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Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Apr 1930, p. 11

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$y Lia 'Chamber f : 4 y | f 3 in t Ror Dr , aus merce, Rev, Dr, 0, W don, Chal Connor) dedlared that the Serene f ole ¥ Alain, ata the only Mh A that yellgion, HR art would ma nr reiadonabipa-.i lar Hd Agi internationally, Whi that for two thousand yenrs the standards of manhood an sented by Jesus Christ In all thelr human hed remained unchallenged, liglop was held forth by the speak. force in the ohurch which he at THE OSHAWA DAILY 'IMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 3; 1930 PAGE ELEVEN "Whitby: Daily Times SRE TA AE SAAB TATI ab i, Swntion of ( Commerce Told That Rel Is - Cement of ! Hization Connor in Iupiing Ad in pd oted lof and Preacher at arse | i The Audianse Groots ied his ration to motively work in and tor, The luncheon was presided over by President R, A, Mutohison, and In addition to a large represenutns tion of the business aud protes slonnl men of the town, there wore of | gulte ® tow Jadies, A bright snd h Appres ated feature wos the ori of these voor! numbers by the Trafalgar Ladies' Quarteite of the Ontario Lodles' College, The Yory oxoollent dinner was werved by the Whitby braneh of the Wom ows Institute, Mise M, Annes vory thoughtfully supplying ahd are ranging the flgral table decors tions, The dlstinguirhed speaker wan very ably introduced by Me, W A. Holliday, who referred to Dv, CGordon'y carder as a Cansdiay au- ther, preacher of the gospel, ser Luncheon a large and ore Wednesday noon s Counell Chamber under the of the Whithy Chamber | , Gore Atinmick 8 ih nehson + Mo ppsaried ahr in all of life's usiness, in the home, the country and in a mueh bh emphasis Dr. Gordon de roe relationships and + divine Re af the law of love, Bnd A v al This tea hes that flowery fragrance you will enjoy "SALADA TEA "w "Fresh from the gardens' vant of big country in the fren wir, and 4 wan of wondertul Intel loot. whieh he had used for the good of hin fellows, My, Holliday felt that Whichy Was very highly honored In having Dr, Gordon ay u visitor this week, In the course of his address of fully ball an hour, Dr. Gordon pointed out that religion on the 'surface seemed to Lear Meh apart, AN i -matter of fact, however, re Halon way thing that whould une ite mon together, Nellgidn that tore men apart was pot religion, Dr. Gorden referred ut some Jongth to the various forms of gove ernment In vogue Jn the world to. day, all having as thelr object in the main the eveation and enforces | mont of Jaws, and the proetegiion of citizenship rights, Our rights infringe upon those of others with the result that elvilisation finds it self toroed to yesort to. delimita. tion, Wven our system of demos oratio government, of which we Angle-Nagons hoasted so « mych, was orude and clumwy, heoauwse it was brought inte halng by a mar jority of opinion which was (aulty because of human weaknosses, Continuing Dr. Cordon noted | that an loyal citizens we are pled" kod (0 give our money and: even our lves to uphold thet wajorhy of opinion, He termed " [] of wolooted anarchy the olaim some people that beckuso they di not vote for the laws created by that public opinion, they were not obliged to ohey them, The form of government set u by the majority of publie opinion wy weak in every point, because it was hard to be spurs that this majority had been really obtained, | Buch opinion was oftimes obtain. ed by sunning snd quick men, and by combinations, and there was a danger that these things might bring us down todey, Dy, Gordon went on to point out that laws conld not be enforced by polloemen and guns. This had bee proven true in the great city of Chicago where the police and ote flolals openly admitted that they could not maintalh law und order through these methods, while it way o fact that oltigens were spending $180.000,000 yeurly to epfores thelr rights, This thought wan developed further, and Dr Gordon In closing emphasised that religion was the only thing that P| ssttin Eg FALLING REVENUES ON LOCAL CNR LINE CALL FOR CUT IN SERVICE Ontario Ladies' Co "Annus Oratorical Contsit The anpusl Oratorlen) Contest wes held ab the Ontario Ladies College, = Whitby Vildey evening our there were four contestants, spon wii, aud Morten Cronk of Bloomtleld, Ontario; Deatrios | Mothoys"W son, Who 'pu Kerr, of yo Michigan, "and | sich on ahsurd iden into "your Margaret Fi ot Ldmouton, Ab | head?" nd berto, 'The judges, Mrs, C. Tigbwn, MY, ¥red Wwin, sud Dr, Stegen son, 81 ot Whitby, decided in fav or of Miss Klegnor Cronk for five! place and Misy Merion Crone tus weond. plus, Little Willle==""Mismme, is papa going to hewven when he dies?" Canadian Nations Ral inion Relive 'Com Roerdog show Lom i Fra peri non Frigl s Files Statement With Do. in Answer