¥ PAGE THREE | THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1930 | ard System + ToOpen Here Frida; All of the Kinsmen Clubs in the District to be , Represented at Annual Gathering DISTRICT GOVERNOR ARRIVED HERE TODAY Business Session and Enter- tainment Features Will Provide Busy Two Days' Session for the Delegates re---- The advance guard of the dele: gates to the annual convention of the Eastern District of Kinsmen's Clubs arrived in the elty today, en- Ahused over' the possibilities of a highly interesting and successful cons vention Nere tomorrow and on Sats urday, 'Every Club in the district, which includes the whole of Ontario, | will be represented at the gathering, and, in addition. to the open funce tions which were announced yester- day, there will be business sessions much importance all day tomor: vow and on Saturday forenoon and noon, bor te plans have been made by the Oshawa insmen's Cab, of which ¢ Osler, manager of the Regent Theatre, is the president, for the r and entertaloment of the ne of the features ER ga i Ap ° namen'y Wow, Fhe Oddities of 1930," although under a different name, at the ent Theatre, start: ing at eleven o'clock on Friday eyen- ing All the local Kinsmen and visit: ing delegates, as well as the special guests of the members, will be pres. ent at this asehiation of the » ow, for which | he rls king Sam chaperone re, Gran " J Sessions While' the business sessions on Friday and Saturday are Jimarity for the regularly -selected delegates, all ol the Jona! nemen will he Made wel ese sessions, which w be bh! formative and very in. teresting. 'be presented by istrict, fi fo Ba the wor i movement #0 successful out the In of service clubs gener ally, Genosha The Kinsmen's convention has the honor of being the first convention be held entirely in the Hotel hay Practically all the nceoms modation now available in the hotel has beens booked by delegates for the two days of the convention, while the business _gossions, the Friday | Local Masons Visited By District Deputy G.M, evening banguet and the Saturday sven i ner aod dynse will wisa be id th While delegates are already arriy- ly with remstration and the prelim tion finally gets under way, The bans un gu Friday 4vvhing hoy be the | der, oupstanding 'event of the sessions, | meeting a short foo 8 See It wi bring together, not only | plete with good Sane bred ho the Kinamen, but also representatives {o ~ very enjoyable ut the other service clubs and civic | ologe, 8 of Oshawa, and will {eas tured b; { interesting rid fb Suber i ne Distriet The whole of the proceedings will ¢ under the chanmanship wi br, ight Coons, Governor of District of the Aspoci of Kings n angements, He ia des ted with. the plans which have been made by the local club, and pre: diets ver, Pleasant and su gat eng uring the next twe SE ---- 8 con today: "Business ok St on ban. Z ALLEN WILLIAMS, 1, #e, Non of Mrs, Alice Williams, Division street, who awarded a bursary to the value OSHAWA STUDENT "WINS BURSARY Allan Williams Will Prob. ably Continue Study in Physical Chemistry Bixty-five persons Lave heen muos oensful in securin search Counell ¥ seareh Reholarahip, tenable in Can- adlan universities ®uring the year 1000-81, Three classes of raduate scholarship are awarded nown as Buraries, haying an annual $1,000, §1,800 res spectively, These are awarded to students who have graduated with distinetion from a universty to con # National Re- stgradunte Re eports on the progress | =tinwe their training In solence un- lopment of the Kinsmen's | til they have qualified for a Ph, D A f degree, in order to bulld up a corps th of thoroughly workers for service In Canadian In the es Of welfare | dustries, univeraition, and in the 'have made the Kinsmen's | toohnioel departments of the Fed- 9) carrying | oral and Provinelal Governments, Among those who attained the bursaries Is Allen Williams of Osh. awa, son of Mm, Allee Divison Btreet, Mr, Willams grad, hysloal chemistry niversity, Kingston 1080, and it is understood that he may undertake post graduate work In England later this year, A lan b ing in the city for the convention, | ware any o Geo, N, Linton, the large body of uclegures wii disteiot Deputy bably arrive tomorrow, morning | his regular visit to Cedar Lebanon ANE forenvui wilh be \uneil up ree | Masonie Lodge last evening, Mr, Linton delivered an encours inary proceedings before the conven: | aging and