i ii» ih | L§ k A & ¢ [ i ' Eo ov +" golden anniversary por EE aa] sist fh ut THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1930 'Bowmanville News, advertising and subscriptions will be recvived at the Bowmanville Office of Ibe Times. 1elephones=Oftice, 587) REPRESENTATIVES, FIFTY YEAR JEWELS PRESENTED T0 FOUR BOWMANVILLE MEN Impressive Ceremony Held Last Evening by Members of Florence Nightingale / Lodge 1.0.0F ' very impressive ceremony marked the awarding last night of Je B50 year Jowells to four members of the Florence Nightingale Lodge 1,0,0.¥,, by District Deputy Grand Master Douglas Moore of the Bow: manville lodge, The four men who have completed 60 years as Odd- follows und who celebrated thelr 1 lant evening were! Bros, J, H, H. Jury, J B, Mitchell, William Pearn and J, A, Haddy, who is the secretary of the lodge, Mr. Haddy was unable to ba present owing to sickness, Ak- twisting the deputy grand master In the ceremony were, Brothers A, Quik Build Bb awny ---- Would you Mke to quickly add pounds of firm, attractive flesh banish nervousness and irritability fill that tired out body of Yours ' 'with amasing strength and energy? Jong your ) \, i " * L) Do you want to bring out your hidden beauty---acquire & smooth nd clear skin---bright eyes reflect. lorious health within? Then take McCoy's Cod Liver Ex- tract Tablets--=just chock full of powerful flesh-adding, strength. creating, rejuvenating and health building elements, Who'd ever think the livers of lowly Codfish would yleld such vital health essentials yet they do 'and for years doctors and world's greatest medical authorities have prescribed them for underweight, rundown men, women and children, You oan get McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets at Jury & Lovell, T, +B. Mitchell W JH, Karn or any drugstore. 00 sugar coated tablety 40 cents and it you don't gain at Daily Times HERBERT MORTLOCK dlr ir by, Mitchell and J, Molntyre of Bows manville, nud George Maynard o Toronto, Juans were present from Oshawa, Port Hope, Cobourg, Oron and Toronto, making it the largest gathering of Oddfellows ever to congregate in the lodge rooms of the Florence Nightingale Ledge, The degree team from Pheonix Lodge, Oshawa, under the cap- tainey of Bro, R, Bprowle, con. ferred the 1st degree on sly can. didates, five from Bowmanville and one from Orono, This also was 8 most impressive ceremony carried out with eMelency and dignity al- ways noticeable about the degree team from Oshawa, Noble Grand William Mills of Bowmanville, pre- Sided over the evening's ceremon- on, Vollowing the lodge proceedings Bt, John's Parish Hall, the Rebe olal) dont of this place, I started first box, der, gers of the hody, blood, trouble may follow, of Dodd's Kidney Ontario Man Sufiered With His Bracebridge, Ont, April 10. (Sper Found Relief After Taking The First Box Read What Mr, E, Gibbs Says is advisable to just Lelleve the op: posite Lo the chances of the candi date that Is most favored by the "Post Office senate" as It has bove enlled, In commenting on the orders to Pills prepare, Mr, Ward stated that the Vor Years IL) Once more Dodd's Kidney Pills have proved thely wonderful value f|in the case of Mr, B, Gibbs, a r He writes: "1 suffered for years with my kidneys, taking Dodd's Pills and got relief after taking the After taking three hoxes I fo1t as well as aver I did, not be without them now, and kewy them In the house all the time, My wife also uses them," To nvold disease, the Kidneyws must be kept In good working or. The Kidneys are the scavens Their work Is to strain all the impurities out of the It the Kidneys are wrong, the impurities, the seeds of disease, remain in the blood, and serious At the first sign of trpuble give Dodd's Kidney