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Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Apr 1930, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, APRIL 14, 1930 PACE FIVE Women's Interests in the Home --- and the Community SCCIAL and PEKSONAL Mrs, D, Brock and Miss, i Hewson of Toronto, spent the week-end with thelr parents, Mr, and Mrs, Ambrose son, Elgin Street, East, Mrs, B. Braund, Brock Street spent the week-end with her daughter, Mrs, Clifford Colwell of Hampton, and also visited her sis- ter, Mrs, Aldon Trull, and Mr, Trull of Hampton, Mr, and Mrs, John Kellington haye returned to their home in Raglan after spending the winter months in Oshawa, Miss Bona Mills Toronto, Girls Work Secretary, of the United Church of Canada, was the week-end guest of Misses Marion and Phyllis Tresise, of this city, Mr. and Mrs, ©, Peacock, Guelph, spent Sunday in with relatives, Mr. and Mrs, Orme Moffatt, of Toronto, spent the week-end with the, latter's parents; Mr. and Mrs, D. Moffatt, Athol Street, A 'surprise party was held af the ea gh Mrs, Smith, 173 Divi sion 'Street, on Friday evening when about 25 of the Daughters of England met to wish her many happy returns of the day, Saturday helng the occasion of hag birthday, During the evening Mrs® Hall pre- sented Mrs, Smith with a plant {rom the members present, The guests played cards 'and other games, Later in the evening re- freshments were served and the hostess was assisted by Mrs, Hall, Mrg Corden and Mrs, Harten, RUIZABETH LONG MISSION CIRCLE The Easter meeting of the Eliza- beht Long Mission Circle was held At the home of Miss Hilda Hare, Masson wtreet, Weanesday, April 9th, Mra, T. A, Richards of Whithy gave a very Inspiring talk on "Sao rifice and Bervice" which was much enjoyed by all, During the even- of of town 'TO BE A PILGRIM' THEME OF SERVICE C.G.LT. Group Take Charge of Morning Church Service Who would true valor see Let him come hither, One such would constant be Come wind, come weather, There's no discouragement Can mak him once relent His first avowed intent To be a pilgrim, Whoso best him round With dismal storiws, "1 hut themselves confound His strength the more is, No lon can him fright, He'll with a glant fight, But he will have the right To be a pilgrim, Hob goblin nor foul fiend, Can daunt his spirit, He knows he at tho end 1 lite . herit, Then fancies fly away, He'll not 'fear what men say, He'll thor night and day To he a pilgrim, This poem of John Bunyan's Was the theme of the morning service at King Street United Church yesterday when the six groups of Canadian Girly in 'I'rain. Ing took charge, 'I'he whole ser vice from the processional hymn whehi the eighty C.G.L'T, girls all in thelr white middies and navy akirts entered the church, wan without a king but it has a queen and ambassador-at-lnrge When at the age of five, she be: gan her caree. in her native Buda. Hungary vemainy a kingdom in Mitel, pest, At twelve she came to Ameri ony dropped her baptismal name of Mirai Hujow in favor of Mitzl, Now eo Is a famous international act: PORN, very impressive, Miss Neta Vokes, of the Girls' Work Board of the city led the service. Frayer was oftered by Miss Velma Harris, The | | psalm was read by Miss Margaret J hb P ebb lb br bb be Switzer and Joyce Edgar, Special music by the girls consisted of a vocal duet by Misses Jean McQuarrie and Doris Balter, and a chorus singing "lo the lesson by Mi | | first-class butter and egss. Helpful Hints i For best results in baking, use Try serving Russian dressing on ; i PhP bbb bbbbbddbbbbbibdbids Joop plop pp rp pip FASHION TIPS # asa ssanadan ost lh Now sults are frequently topped by neutral coats, or those that matched to give the effect of a com: plete ensemble, the sleeves of daytime and after~ noon frocks, The bishop sleeve, the bell sleeve, the Jabot sleeve, cape sleeve, pufl sleeve, flare sleeves and log of mut ton sleeve are all coming in for a fair share of attention in new mod- els, In addition, fancy cuffs, band- od trimming effects, cap sleovés and modifications of various types have been introduced successfully, FREAK FURNITURE Fewer fads, freaks ani hysiery eal furniture designe ars being made today than ever betore, ioe cording to A, PV, Hake, Ph, DD, managing director of the Nationa, Association of Vurriture Mani facturers, Ho reported on style tendencies at the semi-annfnl moeting of the awssveintion, which is In session at the Hotel Pennwyls vanin here, "Washions in Lurniture," Dr. Hanke explained, "do not neces sarily mean good taste in furnish Cleaned and Pressed 128 a Ladies' Hats | Cleaned fuge, Yor a number of years turni ture designers were striving foy