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Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Apr 1930, p. 6

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{cides whether or not it will be in. p house and make a dive 't ~geliel by removing the Eoube- congestion of and Euure SO Fr a a Scout Activities News of what the Boy Seouts of Oshawa | are doing contributed by the scout lead. ers, Contributions to this column will be welcomed, and should be sent | 'to the w Times: office hot later than Tussday forning each week. SCOUT EDITORIAL re Eons" Scouts of the CA ha Fm und; .. the ol ai hale "md tl " rm this work, He. boys are ng two goo! turns In one, stly, they are helping the Vira in the location of their homes, and are elieourayisg the songsters to Cin thip far City: econdly, the 'are working, for the bei. Re Troop. No hor should say that be is une ble to em # bird house, His effort may not be saleable , but at leust he can make one he can "put in his own back yard, ds ure posular creatures, I eye for bemtity is not always the ste a Su and sometimes they all na beautitul house, omit bark 'exterior, hot air gi and hot and cold water, for a wreck of a shack made from soip 'boxes, with sides that fairly invite the v.ind to blow through them, and nail points stickl ~ all through the interior, Boys 'hould make study of the focativa of bird Houses, and the gen- eral shape and size of entrance, It 1s no geod building a house with a front door that an elephant could get through and then putting it/on the back fence hoping to entice u Wren to live in it, The location of a house often des Shabited, Perches should also be provided for the birds, because it is not to he expected that they can\ fy at the rough a I a is Pile Sufferers You can only get quick; safe and moth in the lower bowel, Nothing but an ternal at tomady cath do this=that's why cuts and salves fall, Dr, Leonhardt's He , & harmless tablet, Is ausrantesd to ly and safely baal any form Pile ory or money ba Lovell Ltd, m ury of ruggiots everywhere sell it with this ntee, / Fete pr ob hy 7 ies without ech of some kind, r. Taverner tells us Me, the the | House Wren Is the easiest attract, [hing Me irae wd hat entr siders safe No ho + Vean be filled with sticks, is taken on oeca« slon--un old boot nailed up, a tin can, of even the pokes ian old cont have been repens Since this bird i pede to be desired ns u songster, It would seem that the heginner shauid Sofie his efforts to wren since he wil Jose more. Hieiyhocd of success, TY your Iuek, and sce how inter~ ¥..4 t is to sha a bird in a house that you have made, or The tenth annual banquet of the 1st Thornton's Corners Troop Is fast approt "hing, and it is with a feeling of sorrow that we hear that the Troop will be disbanded on this oce caslon, Owing to the fact that there are 0 few bbys of Scout age now live ing in the community, the Troop has 'for some time been struggling along with insufficient members ship, some of which were recruited from the Westmount district, With the ever increasing danger of the highways and the difficulty of travelling the long distance to the meeting place during the bad weather, the attendance has been rather spasmodic, and it has been felt that it would be better for the boys to be attached to Troops nearer their homes, Since this Banquet will be the last to be held by the Troop for some time, it is hoped that all the old hoys will be present, and no effort is being spared to notify everybody who has ever beef cone nected with the Troop, The Fifth Troop met as usual on Friday last at the ¥, M, C A, he meeting wat spent In prepare ing for next Friday when the Mothers of the boys have been in- vited to come and _see the Troop in action, "~ -- A Cubmiaster's Warrant has rev ois Aerie © Boardwnlk ad A Hotel Distinchively Different' anna TY' fo ou PeOpAIEY seh been teceived from Head: s for Mr, 'N. -Lbottson who js fed wilh the the Eighth Park, The Second "Troop went shiking on turds Just and we saw some but or wanderers or he ome. 3 at Po ML, IT NOTICES ee The Fifth Troop will v i nt 7% peo, in I "on ¥ri > 8 ! whould i] shoul Mothers with