Pills a trial, 1 would county will be re-arranged for put ing ahd this work is under way now, Yolling stations stations will be placed al convenient points to serve an average of three hundred people to each station, Registrars will be uppointed to each polling " station before May 15 and by that ON date overything will be completed, As yot neither the Liberals or the Conseryatives of Durham have ar. ranged for any meetings but It is believed that u meeting of the Con. sorvatives will he held some time next week, Mr, Bowen the presen, member will be hack in Durham after the 18th of the month and it is probable that when he is hore something in the way of praparn« tion will he made, No arrangements of any %ind have heen made yet by the Liberals stated Mr, Bragg, the provineial 1iberal member hut it in likely that this faction wu nlsn he gotting prepared In the near future, And so the rumblings continue and In a very short time the rumblings are expected to break Kidney cahs had prepared a splendid ban. auet for their brothers of the Odd. fellows Lodge, At this funetion the guests were welcomed to Bowman: ville by Mayor Milton J, Elliott who in a few brief remarks spoke of the very efclent manner Ip which the caremories had been per: formed by the Oshawa degree team and also thanked the ladies for their splendid contribution to the evening's entertainment, Speeches were delivered by I'red MeArijur M.P.P,, and Dr, Ferris of Cobourg and W, R, Gilbert of Oshawa, Geo, Maynard of Toronto and Mr, Rid. dell of Orono. In a short program that followed Nro, Rod: Mitrhal) rendered a vooal solo and Pros, Dinty Moore and Dick Metealfe of the Bowmanville lodge gave some splendid selections on the har. monieas, The singing of the Na. tional Anthem brought a long to be remembered evening to a ¢lose, CAR STOLEN TUESDAY NIGHT WAS SOON RE- COVERED BY POLICE A car stolen on Tuesday evening from oustide Hately's garage on Temperance streets was reported to the police and within thirty mins utes the car had been recovered, Mr, Hately had parked the oar out. side the Anglican Church across from 'his garage and when he came back from lis home It was gone, He immediately reported the mat. ter to the police who went in search of the car, Just east of the town limits they found it abandoned and brought it back, The thief had not found it, election, offing. come, least 6 lbs, in 30 days == money back, troubled to see if the car had water when he stole it and he had not gone very far when things got too hot and rather than risk galling in a house to get water he abandon: od it when a little later the police RUMBLINGS HEARD OF AN APPROACHING FEDERAL ELECTION Permanent Returning Officer Receives Orders to Make Preparations Kohoos of an approaching eleos tion are resounding In ville, with the announcement that Magistrate W, F, War, permanent returning officer for the county of Durham has received from Ottawa orders to prepare the lists for an All work necessary for an election Is to be completed Mr, Ward told the Times, yesterday by May 106 according to these orders and this should be enough proof to the most exacting doubting Thomas that a oall to the polls Is In the The excitement of an elec tion causes quite a stir in Bowman ville and the wise men of the town stand at four corners and In post office dally prophesying Sometimes they are correct | or and more often they are not so If a person wants to get some {dea of who is going to win an election i llams as convener had charge of Bowpian: wea | oampaigns for some YoArs, PUBLIC SCHOOL ORATORY CONTEST TOWN HALL APRIL 16 Event Sponsored by Home ond School Club Will Be Presided Over by Mayor Elliott The regular meeting of the Home and School Club was held last ove oning in Central