' ' mua Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 1930 15 Cents a Week; 3 Cents a Copy TWELVE PAGES UBLE SHOOTING IN TORONTO a 4 = EDOU Apple Case May Become Diplomatic Issue, MAN MURDERS WOMAN, =| THEN TURNS GUN ON SELF: Rates pa Chel" appa in conn OH eion tos on. coal inauiin i 8 Receive Honorary Doctor of Divinity Degrees tes points, to the Dominion" atiway pe als Charl . . { Don Postpones Trials ' Daytona Beach, Fla--Kaye Don, British contender for the world's automobile speed record, Anndusiced late last night after an inspection the beach that the course was in no condition for trials today and again postponed his attempt to set a new mark. * h L No Radio Bill This Session Ottawa~No_ radio bill will be in- tioduced. by the government in the | House of Commons until after it has the report of a special committee which is to consider the Aird Com- mission's report, according to a state ment made in the House by Hon. P. ; A, Cardin, Minister of Marine and Fisheries. v » LJ] Unusual Suicide Weyburn, Sask~An unusual sui- cide was reported by police last night, Steve Bavle, a young farmer. of, the McTaggart district, set fire to the stack and then ran into the burning mass, so Dr. H. E. Eaglesham, dis- trict coroner, decided. An inquest will not be held. AIR PILOT SAVES == |APPEAL MADE TO PREMIER esses | AGAINST ACTION OFUS. PROHIBITION OFFICIALS 'IB. H. Coyle Lo Lodges Com- plaint. With Canadian Government Against Des- truction of Apple Ship- ment at Border NO SATISFACTION FROM CUSTOMS MEN United States Authorities Ignore Protest Lodged With © Them, Declaring They Can Do as They Like Cobourg, April 9,--Because 10V barrels of apples valued at $1,000 shipped from Colborne, Ont, werd destroyed by United States prohi- bition officers at the border, a Jet- ter is being forwarded to Premier King today asking him to advise Hon. Vincent Massey to make an issue of the case at Washington, B. H. Coyle, prominent Ontario fruit grower, shipped 200 barrels of choice . apples to Ridgeway, Penn., a few wecks ago. At Black NIELSON TO FACE MURDER CHARGE Ottawa Man' s x Counsel Says Insanity Will Be Pleaded --- » (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, April 9, --William Nell. son, 61-year-old house painter, was today committed for trial on =a charge of murdering Olga James, a young married woman, on March 25. The husband, Regina James, re- turned home from work at noon to find his wife had béen strangled in bed, Neilson was arrested within a few hours, Much of the preliminary hear- ing whs devoted to reading the con- fession made by the accused to de- tectives. Nielson will 'be tried at the Octo ber assizes, His counsel have indi-- cated insanity will be pleaded. TWO BY-ELECTIONS Ng JS NZ ; ) SAID FORMER MURDERED MAN'S - BODY DISCOVERED Remains of f Hollander Miss- ing Since December Are | Unearthed (By Canadian Press Yeo Wire) Chatham, April 9.---~The body of Joseph Kamoen, a native of Hol- land, who has beén missing since the latter part of December, was found today under a manure pile on his farm in Dover township, The discovery was made by a Bel- gian who had been in charge ot the farm since the Hollander dis- appeared. The body, which was in a bad state of decomposition, was removed to Wallaceburg for & pcst moriem , examination whic was to be conducted this after- noon, For some time .olice have sus- pected 'that the Hollander had met with foul play an., on difterent occagions, have dug up the farm in the hope of finding the remaine. These activities were prompted when, some weeks ago, police found several articles of clothing, buried in the ground, and which were identified as those of na- OSHAWA MAN "Walter Eley and Mrs. A. Las brash Found Dead, Both Haying Been Killed by Rifle Bullets ELEY BELIEVED TO HAVE LIVED HERE Thought to Have Been in Undertaking Business in Oshawa About 1911 we Born in Campbellford | On making inquiries this afs ternoon, The Tiines was une able to have the report cone firmed that, Walter Eley, Tov ronto suicide victim, had at one time lived here and been in the embalming b.siness, Oity Clerk Hare was unable to recollect anyone .y that name who had cver been in business in Oshawa, and other business men knew nothing of / it, It was stated in a Toronto by report that he came to Oshawa in 1011 after conducting a prosperous busincss in Camp- beliford. / (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) 1 Toronto, April 9,.