he Oshawa Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer "All the News While It Is News" Diy Laseyt Sunde and Vib Holidays OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, APRIL 15, 1930 15 Cents 8s Week; 3 Cents 8 Copy TWELVE PAGES VOL. 6-~NO, 89 News in Brief (By Canadien Frese) Robbers Take Big Safe Toronto.~Robbers broke into two stores here over the week-end and displaying considerable ingenuity and perserverance succeeded in carryin off a 200 pound safe containing $3 from one and $400 worth of cheques from the other, Zeph Dean Still Missing Kingston, ~Although search been continued since April 7 when he was reported missing, no trace has been found of Zeph Dean, 74, prom inent farmer of Richmond township, who disappeared after he had enter- ed a sap bush a short distance from his home, Provincial police are lead- ing the search, w * ¥ Montreal Bankers in Plane Crash, Katonah, N.Y.~Samuel Reichbach, Montreal banker, a party of four Montreal friends, and the pilot of his privately owned plane, had nar- vow escapes from death when, alter being lost in the fog, they made a foreed landing on the estate of Dr, Charles Hunter Dunn, near here, The plane was partly wrecked, but neither the pilot nor the passengers, although badly shaken up, were hurt, » * LJ Pips Brings Bad Burns Kemptyillg--Stanley Hicks, an up- per form student in the Kemptville High School had a narrow escape from serious burns yesterday when a spark from a lighted pipe which he had thrust into his trousers pocket ignited a celluloid comb, Hicks, with the assistance of others, succeeded in smothering the blaze, after a difficult fight He suffered severe burns to his hands, which necessitated medical attention, * ¥ Newspaperman Dies Montreal~Joseph Arthur La- Pointe, Telegraph Editor of the newspaper Le Presse, died sudden! yesterday. 1c was in his fiftypiqurth yen ¥ # Ld Fire Truck Kills Boy Woodstock. ~Three-year-old Mike Kacrur, son of a Hungarian family of this city, was almost instantly kill. ed yesterday afternoon when he darted into the road directly in the path of a hook and ladder of the Woodsteck fire department, Ld v Grandmother at 34 Toronto ~~Thirty-four years old and a grandmother=Toronto's youn est, That's Mrs, R. Tawse, of 128 Pearson rT She par margied when she, wig, 6 (1)] months rns on JIA fon following mother's footsteps, also was married when he was 16 years old and yesterday became a father, LR Orders Sale of Manuscript New York---Sale to some pub- lig institution of the famous cipher manuscript of Roger Bacon was ordered in the will of Wilfred M, Voynich, bibliophile and authority on mediveal manuscripts, fyled yesterday for probate, . Ld . i ¥intire Village Burned Laibach, Jugosiavia,~--~The entire village of Kaluka, near Laibach, comprising O houses, was hurnt to the ground today as a result of a child's upsetting a can of fat on a kitchen stove, The child was kill« ed, There was enormous damage, » wo» Now Air Mall Service Brussels,~Night air mail service batween Brussels and London was inaugurated successfully last night in the presence of the Belgian Min- ister of Aevonaties Lippens and Sir Softon Brancker,, chief of British Commercial Aviation, w * » Close Shops in Protest San Schastian, Spain--~--Business men on thiz Spanish Monte Carlo sald yesterday 'they would close their shops through the summer season unless the government per mitted gambling to he resumed in the magnificlent Casino here, » LJ w Pardon All Offenders Madrid.~The official Gagette to- day published a royal decree by which a general amnesty and par- don are given to all political of fenders, The decree represents King Alfonso's customary act of clemency and benevolence during Holy Week, ' - Ld » Girl Kidnaphos Parig.~Fraderic Storks. wealthy Dutch shipping man, today asked the Paris police to investigate an EN u L Ho 0 ed them to inter vogate his divorced wife whom he married as a Christian Kramer in the Unitod States ten years agv. Pressure is high to the norths ward over Ontario and wests om Quebec and a trough of low pressure © south- onstward from Alberta to Kansas, Snow and vain have fallen in Saskatchewan and Alberta, while from Manitoba eastward the weather has been fale and cold, 2 ror th ig : 'Lower Lake Region and Alan Bay: " Frexh oloudy and cool today and part of Wodnesday, tollowed by # IN BATTLE HEAVY FIGHTING OCCURS AS NATIONALISTS ENGAGE WITH POLICE Nineteen Persons Including Six European Police Offi cers and London Woman Seriously Injured in Clash -------- PROTEST ARREST OF CALCUTTA'S MAYOR Armed