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Oshawa Daily Times, 10 Apr 1930, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1930 PAGE SEVEN est News of Stock Markets, Grain and Produce Exchanges Mavitobs whest==No. 1, Norths ern, $1,168; No, 2 do, $1.17%; No,' 8, $1.15; No, 4, $1.12; No, 6, 81.07% ; No, 6, Blc; feed, 70¢ (eo, if, Goderich and Bay ports, * , Manitoba oats~~No, 1 feed, b8¢; No. 2,do., Ble, American corn=-No, i No, 3, do, 97¢; No, 4, do, 0 Milifeed, delivered Montreas froights, bags included--Bran, per ton, $51.25; shorts per ton, $38.20; middlings, $38.26; Ontario grain-- Wheat, $1,10; oats, 50 to bbe; bar ley, 62 to GGe; rye 78 to The; buck- wheat, 80¢, CHICAGO PRODUCE PUTURES- Chicago, April B,-Hpot egR market heli 'up well b 5d on the weakening undertone which was so evident in the itte yesterday, Jt was believed the top grades of current receipts would be lower and the fact that they held unchnaged wes unexpected, A slronger purchasing power was noted on the Novenibers which reached 30% near clos, Bpot buts tor market quotations were lower today in a guiet trade so far ay wo can determine, 4.pplies are not heavy byt are amplo for the ght icquiry, Futures were also lower but trading in genernl was of small volume, Open commitments----April oggs, 00| 01; November eggs, H67; Apri butter, 243 November buttery 144; May butter, 5; J e butter, 1, Two market coceipts-- Butter today, 19,2067; Iapt year, 21,848, today, 73,004; ast year, 78.~ I Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets 13¢; 2 yellow, * Shortening = Ticrces, tubs 13%¢; pails, T4c TORONTO 'FARMERS' MARKET The following are quotations, re- tail, in effect on the St, Lawrence Market, Toronto: roduge~ ge, extras, per dozen v., ..., 0.40 0, firsts, per dozen.,... 0.25 0.35 Butter, dairy, per pound ,, 0.35 0.38 Do, creamer', per 1b, .. 042 048 Fruits and Vegetables -- . Asparagus, bunch "ens 0.75 090 Carton, bus. vers 200 , 0 pr seve 0.38 Beets, bus wens 178 Do, 6 qt. vane wes 040 Brussels aii at. ' sans 0.33 Oalons, dry, 11-gt, basket, Do, 6-0t, basket Cabbage Cauliflowe. Endive, dozen Spinach, peck shrooms, per pound ,.. Leaf Lettuce, three for, Head lettuce, two for : Parsley, per bunch Cress, three for Celery, dozen .., Oranges, per doz, Bitter oranges, *dozen ... .., Honeydew melons, each .., Strawberries, pt. Grapefruit, cach Potatoes, bag Cucumbers, chch "i Lemons, per dozen ..ovv04 Bananas, per dozen Apples, 6-gt. basket Cal, green peas, 6-qt. Eggplant, each Green beans, 0 qt, ' Green peppers, four for .. Cranberries, qt, Turnips, bus. Parsnips, 11 qt, Apples, bus, "WN 1 Green peas, 6 qt, Tomatoes, 1b, Pineapples, each, Rhubarb, bunch Radishes, four bunches TORONTO , QUOT. wa onto Boleme ealers are' buys phi oly at the following prices? hg ngraded, cases returned, fresh extras, 27¢; dresh firsts, 25¢; seconds, 22¢c,/ Butter=No, 1 creamery, solids, 81% to 32¢; No. 2, 30% to dle. Churning creamy ~= Special, 34 to $oei No, I, 5.10 3c; 0, 2, 30 to Cheese--~No: 1 large, colored, para~ fined gnd government graded, 20% to 20%¢, + "Poul Alive Dressed 27 26 26 25 2 24 19° 16 175 Toronto 'wholesale dealers are of« fering produce to retail dealers at the following' prices: Fugs--=Fresh extras, in cartoons, de: fresh extras, loose, 