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Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Apr 1930, p. 3

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me Osawa DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, APRIL 5, 1930 PAGE THEY, , Enth usiastic at [ 'Opening Banquet Held "OPEN CONVENTION ATHOTEL GENOSHA (Contidoed trom from page 1) fond 1 his a diese with sincere thanks distr'»t i and clubs, a Be Ha A fi, Chime 5: Mod, Jem Ww. the first club ws, organized in Ham. in the National Avsoclition a i ii, five pened o The Eastern Dis- Py Toronto, Peterboro, The report of the executive of the or accomp shed, andg shoved a boon organized since the beginning on 'behalf of tne treasurer, showed Bruce Beasley of Hamilton, district Kinsmen movement, opening his ad- menism and its ideals into every cor- only be founded in cities of 15000 The resolutwns commitece w as itt boronias Dave Fowler, Osh- Va; 'W, Steace Simcoe; G, how: Craw, Pegerboro, The report on clubs showed that ilton in a with the sscond ut al fn 1021, There aren © smen's Clubs of Canada, divided d of ten clubs, is known fe iateict including the Mon treal, + Hamilton, Chatham, St, Catharines, Windsor, Ottawa and Simcoe Clubs, Sourict, presented by the secretary, homson, gave a resume of the lendid record expansion during the last year, four new clubs having of 1930, The district treapurcr's re- port, presented by Brace Beasley the district financed ina satisfactory condition, deputy governor, led in the discussion of the. Booliey of expansion of the 1 dress by saying that the objective of the association was to carry Kins ner of the Dominion, It had at one time been thought that clubs could population and over, but the splendid success of the Sim¢oe Club had de monstrated that much smaller com- munities could support strong and clubs, With the National Association now in a sound position, supported by strong district executives, said the speaker, there was every possibility of carrying on a great work of ex. and he suggested that offi. cers should be elected with a view to having an endless chain of chairs men charged with the responsibility for expansion work, The record of new clubs showed steady growth, not in a spasmodic way, but by regular id corpperation of all: additions of new lub both east and jo Jeastey set a" wrk for each of the clubs in the Eastern Bitrcn ssgeating that Sach club should have ve of one new club spon- id every 'year, This would mean tremendous ex nslg and, at the end of five J iW, Ww ikon Bifubifn. 'tion of around wark could 'be done on Klin kivind 'in any way interfering with the regular community and welfare work of the clubs, and he suggested that each club should have an expansion committee, The apr A expresesd he hope that all the de back to the ek ih the 8 minds filled with the t house. of Buntion, und W. | ob enrry the fd ait of Kinsmanship to Svery young bu siness mon in Cane The Sonyantion then adjourned to make a r of the city In motor busses and cars, and on the return from this trip, the delegates were en« tertained at uncheon ir Weleh's Par- fort, where the speaker . was Hal the , Association 5, founder 0 / 28 | Megs) smen's Clubs of Canada The delegates and guest Kinsmen registered up to goon today were as follows tes Hamilton Club: Carson B. Eddy, Horace Ceylwon, A. 'L. 'Craven, Thomas Thomsen, H, D. Rice Dwight Coons, Bruge Deasley, Cliff Kendall, E, A, 'Bel, W, H, Montague, Georgb Clark, Charles Cagselln, Chatham Chih w= Harold Smith, William Pupchard, George Toward, Toronto ' Club t~Frank arman, Emest Ritchie, Eric W. Chapman, Pat, Patterson, William Nesbitt, Douglas Crews, C, Newberry, Rolly Millar, Hal, Rogers, Wilf. "Reeves, Glad, Armstrong, ' C. Burgener, Ted Kirby Sid Law, Cliff Lindsay, Max irby, 8, H, Bantick, W. M, Coljedt, Ashenhurst, R, N. Wickens, . Very Kineoe Club t=Leo Pond, William kwopd, William Steacey, Kis ipeg Club fentucle Gifford, Brandon Club: L, Moffatt, Peterboro Club=G, W, Craw, Ottawa + Club stl, T, Winters, Morley Medien. St, Catharines Club i»=Ted Li troll Oshawa y delegates xh Osier, Pr H, Gifford, Dr, i Hubbell, i w ilson and b c Fowler, Holdup Men Captured Tilbury,~~Provinecial Constable Kelly pabbel three apparent hold- up men hailing from Cincinnati last