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Oshawa Daily Times, 2 Apr 1930, p. 11

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j PAGE ELEVEN , Conveyanocers, ets. O over Dan Rutrance 9 18, J. Br, Grierson, Oreighten, BA, N G. B.A Ga LT ar er Dewland ac oney to losn, 16 Simeoe $ Ty Theue @. Residence GREER ANT ei 30% Sir ce oe Ey A eh Avy BARRIS ALEX Ry HALL, Bb. and geners) (tf) & "ote. 41 Alpes "and Port Perry Othaws id Rays, Port Perry 24 and 7 (Mar, 1 mo) A k i ARKIS eto" Oo to lean. Alger Bids. opr posite Office. Phone 1614, Medical ----------------r a i we --_----r------ DRS, HAZLEWOOD & HARPER, Disney Block, Phone "050, Office hours 9 a.m. to 8.0 p.m Dr, B. J. Hazlewood, special attention to Surgery aud X-Ray. Lr. B, H, Har- per, special attention to children's Diseases and Obstetrics, Sunday and night calls "416 or 122, DR. McKAY PHYSICIAN, SUR moon, Accour! fice and resis dence, King St. Beat corer Victgria shawa, Phone 94, clan, Surgeon. Of stctrician, Special Teferences io my inate ity work ard di. vears' nost seases of hail Office and resi- irr) Simcoe St N. (cor. Brock) DR, GR nfants rari an, diseases of , Office and id n Bast, Phone 1155, L. R GP and S Edinburah and Obstetrician St. N Phone 3020 ing St. ET Phase 3188 QANT, N, Ph Sip ¢ clan, HAN and 8 , Obatetri , 553 Slmeoe street north. Phone 24 15. i I ar office wm i Simepe. Street, root fest. Toronto, wl ce aver Jury & Covey Store each Satutday, from )l | pm, for consultation and. fre ; of diseases of ear, nose and thro nly, sy vo 3 mav be - at pid store, Phone 97. . ve, Ear, and i get Led Drue $a x I ntment, dence | celling, shampeoinm,, fa beh! 2 Specialist In Muscle , asomalies, esight aud glasags. ' Authop yo Care and Eye Strain, The Chila and Its Developsieot. Dis. uey Block opposite Post Office, Phone 3016, (Mar, 18-1 mo) Engineering and Surveying DONBYAN AND SMITH, ONTAR- Fr kos '8 of peor Undertaking Tone BURIAL ate K rey Bi ot, Ambulance, 000 stromt north, nl AVIS . 19 Ring & w est Fire renee autahle Fire oonsult R. N, Johvae 80 Simcoe porth, Your (nsurssce 'wants at tended to and your interests pro- ected. T A ARbrofAcs gore man's, $8 d West, Specialists fo fursiture moving, ware A and moving van equipment Phone 88%, CARTAGE, » sand ard éinders Local and dong distance hauling, Baith & Cox, Phone 924, 10 Bond 8t, West. 5 EST lishet furn'ture movers. Park Road car ane; Local and long distance sovin Fase 81 Bren. 65 Park Ri Souty ® Mar, IF. mo) All Classified Advertising ' Coming Events, Etc, | STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE of this nature, ond collect for same, For thy convenience of to The Tomes who find it inconvenient will bring » i who will receive the advertisement "r imes" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT. This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling a large number of small accounts os' office, a télephone call Work Wanted RE-UPHOLSTERING, CHESTER. fields made to order, We save vou fohey. ry ates free G0. alt i |] ne [ Ih echanic stree ; hon BATTERIFS CHARGED, CALLED for andyglelivered, 75 cents. II ren. tal svete $). Ratteries repaired {" St. Phone Ww lideon, 20 N HI hime FIX UP YOUR SOTO WEY, gravel, sand, cinders and general trucking, Chis, Graham, Phone 2621, (Mar. 27+<1mo,) A ~~ a S---- Dry Cleaning Tats Parton BETTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE Shop, Specialists In permanent, finger and marcel waving, Fer manent wave prices 95, $7.60, $10 and $15, All other lines of Heauty Culture. Fhone 2908, Simcoe street north. EXPERT MARCELLING Bety. Ward at Betty Lou Permun. tnt ine Marcel and sham A D We epe- 0G hap, 3, Calan llr alo mar reel a Shop, cialize in Apply §b, pRyY PRY CLEANI NG, PRESSING, DY- ing, 12% Ki'g Street West, Phone (Mar. 8-1 Mo.) NORMAN LAMBERT, FRENCH dry cleaning, and repairing, all goods called for and delivered, Phone 523 06 Bagdt Street, (Mar, 11-1 mo.) Building Supplies EVENT BLOCKS FOR Sal Se nsure