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Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Apr 1930, p. 1

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wt LE Dalia Baily Cimes Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer by i! bd sd ll ili - OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1930 I Ga ¥ Wehr 3 Cot + Go FOURTEEN TEEN PAGES [ a ® bu acturin 010, yo buy Hit oa ik nin Sworlings. sale oro. Avvo d.ng to report, Pr ocarel oy from 5 b hose wl sion to drop doorway As Lp thelr own . Mioting aide nude demons y eight nop-community o Interrupted the n ut the on diversi brain ho ant, was eg ty about 200, go to the extent of i. "tne Provincial Police from Nelson wore called out to maintain apie, . Noho, 'gration road Prices Drop ib bread prices have drop. to 0 and 10 couts au loaf here fom 10 to 11 conts, it is sald there is me Jjustitication for the drop considering the price of tiour, nnd that it is due to a bread war in he Galt=Kitohonor, area, Trade Trond Upw ard New York, NY =Tho New: York World in a ational. survey of busi: ness conditions sald toduy: "Business in the United States, while spotty, has Nd tho gorner, unemployment ix on the wane, the trend of strade ii definitely upward and the closing months of the year will find busi ness in trges volume than in the late month Fo 929." Leading indus- Srinste, tions merchandisers, bans ket, insurance company heads, state istical s and leaders of organs ined employers and organiced labor were quier! ody . Audit "Line Suspicion itsonburg ~The members ot the 1980 Council and all municle io | officers were AB olean Il of health by the auditors Nhe ' presented their report to the Uouneil completely destroying voy insinuation that something Ww wrong with the, town' s finances, ~ a 4 of Mara Furuo wi Jhpaness. ship's oiler, was | e Jaot aight round rr guilty of the murder of Iwao ao Akatawa, Moke: | Record Attem| rer. Franoe, = Porth German Llayd liner Eu y fants aot Jip on the sean, was delayed heyy Weather in the Xnglisb honnel and took four days, 38 hours and 26 minutes---seven hours slower that the DPreman's east hound sto arrive hore to day fro Row Yorn * Caniadions Netu Niagara Falls, on k total of 113 on nadiana returned to Canada nt he Jooal fmimi month, compared with 181 in of 1039, There were 130 prions admissions and 911 rejections, com« pared with 2338 admissions and 140 vejootiofy In Jared of last year, Westitutio n Dring Chatham, Ont, Arrive Be ing been made, Stanley O. "Thomps son, local insurance agent and oity alderman, recently convicted on five charges of theft, was yester- day allowed suspended. sentence by Judge J.J. Coughlin, Thompson and been in custody since the con victions were registered on Mar 20 following a two-day trial, + Mouralle ai Given AR NOS WAR Buse Jette round wy at | areola, i po Sharold son A the ¢ death ot of his sine Noun od at t the oarohe he home last Nw, w Years eve. Blourella was ivan is freedom on condition he LA bonds of good behaviour dure ing the hea two Jones. Modify 3 Laws The Hague The tirst commits tee of conference oh k eohdificns or 1 "National latures "in the Jutere decide the of women's ality | ns006: | res Jofficial us Mr, Frazer has proven 3 LEON FRAZER TAKES POST WITH LARGE CORPORATION, EFFECTIVE ON JUNE 1 NEXT Local Official Has Beet Here Since May 1, 1928, Being First Secretary of Newly-Organized Cham- ber of Commerce. RESIGNATION WAS ACCEPTED BY BOARD No Decision Made Yet as to Selection of a Successor, But Effort Will be Made to Secure Best Man Avail. able, Says President. ---------- The ree', nation of Leon Frazer, secretary, of «he Oshawa Chamber of Commerce since itv Inception two: years uo, has been tendered to the directors of that body, and was accepted at a meeting of 'the board of directors held in Welch's parlors yesterday, Mr, I'razer has accepted u position with the Trans-Ameried Core poration, an Important investment Trust of Toronto, und his resigna- tion awsecretary of the Chamber of Commerce will take effect on June "At yestordny' % meeting, the presis RD { dent, G, D, Conant, and the directors a8 u body, expressed their sincere t at the loss of 40 valuable an himself 10 be 'during the two years he has held the office of secretary of the organization. The opinion was xpressed: that he haw built up a nlendid orgai. sation to eurry on the detail work of the Chamber of Com merce, and that, as a result, whos ever may be appointed as hos sues t from the off Mr, Frasets actlv'les Alm Te Seeurs Best While accent" Mr, Frizet's re: signation with regret, thé directors expressed thelr detprnination to ses cure the best man uvallable for the position in Canwda to succeed him, he view of the directors Is that the Chamber of " mmeree I3 now firmly established 'n Oshawa, wnt han proven