Police Patrol Affect. ed Areas and Armored Cats Are Called Out -- Gandhi's Secretary Ar. rested Caleuttn, Indian, April 15--Nine- teen persons were injured serious- ly in heavy fighting between Nation. allsts and police whieh developed around burning tram cars in the Bhowanipore Sikh quarter today, A mob, demonstrating against arrest and imprisonment of Mayor J, M, Sen CGypta yesterday, stoned a fire brigade which was attempting to subdue the flames, Bix Buropean officers wore among the injured, and one man named Durant wag one of the 19 sent to Hospital, A London woman, Miss Dench, eyeling in the district was forced to dismount and abandon her machine when ghe was stoned by the erowd. Bhe received nasty gushes, Ten Khnlasis were injured, There were reports, immediately unconfirmed, of firing in North Cal- outta, Armed poliee were on duty armored cars wern active. Als throughout the affected nrea and though the disturbances wera guels led somewhat there was still gon- siderable unrest in the area with ooonsionel rashes by the crowd, The situation was not hreught under control until late afternoon, after a riotous morning and early afternoon in which seven Writish ofMelals were Injured, The magtal general strike cons tinued strictly observed in the In. dian quarters. Armored chrs which called upon to ald in break- ing up the fighting still patrolled the streets, which were littered with brick bats, road matorial, and broken clubs, Gandhi's private secretary, Mas habev Desal, who had been loft in charge of Gandhi's seminary dur. ing the Mahatma's elvil disoblence oampalgn, was arrested during the day at Ahmenabad, Gandhi himself will shift his camp in two days from Dandi on the Gulf of Cambay to Karadimat three miles, BLACKBIRDS CAUSE TROUBLE AT SARNIA (Ry Canadian Press Leased Wire) Sarnia, April 16--J, KE, B Phelps, manager of the Sarna Hydro-Electrio "system is in favor of a campaign to exterminate black birds, He blames the Cana- dian member of the Kuropean thrush family for carrying a wet stick to the top of mn Hydro pole at the south ward transformer stas tion, causing a switch and insula. tors to burn out, Service was maine tained through the other sub-sta- tion, Damage was fixed at $300, NEW LINER WILL THREATEN RECORD HELD BY EUROPA Designed for Top Speed of Three Knots More Than ° Present Record Holder (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, April 15=The recently a nounced new liner of the Cuma company, as described toduy by the shipping paper, Syren and Shipping, will be a three-funneled vessel 1,000 feet long on the waterline with a 15-foot beam, She will be designed to have a speed over a measured wile of 32 knots, Her machinery will consist of a "quadruple screw geared to turbines, She will carry first, second and tourist class passengers and immie grants, The North German liner Europa, which now holds the record of four days und seventeen hours for a cross: ne of the Atlantic has a length of 935 feet and a width of 1016 feet. During her trial runs she developed 2.67 knots and on her maiden voys age do the United States she average ed 37.91 knots, The top speed achivvs ed by the Europa on the voyage was 3.1 knots, vg A selves for a reasonable Graf Zeppelin on F light to Spain (By Canadian Frees Lossed Wire) Friedrichshafen, Germany, April 15 ~The dirigible Graf Zeppelin, this afternoon started on a cruise with twenty passengers to Seville, Spain, The Graf Zeppelin will fly across | Southern France to the Bay of Bis- cay, thence will head for Cape Finis- terre and then will go along the west coast of the Iberian Peninsula, Rain was falling at the start of the flight but good weather was re- ported over France, Charges Delay Sale of Relics "Cappers" Operating to Force Bidding, Is Claimed by Buyers (By Canadian Press Lessed Wire) Ottawa, April 15~Charges that "cappers" were operating to force the bidding temporarily interrupted the public sale of art treasures, furs niture and antiqu.s which started on Monday at UZarnscliffe, one time home of Sir John A. MacDonald, I'he historic house, more recently the residence of Dr, Charles Harriss, is being cleared of its valuable con tents before being fitted up as the official residence of Sir William Clark, British High Commissioner to Canada, A fine old set of Worcester dinli es wis on the blogk when the mild storm of protest broke forth, A man in the centre of the large crowd of bargain hunters and curious ones started the bidding at $20; another gentleman charged "single bids" were being made by persons who had no intention