prompt delivery, Pp! orders in advance of delivery rg W. Borrowdale, phone 1618, "Articles For Sale phone 81 cents. For 'a iH a' rq) MARCEC ANG CURE: 500, MNS. K. Clarke, 147 Agnes btreet. hone 2640), (Mar, 20-1 mo) ATTH DB," er (Hambourg Conservatory, Tor ronto) pupils pretsied for all axams, Oshawa Tassday, wil fam street wat, upr.airs, Phoue 2T54F, (18011) RBERT TRENEER, | ganist and cholr master of t. United Church will accept Is in plano, organ abd vocal slo, For Cy roi i Bdag 0 lam street east. i. 4-1 Bes ONAR wusic, Oshawa aleg ate and th School Gibh Sv. phone 19843." Sudo? 0-1 mo) Radio USHAWA ob SERVIC aA tor sale, repairs on elec: tric and battery sets, tubes and batteries tasted, Jatierion Sharged; o called for end. de livered. Radio service, airials erect: ed, Platt. Phone Wh Mar 20-1 mb) Sf dencing nd phat cl eu "he Wry ng fam ba [} bov. cach t A Satu call or phone nixed #ARD AND sO WOOD Also bone dry Haba. 33 od Sad, Meek Limited wd 1 A yr, 2011) - used AN 50. Ltd, Planch pew and "al radios, istest models; terwe Troll, Phone Artaaged. Apply ©. rte WHITE BLOS- er Med, on ry Mar «1 mo STRAWBERRY tants, Kellogs's 's Early pird, rem or and Pocomoke. White Leghoro hatching ogss, Daron strain, Phone S608W, (Mar 20-1 mo) COR SALE=CRUSHED STONE for driveways. Waterous- ps 1288, Sip Limited, Phone (Mat 28:1mo) F poe RLEY, SIX row, Phote 185 1 ¢. John Davia son. (76c) good odndition, boing ariven daily. A real buy Phone ¥704W NTT oF om sweet el Phone 1048 r 1-4, ( (170) TUALLY stroller, {hone 2677W. SA baby ' ' (170) and Board comtortable home, (rivate family, Phone 10284, niral, Very ce rn | Sond Fond Doe NEW AND BKUOND HAND FUR: niture a ht and Ny Also loon! iid Jott Sms, ij 44 . HB. Phon ht (Mar. 7-1. mo) ust huve ona large 'about lovty-tive huge Also tetris autos. Phone 1436M, odera © ' J (Mar. 5-1 unio) to Loan hy JAN = UNDG lable tor ot mortya es, on well ie" arf kd anit. faring, a lv As ¥ ? King Lust, YP haide ide Jeo Wb For Rent APARTVENT TWOLLRY, HONE like suites. Some turuisbed, laun- dry, ®nveniences, elec d yer, ete: 0'00 stoves, elec relrireration, hot water year round. Phone 1500 or 21347W, (Ste) "OUR A 1 iL RO orn suites including electric refrig. eration, stove, laundry; oonven) euces, oto.! continuous Rot water up lied, Apple Supt. 'phone 8671, be Trusts and Gosrantes CO. 14d. menager for owner, Torento, (3741) ROOMED TO RENT »- FIVE house on Prince street, Apply 44 Elgin west, (670) THREE ROOMED APARTMENT, facing on Simcoe Street, central, bight and attractive, heated, Forty dollars, hardwood Hoors. Apply to Bradley Bros, over Ward's store(74f) TWO ROOMS TO RENT, FUR: nished with every convenience for light housekeeping. Fhone So (740) TO RENT=BMATL™ KTTCHEN, #ving room downstairs, and beds room over, suit two ladies or bust: ness. couple, No .cbildron, Centra) Garage, Phone 527M, (180) furnished room for light housts keaping.. All conveniences, also garage, Phone 711M. 123 Huron street,' (170) TO RENT=LTURT HOUSER Kx ve Ing room unfurnished, Kleotrie stove If desired,, heat, light and water, Very reasonable, 194 Divi sion street, Phone 5534, (170) CON: fortably furnished, private en- trafice and convenivnces, heated, hot water, very etmiral, 06 Centre Bit, (770) TO RENT = TH ! ROOMS, hardwood floors, lovely fixtures, wired for electric stove, Apply Mrs. Marlowe, 255 Bruce Street. Phone 2M. 77h) 6 ROOM HOUSE TO RENT. er. ly 242 Conant Street. (7¢¢) HER ROOME TO LET=-- Ground floor, with conveniences, 48 MacMillan he (780) ODEN 3 AND "BATE apartment A rent pd first, Apply Apt. 2 Casa Loma, 161 King 8. a (140 flat for rent, Three rooms, Wired for oleotrig stove, Hardwood floors. Apply 221 Dearborn Ave, ' (7611 HWOUS west of Park Rd, south, and 3% mile south of Bloor. St. Apply 360 r 2, (780) roomed house, very central, For particulars write Mrs, L, Gould- ing, Box 474 Adelaide street; post office, Toronto, Onlarie, (760) bath: flat, ear SLiLC. Rent reas: FREE TRICHTT I vard, cellar, hy enfrance, in return Phone Whithy 350, (2 and fii a A abarge 26 Eh 20 po ber o TRE i oh = . Saimid 6 R $ LL CON- veniences, Osliava, West King St, Reasonable, . Why pa, more, tu careful tenant, Box 573 Times, (78h) Li i ON paved street, eevry convenience, dm-|' 374 Jarvis St, mediate possession. (781) FOUR ROOMED HOUSE, LIGH water a ih. garage. Apply 126 oe Road H A 16 NASSA EET, tight rooms, all conyeniences, Phone econtral, furnace, all conveniences, immediate selon, Four roon: brick, water and electric, south Burk street, Immodiate possession, Yor wbove apply. ¥. M, Halli. 