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Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Apr 1930, p. 2

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Ev o B |] headed ' Laglon uttended the THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, APRIL 14, 1930 "The Whitby Daily Times * Adversising, subscriptions and news will bc secelved a6 (he Brancy Of BimAtier Dastnos ob Gas 110 und Chronicle olephone hone. 8H, REPRESENTATIVE---JAMES H, ORMISTON ATTEND CHURCH 0 COMMENORATE VICTORY AT VHY itby Le Also Hone Whithy Indien A Sundey Evening honor of thelr chaplin, the No x L. Richards, B.D, nnd in cammamoration of the-famous we 118 of Vimy Ttidge, of Laster, 1917, in whieh Canadian troops covered themselves with glory, members of Whitby Post of the Canadian United Church ody on Sunday evening, ¥pece Hh) By reserved for the vets orang in the front of the ehnreh edifice, The men paraded from thelr lodge rooms to the ghureh, by the Whitby Cltizeny Band. The cholr ne organist venus ered speoin] musie, : ed ongolony the men who fought at Vimy Ridge and other engage: ments of the great war, sald Rev, Mr, Niohards in his address, in whieh he recalled the battle of Vimy, stressed its importance as military gain for the allied forees, , at a very oritioal time, paid eles quent tribute to the men who fell, and held out the hepe that never again would the world witness such @ CArnage, Rav, Mr. ILichards was most em phatio, espite opinions to the cone teary, that there would never be another war, He was confident that the Kngdom of Christ was on the way, manifesting itself In in« ternational, Industrial, and home ralationships and even in religion, His alone was the right to rule; and fe would do so In a world of peace and justice, The address by Rev, Mr, Richards was based on the words found in Luke 1, 78 and 70, "Through the tender meroy of God; whereby the dayspring from on high hath visit od us, to give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow ot 'death, to guide our feet into the way of pence," Rov, Mr, Rlchards stated that one could not help but remember Faster of 1017 when the famous i battle of Vimy Ridge wos fought KARN THE DRUGOIST FOR SERVICE PHONE 370, NEXT THE POST OFFI) ---- hs" 4 EAST WHITBY TAXES Notice 1s hereby given that all 1080 Taxes remains ing unpaid after April 86th, 1080, will "vw collected by Distress vv costa a8 pros vided by t! » 1atutes, TAX CTOR, "t Whitby NewMartin NOW PLAYING GIRL FROM HAVANA Comedy Drama 3 Comedy ROMANCE DR LUXE (Costly Love) TAREAN THE TIGER # Rae 'ohair, jd won. It was one of the turn~ ns points for the allies as the cape ture of the strategip-point came at w oribienl time whey the outlook for the allies was nbne too hopeful, Rev, Mr, Richards told of the many young Canadians who fell in that angagement, facing denth fenriess: yi Ho had gone as one of five students from a small college In Montreal, and he alone was left of that number, Men who had surviy. od the tersible ordeal could speak of many of thelr experiences, but they wero content with the fact that they and the brave comrades who had fallen had fought a battle for freedom and democracy, Une gonsclously they had fought to rid the world of war, The Loglon chaplain speaking of the progross o towards a reall untion of world pence, referred to three outstanding events, the first on April 18, 1088, when President Wilson of thé United Hiates In Paris proposed tho establishment of a world court for the preserva tion of ponent the second two months later when 48 world pow ors had joined the Lengue of Nas tions, which now had a membership of BO, with Germany the last to Join, and the third on August 87, 1028, when the peace pact of Paris wan signed by 105 nations, The ultimate establishment of Christ's kingdom on earth, ushers Ing In un reign of righteousness and pence, was predicted by Rev, Mr, Richards, He pointed out that the three great foes of the earth were famine, pestilence and war, Comms merce had killed famine and solence pestilence, Religion would kill war, and help to establigh the way of pence Into which Ged would guide the feet of men, Before: commencing his