of buying, "We are not getting a square deal, Why don't you play the game fair," shouted the protesting one at the auctioneer, The latter voiced bitter objection at the insinuation and it was some time before the argument subsided and the rale continued, In all during the day about 250 lots, mostly pottery and Persian rugs, were disposed of at a total price of something over $3,000, A quantity of old English black and walnut furni- ture of 1860 period, which was ex- pected to be a feature of the opening sale, was finally withdrawn owing to poor bidding, A richly carved Flem- ish oak china eabinet which the auc- tionger declared worth more than one - hundred thousand dollars, brought a $30 offer, The bid was dis- allowed, § Effects of Sir John A, MacDonald have not yet been put on the block, When this section is reached, keen bidding is looked for, -------------------- Halifax, N.8, April 16.~The appeal in the case of Ingvald "Bing" Anderson, alias lmmet Sloan, of Berlin, N.H,, under sen. tence of death at Hydney for ths murder of Dublols Rehberg, was dismissed here this morning by the Chief Justice of Nova Beotia, Couns sol for Anderson had appealed tor a new trial on the grouuds of in- sanity, Observe Silence in Memory of Calvary Hamilton, April 15.=In commemors ation of the death of Christ, Hamil< tonians are to be asked to observe two minutes of silence on Good Fri. day at 3 pm, Ald, John Sherring, who originated the idea, announced yesterday that transportation officials, manutacturs ers and others had agreed to co-op- erate, A proclamation was issued by Act. Ing Mayor McFarlane today. Calcutta Mob Burns Tram Cars, Stones Firemen DR, GEO, KH. LOCKY Chief lbravian of the Toronto public Jbraries, who has been offered presidency of a large and important Hbrary in one of the largest cities in the United Btatos, Dr, Locke has not yet announced a decision, HANSAS CITY HAS SECRET FIVE TO END LAWLESSNESS Meanwhile, Police Are Go- ing Without Pay as Fin. ances Are Scarce Kansas City, Mo,, April 15.=A sece ret committee of five to combat Kan- sas City lawlessness was appointed by the chamber of commerce vesters day, The new committee will be pat- terned after a similar organization which is: reported to have obtained notable results in Chicago, The chamber instructédl its presi. dente Conrad 11, Mann, 10 name the committee and serve on it, Funds will be provided by business cone cerns and individuals, Mann, in suggesting such a com. mittee, said it would be used to "end the intolerable defiance of the law and law officers by criminal bands" While nothing was said regarding the kidnapping of Michael Kate, and his payment of £100,000 ransom, it was understood Mann was referring to that case, Katz, millionaire eut- rate deng store owner, was kidnap- ped March 17 Meanwhile, Kansas City police are going payless, They received their last cheques March 15, and indica tions are they will not receive any pay until after May 1, when the new fiscal year begins SAVED HUSBAND FROM GALLOWS, NOW CHARGES HIM (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Sarnia, Ont, April 15~Eighteen years ago Flossie Williams, an' Ind- lan girl of Squirrel Island in the St Clair River, gave testimony that was instrumental in saving Stephen Ky- osh, un Indian of the same island, from the gallows, Kyosh had been tried, convicted and condemned to hang for the murder on January 1, 1912 of Adam, John and. Charles Nauhdee, Indians. He won an appeal for & new trial and at the second hearing was acquitted due in the main te Flossic's testimony, The girl, who had been charged with hars boring Kyosh, a fugitive after the crime, was alse freed, Romance bloos med and they married, Until early this year their matrimonial ship sails ed an untroubled sea, Today Mrs, Kyosh charged her hus band with assault, alleging that he had pointed a gun at her, Stephen denied the charge and asked for an enlargement, Magistrate C, S. Wood row granted a stay until tomorrow, Alberta Bans Immigrants Until Employment Betters (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Edmonton, April 15==Announce- ment was made yesterday by Hon. George Hoadley, Minister of Agricul ture, that a ban has been placed on immigrants into Alberta until: such time ux the unemployment situation clears up, ) The only type of immigrants who will be welcomed are those who may come with the intention and abilit to settle on land of their own, wit sufficient means to maintain them. thes Ottawa Statement Ottawa, April 18, ~"Alberta is not secking labor, not even farm