its usefulness to the eity and that its. work must not en any account suffer be ive of the change (Continued on Page*d) ' A" BRITAIN WILL STILL- CONTROL PALESTINE (By Canadien Press Lonied Wire) London, April Je=Premier Mae: Donald told the House of Commons today that the British government Would continue to administer Paless tine in accordance with the terms of the mandate as approved by the coun cil of the e League of ) of Nations, CANADA'S SHARE NAVAL DEFENSE 1S VERY. LIGHT > | This Dominion's Contribu- tion Almost Smallest in : the » Empire By GRORGH NA! RAMBLETON (Canadian Press Staff Correspon on, April S==Canada's con tribution, per capita, to the naval defense of the mpire {x lower than tha of an other dominion e. opt 'of South Africa, This in one of the points revealed in un uti of dhe Juminions sontribu- | (3 0 naval defense, supp y Rt, Hon, a po Aleiananr, Fieat Lond of answe i duesions A " aan of Com he dominion contributions take the form of maintenance of foree esta! Iv fn & amounts provided on -- 102030 Milmatas Ars on oiianst ny N cana: n 0: Avra i i rags: 10,000; RESCUE CHILDREN FROM FIERY HOME Lynden Parents Brave Wall of Fire to Save Family (By Canadi Prous Lossed Wire) Lynden, April d-=Braving a rag- ing wall of fire which enveloped tho interior of thelr home here, A, Dell, local merchant, and his wife, renched the upper part of the dwel- ling Just in time to rescue their two children who were asleep, The parents found thelr home ablase on returning from a community con port, The house and a combination re. tall store and butcher shop wero destroyed, LEON I'RAZER Secrotary of the Oshawa Chamber of Commerce, who has resigned to take an important position with a large Toronto corpora. tion, Hesign in Protest New Delhi, India~~Ning Na. tiounlists are resigning their seats in the Legislative Assembly fol lowing the passage of the imperial preference provision in the tart bill, which carvies a five percent, preference on certain lines of Lan oashire cotton goods, Reckless Tourists May Lose Licenses on Return to U.S, Super-Tax on Luxury Imports Aus tralian Govt. Takes Ex- E "treme Mehsur to Ald" Finances Canberra, Australia, April SePre- mier Seullin today announced ime position of a fifty per cent super-tax on luxury imports, Imports of some luxuries are absolutely forbidden un- der the new restriction: of others it Is limited, The luxury lines on which the superstux is to be imposed include all spirts, beverages, matches and piece goods under the heading of textiles, "felts, manufactures thereof, and attire other than piece goods in knitted tabular form of cotton silk or containing silk and artificial silks, of 'being an admixture of wool and other fibers, Tax comes into force tomorrow, An Emergency Measure In an address before the Houss of Representatives in the course of which he announced tha tax Pres mier Seullin sald "this ix not ordinary tariff, It iy an extraordinary action taken as an emergency nedsure, A special gazette will be sued tomors row proclaiming. prohibitions and em bargoes on certain imports, Some goods will be admitted on a rations basis, but others will be totally res sponsible for improvement in Aus tralin's financial condition, but there are still many difficulties to be overs conte, Neo British Preference "We stand for British preference but Britain can not' have {8 both ways. She criticized us and refused us loam, tol old us to put ourrhouse in order, roceed to do #0 she can not com J mn, We hope to lessen fmports 2,000,000 sterling (about ali00000 O00). The ney duties and em» argoes will not apply to goods in bond or now on a water. In view of the new uriff them a prags tical monopoly © the market" the leading manufacturers of agricultural implements have undertaken an fe mediate veduction in prices of five per cent." ave Again Heads Fr Free State Mr, Copgranve hus will vesime, after hiv brie My » Lod Mh ne 0 1M held REE When his ministry toll last held a Fay) aebisved Aig od that slon the National Legislature extebaion ot old age pons , & measure ite whicn the Pros: con i a Prion cn the - of the oun: me it war predicted that PAYS Wout be Teruraed oe pty W rokan wot 80 a 88 in | ting too | m | Reciprocal Legislation Plan- ned Between Ontario and Several States to Lengthen Law's Reach Hamilton, April J.