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Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Apr 1930, p. 14

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pos THE, OSHAWA DALY TIMES, HE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, Lannind A 3 thle sing, sil 'of the dead were "Velloved toarod ss the whole cousts of the again 'operating, Though there 4 L J ing, "Their weight caused the if : i aerate feo In the ie fhoro, =~ Harry, Clary, bolt 10 trun over, way. | 10 DO Japangys, four main islinds of Jaysn wers k {icin Sxpocted the ho will he 0 seoot, and inten Whar Uh Srsenion of tha _-- Other shipping * disasters were | gripped b tor oleured oy Hoon ne the breuk up [oo ia" erection this yeur uf er ors 4 ol We | gripped by storms, becomes general in the Bt, Law-|a Knitting {11 tn either Norwo pa ¢ vence river, General navigation 14 | Havelock or Hastings, J ; or are, to open within a sou wonkin via PRATH n > of 'dayy, 3 li 3 TION PRESERVE WISTORIO MITHY ------ 148,71 Pereons A Discus ANNEX Ainge ot! Kingston, -- Preservation. ot PATIENT BY AKROPLANE Bollaville, ww an +4] Piekle, ome Total of 148, 2 ; onth, : Te the Nistorieal sites in Kingston «000 | gyhggion, sr The «first patient (ploys of the Timber Products Come| Came to Canada in Last i in located, has thvough ite{district, In keeping with an mtel= | gyor to arrive by alr st n Kingston pany. of Trenton, escaped with a Elev Months expressed readiness to ik sive campaign (0 be TOCOMMENAEY | Lhospital was hrought here last | dslocated shoulder und u Incorated en on with the City of Kings |for the Ontario-Quebed District of lien fy an aeroplane from the |vght hand when his clothing was sp ston and bas axked that a confors| Kiwinly, will bo made a major Ob«| gingston airport, teloken with [caught in a shaft and he was otiawa April 8 Immigration be held between the {wo eors| jective of the Kingston Kiwanis appendicitis at bis home on Wolfe | hurled into eog-wheds, Myery | to Canada during -the eleven pik fons to discuss u basis upon [£1ab, The Publie Affairs Commit=| yerana, Ktewart Murphy was une [stitéh of clothing on' bls body was | months ended Fob, 25 lawl, show: 'wiifch annexation abt he veuche|tea was dnstrugted to bring In OB apie to be tuken meross the river [ripped off, even his shoes were |ed a deareuso of Just more than Jo oreto suggestions for he Work, gue Jo the discontinue o* ferry Yorn. Alfhyen snoring Jrom 8.004 versons when somoarnd with Y Avalon S-- vice on aceount of the danger [shock un 6 Injuries, physieln 0 , ATON BUYS TEN STORES [ARRESTED JOR #1,000 THENT No fea town, A plane was fine | state he will recover, A week sge|the 148,712 persons who came to wh bo! The Iargest downs| Cornwall, Lindsay Pitty, for-{o yy summoned, and the patfent 1s | Harvey Carlson, another employe |the Dominion during the 1hiy- Hi : Rut si Arh don) In Peter«| mer Customs collectod Ld Iroquoly relorted | fo be "progressing very (of gho company was fatelly mans| period under review, tu,644 Wore | me, lr SEAR a {ed Sar aden | SA rn 018 fom THE REASON WHY po yr ty, Winnipeg, charged with y -- nd, a Eo. pl fot ah, oy "ihe. the disappeured fom Jroduots, oon NEW GYM AT QUEEN'S BEATS UDHIADE, WU "TWAS shar courier I or tho tie Bo: ® Rominion Hlores Limitea od have, over B86 shores In Snlavie and - Suehey v hn ini the hosewties Wha ° ad rection of Ceorge and Charlotte] days ago, after who « vecords, | JSINEALON, = Tenders are beng | . / wast 168,011, © of Which BY, 749 ™Y 10 the Hy Economy Shares, sould % idl ; sires the oity's: (Wo outing The eli ay iby wig | dalled hy foun 5 Afhtbald, Mop gy lod hh pd ig Rh. onme - from' Brituiy, 27,861 trom To those, however, who Dominion Stores Limited have not the pleasure of serving, "We ask thet you give LJ [ ny, imied, It Js undeve| sworn out-at Cornwall, on of a O01 tH vninastum £0 | DIGGS 10 w. Ore hit No regsived |Uhe United Sates aud, 71,501 trou hdl us o fair