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Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Apr 1930, p. 11

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i | PAGE ELEVEN wench" where SSISLED meets CORANT ~ Aiinis, BARRISTERS Solicitors, Notaries Public. Ef fe Con) | BE aoe Bt isu J r AD a a go Building, RL Post BARR titer. S4 Solcior, | Notary Punile, Con- loan, Office bv King Bt oz Eat, hi Phone 44 Bar Conveyancers, ais 1 Publis, ste, Of over Standard Dank. Rutrsnce Simane st. Phone 13, J. ¥. Grierson, K.C., reighicn, T. K C B.A, B.A, risters, Fraser, oem, Jeajands Residence street north, 26861, Notary, Money to 1'botie 67. G YS, " CRE iichors gic. 24% Sinicoe St. N.. Phone 3 3160, Money to lo loan: ALEX U. HALL, B.A, A, BARRIS ter, olf, Convarsntine and genera! sctien, Bast. Po hone To hid (tf) HARRIE & HAL (3 jaw Solicitors, ote, &1' Alger Bldg. Orava and Port Perry. Phones 750 Cshawa, Port Perry 24 an} 71 1 8. (Mar, 4-1 mo) XI. PARKHILL, BARRISTER, - Money to loan, Alger Bldg, op- posite Post Office, Phone 1014, Medical PRS, HAZLEWOOD & HARPER, Disney Block. Phoue "050, Office hours 9 am, to 8.:!0 p.m, Pr, B, J. Hallewood, special attention to Surgery and X-Ray. Lr, B, H. Har- per, special attention to children's Diseases and Obstetrics, Sunday and night calls "416 or 122. DR. McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR. geon, * Accoucher, Office and resi. dence, King St. Eest, cornes Victoria St. Oshawa, Phone 94. DR. "HAROLD Ww. TRICK, PH {SI clan, Surgeon, Obstetrician, Special references to 16 atesnity york aod a seated vear ini oe To8er and resi Sri Siene mecoe St. No. (cor. Brock) phone or DK. GRANT BERRY. PHYSICIAN, | ! " jelan, d of Surgeon, Obstetrician, ofce" infants end child ¢, DAVID ARCHE e-M.D. C Dr ow P. and ie Edi a ) an ol Best Sates st wd batet Phone R. C.' 3 OAR, SHYSIGIA Be eon, Obstetrician, Oftice ap residence, 513 Simcoe street north. a 2416. DR. ). ARCHER BROWN, PHYSI- | of cr, cur, Buren og 1S | Obuterican off | o one , Nose, t DRT, 1, BRYANT OF 160 DLOOR Street West, to, will be at his office over Jury & ell's D Store each Saturday, from | till 4 bn for consultation and treatment is te of ear, nose and throat North ol drug nd Eyer ove id i p H 2 LOTR Fairy | appointment, fot & cor ladle DR. S. 1. PHIL LIPS, OVER BAS: set's. Special aftantion to rE k. Gas ~'raction, Nnrse in ate N. over Dewland's. Rea, aw, Avenings by CEMENT BLOM on KS FOR q To insite prompt delivery, & Be ntments mav be mad~ at} we. | of A and physical cultur specialist In muscle anomalies, eyesight and glasses. Author of Eye Care and Eye Btrain, The Chilg and Its Development, Dis ney Block opposite Post Office. Phone i616, (Mar, 13-1 mo) DON EVA io Land sub-divis AND SMITH, ONTAR- yerors and Cit Dunicies} er Siitons St. E. Phon er es 2532 Engineering and Surveying | vil Eatin. planning, Al King Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST East, Ambulance, Residence, $42 coe street morth, Phone 210J end A BURIAL COMPANY Celina street, ruce o'reets Ambulance Sim. Oshawa, Corner Phone ug. St. west, Oshawa, est Pire Adency n Oshawa, 30 Re- putable Fire nnies. gonsult R, N. Jobes, 80 Simcoe porth, Your {nsUrasce 'wants at oy to and your interests pro- SON, INSURABLE. The old- All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Etc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling » large number of small