Address, Rav, Richards on behalf of the cons gregation. welcomes the veterans to the chureh, ANNUAL "AT HOME OF EASTERN STAR WAS BIG SUCCESS The annual "At Home" of Mast~ ern Star Lodge No, 72, LOO. ¥, held In the lodge rooms on ¥ri« day evening, proved to be a fine pocinl gathering and an event marked with outstanding success, Over two hundred, including the brethren of the three links, the Rebekahs and friends assembled in the lodge room where an excellent programme was carried out, Noble Grand John Rawdon occupied the performing the duties of that offiee to the satisfaction of all, He extended to one and all a hearty welcome and gxpressed hime Molt as pleased with the progress being. made by both lodges, The programme, which lacked nothing In the way ot variety, ine cluded the following enjoyable ana Roceptable number: community singing, with James Rainie as lead oF and presiding at the plano; plano duet, RN, ¥, Nicholson and Miss Bessie Wilkinson; voee! solo, Mra, Michael; vocal solo, V'rank Threadgold; duet, Mrs, G, Mowat and Mrs, I, GU, NLrakine; play, "How the Ntory Grew," by Mrs Krakine ang sister Rebekahs; musieal numbers by Tomkiny' Corners Nrass Nand, comprising Ted Humphrey, NK, Clark, I, Threadgold, U, Harlow and 8, Glb~ son, The programme over, adjourn- ment was taken to the banquet hall, where seated around 'well laden tables all did justice to the splendid fare provided by the ladies, There was enough and 0 spare and the lading were compli mented on the spread, After supper thera was a dance, many remaining to take part, Auld Lang Syne and the National Ane them brought a most pleasant evening to a close, ---------------------- Charge is made at Chatham that gornsstalks were sold an tobacco, That's more confirmation of the rus mor that an election ix near,==Strats ford Beagon-Herald, World production of Ford cars and tencks in Mareh was 160,045, coms pared with 135,47 in February and in January, the first month arter the introduction of the improve ed Model Av "April schedules call for the production of approximately 9,000 ears and trucks a day, STER SPECIALS! Smart Sprin Ame of 25 Coats of tweeds and Poiret Twills in new styles, These garments sell regularly up to $19.50, and are offered for this week at the special price of $12.95 'W. A. Dewland, Limited {WAR VETERANS CHURCH PARADE (Continued from Page 4) and the most 4 RL Hye of death known to the Jews, No one cvonld conceive, he said, what the Lord had suffered at Calynry, with the full burden of the world's inl iy aid upon, him, 'You men know the meaning of suffering," maid Supiain Harston, "You know what Calvary means, You understand it as fow people do, What does the Vimy anniver: sary mean to us but to remind us of the men who marghed up that hill of Calvary, and did not come back again for humanity's sake? The thing that makes Calvary su. preme is the anguish of mind and soul of Jesus as he carried the burdens of the world, and it seems to me that we think of the sao- vifices of the men of Vimy, at the same time we must remembor the sacrifice Jesus made for us, Caly uf sald the preacher, was also a place of unparalleled tr] umph, The sufferer becames the conqueror, By his death he awake ened men to the consciousness und reality of sin, and thet was the first step In taking it away, "It in Interesting,' he sald, "to dig cover all along the road this plan of God for humanity, Acknow- ledgment. of sin is the first step to taking 1t away, It fs not the wen sational sing that keep men away from pence and power and wrock the world, The sins which wreck the world and rob men of pence and power are pride, hatred, mal. fee, greed and jonlousy, nnd there is no way to awaken ment of the oonsclousness of these sing hut Lo bring them within the shadew of the cross, "Men cannot tarry long In the shadow of the oross without haves ing written on thelr hearts tho message of Jesus, It Is Impossible to think of the slaughter of men's conscious of the havoo caused by malice, pride, greed and hatred reigning In the hearts of men, Vimy is a place of unparalielied triumph If 1t teaches us the trag- ody of that spirit In the hearts of men, and teaches us what these sins