them, bring thelr ning kori on the Gym. 3rd. Wroop---ls on Alb the Church: of Al | Nutions on Albany St, every oF ridey night at 730 p, m. Will the Devs who have any troop | bil Ie in next Friday as it in the recor 4 - Pook to use the Holy meet at the Chureh ory Wednany at 815 p, nn ! Here real Scout Marching Song w ten by Berton Braley-= | We're a seouttng trobp: that's flown i the coop For a tolickin, We're a bunch of the joy's Of making a forest camp; We know the trail when stars are pale And the And our backs, So let us be on our way, Trinity Chureh will g) All Nation The rd, Cubs being unable he toving, tramp; ys who: know th by Jight of day, aversacks are on our Oh, we know the place where brook trout race, And the haunt of the beaver, too, And the secret ground where nuts are found, And we'll show the spot to you, We can Yauch you to make a fire and bak A, meal ls will fill your fum And we'll make you a scout beyond a doubt So pick up your feet and come Wo ---------------- LEGISLATURE T0 PROROGUE TODAY Sinclair Not Expected To Discuss Public Ac- counts Report Toronto, April d-Prorogation of the Ontario Legislature will take place at 4 o'clock this after] noon, when the %leutenant- Gov. enor, Hon: W. D. Ross, will give royal assent to the 160 bills pass od by the House and bring to an ond of the first session of the 18th Legislature ot Ontarlo, Owing to the fact that the iw | vestment into the Department of Northern Development, conducted by W. E. N, Sinclair, Liberal lead- or, was fixed for the day previous to the day 'set fof prorogation, it | was thought that the Legislature | would notibe provogued until Fri day, Premier Ferguson stated | last night, however, that the In-| vestigation had concluded and | that the report would be presented to the Legislature prior to proro- salon, Jt is not 'anticipated that Mr Sinclair will speak on the report which will be a formal document containing merely the mention of the names of witnesses called at esterday's engulry bhefore ine ublie Accounts Committee, | Blind Girl's Father Invents Typewriter in Braille System | Stratford, April Lemp, Tavistock druggist, has completed an Invention whereby the keybowd on any standard make, of typewriter may be con: verted into a Braille system key: board for blind persons who way wish to take up stenography. The invention consiste of a wet of bress caps, embosged with Braille letters and figures instant ly detachable, Mr, Lemp was promuted only by & desire to help those who suf for the same affliction as his lit tle daughter, Lucille TEA DANCES BEING REVIVED While tea dances have been in the descendant in many parts of Europe, the enthusiasm they aroused at' the winter resort of Cannes, on the J, John rt of Honour 7, 00 p, rs foo Meeting 70 p ni, : must. wear ru bers. or" rims Audrow's Ureshyterian Church, 19 '08 years, out to Canada from Scotland, but sub-deacon, The wi 0 of an automobile struck broadside by a' street cay fn Tovénto, Ontario, Three badly Injured and one suffered severe cuts, wore | Lime to be the worst in " Police declared the woHY will be observed, with the Wiutster het John Lindeny,, presiding, bree outstendng men wii reach A 'ot specipl Lenton services in All Snints Anglican Church next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, Bt, Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Rev, John Lindsay, minis ter, Munday, April & 41 am, Bae evament of the rds Supper, 2.80 Hg Sunday fohool, 7 pm, Evening Worship the minister in charge, ¥ bon Apri bh ban. Communion Hr orvige, ¥ou are cord invited to all porvioes, / The Units: Ohupeh, minister, Rev, A, L, Richards B.D, Bunday, April 6, 1 predeher af both services, 11 a.m, and. 7 p.m, Ralph Connery (Dr, C. W, Gordon), Mem- pe + Ay Re tn or both, Wats p n go me ] of worship, mm, Y.PS, The Week In Why IN THE CHURCHES OF WHITBY PASTOR LOSES MOTHER Rev, John Lindsay, pastor of Wt in Banville, Que,, where his mothe or passed away on Sunday evening after only a brief fliness, and At tho ripe uge of 88 years, The funeral was held on Wednesday afternoon, The deceused had been un resident .