labor, and we are respecting the wishes of Alberta," the Department of Tmmis aration and Colonization stated yes- terday in respect to the statement of Hon, George Hoadley, Alberta Mine ister of Agriculture, There were only three classes of people, the department said, whe were being granted admission to Al berta: (a) agricultural families with capital; (b) demestic servants: (e) wives and children of people already settled an Alberts | a Oshawa Police Recover Stolen Bowmanville Car The Police Department were notified about noon today that there was a motor car abandoned at the lake, On investigating they found that the car, a new Buick sedan, was one that had been stolen from Dowmanville last pight, The car was Lhe property ot Thomas Knight, The car was in good condition and was driven to the police stu tion upder its own power, I'he theory was advanced that the car was taken with the intention of baving a "joy-ride' and later abandoned, Disaster in New Waterway Plan Seen by Conant G. D. Conant, Speaking in Welland, Urges Arousal of Public Opinion An address strongly supporting | the development of the St, Lawr- | ence route to the sea, was presents | ed by G. D. Conant, President of | the loenl Chamber of Commerce, before the Rotary Clup at Welland yesterday, My, Conant found that the town of Welland und other municipaii- ties bordering on the Welland | Canal are particularly interested | in the Bt. Lawrence Waterways Development, on account of the completion of the new Welland Canal and the possibilities of in» dustrial expansion, They have re contly set up tho Welland Canal | d Industrial Aron and by legislative ennctmont these municipalities are empowered to levy uw halt mill on their assessment to finapce the project. This is yielding about $16,000 per yoar, These funds will he devoted to promoting and ad-|*® vertising the industrial advantages of the Welland Canal distriet, Com | # menting on their situation, Mr, Conant sald: | Needs Public Support " "You are quite right in the preo- parations you are making to take care of the development which should follow the completion ot the Bt. Lawrence Waterway, You must bear in mind, however, that this development will only take plnce it public opinion in Canada Indicates to the government that I it supports the projoct, You should (Continued on Page 3) ------------------ LORDS RE-ENACT DEATH PENALTY Ignore Commons Vote to Ban Execution for Army Deserters (By Canadian Pross Leased Wire) London, April 15,~The House of Lords, by a vote of 45 to 12 reinserted a clause providing the death penalty for cowardice and desertion in the Army Bill, The House of Comnions early this month approved a labor amend. ment in the bill abolishing the death penalty for desertion on aos tive service and cowardice in cors tain cases, The bill will be returned to the Commons for consideration of the Lord's amendment, The houso will moet Thursday to receive the bill instead of adjourning tonight for Easter, PROSECUTOR iN CHICAGO BOMBED Of Goderich, Ont,, for two months supposed dead by his wife, who | the limbs, commissioner, they grain alcohol, A search for higher al cohols of special toxielty 'or poisons ous constituents was hegun offered ita aid in testing samples liquor consumed by those afflicted been taken for analysis and officials have closed down temporars ily the plant of § J. Niman in Wor cester, the largest distributor of the product in that city. THOUGHT BURIED ARCHIE McMILLAN has returned to his home, The body of a man frozen near Mil. WINONA MAN IS HELD BY BANDITS Elopement on $ 7, Borrowed ('y Canadian Tress Leased Wire) { New York, N.Y. April 15=The New York American today says the clopement of Eleanor Hutton, debu- tante heiress, and Preston Sturgess, successful playwright, was staged on | a total expenditure of §7, and that was borrdwed money, Suddenly deciding on Saturday that they should be married at once, N.Y, They then motored to the home | of the bridegroom's mother, Mme. | Dest, in the bungalow art colony at Woodstock in the Catskill mount. ains, i ) Mme, Desti 1oaned them $7, which paid their lodging at the Woodstock gasoline for the motor trip back to ton had been positively identified by his wito and buried as her spouse, { 40 INHOSPITAL New York France to Slow ron DRINKING | Naval Building JAMAICA GINGER Massachusetts Health Offic. | ials Take Action Against Producers (By Canadian. Press Leased Wire) Boston, Mass, April 15-~Medical means of combating cases of paralys sis believed caused by drinking Ja- maica ginger were sought here to- ay with the toll over the state dur- ing the week end having risen to two BCOT and more, Sixteen persons have been taken to the hospital in Worcester, 13 | Newburyport, nine in Lawrence and three in Westford, The victims are It suffering from partial paralysis of No deaths have occurred nd none are believed to be in a serious condition Study of symptoms. of the cases, )r, George H, Bigelow, stite health said, indicated that were not caused hy wood or The aHrvard Medical School has of Samples of Jamaica ginger sold in awrence by a Lynn concern have federal ANXIETY REIGNS AT JERUSALEM Holy Week Feasts Bring Problem for British Authorities a Jerusalens, April 15.