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Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Apr 1930, p. 12

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| THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES , MONDAY, APRIL 14, 1930 d LE d e 4 ho fi Ay Quack, * Mrs, Quack the Mallard Duck sat in her nest In the little swamp at the of the Smiling Pool, It was a y comfortable nest, lined with the ft feathers from her own breast, nder hier were ten greenish-white we, Of course, she thought the "Were the most beautiful eggs in the Great World, She was sure that 'there were no other eggs to compare with them anywhere, She dreamed about them as she sat there, But with all hee dreaming Mrs; ack never for an fnstant failed to pel guard, Perhaps you think she had an easy job sitting there with nothing to do day after day, That is what Pater Ra bit thought. Peter used to visit her, every once in 8 while, Peter is himself inclined to be somewhat lazy, He told little Mrs, Peter about Mrs, Quack's nest d how Mrs, Quack was sitting there, "1 don't know oliany one who has an easier time than Mrs, Quack, said Peter, "She has nothing at all to do but sit there, She certainly hat it as easy ap any one I know of, Fa mer Brown's Boy knows that she and Mr, Quack are around somewhere and #0 he puts corn over fn the Smil- ing Pool. All Mrs, Quack has to do is to get a good meal of corn whey» ever 5 wants it." ; "That's sll right, Peter," said tittle Mrs, Peter, "but 1 don't believe she has such an easy time of it, She must get very, very tired of just sits ting lh doing nothing, And then she' must be anxious all the time, yiAnxious!" exclaimed Peter, "Anx- fous! Why should she be anxious?" "Well, 1 know I would he in her place," declared little Mrs, Peter. "Suppose some enemy comes along he's either got to take a cha hat that enemy will not find her or she's got to leave those precio eggs of hers, No, sir, Mis. uncle isn't ing any casy time of it, i Mes. Peter was quite right, Mrs. Quack was not having an easy time of it, - She knew that that nest was well Hidden, but 'she also knew that sharp eyes and keen nosés were constantly visRing that little swam and she must always be on guard Once Bobby Coon had passed and it wasn't until he was.over at the Smil- ing Pool Hunting for frogs that Mrs, Quack dared draw along breath. The very next night she heard fight foots steps. They were very light, indeed, You and 1 wouldn't have heard them, but Mrs, Quack heard and she knew 'whose footsteps they were, "Oh, dear, what shall T.de?" sald rs, Quack to herself, "What shall dot" Shall I slip away and leave these ¢ r sha ake a Shase a stay right here? I'm glad its 'perfectly still, 1 am glad that Ee a AAA PHONE 32 THOMPSON'S 40" Simbos St. §, «= We Deliver "Oh, dear! What shall 1 do?" said Mrs, Quack 'to herself, none of the Merry Little Breezes are dancing arpund, Tf they were, Reddy Fox might' get my scent." She drew all her feathers down very tightly and kept perfectly still, Those footsteps came nearer and nearer, They Mopped right beside fier nest, Perhaps you can guess how Mrs, Quack felt. then, She cou) have reached out and pulled the tall of Reddy Fox, But she knew she was giving off no seent and so his wonderful nose would not find her, unless_he should happen to' poke his head In under the skunk cabbage leaves, Those skunk cabbage leaves were helping to hide her in more ways than one, You kibw they have # scent very like the scent that Jim- my Skunk carries, That is why the plant is called the skunk cabbage, So even if there had been just a little faint odor of Duck, the stronger odor of the skunk cabbage would have killed it, For perhaps a minute Redd stood still there beside Mrs. Quack, He was looking and listening. It Ce a lt A. TIME TABLES JO a Ad C 0. B TABLE ) Sunday), iam Ri 8:40 a.m, Dolly (Except Sunday). $30 hm: Daily. (Exsapt Sunday) Going na am, Ye weep » £8 Bl spot fg Di (Encont day) ally, Fox