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Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Apr 1930, p. 12

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TONS OF ROCK BLANTED Havelock ~Twénty tous of dyn figurative hash of o 11 on the property . of ao ck Company, three it of hore. J tremendous rumbling rout 49 _royerberations , must. have Le, bly' fom miles road the whah p 'countryside ap- imal | 0,000 tons of rock p from its -anclent pro~ am oH i ocution with a spedtacu- Insh' of fire and smoke and 0 # wave breaking on a shore i rant along the base the ' | NTORE BURGLARIZED Tort Hope, ~Thieves entered the ocery store ownod by George Gar. tt, on Ward street and after a _ thorough survey of the interior of the premises, removed a quantity of chocolate bars, cigarettes, bls cuits, cooked ment and other "nrticlon, . MEMORIAL WINDOWS Beaverton,~~In a short time (Wo beautiful stained glass memorial Ta Sekt on Pres an Chupeh, havin 0 | been Smid; ® the chureh by Messrs, ameron and brother Liou: Col, H, 8, Cameron in memory of their mother the late Mrs John Cameron, of Beaverton. ACCIDENTAL DEATH Smiths 4 hi Coroner's jury ompanelled to enquire into the death of the late George Condle, well-known Rowodale farmer; who way instantly kitted when his tour. eraged horse dashed on to the rail. way tracks at a private crossing direatly in front of the speeding MontrealToronto train, retured a verdict of accidental donth at the inquest, WIRE AT REDNERSVILLE Belloville~Only prompt and of- ficient effort by wo volunteer fire brigade of seventy-five men pre- vented a serious fire loss at the community of Rednersville, The binze raged a frame dwelling owned by Sturgeon Dempsey and occupied by Albert Craig and his family and it threatened to spread to the ad: joining buildings, - A bucket bri Company Invites you to listen to Its C, XK, G, W.: Program at 7.30 p.m, Saturday, Ops portuniilos for men of chars acter to obtain permanent work with 1'Jier, Good i+ come, Apply 7.40" pan, sharp, Monday night at 24 Xlzev Duliding, Oshawa, gado » ded in saying other pro- perty. LIDERAL ¢ LUB OVC ERS Trenton,~Trenton Women's Lib- eral Club elected the following of ticors for 1030: Honorary presi dontwMrs.. W. A, Fraser, Mrs, Anson Whittier; president---Mrs, T, MoConville; © 16t vice-president Mrs. J, Sherry; 2nd' vice-president Mrs, H, Cory: 8rd vice-presiden. Mrs, J. J, MaNabb; secretary--- Miss N, McPhail; troasurer--Mrs, D. Fraver, VOTE ON STREET RAILWAY Kingston,~=A recommendation to representative Insulation about it « INTERNATIONAL FIBRE BOARD LIMITED 1111 Beaver Hell Hill SENN NN Keep your home cool this summer, warm next winter, by insulating now with TEN/TEST, Save money en your fuel bills, Ask your architect, contractor or nearest TEN/TEST mea y OSHAWA LUMBER CO. LTD. Ont. EEDS Timothy : Alfalfa . Sweet Clover Red Clover GRAIN Banner Oats 0. A. C. 72 Oats Colorado Wheat 6 and 2 Rowed Barley ALL GOVERNMENT GRADE 1 {16 CELINA ST. COOPER SMITH COMPANY OSHAWA lc of, of evi vr or. Jmntiug o yal au of ' Nontinesus Radio bait w toforondum to: ubortily Af 'they Py jes] a street rallw ton p yi ig be ade io ia thy sonal by h the special conim| onling with the transporiation problém, For more thon a month the city has béon without street car georyice as the roslit of a fire which gutted the barns and destroyed more than 25 It' the recommendation fs will be taken within TOWNSHIP WITHDRAWS given permission to Bedford towu- ship In the northern part of Frou. tenne county to withdraw from the (ood Ropds Byste The action will now have to be "sanctioned by the Department of PubMe Works before it becomes effective, The township claimed it paid $2,600 fo the system while the work dont on thelr roads did not entail halt that oxpense, 4 -------------- ps NEWS FROM AIR 15 PROPOSED T0 CANADIAN PRESS "Radio : Teles phone Service From Paris Offered Montreal, April b==Members of the Canadian Press from the: Prov- ince of Quebee gathered here to meet M.' Houssaye, vice-president and general Jrstges of the Havas News Agenc Frunce, who wis uccomp- anied oy M. Remy, Washington cur- respondent of Havas, and to consider Kingstov,~County Council has| Winner of the governor-general's gold medal on gradustion from the University of British Colume bia," who hus been awarded a $1,000 National Rescarch Coun cil studentship, Mr, Smith will continue "his research work