32¢c; firsts, 30c: seconds, Butter=--No, 1" greamery, prints, 36 to 37¢; No, 2 ereamery, prints, 35¢ to 36¢, LP hohuce Hens, over 6 lbs, Do, over 5 to 6 bs, . Do, over 4 to 51bs, , , under 4 Ibs. gach Dicks, over 5.bs .... Do, over 410 § Do, under 4 bs. oe Old roosters, over 5 lbs, , over 4 to 5 1by, Guineu fowl), per pr, Sell een errrranes . Sear iRsanta es Ege 01498, Chicago spot riarket--putter oxtras, 37% c; standards, 37%¢ tone ensy. Jggs, graded firsts, 44% to 26¢; tone varely steady. New York spot market---Bu(- 5| tor, extras, 38%; uo tone, Lge, Llvwts, 26% to 26¢; tone firmer, Street stocks-=Uutter today, 82,407; last year, 38,980, Eggs to- day, 166,805; last year, 176,801, Fouy murkety on hand--Butter, 10,033,086, Eggs, 1,001,885, Six olties--Butier, 8,870,045, ges, 006,000, Movement at ten markets---uute ter, net out, $17,800; last year, net out, 40,844, Egys, net in, 7%. d47; last your, net in, 81,188, Cheese New, large, 23 to 28%c; twins, 234 to 24g' triplets, 23%c; tiltons, ec, Old, large, 28¢; twins, % i triplets and cuts, 30¢c; old shile tons, Je Poultry Chickens, 5 lbs. up v Do, 4105 Do, 3% to 4 lbs, Do, 8 to 3% bs, 4ivv BG, 3 Ib8, visser ese Hens, aver 5 lbs. ,. wo 075 1.0 vo 125 1.50 . 0.30 vera 0.28 0.35 0.40 , 0.10 , 0.25 Turkeys TORONTO IO PROVISION PRICES Toronto wholesale dealefs are quo- ting the following prices to the trade Smoked owing: prices medium, 28 to 35¢: cooked loinr, 48 to 52¢, smok- ed rolls, 28; breakfast bacon, 30¢ to 40c; backs, pea- -mealed, 3c; do, smoked, 46 to S5¢,~ ! Pork loins, 32¢; shoulders, 22¢c; butts, 27%c; hams 25%e. Cured meats--~Long clear bacon, 50 to 70 lbs, 24c; 70 to 90 lbs, 22¢; 50 to 110 Ibs. 21¢. Heavyweight rolls ; light-weight rolls, 25c. kav Pure, terces, 15¢; tubs, 16¢: pails, 17c; 17 to 17)ia. ORIC AGO GRAIN OPENING Chicago, April 10-=May 1.15% July 1.16%; Sept. 1,10%. Corn, May 86%: July 885%; Sept, 80%, Oats, May 45%; July 46; Sept, 563. TORONTO HAY AND STRAW Wholesale , dealers in hay and straw are quoting shippers the rol. lowing prices for. carload lots, de- livered on track, Toronto (== No, 2 Timothy ......$1400 No. 3 Timothy ise EA Wheat straw «i000 ) Oat straw TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on the Toronto Board of Trade are making the'fol- lowing quotations for car 1dts: CHIC AGO GRAIN Chicago, and higher prices in wheat were the rule today. Bullish aspects of the Tovernment orop report, upturns in Liverpool quotations, and contin. rings, a FOR THE THRIFTY Qur meats, groceries, fish and "delicacies cover the weeds of every household and offers the thrifty economical prices without any sacrifice of quality. Take advantage of our unusual values and shop with us to-day and every day. FANCY MILK FED VEAL Carefully Selected and and napeeted. LEG OF LOIN 'OF LOIN VEAL VEAL 15..23¢ |VEAL 1. 25 [Filist tv. 29¢ Chap. 28+ FLANKS AND SHANKS OF VEAL 1.12 3» MILD CURED SMOKED PICNICS - - 1b. 19¢ «@ Finest Boiled Ham 1b. 550 | BEEF BOLOGNA - 1b. 25¢ ARNOLD'S | |" Clark's Pork and Beans 2's 3 Tins 29e Pure Lard |. oiled Spaghetil wi 2 tos 250 Pure Gold Jelly Powders <5 tor 25¢ CLARK'S SOUP matt 3 tine 230 CARNATION, cps AMERY cgrTAGE 2 we. 75 Butter 21ws.73¢ ARNOLD'S RED LABEL 2 4a4 IR INNER BUEN ih Pf -- SAR 5% TT 10 os, pki Et a he 2m oo, 27¢ ASR i, sy i, uw 18¢ 2" 19¢c 1] sohram" .12¢ eR Le w13¢ AM a Bn A LL REE) LUNCH 'Quik N Lives I Sibi 0 'ORy 23% Y SPINACH .......... 