night, The three confessed thoy were driving a stolen car, When they were searched the ofger found a, boaded 88 calibre revolver, a lagge imitation revolver and two flashlights, ADI Travel The King's Highway Daily Coach Service OSHAWA Coach connections at Toronto for © Ne Ti Ri Buffalo and TORONTO i, Hamilon points. intermediate connections at Buffalo for all U.S, points, Tickets and information at | aay COACH LANES Hotel Oshawa OSHAWA. OSHAWA WOMAN 18 MAKING RECOVERY Mrs. Ruby Tutin Suffered 'Severe Cuts -- Bus Passenger A Arrested Mrs, Ruby "Austin oF this city who suffered severe facial ihjure fos In an accident on Provincial]! Highway No, 2 near Port Hope on the gvoning "of March 20, is: make ing slow but steady progress tows urd complete recovery, My, Austin who is manager of the Shell QU Co, station on King Bt, Kast, in- formed The Times this worning, Mrs, Austin was pr dig Oshawa Will Long Remember 'Tragic April Night of Year Ago rt yosidents 'will not soo torpes the extremely heavy Fingal! and cloudburst which swept over this distriot just one year ago, or de exact on Friday night, April The storm swept over Central Ons tario leaving death and destruction in its wake, Railway roadbeds were, undeP-mined, while bridges culverts and portions of highways were carried away, Rivers which n summer were mere triekles of water, became raging torrents spreading havoo on all sides, The territory immediately enst of Oshawa was perbaps the hardest bit, The torrential rains® under: mined the roadbeds of both the C, P, R, and the 0. N, R, to such an extent that two derailments oc. curred fn both of which an engineer perished Rall conndetion between Toronto and Montreal was simost entirely. disrupted, At Hatmony a most regreitable nguident ogeurred when an car pro- ceeding east ran into an opening ohused by the washing away of the Harmony bridge, The creek which was running over the road at this point carried the car almost a guartey mile down the stream: Walter Northop aged 01, and Mins Helen Weight, both of Peterbors ough, who had been occupants of the ear, wore drowned in the madly rushing waters while Harry Nore thop and Stanley Northop narrowiy escaped with thejr liven, along the highwa$ with 'her hus. band in' his car o 'mile west of Port Hope when a bottle thrown from a bus which was passing crashed through the windshield of the car, Mrs, Austin sutfered sev. ere facial injuries und shock but she is doing as well as ean be exe pected, Harry Smith of Maynooth, who was taken into custody yesterday by Rrovincial Constable Carey of Cobourg, is alleged to. have ad: mitted throwing the bottle from the bus, He is also alleged to have stated that he did not see any car approaching at. the time, Smith was remanded for trial, Credit 1s due to Provincial Uon A, | stable Wm, Cares of Co ourg, who was. able to efféct the arrest with but a meagre clue gre olud to work work on, PERFORMANCE OF STUDENTS ENJOYED Large Audience Attended Plays and Concert at Col legiate Last Night 4 large audience enjoyed the second performaned of the Student Players, Glee [Club and Orchestra of the Oshawa Collegiate and Vor cational Institute, given in the school auditorium ot night, As ou the previous evening, the student performers showed to good advan. tage and thelr efforts were much appreciated by those present, No change was made in pro. gram, the two fry selec et by the glee club, school orchestra, so- loists and Ukralnjan dances being included. The pupils of the school and al! those 'who assisted them are de. serving of great oredit, and their work In drama and music speaks | P! {well for the training whioh they are recelving at the Collegiate and Vo- cational Institute, REGIMENT HOLDS SPRING PARADE 188 Officers and Men of All Ranks Made Good Showing Last Night The first spring parade of the 'S4th Ontario Regiment under com mand of Col, Hodgins was held last night from the Armories, Sime con street north. There were 186 Joffigers and men of all ranks on 'parade and the regiment made & fine showing, The route of March was south on Simcoe street te Bloor, east on Rloor to Albert street, nofth on Albert to King, west on King to Simooe street, and north on Simcoe to the Arthories, On returning, the prises for muskptry shooting were presented to