in spectroscopy with the University of Toronto Nchool of Graduate Sutdies, which ho has this year boon doing on a bursary of the National) HSppeuath Council, KINGSTON DECMED EASIER TO DEFEND Dr. Adam Shortt Explaifts Choice of Capital a proposition for an extensive sery ice of European news by radio tele | bo phone, from Paris, M. Houssaye explained Havas, in| conjunction with the French Govern ment, had recently erected a Wigh- powered broadcasting station at Pu. tis, with the primary object of giys ing & continuous news service to Sotith American newspapers, covers ing the news of Europe, particular. ly of the four Latin nations, France, Italy, Portugal und Spain and Germs uny, 'He proposed to extend the sere vice to Canadian daily newspapers and outlined u plan whereby the ser. vice could be copied in Montreal, This novel proposal for pulling down news out of the wir by tele- phone was received with much inters est by members present, though the heavy conf involved seemed to make it impracticable just now in view of the fact the Canadian Press is al ready well served from Europe and contemplates putting on a staff cor respondent in Paris ---------------- HYDRO BUYS OUT HAMILTON FIRM FOR $21,250,000 -------- Second Largest Purchase Ever Made by Ontario baad Commission Toronto, April b-=Subject to the ratification of the sharcholders, the sale of the Dominion Power and Transmission Company of Hamilton to the Ontario Hydro Electric Com mission was = completed yesterday, The purchase price was set at $21, 250,000, making it the second largest, both in consideration und scope ever engineered by the Hydro Commis. sion Following a conference with comp- any directory that lasted several hours, C. A. Magrath, chairman ol the commission made the official an. nouncement, About the same time, royal assent was being given the bill authorizing the commission to entee into the agreement by H D. Ross, Lieutenant-Governor of One tario, when he prorogued the legisla. ture yesterday, When introducing the bill in the House last week, Premier G, MH, Fer. guson said he contemplated purchase would form one of the biggest fore ward steps ever taken by hydro, -------------------- ONTARIO POLICE GET MAN AFTER CHASE IN NORTH Alleged Thief Captured With $1,000 Bale of Stolen Furs Port Arthur, April, --= Cone stable Albert Erickson of the Mort Arthur. headquarters of the Un. tario vinelal Police attached to the Gold Pines post, yesterday arrseted David Brinton, who was wanted for tho thet of a bale of mixed furs valued at $1,000 from the Hudson's Bay Company, The arrest was made while Brinton was asleep fu camp, It is presumed that Constable dog team, hav: ht abandoney Brin The furs have been recovered undamaged, accord. revolved Irom Cons | stable Erickson, The constable dosa | >" not give the locality where ton was arrested put ee ih Manito ova | To ary. The Sy were stolen' lat | ay night, while run. Wisconsin, "finally the autom bh An -- ving pa in 1841 Ottawa, Apri) H.=Probably no Canadian has delved mote into the political history of Cavada thay Pr, Adam. Shortt, who for years was professor of pelitical science In Queen's University at Kingston. Long before Dr, Shortt joined the Canadian Government forees in the capital, as chairman of the board of 'historical publications, public archives, he had spent two months each year in close research work in. the Dominion Archives, Hin book on the life of Lord Byden- bam, first govornor-general of the United Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, contains an inter esting statement with regard to the ronsons why Kingston was selected by the governor as the seat of gov- ernmet in 1841, Ho states that there were five places whose claims were canvass. d--Quebeec, Montreal, Kingston, Toronto and 'Bytown (now Ott awa), 'Tho latter was eliminated almost immediately, for although remote from the frontier it was also remote from the more settled portions of the country and afford. od no suitable accommodation, Tors onto and Quebec were both too far removed from the centre of the United Province, Toronto, in ad- dition, was incapable of defence und in winter time Was shut oft from regular communication with Britain, It had been urged that the Legislature might meet alter nately in the two provinces, which was farified into the preposition that the capital should be placed on a scow and towed around