£ Danville for the past ghe was the widow of the iate Jumoes Houston, who came who predecepsed her about ¥b yours wgo, Deceased after union took a very nctive interest fn the re-ostanlishment of the Presbyr terian Church in Danville, and last summer & memorial window In memory of the family was unveiled at the opening of a new Freshy. terian Church, Up until har death she was actively iuterasted Jn goneral store which she owned. Deceased is survived by two sons, Rov, John Lindsay, of Whitby, ane Thomas Lindsay, of Springfield, Mass, also one desughter, Mis Margaret Houston, nt home, ENTERTAINED AGED PEOPLE On Thursday afternoon of last week the members Of the Women's Christian Temperance Union gave their anni 1 treat to the inmates of the House of Refuge, The com 4 mittee In charge of the program md secured fine loesl dalent for entertainment, Those taking part were; Mesdames Edwards, Michae! and Sturgess, rendering solos; reading, Miss Bdith Conner; monologue, Miss Jean Kean, Mise Helen Kean and My, 8, Evans After the close of the p am, over which Miss Harper ably pre- sided, a supper was served, con sluting of sandwiches, tarts, caks, custards, fruit ahd candy. Dr and Mrs "Lavery expressed their ape preciation of the kindness thus shown to those n thelr care, in his 80th year from an ilines following an. operation, Ho yocelved his 'education at Whitby High Bchool, 8t. Michael's College and University of Toronto, Always of a gonial disposition, he wade many friends during bis short life, Graduating as a drug. gist, he took a position in Toronto where he had been employed for the past five years, Surviving are his widow, Gert: rude Hynes, his parents, Mr, and Mrs, W, B, O'Uonnor, two sisters, Anna of Chatham, Grace of Ush- awa, and two brothers, Joseph of Detroit, and Frank at home, The funeral which was EW Altended took place at St, Paul's Church, Toronto, on March #1ist, whore solemn Requiem High Mass wan celebrated bx. Father J, M, O'Connor, assisted by Father b. O'Connar, as Deaton, cousins of deceased, and Father Corrigan as In the sanctuary were Monsignor Hand and Rev, Father Cline, Interment took place in the family plot at Plekering, Many spiritual and floral offers | ings were received. | { { There are several special (Ralph Connor) of two elders, Dr, I. a es fonr tures in Whitby Churches for Sun. day next, At the United Chureh Rev, Dr, Gordon preach morning and evening, 11 am, he will oMeclate at the or- dination don closes his campaign on Sunday evening, At the morning service in At, Andrew's Presbyterian Church the Sdcrement of the Lord's Bupper _: will | A Gor. Ar," Carseallon ar of fil 8 lantern Jat re on "Chins. Today," Adult + lo, Class ") Mow. 3: 0, on L} pm, Weaneadny, sok orice withdrawn in favor of woela) wel. fare conference at King . Mtreet Church, Oshaws, Friday, 0.40 pi, Trail Rangers; 7.80 p.m, Tuxly Boys; Priday, 7.46 pm. Mission Band concert, A special invitation in extended to visitors to the Ralph Connor mission service, All Baints Church, bth Sunday in Lent, Holy Communioy, 11 a.m Sunday Sohool, 85 pm, Evening prayer 7 p.m, sermon "Number One," "Monday, Young People's rally in the church, 8 p.m,, proach« or, Rev, W, C, Walton, missionary to the Eskimos, Tuesday, lecture 'fhe Parson Abroad," by Rev, ---- ___" Canon W, M, Loueks, M.A, $9.10, Wednesday, serviee ut § p.m, prepcher, ov, W, V, Beaman, M.A, Radtoy fit, Mary the Virgin, Tope onto Bt, John's, Port Whithy, Rector, Rey, D, B, Langtord, Vitth Sunday in » April 6, 11 a.m, Holy Com- mugfon fery ge; 8 pm, Fda Sebool and Bible classes; 7 p.m, Lvening service. Monday, Apt 7, 7 Deanery AY.P.A, rally " Saint's Church, Wednesdpy 2 , w WiA, service meeting, ten # ph, , service address "Was Josh. a's Day Prolonged?" Discussion invited after the service, Whith; Baptiol Churehy Tv Bost, Fustor, 8 10 . Hihle #ehool open v0 ol gos Ly Willams, Bupt, end a 11 way, subject "Our Homes," 7 pm, second in weries of free men, "Thy Man under a tree," The pastor st both wervices, Communion In the evening, Monday, 7 p.m, Junior BY BU, Monday, § pm, senior BY. P.U, Wednesday 7.80 Men's Chub, , Thursday, 3 pam, ' prayer meeting, Friday, 7.50 pm, choir meeting, Vriday, 7,80, pm, choir practice, Mr, R, B, Nicholson, lead. or, Vigitors always welcome, The Ralvation Armye=Returdny night, 8 pm, Major Urquhart; Sunday morning, 11 am, and Sunday night at 7 pm, Monday night at 8 po, musieal meeting adtisslon 26e, An Invitation 1s extended to all, Blood Proof of Priontags Ponitive proof of parentage based the laws of colloid chemistry has | heen found, according to Professor Wilhelm Zangemiester, of Konigs Herg University, Germany, He relies PPIN fred on dT avis yo A * Ol v D 7 aie '9 a j A _ a vk ad A Sweeping Sale of Good, Sturdy, Swtring Brooms-- strong sweepers. Come ecar- ly. 