==Intornae tional legislation between Canada and the United Stites to enable one country ta reach inte the other AOouPprosecute: wanted tor breaking laws on foreign highways was announced here last night by Hon, George HB. Henry, ¥rovincial Minister of Highways, Speaking before members of the Hamilton Aute Club ut the annual mooting, Mr. Honry sedd that sey. eri] provinces and many stated wore now framing reciprocal laws to allow prosecution of citizons, wanted by the other nation. The Provincial Legislature two woeks ago passed a law requiring that an Ontario motorist's leona be asutommtically suspended when he is involved fn an accident, whether the crash fs in this prove ince, in auy other, or in the United Stats, until he posts a bond with the registrar of motor vehicles hore to cover damage liability. The international legislation, Hon, Mr. Henry said, is meant to ourb the motorist who, touring the allen country, abuses hospitality or breaks the law with impunity, axpecting to escape consequences by speeding home, The negligout driver whose driviag * llcense hd been cancelled will not be able to osoape the court order by returning home, and traffic laws in both countries will consequently dos mand greater respect, Disobedience Starts Sunday Gandhi Officially. Authorizes Starting of Independence ~ Campaign Bombay, India, Apr April $=-Mahaima Gandhi; = through his = newspape "Young = ludia," today author AY) Start Ww of ahnghe Lan Jlsvhediente of 'the salt laws on Sun Aha bad, In hn Aptil © Se=Mus hatma Gandhi, Indian Nattonalist leader today was only ten miles from Dandi where he intends to break the salt Jaws in inauguration of his civil diobedivnce campaign to secure Ine dian' independence, He was. said to "have enrolled 'a thousand 3 hey at + Wed BR and a. gift ol A . A maimber Op woh SO | regularition tn stock. transactions pil mi | Svhendnt net hin ate a an bE product ah he 'hilo however left disgrunts led when Gandhi reiterated refusal to support the : fan ni hin induste x and declared un 5 Sa a AW i hg with lig in char which aati ols 5 ve orew was wounds | he patrol od ord li Scores More Injured in Blast Plant Wrecked, Eight Killed, By Explosion at Fireworks Factory ------ (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Philadelphia, Pa, Apr, J=KEight persons were killed and scores of others injured in wn series of ex- plosiops today at the plant of the Pennsylvania Fireworks Co., Ine, at Devon, 16 miles west of Philie delphin. About 46 Injured per. sons ware taken to the Bryo Mawr Hospital, A number of bodies were found In the debris of the wrecked plant and further search is being made for others, Fire companies from many of the suburban, towns rush. ed to the scene of the blast and gave first ald to injured and used all sorts of vehicles to rush the injured to the hospital, The ex- plosion was so terrific that it was felt and heard for many miles, Mueh damage was caused In the immediate vicinity by the blast, The plant of Benjamin T, Dent- ner, a short distance from the ALEN NOBL¥K Who was elected grand president for Ontazio of the Sons and Daughters of Ireland Protestant Association, at thelr annual grand lodge meeting held in To. ronto. More Bodies Recovered Kettle Island, Ky~Eight more bo- dies were recovered toy from the Pioneer Con! Company mine, wreck. ed by an explosion Saturday, which entombed 1 men. Seven bodies had already been recovered, leaving only that of J. E, Hill, mine foreman, still to be located, ONLY OSHAWA MISSIONARY IS KILLED IN CHINA British' Mission Head Dies; Colleague Apparently Escapes (By Canadian Press' Lessed Wire) rlentsls, China, April 3,--=The Lon- don mission informed by telegram today that Yorke Scarlet, British missionary, was murdered at Pel- | talho last night, | Scarlet with a colleague, Au- gusta P, Cullen, were proceeding through Peltatho to inspect the mission property prior to opening of the summer season, The directory of protestant mise sions in Chine shows an EY, Scar- let as stationed by the London Missionary Soclety in Tientsls, Mr, Scarlet, who was married, went Lo Tlentsin fn 1924, Augustus P, Culs len, who went to Tientsin in 1026, nlso was listed at the same mission as Mr, Scarlet, goone of the explosion where 200 persons were employed, wos badly wrecked, Most of the dead and injured were ahployees of the plant. Tike S . ' of the dead were women, Two littie | A girls, sisters,' firemen suid were killed | oviet 8S n at ply outside the plant, Other bo- dies were found inthe debris, They were badly butned, The plant consisted of ten small buildings on a seven acre tract of land near the Pennsylvania Rail: road's main line to the west, Like a roar of a battery of artils fery the first explosion let loose at about 9, 50, sending debris through the alr for long distances, Two gther de- lottions followed immedintely and fe. 4 es Ahete were sxblonois ike the ttle of machine guns, The heavy detonations were felt. more than 20 miles away, The blasts were distinctly felt in the upper part of Philadelphia and in New Jerseys Many windows in Pgunsylvania Railroad local train at Devon station were broken and > of the passens gers were cut by glass, They were treated and sent to their homes, Af« ter the explosion hundreds of perss ons crowded the four tracks of the railroid, Railroad men summoned help from the Valley Forge Military Academy and 250 cadets went on dus ty patrolling the railroad, Cadets with improvised flags were sent up and down the railroad to caution train crewy of the danger {rom persons running 'on the right of way, Residents in the nearby fashione able district ruphed in panic from thelr homes as the explosions came one after the other, - BLAIR TO'COMMAND THE BISLEY TEAM -------- (By Canadian Press Lansed Wire) Ottawa, April 3.