Pr 11,10 pm, 15.08 wou, CANAD! ATIONAL RAILWAYS ar 3 lly, exert Sunday. i ii ouly, 1.1 vs In except day, i except Bnd'. ally, exempt 1 ily, ascopt Baturdy. y ESSssst sesporee 33333332 Forsses ped ye iy, Aly, emsept Sunday. ally, itn except Sunday, id wept Sunday, play on, in" ah pine Dally, anceps badsy: hit, Oshawa, I wa, Bowmanville Whikhy,. | BUS LINE 3a mo =a 3z333 p2 My PuNsnOS wma SRE fo 4 WEEK DAY SCHEDULE Hungry, 1t ses eo Tove on, 'did, and once more she could eathic easily, ' (Copyright, 1930, 1, w, Burgess) The next story s "Mrs, Quack Goes LUNG-FSH AID STUDY OF THEORY OF EVOLUTION Queer Creatures Live Ser: enely on Land as Well As In Water New York.-~Bleepy progeny of the Devonian lungfish of lion years ago is under laboratory treatment today, affording welence an opportunity to study evolution at first hand, These close relatives of the Devonian creatures which were the first to walk on dry land sre the most ancient survivors-- except the shark--in the long ey- cles of evolution, and stand as live specimens of the past, They are AMrican iung-Ash une der observation at Bellevue Medi eal College of New York Univers sity, One specimen lives in water in a glass bowl where it was placed four months ago after being removed from a lump of an slmost as hard as a rock, It been in this mud brick 18 months, There are 15 others in hard mud on the laboratory shelf, These creatures of catfish grey color, a foot or"so long, and look- ing like u cross hetween a catfish and an eel have been there buried alive for 17 months, TT} real lungs and rise to th once in about w to 5 to ht hy But ut last 50 mile This steiki the Duke of Photograph shows Norfolk, premier. duke, falling headlong to the ground when his horse, Lady FY i gland's Castleberg, this angular position during the Royal Horse (hnrds' Challenge Cup decided to Heogimantal meeting st Pacific ond Atlantic Photos, Ine, AW the | bury mud | Pn had Dr, have uriace minutes to 10 breathe, In the dry season they themselves, thrpugh's hole in the earth, Smith estimates they can live in the mud five years, do not eat in mud, but live thelr own tissues, and accumulate waste products in thelr own bodies, No other animal is known which can so dispose of waste, Smith is studying wecrets of astonishing kidney which no other animals weem to possess, These functions appear to have some relation to the lunge breathing They on functions vid The ing jobs, "meanest" thief world" was sentenced at New York to 10 years in Bing Bing prison, Monday, George Schwartz was con- victed of accepting fees from un- employed on the assurance of pro- fish's ability to live in un state of suspended animation, The fish curl up In the mud, The "sleep" which follows has heen compared to hyp- nonin eauned hy unchanged posture, and it seems Lo be a nervous function, I --------------------" mainiaining an in BRITISH MUSEUM MENACED BY LACK the the British Museum fi» tection, ? assume | thorn, England Copyright, 1080, FIRE FROTECTION London,-=A report' just issued by the Royal Commission on Na- tional Museums and Galleries says periously endangered by Inadequate fire pro- A large part of the vast building that houpes the inestime able treasurers of Lhe museum was bullt more than a centyry ugo. ind standards, The commission advises fmmedi- ate strengthening of the fire patrol snd other temporary measures to reduce the fire bhaezard, while it recommends that the government inquire closely into what can be done to make the building per manently sete; A------------ MASTER WIND IN INSURANCE URDER MAKES CONFESSION Kills Columbia Maxi to Col lect $200,000 / Life Bentonville, Ark., /April 12-=An admission that he ter mind' in one wuccessful insur~ ance murder plot /and was involv. od in, snother which was followed by the slaying of William Robert Pearman was mode yestorday, ae- cording to Sherif Bdgar Yields, In n confession signed by Dr, A; J, Bane, aged BF, wealthy retived dentist of