enthusiatie address on anonry and the ideals of the or. Following the regular lodge rand Master pald JUDGHENT IN MORPHINE CASE Accused Claims Drugs Were Property of His Late Brother ---- Magistrate J, 1, Willis resorved Judgment in police court thin Boring, in the case of Jumen Henry Vinnigan of Simcoe street north, charged with being in illegal ' possession of Morphine, Finnigan pleaded not gutity and Detective Wergeant Flintoff was chilled to the box to tell of the tind. {ng of the drugs, When he saw Vionigan he stated he was efther under the influence of liguor or drugs and on searching him found 4 bottle in each overcobt pocket which contained Morphine, One bottle held B00 yuarter grain of the drug while the ther held 100 halt gvalus, The accused when questioned concerning the p sion, claimed that they were the (property of his late brother who (dled A year ago, A detective of the Royal Cunndian Mounted Vo. leo gave evidence of analysis, Piunigan in the box ¢laimed that ho had found the drugs In a trunk in which the medical effects of hin late brother were stored, Me had taken them out with the intention of giving them to another dootor the same as he had other medicines he had found in the trunk, He had nover used the drug he claimed neither did he intend to sell them lo any person, In presenting the onse for the defence, his counsel, D, A, J, Swans on contended that as next of kin "10 the late Doctor Vimnigan, hiw Jlient bad a perfoot right to be In possession of the drug. Yauere hada been no suggestion by the grown he averred that the drugh n been improperly used, - The crown attorney contended that any person naving drugs in their poisgession must have a per mit from the Minister of Health, "What right bad acoused, more than his mother or other brother, to take possession of the drugs, The mere faét that they belonged to his Iate brother does not give Bm right to have them," he cons eluded, The magistrate thought the mat. ter would require some earefu study and likewise reserved his decision for one week, I ------------------------ DID NOT GIVE INTERVIEW TO THE TELEGRAM, D. Campbell Wishes To Cor rect' Wrong Im. pression Editor, Oshawa Dally Times, Dear 8ir! An we have had numerous tele- phone ealls ete, with reference to an article appearing in the Toronto Evening Telegram, we wish to state to the pablo of Oshawa, that we are not the local photographers who gave the interview to the res presentative off the Telegram, D, Campbell, Campbells Studio Lid, TS "| MANY INQUIRIES . OBITUARY I house. 'The _characters ABOUT LAKEVIEW x ---- | Pei grid tetoat Juat a belng n ° men's Clubs of Canada, who arrived | awa's Lakeview Park in ae city today to take charge of | for summer outin Time ul ently called upon to give ius mat wy Wo, BESS vo dre nr conditions said ody "Business| The Times ofloe 4nd while. spotty, | pe hile Bl | ER "in the! : authorities in n hold ri tats 0 i by The Times' TET ------ TC fF Eo 5 4 today, Camelio v Was found dead in a a bullet wound fs mouth stutted R eve hin death 25 h mud, Police: be the doub! : : i MRS, JON, H, DAXTER Oshawa 10st one of ita oldest and best known realdents early this morning in the passing, in her 76th year, of Mra, Sarah Bllaas beth Baxter, beloved wite of Joa eph MH. Baxter, The death occurs red at the residence," 113 Willlam St. Bast, The late Mes. Daxter suffered & fractured hip during /the latter part of November, 1930, and hua never been able to leave her bed since that time, The deceased was born in Port Hope In 1884. She married Jos, HM, Daxter, in Oshawa in 1880. Mrs, Baxter lived in Oshawa fou the last fifty-three ra and mov. od to Oshawa from Port Hope, when this oity was only in Ita Ine Ys The late Mts, Baxter was a Methodist in religion, She had made many frm friends and she will be greatly missed hy her many friends and acquaintances, "Resides her husband, Mr, Jos. MH. Daxter, ahe leaves to mourn her death, four daughters, Mra, Dan Drew, of Bowmanville, and Mee. |° , Winnacott, Mrs, R. T, Glyde, ad Mr I, Smith, Aha Osha. 0 W \ at a. Two slater, Mra, A, Bwartman, of Waubsu shene, Mra, J, Fell, Plttatord, N, a OME Lwahtyithres. sranaei He he ron groat-grandehils dren also survive, \ Th a 138 whim Streat on Saturday afternoon at 8. | Kant, 20 o'clock, Rev. Mr, ©, EB. Crage nitare! will be in il of the aervice, Interment will be made in the Un fon Cemeter Ve % BA ---- Last the Canadian National Hwaye pi ton