PAGE SEVEN Stock "Market Prices Fad) ¥ Mares Suinary by Caadian Proms Toronto and ew York Wok Quotaoas Biggar and Crawford, Alger Building, 430 480 Falcon, Holl, He, Of 900 '486 Ha, 8. Statfon 52 Hy. 7% "8 v 12260 1300 Lk. 2280 2266 # ato Watnwoll 5% a. vo ABB LT 620° ©8900 7 ht 450 | 85 | 5% New York Exchange Btock Alleghany Allis Chal, Amn, Inter, Amn, Smel, Amn, Tel, Anacolda Baldwin' .. 86% Borden ... 80% Hon \ 66 53% 6% 273 5% mw bz Standard Mining Exchange Borg War, 471% Beth, Bteel 108% Can, Dry 72% Can, Pac. 213% Abana Ajax Amulet Big Mis. Ch, Res. De, Mpr.* 88 129 145 40 Jab 859 Standard Mines = LL] 1¥8 142 00 040 580 Com, Solv. #6 Chrysler .. 41% Dav, Chem, 40% Fox ....... 19% Gen, Elec, .94 Gen, Mot. 53, Goodyear 91 '$807 Grt. North, 99 Close 84 \ (1) BW 70% 478 70% Mt, 4 'Nt, : q. Carb, "17 o" Ken, Cop. if 66%; iy ar, Mot, |' if ard, Pen, Rafl 06% U.S, Rubber 38Y% Fam. Plys, 74 Bendix ... 65 Money 3% per cent, NEW YORK MARKET WAS STRONG TODAY General Motors Reaches. New High==J. 1. Case in Spectacular 'Rise New York, April 9.~~The stoek market tursed strong today ap { early period of irfegularity, Barly declines of 1 to 30 points in a rather long list of issues were cut one or converted into gains, and - Ld When you need a thing-- You pay for it whether you buy it or { Why procrastinate on proper équipment for your home? Don't _be carried away with the idea that exactly what you need cannot be bought in Oshawh, Speaking for". _our own line we definitely say-- it can. Oshawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED 25 Ritson Road North Telephone 2821-2820 { | down. 1% number of stocks marked up 1 to 10 points in the broad buying move ment which developed {in the early afterpoon, Trading showed a ten. d to turn dull on the declines and to increase on the rallies. Early selling was inspired large ly by the reported falling off in stesl mill operations, Bear traders tried to capitaline this developmént by a series of aftacks against the steel shares and specialities, but they failed to disclose much long stock. Meanwhile, pool operators brought forward néw leaders and appearently succedded in attracting an outside following, A reducton fromy 4 to 8% per cent, the called money rate helped to stimulate bullish operations. Iron Age stated that: "With ten 4oneies mixed and in many instane- es neutralising one - another, She iron and steel market Jacks a ite trénd." O ons of the Un! ted States Steel Corporation are reports od to have declined from 81 to 77 per cent of capacity and for the fountry at large from 78 to 76 per cant, J. 1. Case was again a spectacu- lar feature in today's market, sods ing 10 points to a new high at 300 which contr with the year's low of 192%. Bastman Kodak ran up 8 points and Worthington Pump 5, Gerenal Blectric, Public Sérvice of New: Jersey, Beatrice Creamery, Shubert Theatres, United Sathon and Zenith Radio advanosd 4 points or more to new 1930 high prices, U.S. Steel Common, after sellin ints to 103%. ralll to above 106, Bethlehem Stes] snd Lublum also were targets of sell ng pressure in the early trading. Universal Pipe was marked up to a new high in response to the announcement that a group of steek svchange houses hid acquired cone trol from the Whelan {interests Among the many other SE Junite new highs were United Gas Improve. ment, Corn Products, Skelly Ol, Penick and Ford, Sparks Withing. ton, Raybestos, General Motors Yellow Truck Loews and General Gas and Bleetric "A." A pedagogue says the world should cease to mention the flap. per. What and break her herat?-- Kingston Whig-SBtandard, i HH " i$ TEE Gu Perha Rubber, | TORONTO © pi Biter 0 4, Jo. Dae Pho bo ene. 1 to Dyck Do, ferin Bggo~Frosh 0¢: seconds, stiltons, 27c, tons, 3 P Chickens, 5 | Do, 4 to § Ay De. Lio she" Do, 3'te 34 | Beoilers Ducks Turkeys CEERI) TORONTO Phe § Aa na pig Pork to 70 Ibs, Bd¢; 40¢; $i Teh weight pall. 1%; p ate, 3 Shorteni ng ~ 13%45¢c; pails, Ide. The following tail, in effect on Market, Torento: Osfone, dex dey, | e sean Strawbebries, pt Grapefruit, tech Potatoes, bag Hens, over 6 Ibs, Do, over 5 'to 6 ibs. over 4 to 5 Ib, Do, under 4 Ibs. each 9, over 5 ibe. ..,,' over 410 § the, . Dow under 4 Ibs, each Old roosters, over-5 Ibs, Do, over 4 to 5'lbs, , Guinea fowl, per. pr, )) Toronto wholésale dealers roduce to rétall | the tiowing pti gy Auth u Butter--No, 1 efesme Eh Fe; No. 2 créamidry, if Cheese--~New, large, 23 to twins, 23% ht triplets, Pc; triplets and cuts, 30s; od Hens, over H bs. ssi Versi nne Sessa nae py thé CHT Brostels fad $ J Produce Prices in the |STOBEE: RIN Cong CN + CUSTOMER OWNED Toronto whales 8 ir are buy ph Sroddos at the following loca ngraded, returned, fi oat. as 27 / ob ¢ fan 3 fresly firsts, 25¢; 1 Yi iN 38 to 3%¢; i, 34 to wt large; color fined fing goverment pe ig +74 sen n Alive Dressed 2 » are ofs des: ontras, in cartoons, 3c; fresh extras, loose, 3c; firsts, rings, 36 hy FLEET ae large, rage, 28¢ svn . % 2 .» » Veoven be. bs. 35.40 3.8 45-48 CT fo . Re the tr 0 i thenin, to 110 Ibs. b unl This 16¢; "letess, 3; tubs TORONTO FARMERS ® 'aWotations, the Si qt. Ses sesting suns CLE ET TY ie aesasnanedinne ges; per dof. fitter org, dosen .. oneydew melons, ath ., O75 Sees NE sees fren e sine LAA RL ELLE TY ia 1 ELLE EY 78 rte ndneney 12843 Ea sede ine wine tree ENReNN 038 Jeet ane fag = Gontin eo fioticeably easier the ¢ The Noyembers ie fature ai were the dbject of continuous sell ing pressure throughout the Rots, Changes on this morni og butter market were. negligible and applied mainly. on top snd lower solids, | arades of centralized cars. Karly solidy) Eades ot. were that a steady un- dertone would tend to stabilize val- ues but the situation later changed 80 that it 4s now difficult to sell extras at flat quotations, Futures were, insctive and slightly lower. Open commitments--April store ass. eggs, 62; November egss, 500; 1 butter #8; May butter, 6; ine butter, 1; November butter Two markets receipts--Butter to- day, 40,013; last year, 32,152, Kgge Aorday, 116,688; last year, 117,303, Chicago spot market--Butter, ox tras, 37% ¢; standards, 37 %e; tone steady, Bges, graded firsts, 24% to 26¢; tone steady, New York. spot market--Butter, extras, 38% to 38c; no tone. Eggs, firsts, 25% to 260; tone irregular. Tw eltids--~Butter, 19, + your, 587,760, ; last year, 670. H ose $5,770,660; last' year, 4,001, 041, Street stooks<-Butter to-day, 83, 789; last year, 86,768. XB, 8 8 to-day, 183,881; last year, 194, 5. Four markets on hand--Butter, 10,873,008. Eggs, 1,004,448, / Biz oll Butter, 3,064,892, Begs, 485,340. ovement at ten WATRO==Bult ter, net out, 311,349; last year, out, 95,6048, Bibs, fet ih, 76,9 0) abt your, met ia, 93,041, net in, 93,641, Wisaipes, rg gaa A actionsi Sins iggthe Win pnipeg wheat mas. ot today testified to ability of bullish news {o offéét virtus! ab. sence of overnight export business. trading, however, was largely lo esl, with sentiment mised spd a &oodly portion of wary sentiment in the market weather conditions és south-west, weathér in the U.8. winter wheat areé and frm. Aebs at Liverpool wers the stfeng- factors, coupled with an unconfirmed that France is .| $0 cut down wheat éxports die to he.1- 4 Yin for ¢rope. May Th cont at §1.15%, fy, rr an wid cloned dp % to % to wan. DIVORCE COUR COURT ea BILL TALKED OUT, HECTIC SESSION rn to Have Bill Effective Only on Ontabio's Request til §-Beaten back but till y determined, the die- tion to Ontario fant 1 took up thelr e Woodsworth f Commons. Ina $1bate to fierce that frequent. 5 could not be ro) 3 inte out alta amen t oe Tn i an 3" ho ast ht th sat wsonwl he were many sesdions, The en bate is expected on Ary Deford th Commons adjou: Easter |* ¢ of the House or most hele tircumstance, recess.' | mgr FORGED TO. (Continued from from Page 1) Suterent at the rate of. six per cent an that a sum of not less $500,000 ineach of the yan 1931, fa i nd 1934 shail be pro Vided y the company out of sa assets and other available 2 mi redeem the debentures, the balance to be re- deemed In 1938 in full; all the shares shall be issued with each $100 de~ benture an attached warrant entitling holders to one share of stock on sur render of such warrants; no dividends shall be paid on the shares until all debentures are redeemed; five out of seven directors shall be debenture holders until such time as the deben- tures are all redeemed, The plan has the unanimous en- dorsation of the inspectors appointed itors, it was announced, as the plan is formed in such a way as ¢ fully to protect creditors, There will be no participation by partners in the assets until the debentures are re- tired, and. a ready market will be available for debenture holders to realize on their Sociatition, according to the plan. The plan will operate as the first customer pwnsrshin scheme, as applied to this type o financial business in Canada, The arrangement as submitted or as amended at the meeting will be EAST WHITBY COUNCIL MET (Continued ffom Phge 3) to water orossing his property as this is the natural Water course, Carried. Moved by Mr. Lavis, sec. by Mr. Warne thet the Clerk write Mr W. F. Ward re water on Barnsed