Columbia, Mo, Mecianic Is Miain Bass In in Jalil here on a' first Adeogres munder charge in connec~ tion with (the death of Pearman, weeks ago, Basp held an it of $200,000 Jife Insure Arman took out under tie , The insurance was collaters! land deal in Bouthwest Ark. 8 Policies Are Released rior to his confesion, Hass re- sed the insurance policies on asons's life, apd admitted, ®( tats thr short of modern museum | ¥ielof sald, that the policies were take/n out with futent to defraud, ¥ admitted paying the first she nuh! instalment on the premium, nen's wlatement revealed how. hp hired gunmen to kill M, J, Dor« iy of Hammond, Ind, head of he Northern #tates Life Insure ance Company, in a $100,000 jue surance swindle plot, This plot collapsed because one of the gun men double-crossed him, Bass suid, and Dorsey cancelled the in~ surance before another gunman could execute a contract with Basse EE ------------ MEXICAN BANDITS POOR BARGAINERS Took One-Tenth Ransom Magnate's Friends Would Have Paid Oklahoma City, April 12. we Crug Delgado, Mexican bandit chief who released J. W, Bristow, San Angelo, Tex, ofl man, on payment of $1,600 ransom, was said by the Oklahoma City Times to have prove od a poor bargainer, In a copyright story written Hy Merlo Blakely, staff writer witli Gordon Obie Bristow, son of the ofl man, who arranged the ransont payment at Ahucatln, Nayarit, the Times sald messengers were sent into the nearby wilderness prepare od to pay $16,000 previously dee manded by the kidnappers, After considerable bargaining Mie bandits finally settled for 3,000 penn, Yostordny they were fleeing bee fore a military detachment come manded Ly Genera! Pablo Rede rigues who has sworn that Delgsde and his men will be brought in, dead or alive, TELLING TOMMY ITALIAN ARTISTS ROBBIA AND HIS WORK IN TERRA COTTA? toy | [uch DELLA Rossa (see) DURING THE EARLY PART OF HIS LIFE EXECUTED MANY IMPORTANT AD BEAUTIFUL PIECES OF SCULP- TURE IN MARBLE AND BRONZE. NO SCULPTURED YORK OF THE 152 CENTURY EVER SURPASSED HIS SINGING GALLERY MADE FOR THE CATHE ORAL AT FLORENCE, ALTHOUGH HOT THE IVENTOR OF THE PROCESS HE PERFECTED A METHOD OF APPLYING EAMEL T0 TERRA £5, 50 THAT IT 13 HOw KMONM AS DELLA ROBBIA WARE, © 1000, Xing Vosturer Syndicate, Ine, Great Britain rights reserved, COTTA PLAY BETTY. DADDY SAYS DELLA ROBBIA'S WELL, WHY DON'T 1S WONDERFUL, i'M GONNA, STEN! VE DREN MEYT OF MY LIFE. DTAY IN All. wen! VR BEEN ABLREP FOR FOUR Hay ORD AN'ALL | DREAMED \ ABOUT WAG THR OCRAN By Geo. McManus || ------ Yo! WENT -- mm BY JOR! THAT oAY: CARTAN - oD Wk LAND ANY PLACKET? FAWHY NES WENT INT NOUR ROOM TO DER IF MOL WANTED TO @O ADHORE BLT YOU WERE DLTEPING 9© PEACEFOLANY: | O\ON'T LIKE TO DISTURS YOu + [ RY NT TILLIE THE TOILER--The Woman Pays 7% \ A JID YOU EVER WEAR OF A BOGGARY P v NOT THEN T WikL TELL YOU A # BOGBART 19 A SMALL IMP THAT LIVES IN A MAN'S MOUSE: UNSERN ONE DOING A LITTLE GOOD ANG MUCH HARM THI® IMP, WAS CALLED A BOGHART, I ai id - Re IN THI: OLD TIMES, NOW WH CALL SUCH, BY OTHOR NAMES +0 [LL TEMPER » MEANNESS® UNCHMARITABLENESS AND THE Lik +f SVEN NOW, THEY SAY, YOU MAY BIND A, BOGGART, IN SOME HOUSES 3) THERE 16 NO PLACING RELIANCE ON A "| [0 BOGGART, SOMETIMES HE MAY SREM To | 1S 8H OF SERVICE TO HIS MASTER, But] THERE 1% NO TELLING WHEN HE MAY 00 WM AN Lk TURN: GRE lT. RAP! TAP! TAP! CAME A KNOCK AT THE DOOR: Gres) ~~ SAT € ONR RAINY NIGHT, DOLLY, ING SOCKY AND WERR Boz NG Like MEN ¥o BOBRY AND COMFY | LY BY THE BRE DOLLY WAS BOBBY AND COMEY N_EOLISE Wille... [Fy Se A (ny Ca Brita Fh 0 ~ RAPITAPI TAR! came A KNOG KAT THE Door | THERES SOMEONE THERE, SAD T'S A STORMY. NIGHT LET THEM INS » | yt ata - LET WHER » [TS TTT DIDN'T G0 OUT WITH ™ar DF 'THE . ING SNR ony 2, aur CAME ) W sSeEMS DROVE "INTO A "TREE quest Lu LiKE } NEVER ERT A BREAC HERE'S A EPAIR BILL FoR $150 THAT CAR THAT TILLIS NO ON}. SoRE AT Uhh BE HRCKED | | #1 WiLL » vol. &F IF TILLE'S ME WHY SHOULD VE 7

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