accounts of this nature. end collect for same. For the convenience of customers who find it inconvenient to come personally to The Times' office, a telephone call will bring a messenger who will receive the advertisement "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT Work Wanted For Rent Transportation fo furniture moviag, storage ware house, and moving van ¢quipment. Phope 8%. RE ------------. CARTAGE, sand and cinders. Local an dis.ance hauling. Smith Cox, Phone 924, 10 Bond St, West. A lished furn'ture movers. car ane Local and Lona, oSiatange Soon Gress 1 vi South, (Mar, 10-1 mo) Bey Parlors BETTY LOU JERUANENL WAVE Bhop. Special. in' permanent, fluger and ma kel waving, Ver | manent wave prices $6, §7,60, $10 and $15. All other Hoey of Beauty Culture. Phone 2008, Apply sb Bimcoe street north, BY Betty Ward at B Permun- ent Wars Shop! oy and sham- one seve WATSON'S BARBER clalize in ladies" Walr cutting, mar. ye For. ansefgimes phone isan For Ammer 1 541" mo) D EE pet | ier K. Clarke, 147 Agnes street. t'hone 26404, (Mar, 20-1 mo) Music ARTRURCYNDE, , VOUAL 1 (Hambourg Conservatory, ronto) puplls prefuted bond sxams. Oshawa Tues liam street vest, past TEACH. To- all Wik id By (1 TRENEER, OR- ii and ols master of King Stree rest United Church will accept pupils in plapo, organ and vocal music, For particulars apply 6V William: streec oast. Phone $896. (Apr, 6-1 mo) A i of ual, Oshawa Colle TER a re eH Radio Service USHAWA, RADIO SERVICE, AS cessorive tor sale, repairs » we trio and battery sets, tubes Aan batteries tested, batteries reo chental supplied. $1, Phone 34 4 Charles Wales, 116 Elgin' (Apr, 8§<1 mo) CHARGED AND DE. fered A rental 204 Oshawa ly & Phone 3112W, (Mar, 14-1 Mo) Jam. MAKES OF SEIS REPAIR. . Hy Bide ed. Re atonubie work guaran. rw eries Dr ed, SOc delive ButrGuxhs, ifi ie ZR ne (Mar, 14.1 mo) charged, 7be called. for and de livered, fo service, airinls erect: ed. Plait. Phone 3 r 80-1 mo) Bond Street East, Lessons given 'each evening * from 6 pm: and on, Saturdays 0 10 aan For terms call or phoue-3297W, at h above hours, "WOM Re rank Riaken 31 Maple Phone 2372 (771) Bloor St. E. Phong 1 ERE HAND FU and' N-4 fatance Belted, . (ar GARTAGE AND BTORAUR, COLE man's, 86 Bond West, Specialists MOVING, GRAVEL long AB. Park Road AND Beauty Shop, #.Celina St, We spe- Marcel body hone 20tt) OR Collegiate and Gibb St. phone. 1818W, ul [1% s er rn wer pee RE-UPHOLSTERING, CHESTER- fields made Yo order. We save you money. Estimates free, G. A, Con. stable, 74 Mechanic street. Phone 595), (561 BAITERIES CHARGED, CALLED for and delivered, 75 cents. If ren. tal supplied $1, Batteries repairer, stan Bligdon, 20 Mill §t, Phone 1880W. (Mar 16-1 mo) Fix UP YOUR ROADWAY, gravel, sand, cinders and general trucking, Chis. Grahan, Photie 20211m. (Mar, 27-1meo,) Dry Cleaning NORMAN LAMBERT, FRENCH dry-cleaning, and epuiring, all goods called for and delivered, Phone 523. 