'While they last = n il = SPRING, CLEANING SPECIALS! Washing Soda LUX Stoneless Red Plum Jam 'Biscuits >i Pineapple Sper Ror REC Corn Flakes? | Manyflowers Pork Beans injure the daintiest fabrics, mer Brand For all fine laundering--will not pls. EXTRA SPECIALS! Waeslou's English Sandwich Fisch uaker kgs. vand 4 2% : Toilet Soap Libby's No.2 tin \ A Delicious Frult Jam Children Like == Salty io for phlei 19¢ sown [1 ZC 186 17¢, 3. 25¢ on reaction between minute particles In the bleed serum of the child and the supposed parent to, gonfirm the relationship. Professor Zangemelst er believes some spectlic colloidal substance is handed on by fhe pur ent to the child, and that the sl) stance may betray Ws presence' in test tubes filled with the serums if a powerful fight be shot through them a a Nd y is always fin season' 1 | There's never a dull " omen ot Atianti oll yane-round p ATR n-timel Bracing slr =sperie wonderful logderelan sion! Bpend s week or a weekoon i with hs youw'llreturnhamesies) Inghit=freahmvigerous! A ------ BATES ' Amsrican Vien Single 57 to 40 ™ Pohl ehiZ1oni7 ) 'a tlantic C it uf da dlton Maior One ofthe lines! Holels In Atlantic City Vor an week or a week-end eploy fhe lupury o the finsm sppeintmen ie withous gxerblis price, Booklist, Write or wirg for reservations B00 ROOMS »y "DVERLOOKING THE OCEAN EA WATER BATHS ov, MEBKS, Myr AC ANLREWSE, Pees We CITA nl Id RCL a gatonia | COFFEE The finer flavored Cup | The to tight tins » Va Ib, I Ib, 30¢c 60¢c Extra Special 40-02. 23 c jar ANP The One and Only H. P, SAUCE 26¢ Crossed , Fish SARDINES 2 33 | Per | Bottle Vis Robin Hood RAPID OATS Per 26¢ PRR. 4 «sc | Sunglo Creamery Butter Spring H loan } Making new frisnds every day a . 1b] Soaking Onion 16c. Tie ls Hore! . with its smooth, delicate flavor satoma ~~make Singlo Creamery your fap Te 5c standard "for quality, Serve it always, dey Oranges. 35¢ French Riviera, is expected to bring them back in other places, Between five and seven o'clock euch evening the dancing floor of a leading society hotel was crowded daily, MOTHER, 100; SON, 77, UNITED Publicity given to the hundredth i birthday celebration of Mrs. Priscllly femur, in Bury St Edmunds Ine " Fed 1400 Chicks with Sunbeam Chick Starter" a or ey th 8 of i i Read What Mr. William} wT 1 y d, § oar Eager, ie Toph Vo wi SOLD ONLY IN TH 13 GROGETERIA _-- |] B ie of London, Mother and son : had not seen each other for 30 years' EATONS RE RELIABLE F Y REMEDIES Got Live ror Bois 78 Cough Syrup ad Sach bul eve, the Sher, dead. AKer, Who was usin's son ---- 16 ou 28 3 on. Me EXTRA SPECIAL FANCY PICNIC HAMS, no shank, tb. 21¢ by her fifirst marriage, Is 77 years totus, 260 Sisk. wi 2 Dre 30¢ | Reo Syrup to Tour " After poh d the most remote parts of Irelan te Dublin, Sh kes BT a Bard of i Jee. Piodlue all | nares of Europe. a MacMaster, he organizer, intends to give every uropean an opportunity to know "hakespears as the Irish know him, 'he company is Pty but carries |. riistie Jeenery and costumes, \ PUPAE Y Who received congrat his S0vd. birthday oh Maren 6. bps Bush Hor Widow Sells "Penny" Hou . Nollowing the dont of ner hus: | 4 | wn M, Newman, of Norwioh | [Bo Day just her penny" ose, hive Newman was a rail way signal man Mrs, Newman begar Bite save all pennies received in ofl shige, en 17 years ter, News, a house which way for Syiprited him by node: and buying the' place, ma 1 er she fog h The city of Calghry, Alberta, ex | building construe. rin Ro HOG in value | | omy boi

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