THE, OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1930 PACE FIVE ommunity | Women's Interests in the Home --- and the BA | WOMEN'S CORNER) Social an" Personal Women's the Social Column and other Homs of news foy should bear the name and address of the sender, addressed to the Wocia) Kaltor, or phoned to No, oa "Windy ovold writing oun both sides of the paper, Miss Lorraine Vranels of this city 1s leaving to-day for Tovonto where she will hecome a nurse-in- training in the Isolation Hospital, Miss Mary Fraser, Simcoe Btreot North, is leaving for Toronto to- day where she will enter the Isola- tion Hospital, as & nurse-in-train. ing, Mrs, Arthur Tylee of Boston is the guest, this week of Mrs, A, WwW, Milichamp, HBimecos fitreer Miss Mabel Stewart of Oshawa snd Miss Jean Stewart of Whithy were In Toronto last week, ns uests for the wedding of Miss garet Humphrey and Mr. Roy Sheardown, ; J hhh Ee NEW SPRING COATS AND DRESSES Many styles to Choose from, Our prices are right, THE FASHION SHOPPE 84 Bimeow Nt, B, fon nN Fashioned HOSIERY A ATKINS HOSIERY & LINGERIE SHOP Near Cor. King & Nimeoo St, ANYONE WHO WIT. NESSED ACCIDENT Between street car and truck on' Simcoe Street, MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 7th About 10 p.m, Is requested to get in toweh with Louis ¥, Hyman, Bare vister, Phone 67, Miss Nora Montgomery and Mr, J, Hoover of Oshawn were re- gent guests of Miss B, Btevenson, Brantford, " Murs, Beott, 104 Coleman Avenue Toronto is visiting with Mr, ana My. 8, J, Taylor, Bimeos Btreet orth, Mrs, Jaw, Hall and son Ronald, Bimooe Breet North, will visit with friends In Toronto, this week-end, Mrsr J, € Young, King' Street Bast entertaited a few ladies at the tea. hour yesterday, / Mr, N. A, Lackle, 572 Mary street is spending a week in Pembroke, Ontario, on business, Dr, and Mrs. €. R. Carscallen of the Ontario Iading College at Whithy entertained thé faculty end students at tea yesterday afters noon in honor of Dr, ©, W, Gorden (Ralph Connor), who has been the guest of the college for the past week, Dr, Gordon addressed the gnthering in an informal and. witty speech, As the daughters of many of Dr, Gordon's personal friends are students at the collége the oo cation was especially interesting, Mrs, HL. B, James 'was hostess ut a deligtiul tea for, the Guild of George's Church at her home en gin street yesterday afternoon. The house was made attractive with bows guets of spring flowers, in profusion, Miss Ruth Jones presided over the ten table and was nesisted by Mrs, Patte, Mrs, R, 8, Morphy and Mrs, I, Cumming, About ene hundred la- dies called during the afterneon, On Wednesday, of this week, Mrs, Pagker's group of the Wom- An's Asgoolation of Knox Church, held an afterncon tea at the home Of Mrs, Ceorge Roy, Allee Bireet, The fea 'table waa lovely in yellow and white with a sliver basket of yellow daffodil and yellow candles At each side, Mra, Thomas Dunlop and Mrs, G, W, Parker received the Indies, Mrs, William Dandie took the Indies to the dining room, where ten was werved, poured by Mrs, Dunean Munroe, Mrs, V. Findly MW Cinderella GAS RANGE Offers Every Improvement Known to Modern Cookery 2, All surfuces ate m0 ndlay Features Suh: Bk 8 ) IZ «log Rr droge Approved by Conaiion 00d dmerioan On xb of 1 and Miss Margaret Roy assisted in the tes room, Miss Katinka Young of Hamilton In the guest of Mr, and Mrs, Char~ los "Menendez, Masson street, Madame Marie, tormerly of Osh AWA, has undergons Au operation in Montreal and has ett for Mer wuda to recuperate, Madame Marie my return to Oshawa sometime in une, A very enjoyable time was spon last evening at the home of Mrs, Ui. A, Toase, 89 Nassau street, when Miss Ila Wilson entertained girl friends trom her department At the General Motors office, Uames, musio and danoing, follow» od if A dainty lunch were thor- oughly enjoyed, Mr, Btuart Thompson, of To ronto, who is delivering an ad- dress In the Munday Mehool audi torium of Bt. Andrew's Chureh this avening, will be the guest of Mr, and Mrs, Oordon Katolitte, Mas- son street, while in town, | WOMEN'S MEETINGS | KING STREET HOME AND . SCHOOL CLUB King Street Home and Sehodl met on Pasday evening at the school ul 7.30, Miss Holmes convened the mest Ing in the absence of the president, re, Norrls, Mrs, A, Pipher was apr pointed a delegate to the O.FA, cons vention whieh Is to be held. in To. ronto on April 23.