trial, and we gusranies that that ronson~ ualtty, Economy and Personal Scrvice"=will not | om ha Himid I 9. dare BNaT. A Cre {ion of 8 FAO Ch by if un folt: when Je paid ten dollars other countries. © be found wanting, bd mi io ME amolohed at once and| WINS LARGE NOHOLARBHIP fs expected the building will he |and . Gosts for his fun in tgaffic A statement lssued Loday hy Whe * ; that the 'T, Eaton Company, whieh Kingston, == It has been learns completed by the first of Decems|colirt, ~ While proceeding to the | pepartment of ' Immigration and #% YOR POTS AND PANS a niveady operates two department | ed here that Arthur T, William por, It is said it will be one of theirs, the offender passed all the | Colonfeation shows Ontario 'vee GOOD QUALITY 3 PAD 23¢ PY 7 'stores here, will erect a modern (son, son of the late Dr, A/ R, BD, finest in Canada, wodls on the road Joa obstructed | colved the greatest poriion of the PY P rR. 'stare on the Taylor site, The price| Williamson, and a graduate of p-- them, aetording to the chief, 1089-80 fmmigrant flow, 6,871 A DELIGHTYUL FLAYOR ® paid was not disclosed. Queen's University, has heen | wy argy GRANGE DELAYED porsons settling "within its Vrovin-| EJ omatoes . awarded the Proctor Chemistry | po. couviile wn There will be no| + FIRKT BOAT UP RIVER cial boundaries, Mauitobs ranked heese sunray 19¢ % | ENEATH VALUED AT $774,740 | scholarship (valued at $1500) ot ohungg dn the wchedulo on the | «Prescott, == The self-unioading | wecond, with 54,043, Figures tor | 4 L J ' Peterboro, -- The Trusts and {the Sitaduate College, Pitheton Westport subdivision of the Cane steamer Vaulloygamp which winter the other, Frovinons follow Gus: * EXTRA VINE EVAPORATED ® Guar ny of Toronto | University, ast your he tional Nallways, ut leagt | ed ut Prescott was the first host | bee, :, J Vera, BA9k; ». and nies, Cong Waddell have [awarded the « Dupont Chemistry iy i" time arrives for the elon |to pass up the Bt, Lawrence Itiver | Saskatchewan, 0,806; Brith Cole ° No.27Tin » Apricots 3 35 \a isd application for probate of the [schalarship, valued at $900, ing of the schools, In the means | this season. 8he cleaved from her | Gmbia, 8,607; New Brunswick, TOMTIVELY N BORDEN'S EVAPORATED J will of Roland M, Waddell of Per eps time; 'further study will be given |dock here Tuesday for Sodus to Had) Noy Beotia, 2,106; Prince PY D en L J terboro, who died Jun, 28, The FERRY OPERATES AGAIN by the management of the system |load coal for this port, dward Toland, 136, The Yukon TALL 2 FoR 25¢ will is dated Nov, 8, 1028, wund|. Kingston, == After being tied | = suo "oe Chow sohedule, it is ------ Territory received 15 new settlers . » disposes of real. mand personal es-|yp for 10 days the forsy, between stated by J. G1) Gardner, & direct | BRIGWEON FAIR OFFICERS and the Nortiwest, Hanis arin 0. o tate valued at $774,740.81, Kingston and Wolte Island 181.0. of the raliways. Coburg, Brighton Agrioultursl | qauis males, 46,885 adult females LJ / A A ben Boclety, at {is adjourned aunual 87,280 children, 'the mujorit - i . FARMHOUSE BURNED meeting' elected the folowini fs | 29 ST,380 sblidran, Lhe mnlorty Libby's or and ans "nt . ; Brookville, == Eire originating | ficers for the year: Honorary Ives | seeming class. A tothl of 14,664 @ ! PY In the attle of the fine brick rome] widonts, Milton Maybeo, MP WF, Foove of the laboring class and / u ® denge of Alfred Ireland, situated | J, McArthur, MP.P, 8B, 8, M, Not | 17.178 wore female aomostic sore - Hh one mile yas ve J lankvilie fotally hu, igh 4 Fiasidom, A. A. vants, " CRIMSON LABEL LJ ! destroyed that bulldingz, with the | Wade; flee Presidents, ordon During the eleven months ended ; J ; jo greater part of its contents, Thorne and A, 'T, Birett; Beerelary« | pob, TY last, £7,630 Canadians Red Rose Tea oli, 35¢ PURE RASPBERRY OR BLACK CURRANT J ---- Troasuror, R, 0, Quick; Directors, | who had been resident in the ° T gh TRANSEERRED