Publie School with % good attendance In the absences of the president, Mrs, rank Jack man presided capably and opened the meeting in the usual way, Mre George Pritchard was appointed the delegate to the Ontario Kdueationn! Convention which is being held 1 Toronto during Easter We, The final arrangements wers com pleted in connection with the urn torieal Contest whieh tha ejub | gondueting and which will be held in the Opera House on April 16 a! 7.50 pom, Prizes will he given to the best hoy and girl orator from the third and fourth classes, Nome good good musieal numbers by the schon] ehildren under the direction of Miss Helen Morris AT.C.M, wil! alin he n part of the program, May Elliott has consented to act a chairman for the evening Group six with Mrs, W, R, Wi! inte one of the stormiest election | { ng follows, I | | l duced by seven school pupils; Dor. othy Barton, Dorothy Bradt, Doy- othy TNapson, Nora. Baviege, ( I older girls, Dorothy Niehols, Grace lh he excellant program which wus Lome, Miss Olga Todd, the community health nurse, read a pauper on Jun. or Red Cross work ng condueted in our public schools, A play' Mo! y and her Health Vulriew'"" wus pro. polo, Joey averly, Jean McMullen and ¥Wileen Tolman, A floral daneo hy four tundle, Gertrude Dewsll and Ar otln . Maynard was nicely done The Society hold n mooting In Scehool M., 1, Hancock gave a splendid ad. dross on flowers and window hoxus which ed Jantern slides, wore given a chance to purchase woveral varieties of flowers and plants In pots many availed thempelves of this op. VARA » 11] EUROPE this year w= the eupanse is little more ahi herein Canada. Canadian {hh ith Houriar Sn Magia des the comfort of CO, ate v meals an upesoalled vice hoard one 1! Berd ML aan, nd SM ship 1 at» hy vl weekly between * Montreal, Liverpool, Southampton and Cherbourg. Pasion Play vessrvations arranged for our passengers, "m ENQUIRE ABOUT OUR ALL EXPENSE TOUR OF BUROPK MORE TOURS-BETTER TOURS TOURS TO BVIT BYERY PURSE Pull information from your foeel "mi or shivers Carey Congdon Pacis Miss 1, Venrdon dirocted these two Dunlels played plang solos and Mrs, George the nudience with two readings nnd Misy Penrdon gram with an excellent demonsirie ton of elub swinging with Ming Or- chird as accompanist, Refreshments were served and a soginl half hour onjoyead by all, od with the singing of the National Anthem, GARDEN LOVERS MET ON MONDAY NIGHT Miss Olive Jones und Mr. ritehard rendered un voen) Mrs, Thomas Gould favored | for concluded the pro- answered many The meeting close of the club, wwe Bowmanville Horticultural largely attended ft, Paul's Sunday on Monday night when Mr, late its, was Mustrated with colony. Those present badly damaged und and bulbs se ,:: wd portunity of geiting in u stock for the summer st special prices Lo the members of the society, The money raised by this method is to be used honutifying the grounds sur rounding the soldiers' memorial in Memorial Park, Mr. Hancock also questions had boen prepared for him and a great, many Bowmanville should have very successful gare dens this yenr if they follow the advige given them by the president Cars Collided A small coupe Now J. 3029 owned hy John Collins, 71 Dupont sfreet, Toronto, und a larger ear,' No, P, 078, owned by K, Fulford, 19 Muy fitreet, Toronto, figured in au colllslon, at the eastern village Time Saturday afternoon, ears were travelling west, and the coupe cut in, striking the other. The machines upset in the north ditch, which is rather dese, and both were ere people driving In the Fulford car, und four In the coupe, The occupants of the Tutter were badly cut une; which NEW poople used, ort; to make, Surely, more for them, Le Both A U. were three officers are with ' laid. i", - Make