~Miout.-Uol. R. M, Blair, King's prise winner apd Erand' aggregate winner at Bisley last summer; is to command Lan- | ada's Bisley team this year, Col | Birdwhistle, secretary ot the Do-| minion of Canada Rifle Associa- | tion, today announced the officers of the Canadian rifle team for Bisley in 1930 had been selected and the appointments approved by the Minister of National Detence, The commandant, Lieut-Uol, Blaly, is of the Soatorth Highland ors, Vancouver, The adjutant will be Lieut, Stewart W. Graham, 48th Highlanders, Toronto, FURTHER REMANDS IN BROKERAGE CASES Toronto, April ¥.~Still further remands were granted 14 members of Toronto brokerage firms when they appeared in police court tos day, 12 to answer to charges ot canapiracy to defraud and two to At as material witnesses, The men appearing in court today were those arrested during the rece investigation by the attorney-ge eral's department itto alleged ir) Death to 71 Last Year -- British Intervention Urged (By Canadian Press Leased. Wire) London, April 3--The exertion of hostile Government pressure on the churches of Russia may wax and wane, according to thy policy of the. moment, hut the determin. ation eof the Boviet oligarchy fo wipe out organized religion ve~ maing an unalterable feat, the most Rev. Cosmo Gordon, Lang, Archbishop of Canterbury, told the House of Lords yesterday. fhe Archbishop, In opening de- bato on the Russian persecution, declared he had been investigating conditions for months, through the did of four responsible and judi clal-minded men, who had helped him sift the evidence from many ws and mostly independent we sources, Soventy-nne persons were aen- tenced to ho shot last year, stated the. Archibighop, and 112 persons were imprisoned for from two to ten yeas, for their part in pomots ing religion. He had no doubt, continued Dr. Lang, tifat the pre. sent British Goverment detested religious persecution, and he though 'some representation must be made to Moscow soon or later, Sinclair Asks Prosecutions Declares There Was Either Perjury or "Faked" Affidavit (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto,' April 3-80 contradic. tory 'was the evidence adduced yesterday at the Legislature on Public Accounts Committee inves: tigation of, the Porquis Junction wages charges incident: that Lib eval loader Willlam E, N. Rinclalr bluntly told Hon, Willlam Finlay: son, Government counsel, that uns Joss - prosecutions Were launched, he; Mr. Finlayson, would bo: re miss in his duties. "Bither: witnesses were: perjurs ing themselves today," charged the Liberal Loader, "or there has been a fakedsup affidavit." Mr, Sinclair's serious-toned de- olaration' oame at the conclusion of five' hours of testimony in wah Albert A. Kydd and James MdMa- hon swore. that at. no time had they been pad with Northern Des in a number of Toronto's mining houses, loading Po) to Leh unto ND RO Fg velopment donu-on the farm of ¥. CO, Richara- son, | Branch' Inspector: snd in wich they swore that the aligned statement wecured from them hy James Gamble, Presiden of the Porquis' Junotion Liberal Assoola- tion, "was nothing more ' than A o| blank sheet of paper when they had put thelr signatures to it. MoMahon' algo swore that the aitiaavit of his which was read in o Leglsiature week hy mr Stneiate an Shieh was ry made in Gambl presence fv A, T 5, onto wotdry 2 Ly be Vkinetor the Bible a8 A : % Ottawa, April J==Yontorday in a ae Godard the lotioh Ww hby ih tte kd : "tor liguor + Ms to States, use ot Commons debated fae Senda of" A. Heaps, rth) to the mos "i Te Selene il Tem 4 debate 4 English Archbishop Describes | Teaching of Religion Caused tl anch funds for work |: \ et Rave by authorisation of oly arhich anpedred Noove y ti-Religious War Three Nations Are in Unity United States and Britain "Accept Japanese Reservations boi (By Conadian Press Leased Win) London, April, 3--ONicial an- nouncement was 'made at head quarters of the United States dele gation today that the United BSta« os, PBritish and Japanese delegates are in complete accord. The United States and British delegates, at a meeting with the Japaneses at St, James' Palace, ine dicated acceptance of the Japunose reservations, The only points to be sottled are detalls relating to Japanese reser vations on the scrapping apd res