new towns on Ral ' the nthe vi! of Alb | | hE m Judge J, HW, Whompson of Whitby has banded down hip judgment in the case of Vrank Kobernick, Oshe Awe man, who was charged with keeping liguor for wale, Kobernick wis found guilty in Oshawa police court by Magistrate Willis on this charge some time Ago, At was claimed by the police that Kober nick, who was represented by A. A. Ji Bwanwon; had kept Mguor in bis home on Kitson road. hi n search they had found lguor hide den under un stool fn the celluy of Judge Thompson Allows Appeal By Kobernick-in Liquor Case the residence, The accused maine tained that this was left there by bis late wite and that he did not know of its existence, / The judge In! Bis Judgmout piatod 'that there was & reasons able doubt that the. prisoner wié in poswession of knowledge of this Hquor as he had been in juil when he claimed his wite must bavée put it there, Me thought that with this doubt existing the acoused was entitled to its benefit and therefore allowed the appeal, Reduction in Price of Bread 'Not Contemplated in Oshawa Local Bakers Expect That Price War Responsible for Re- ported Redustioly in Galt and) GM y Although the price of bread haw been reduced in Lindsay and Galt from 11 conts to 10 cents, it is anticipated that there will be uu change in price in Oshawa for the time at least, The mapugers of Tod's any tne Canada Dread Company, two of the largest bakeries in Oshawa, when Interviewed by a representa: tive of The Times stated ' that there will be no change for the present, Thely firms contractea for flour over a period of time which allowed them to well at a conatant 'price, If when tha con. tract was renewed the pries of flour was less, then their custom: ers would benefit, Many people think that the price of bread should go down with the price of wheat but this Is not the oase, It was stated, The hakery could nm afford to 'buy flour on contract at a given price and well bread at a price which wonld net them a iosw, The small baker who buys in small quantities oan reduce his prices but i should be noted that his prices fluctuste more than the larger concerns, One of the mbén Interviewed thought there might be price wars in progress in Lindsay and OCalt to bring the price down, "The drivers for the Imkeries share in the profits of their sales said the manager of the Canada Bread Co. "If we reduce our prices the driver does not make an much per loaf on his wales" The price of bread in Oshawa In Influenced to a large extent by prices in Toronto where the price fo still 11 cents, It was the consensus of opin fon that while nb change In the price of bread was antioipated for the present there was some hope that a reduction might be hrought ahout at a later perind, This, of course, can not be forecast with any degree of acouraecy, MUSICAL COMEDY GIVEN AT COURTICE Mr. and Mrs. S. Brooks Hon. ored on 40th Wedding Anniversary Ss-------- Courtice, April 1 On Friday evening a romantic musical com: ady was presented in the whureh by the young people to a, full were aa follows: Mef (Rob's foster moth: or) an old gypsy woman, Mrs, G, I, Annis; Zara, The belle of gyp: sy camp, Miss Mazel Rundle; Mar to, Meg's husband, Mr, OG, ¥, Ane nie; Binto, Gypsy lad in love with Zara, Mr, Jas, Hancock; Rob, The Gypsy Rover, Mr, Frank Walters: Lady Constance, Daughter ot me Geo. Martendale, Mrs, J, H, Stain ton; Lord Craven, An Naglish fop, Mr, W. R, Courtice; Bir Goo, Mar tendale, An English Country genus tleman, Mr, Frank Rundle; Nina, Bir Geo.'s Ind daughter, Mrs, Roms Pearce; Capt, Jerome, Capt, in English Army, Mr, Kenneth Cours thee; Bir Toby Lion, A noclety bute tarfly, Mr, Ross Pearce; Mr, Corkle, A wong publisher of Lon don, Mr, CO, Parsons; chorus, Gyp: slon, dames, squires, eto, and six gypsy ohildren who sang fairy songs, The different parts In the play were well taken and the mus joal part in exceptionally pretty. Mrs Albert Rundle was directress and Miss Louise Osborne accom panist. on the plano, Proceeds were $70. On Tyesday evening, Maroh 28, the home of Mr, and Mrs, 8 », Brooks was the scene of a pleasant event when a large number of re. latives and friends assembled wu thelr home to celebrate with thew thelr fortieth wedding anniver sary. The company was called to order hy their pastor, Rev, J, H. Stainton apd after a few prelims inary, remarks asked: Mr, J. 4, Langmald to read a very compli: mentary address and Myr, Rae Wrooks on