ean do, That is the first step to the removal of these sins and to the abolition of war, for war is only greed, hatred, pride and mal. foo on a large seale, The triumphs of Calvary was the revelation of the love and forgiveness of Cod, which we ean all make our own, Here wa see the real defeat of the men who crucified Jesus, They killed his body, but they could not break his spirit, It was to bring to us the assurance of forgiveness that Jesus died on the crows, A Redeeming Experience YAEL Calvary," continued Mr, Marston, "Jesus made his experi. ence a redeeming experience, and wrote it down as a fundamental principle of life, It is easy to dwell in the shadow of Vimy and to wee at Vimy the great victory that was won, It Is another thing to dwell in the shadow of Vimy, and got hold of his spirit, to cateh the heroism, the sacrifice and the courage enacted there, 1 wonder what it would mean in Oshawa if we oould oy hold of the funda montal principles of the Cross, and go out with forgiveness in our hearts, What an atmosphere of goodwill it would bring to our olty it we tried out the spirit. of love that was demonstrated ther, I wonder what would happen if we practised In our dally lives the love that never falls, I covet for myself as I dwell in the shadow of Vimy, and I covet for you that we oatch the spirit of the Cross and of vimy, and put into practice the courage and heroism they had in days gone by in the battle of life, and take up the toreh and carry on in that spirit," At the close of the service, the Legion formed up outside the ohureh and marched to the Ars mouries, where, E%er the presidant had expressed thanks for the splendid turnout the veterams were dismissed, BOTH HUSBANDS SEEK .. RELEASE OF WOMAN Cleveland, Ohlo, == Pleas by both her husbands failed to convinee po lice here that they ought to release Mrs, Anna Burcel Wolf; held on a bigamy charge, It ix alleged shed married Lawrence Kolman and then remarried Well without bothering to get another divorce. Kolman went to police headdquars ters and demanded Mrs, Wolf's ro- lease, "Why! he was asked, "I gotta have somebody to keep house," sald Burcel, "She's a swell housekeeper." Soon afterward Wolf arrived, YT want my wife," he said Why?" he also was asked, "Don't I have to eat? I wouldn't lose her for a Jot, That girl can Coats cook" Laid Bowmanville : CHURCH SERVICES WELL ATTENDED Rev. W. M. Rochester, D.D,, Preached at St, Andrews Presbyterian Church Anniversary or ---- Services ut all Bowmanville chureh- es were well attended yesterday, the fing weather seeming to pring many out who have been kept in by the long' winter, At 'Trintiy United Chureh the an nual thanoffering service of the WMS, wa held In the morning with the church crowded to the doors, Mri, CR, Carsenllen of the Ontarlo Ladies College, Whithy, delivered the address und the music was supplied by u ladies cholr, Special anniversay services were held In St, Andrew's Preshyterisn Chureh where large congregutions Hs« tened to the splendid sermons preuchs ed by the Rev, W, M, Rochester, editor of the Presbyterian Record, Toronto talent assisted the chor In the serviee of praise Palm Sunday services in St, John's Angliean Church were very largely attended and the rector the Rev, R, J, Shires preached two very Inspire ing sermons, - The church was beays tifully decorated with palms snd other plants with lilies on the Altar, The lowers were In memory of Dr, J. M, Baldwin who died a year ago, Special services will be held in this church throughout the week, Holy Week, the hours being as follows Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at § pm, Wednesday at 8 pn, Good Friday ut 10.30 am, and 8 pm, Con firmation service will ha held with the Lord Bishop of Toronto officiat ing on May 7th, The Rev, DD, W, Best, DD, the minister was the preacher at all sers vices In St, Paul's United Church vesterday which were well attended, An especially effective sermon was Rraathed ut the evening service when Jr, Best togk fof his subject "Daniel a Study in Courage." ORATORY CONTEST AT OPERA HOUSE WEDNESDAY NIGHT Event Sponsored by Home and School Club Is Keenly Anticipated On Wednesday evening