the loading cities in rotation, The final choles lay hetween Montreal and Kingston, From the pofut of view of defence, Kingston was sifer, As regards commune leation with Britain, Montreal was nearer ih summer and Kingston in winter, via New York: Montreal was the larger and more important eity; Kingston the more centrally located for the whole province. Judged from the existing reuires ments, their claims were about bal: anced, but having regard to the future development of the country, Kingston had undoubtedly the ad- vantage, Moreover, Lord Syden. ham frankly,confessed he consid: aved it desirable, the capital ot the provinee and the sittings of the legislature should bo removed from the presence of a large French population and especially trom: the Influence of a host of petty lawyers and doctors:such as filled the Mon. treal, district and had. already created 'trouble, © On the whole, therefore, he gave preference to Kingston, * Replying to his confid« ential despatch d% May 22, 1840, Lord John Russell quite approved of Hydenham's reasons for fixing upon Kingston, It was not, hows ever, until the beginning of Feb. Fury, 1841, that it became publics ly known that Kingston was to be the captial of the uuited provinces, Dr. Shortt 'also tells of the re markable development 'of water transportation just before the be. ginning of rallways, Freight was | taken from Montreal to Kingston by the Rideau routq which became #0' congested that' boats pang be looked through all nf This was just at the begintin ot the continental movement, and enttiory passed through on, their: way to The Rideau Lakes and canal wire very busy until 30 yoars dgo. The waterway built in the carly thirties largely for military pure Poses, is now but little used as the raliwayy reduced it nary lioas and and wotor it + Mp uselony, 1t 'served 'ts day ana id Quek mude However, Soneration. NOT TW > Teachora"When' we Blethe my?" "ho. tenth, OF: Decom: -- "And whew aye Wikiets we Four w= "The tenth ot 1 Decom- Iw nAN; Tee, You are \ we're he 'ot tei) were ME Rare from Red ! expressed death gi NTE DEATH PENALTY Mow of Witnesses at London Hearing Favor Capital Punishment s------ London,~A select commitico 1s now sitting to consider the qués- tion of capital punishment, Prues tically all those closely concerned with the application or remission of the dreud penalty:.who have ap: peared before the Committee huve thelr belief that the sentence ought to be re tained, One of the witnesses was Lord Bridgeman, for some time Home Beeretary in a Conservative Gov. ernment, Mr, Bridgeman (as he was at the fime) wus the Jast Howie Secretary to decide that # sentence of dedth passed upon a woman must proceed, The execus tion was the first to be carrigd out in the ease of 4 womun in this country fog 20 years, I'he womun was Mrs, Kdith Thompson, who bad a gullty association with a man, named Uywaters, which re- sulted in Bywaters making an ate tack upon the woman's, husband and killing hint, "I am cortainly Ju fuvor of the death penalty," Lord Bridgeman told the Committee, "It is the only deterrent, in my view, to murdur, I do not think any other plan, of reviewing the sentence would ve an improvement on that of leaving it In charge of the Mome Secretary, He is 8 human being who generally has a good deal of knowledge ot the world and is generally a very conscientious man, (I cannot be- Hove that so far as the chances ot obtaining' justice are congeérned, the eriminal would have any better chance, and possibly a worse one, If he had his cape reviewed by any other kind of judge or judges." Lord Bridgbman thought that while the Home Secretary could not entirely ignore petitions for reprieve, he should not attach too much weight 'to them, It was repugnant for nm Home Becretary to have to Rgree to a sentence of death on 4 woman when It was his duty to do so il the videncoe Justhied it Over the north door of a little church in a country town is carved the inscription: "This is the gate to Heaven" { A visitor to the village last Sune day found the follewing notice nails ed on the door itself, "This entrance is closed during the winter months." I ----------_ Cn 'razor pull" Once you try the DEPUTY FINANCE MINISTER DIES VERY SUDDENLY JOHN C. SAUNDERS HAD HELD HIGH POST FOR 10 YEARS Collapucs Yesterday Afler. noon. When Prepering To Go To Office Fra-------- Ottawa, April be=John C, shund- ers, for