bizarre and unusual effects, insteud of for beauty, I'he designs which happen Lo be most widely accepted today are more benutiful in design end proportion than any which huve achieved a popular Yogue In nearly a century, 'thood manners und formality have again become popular, We see this in the formal evening suit which Is replacing the tuxedo, 'he neg ago Is dying 6.4 with it i» passing the eccentric, erratic, whimsical modes which reached thelr peak u few months ago, "Kingland has contributed large. ly to the furniture styles which "are most popular today, The Geors glan und Queen Apne patterns are highly regarded, Colonial styles are selling in excess of any other period designs, white vaaple is fu: creasingly used as n wood for re- creations of early American furs niture, Onk in early Knglish desigs has doubled its popularity, with. iu the pust year, "Modern furniture in its present form may have an ultimate suc. cons, although in wodified form It will take many years for the Lome makers to create hacks grounds which will suit the cone temparary designs in furniture, but the conscrvative modernistic fashions being made today are fre- quently adapted to uee with other Makes Children Bright Active--Healthy With Rosy Cheeks Cod Liver Extract, so abundant in sugar-conted McCoy's Cod Liver Ex tract Tablets, is the quickest and sirest way of setting skinny nervous boys and girls on the right road to| wonderful health, attractiveness and Hppiness When children take McCoy's, they btain the full body, bone and men ity building benefit of Cod Liver ixtract which doctors prescribe for their own children and which world' furniture cf similar tion and coloring, embraces uw large number of strues tures whould provide a vast amount of space to he furnished, and the furniture Industry as well as build ng contractors should benefit the new construction," REPLACES BLASTS ON Phone 982 Simcoe St. South Ward's Thank You for Your Vote of Confidence People didn't buy with a generous hand the first three months of the year, ditions made them conservative in their purs And when they did buy they made sure that they were spending their money in a Business con» chases, store where trustworthy merchandise is fairly priced, These factors coupled with the satise factory sales record made by this store for the first quarter of this year, prove to us that the public has "confidence in the way we do business, The true value of horse sense 19 clearly shown hy the fact that the horse was shying at the automos bile during the period In which the pedestrian laughed at it, --Es, line, propor "I'he hullding program whieh Mri, A, Burcell Wolf is in jail nt Cleveland, O,, on a bigamy charge, ulleged 1o have married Joseph Wolf, divorced him mavied Law- rence Kolman and then remarried Wolf without divorcing Kollman, by SOUTHERN TRAINS Memphis, Tenn, ~If sleepers in op, He a Pligrim", . ing Mrs. 8, Alger sang "Teach Me 1 Misses Doris Hodg ureatest medieal authorities e¢laim the salmon salad for a change, some of the towns aloug the Routh To Pray", and Miss Mildred John. ston played a delightful piano solo, The mothers and friends of the girls were the guests of the even ing, At the close of the meeting a dainty lunch was served, Edgar Wallace, world famous writer of detective thrillers, and formerly a private in the army, a reporter, and a war correspondent, will run as Liberal in a Bucking- hamshirve constituency at the next election, son, Helen Law, Thelma Ashton, Jean McQuarrie, Dora Brown and Violet Clark composed the chorus. The address of the morning was delivered by Miss Hour. Mills of To. ronto, Hecretary of the Girls' Work of the - United Church of Canada, Her sermon ha the text of the day "To Be a Pligrim" and very beau. titully she explained the qualifica- tions of a pilgrim numberated iu the theme poem, The tlowers placed on the altar by the girls, Were in memory of the first O.G.1, Sweetbreads are said to be espec. {ally good tor persons subject to In. digestion, Thin griddle cakes may be spread with Jelly, rolled and then served like a dessert, KNOTTY PROBLEM PRESENTED Something new Yor the debu- tante is the 'Half-hitch" evening dress which. ties around her neck Because faslilons are essentinlly feminine, flowers lend the decora tive note to costumes, to suits, gyen to hats, and artificial violets that were wont, in former seasons, to appear on coat collars in the late winter now are exceedingly fetching as they are worn on afternoon and evening gowns, not in thelr natural golor but In large, floppy clusters showing two shades of pink, two shades of yellow or in the favorite black and pink combination as Patou uses them, | are