2 1b 19¢ oir a i 196 CARROTS .. urns + 2 bunches 19¢ rend trade of April 10--Big trading Stock Market Prices Markey Summary by Canadian Press Toronto and New York Hock Quotations Supplied by Biggar 'and Orawfordy Alger Building, Ushawa Toronto Stock Exchange Btock High Br. A, Oll 41% Brag. ., 04% Can, Brd, 17 Cockshutt 22% Cty, Dry. 48 Dis, Bgrm, 9 Dm, Stree, 28 Gypsum 46% Hr, Wal, 10 Int, Nkl, 48% Int, Pot, 24 Imp, O11 20% Lob, "A" 15% Ms, Hr, U8% Mo, yFrt, 20% At, Pwr, 160 I's. Hr, Do % shaw, 50 8, Station 51% Standard Mining Exchange Standard 88 1406 141 bs bas 890 43 Low Close 4 Mines ' 87 LL) 138 1806 136 146 by bs bab bed 4 11 so 480 450 G4 ud0 LLL LHL "8 74 "1200 1200 ° 2876 £270 EET yves "3 400 Abana Alax i Amulet Big Mis, Ch, Rew De. Mus. Falcon, Holl, ,, 6b0 He, OI Hv Hy, Gold 76 Hd, By, 1220 Lk. Bh, 2275 Nrnda, 3075 Sh, Grd, 2060 i| Goodyear Has $00 6h0 190 150 b% #00 650 180 i80 b% 4d Be, B00~r k, Hg, 6560 ntures 190 rv. Hr, 180 'ainwell b% | New York Exchange ] Close 82% High » Low 82% 4% 1 6 b4 bo% 6% % 270% 270 75% Btock Alleghany Allis Chal, Amn, "Inter; Amn, Bmel, Amn, Tel, Anaconda Baldwin 44% orden ¥1 Both, Bteel 107% Can, Dry 4% Can, Pace, 214% Com. Boly, 0% Chrysler \ Fox Gen, Gen, Klee, Mot, a | demonstrutions of the sear in trad- BULLISH TRADING - | ON NEW YORK MART Buying Enthusiasm Noted as Large Blocks of Shares Change Hands "NY, April 10, riket LoLLy gave one impressive bullish ROOFS "Remember April Showers" Re-roof for the last time with "EDGWOOD" British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles----a wooden shingle re- taining all of nature's insulation and at the same time more fire-proof than any 'patent' shingle on the market, New York, The wtock ot the most ing of record-breaking proportions, Beores of issues wero marked up | £ to 10 poin.s, with at least bY reaching new high yround for the yey, A flurry wof pelling wwept through the mevkel at midday, cutting down womg of the barly | gning and sending p springing of fwpues below yesterday's Anu) | quotations, new leaders were quicks ly brovight forward, however, and the market wus hended upwary again by enrly art rnoon | A reduction in the enll money | tate from 4 to 4% per cent, un unexpected inereans of vo,00b tons In the March unfilled orders of the United States Bteel Corpors ation and an incveags of wbhout 10 cents a harvel in mid-continent crude ofl prices helped fo gener ate bullish enthusiasm, Blocks These Shingles cost less per square than substitutes, and the i ila of them, properly applied, carry a forty Year guarantee, ' Telephone us and we will put you in touch with a good contractor who can look after the job for you, Oshawa Lumber ol North, Copper Carb, Mt, Ward Mot, Wheel Nt, Ch, Rg. Pen, Rall Radio Kem, art, Ken, Liq, 8% 44% 43% 66 83% 61% Rang 40% Bim, Zed bY Bin, Ofl=, 81% Bt, of NJ, 19% Btudeonker 447% Tm. RI, Bear 88% U.8. Rubber 34% Bendix ,,., bb! Moneys8% per cent, ied drought over domestid wheat territory were incenti,es to buyers who however, encountered heavy selling on Indications of nen | southwest, Opening % to 2% up, fluctuated nervously within the in tial range. upward