66 Bagot Strect, (Mar. 11:1 mo,) LOOK LOOK= Have your old hat diane blocked to look like new at ° Hub, 15 King Etreet West, Shoe Shine and Hat Cleaning. Work guaranteed, Phone 2249, Victor Col- lop, (Apr. 4 -- 1 _mo.) PRUNING, GRAF TING, GARDEN- ing, Repairing; etc. Phone 3272W, (86b) and The Articles For Sale MIXED HARD AND sUKFIW an slabs, $3.50 wh load. Also bone aterous Meek Lim} od body oak FOR TTT. CO. Ltd., pianos, new and used plano, also "radios, latest models; terws aFeahged. Apply C. Troll, ht of UANTITY OF WHT a ; tcl er seed or sale Pia' 64s r 1-8, g Mar, 82-1 wo) OR Ig ~~ STRA plants, Kellogg's Early Birdy Prem- fer and Pocomoke, White Leghoro batching 'eggs, Laron strain, Phone 2068W, (Mar 26-1 mo) FOR SALE---CRUSHED STONE Chips for driveways. _\Vaterous- Meck Limited, Phone 1288. (Mar 28<1mo) SANURE FOR SALE. $5.00 PER load delivered, Fhone Hav, (4d) ONT "HEINTZMAN GRAMA: or sal th records, -Phone Sioa, for sale with rec (880) in good condition $125.00. Terms 1000 doy. and $6.00 per month, ee at John Meagher's, 92 Simeoe North, Phone 371W, (85¢) FOR SALE--QUANTITY. OF TI. mothy hay. Apply F. E. Hare, s¢- cretary of Park Commission, Osh. awa, (86¢) ) SALE~ ud afonds, dressers, rugs, 7% yds, in- laid linoleum, grandfather clock, dropside couch 'and sundries, Also good chesterfield suite, Top tioor, over Bank of Commerce. «bia i q ugs 1 'Smyrna reversible Tugs B0¢ to 3 down, 20c per week. Lor samples (840) Awnings AWNINGS = PORCH hindi verandah curtains, canopy tops installed, TL. Taylor, Toromto. sha hone 1053. (Apr, 10:41.) Painting and Decorating "GUTSOLE, FIRST CLASS ry painting and. grain n or ) erbanging and decorating, Hetil mates given on work, 61 Brock St. Kast, Phone 1367J, (Mar, 20-1 mo) = Money to Loan TO AN = FF available for first mortgages, on well gated + residenges. Brudley Bros. a Simbee South (Busta ). i Pe 5 Also Fig and d ng Jui. Figse 14360 (Mar. § wo), )| water yeas round, UARE PIANO, GOOD TONE Hy 21 'McLaughlin Blvd. _ (85¢) BARGAIN WITLIAMS MS PIANO N. AVARTMENT, <liJuUERN, HOME Iike suites, Some furnished, laun- dry, convertences, ¢!ec dryer; ele. o'co stoves, elev relrireration, hot Plone 1560 or ELA (BLL) FOUR AND ¥iVE HOOUMEL MUD ern sultes, including electric relrig: eration, stove, Iawndry, conven) ouces, otc. continuous bot water supplied. Apply Supt. 'phone 2611, ur The Trusts and Guarantes Co. ltd., manager far owner, I'oronto. (37:10) BE OOMB, electric, gas and a!) conveniences, Corner Bond and Ontario streets. U. A, Balter, 38 Uond BK, Phone 1218, (828) 0 MENT=FUT- uished with every convenfence for Hght housekeeping, Phone 8888. (§ie) HQUSE FOR RENT, IMMEDIATE possession, 325 Ritson Road South, Apply 329 Ritson Road South. (811) 2'NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping. Every cone venience. Also Garage. Apply 21 Warren Ave, (84¢) USE ALL conveniences at 254 Court street. Phone 17206M, ($4¢) : T-- A) 1 nished rooms, sultable for gut housekeeping, All conveniences, I'hone 3248M after six, (8bc) NT =FiVE TOON: All conveniences. (8bc) (WA Blvd, Six Tooms, nicely decorated, Garage. Phone 203 r 3, Bowman. ville, (83e) AN 1 od, furnished. 211 Drew Bt. "eo a-- ¥ J - nished rooms, ground floor, three blocks from four corners. All con~ veniences. 43 McMillan Drive, (84e) to rent for Mgbt All coi. entences. 109 Albert street, L¥4c) APARTMENTS T0 RENT -- ALL convenience, reasonable price, 442 Simcoe South, c) 5 ROOM JOC ON BUCKING HAM AVE, floors, chestnut trim, wired: for eerie stave, Pos- Apply $2 Simeoe . (85¢) SIX ROOM HOUSE ON BURKE Pot. Fob ppnly 262 Haig Street, (85() [~TW0O 100 ACRE Rodi, lot 15, B.F, snd First Cone cession, Township of Last Whitby, fronting on Kingston Road, part of John Bartlett state, immedi ate possession, Apply to Conant & Annis, Barristers, &o., Oshawa, unfurnished housekeeping, Central, session May lst. "Ontario, Solivitors for