property, that after having looked over the situbtion they consider that the water course has not been changed, Carried. The printing contract to March 16t, 1931 was awarded to the Alger Prets 14d., as per their tender of March 3rd, 1930. ' 4 bv Mr. Lavi seo. by Mr. BSeott that the rate of pay for man snd team. in Bast Whitby for 1980 be sixty cents per hour. Carriea. Moved by Mr. Boott sec. by Mr, Hart that in future the Council] ot Past Whitby will poy a $10 reward to any one shoot ing a dog found killing sheép, Carried, The Apetion Report for 1929 ag by Messrs, Roberts and and they were pald $50 each for their ser vices. Moved by Mr. Hart, sec, by Mr, Scott that the Trustees of 8.8. 10 be instructed to Jiosute signs for rotesting the children crossing the Ingston Road st Alexander Riva, And Beverley "St, and that the Township will etect same. Catried. Moved by Mr. Scott sec. by Mr. Hart that the Clerk be authorized to write Mr, F'. T, Mathison, Poste master, Oslidwa, asking him to de- fine the area in Westmount iN which Postal Delivery will be made in the future. Carried. The By-Law to appoint Pound Kespors, Fence Viewers and Ri Valuers for 1530 was given thi Mr, B. W. Webber was appointed Absessor to complete the Assessing fn the South-section of the Towns ship. Moved by Mr. Hart see. by Mr, Warne that this Council Is in favot of having the taxes, starting in 1981, paid in two iustalments, and that the . Clerk be authorized to have the necesssry By-Laws pre- pared. Carried. A By-Law to provide for tie con. veyance to Jno. W. Pogson of part of ihe otiyinal alionance for road between Cohousion, was read three times A ret Mr. Lavis see. by Mr. Jia that the Council of East un: is in fever of having the Rus: alan Orthodox Greek Catholle Holy Virgin Mery Church establish a pomptery at Lots 1 and 3 Conoces- sion BF. Bast Whitby, and that & Pon of this motion be forwarded ta the Provincial Dept. of Health Toronto. Carried onlin, rel Rota, sollat 448 14: Fred relief, $18 F. Shaw, roa gh 8.0: Aron. 0 rows, xo 7.87; W, y. 8 1; > Tho! ry Hole § 3 vi; ea ; 0,5 ni ars Qo. fee, 440 $ T nn y POs 4.93; pa ®! hy, in : Tet J Fok Lots 16 and 17 in the bth |. binding on all creditors provided that fifty per cent of the votes of the creditors who have fyled claims, hold- ing three-fourths in amount of all proved debts, are favorable tots ac- ceptance and after it has been appro- ved'by the court. If approved, the Plan should becomé operative by "May CANADIAN MONEY ALWAYS AT PAR (Continued from Page 1) a big advantage to business houses snd individuals engaged in commer~ cial dealings with Canada, The plan would contemplate the handling of drafts against Canadian business houses. on the same basis. Also United States currenty would flow back from Canada in the same way as would drafts on United Sta- tes business houses following the system's channels, Business houses and individuals transacting banking business with the member banks of the Reserve system and the member banks themselves would receive this additional service free. A A machine has been invented to register, and gauges the condi- tion of the brake on each wheel of an automobile separately. To encourage aviatioh Chile has abolished its tariffism on more than 75 articles of equippment for alrplanes and aviators, WHY SUFFER FROM YOUR LIVER? ef rw uni ly low lati iapged wa that Aired' wd | lang ted ng, Thi $ inflcates 4 to liver or Hl Sh Bill outhete ou must # e Jour das liver, start the bile Ie Sowing with Carter's Little Liver Pills, i. act as a mild laxative free Srom calomel mie he are not y dont that c ni unpleasant after eect et fori on the contrary 8 Druggists 2 25¢c and-75¢ red phes MAN MURDERS WOMAN THEN TURNS GUN ON HIMSELF i (Continued from Page 1) rector, After a short period of partnership with James Irwin of Campbeliford, Bley moved to Oshe awa where he worked a: a painter before coming to 'Loronto, and is thought to have married there, In- vestigations have not yet revealed his wife or any children, his known relatives arc two-half sis. ters, Mrs. Robert MacA.pine and fa Mrs, Beymour of Campbeliford. to your Ears ONE worn-out tube can cripple your radio set and cause exasperating reception, - Have your tubes tested regularly and when neces. gl Westinghouse TUBES IN EVERY 5¢ greener lawn This simple way pri a "ou vil a, a ius shave roman: vel In 1d TAA oval heist if you apply ey Vienamty Mp gid # litle time and effort Famed of hove hee, apie. FEED pour | your lon! (rane like all thrive only when Compt pon uo fr mal sms, or, Ge, sh HOGG © une 'CHURCH ST. Ho LTD.