so essential ror health and | growth, McCoy's adds firm flesh, fills out | flat chests = bones grow straight | and strong, plenty of energy and vi tality to resist disease is created, Your rosy cheeked, bright eyed, well developed kiddies will be a won derful reflection upon a mother's ex | pert care=such happy and healthy days ahead of them! One sickly child gained 12 pounds' in 7 months, Get McCoy's Cod Liver Extract hear Jones", Soe. Aldsworth's 36 Athol Street East Rallway orn Rallway awake some night and a calllope Brady, veteran engineer, ing for a crossing, sldents of towns between Memphis | and BhefMeld, Ala, that the shrill | blasts of locomotives were disturb ing their slumbers, decided to give them musle, a calllope whistle was installed on | the engine Brady runs, of towns on the Bouthern Thousands of womens am getting quick relief from those distressing perl is Aches and pains by taki vg ZUTOO TABLETS, Marm » loss but effective, they bring immediate relief, Women OR SAL 0 we wi € who thus suffer, are suler. 15 reh Box playing "Casey simply means Mike is blow- The Southern has complaints from re. it ing neediess pain, for one or two of these harmless little tablets will esrtainly slop the pain The rallvond Bo Residents were Phone 549 Tablets at Jury & Lovell, T, B, Mit-| amazed one night when Mike's en- gine snorted by playing snatches from popular songs and ditties, | 1, leader in King Street Church, and aghin und her te, the late Mrs, DeMille, -- rg complication of the chemise dress ! chell, W, H, Karn, or any drugstore, The woman dressmaker who| PUFF AND LONG SLEEVES 60 tablets, 60 cents, Inunches geometricall cut clothes i _ ate A - |"; Waves - - - keep the on frocks which fasten asound the | for notice and has already made ity ~~ iF Pensions for blind persons lve ing in isolated parts of the country were advocated Monday night be- fore the Canadian Federation of the Blind at Ottawa by D, E, Law- leyy. traveling socretavy of the or ganisation, 1 Crocuses Bloom In Spring Garden A most unusual mpght is the large, bed 2 arochspe in the gar on belonging to Mrs, J. Witteriok, | Many styles to Choose from. fly," maple street. A wall at tho Our prices are right, so:th of the houss olters this THE FASHION SHOPPE 7 flower garden and in the 84 Simcoe St, 8, morning sun the ht little han bingers of spring seem to rival the sun's own brightness with the vivid gold of their petals, They have heen blooming since the Jast snowfall three weeks ago, and oven yet some bunches have mors than sixty blooms, Hesides the yel- low blooms there are purple and White. The hardiness of the oro- uses was demonstrated when the owner of the garden tried a few Years ago, to up root the bulbs and transplant them, It was much to her surprise that they bloomed vigoriously the following spring, Mrs, Witterick is very proud of her spring garden which has been tho attraction of many visitors to her home of late, any the yachtsman uses, the early part of the season, After a backlosg winter in even. ing dresses the tie-on dance dress, which provides adequate coverage for the neck and back, without gon- osaling the curves now so insistent- ly stressed, is expected to be an loasant change to - Informality, noovered shoulders and under. arm decollete are stressed by the tieon dresses, They are made with surplice fronts which extend inte narrow scarves, These scarves can be tier in a variety of ways, Their designedr prefers a series of ornn« mental knots which will not slp, As to skirts the chiffon dance dresses' are conservative, Most of them are ankle length with {rregu- lar hemlines, shaped godet panels or slashed circular skirts, Bimpll- If Noah's ark was aboat today it would probably be sunk by the Coast Guard,~~The Pathfinder, A good many of the new dresses have short sleeves, usually with the litle flare just above the el: bow. Cape sleeves appear frequents ly and when long sleeves are shown considerable importance is attached to cuff trimming, matching the neckline, In this connection deep cuffs of lace are much used and organdie in also employed, The necklines either have tallored collars of the lace or have yoke treatmonts, Oo- oanfonally, too, n short sleeve is fin. ished with a flaring cuff or a brief ruffle, repeating the flaring line manifested at the hemline or pos- #ibly at the hips in a jaunty peplum, pleated or flared, Thin season the sleeve is one of the outstanding features in the dis. play of spring frocks at leading houses, With the advance of the season, more attention is given to What New York Is Wearing WHAT NEW YORK I8 WEARING By Annebelle Worthington Illustrated Dressmaking Lesson NEW SPRING COATS AND