~Holy Week will be a period of exceptional anx- fety and responsibility for the ish: authorities, whose duty it is see that order is kept in Palestine, for the Catholic and the Orthodox Easter, the Jewish Passover, and the Moslem festival of Nebi Musa all fall together and the fraught with danger, which has long been traditional, has not been lessened by the trouble be- tween the Jews and the Arabs over the Wailing Wall, and spring, be- sides, it 1s a season at which Moslem feelings usally he Brit« to coincidence is This 'danger, run high, fore the War bloods In the days shed was almost ingeparable from the conjunction of the Western aud Or~ thodox Eastern, and similarly, when the Passover coincided with Nebi Musa there were usually some bro. ken heads, | Paris, Britain and U.S. Reach Agreement in Escalator Clause a oo -- (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) April 16~information aranabie In auvsoritative kKrencn | ¢ivels today was to the effect that | prance will slow up her naval building program despite the fact that she will not participate in Lhe hoped-for comprehensive five- power naval pact, For France to adhere to the full London treaty, it Was stated roday there must be a preliminary naval agreement - with Italy and abandonment of Italy's claim 19 parity, It also was contended that the United States delegates and British must recognize the general naval! requirements of France and not try to enforce the Washington percentages in gase France should feel obliged to meet any increase in the fighting strength of the Ger man fleet, London, April 15.~The British and United Statse naval delega~ tions today reached agreement re- garding to so-called safe-guarding or "escalator" clause for the naval treaty by which powers signing the tri-lateral limitation pact may pros tect themselves against competis tive bullding by non-signatories. The clause, It was understood, will be considerably broader than article XXT of the Washington Treaty, designed for a similar pure pose, By its provisions the navy of any of the three signatory pow- ers may be increased to meet in croasos in navies of non-signatory powers, with resulting raising ot the levels of the other two signa- tory powers, BUTCHER FINED FOR HAVING SLINK VEAL St, Thomas, April 16,~~William Sangster, butcher and farmer of Malanide township, was today fined $25 and $25.30 costs for having slink veal in his possession, cone trary to law, Nangster was also committed by Magistrate Maxwell to stand trial on a charge of steals ing a consignment of soised veal left. iA his care by provincial of floors, He was allowed out on bail of §8,000, A --------. . Prohibit Sighway P g Parties Albany, April 15~Necking parties on the State highways were put outs side the pale of the law esterday, The bill of Milan E, Goodrich, Res publican of Wastchester, which fore ids the Jarking of cars on the highs way outside of cities and villages was approved by Governor Roosevelt, Charles Case and His Daugh- ter Slightly Injured by Blast (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Chicago, Ill, April 18=A bomb was tossed last night into the aparts ment home of Charles Conter Case, former special prosecutor whose work as attorney sent more than 30 persons to jail for 1926 election frauds, X Caso himself was slightly injured hy" glass, His 19-year-old daughter, Elisabeth, was struck by plaster that showered from the bomb-shattered| Vv ceiling. Mra. Case and another daugh ter, Winifred, 15, were shaken as they sat reading in the living room, he bomb exploded on the second storey, enclosed glass porch beside the wall of the bedroom Case usu ally occupies, ! Hoover London Jogg-Briand peace World Court as markers along the road to peace which lies in the pre. vention of war, and strengthened the forces of peace, great material advantages, not agree," Mr. Hoover said, "ay 'to the desirability