101W, (77d) ME; Newly, decorated, china and bed linen, electric stove, béat, water and light. $25 monthly, 107 West- moreland Ave, (78¢) TOR NENT-- NICELY ¥U RNINH- ed bedroom, all conveniences, Tele phone, Very central, 73 Hond west, (78¢) nishgd" with every convenience for Hght Wousekeeping, Phone 833y, (780) eR rr Wanted, to Rent WANTED TO RENT-=PFOULTRY farm on highway, between Whitby and Bowmanville, 8. R. 195 Court Mt, (17¢) BY YOUNG COUPLE FIVE OR six room house centrally located, Ale wi stating all particulars, Box ime 7 2 FURNISHED ROOMS ~~ SUIT. able for light house keeping, Would like private entrance, Box 562 ee (78b) Real Estate For Sale AN ATTRACTIVE, ¢ ROOMED, brisk- house, hardwood floors, od. ern equipment, located on Mary St, 50. th of Greta, Apply Bradley Bros. (74t1) SEMI" BUNGALOW, BRICK dwelling, 6 rooms, hardwood floors, all conveniences, . modern, Small cash payment and easy terms for balance, Apply Bradley Bros, over Ward's store. (741) Pets and Live Stock. JAMESWAY HATCHED CHICKS from trap-nested breeders, S White Leghorns, barred rocks, w hite Wyandottes, Wilte or phone for catalogue, Oshawa Hatchery and Poultey Farm, 144 Park Road North Phones ool 137%, (Mur, 21.1 Mo.) A NIES & HARNESS will go double or single, Also good for saddle, Apply Whitby Dairy, Whitby (78¢) rie aa Hr ~ Spirella Corsetiere = |ministrators will not be Mable for NOTICE TO CREDITORS RS A I IN THE MATTER of the Estate of Edmund Richard Holmes, late of the City of Oshawa, In the County of Ontario, Accountant, de- conse NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that all persons baving claims or demands against the Bstate of the said Bdmund Richard Holmes ,who died on or mbout the 22nd day of January, A.D, 1980, at the City of , Osliawa In the County of Ontario, are required on or before the 19th day of April, 1930, to wend by post prepair, or deliver to William Mervin Holmes, R, R, No, 1 Glen Cross, Ont,, or Wilson Henry, R.R, No, 2 Orangeville, Ont., Adminis- trators of the Estate of the said decensed, or to Robert David Evans, Orangeville, Ont,, Bolleltor for the said Estate, thelr Christian names and surnames, addresses und descriptions, the full particu- larg, in writing, of their 'claims, n staterhent of thelr account and the nature of security, if any, held by them, AND TAKE NOTICE that after such last mentioned date the sald Administrators will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the sald de- consed among the parties entitl- od thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice and that the said Ad- tho said assets or any part thereof to any persom or persons of whose claim or claims notice shall not have been received by tiem at the time of such distribution, DATED at Orangeville, Ont., "this 18th day of March, A.D, 1930, William Hervm Holmes, Esq, LR, No, 1, Glen Nenons. Ont, and Wilson Henry, Esq, R.R. No, 2, Orangeylile, Ont, by Robert David Evans, (their Solleitor herein). (66-72-78) Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs, Patterson on the arrival of a baby girl, Mr, and Mrs, Miss Bessie Snowden, Mr, amd Mrs. 'Fred Smith, visited at the home of Mrs, McKessock, Mr, and Mrs. Joe Reynolds, To- ronto, visited at the home of Mr. W. J. Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Law, Malcolm Gordon and Ross were guests at the home of 8S, E, Werry, "i Helen Baker was With Mrs, J. Bragg for a couple of days Ne and Mrs, C, Tink and Katha. leen of Bowmanville and Miss Edith Pascoe of Hampton visited with Miss Miss Evelyn Tifk on Sunday. JG, Langmaid and Oshawa, and Enfield, R. J. At Eldad on Sunday there were 97 at Sunday School. when an in teresting session - was held: << Next Sunday Mr. B, G. Stevens, Temper- ance superintendent expeets fo put on. a temperance programme, Let bo fal come who can, and try to bring the attendance up to: the 100 mark, Rev. Mr, Bick took charge of the service which followed, preaching from Jeremiah 4th, the subject of his CORSETIERE=-PLEASE PHONE 233), Mrs, Derumaux for purticus lars of the new fitting line in Spire ella, District. North East, after 5 p. m e (Mar, 151 Meo.) . " CLA E> resoutative, north west and south hast districts, 100 Frederick street, Phone 2189M, (Mar 15+1 mo) Situations Wan . 4 ' é I ' wants work in cleaning by day or house cleaning. Sleey out, Dox SUH "mes. (78¢) Phone 1336F, Li by h Want work, a. man wants position as farmer iD laborer on farm at once, I am cap. able of taking. charge It neces Bary. Apply to 13 Elena, street, Oshawa, (180) Help--Wanted Male sont an old established institution, Hard work and long Lours ave re- guired, but personal training and holy is given, Married man betw the Ages 28 and 43 preferred. 8 ver {iy men make $300 per month, confidential, Box 001 Times, (760) ww SY OR plendid opening with, ch or bigger won Box 0% hances \ ct 0 8 JER OR pros exports id be first (770) yo to yian with car, } aving direct selling ox our earnings a 'tho d dol Fe rosy plik mes ll scim. 30 -- Mr. and \ | 3 Irs, aareh 3. > Mra Mn, or aE the b Mr. White, n, hele rs. Chas. Mr, and oy 0) ig sisi e 40th Wedding i and Tien nd aunt, bY and oks, Courtice, * sermon being "Social Service He said that one hundred and seven mil. lion dollars was spent on the drink bill, two million on alcoholic bevers ages and that 576 had lost their live in accidents in Ontario, while 5.66Y were injured in Ontario in the last year, He also said that no man liveth unto himself, either nationale ly, commercially or spiritually, Miss Marion Mountjoy has re turned 'heme to Kedron, arter visite ing her aunt, Mrs, A. L. Pascoe, Migs Véra Baker and Mr, Sam 'Dewell ago Sunday with Mrs, L. C, Suowden at dt Maple Grove. | Grove, ; (INSECTS T0 CAUSE MUCH CROP DAMAGE IN WEST THIS YEAR Millions of Dollars' Loss is Predicted in Saskatch- ewan Saskatoon, Sask, April 2.--3illions of dollars of crop damage in Sase feauchextadt will be apused this year by ceo rding to a report ise sued by' Kenneth M. King of the Dominion Entomological Laborators, ies 'here, Cutworms, wiresworms, sshoppers and wheat-stem saws ies d be to blame, it was stats Cutwerms are expected to be uns Hoally acti e and a grasshopper outs break of ut least moderate extent is chewan, Wireworms, which caused mated $3 200,000 4 damage last , will again Po heavy Sama, ee ly ii is wet, report. If 2 ; stem saw-fly w use a loss exceeds ing the RIA dariage of 198, it is forecast: More abundant than at any time since 1924, grasshe, pers may consti nu ¢ a ug infestation if the wea nedia ne Cold driving rains ims . t er hate le of very wet wl Rd during the be} evelopment period way alt the outs rea 8 NEW MARTIN NEWS Aside from Whe Exel exciting and colors iu Rentucky erty sequence in "A Fox Movietone Ki i lor eek. Singin nae Cos a 8¢ Wei {0 of ire, the getion Suttounding if of Rigid Reay well ti e story © he meets and alls in ot with "Uhrilling,' A looked for in southwestern Saskats the is dry, the ph 0 next | y at the haduied Mart i Theas the plays: vn tynel oDy > which pn Coleman, is most dramatically A brief pynonels of the rhapsody an prepared by Conead, Mitchell and Gottler, who wrote it follows: "The music tells a', modern love story. A promising young song wris ter and composer loves a girl mugh above his sociul strata, He had pre- viously engaged a youthful Zand en- tirely innocent Jove affair with