trend, with corn holding around % to 1 up. clined, WINNIPEG GRAIN Winnipeg, April 10-~Wheat sur- "od upward on the Winnipeg Grain Exchange 1% to 2% this morning under the influence of strong Liv- erpool peables. Absence of rain In the southwestern part of the Unit od States also exercised a strong bullish influence, No overnight ex- ort trade was feported, Opening wices were: May 1,17 to $1,173; 'uly 1.20% Oot, 1.23 to $1.28%. loarse grains rose fractionally, WINNIPEG GRAIN OPENING Winnipeg, April 10--Wheat, May '%0 to 3% 0 higher at 117 to 1. 1G July 2% to Sc higher at 120% to 110%: Oct, 1 3-40 to 8% ¢ higher at 122 to 128 1.2, Oats, May %o to Ye higher at 58% to 68%: July %c higher at 54%; Oct, %¢ higher at 61%. TORONTO LIVESTOOK Toronto, April, 10-There were no catttle on the Dominion Live- stock Hxchange this morning, Calt receipts 211, / Calf trade was very dull with no buyers up to noon, Hogs receipts 31. AJAX OL SEES whent | Corn and oats had oq Provision de: | SOME ACTIVITY Other Tassies "Quiet on Min- ing Market This Morning re Toronto, April 10-Beyond re noewed activity in Ajax Of] and Co- balt Contact, there was little in. teresting action on the board during the early peried o- day, Golds, under the leadership of Hollinger, were relatively firm, and the balance of the list was meroly irregular with changes confined within a few points, Hollinger opened strong, and at mining 5,000 85,000 shares appeared on the tape at frequent intervals, COMPANY. LIMITED 25 Ritson Road North Telephone 2821-2620 Coyotes have taken a heavy toll | of deer In the Jefferson nationul forest of Montpun, Bands of rave enous "yellow wolves" of the prairie range far and wide seeking | the game and thelr movements over | fly crusted snow are swift and | sure, The New Models You Have Been Waiting Forl The " gers-} * _esticl The New Popular-Priced Lowboy, Console and Combination Are Here) Below==Model 500 noon was selling at $6.40, 15 above last night's' close, The recent strength in the stock would appear to indicate an announcement of sort at. tomorrow's meeting, Teck | Hughes gained 10 to 16.6, but Dome was off 10 to $8.85 and Lake Bhore § to $28.75, Howey Vipond registered small advance | among the lower priced golds, D.P.&T. C0, WILL Hogs unsettled with packers hia ding $11.60 1.0.8, for bacons or $12.75 oft-car, Sheep receipts 53. No lambs were sold up to noon. Nickel To Retain J World Leadership Washington, April 10,.A sur voy of the world's nickel ore bod- fos, together with a study of sub. stitutes for nickel, as made by tho United States Department of Com- merce, had led to the conclusion that the Canauian nickel Indust, has little to fear, Commercial uses for nickel nl» loys have had such a striking growht of late that there is little danger of nickel being crowded . the markets of the world, Selentists «.v now studying the Jetlivrgien) problems involved the utilisation of laterite chrom Henna, nlokol ores found largely in tropical countries, but even should the problem be solved the, amount available would have little bearing upon Canada's position an the loader In world production of nlokel, For many years at least it ap: pears that International Nickel ot Canada is scheduled to ooccup, dominating position id {ts partieu~ lar line of product, FOREIGN EXCHANGE New_York, April 10~Foreign exchange firm: Demand rates (Groat Britain' in dollars; others in | cents) -~Cireat Nritain 4.86 5-10; Canadian dollars at 1-64 of one ver cent discount. 