~The nomination committee for the next annual elec tion was appointed last evening and 8.88 follows: Mrs, Rogers, Mrs, A, EK, Garbutt, Miss Lyop, Mrs, Nelson Baird and Mrs. Forrester, The dollar prize went this week to Miss Cruese's class, A delightful program followed the business session, Mrs, Rombough sang a solo, Jean Miller, Mary Swartz and Malcolm Young neted a pretty dialogue: The Powell Broth. ord contributed a musical number, Mn, Robinson played a plano solo, I'he speaker of the evening was Mr, A. Slyfield, who chose to speak on the life and poems of the Canadian joet Bliss Carman, Mr, Slyfield re. erred to lim an the "poet of the Springtime He gave his poems two classes--religlous and love, A delight to the audience was his reading of several of the poet's works: A voto of thanks moved by Mrh, Harper and seconded by Mrs, Medland was xs tended to all those who had assists ed In any way with the program, Res freshments were served by the come. mittee. convened by Mrs, Medland, RON AD AND SCHOOL CLUB The. regular meeting of the Mite son 'Road Home and Nohoo! Olub took Jloce on 'Tuesday evening, Mas, J, Booth, the president was in the chair, Mr, Liycett's olass won 8 dollar prise tor having the largest number of Perents present, Rev, Capt, Jarrett, speaker of the evening, gave an enlightening talk on his work in the vuvenile Court, Which proved very Interesting to the teachers and parents present, A short but splendid muwical pros gramme followed ponsisting of an orchestral weleotion by Misses Ford, Minnakeyr and Latimer, A Yooal wolo by Mrs, Metoaite, ana Mr, Ibbotson, Miss Flerheller ase slated at the plana and Alvo gave 4 plano solo, The meeting oloseo With the National Anthem, ------------ A young man 'was engaged to a Jady who ran slightly to embon- oint, 0 had promised to .tak or 10 seo a muoh-disoussed ay, and one Sy the girl said: "Have JOU secure the seats, Harry?" Come, come," smiled Harry, who had An unfortunate sense of humor, You aren't as heavy as "My mother was visiting in Detrolt a year ago and she was In very poor health, My sister. i inlaw got a bottle of Lydia E, nkham's etable Com. pound and it helped her more than ything she had taken, She adVised me to take It too and I did, My back used to sche and I suffered so with Pain at times that I could not work, I feel like a new woman ahd can do my housckesping and work In the store, I am find to answer letters," ~My, + V, Hill, Singhampton, Ontario, Lydia E. Pinkham's Veoetahle Compound ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs, Jason Lennox, Colborne street, Oshawa, the engagement of thelr only daugh ter, Margaret to of Mr Westmoreland avenue, Oshawa art of April, CHOSEN FRIENDS MET AT HOME MRS. BAKER ON TUESDAY NIGHT The regular meeting of the Chosen Friends Lodge, last evening was well attended: Dr, Carr, the enlefl couns cillor, was In the chair. Thre candidates, Mesar H, Irwin and George Frost were In Itinted, Soveral very important items of business were discussed, A com munieation, from Lodge to Join them at a dance the Balmoral Hotel, on May 2, it The Oshawa Lodge will give a dance in the Winter Gardens on April 23, John Rossco was appointed captain of the new degree team for In'tlation work A Greenfield, Gv Crothers and' |) Robseo were appointed to the softball teat, The first pradtice of this team will be held on April 19 The Chosen Friends Lodge will hold # banquet in the Winter Gardens on May 6, and the Grand OMeers of the Hamilton Lodge will be present. This Mr, frank Loe will provide a program of novelties and Mr, CG. Norrish wil gy to he a hig affair, provide music, or The little girl had pever heard grace sald, nor knew fhe meaning of the word, at the table she. was pusaled and wanted to know what it was, "Why thanks for what you have to eat," she was told, "Oh." sald