to Protest. of Town Cancellation of Morning Trin' from ~= Statement, on Sa North Pas De- g to Bus nnd Tro h ------------ The Canadien National Rallway Legal Department hap forwarded to the Dominion Nallwey Board wu let tor uw copy of which hag been re veived by Town Clerk John R, Vrowt, forth the reasons for the cancellation of one of the trains on the Whithy-Lindsay branch, effec tive on the 27th of this month, Passenger Earnings Briefly, the main Youson given is loss of revenus to such an extent that the Company foels that it should mot be expected to operate more than the one train, It wets forth that busses and trucks have out into the passengpr, express and freight revenues, oven the heavier shipment of farm produce which the rallway used to got being handled by trucks from the eity, It is pointed out that the passen- gor train earnings per mile for pas songer trains average 9.5 per cent, and for mixed trains Mor 11 per vont, The rallway finds it impow sible to continue in operation truine with such light earning power, The CNR, further points: out the little passenger und ings sUlll remairing, So oir the transportation of dren; plaipt made to. the Board in based almost entively upon the handling of school children, who have very low computation fares, yielding four fing n half mills per mile, minimum e, wohoo! ohildren are handled 1s such thut the Rallway only receives five gents por ride, soliool buses is very eommon, and the Ratlwey Is confronted with con stantly decrenbing earnings, we ro spectfully submit that not be usked to continue this yieo at such a loss in operation," erew performs present, leaving an. In passenger service to Whithy Junetion, returning services to Manilla Junetion, connect. ing thereat with the Toronto-Lind. say-Port Hope morsing traing In both directions, thence op The letter says further regarding wehool ¢hik "It Is noted that the com per mile, The distances these The #perution of we should he). There's nothing like it Healthful Cleanliness in Every Particle The extraordinary efficiency and superior qual: ity of Old Dutch make its usefulness unequalled. The Company wets forth that one wll the service wut Lindsey nt 6,00 in passenger pussenge) { For all uses listed on the label and many otherse (cutlery, refrigerators, micrors, stoves, stone steps, |ote, there is nothing else like Old Dutch, |Old Dutch keeps everything spick and span and assures that most important feature of good house keeping, Healthful Cleantiness. Old Dutch does this by removing the unhealthful invisible ippurities as, well as all visible dirt, y ( Old Dutch is composed of a natural nt of distinctive character, free from harsh, scratchy grit, acid and caustic, To the eye a fine powder==the mie €oucope shows that its particles are flaky and flat shaped. Like thousands of tiny erasers they remove all uncleanliness without scratching, Sceatchos are catch-alls for dirt and impurities, As Healthful Cleanliness is the health, so Old Dutch is your fopiard to Cleanliness, There's nothing else like Made in Canada " fn - ---- WW BEEF WEEK Serve Meat o Part of Your Healthful Spring Diet Meat contains food values that are important t@ health in Swing days when the outdoors invites a lot of healthy exercise, Don't stint on meat. Serve the best cuts, fresh, wholesome, full of energy building food qualities. And to insure serving the best do your marketing at your clean, sanitary Arnold's market. WING RUMP (Prime Rib | BLADE | ROUND ROAST ROAST [ROAST [ROAST (SHOULDER > 34e w. 2 Ge [w. 27¢ |. 24c| wm 2le SHOULDER Pork ib. 22¢ quarter Lamb ww. 18¢ Heinz Baked Beans [ii 2 Tine 25¢ Fry's--Rowntree's-Baker's Cocoa i 21¢ P&GSOAP . . . 10 Bars 39¢ SWEEPING BROOMS «swings 33¢ Raul a7 | try Toate Sut CHIPSO or OXYDOL Large Box | ; 19¢ Weasley, At tho clove of the meet: > Gor To, Taq offering was wo TES DIISHUR Man. yooT FRUIT AND VEGETABLES a ~~ FISH H. H. Rhubarb ......ii0:3 bunches 3h Whitefish i551. 1 Qe | satlatactory, Green Peppers ...., RT EXCELLENT QUALITY tb. 1 Qe BAND SOREN € Jone OVER Fresh Cutonnias iM i for ft Fillets Arnold's Dinner Blend Goffe The new ail fnaugurated by the Whitby Citizens' Band whereby Cookin urigtnind Iba, Curly Shc nine kL gw Tbs. I CHOICE QUALJLY Bon Ami, cake or powder * $05. Golfee via 4 for 28¢ Ra Ciathes, Pine. 8 & number 'of boys are to be taken in and given training is meeting Yeabern Letivee: ..hbuenid Red Ripe Tomatogsin i - Me Cleanser... ...». .Tin C Fish vin $6 or tch Cleanser i Pl, Al dh 4 i ho - Delmonte Asparagus Tips, PRES, aguare . EERE ERE ERR] with splendid success, New inatrus ments have purchased and N.B. Potatoes .. A per peck be ou teel Wool LR i LR Javel a rs io %. Bottl Be Libby's Dill Pickles, 2%', Tia 28 Carnation Brand CREAMERY these will be sold to the boys at Finest: Pastonrived that the territory over Which trains run is well served by busses operating over