an oratorls cal contest for Public Sehool pupils is being held in the Opera House uns der the auspices of the Home and School Club of whieh Mrs, M, | Hancock, BA president, This elub Is giving prizes of books to the best orators from the third and fourth classes, The winners will be decided by six ladies and gentlemen fram out of town, Good musical num bers will be given hy the school children directed by Miss Helen Mors ris, AT.CM, Major Elliott will be chairman, show thelr interest and encourage the children in this good work hy filling the opera house to capacity, A sllver collection will be taken at the door to help defray expenses, I------------------ SPRING WEATHER DRAWS CITIZENS TO TOURIST GANP New Additions to Cream of Barley Menagerie Were Contre of Interest Yesterday Few Bowmanville people fully realize what the Cream of Barley camp means to the town and although hundreds of eltigens use the camp 1] Parents and others should | "} Daily Times News, advertising and subscriptions will be revived at the Bowmanville Office of The Times, Telephones=Office, 687 REPRESENTATIVE~B, HERBERT MORTLOCK HT EM A during' the summer months as an ides! place to roam around In the yountry wir and to hold their little {amily plenics few look at Mr, Mor- den, the owner, as i public benefac- tor, Mr, Morden has invested thous- ands of dollars in hig summer camp with the result that the Crean, of Barley Camp of Bowmanyille fs known sil over the Dominion and in many states of the Union across the line, Yesterday being the first ideal Sunday in 1930 the camp win visited hy hundreds of local jrovle and # great many eitizens of neighboring cities and towns who were out for spin along the highway, 'Those who had visited the eamp before found it much' Improved front last year with many additions to its wiready fine menagerie, The wonderful collection of animals who have thelr home at the camp. now ure a revelation tv travellers wha stop for a rest at the camp and to Bowmanville people who have seen this miniature zoo grow each succeeding year the new ex: hibits alse prove exceptionally interes esting, The camp now possesses three brown bears, two ef which have been In residence for three years, two timber wolves, whieh are wobably the only twe in eaptivity In ntario, two fine specimens of por cupines, a golden eagle which is the only one caged In galore, golden pheasants, red foxes, two new monkeys who are particular ly Interesting to the younger folks, oidgeons and many varieties of fowl Pe uding turkeys, guinea fowl, geese of all descriptions and several varie ties of bantam hens, Other additions to the camp this year Include three new cottages equipped for heating and cooking, two hard tennis courts built at a cost of $750 which will be used for the first time shortly and several shelters where lunch may be par taken when the summer sun ls too hot to permit sitting uncovered, The old swimming hele which will be ree membered hy hundreds of the young er folk as one of the glories of thelr youth In later years will soon be put nto shape and the baseball diamond will soon be sehoing to the shouts of people of all ages indulging in the summer sport of Canada, Yeu, a visit to the Cream of Barley Camp wil convince one that its owner, Mr, Morden has provided (or Bowmanyille & park which Is second to none in the province, Also there is the zoo which not enly holds its attraction for the local people but also draws during the summer months thousands of tourists who stop for a short time or spend a few days in the cottages provided and who leave this country with the name of Bowmanville included among the many Interesting places they have visited, ------------------ Boys' Work Secretary Willlam Cooke, secretary eof the Boys Work Board of the YMCA, was the speaker at the regular meets ing of the Bowmanville Rotary Club yesterday, His address to the Rotars lans was based on Boys' Work ani his remarks were listened to with rapt attention by the large number present, In tha afternoon Mr Cooke addressed a meeting of the students of the Bowmanville high school tak. ing for his subject on this occasion, "Choosing a Voeation," ao--r Motorist