--Breaking & IN ENGLISH RIDINGS 4 moen. : ) door of a little home on Syden- " . . Francie Vanderve!de, a Hgllan- / Greenville, Pi. April 9~An Sir ° ibys " ) A i d hap street, police officers today mail pilot aroused Shaping members | 7°16 opened. The applés were aps Tudon, API 9 5BYA eons The honorary doctor of divinity ian church, Edmonton, Alta. Dr. church, Toronto. (4) Rey, Dr. Dus. | 4¢¥ Who was living with Kamoen | sof, the bodies of Walter Kley, of a family whose house was 'afire | ©mPtied out on the tloor of a shed Are 00 oO poset bh Ani degree was conferred at the Knox | Hugh Cameron of Westborough [can Campbell of the Knox Pres. | bachelor,'at the t:me of his dif- | any Mpg Labrash, both aged 4v, two miles east of Clark's Mills early and hopelessly damaged. No trace Ty Sir Frank Nelson, Con- | ©0llege convocation, Toronto, last | Presbyterian Church, Ottawa, who | byterian church, New 'Westminis. | 8Ppearance, was arrested at the | nip "yabragh was at first thought today and was credited with" saying | °f, liguor was found in the barrels. | LECH OF CCE SO BR SOT [ night, on the following ministers | has been moderator of the Mont- ter, B.C., and (5) Rev. Dr. d. P, | time. and 18 now in jail serving a | yy police to be his wite: their lives, The pilot, Harry Little, plaint With Premier cestershire, was announced from |f0F their service to the Presbyter- | real synod and is now clerk and [Paulin of St. Paul's Presbyterian three months term Jr the theft ot Both man and woman had been eastbound from. Belletonte, Pa, to]. Last night, Mr. Coyle Stated that Dayton, Ohio, a few days ago, To- | lan church. The photograph here | treasurer of the Ottawa presby- | church, Toronto, a member of the (8 Watch. Vandervelae, questioned | shor with a Jongsbarreled rifle, Cleveland, circled over the farm he was lodging a complaint with day Dr. G. E, Spero, Labor member | Shows (1) Rev. Dr. ¥. D. Rox. tery. (3) Rev. Dr, Stuart Parker.|scnate of Knox college. ; pei Nawmoen Sie ues, said Folice are of the opinion the mau Presbyterian vy Feturna tJ olland, AM | first shot Mrz. Labrash and then, . statement was doubted with tbe | hy means of a lonz fishing pole, discovery of the missing man's ut bulle clothes. "Subsequent advices from hi A t through his own tem- FAMILY FROM FIRE Rock, N.Y., they were seized by (By Canadian Press Leased Wire): {0 00 bition officers and 160 bar- house 'with the plane motor roaring rod Prime Minister at Ottawa t0- | oor pi1ham West, 'announced his | burgh of St. Andrew's Presbyter- of St. Andrew's "I have been unable to get any satisfaction out of the Unfted a. A. 'CAR THIEVES CAUGHT States custome authorities," he G d Cities to Have New Vere ice chase pipes OVE. To Adopt | "sees arson « France Refuses resignation. "out its warning. Ottawa, April Cities of more thea 100,000 population may elect their membets of parliament by a plan of proportional representh- oy oll th irl 2 yess to ses them, Th pens to Burnie they |. Pension Report Milos iasines [ig and werp doing their duty and that was tion at the dominion general elec: son, werp' ¢ capes this morn- | ai1.1 pau get out of them, They th ai t 1 said they could open whatever the; : ) w=: on, according to a report now in ng ina Aclen fat fie 4 disty y g Committee Assured Its] circulation in government ciroles race through the Haart of St. Cat | liked." Not the First Offense R 3 i will here. It is held to be 'quite within arines. The son took thé responsib- the realm of possibilty that the ility for the theft but both were re- Mr. Coyle declared this was not government whi fate Fl at the the first time a shipment of Une Be Accepted (By Canadien Press Leased Wire)' i Wires and Cordials returned, by neighbors'who became alarmed Niaghtn. Foie Oe: ARH us a at the sudden disappearance of the . * A carload of west paper, bilied ed { 4 on the doorstep for oupl Italian (Claim | trom Portland, Oregon to Tonawan- 0 dace Ia | of days. Both had dh dead yon, ) | clons yesterday of United States | A dan i ) . ghtier of the woman is saig customs officials Across the Niagara | to be living in Montreal, Born in Campbeliford The officials opened the car and | discovered more than 1,000 cases por ody with priv hy og Ww at of Mrs. bill providing for the partial in- | Demands Superiority of | under a layer of waste. The liquor (Continued "" " syst PTT] ford, Ont., ab SASK. GOVT. WINS {Coutinued on 'on Page 3) auguration of the "P.R." system, 40,000 was dumped into the river, and ted on Charge of Killing |:ome YOR Bo wa Sars SHO pid this committee adopts unanimous. { which had not broken, 1 NO-CONFIDENCE VOTE| RUSE TOO MUCH FOR oli ne mito AGOPES: uSImON. SUPPRESS GANI i ANDI Neighbor Nation His Uncle Toronto. 