easier feel ing, fair to good steers sold from $10.00 to $31.00, Fed calves (baby beef) nr weak with a few onrly sules, Good butcher cows opened slowly at $7.50 to $8.60, Calves are steady 25 conts lower ut' $15.00 to $14.00 for choice with lights downward to $8.00, Hogs expected to settle at $12.5¢ f.0.b,, for bacon or $14.75 off car, Wostern lambs scld steady at $11.76 and a few Ontario lambs brought $13.00, Sheep were un- changed at $9.00 per top, Receipts 1366; trade----slow, Hoavy beet stesrs, $10,560 to $11.25; butcher stears, good to choice, $10.60 to $11.36; butcher cows, mediam. $7.50 to $8.75; enives, good to cholce, oo to $14; hogs, select, $14.25; good ewe lambs $11.70 to $13, WHEAT SHOOTS UP ON WINNIPEG MART Gains 2 14 to 2 34 Cents Todey Despite Advane Wingipeg, Mani, the face of adverse' n prices surged a ronorded gains of 214 to 8% cents. Weak cables from L , gon April 1--In wheat and S| MINING MARKET midd- | oats 50 to 55¢; barley 52 to) poor overnight export business were ignored by the weird 'nart after early 1 losses "in ar +++ > tol othe to [iY 10s a, w ra Hi Ph (3A CEE io | ening 1 4 pa ol out a sv ne or Ps gy fow minutes gy sh ar and May y Srosted the #1. | mark, trading wi uite active, Fallure of forecast rains to materi- alize in Kansas had a bullish effect and probably accounted for Livers pool's switch from recession to.-a closing gain, ! INACTIVE TODAY Price 'Trend Is Is [Irregularly Lower, With Sales Light April 1,5-With the single exception of International Nickel, which opened above $id but was selling backward about noon, the mining market was in- active during the early session to- day with price trend irregularly lower, Volume of sales was par- tigularly light, and section of the see-saw type, Noranda was somewhat easier, rolling off a quarter from lastnight at $40.10, but Hudson Bay recov. ored yesterday's loss Lo stand at Toronto, $12.75 when taken at toon, The Lindsley stocks were ulet, Sherritt Gordon receiving valy a _ pmall smount of Sttention and receding 5 to $2.70, PRICES GO UPON NEW YORK MARKET 5 Fi fssues Touch New Highs for Year--De- * mand on Broad List -- New York, N.Y, 'April 1---Re- sumption of the upward price movement in today's #tock market lifted more than 50 issues to new high levels for the yéar, but the advance encountered heavy profit taking and occasional short selling which brought about a few sub- stantial declines, Trading started off at a brisk pace hut slowed u the early afternoon when the tick. or caught up with the market for the first time in about a fotnight, The demand for stocks entrace ed a rather broad 1st with the steels, public utilities and oils giv- ing the best demonstrétions of group strength, Extreme gains in the active isues ranged from two to points, with a few special- ties showing larger advances. U.,8, Steel common was marked up more than three points to a new high at 197 and Bethleham crossed 110 for the first this year, Republic Steel common and the Certificates and Colorado Fuel also reached new high ground, Standard Ofls of New Jersey and' California and Skelly each advanc- ed more than two points to new high levels for the year. Houston sold three points higher. In the public utility group, Pub- lie Service of Now Jersey, Standard Gas and Electric-and Detroit Edl son ran up four to 6% points, the first named registering another new Toronto Stock Exchange Stock High Br. A. Oll 30% Braz. ., 47% Can, Brd; 16% Cty. Dry, 40 Dis, Sgrm, 9% Dm. Strsi 20% Gypsum 28% Hr, Wal, 10% Int, Utll, 44 Int, Nk), 48% Int, Pot, 22% Ind, Alch, Low ¥ 141 % 90% 78 8. Station 63 b2 Standard Mining Exchange 90 108 142 Abana Alax et Mis, a0 De, Mns, 880 Falcon sv 488 Holl, .. §80 He, O11 915 Hy, Gold 78 Hd, By. 1300 Nrnda, 4075 Bh, Grd, 274 8 108 yo ws 143 80 sho 486 LL] 916 78 1276 4020 LAE] 'Block Stock Market Prices Markey Summary by Canadian ress Toronto and New York "tock Quotations Biggar ang Crawford, Alger Bullding, Ushaws Supplied by 8d. Bs. B10 Tk. Hg. 630 Ventures 180 We Hr, 170 810 616 1., e178 New York Exchange Sa-- Cyose 44% 63 1% 0% 8% 4% T4% 41% 109% 4% 213 310 616 177 High Alleghany 34% Amn. Inter, 53% Amn, Smel, 77% Amn. Tel. "364 Anaconda 7 Baldwin +4 34% Borden .... 74% Borg War, 48 Beth, Steel 110% Can, Dry .. 74% Can, Pac. 313 Com, Solv, 36% 36% Chrysler ... 38% sy Dav, Chem, 43 FOX suvvve { d Gen, Elec, Gen, Mot, Goodyear Grt. North. i Liq. Carb, "| Mt, Ward Mot, Wheel Nt. Ch, Rg. Pen, Rall Radio .... Rem. Rand Sim, Bed .. Sin, O11 ,., 8t.~of N.J. Studebaker Tm. RL Br, 104 U.S, Steel 197 U.8. Rubber 34% Money 4 per cent, 66 % 86% 53% ayn AT% 30 "% WK 108% 194% 8% der magazine, Last year a man was careless and blew twelve men to picces" RESwie: "That can never happen ¢ Captain: "Take care of that pow | eral lack of buying interest nd Captain 1 "Why not?" Recruit; "There are only two of us here." Before marriage she makes a fool of him, and alter marriage keeps him ing like one by reading his old lovesletters to him, HES kK) ~ APOLOGY wu tere OSHAWA AND DISTRICT ra ere to give our usual good. service to all 'Customers on Saturday, 'However, to make amends we 'are getting in more new Merchandise, which we will sll gin on Thuriday, Friday Saturday EG 3 Lowe 5 J 1930 pesk, United as Improvement, Southern California Edison, and Commonwealth and, Southern also fondiind pew high ground, trength of such fssués as Johnes Manville, United Biscuit, Colume blan Carbon, Bateway Stoves, gett and Mayers B.,, Bullard Co, and ¥ G, Shattuck, the it three reaching new lLighs, was offset vi the heaviness of Union