the main streets through all the towns affected, and trucks are 'operated against the rails way taking away the express traf fie, orntes ap mixed to Whitby Junction, returning os mixed to Lindsay, The service wo are cancelling is the stralght passenger round trip, Man. ila Junction' Whitby Junetion, re ducing the number of train miles per formed by this crew, and reducing the spread of day mo ap to obtain | an economy, | The Ticket Sales The statement of ticket sales at tached to the letter shows cleanly that motor cars are reducing the Company's earnings year by year, The letter says that this shows that the public does not regard the train service now being given as au neces pity. It is stated that the local freight on traine 877 and 878 is very Hght and would not qxeeed two tons of package freight per trip loaded and unloaded at all stations. Bag gage In ulso light as most travellers use cars. Good 'roads throughout the county make motor traflic easy, while the provincial bighway Is kept open all winter, | The pervice proposed will connect at Whitby Junction with trains to and from Toronto, protecting - the would save democracy, He dee clared thet his hope was in re ligion, He had no interest in de- pominationalism but in all people po matter what thelr religious ber Hot was, Religion, If practised, would moked 8 man right in all of lte's polationships, Religion, {LOBLAW CROCETERIAS | teaching that we owe something to | Ra ili wl God and men, was the world's ZS hope. sERa a Pe ard to salthful py, Gordon made a strong ep. peal for the support of the Chureh, J. H. Perry moved a hearty vote of thanks to Dr, Gordon for bis ad. dress, and to the ladies who sang It was seconded by M, Clive Hatch. LOCAL TEACHERS WERE VICTIMS OF APRIL FOOL JOKE When the school teachers of Whitby opened thelr letters on Tuesday morning they were sure prised to find ah enve oon: taining a blank cheque, instead of the usual amount of their menthly salaries: Dr. MeGlliven the \ | m-- otal our Grooblitins to buy "this or that" or try to prevail on to buy of uncertain quality, ylolding large profits, You will ind our stock consists of wellknown brands of quality mere andiso in the selection of which every care Bas been taken so that {¢ Is practically impossible for you to get anything that will not be entirely satisfactory. You are loft free to shop and select for yourself whatever goods appeal to you most. SPECIAL=10BLAW'S panini vem | | WATCH OUR WINDOWS! Special B d* What Wodueoday We aro featuring this week al reser of the Board | COFFEE We a w]@en3g 7° Stores Close at 12,30 pan, now of the cheques odnesd tor dissovered the Ju win bent the ibe of Avil Twn mae Boxe 330 + Ta 30 on hout the Tins 290 Sn i THESE SPECIALS ON SALE FOR WEEK OF APRIL 3rd TO 9th " Somathing New!" Caselli's Eggwoat NOODLES Px. 9¢ AR "Containg No Alum" Magic Baking Powder 15. Tin Je [Wholesome and Delicious" Horne's Double Cream Custard 10.1 24¢ " Makes Detter Pastry" MONARCH FLOUR ;% 34¢ For Soiled and Stained Honds' | LATHER-O 2 caxss 250 ay, ot th the blank ves wae tion of © clear. N ore now that April 1st ls overs WN COUNCIL MEETS Whitby Town Counyll will meet next Monday evening at elgut o%olook for the transaction of gens oral business, There has been no regular meeting for three weeks, | with the result that there are a pumber of important matters to be disposed of. The Ntreets Commit toa will present a report on the tenders opened for street grave, Hog and teaming, while other Come wittees will also be heard trom, Golden Hallowi ol Dates Large and MoatpeNow S100h 000010104 Pure Wild Strawberry Jam Mustard REN , host 12 -t nerqualied Flaverss aL RRR Mane 2 Lbs, 320 Jur 370 Tin Mo (ort I Jer ------ yf ns CALLER rere CELULAR ELT Y TERIA ers Cg SPECIAL= Stoneless RED PLUM JAM 24° 400%, Glass Jar A Special You Can't Afford to Miss Loblaw's Cake Dielisious Chavey Cake 11, Rich Feult and Nut Gabe, 104 Valonola Cabo, Wye = BASTER THANKOFFERING The WIM, Boclely of the United Church held a very . successtul Hastor Thank Offering meting on Tueaday, April lat, In spite of the very inclement weather there waa & good attendance to enjoy the oxe cellent address by Mra, MoRay, BERR RRRARN AY AERA NY TEETER Lb. 880 hood ProbBuiy ...., 4 Lb. 380 pe © dnaiseprio and Preserving cost on eas, hyent terms, The Poliflor Wax iden is to bull the band and ¢ vide for a LY olent members 17 53 ship fn the future, The training hh the will reel wre them 'well in future years. [When You Fuel (§. Coming; | ; or o Tuladil: {2 ivvane Ph. go TER in a 0h wae yc Bottle i You fuel 8 ¢ W comi h " Custard Pour wibae 1 Phy 1c sgn ep i tiratfo HEAR Sponge Mivture Ri J 160 § elas: We Sell RANE For Loss. we i JY id IR Ll Ae { %9 8 ' Ek 1 . 4 3 JA} (La LE AL a Cal a ds Ie TH Brend=Puasy Quabiy: 3 i Sal $41 a" hihi bbb bbb Tia 37¢ EEN of Tp

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