behalf of the relatives presented them with a full sed of flatware, Many beautiful flowers wore wiso presented to the bride and groom of forty years ago, Mr, Brooks on behalf of hime self and wife, thanked all for their good wishes and beautiful gifts and bade them enjoy themselves during the evening, Words of cons gratulation were also offered the happy couple by Messrs. Big Hall, Toronto, Royal Hall apd J. O, Langmald, Oshawa, 8, EK, Werry, Solina and others, After this » program of musio, readings, eto, was given including a plano solo by Mr. Geo. Worry, vooal solos, Mrs. Stainton, Mrs, Foster Snow: den and Mrs, Fred Langmald! readings by Miss Aura Brooks, Mrs Ross Pearce and Mrs, Jack Brooks, While sthe Indies were pro- paring the refreshments, the com- pany engaged In community sing- ing. A buffet luncheon was ser ved and a very pleasant social ev. ening was enjoyed by all, Cablegrams were also received from Mr, and Mro, M, 8. Soules, who were on thelr way to Miami, Florida, and from Mr. Fred Brooks, Wellington, England Sunday services were fine, The Rev, David Smith otoupled the pulpit morning and evening and gave two Inspiring addresses on India where he lived as Missions ary for twenty-four years, In the afternoon at the Sunday Schoo! session the quarterly review was splendidly dealt with by Miss Allee Arnold, teacher of No, 8 schon! and Mise Susie Laird, teacher at No, 4, Courtiee; April 1-=Mr, and Mrs. Eimer Rundle and familly, Toron- to, visited the former's father and mother, Mr, and Mrs, Albert Run- dle recently, and Mrs. Rundle ae- companied themghome where she fa sponding the Week, Miss Mabel Dowson, Orono, is visiting Miss Hansel Rundle. Miss Avnle Allln, Bowmanville, snont a few days with Mr, and Mrs, OG. F, Annis, Ostrich Growers Elated Oudtshoorn, South Africa, center of the once prosperous ostrich rais. ing industry, Is rejoleing over the order placed by a leading . Paris bri 0. ie for several thousand pounds of feathers, the largest order received by the local cosoperative society since the World War, The order in belleved to indicate the populavist' mn of jostrich feather trimmings for women's © garments whith will lead to at least a partial revival of the feather industry just when ostrich akin for purses and other arvieles is going out Country Girl Aide Poiret How one of the famous designs of Poiret, the first artist among men milligers in: Parle, was the 'work of a peasant girl, way recently revealed by a French girl who gotithe story dale Ratepayers Opposed to Abolishing smbling For The [COURT RESERVES Which Is 'Morning JUDGMENT ISSUED IN APPLICATION RE BLAKE ESTATE a ---- Beneficiaries Have Sub stantial Interest in One~ Fourth of Trust Fund rer aia-- In view of the fact thet Mrs, Norman Hoyles Dante), of this eity, 16 claiming with Mrs, Verdin. and M. Maranli, of Toronto, one quarter of the estate of the Inte Honorable Edward Blake, at one time LAberal opponent of Sir John A, MacDonald, the judgment of the Chief Justice of the Common Pleas. at Osgoode Hall which was given this week following & mor tion on behalf of the trustees for & declaration construing the last will and testament of the Honor. able Edward Blake is of interest to 'local readers, Mrs, Daniel apd Mrs, Maran are granddaughters of the former Liberal chieftain, The learned Judge's judgment says: It Is the imperative duty ot the Courts to give full effect to overy Iaswiul disposition which any testator may make of his property by his will, And, in this ease, the will of the testator, in regard to the mailers involved in this appli cation, is not .ar to tind, It in very plain that he meant hat euch of the beneficiaries congerned In Lhis matter should haves very sub. stantial Juterest in onefourth ot the fund in question, Dut it is quite clear, too, that ho meant that neither of them should have any power of anticipation" as ta "eapital payments," und that 'that was to be prevented by moans of a trust, And there is no ditficuity in giving effect to his will in this respect, he having used well known legil expressions applicable to persons such a# the beneficiare les, All persons interested can doubtless agree upon trusts which will give full effect Lo the testa tor's intentions, The trusts must give full lawful effect, however drawn, to the restraints the testa. tor impored, but must go no fur- ther, If such trusts cannot be agreed upon, in whole or in part, further directions may be sought and had, ------------------------ [CITY NEWS| N. ©. 