the winners in the various coms panies, ' {ROAD CONTRACTS T BY. GOVT, HS DSR Paving, idges, £3 Jutaste ding an ounting to more than $8,000, Were ananded Ay by the of pverton to Brechin # i Zi Reh 0 1] Gomhany Sie vor wn 1! be done in (his Tocality. il be Te Np ta | doctor's care, t be Bane nee roe quite Numerous on all ty e Ludies' " CITY AND DISTRICT NEWS ! NO VIRE CALLS The fire department had no calls yestérday and the five damuge s0 far for April has been very small, The smaller fire damage the bet. ter everyone Mkes it, NEW CARS ROADED . Several Pontiao cars were seen leaving the city for the east this morning and if the highway is watched each morplng one may see dozens of new. cars leaving Oshe awa factories for points both east and west, TREE CUT DOWN A large tree situated fo the west of the driveway leading iuto the new arena was cyt down recently by workmen, Several of the limbs of 'the tree wore dead and it was probably for this reason that it was removed, APMSESSMENT INCREASED Seafboro, April 5.~~The assess ment of BSearboro Township tor 1980 is $7,068,600, an inovensg of $115,000 over last yehr, according to, figures released tonight, The preparation of the budget is still under way and indications are that there will be a slight increase in the tax rate, FREE SHAVING CREAM A special announcement in this issue of The Times tells how to get A free tube of Lifebuoy Mhaving Cream, which is a ndw product of the world famous firm. of Lever Brothers, Limited, makers of Sune light, Lifebupoy and other well known soaps, also tollet prepara tions, No doubt many Times' read ers will take advantage of this tree offer, . COUNCIL TO MEET | The next regular meeting of the city council will ba held in the counell chambers on Monday night, Congiderable. bupiness will be brought to the attention of the counell and all members are ex. pected to be present, WORK PROGRESSL'G { Wark is rapidly proceeding in the re-modelling of the store on Bimooo street south which will be oceupled by Db. J. Brown, jeweler When completed with handsome new front this store will be # splendid addition to the citys businecs section, CHILDREN" CARELESS Home of the smaller ehildred of the city are very careless when crossing the streets and it Is a wone der that many more accidents do not ocour, One youngster left the east sidewalk on Simcoe street south this morning and without looking either up or down the street proceeded to eross, He step ped right in front of a south bound car and If It. was pot for the quick Application of the brakes by the driver the little boy might now pid been in the hospital badly ine ured, ZION PERSONALS Zion, Apritl, » Miss Bery! Giase ell had a trip to the art galleries, Toronto, with the first form girly of Oshawa High Sol School recently, Mr, and Mrs, Thos. Martin and family were recent visitors with friends at Uxbridge, Sunday's services were fairly at- tended, Rev. Mr, Bick way espes cially good on Sunday, In the Sun« day school we had @ missionary sere vice when Mrs. J, W.. MeMaster gave a wonderful talk and Miss Ant nie McMaster read a hymn, In the Bible class several members took part in the review namely, Mrs, An. son Haken, Mrs, Russel Stainton, Mrs, Tracy Glaspel, Mrs, All, Ayre, Mrs, Bowing, Mss, John Baldon, Mrs. Gordon Short, Mrs, Bert Glaspe! and Mr, Tracy Glaspel and Mrs, Thos, Martin, The review was very inter« esting, Congratulations to Mrs, Emma Cornish of Taungon, on attaining her 85th birthday Jast week, Mrs Core nish was an old re#ident here for years and when health and weather permits. attends Zion church with er daughter, Mrs, Short, She is the oldest member of our church and was here when the chuech was built, Five years ago we celebrated the 75th anniversary of the church with suitable services and a supper, with a bir a tl ti | which Te Cornis Had the honot $n: Mh Job Batson, Marion of and atg that: pr is in Re na p Breeders! non. A 0 # director, i Joc spucted, to 2 divi is Kl rt Mr. and Mas Ia io expected Sa» apd NM My Sulley, also Mpg I 1, Were guests Wy I Sully. Ova] tr . cy Inst Week, | & alter Attended. ald alu Saprdey venin sof his brother, ed f Walter, Mite ¥ EE ph birthis (i a LX Himer N home nd Mrs, Jeoste A i" nh Bernice AL to Toros s sorry ag ub has BR Glen ° ek with, n under