Assesse $20 and Coasts for Reckless Driving Magistrate W, F, Floyd of Co» bourg was In Bowmanville on Sat urday accompanied by Crown Attors ney W, F, Kerr conducting police court for Magistrate Ward who als though he is able to be down town for & few hours each day ia unable as vet to get back to hin duties as magistrate, Following « {guile court ease Col, Floyd fined William (, Memlip. of 76 Province street, Hamilton, $20 and costs when ho was charged with reckless driving, Heas- 4) was arrested by Traffic OMeer J, M, Hincheliffe of Bowmanville on the provineial highway . His license was also cancelled for a short period, The ease was mainly contradictory in evidence and the magistrate severely lectured accused on the dangers of driving In a manner dangerous to the publie also giving a few remarks on the same subject to the erowd in the court room, DATE FIXED FOR SIGNING THE NEW NAVAL AGREEMENT (Continued from page 1) conference began, Taking point hy point as contained in the first come mitea's many reports Mr, Mace Donald himself merely mentioned the subject covered and moved its adoption, Ny this method business wan rushed through without a dla senting vote, These reports, the chalvman des 'laved, formed the raw material tor the daft treaty, which would be published since no delegation oh Jected to thin course, Te then announced of another plenary session Tuesday of next week, at which time the treaty reached an result of the nemetia. tione here will he signed, He res ferred to that part of it which pros vides for continuation of the Franoo<Itallan negotiations atter ITE a he Frit oh noe at his and the Italians at his left and cals ling them "our friends on the right and our friends on the left," he expressed hope that the nego: tiations would aalst in clearing Nuon of the difMoulty between hem, In asking if there was further business, and hearing that none was in order, Mr, MacDonald re called again that the meeting for Sasa Youd be hele A gt remark, "I hope it i I hope it will," ENGLISH IS WORLD RADIO LANGUAGE Cambridge, Masa ~The universal language of the radio amateur, no matter his native tongue, is Knge lish, Contacts all over the world with "hams," those radio enthuse fastios who delight to communicate with their fellows by the dots and dashen of International code, clear 1¥ shows the part radio is playing in removing the language barriers, This fact was one of the unique developments of the research work helng done at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology on the short wave bands of , 40 and 80 meters by the Ilustitute's station » A a WIXV Canada, rabbits | Speaks at Rotary Club' Into the chamber shortly after 330 pn, wmid loud ministerisl cheers and rose for the beginning of his speech shortly before four o'clogk. The oMuse was packed to the Ii» STRIKES BLOW IN mit both on the floor and In the gals leriew as the stern-faced Chaneellor laid dawn the essentials of thes goyve TR ernment's financial plans for the ens o 4] SUINK Year, ---- | An expectant erowd waited Impas tently through the usual prelimine aries of the Commen's session. for the budget speech, around which the thickest veil of seereey in years has heen drawn, at Mi ts YW you sulle from backashn, byrping, Ts Paine, smarting, or frequent might and day calls, dus to on hail : der breitatim, try Costes ronounced Biss ten), Coed W, millions, ride - marked in W countries Vorks fast, Cet Cysiex from your druggist. lor only Gg, 1 16 dossi's auiekly ha you wh to yow complete subi etlion, merely rebum empty packages snd wot money back under positive guaranties, (Continued from page 1) the vapid spread of his movement and growing animosity of iHndus toe ward the British, had determined to teke 4 more vigorous netion with reference to him, ; Gandhi himself was st Dandi to day and tomorrow, today being his periodicul day of silence during which he speaks not # word, He way understood 10 have written his wife at Ahmadabad asking that she lead un group of women in a movement to encourage picketing by the women outside the lguor shops The Bombay Congress commiitiee decided after it had been informed of Nehru's urrest to proelalm a