0's MET The regular monthly dinner ot the Non-Commission Otficors Moss of the 84th Ontafo Regiment was held last evening at the Are morfes, No important items of business were dealt with, CHARGE WITHDRAWN The charge agalust George Scott Who waa formerly employed by M. who had bought goods on credit and who was charged recently in police court with theft, was with. drawn by the crown this morning. Boott bad been employed by Ar, Lingel to collect money from people who had bought gods of credit and had been acoused of converting this money to his own use. COMING TO BANQUET Reservations for places at the Vimy Celebration Banquet of the Oshawa Branch of the Canadian Les ftom, to be held in Rotary Hall on hursday, April 10, have been recels ved from the Brooklin, Whitby, Port Perry, Beaverton, Cobourg and Orillia 'branches. Brooklin will have seven members present, while the Shes branches named will have five each, WILL GIVE RECITAL Clifford MeCormack, formerly of Oshawa, nephew of Mr, and Mrs. BE, Farrow, Ritson Road Bouth, who has been studying musie at the Toronto Conservatory of Musio for the past two years will give & re- oltal In the Conservatory Concert Hall this evening, He will be as: dlsted by the well-kngwn singer Randolph Crowe of Toff! Mr, MoCormack is a pupil of*B."Hayung Carman, from him. Poiret Is said to have confessed that he wax at a loss for a design for embroidery on a special dress, Calling a maideof-all work from the country he locked her in a room with pots of various paints and told her he wanted a design of flow. ora at once, In a fow hours she had produced a design which surpassed all his highest expectations, Claim Election of Council ~~ By Whole City Would Be Detrimental to Cedardale OSHAWA ROTARIANS MET LOCKPORT AT HAMILTON BANQUET Congratulated New York State Club Upon Success 'in Attendance Racs flome 45 Oshawa Rotarians jour- neyed to Hamilton last night to at- tend a ceremonial and banquet tendered by the Hamilton Rotary Club and the local club to the Lockport, N.Y., and Niagara Falls, N.Y., Rotary clubs, Early in 1929 an attendance con test was berun and was recently concluded with the result that the Niagara Falls club defeated Ham- fiton while Lockport defeated the local oiub, Aw a result of thelr de feat the Hamilton and Oshawa clubs entertained their rivals, A sumptuous bannuet was served at 6.80 pm, with Chas, Cunning- ham president of the Hamilton olub presiding, Speeches were made by Penson Neal, president of the Lockport Rotarians, and Charles Cunningham, while George Hart, president of the Joeal rotarians up- held the honor of Oshawa in his usual able manner and eongratu- fated the members from Lockport upon thelh success in the contest, It was & close race he said and it had created interest, fun and good fellowship, A feature of the even- ing was the singing of the Hamil- ton male choir of 356 volces. An interesting part of the even. ings proceedings was the formal presentation of colors by the Osh~ awa color party composed of Lieut, Col, Chappell, Col, Hodgins, Mac, Soanes and C, ¥, Cannon, The local club made the journey to Hamilton in a de luxe bus sup- plied by the Collacutt Bus Lines. SHALL BOY RUN OVER BY CAR Willie Hastings Roller Skat- ed Into Path of Ap- proaching Vehicle Little Willle Hastings, son of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Hastings, 18 William street west, was badly in. Jured yesterday afternoon when he Was run over by a oar driven by W.¢8. Podgson. Willle had been rolley skating. on the street and was holding on to the back of a coal wagon, O leaving go he swerved across thi strest right in front of the car driven by Mr, Podgeon and fol under the front wheels of the machine, He was immediately rush. od to the office of Dr, MacDonald who administered first aid, The lad was found to have sustained bad injuries to his stomach and ha Was removed to his home following treatmont, He is re- ported to be doing well this morn. ing and is resting quietly, UKRAINIAN CONCERT AT MASONIC TEMPLE A number of the 'members of the Ukrainain colony in the south of the oity will ent a concert in the Masonle ple on Thurs day evening, April 10, The Auditor fum Committee of the Temple are fortunate in securing these people, that have on previous ooousions proved themselves capable of pro. senting a Program truly artistic and dramatic, The