20 years oo THIS BOMBIN and it will go through the House," Tn ought, Former Oshawa Man, Regina, Sask. April 9-~The Sas- (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) 4, 00 WORKLES T Toronto, April oronto, April 9-Abraham hy pr 9. --~Coming to katchewan legislature early today uel London, April 9--France created al Stelnburg was today committed by | TOTORto to find work-after several Gardiner no Sonidense motos ho? baal Thereby Otncinnats getsgtives hiR.. [ary propiems today, int today | t Walter Ele d i ' three members of an 'alleg: WO proposals were now in the oday by putting into concrete terms charge of murdering Samuel Gold~ y Brew despondent' a AS I$ iy for the first time her attitude to« berg, IMs uncle and business part- | Yesterday took the lite of Moe "ment called. for the immediate .dig- losives in a hi-jacker's automo- | Major Power himself, based on the ward Italy's claim for Jacity. missal of A. P. McNab, local govern- | biie led to their béing lodged in the memorandum (na. contemplates a | Jacques Dumesnil, French Minis- ed over his desk in the fire charred | he lived, and then turned his shot» The government victory on thé! with three bombings which took t ters to | told R offieg wt thé~Golabers Monument ay Nimgelt, sions system, ard another by (ien- Ive quarters to have told t Works, March 5, A bullet wound ey came to Ostiaws from Warren amendment was construed as | five lives in Marion. labor circles in [eral .A, H. Hoss (Cons, Kingston) rest, but Leader Left A. V. Alexander, first lord of the | / was discovered in his temple and |Campbeliford, his home town, - - ng Major Power's, but which provides Strictly Alone f wotild France never concede parity coal oll, but the flames, which de-|in the business of his father, R RALSTON TO RETURN for the creation of four separate but that she demands a superiority Number la Do ble: hit at stroyell part of the office, were va- (J. Eley, a prominent funeral die ; : is Time Last TO CANADA FRIDAY that will operate begionally. The| Simla, India, April 9--Govern- bar. Withdraw. I | Y. Goldberg's body, . j 9 ' committee adopted the suggestion | ment policy with reference to the apancse raw Request i ear Tmplicated by Jury ithdraw their request that the, "- 3 mitted to tme law officers of tie | hatma Gandhi, Indian nationalist | ¥ vy a Leased 'dian' delegation to ais crown in order tit miternative |leader, today was said In respon- | be allowed to transfer 20,000 tons (By Capadian Pavia ire) r d armament. Soutoren Mr, legisiction might .e arafted for |sible quarters to involve supprese Ottawa, April 9.~That there are|cut stone manufacturer, foun Lhe committee's consideration after | son of the movement as quckly as afternoon and thereby reaghed a | nearly 40,000 unemployed men and dead in his office on March § last, possible but not at the price of dis complete accord with Great Bri-| women in the Province of Ontario, | partially burned and with a bullet inona N rd A third propogal was presented turbances, tain and the United States on all [or double the number registered at|wound in the head, last night re- i ov at Trinity College, To date this has hrought arrest TEN it is ve to ar- ate io the committe by Clonal 4088 hd §. Mas ht arren concerning training ships, statement by General Superintendent | Goldberg's business partner and 's_place wil taken . Port rt Hope , ® Den-| "0 devotees, while the sexagen-| The conference: circles sald. to- | H. C. Hudson of the. Provincial Em- | nephew, Abraham stetrbers, nad | Convicted "Man Atenas', continuance of the present hoard v minister at Paris. Pressure of par- (Spin) strictly alone, although coyrting ar | major naval powers were now, in a |coblcuded an investigation into con- Hamentary duties ang work of the i Goou g, April 9--Their Exce at Ottawa to adjudicate on the ob- LU" 0 oor beginning of his |-position to proceed with the drafts | ditions and arrived here today from [after 30 minutes dolberatior, fol- Verdict * nationa ense department neces- cies; the act. Additiona. to this there ' ' RI Siem | a, ) sitates the rn of the Canadanm | will _-- ly open the new senior | oa Toes travelling poards | PUT: it the attitude of France and Italy | up 140, this is startling but it is Sling, ro we several (By. Canadian Press Leased Wire) A h » i | 46 1" Waste Paper Hides Holland revealed that he had not Police were called to the home man, Milk, they said, bad remain- (da New York, aroused the suspi- least 24 hours, poiice say. * Naval Parit river. Working on,the theory waste y paper is not