placing of ships in order to keep thelr dockyards working, It was sald there would be no factor of diffioulty in any of the regervas tions, Protest Accoptance Tokyo, April S-~Under the aus plees of tha famous "Black Dragon Society' apd other nationalistic organizations an open alr demon=|: stration against the Japanese cabs inot's acceptance of the London naval formula was held in Shiba Park today, Although today was a national holiday the attendance of about 2,000 was relatively small, The meeting passed resolutions vigorously criticising the govern. ment's decision, whieh the speans ora oxcorinted as 'a humiliating surrender of means of national defense In the, face of United States demands, i ARREST OF YOUTHS BRINGS TWO RELEASE (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, April 3,~Through the arrest. of two youths early today, whom police say tonfessed to the hold-up for wu dalry SOmPARY driver haere last November 3, ro lense is In prospect for two other young Ottawans now serving pents tentiary terms for the crime, Ine vestigation by the police of Wwhiss pered reports Jed to these startling developments, * German Cabinet » M . Wins in Crisis (By Canadian Press Loised Wire) Borlin, April 8A motion of np-confdenge in'the new ministry of Chancellor Heinrich Bruening Was defeated by the Relshatag this afternoon, It was proposed by the Socialists and Communists, Nationalists, who held the balance of power, refused to support the government's opposition, The motion was beaten 252 votes to 187, Dr, Hugeuberg, leader of the Nationalists, personally appears ed on the rostrom and announced 0 | the opposition move, cellor Bruening was unders iy Hindonburg to dissolve te Bag bitte as Westniount, Harmony and The | 1 o lity to RESIDENTS T0 BE GIVEN EMPLOYMENT DURING LOW PRODUCTION {H. A. Brown Makes States ment of Policy to be Ad- opted Until Production Conditions Return to Nore mal BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY AFFECTED Company Recognizes Prim- sry Obligation to Oshawa Workers, and Issues Not~ ice to Those Living Outs side esa -- The General Motors of Canada, Limited, has: taken definite steps ta ensure that, throughout the present period of below mormal productions preference in employment will be given to men living within the limits and immediate suburbs of Oshawus This was intimated to The Times fos day in a statement made Ly! H, Browmy vice-president 'and hos 0 manager of the company. In his statement, Mr, Brown made it clear that this step has been npplied only as a temporary measure to cover the present conditions, and that 'when conditions improved to such 'an ex« tent that the Oshawa employees had all been absorbed, those living outs side would again be given an oppere tunity of resuming their positions in *1the plant, Mr. Brown's Statement "The rule that the preference bd given to employees living in Oshawa und to married men is to be strictly enforced by the personnel departs ment," said Mr. Brown, in. conversa tion with The Times, ™Ti the last few months, we have had 'so' many complaints about outside 'people hes ing employed in the plat while Oshe or men were oy EA Ca i dh hecauss we Nave. an 'obs ligation primarily to Oshawa, the personsie] department has decided 'to enforce the rule regarding outside residents until" conditions 'get busier, This will' be done until all our aw people are taken care of' and then we will take on others." 174 Employees Affected In connection with this, announces ment, Mr, Brown stated that if those einployees living outside Oshawa cared to move, to the city, they: ¢ considered as Oshawa! residents, and. allowed to keep their positions, and a certain' amount of time bas been allowed for them to take ad vantage of this privilege, In all, 124 employees of the General Mators of Canada, Limited, are effected by the new 'order, Of . these, « 65" live Whitby, and 50 in Bowmanville, the others being distribused other, outside points, The: thom the order are that it affects all living east of Harmony and ol inary Thornton's: corners, sor that it' does nat Apply to those residing in tie immediate suburbs of Oshawa, Nor ou SRB \ TWO OLDEST hit A fod 'of leas Ik (hl ive wi a has claimed the two oldest 'Ontario, and iyi of the! olde Canada. A little more | ago, ies Wilson, 109+ EE Jovephs Hospital James * Hendlay, County, died in' his 109th: Hiv brought to Je. hospita) eW Weeks Refuge at La aya but : dow days ago he was; . B i ol ort dad An en French-Canadian. James 'Hond) ia Surette 10 to live a at ¢ Glin r Cove ears feo dwelt x ho jiosed wi with RT boro county, wh this district he of hi ed in decision of his party not to support | of ) Had the government fallen Chane | summer five sons and t father d ed at Y and his ther

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