ten years Sa, minister ot finknee for Canadh, died sud- denly yesterday aftervoon, He wan preparing to leave hig home for the office when he collapsed, Death followed in a few minutes, A serious illness took Mr, Saund- orp down last January and he was wonfined to hospital for nearly two months, After two weeks of con vilescence at his residence he re sumed big official duties although still in a wonkened condition, Mr, Saunders was a Nova Scotian born in the Annapolis Valley at Derwick, sixty-eight. years ago His father was Bhe Rev, Dr, Edward Manning Saunders, DD, and his Mother, Maria Kisbro Freeman, His onrly education was acquired In Halifax, at the county academy, and later he went to Acadia Univer sity, Wolfeville, He entered the elvil service forty- three years ago, during the second regime of Bir John A, MacDonald, und by assiduous labors workeo his way up the ladder until in 19506, under the administration of Sir Wilfrid Laurier, 8 was appumiec chief accountant of the Department of, Finance. His promotion to the post of, Deputy Minister came in held until his death, For three years prior to"1920, Mr, Baunders had acted In the capacily of assis. tint deputy minister, Mr, Baundérs married, in 18085, Annie Louise Mgore, of Meaford, Ont, Two children of the marriage are Mrs, J. R. White, Montreal, and Mrs, Leighton Dunning, Le troit, ALWAYS SENSITIV 0) Grandfather Jones (to aged wife): "I was a-tellin' the minis. ter yisterday, my dear, that you'll be ninety-two years old tomorrow, Grandmother. Jones (indignant. ly): "Well, yo had no right to say no sech thing, Jim Jones; I'll only be ninety-one, Ye ought to be more keerful when you talk avous n lady's age." Modern Woman Most Poorly Educated Person of History Torouto.~~Modeln woman is the most poorly educated person that over existed---she takes on the estate of matrimony kuowing notns Ing of cooking, of -how to walntuin wn howe or how to rear children," suld tho Rey, W. Redvers Deut, Orillia clorgymun and author in an address before the 'Liow's Club. "Oud education system 1s entirely wrong," be sald, 'There is too mich general knowledge cyrbmmea inte our boys and girls. A man is only well educated when he has the ability: to apply the knowledge he has gained, "That 1s where we have been making a grave in education, "What happens Lo our women? They; spend 15 to 18 years, learning arror | 'look so well in short skirts are the something that Las nothing whats ever to do with thelr mission in life, home and children, They can take an office job for perhaps 1 yeary, amd then they marry, Dy that time they are mental and physical wrecks, totally unfit to rear children, and knowing mothe Ing of ¢omdueting 6 home. Three hundred "yedry 80, women were educated In these things, As » result they had healthy children and good homes," Love ut first sight usually ends with divorce at first sight, Of course, Uncle Sam's prison riots wonld We worse if all the oule side criminals were in Jall,~=Brau- don gun, You'll notice those who didn't ones who don't look so well iu the long vies.~Brandon Sun, When - - Why -- Where - - Thinking of Cupboards, Doors, Screens or other woodwork cone veniences for home comfort Order from out-of-town sources? Buy them at home--a better qual. ity at a reasonable price. Millard's Planing Mill 443 Richmond St. E. Phone 2354 (3 blocks east of Oshawa Blvd.) New Gillette Blade and Razor? you'll throw away your. old razor, QUICK FACTS LI, New blade can be used in your old he HE New Gillete¢ Blade Razor won't "pull" can't A julf weaver if. you wll} it, t on the wi, icon i Here's why :-- Gillette engineers found hat ; a raxor and de phy» Ina Even iL should manage to on thin' a extra Shichaes. of Bp out ament. Why? Because all Pw corners of te new blade arc cut out, The blade is under no pressure at the corners when cap and guard RAZOR, yo ni indedet PAT..1000 16. $9007, STIER PATRNTA PND te i 9. which accidentally nicked more than one blade edge~--are, gone, The ends of the blade are Suaied off for safer band ling with wee fingers and for closer shaving around the dif- ficult corness of mouth, nose and cars, Visit your Gillette dealer to- forrow. We are making effort to fill the hE] for the new razor, Gillette for the time GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR CO, OF CANADA, LIMITED, co

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