shipped such distandes, Péterbore, April | §--Walter 'manded until Wednesday. present session of parliament a | of rare wines and cordials, hidden * : tarlo apples has come to grief &t Abraham Steinberg Commit. A.'Labrash, was born tn Campbell Ottawa, April 9,--'"Whatever Tons Over | many persons salvaged bottles { [undertaking business but left for (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) declared C, G. Power, (Lib, Quebe¢ (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) (Special To The Times) (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) South) to the special parliamen- Marion, Ind, April 9,--A ruse | thry committee' on returned sol- sensation in naval conference circl es | Judge Coatsworth for trial on a|YOAYs as a resident of Oshawa, vote of 28 to 23. The Warren amend- | Chicago bombing ring to plant ex- | hands of 'the comMittee--one by NOW IN ONTARIO ner, whose body was found. slump- | A Labrash, the woman with whom ment "board commissioner, 'Grant County jail today charged | gomplete reorganization of the pen- Many Followers Under Ar of Marine, was said in authiita-o a vote of confidence: the past six months. which does not differ greatly from | British Admiralty, that not only | his clothes had been saturated with [Where he worked as an embalmer and. independ . DORTds ® C a Wire) 1 of 240,000 tons over her Latin neigh- | tinguished before they reached (Continued on nia 7, i a yihid that the 4 London, April 9--The Japanese Toronto, April 9.~--A coroners y London, April 9.~Col. the Hon. 56 two proposals be sub- civil disobedience campaign of Ma p jury investigating the miysterious mi } L. Ra head of the Cana- death of Samuel Go.dberg, local - from destroyers to submarines this E Ralston will on by steamah Berlin for Eenaad on 4 a2 Governor General to Offici-| the Easter recess. € points excepting a minor definition | the same time. last yar, was the |turned a verdict indicating that of many of Gandhi's leutenants C sions board. This contemplates the Servi by Hou. Phill Ri arian leader himself has been lett | day's action meant that the three | Ployment Services, who on Saturday | knowledge of the crime, . Lt to The Ou Oshawa Times The verdict of the jury, reached Suicide After Heuring unt and: Lady Willingdon, Thos cases an generally administer | 0) "trom Ahmadabad to Jalal | ing and signing of a tripartite pact | Toronto. lowing the hearing of evidence : $ehigol of Trinity . College School, | thide members. th Bombay, India, April 9--One |shold make a five-power pact im- a conservative estimate in my opiny "Wo ind' that oo = Hamilton, ~ April 9,--After 8b 2 " Fort Hope, on May 16. ¢ magnii- sonnel would b hanged ® (rot | hundred volunteers today broke the | possible. ion," said Mr. Hudson, "The signi- : 0) Goldbers | 44 tag erati bg! [et new buildings will be oe on © changed [row foggy "tow with manutacture of salt | The minor trainf hi { B81" came to his death on the evening deliberation a Supreme . pril 30, when the students of the time to timo, Mvery assistance | hi RYO EE ted Salt. nor trainfug ship-question | ficant feature 'in connection with the | FT 18, AS COA yesuit of 'being Shite ran Sonviied Mike : Ry would be given ot soldiers to pre- ; is expected to be adjusted tomor- | situation is thot the unemployed ems 1,000 CANOES fo fy in esidence i pare' thelr: cases, At Madras it was' sald the law | pow, brace 'men and women' from, altos shot through the head by a bullet | ywantz of Winond, on November: was broken at Cocanda, where a from a revolver which was later .| The commitiee, lollowing th | every trade and profession," and are While the jury was considering: Woodstock, On: ) iollowing thelr Fuymber of Gandhi's followers not made up largely from the ranks] identified as having been owned verdict accused made an att IN PARLIAMENT ~ 8~Over |W! decision 1 : will fake ¢ po 2. their riew home, | decision to uold over further cons | manutactured. salt. A message from La eitaabi ich | by Abraham Steinberg. te Ro provid wl be feted by Btbrtion of, he st fumed to | amin Sa hed eonfenend of ani ar, Toe Sion MA prom tne oidhnes vo. are an | "3h bn pum Sh ol Hg a < C Port Hope. and Veterans Allowance Act. at ya Gita ucel ut Mestings the closing of a large number of | animously of the opinion Abraham | prisoner ffiformed him that i the district. » ore, } Ottawa, April 9~Today in Parlia- | brokerage firms, has thrown out of | Ftelnberg had knowledge of 'the | Would pass sentence at the 'e e 4 Apes of Trinity ment work' L300 meq and wogen." oie. Tn There 1 hp ind d