the Adminis. trator, (T4-77-80-83-86-8Y) central building, newly decorated, electric refrigerator, stove, hot water, janitor service, Immediate possession, §40, Prone 1768M, "Rates for | Classified 4 Ads. | ig chara, 80c, Sh oh ih ©0! Hom fe fi rg ol {nsertions ihre . a word). Minimum charge tor three insertions, 60 cents, Box number 100 additions) rome ri ards, ) par for a' 'wordy o lege; 10 ' on a word wm 0 pa BE. TELEPHONE 85 1 Aa tae Clanitied 44 [}]'Bona street. west. For Rent esi ROOMED HOUSE TO rent by May first, All conveniences, Apol 329 Division Street, 86¢) KOOMED HOUSE, 212 GIBBS Sue all conveniences, garage, payv- ed street, vacant May first. Apply 209 Drew St. Phone 2710M. (86¢ THREE ROOMS UNFURNISHED or partly furnished for Motors 1 Reasonable rent, near Motors 5 Kingsdale Ave. APARTMENT TO LET, CEN = All conveniences, bardwood floors, Apply Bradley Brow. (86tf) HOUSE TO LET -- ALL CON- veniences, hardwood floors, Apply Bradley Bros. (8611) Phone (86a) NT =D A bungalo, $30, North end. Holden 371W, OR NJ ee HOUSE. All conveniences, Central, garage. Apply 286 Dearborne avenue, (86a) bedroom, "All conveniences, 1778W or call 216 Alice St. (86c) OR 5 UNFUKNISH- ed. rooms, wvathroom flat or 2 large rooms down stairs, All con- venfences, "77T4W or 140 Tylor Croscent, (86p) T0 RENT=TOTTACE, CENTITAT: ly located. Apply 15 Elgin St. Kast at once, (86b) T0 LET=CURY. THREE ROOM- od cottage, Conveniences, Newly decorated. One block from Motors offices, 303° Richmond St. Kast, Phone 1149F, (86¢c) Phone TO RENTw-2 For Sale or Exchange =~ FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE "ON small house, 6 acres garden Jand, with five room house, 2}5 miles from Oshawa. Price right. This party must sell due to sickness, 10 ACRES ON KINGSTON HIGIH- way, 6 milgs east, will exchange on Oshawa property. Jones Real Es- tate. Phone 2667. ¥6b) sexs Real Estate "For Sic LOT ON GIBB ST. 34 BY % FT, Apply 286 Burk St. (85¢) 18. LOVELY SiX ROOMED modern home on Alice Bt, must be sold quickly at a sacrifice price. $4,600. Don't fall to see it, Phone Holden 371W, (86a) 7 ROOMED HOUSE, ABOUT acre of land, close to canning fac- tory, Bowmanville, Apply BHM, Oshawa Daily Times, Bowmanville, (86¢) FOR SALE=% ROOMED BUF? brick house; square plan on Wood street. § rooms and bath, All mod- orn conveniences, wired for electric stove, hardwood floors, fireplace, chestnut trim, fir upstairs, stair- way to attie room, 10x14, full size veranda, side drive, good big lot, ull weeded down, close to High! and Public Ssbhools, A real home, Will consider car and some money an down payment on same. Must be sold so come and make otfer, Box 602 Times. (86a) Situations Wanted AMBITIOUS YOUNG = MAN wants garage work or anything me- Shanien 2 years experience in gar. Box 5% Times. (85c) Pry WANTED, GIRL. AGE 16 would like position as mother's help or nursemaid, Sleep out, ref. erences. Phone 1485W, (85b) elp Wanted--Male WANTED -- AN EXPERIENCED Hoffman Presser. Box 594 Time (84c DISTRICT MANAGER ESTABLISHED MANUFACTUR- er wants man to handle business in this and surrounding territory, Ex« perience unnecessary as we teach you our business, but honesty a requisite, Earnings $400.00 and up per month, $900.00 investment required; fully ses cured, you handling it yourself, This is an unusual opportunity for a steady reliable man, wanting a permanent connection and will stand strictest