the little one, now enlightened, 'we don't have to thank anyone for what we have--we always pay oash." se coupon. {Ami Can at 8s. Charlie, beige ~FREE RECIPE ol wnnounce W, Ray Smith, son and Mes: Willlum G, Smith, The marriage will take place the latter new George Crothers, Bowmanville Lodge, was read, Inviting the Oshawa Mikhaga Ho when someone asked her If her father sald grace JIM AND MARGERY'S HOUSE Vve sald I'd never murry, I, And still, and still send still, Since V've noon Jim and Margery's house, Perhaps, perhaps, 1 will It's such a fainty modern place, Qld English style, you know, And, In the garden, back of it, Old fashioned ponies grow; And everything's Just right insides The Hving yoom, the hall, The dining room, and kitchen and The bedrooms; loves them allf And Margery has a Porslan rug, A waflle from, n chaly Bent all the way from Belgium, and A wet of guimper ware, And Margery has hb gun pore hung With curtains, willowy green, And all its windows look upon A neat suburban scene, And Margery has hey pantry shelves Ince-paper-edged and trim} And Margery has na breakfast nook And Margery has her Jim I've sald 1'd never marry, | And still, and stil), and still, Bince 1've soon Jim and Margery's house, Perhaps, perhaps, 1 will! -------------- ONLY [4 WOMEN GIVEN MEMORIALS Mrs, Pankhurst is Only the 14th Woman to be Hon- ored by a Memorial London, For six centuries now women have heen honored by the erection of memorials In the Lon don streets, and yet, so sparingly has the tribute heen yielded, Mrs Pankhurst Is only the 14th woman worthy of this seal of fame, Those six conturies are reckoned from the time when King Edwarll I erected at Charing Cross the ninth okthe line of crosses, which marked the progress to Westminst or Abbey of the funeral vortege of that chore reine Queen Eleanor We may add another 1,000 yours if we xo back to Doadiecea, but it in noaroely 80 years sipee Thorny | eroft's colossal group was actually | set up heneath the shadow of out | Ron's Tower, It Is not without Its Atness that the statue of the | Amazon Queen of lesen! should stand po near to that of Mrs, Pank hurst, a modern woman leader of revolt, | The Charing Cross memorial has ¢laim to little greater antiquity, erected us It was In 1868, to per atunte the memory of the Eleanor hy whioh, with St, Mul's Cross and others, was destroyed by order of the Long Parliament, To find the oldest surviving statue of a wo man we must pass from the Ntrand into Meet street, and there, In a niche above the vestry door of Bt, Dunstan's-insthe-West, 8 to ba seen Queen Kligabeth in volumin ous farthingale and corsage, Thin figure, which once stood at the Old Lud Gate, a little way down the street, in the oldest statue in Lons don, Necently it han heen cleaned of, grime a restoration made poss {ble by the assistance of Dame Mil Heent Fawoott The last London monument to a a" ' ' a through a sleve, NPIVNG 18 HERE You! Wpring is horo--with its birds, its Howers, its bees and its woring fever, We want the first, the second und the third, but we have no use for the last, Mo eat ull the greens 'you can, drink milk and lemonade, double the number of oranges and apples you eat, wee that salads appear up on your table more often, snd cut down a bit on those heavy foods which were wo needed during cold weather in order to keep the body engines going and plenty of heat honeath the fow flimsy garments that now take the place of winter clothing, Green vegetables, milk and frulf are ull nikuline foods that tend to hulance the heavier foods and pre. vont acidity, Few of the alkaline foods ure heavy in food value, so they muy be eaten in quantity without worrying about increas. ng the weight, Keep this hefore you when pre- naring the meals for your fomily ordering meals in your favorite restaurant or hotel, a -- --, hE -------- Queen iu a tribute to Queen. Alex- andra, und stands behind London hospital The first non-roysl woman deem- od worthy of a London memorial was Mrs, Biddons, who as the tea glo muse, may be _seen on Pad dington Green, Those two herole Vietorian ladies, Florence Nightin« gle