The senate will not sit. UL] I hy Canadian Money Alua SAL. |.2n Jom of Oomymmms wilson bi Siri sands ne Tew: rs FG ii hisboastcr 4 sider governtngnt bills. N St l C wav A Euardad, Smith, uss A Togs master, "Yesterday in parliament ; ew ies Fur ong 0. to TAPP OU . Jou | he Eo te prmming hE reception. for ar ung ew an Nee Dente debated the League of | C i 3 d in the office of Sheri Carr, poll a H eral and Lady Wil- Fy House " Commons defeated be y ner-Qune Fi mm jug et he duath ont in f the Heaps amendment to the motion Re A 4 hh oy Leaving fo Si ay adhington DE, oR 9 ed- RT April SA plan will | 40" g6 into supply by a vote of 199 (TI Fr, Abba vps Sule + Mood £5 -- e eserve of will' an- | be starte the Federal Reserve|,, g) Tordnto, April 9h plan +oF ar- | proportion of assets werent readily had & that police. Set Short schosls of I College Moungs shortly the installation of a System soon proving for the, freer rangement will be cubmitied to eredi- [convertible into cash, and that thef otared Inte nce in a net whicn cupying the on Woodstock | new system Soi fied to facilitate | movement of Canadian and United| Estimates for the department of | tore of the firm of Stohie; Forlong [interests of creditors would be best |.orered little chance of escape the College b uidings since th Port | the. collection of dian culrency | States exchange, which eventually | external affairs totalling $610,487 were | and Company, stock brokerage house | safeguarded by the following plat of Prisoner Planned. to end. his. 1ite fn | Hope home was 'destroyed by fire | brought into#the United States by | may lead to an arbitrary parity, it] a proved by the House in committee i n y P the basement cell of the rt ap that voluntarily dssi last Janu- {arrangement : house while awaiting the ve: a a [Tee fenvs today to feos anadian toutists and: de redemption | was hdsained hele. tail a the . whale. The ote Considered ary, it was announced today, Under{ 'That all the assets of the company [ In the corridor oy Bo i jlo. Fort, money. Fede eserve facilities will [in 'committee 'of the whole the the plan, to be considered.at a meet- [vested in the teustee be assigned to Y j will be en over by. the oe pufpose of of bh new system is ee for nation-wide 'collection of J. S."Woodsworth, (Lab. Winni- | April 29, it is believed creditors Ja new company, the capital of which ha Steel md Sav Sm 'belt, arranging | Catholic Redampto st order for «ito power of the | and transfer of United States 'and | peg North Centre), whose purpose wil receive 100 cents on the dollar | shall. consist of 100,000 shares of 10 | holding his trous ological f the door, Ane ed the hare ar in ping Gaited States | Canadian funds under an _arrange-|is to establish divorce courts in Onlin the form of a six peg cent fives | par value; that 'in dieu of the assets uspen " rye Cone mpig more closely. hed to its exchange | ment worked out by the board. Un«|'tario. An amendment moved by A.|year debenture, plus A Do of one all the pA of the new company will | io uy called Ri officers, who 2000 Walsiut Thees value and to reduce some of an- ge the plan Canadian currency rou-| N. Smith, (Lib, Stormont) that such) share of common stock with each | be paid. to the trustee, to be held by | ufler po and pa him S h | Emon. i planting: | noyance: that Canadian citizens 'have to that country . would 'flowia bill should not become effective un {$100 debenture, him as security; that the new com- aidcuttes office of the sheriff. Ey MM nd Yr ut trees |'encountered in travelling' and trans: bs ugh the member banks into| til asked for'by the province was Jia: A statement of affairs of the com«{pany wil lassume all debts of the old Martin eS who with Job i Th Xty rile acting business in the United Slates. which it would be turned and recei-| cussed. The committee ay still pany presented by the custodian at|company, and will issue its 'deben- Slculakyy is also oharged with na ighway No. The board' is' understood to Be in| ved without discount' and the Fed. | sidering the measure at o'c oc! he Ae meeting of creditors showed {tures in a sum sufficient to cover all {the murder, was placed of A a Y across 0 ounty. was' carried out | readiness to inaugurate its titrency eral Reserve: System thus furnishing when the hour for ead bills ex+ § in excess of $2,000,000, but fproved claims and these shall bear | his lite before another: af this morning, « plan operation about April 15g k (Continued on Page 7) pired. it ok submitted that xz considerable | & (Continued mon Page 7) after th vordict way sneavet af