investigation, Write all about yours self to interest us in your first letter, Write Manufacturer, 767 Milwaukee | © Avenue, Chicago, and our State Man. ager will arrange interview, 83g) Help Woe Fomle TWO GIRLS, COOK & WAITRESS for Park Inn, Colborne, Ont, Apply at once, Phone 2589w, ota) JANESW WAY HATCHED CHICKS rom trap-nested breeders, S.C White Leghorns, barred rocks, white NY andottes, Wiite or phone for calalon Oshawa Hatchery and Pouity Fur, 144 ak Road North, Pho! , 13378, (Mar, 21.1 Mo) family, for gentlemen, private f| Simcoe street north. Phone ¥7¥W, (86h) 'with board, }ive minutes walk of four corners, Terms Roasonadle, : 8 ( ) family. Veyy central, Phone 19384, (86¢c) NEW CHEV TRUCK 1 STARE my w $100 dow, (86D) body, Small mileage, balance , Phone 290, (¥4¢) buys Chevrolet ton « truck, 27 model, stake body. Good vires and repair. Phone 2423W, Oshawa. (86¢) bY sale, in first class shape, i'rivate: 'owner, Apply 210 Mary strest, Wanted to Rent (0 Vt Yood locality, no children, Yhone Auction Sale HAVING RECEIVED INSTRUC- tions from Thos, Northey to sell at 28 Mill St, Oshawa, on Saturday, April 12, 1:30, all his household fur- niture consistiag of Piano, grama- phone, Chesterfield, Parlor furniture, dining room suite, beds, dregsers, stove, a large quantity of fancy dishes, cook stove, carpets, rugs, lin- oleum, bedding; other thigns too nu- merous to mention. Sale at 1 p.m, sharp. Terms cash, W, J. su! LEY, Building Materials rices, Glazed Sash, Doors, Frames Flooring, Roofing, Builders' Hurd. ware Wallboard Insulating Board Pumps, Plumbing Goods. Save by dealing direct, Send for big I'ree Catalog, Halliday Company Limited, 16_Halliday Building, Hamilton, Mortgage for: Sale BA 000 SECOND mortgage, discounted to yield 10 per cent, Excellent security. Splen- did investment, Apply Box b6¥b Times, (821) CE Md s Nursing PRACTICAL NURSE, MATERNI. ty, invalid or general nussing. Phone 475, Whitby, or, 10-1mo.) PRACTICAL NUT wh ~ DISER: gaged, maternity or eneral nurs. ing. For information phone 320W. (Apr. 4-1 mo) Lost and Found | CORT--BETW LEN SOUTH SIM- coe School and four corners, leath- er music case, property of Mr, Richer, supervisor of music of Ush- | awa Publie Schools, Finder return to South Simcoe School, Reward. (86a) "Auditing and Accounting AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING service -at reasonable rates, In- come tax reports and annual statements prepared, R. A, Holden, 2 Simeoe street 'north, phone 4 (Apr, 11-1 mo) ~ Spirella Corsetiere CORSETIERE=PLEASE PHONE 2343), Mrs. Derumaux for particu- lars of the new fitting line in Spire ella, District North Last, after 5 p. ni. (Mar. 15-1 Mo, NTE A RET. resentative, north west and south oast districts. 106 Frederick street. Phone » 2180M. (Mar 15-1 mo) LaTING i) You an oy reading the latest Fiction at minimum cost | Phone 1472, 37 Clwmcoe St. North (T-¥8 tr) Notice Under the provisions of section 383 of the Consolidated Bylaws of the City of Oshawa, no person shall climb, bark, peel, cut, deface, remove, injure or destroy the whole or any pact, of any tree, sapling or shrub, now growing or which hereafter shall be planted by any person or persons, of the said City, in any street or public place in the City, and no per- son shall cut down or remove any === | such tree without the written con- sent of the Council of the City of Oshawa. Any person so found violating the Provisions of this: Bylaw shall be li- able to a fine not exceeding $50.00 and costs, OWEN D. FRIEND, Chief Constable. (86-92-98) SPECIAL HOME FOR EPILEPTICS URGED Haileybury, April 11.