the! 8 Glan ie e brone Shiri cue 8, 4 hore 1 4 gro 4 of-u much Aid porn sy Spring, te Association of Zk h held thle regular dh Ny 1 ln PREMIER KING 1S UNDER GENSURE (Continued from page 1) where the Tory Dr, Anderson head ed the Government, was ready to excuse the utterance, *'I am inclined to think," he sald, "that the Prime Minister was not In a normal temper or a normal state of mind," Mr, Campbell put a new twist into the debate when he attacked the expenditure annually made on the Governor-General, The vicer Jonalti he declared, cost the couns 00,000 a year, More than $100,000 had been spent on the Quebeo citadel, where Their Excel. lencles lived only a couple of weeks a year, Surely, in the face of such unemployment, this expenditure coplde be curtailed, Mr, Campbell argued, T.'W, Bird (Prog Nelwon), de« clarded that matter of unemploys ment was one of human imports | ance, The question, he sald, affeots ed the lives of many women and children, The people.were not as much concerned, he thought, about policies an they were about the "human consequences," BALDWIN AGAIN {| URGES FREE TRADE (Continued ---- pags 1 chester posch of 1923, in vile he gave his ideal of a safeguarded Ems, Bite, with free trade inside its bore ers, Australia' s Reform says he Daily be waste of ia to talk to to a Australia about Em» etd. CT trade Anos Largs de Walkerton April S==Ao Iaitl of He > Toandy nterests Hp Ho nits Hydro-Eleotrlo Pows RS Qutarie Wis ros FA nego ation) Fy bn it is und he ty a Drought Within the Hy. Hee valved ihe pur Tea is und a. baad 5 power I ae i Drs Zeb, 09 | GAMBLE--AL Haraiony, abu aon, : SOCIETY. AINS TO BEAUT'FY VILLAGE OF PORT PERRY Horticultural Society Issues Large Option List For '1930 Fra------ By Swit Correspondent Port erry, April 5, == The large option list of the Pore Perry Hortis cultural Society for 1930, has now been made public, The society aims 10 beautify the town and claims that membership in it will help in this purpose, while it will encourage chile dren to plant flowers and also make the community more tractive from the standpoint of tourists, Members are entitled to a choice of over 50 plants, and shrubs, Dr, J, B. Landy is president, while Miss E, Alexans der is secretary, The option list Is published below; One Dollar Option Number One Any two = Hybrid Ten Roses w= Etoile de Holland, deep red; Golden Ophelia, golden yellow; Los Angeles, coral and pink; Laurent Carle, eare wine crimson; Madam Jules Bouche, flesh white; Genera: McArthur, grime. son; Madam Edouard Herriot, coral red; , Radiance, carmine = salmon; Sour. De Claudius Pernet, yellow; ly, - De Georges Pernet, carmine; Wiens ere, shrimp pink, Option Number Two Any two=-Hybrid Perpetual Roses American Beauty, brilliant rose} Frau Karl Druschki, white; Genera Jacqueminot, crimson; Mrs, John Laing, pink; Paul Neyron, rose; Ul. rich Brunner cherry red, Optioh Number Three Any two == Climbing Roses = Climbing American Beauty, rose; Crimson Rambler, erimsony Dr, Van Fleet, flesh white; Excelsea, bright tcarlet; Goldfinch, golden yellow; Paul's Scarlet Climber, scarlet, ption Number Four Collection of Four Rock Plants w= Aubretia, mauve; Dianthus Deltoides, red; Phlox, Sublata, rose; Veronica Prostrata, blue, Option Number Five Any Five of the following Irls w= Caprice, pink; Darius, yellow; Eldors ado, bronze; Juniata, lavender; Mrs, H, Darwin, violet; Monsignor violet Madam Chereau, blue; Purple King, purple, Option Number Six Any Three of the following Peo nies == Couronne d'Cr, white; Duche ess de Nemours, white; Edulis Sus petba, pink; Felix Crousse, red; Fese tima Maxima, white; Germaine Bie got, pink; La Tenderesse, white; Mons Jules, Elie, pink; Marlg Le- moine, white, Number Seven Any Four of the following Phlox «America, pink; Africa, carmine; Coquelicot! scarlet; Jacqueline Mai- elle, white; La Vogue, rose; Echaire eur, purple; Le Madhi, violet; Rijin~ stroom, rose! Von Hockberg, purple. / Option Number Eight Any four following Perennials w= Arabia Alpina, Aster Alpina, Aquile emia, long spurréd{ Chelone Barba« tus; Campanula, Persicifolias Dians thus, Sweet W illlam ; Dlanthus, Del. toides; Digitalis Glaximoides 'Hele- nium, Autumnal Rubrim: Helenium, Hoopsii; Coreopsis Grandiflora; Del. phintum, Kelway's: Gillardia=Blan- ot