dresses bright as new! DIAMOND DYES are easy to 0 on smoothly and evenly; Never a trace of that re. dyed look when Dismond Dyes sro Just true, even, new colors that hold thelr own through the hardest wear and washing, Dismond Dyes owe their super. to the sbundance of pure anilines they contain, But you All drug » Diamond-Dyes Highest Quality for 50 Years ! Const. more flying glass und were attended hy Dr. V, E, Cartwright, They were lowed to go on to thelr hon investigating dent, and so far no charge ha the FIRE! FIRE! In King St. Chambers THE DOMINION CLOTHING CO. Located in King St, Chambers It's the smoke caused by the fire and the Public gets the benefit, HERE ARE A FEW OF OUR EXTRA SPECIAL BARGAINS _ + $4.95 $9.49 $7.95-$12.50 $2.25 Men's Suits _ Homes TOPCOALS Ww or Navy Blue, ull sizes, two Boys' Suits » pants, 1 long, lar S808. For Kas ter only Regular up to $16.50, For Easter Only, ) Negulny $10.80, or Easter 1 bloomer, Regus no Black Leathe Reg. $8.08, For Kaster Only Men's Dress Shoes The Dominion Clothing 68 King Street West . Co. Phone 2141 Jay no OF Clim b Tne y pk 1 a I .. ISMOKE DAMAGE SALE FOR ONE DAY ONLY--FRIDAY, APRIL 12th STORE OPEN AT 10 AM. A SLIGHT Fire occured in our furnace, reserve stock and receiving rooms, which caused smoke damage to merchandise in reserve, also, new merchandise which was just un- packed and waiting to be distributed to the different departments, Remember nothing has been damaged by fire--only by smoke, The smoke damaged items will be placed on sale on the ground floor, BE ON HAND AT 10 AM. FRIDAY for your share of the bargains. - ---- ---- HAND TOWELS | | Turkish cloth, Solid colors, 8 ! | Neg. 100. Sale vice, each c I. ~ + i a -- - Lo MA 3 SAN ST hl | "- dds pata rT ------ 4 Pieces Dandie Rayon | 80 inches wide, Reg, dbo 19 c | 16 Ladies' Raincoats and 11 Trench Coats IR fs shen aw 2 Doz. Girl White Middies 25 Pairs Flannelette Blankets Grey and White, largo sige. Ibex and 85¢ Artie: Brands, $1.49 | Of Prints & Cretonnes, Neg. 69¢ | Reg. $10.80, ll 81.49, Sale Price ,,.,.... Sale Price «voi ii, With navy collars, @ to 14 - yoars, Rog, $1.80, Sale Price Salo Price, pale viv, ney Broadcloth | Shi a ---- MEN'S HOSE Rayon, Silk and Lisle, Sale Price 1 J Per Pale 400 pr 5 Pieces Fujn Silke Rogular Bbc Salo price, por yard inne 50 Rolls ¥3 lb. Cotton Batts, 100 and 880, Mach i Bre ud Be. dc | 36 Children's Navy Reefers Regulation Style 8 to 0 yrs, $1.69 Sale Price , v0 00004, H AAR AY NY i (| Sale Price, per yard 0, Children's Hats and Borniels Regular up to $1.05 Sale Price vivian E-------- 10 Pair Flannelette Blankets $1.00 | 50 Floor Mats Jn eect vig | Infants' Knit Suits 8 yoars, Reg. $1.08 and Sale Price , 110 Cotton Bed Sheets n od, @ x 2) yard | | Salo Pri, hoi, la J ' . $1.29 10 Infants' Wool Sweaters Regular $1.00 to $1.00 : 49¢ \ it Single bed sise, White only Sale price, por pale vy 95¢ Sale Price viii LSE RTE TRA I ee] Rp _ | 18 Girls' Trench Coats i | { I Shower proof with caps to match, Red, | | White Mosquito Netting Cotton Curtain Panels CETL eae 10¢ | es onds, 30 inches x 24 39¢ Ladies' Pullover Sweaters Sa Tries +o. $1.88 13¢ No C. O. D. [W.A. DEWLAND® | 28 Dox. Girl' Silk Lingerie 3 to Yours, Yous and 35¢ 69¢ B Doz. Ladies Japanese Kimonas ma... a 79¢ BATH TOWELS Plain white, Reg, up to 80¢, Sale Price, each ,, i viva © Marquisette Curtains White Frilled, with tie backs 39 28 inches x 83 yards, Pale Cc 10 Doz Boys' Print Blouses Cola sires 11 to 18, Rog, 80¢, Salo Price ,,.., 29¢ Yards, Sale Price Bach .,.. I Il Dive and green, Sizes up to 14 years, |! Regular $2.08 | | Sale Pree viv hir inne 95¢ 8 Doz. Pillow Cases Hemmed and Hemstitehed BAGH vier vr vt As Vana Combinations, Night Gowns & Slips. Sale Price 14. 15¢ No : Exchanges