--Children of Northern Ontario districts, subject to epflepuic fits, ghould be taken care in a sbocal institution erected in some northern city where they could receive proper treatment tor their ail | ments, said Inspector John McCrace ken, of the Children's Aid Society, Temiskaming, in an interview here, Mr: McCracken said he was con. sidering a suggestion the help of the associated boards of trade might be enlisted. in order to bring the mat. ter before the provincial authorities. A home of this nature is an ure gent necessity of the North, the in. spector declared, IMPOSE HEAVY TAX TO HELP WORKLESS Sydney, NSW. Apil 1A rate of 6 cents on $5 is expected to be the levy which Premier T, R, Bavin of New South Wales has proposed should be nlaced on incomes in ore der to continue Government and pri- vate construction + * an unproductive nature, 80 as to alleviate unemploy. ment. Such*a rate would result in funds, of $7,500,000 a year, it is expected: There will probably be a higher pers centage on .salaries of more than $2000 yearly, and rent receipts and other forms of income will be tax. ed, bringing the total revenue in this vegard to $15,000,000, KEY TO NUMBERS wotor lloense markers for 1980, supplied the different cities and towns in Ontario: Alto A 9999 Toronto, (86a) | "HY 301 to HZ 999 North Bay. +K 1 to K 9909 Hamilton, y [ HARDWOOD FLOORS 3 ' LAID 301 to KD 200 Swastika. | 'Electric Sanded and Finishes "MZ 1 to MZ 999 Picton. .T 8601 to T 9099 Weston. . +17 8001 to U 9999 Woodbridge. AY 1.to BZ 999. Kitchener, AP.1 ta AY 500 Woodstock, AP 501 to AZ 099 Sarnia, B1toB 999 Toronto, DA 1 to BE 909 Sarnia, BE 1 to BP 500 St, Thomas, BP 601 to BX 999 Stratford. BY 1 to BZ 999 Kitchener, C 1to C 909 Windsor. CA 1 to CJ 999 Kitcheber, CK 1 to CM 400 Petrolia, CM 401 to CM 999 Port Rowan, 1001 to V 9999 Toronto, 1.40 W 9999 Toronto. to X 0099 Toronto. to Y 990 Toronto. 0Z 9999 Toronto, A woman is the inventor of » box for carrying valuables in pub- lie hand is, locked to foil thieves, an alarm bell being included. places into which a person's CN'1 to CV 500 Brantford. - VC 1 to CZ 999 Guelph. D1toD 9099 Windsor. DA 1 to DB 999 Guelph, DC 1 to. DH 999 Galt, DJ 1 to DN 909 Simcoe. |, DO'1 to DR 500 Milton. DR 501 to DW 500 Bfampton. DW 501 to DZ 999 Orangeville, . ] Oshawa Burial Co. successor to Disney-Cott AMBULANCE 87 Celina 8¢. Phone 1088 E 1 to E 6600 Walkerville, I 6501 to E 9009 Kingsville, EA 1to EA 990 Orangeville, EB 1 to EE 500 Harriston, EE 501 to EJ 200 Wingham, BJ 201 to EM 300°Cljuton, EM 301 to EO 600 Walkerton, EO 601 to ES 700 Hanover, ES 701 to EU 400 Kincardine, EU 401 to EW 999 Goderich, | EX 1 to BZ 999 Owen Sound. F1to F 1600 Kingsville, LUMBER F. L. BEECROFT Whitby Lumber and Wood Yard 'hone Oshawa 324 Whitby 19 F 1501 to ¥ 2300 Amherstburg. F 2301 to F 9999 Reserve A 1 to FB 9999 Owen Sound. FC 1 to ¥D 700 Wiarton, FD 701 to FH 800 Collingwood. FH 801 to FL 300 Midland. FL, 801 to FM 800 Meaford. FM 801 to EP 900 Listowel. EP 901 to FS 300 Watford. Frame dwelling--4 rooms, gare Age, water, sewer in, lot 40 by over $400 mortgage takes ft. Submit tender to Disney. Vhone 126. 310 Eigin east, Best wfifer 1550. 