Flower: Shasta Daley} Lychnis, Chalcedonica; Papaver, Nudicale, Toe land Poppy; Papaver, Oriental, Or. ental Poppy; Fethium, Painted Daisy: Spires, Filipendaula, (white) Statice, Latifolia, Sea Lavender; Viola Cornuta, Option Number Nine Any four of the following Shrubs ~Cotoneaster Horigontolis; Cydonia fRponica, Japan Quince; Cornus angueana (Hogwood); Deutzla, Le Deutzia, Pride of Ros Fortunei; Hy Grandifl, va: Wa Fr vy Snow; Kerrla Japon ol 'moine, white; chester; Farsythia, drangea, Hills of Van Houtte, white; Spirea, ony Yitren cerlye; Spirea, Billardia Rosen, bright pink; Spirea Froebeli red; Sambucus Aurea {Golden leaved elder); Weigelin, Rosea, tion Number Ten Five boxes of Flower Plants from Wm, Ettey, Special Offerings sh 65¢ each == Charles X, sins lla: Marie Legraye, "slngle, he Souv, De L. Spath single, deep reds Mmer Lemoine,» double, white} President Grevy, double, blue; Chas. Joly, double, purples Climbing Vines == Dutchman's: rie 30c each; Clematis Pan, white, Shek; Clematis Jagkmanii, purple, Sch Jonesanchly Belgica, 28¢ each, e Canadian Horticulturist, 40¢ for one year; Magnolia, $273 eacht' Gladiolus, f's Majestic, Je each, or 6 for 25c,1 Butterfly Bush 3 Summer Lis lac S0c each: Regal. Li 250 each; Ah BE je a 3 feat, 178 each; a I Rathke, 45c ea, Rhododen ey 00 eaeh.; Atpara us, Mary Washington, $0 roots for 1.00, Nut Trees at $100 ea Japa ese Heartnut; Wow ig bag Wal nut; Japanese Walnut, | Born Ontariog Thuraday, April 8, 1930, to Mry and Mrs, James I, Gamble, (nee Olive ' Loraine Treulths a daughter, (81a) BISHOP--1n ered on Tuesday, 11 lat, 1980, to Mr, and Mra, Bishop, 385 dobn St, Wa lan the gitt of a son, (9 a) ver' sorry, mon cherie," ans his Fron eh bride. up ) Retr | Rhus Cotinug (Smoke Tree); hn rea, |' Anth Last Night [Event Featured by Good Fellowship as Convention Members Gathered in Hote LE | Signs of Joyous Bigns of spring are seen in Osh awa end distrietd Welcome to that fair damsel with delicately scented wild flowers twined in her hair, a Toe 4n one band a seed package in the other and farewell to Old Man Winter with bis frozen beard and chilly stare, What ave the signs? Police con stables have discarded their fup caps for the regulation helmets, the oity water wagon was seen on the street this morning, sverywhere is robing and other song birds sing Joyously, wild geese ure seen 1lying north, old men forget their yheus matic pains and dream of othe: springs when as gay youths they lightly turned to thoughts of love, No one would have heen surprise od if he had seen any citizen, no matter how staid and substantial, cutting capers on the street this morning, Who does no feel like cutting capers when spring is in the alr? CONSERVATIVES T0 MEET AT WHITBY Executive of Liberal Con. servative Association to Gather in County Town The executive of the Liberal Conservative Asgociation of this viding is holding a meeting in the town hall at Whitby this after noon, Xvery member is expooted | to be present and, whi nothing of the nature of this meeting has leaked out, it appears to be the first hint ob a federal election in this district, " The Times was unable to find out whether or not a convention of the Liberal Conservatives would be called in the near future but it is very probable, With election officers all over the country warn. ed to prepare the lists for an elec: tion and cabinet ministers throw. ing out hints to that effee it would not be a surprise if after this ate ternoon's meeting an announces ment will be made for a ocaucas of the, Tories from this riding, BOWMANVILLE MEN WERE ASKED TO BID STATES OFFICIAL Last Year's 'Tenders Were Used for Letting Contract on S. A. Citadel The Times wishes to correct an impression gained by many aitinens from a story in the issue of Thurs, day last, concerning the erection of the new Citadel for the Salva tion Army in Howmanville, From a report recoived from Toronto it appears that the contract had been let without tenders beg called and that' the Bowmanville builders Were not invited to tender at all, Thin is not so, The Times was informed by Adjutant Chittenden of the local corps ae terday, It ap peira that when the original plans were. made,' two Bowmanville dons tractors were asked to tender but a8 the plans were added to it was expected