and Grace Darling, are both commemorated, the first in front of the Cuards' Memorial in Water loo=place, the other In a little known monument hy the Gloucests or (ate entrance to Regents Park Perhaps tho best known and pros bably least-liked of the statues to women is the Nurse Cavell Memori- nl, Of all of them, there is no doubt that the happiest is the charming Margaret MacDonald momorial In Lincoln's Inn, An other fine plece of work is the dainty bust wet yp in a Blooms: bury square to Date Aldrich Dlake ploneer among woman dootors, It win the last women's memorial to be unvieled, RECIPES APRICOT PINAPPLE CONSERVE You ean make it In the morning and it will be ready by afternoon, Cook 1 pound dried apricots in the usual manner, Add 3 pine. apples (erushed); 1 cup any fruit julee (ean une pineapple Juice) and 8 cups sugar, Cook until thiek and sivupy, 1 forgot to say that the apricots should be pressed When cool, cover with paramn, Braised Chicken Four-pounds ¢hieken, salt, pepper, flour, two butter, two. tablespoons other fat, two small carrots, mille to _eover chicken oven temperature, 350 de. grees Foo hrealsing time until tender, one to two hours Clean the thicken (disjolned by the butcher, perhaps), wash quickly, dry 'and sprinkle with salt and pep- per and dip In flour, Put the buts ter and fat in a frying pan and place disjolntell; tablespoons the pan over moderate heat; when the fat is hot, add the floured chicken a wa More cups to the tang to the taste. pane, mor® flavor in the cup, more That's what makes Red Rose Tea so popular, Every package guaranteed, RED ROSE TE Ais good ted' RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good mts i. gots 24 and cook until a gold brown on all 10" sides, Transfer the chicken baking pan, add the carrots cut in one-fourth Inch slices and enough milk to cover, set In a moderate oven to braise un- til tender, When the chicken 1s ten- I -------------- PROTECT THEIR HEALTH Cover the pun and AND YOURS * J der, remove to a serving platter. I the gravy is not thick enough, add u mille and flour mixture jn the pros portion of two level tablespoons of flour to one cup of milk, Cook the gravy over moderate heat until it boils, adding more salt and pepper if necessary, BUY ONLY STERILIZED CT PNAVY 700 shoot of soft, sale, Sterilined poper, = = Pinest Steriline od Tiasve, Serfed from duiproof cabinet, nickel or porosloin finksh, CANADAS / EDDYS Stalacd TISSUES TISSUE OU may select any one of these Sterilised Uddy Rolls, assured of Is purity = its safety, end knewing thet It measures up to the high quality thet pre. tection of the children's health demands ® The price ensures the biggest valve for your money ® Ask for It by ngme, THE E. B, EDDY COMPANY LIMITED HULL » CANADA WHITE SWAN® | Snowy white, In wrapped, Ster/. lined Rolls of 750 shee "DREAD NOUONT" A big valve Bddy line, Seven oun. cos of Sterilins ~EDDY » y (Ottage Tiss "COTTAOR" The aristocrat of Storilined Tim sues, Completely wrapped Rolls, 3,000 shoals, full wunh, = = FINEST ----s, a -------- a rt | CALLED UP TO ABK YOU ABOUT THE WABHER | JUST BOUGHT, « IT WORKS FINE, BUT THE CLOTHES LOOK DINGY, HOW ' CAN | GET THEM WHITER? NEXT WASHDAY | KNOW... I'VE USED RINSO FOR YEARS! NOT WOULD YOU BELIEVE A 8OAP COULD MAKE SUCH A DIFFERENCE RINSO DID MY WVABH IN MUCH LESS TIME TODAY, AND, ONLY ON WASHDAY BUT FOR DISHES AND CLEANING, TOO + THE GRANULATED SOAR . in tub SO or washer WHITE WASHES ARE YOU USING RINSO, MRS, BENSON? THE MAKERS OF 27 OF THE BEST-KNOWN WASHING MACHINES RECOMMEND IT FOR SAFETY, AND FOR SNOW: (Thows o" Even boiling says "How white and pretty da make my clothes rubbin ho hard ru bing: needed these days "Rinso saves me money, use ines Hnoleum, For tub washing, Ringo is a great Mrs. Edith am Rinse Rak 1 spent ands write us letters like this) isn't needed" M. Berg have to do Even bol o0, for it goes twice ther soaps: Wd that means somes furs 1 Rinse for everythin woodwork, etc MRS. EDITH M. BERG g them-ovet 1 never lan't really work-savers they cam be \ fe Hethest They last much twice as because it's Up SON Das Got the BIG package. ws