ape other gitl, On the eve of his murs ridge to the pir] he loves, the other woman engages in a plot tp convince his fiancee that he is' diworthy" of her, The plot, succeeds und the lovers 'afg 'parted. ; "Meanwhile, the séelety= gin) 1s broken hearted and: stakes her mare riage to Kane Pitcairn, unothe ri site or for her hygnd, on the winning of her colt, Dixde, in the Kentucky Ders by. The horse loses and Jerry, have ing knowledge of the wager, gocs back to New York deteemined to forget the past and, live for his ca- reer alone in which the birth of the rhapsody is born," Lois Moran, beaufiful and talented screen nctress, enacts the role of Lee Coleman, the girl, and You Wag staff portrays the character of the young composer with whom she fall in love W.ce, her lover, hears the ing of which she is telling, At the climax, Lee springs to hér feet and leaves the box where she meets Nancy Morgan who confesses the cruel plot to her, Lee waits to hear no more but rushes hack stage where finally finds Jerry who has turned wearily from the plaudits of his friends desolate unable tp complekely forget attepds the concert, and symphony during the play- visions the story it she away in a hr iis LO MSBP HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID BY EXPERT MECHANICS Olg- tloors finished like new, Storm windows, combination donors, General contractors. B. W. HAYNE Residence 180 ¢ 's 161 King 8t. V.. Phone 481 "GOOD USED CARS Are Mold by THE ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 90 Simoeoe St. 8, Phone 000 i. --.. RE I HARDWOOD FLOORS ! LAID Electric Sanded and Finish od Complete WwW. J. TRICK CO, LTH, 25 Albert Strect I'hone. 230, esr "COZY COTTAGE™ 8 rooms and kitchen, garage, and 2 acres good garden land, 10 fruit teees, 1 mile from Lake, 635 miles from Oshawa, mall delivery, phone, close to school and church, Dargain $1,000, half cash, balance easy. DISNEY Phone 1550 hopelessness even in his hour of tri« umyph. The character of Nancy Morgan is played "by Dorothy Burgess and Douglas Gilmore is seen. as Kane Pitcairn, The picture was directed by Lewis Seiler with Frank Merlin in charge of stage direction, OUT OF BOUNDS A candidate for election, address ing his constituency, was surprised by wu voice whieh, calling from the back of the hall, said; "Well, I don't care wot yer says, guv'nor, 1 wouldn't vote for you you was the angel Gabriel" Quick as lightniy came the reply? "If 1 were the angel Gabriel you wouldu't be in my constituency." MONTHS BEHIND They were having an argument on the relative merits of their respective cars, and hecame very heated, "I tell you," said Bill, "I have not pajd a shilling for repairs on my car during the whole 18 months I've Jad it!" "So the man that does your repairs tells me," ==Tit-Bits, rr =] Thousands Now Fail 5 4 A Delightful Breakfast Feed EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Specialising exclusively in muscle anomalies eyesight and glasses, 1616=Phone=1510 Disney Block . Opposite Berg Off-g Drink Delicious Kara Coffee Always Fresh at Superior Chain LOANED ¢ Cars Refinanced All Dealings Confidential G. R. Hold LUMBER F. L. BEECROFT Whitby Lumber ang Wood Yard hone Oshawa 82% Whitby 19 Oshawa Burial Co. stccessor to )isney-Cott AMBULANCE 87 Celina St.. Phone 1082 The Carew | Lumber 74 Athol St. W,, Phones 18-1111 Every structure worthy of long time service aust withstand onslaughts of lesser or greater degreé---your home, lesser or greater | your church, the school, in fact all ' your buildings. But try as they may, these data tive forces spend themselves harmless: N ! | ly against recilient shock-absorbing. § strong woods. Cut_true and square, seas to meet every requirement a ; on standard grading rules. You may obtain your needs in this material from us with an actual - dervice and satisfaction not ualed by anyone else, let alone surpassed, COMPANY. LIMITED + 26 Ritson Road North

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