2000Shares Feldspar Glass pi at a Sacrifice of 82¢ per share "All or any part to be sol at once, Need the money, Box 124--Times. 4 | ence arising hetween the vendor SHAREHOLDERS IN GET $75 A SHARE Letter From Directors Out. lines Purchase Agreement | With Hydro ---- | Hamilton, April 10,~In & letter to shareholders, directors of he | Dominion Power and Transmission | Company estimate that a sum of | from $70 to 8705 per share will be | received from the Hydro Commis. sion for the common shares of the company, It. in also pointed out that in ord. or to continue preferred dividends from April to the time of surrender, rl Tottors s batent must betaken out That the HEA 000 total may not be all paid by' the Hydro for the dompany is indicated in onc HifafTaph of the statement which LH "Such further sum payable hy the commission in cash a8 shall be agreed upon by the vendor and the commission as the fair value: (1) Of the stocks and supplies of the vendor and or the aban far fos which were on hand on the S1at day of ember, 1939, (3) Of the book and other dobta and accounts receibable, due or owing to the vendor and or the subsidiaries of the S1st day of De- \ he & fund or other moneys on re. osit with National Trust Company Limited under the terms of any mortgage or trust deed for gecur- Ing bondg of any of the said subs sidiaries, and excluding any un. paid subscriptions for preference shares of the vyendon "And in the event of any differs and the commission as to such fair 'value, such sum as may be certified by Monsrs, Clarkson, Gopdon, Dil worth, Gulifoyle and Nash, acting as experts and not rhitton an Auch fair value." a -------------- New blood from time to time is necessary to raise a husky large | tobe of fish, ro! in the United tes are always | seeking new blood, Often fish are transported across the continent or Joust from one qountry to ane ther for this purpons, \ Sumber; 1020, excluding any sink- |! Rogers-Majestic Lowboy "179 Bune With Tubes and Dynamic Speaker Prices are for 60-C) Sots. 25-Cycle Sets are 510 more, Above--A Radically New T *' Cabinet, Model 596 + Rogers-Majestic Console 9 5 7 COMPLETE With Tobes and Dynamic-Speaker Madel 585 "Phonolectro" Radio Combing« tien Is same design. Price $310 Complel® THEYRE here! Three of the new Rogers-Majestic Models--to still further enhance the reputation of "Canada's Lergest-Selling Radio", Each one a masterpiece of radio engineering. Each one ready to give you the maximum in moder radio performance far the minimum in cost, When you "tune in with a Rogers-Majestic, every instrument and voice. comes to you "naturally, gloriously--with a rich COLORFUL TONE thet will amaze you by its realism. Only Rogers-Majestic could offer such startling radio values as these. And our budget plan of payment makes it easy for you to own the model you prefer. "Amos 'n' Andy" and scores of other famous headliners are on the air=NOW. Don't miss them. Get your Rogers-Majestic at one of these stores today! "GEO. C. ALLCHIN Ltd. 18 CHURCH ST.

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