nature of the rogram has not yet been learned ut there is'no doubt but that it will contaln numbers' featuring their native dances and native songs, Mr, F, L, Fowke is to be chairman for the evening. Tickets are an sale at Jury and' Lovell's, Karns and Mitchell's drug stores, and may also be obtained from any members of the Masonio Lodge. Died 0 ------ . BAXTER--At rest in Oshawa on Thursday, April 8, 1930, Sarab |. weatheh in tied the Ne Mr, Joseph Baxter, in her 7Uth year, Funeral from "the family resids ence, 133 William street east, on Saturday, April 8, 1980, Service a: 8.80 o'clock, Interment Union Cometery. ' (8a) In RAMLYN--In loving memory of our dear son, Reuben Nugens, ho Pasteq away April dra, A Nght 'has from our household §ono, A voloe we loved is still 'A'place left vacant fn our home Which never can be filled, How oft there comes before us His dear face tond and true, For death oan never take away, Sweet memories dear Reuben ot you, Ever remembered by Father, Mother, Sisters and Brothers. | OY WEARS ALLLYS First Regular Meeting of Ratepayers' Association Held in School Last Night WANT FOOT BRIDGE TO LAKEVIEW. GARDENS 100 Paid Up Members Have Joined--May Hold Ex» cursion to Niagara in Sums | mer | The election of the city council by the city at large in substitus tion of the ward system now in use would be opposed by the re contly organized Cedardale Rates payory' Asoclation, The question of changing tho elective system in the municipality has received cone siderable attention in recent years and when it was brought up at the first regular meeting of the Ase sociation, held in the Cedardale school last night, the: members wore unanimous in placing thems selves upon record as being ope posed to any change, "If the council were to be elect~ od by the city as & whole, Cedar dale would never get anything done," one ratepayer suggested. The teeling was expressed by some members that the ward was unfortunate in that {t hay no dis rect representation on the Board of Education, the members of which are elected from' the whole city, It was considered that if Cedardalo was better represented the Hoard would take more inter est in the proposal to provide a foot' bridge across the Oshawa ereek so that the children from Lakeview Gardens could reach the Cedardale public school without having to follow a long and cire cultous route, ' The Ratepayers' Asoclation is backing the project to have the | foot bridge bullt at a point on the ereek connecting Porter street, on the Lakeview Gardens side with Whiting Ave, on the Cedardale wide, Last night information whe given that several property holds ers on the east bank of the creek had signified their willingness to provide land tor a footpath to the I proposed bridge. | City Kugineer Smith was exe pected to address the Assoclation but as he had been called to Ham- {iton it was decided te invite hi to speak vext Wednesday night, The urgent need of establishing play grounds in Cedardale was pointed qut by Al, B. Jackson. This matier will be dealt with at a later meeting of the organighs tion, When the warmer weather comes the Assoclation may plan an excursion by boat to Niagara Falls, but no auction was taken last night although the committee was: ine structed to write the Canada Steamship Lines for information concerning excursion rates, a ouchre party or dance may be ars ranged in the near future for the purpose of ralsing funds. A vote of thanks was extended to Ald, Waterous for donating membership cards for the organi+ gation, I eine President John Caunt. acted 'ae chairman of the meeting and a large number of members Were in attendance. The ' secretary, Mr, F, Towers, reported that there were over 100 pald yp members and that this yumber oul 14 be ine shortly, 4 ROOM AND BOARD FOR ONE OM two young 'men, Nice sccommodas tion. 68 Gibba street, (790) mmediato possession, rent rea able, Apply 246 John street west, 'Phone 1318W, RUMMAGE SALE AT THE MAR. ket, Friday, April éth, BD Mak y OPENING DANCE BARNHARTS pavilion, Saturaay, April square and round dance, Spahesh caller, Herd, THURSDAY, NAb APRIL ! 3 wm, "Tompkin's Lar, 5 King Street United Church, 280, PROGRESSIVE KUOHRE 'ANw | wieder roast 'In Gene's Mi 3 Courtice, tonight, Good prises, MADAME BROWN, raLMNR | Phone 303¢F, 93 Louisa street, PROGRESSIVE BUCHRN, rate Hall, Iriday evening, 9 ROUND Ap SQUARE DANE. = George all Albert street, | Loniet, April 8rd, Ad i