TO PORT HOPE Milton Nryant, Joseph, MeCracken, United Hintes, returied to 'Cans ol DELMONTE = ® pi -- "\'y +H, Bmith, vd, Rows, EK, 8 | ada to resume residence here, onloskins Vighway Truiiie Hoadt, Burh_Turkaberty: §, 5 hii > Spinach TIN 19¢ A ® been on duty in this section 1 | #00 D.C, Harrison, Harry Bedall, SE ------------------ } the past couple of yenrs, with Norman Raney and Charles Hamil o Gold Soap 10 PARS 49 L J ? headquarters In Brockville, has 100 DROWN : P : buen transferred to Port Hope LEAGUE ANNUAL MERTING OVER E+ Sar wining 400%. . : e 0 remium RENFREW TORIES MENT Prescott Tho annual meeting of n Lifebuoy 3 CARES 21 Jar - ] ® 3 Pembroke, =- Ati the anpunl she lara branch of ihe Cathelle VICTORY SWEET MIXED ® 2 meeting of Renfrew = Conservative | YY Omens League elected a) [L] . pas ] lowing ofMoers tor the ensuing year, ce 2%]: J 4 [] e best I'roduce [| |[ Association Thoumas, |V. Moenet | Brusidant, irs Wi i, Raney! Pim --re ° . Ll J rode Mh ' oa. P t ' ' secretary and A, W. Laston, (reas Vieo-Frogident, Wits Js Pitigeraldi Other Disasters Feared as L J | . ' y Pod LJ " od mn America surer, MoAndrews; Third. Vice-President, Japan Gripped by THE POWDER WITH THE FRUIT BUD . ; ; rie BEN Mrs, Murray Barry: Secretary, Mrs, | ® ; ; MEASLES AT COBDEN Frank MoCarney Treasusr, Mins Storms SHTRRIFY'S © OW YY 3) Phen. PS Be | f A U | C | P ' Pombtauss oy so uinerau, ate Kate Walsh Couneillops, Mvs, W. ® LUSHU § | the cases 0 mension In 'obden | 1 Purkis, Mrs, W. M, Mey, ™". ' - ; i t sua oa rices, that the pubMo school Is vonsids! sy WB, Carey, Mrs, J. Johnson, Mrs, or Toko, April V==The cupaising LJ : 4 ering slosing ity Joon or thy Joseph Doyle andeMrs, J, Haggerty, | piand of Kyushu, Southern Japan, ° i weeks now instead of during the -------------- y elleved to have 4 y Kastor holidays, In rooms where Rvery time the hottom falls out Toston, vers, believed to Ye ® GooD QUALITY FRESH MILLED ® an attendance of thirty-six fs the of the stock market it means & lot | norsons . Forty-eight bodies have " A . v average there uve now only aix-| of graduates In the School of Ex« | heen recovered, ® + teen pupils able to attend, perience, After Joaving Wakamatsu, a cos) ® i M------ ------ exporting port, for the nearby town Aa ' i LJ ROTARY == FARMEIRR BANQUET Small Bou-~"Papa, who was [of Tobata, the ferry host Wakate ® h ! Trenton,-=At the regular meet« | Mike Huntry!?" Mary, was lashed by nu gale which Mo a8 . | o J Bl . . ' ing of the Trenton Rotary Plu, hy Father--'1 don't Rind Where rap whves ebukid, She was yo L J hd | 1 ibs. 1] ° ] 1 he Hotel Gilbert, members of the | did you hear about him? ng at least 200 passengers, twice i 4 l Telephone 262 Five DirectLines anton Farmers' Club Joined Small Bon-+'Well, we've heen | her normal rh ig and they LJ DRALENS ' of 1 fe AA te i i with the Rotarians fn an enjoyable | winging In sehool, 'Mike Huntry, | rushed to one side of the labore LJ d ' . . get-together banquet, 'tis of thee'" ing ferry boat to avoid drenche LJ re . Em -- ---- ; fl . Se OF Mason & Risch IAN OS w Six Mason and Risch Pianos=at a price to dinsenThioss Pianos are absolutely New and Mason and Risch and Luke Furniture | \ Guarantea goes with each, ' » TUBE Complete With Tubes ALL ELECTRIC CONSOLE MODELS ||| Regular ice - $250 - TO BE SOLD SATURDAY ONLY AT \ ¢ . 1 Mason and Risch HH. No, 2 alnut upright. List price $445 "M| Sele price | $299 ko yy HH. Ne, 1 0 1 HE rs He | Mason and Risch A Queen lane. Cited, List price $1,050 1 Mason and Risch B, Louis, . Grand, List price , Boo price : ih Matan tnd Rieck: No 54 at: : " Muon. aed | and Risch ed « y a Model equipped with 4 ScreenGrid Tubes, 'one of which is used as Sale pice - List price x is, Sele ice : : ; the detector, The Tone quality of the receiver is unexcelled, using a very High power dynamic speaker. Cabinet of beautiful Qesign, finished in Walnal

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