that new tenders would be called, This however was not done and the tenders by the Bow. manville 'men for the aa du job were used for the new plans and both contractors were Palen ace cording to this intormation, The Toronto firm that has heen award. od the contract will, Adjutant Chits tenden says, employ as muoh local help as posdible and the work will be commenced almost immediately, It is regretted if the story in Thurs. day's issue in any way mada it ap» pear that Bowmanville contractora were not asked to bid but the ime fon of this was gained from §. report in the Toronto paper, At that time The (Timex got in touch with the local effiolals who wore not even aware that the con tract had been let and therefore Sou net deny the report, thine Bi oa om, Wi lon, thi a, vere somes X Shou OBITUARY MRS, JOSEPH meme * The death occurred yesterday ot 1 Mrs, Joseph Wheeler, widow of the late Joseph Wheeler, at the home of her daughter, Mra, Clarke, Tors onto, The ae} @ Mra, Wheeler way in her 70th The deceased 1s survived hy three Joseph, Rok and Mel ee hrs an tary, Clarke, 'Mra, nell, BY oun 8t,, Oshawa Mra, B ae GL 3 Boks, Son 00 J ar, 1 3ho on on Monday morning a at a, aT t ii be made in St a vy's Cemetery, Novth Wa, v, Father. Ben 1 ae SC I 3 Spring Are Seen the pleasant odor of burning grass, | te. D. Conant, ant, President of Oshawa Chamber of merce, Delivered Thou ful Address on "Civic Res sponsibility" VISITING KINSMEN WELCOMED BY MAYOR Dr. Dwight Coons, Hal Rogers, Ald. Hart, W, E, N. Sinclair and Major Bans - Pa N tick Also Spoke -- Fine Program and Midnight Show Followed ------ ¥anthusiasm, bubbling over and over-flowing, yet touched with # renligation that they were assems bled here for serious business, marked the atmosphere at the opening banquet of the aunual cons vention of the Eastern District off Kinsmen's Clubs of Canada, held in the Hotel Genosha last night, With evety Club in Ontario represented, and a gathering of about one hune dred Kinsmen and guests assembled for the occasion, the banguet was & noteworthy event, marked by goods fellowship and a spirit of real friendship, The members of the Oshawa Club proved to be splendid hosts, and they spared no effort to make every visitor feel thoroughly at Home, and the result was a funes tion which sent the convention off to a splendid start, The High Lights There were several highlights 19 the evening. One eame when & force of newshoys Lurst into the dining room of the Hotel Genoshs with copies of a special Kinsmen's Club issue of The Oshawa Times, These were eagerly grabbed up, and provided much. hilavitg, The chiet spesker of the svontyl A was Gordon D, Conant, president © the Oshawa Chamber of Commerce, who delivered a thoughtful and ine spiring address on *'Civie: Respons, sibilities," a subject with which he Ahowed himself to be thoroughly (Continued on Page 6), -------------- WHEELER--AL the residence af, her daughter, Mrs, Clarke, Toronto, on ¥riday, 1080, Mrs, Joseph Wheeler, bes loved wife of the late Joseph Wheeler, Funeral' from the vesilience of her daughter, Mrs, 1%, J, MoDons nell, 104 Church street, Oshawa, on Monday, April? - Mass in St, Gregoty's Church at § am, Inters ment St, Gregory's cemetery, hi, (81a) TGO LATE TO CLASSIFY AA ILL LLL rooms, Private entrance, April &' Light and water; Apply 117 Gib bons street, Phone 14767, (81h loose hay at the barn, Apply Ji Wy Johnston, 334 miles west of Osha awa, Phone Whitby 105 » 13, as general, plain cooking,-fond of} children, Oshawa or Bowmanvllie Box Gad Times, PLAY "STRICTLY \RUSINKSS! Albert Street United Churcliy Tuesday, April 8, Doors v ham, Community Frid Ad sion' 260. yo § 1 OPENING DANUE BA pavilion, \ ul Spencer, oaller, "Orchestra, MONTHLY = MBETING on awa General Hospital Almuna will be at the nurses' residence, N days April 7, 8 nm, Spear GARDEN Special ate ating Li b by Sid Smith and his orohe - ANANQY AD INA DROWNS Ll J § pm, April Ad, tog Ag Uhit "Churen, _--e comedy drama Amiuion dit SALE OF OLOTHING IN ket, Tuesday, $8 2 Bry 2 tneluded, i aH Ani Twina of radio fame at hE i Presbytertan Unoreh, "evening, Apu §, Adulienion oats HY Gh, "Non ono AND SOR "Oreaxe Hath h Monday ave MRINDLING' THER MW Fires" will be presen! "

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