and necessity of such a court as the World Court ay an Hoover Foretells Entry of U.S.A. Into World Court Washington, April 15-~=President pointed last night to the aval Conference, the Kel treaty and the The Naval Conference, he said, pro ided wotuu! reduction in armament "It is an accomplishment that has "There are few persons who do addition' to the methods of pacific settlements, "The contentions on this question rest upon the details of special stp, ulations under which we should join," Mr, Hoover said, "It is not my urpose to go into these contentions ere, 1 have na doubt thew can be solved, and that the United States will become a member of the court" Roig BOR through the Kellogg-Briand pact, this nation "solemnly pledged oursels ves not only to renounce war, but to seek means for pacific settlement of all international differences," the couple were wed at Bedford His, hotel and left them enough to buy! DEMAND $200,000 RANSOM FOR RELEASE OF CAPTURED MISSIONARY FROM CANADA Native Chinese Pastor of the United Church Held by Robbers ---- HAS BEEN IN CHINA SINCE YEAR 1913 Was on Tour of Inspection of District Missions When Captured, Church Officials in Toronto Believe (By Canadian Press Leased Wirs) Shanghai, April 15==Bandits ir Szechwan province who seized C, A, Bridgeman, Canadian United' Church missionary at Fowchow, are reported to be holding him for $200,000 ran | som, No mention has been made in any information reaching authorities s to what has become of Mrs, ridgeman, who is understood io have been with her husband at Fow« chow. All eftorts to learn the fute of 14 United States missionaries immmwred in the bandit-besieged city of Kan< chow, Kiangsi, since early last montis have failed owing to the demoralizaw tion of telegraphic communication, mannan " i | Pieping, China, April 15~Chinesd bandits today captured a Canadian, C, A. Bridgeman, of the United Church of Canada, and the Chinese pastor at Changchow, on the Yang~ tze Kiang, 60 miles below Chungking and conveyed them inland, Ransom of $200,000 was asked, I'he British Consul at Tehang is mu king representations to the author « ties demanding their immediate re lease, No Word of Capture Toronte; Kv 15, United Church headquarters today had not received any word of the capture by bandits of Rev. C. A, Bridgeman, at. Chang~ chow, India, Mr. Bridgeman, accords ing to church officials, was apparent ly on a tour of inspection of the dii< trict missions when captured, Hig wife and three children did not as a rule accompany him on these trips and were apparently left at the mis« sion base at Fouchow, A native of Winona, Ont, Mr. Bridgeman left for the mission fields in China in 1913, His wife is also a native of this province and was born in Brinstone, She had seen consider- able service in foreign fields before they were married. Mr. and Mra, Bridgeman were Jast home on fure lough in 1927 and 1928. Hr St ------ CHICAGO ORDERED 10 CUT DIVERSION OF LAKE WATERS Must Establish Sewage Disa posal Plants by 1938, U.S. / Court Decides if ) Washington, April 15--=The pros tracted litigation over the diversion of water from Lake Michigan at Chicago reached its final stage yet terday when the Supreme Court adopted the report of Special Master Charles E, Hughes, pro- posed a plan for reducing the di- version to not more than 1,500. cuble feet per mecond by the close of 1038, ! This diversion is In addith to what the city may pump ti lake for domestic purposes, All parties to the 'eontro took exception to the report of the Special Master, the Great Statos making a strenuous effort to Rrevaut any diversion through the hicago River as soon as sewa disposal plants were conatru by the city, No Excuses Taken Under the decision, the sanitary district will be required to. lish sowage-disposal plants by the close of 1028, and the financial condition of Chicago will bathe oxouse for failure to carry out th plan, the Supreme Court announe- ing that if the State Constitution prevents the rising of suff funds, the Constitution should be tion of the court to enforce the terms of the report of the Special Master, i | Chicago will he permitted to ine atal, if it can obtain the consent of the Secretary of 'War, control works in the Chicago River to pres vent the reversals of the nt ourrent of tho river by storm wa- ters, which might otherwise! after the present diversion 1000 eublo feet per second is roe duced to not more than the 1,500 Laat Joaximun which the court ak owed, A ZAA-------- LG NS HRI RL TE amended, because it is the inten- EE gE EE EE ------