har tal day of mourning and stoppage of work, Nutionalist volunteers were sent 10 all parts of Bombay In fam motor ears to prelalm the faet with the aid of megnphones, eles In the expected. receipts from charge where it was, The Chancellor said he had to con sider two questions; (1) whether to make ani further change in the fixe ed debt piovisions and (2) how the budget deficit of 1929 was to be dealt with, The question period was rushed through speedily in more or fess pers functory fashion us few cared to lige ten to the comparatively minor mate ters hrovght up with the budget In the wir, The present. position encouraged the hope of continvanee of cheap money and he estimated s reduction of £11,500000 in the floating debts cost us compared with last year, Hi felt justified in leaving (he fixed duties on spirits of £1,400000 and bees £1.800,000, Lady Astor, who is an a1 dent temperance advocate, eried "Hear! Hear!" Given an Ovation he Chancellor, who got snether big silva of ministerial cheers on rise Wig, snd the country was alrendy "painfully uwnre" of the main fen tures of the financial problems with which hie His fuer There was n deficit of on the fin ancl year 1929-30 of £14,522,000 compared with an estimated. surplus of £4,000,000 Mr, Snowden then progeeded to ex amine In detall the varlows tens und iecounts of the past year when he | besring on budget deficit winted out for one (hing deficlen«| vs 4 | . --_--_-- WAS INTRODUCED IN HOUSE TODAY 5 IT'S THE SURFACE |B THAT COUNTS! | (Continued from lage 1) | taxation wonld be required next year Phitip | Ione he Regarding the budget deficit, th chaneellor said It was his intention to propose an wlteration in the Iu general | Eagerly Awaited Statement (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Londan, April 14=Rt, Hon Snowden, Chaneellor of the quer, presenting the seeond Labor budget in the history of Great Bri tain after five years of Conservintive rule, today presented his eagerly-u waited budget for 1931 helore the House of Commons sitting us 4 com mittee The Chancellor of the Exchequer, who Is noted for his keen fin mind and knowledge, walked slowly Your home need only be as old as its roof covering, and 'Edgwood" B.C, Red Cedar Shingles will keep it look. ing new and beautiful for years, f.very home needs wooden shingles to protect it from becoming dull and nged looking, due to the wear and tear of weather conditions, "Edgwoed" Cedar Shingles secret of that unassuming quality, meal |_| are the Tria Fr k of \ " 0 open' mar LASS I FON RA BB AN Monday and Tuesday NO NO NANETTE With ALEXANDER GRAY (Oshawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED 25 Ritson Road North Telephone 2821-2820 und BERNICE CLAIRN Louise Fagendn, "osu Pitts, Lmelen Littlefield and Hert Roach J Holiday Week Specials The thrifty housewife will realize great savings in her holi« day purchases by shopping at A & P, The convenience of doing ull her sho, ping under one roof is a feature which is appreciated more and more every day...... It is the modern way to shop and the sure way to save, MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY SPECIALS WHINE tconowy wuts J Toronto and Disteiet Only CAREFULLY SELECTED GUARANTEED FRESH EGGS First cos 2x 32¢ Extra Quality wv. Cholee No, . Blueberries qui, 2 1. Pineapple Dol Monte or Libby No, 2 In Cartons, DOR. 34c¢ DOZ, 31c¢c Quality Loose DO¥, 33¢ "41c Kelloggs 3 pas. 25¢ 4lc Salmon mn 48¢ Nrown Label Black Com Flakes Horseshoe or Ulovorleal w. 09¢ SALADA TFA PINENT QUALITY YOUNG LAMB Chops Loin Lb, 33¢ STEWING CUTS i5¢ Rib »» 30¢ CHOIUR JuIvy STEAK sirioin - - . mn. 34¢ Jellied Ox-Tongue ARRAS FALE AAS wb, 68¢ Rib Brisket, for stewing FERPR | R 16¢ CORNED BEEF, Rib or Shoulder, very lean sna ts ibe 16¢ Cholea Ny the yy Salmon Cohor Pigeon 26¢ | Car rots... 18¢ STEAK, Ib. * * * * 29€| oNONS, Yellow Cooking ,.......8 Ibs 38¢ FIADDIES, Svwaked oo Jin 36 | LETTUCE, loabarg,.. med. heads 210 BEETS, New Texas ............28 bunches 21¢ Watch Our Wednesday Advertisement for Week-end Fish Specials CABBAGE, New, Green 2 Ibs, 23¢ =, ATLANTIC + PACIFIC ™ LIMITED, OF CANADA

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