8 301 to FT 400 Paris, PT 401 to FU 100 Gravenhurst, FU 191 to FV 200 Parry Sound, FV 201 to FW 400 Burks Falls, FW 401 to FY 999 Dunnville. FZ 1 to FZ 999 8¢. 'Catharines, G Omitted. H 1 to 9090 Hamilton, HA to HH 600 St. Catharines, | HH 601 to HO 999 Niagara Falls, | HP 1 to HS 700 Fort Erle. The WILSON-HOLLAND GARAGE (form.rly West End Garage) Prepared to handle all kinds of repair work (bumping) also washing. Phone 3292 HS 701 to HY 300 Welland. I omitted. J 1toJ 99500 Hamilton, JA 1 to JA 600 North Day. JA 601 to JB 200 Kenora. JB 201 to JB 300 Stoux Lookout. JB 301 to JB 400 Schreiber. JB 401 to JB 500 Chapleau. JB 501 to JB 900 Dryden, JC 1 to JD 900 Fort Frances. Order Your Bpring Suit Now from the DOMINION CLOTHING CO, 68 KING ST. W. (hone 2141 We Deliver JD 901 to JJ 100 Fort William. JJ 101 to JL, 999 Port Arthur, JM 1 to JM 600 Bruce Mines, JM 501 to JR 200 Sault St, Marie JR 201 to JR 700 Blind River. JR 701 to JV 400 Sudbury. | JV 401 to JW 200 Cochrane, i JW 201 to JW 800 Iroquois Falls JW 801 to JY 400 Timmins. JY 401 to JZ 400 New Liskeard. JZ 401 to JZ 999 Cobalt. | EATON GROCETERIA | It Pays To Shop Here Always fi K 9 to KA 9500 Cobalt KA001 to XB 800 Sturgeon Falls KB 901 to KC 300 Espanola KC & KD 201 to KD 700 Thessalon. KD 701 to KE 500 Gore Bay. | KE 601 to KE 800 Little/Current KE 801 to KF 700 Powasson, KF 701 to KF 900 Huntsville, KF 901 to XJ 400 Bracebridge. ed Complete W. J. TRICK CO. LTD, 25 Albert Street | Phone 230, 281 | KJ 401 to XM 300 Orillia, KM 301 to KR 800 Barrie. KR 801 to KX 200 Lindsay. KX 20] to KZ 999 Petarboro, I.1toL 9999 London, LA 1 to LE 200 Peterboro. LE 201 to LF 600 Beaverton, LF 601 to LR 400 Oshawa. LR 401 to LS 900 Bowmanville, L8 901 to LU 300 Port Hope. LU 301 to LX 200 Pembroke. LX 201 to LZ 300 Renfrew, 1.Z 301 to LZ 999 Arnprior. M1 to M 9999 London, MA 1 ta MA 800 Arnprior, MA 801 to MC 800 Campbelford. MC 801 to MD 999 Hastings. ME 1 to MH 300 Cobourg. MH 301 to MJ 600 Tweed. MJ 601 to MK 600 Bancroft. MK 601 to MV 300 Belleville, MV 801 to MY 990 Napanee. N 1 to N 5000 London, N 5001 to N 9009 Reserve, NA 1'to NB 500 Pieton, NB 601 to NO 500 Tamworth. NC 401 to NC. 999 Tiehborne. ND-1 to NK 999 Kingston. NL to NM 800 Gananoque. NM 801 to NO 900 Carleton Place NO 701 to NU 400 Smiths Falls. NU 401 to NX 600 Brockville. NX 401 to NY 999 Kemptville, NZ 1 to NZ 999 Prescott. 0 1to QO 9999 Toronto, OA 1 to OA 9509 Prescott. OA 001 to OD 200 Winchester. OD 201 to OK 100 Cornwall, OK 101 to ON 600 Alexandria, ON 604 to OZ 999 Ottawa. P1toP 9999 Toronto, PA 1 to PK 999 Ottawa, PL 1 to PL 400 Perth, Thousands Now Eat og A Delightful Breakfast Feed EVESIGHT T SPECIALIST glasses, oO Opposite Drink Delicious | Kara Coffee Always Fresh at - Syperior Chain * | r Ain PL 401 to PL 800 Wallaceburg, PL 801 to PM 200 Keewatin, PM 201 to PM 600 Richard's Landing, PM 601 to PM 0909 Stratiron PN 1 to PN 400 Havelock. PN 401 to PN 800 Minden: PN 801 to PN 999 Manitowaning PO 1 to PP 200 Tilsonburg. Q Omitted. R1to R 9990 Toronto, 8:1 to 8 9099 Taronto, T 1 to T 3600 Toronto. U 1 to U1 1400 Weston, U 1401 to U 4700 Unionville. U 4701 to U 8000 Newmarket, Ahead! ~=Do not lose YOUR CAs gy V1toV 1000 Sutton, MOTOR LICENSES| "Following is a womplete list ol} AAl to AQ 990 Chatham, 2000 Shares Feldspar Glass. " a Sacribes of All or any part to be sold at ones. Need the meney Box 724~Times,

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