DRESSES nook with knots as complicated as | Presence felt in the south during " Sheer Chiffon Full Fashioned HOSIERY : At ATKINS HOSIERY & LINGERIE SHOP Near Cor. King & Simcoe St. ELINOR GLYN tells the women of OSHAWA OW to hold a husband's love--keep romance in marriage--that is the problem put up to me constantly by ine numerable wives, Can it be done? Fortunately the answer is yes. How? By being always feminine-- ly, eolourfully, daintily feminine, But first of all you yourself must feel your own daintiness, womanliness, before You can impress others, One of the surest ways for a wife to gain Jeffect confidence in her dainty, lovely 'emininity is to wear charming lingerie and negligees. Wonderful colours, soft, shimmering ma- terials, lace-edged underthings! They just make a woman believe in herself=feel her inherent charm as a woman, If a woman but keeps all this loveliness at its very best--as beautiful as when it came, now, from its tissued box, she is Furnished with Every Pattern A sheath-like orepe alk in blue violot shade that is luxuriously smart, Shirred applied panels'at either side of the bodice add to its fem. nine theme, They make the nore mal waistline consplouous and ses oure a snugness that makes the figure appear slim, The flounced sleoves are chile, The flaring skirt smar at the back, ly dips Style No, 8370 can be had in aleon 16, 18 years, 86, 38, 40 and 4 Inchon Dut. nok » rope orangey-re chiffon, printed chiffon, NT a print, putty-blege silk crepe, sap. phire blug canton crepe and erope Elisabeth in Lanvin green are smart combinations, Pattern price 20 cents, to fill in size of pattern, Address Futter Department, 1 Our Spring 'anhion Magazine is 10 cents, but tain to==irresi you may order a: pattern and a ap of her fa tible, Fashion Magasino together for 85 Because she believes in herself she makes No. 5970; B00 serves abs eat gthene bievs whet, Cuatidence ly con- Keep Colours Charming But, iin ity it a so Siffeuls to wear lovely underthings always and keep them looking as wonderful, as colourful, as when they were new, Frequent washing (and we must be dainty) takes some of the lovely -------- JI have been making Mttle April songa Avogt » tree, a flower---about a Is this the end of song=--a prec ty word, A thought that to an idle mood be. longs, pour milk or cream |i .0 anetiive thing langulshes in thongs? a bowl of golden brown [0] Keispios and your own rs will tell you how every toasted bub. 0 is. So crisp they actually crackle out loud! { the Fodipes th HLA Rice os bid Selisious in dozens of ied ur grocer's, Made Kellogg in London, Ontario. " Is it not strange, my brutners softly furred, That I, who by your want am ever atirred, Fall silent in the face of speechless wrongs? "a have no hurt beaneath the seem: n § doo, : No creature caged and oramped in a dark tomb, Nor any wild thing feel the shot that kille=-- I'd have no snare nor hunter in the wood When Anvil an tha aanth ig bright with bloom : And Suttetion breaks across ° ~--Alfaretta Lansing, Surely Hon, Dr, froy Suiht to be accorded the efit of hin own government's liberal ideas about first offenders,~-Woodstook Sontinel-Review, Be sure Some wives keap romance in marriage forevers=ian't one sccret the trousseau habit? Your Home Reflects You t of the magic spell that reflec Not wily should you express your femis d here, too, Lux is invaluable, ninity through the effect dainty unders things have on you=-as well as directly through the magnetism of colour in your frocks accessories (gloves, scarfs, handkerchiefs) but by your very surroundings, Even the curtains, drape cries, slip covers in your living room form you, LAE EE EE RR ET Ta Say Name LE ER LEE Street Address CE KRISPIES Yay DRIER CRE ity' 'State' Heavy goods take Sunset Dyes as beautifully and per- lectly as light materials... : Woolen garments can be made like new with Sunset, just as successfully as dainty summer dresses and lingerie. Ask your dealer to show you the Sunset Colour Card, SUNSET DYES MADE IN CANADA PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON colour and charm out of the After 12 Lua wavery thread in silk and lace fibres ine tact, colour intact, rment rething all rm of now. Kf it's safe in water, "0 + it's sqfe in LUX garment, To this X that _is too often the on a BY het fs too often the faithfully use that invaluable product, Lux ~~=which is made especially to cleanse with« out disturbing the vibrant loveliness of the a garment is safe in clear water just as safe in Lux, colours, If alone, it is PIOPINGR suveisniininanesninnnssennnnissanss » 2 as. Whee Son verete 9 ia Lever Brother

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