Pacific, A chison, Eastman Kodak, Alisd Chemical, Aly Reduction, Checker Cab aud J, 1, Case, Auburn, after netting a new high at 265%, fell to 267 before it met effective buying support,' Canadian Business - Exceeds Average of Last Five Years Ottawa, April 1~The general range of Canadian business is still well above the average of the last five years, which were in themsel- ves 8 period of almost unqualified advanee, Out of ten indices reported by the Dominion Bureau of fat. isties for February and March, fess than seven showed a Sa scale of activity than the average of the previous quinquennium, Of the three exceptions, tw are explained I~ by the disturbed stpte of the wraln trade, In the 4 which fol 4 fhe a erage o J five years fl 5:29) fon en #8 100, and the latest index for the present Year i givep as & percentage on base, The svsults Bre tm, A eT: rains iess Pig PON soensnsan Steel ...0000i0000 Bank clearings ., Car loadings vss Building permits Smoorts | Exports " Co 28 oyméht gure is "that ree first of} March, Car ings are for the third week in)% arch, All the others reflect condis fons. during the month of Pebrus Bry Chatham,--~Mystery surrounding the disappearance of William Nic hols on January '& Inst, Was clarifi- od with the discovery of his body in the River Thames near here Sat urdsy. Identification was made o{ through a uniform of the Canadian National Express Company, of which company he was an em- ployee- CNR. EARNINGS TAKE AN UPTURN Montreal, April 1,~As compared with February of. 1929 working. ex~ fi on the Lai das oy ways ere ecren . oF. FPebrvary of il year, "Cron cai # for the month were $17, as compared with hs: 0 ah working expenses 3B i 1.8 [on ed with $16, 4, % rp 9 in February i were as compared with $3, } pig in the same month last year, From the first of January this Year 088 earnings have amounted Ay 58,443, working expenses $31,- via 92 and net carnings $2,107 Ihe above shows that the rail. way's earnings improved considerably during February as compared wit the previous month, February eafne. ings of $1,373,858 compare with $733, 913 in January, Che February decline was O10 per cent, compared with the corresponding month of 1929, The recent report of the Canadian Pa. cific Railway covering the first two months of the year showed that net earnings were down 579 per cent, compared with the same period in Ktobie-Furlong Meeting Postponed | 1939, _- oo... ~ Shell Motor Oil w to the demands of the modern In Shell laboratories and refin- eries, the wide world over, a con- stant striving for a better motor fuel has resulted in SUPER.SHELL =the natural anti-knock fuel made entirely from petroleum, without the addition of metallic compounds. SUPER-SHELL is unlike any other fuel you have ever used. It is true that in ordinary driving there are other gasolines at premium prices which will control compression knocking. But SUPER-SHELL gives you much more! Extra mileage; suited Hees low carbon content, 'polit and an-idesl "bodys sll Pg YP SHELL coup Ba "a P cANADA, NEW COURT FOR PENSIONS MOOTED (Continued from Page 1) to make its own appointments of counsel on behalf ry or each soldier might choose his own counsel, at a fee to be paid by the government, Temporary legal assistance in each locality would be authorized for the Board of Pension Commissioners, in order that its case, in any dispute between the board and the appli- cant, might be presented 'to the court, The appointment of medical assessor, vested with the same au. thority as those in the admiralty fy | court, is provided for, "Instructions shall be laid in the legislation," continued Major Power, "that the court may, in cases where ne conclusive evidence as to attri butability to war service can be pro- duced, give due weight 10 any rea sonable interference to be drawn from circumstances; and if convin- ced that a reasonable doubt exists in favor of the applicant, the court shall award a pension, rr A second or "appeal court" com- prising two judges and a principal judge is suggested. This court would Mit in Ottawa and its jurisdiction wonld be to deliberate on the evils dence and record of the case heard by the Pensions Cort, The diseus- sions of the Appeal Court would be final and conclusive, With no ques. tion" being re-opened unless special leave was granted on the production of new 'and important evidence, * In every instance: pensions lieurings would be in public, Following the reading by the chair~ man of his memorandum, it was de- cided ¢» let it lg over until Thurs~ day when the. committee would re- view it in detall, Discovers Fistes Dog Breed New York, NY ~Albert Payson Terhune, author and breeder of dok#, returned from Furope yesterda hoard the Lloyd Sabaudo liner Kinte Biangamano with reports of the dis~ covery. of a strange and ferocious breed of dogs living high in the French Alps, The animal was the size of a Great Dane, he said, 'with a head somewhat like a St. Bernard, The hair was reddish and curly, and the dog he ecountered had forelegs and shoulders like a bulldog. a joins the ole world in its praise faster pick-up; a clean-burning fuel eliminating oil dilution -- SUPER. SHELL burns completely, This per fect motor fuel has wog international acclaim, And so, SUPER-SHELL comes tothe Dominion .'. . superlatively refined + « « a motor fuel that ought to cost more but doesn't. SUPER-SHELL has been designed to prevent engine "knocking" and to give you mere miles per gallon: Try Super-Shell yourself--Today! SORES / / 1 I Sand

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