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Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Apr 1930, p. 10

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 1930 'Page 9) o Attendance 'a Hitle over Ba li 0 A # ny to come this eonsalentou anise your ! 1007] abilities o pital and property, This "done by rence policies; o "possibl flention of our accounts, #0! "Much gratitude has been felt | geo at the receipt of a hequest from * has roper appraisals alno invest- nt the the 1 of the late As N. Bills A of '88000,001 also for donatl i) ons refurnishings' of various room, i wheel chair, a vedio for the nurses, | snd for three refrigerators, / | " ha equipment of the hospital Vhas | added to very cons An. J ure ot u new table for the | Ra oy the completion of lo ably | g (he past your by n wystem of drainage of waste water trom. the your of the byl ing, by un fire door and extinguls or at the entrance to the laundry, and the Joou ng at exten cost of nonAnfiam mal films for use In the Xray yoom, A ventilator fan led In the diet kitehen, ber 1920 the quegtion of wirlpg the old part of The hos ital was dealt with, Shut this hus since been completed, slo's complete system 'of electric [3 "Ib Is with great satisfaction that I report an endorsation' from the representative of the Ameri- 'ean College of Physicians and Bur. ne on our hospital staff and equipment, It has the highest Needless Pain ! SPIRIN oy DAR You'll enjoy your Kiki. | | Travel The King's Highway |] i | "EASTER HOLIDAY | MOTOR COACH TRIP A visit to friends, a trip to see the Fashion Parades on the Boardwalk, or any other Easter outing can be fully enjoyed when you travel in the care-free comfort and safety of modern motor coaches. CHANGE OF TIME-TABLES 'With the inauguration of Daylight Saving Time in Toronto on Sunday, April 27th, 1930, new time- tables will be in effect on all Gray Conch Lines | ¥ {GRAY COACH LINES fl Gousha Howl OSHAWA Phone 2025 | | | | | | A€ TO New YORK 2) r (LINTON ORRGIITE NRA, Ki STATON ting and is unique among Cang~ ian 16 dn that it has & very # and modern equip. ment In the obstetrical ' departs ment, Also the convenience and nearness of the Xray rooms, the operating rooms, fracture ro and emergency rooms were pra Hoonomy of space und judi clous expenditure of time and mone; Lig yosuited In our pro. ih rang. titud | '00 much gratitude ¢annot be expressed to our President, Mr, G. D, Conant, for his wise and tactful sdministyation throughout the year. In Miss MacWilllams, our Nuperintendent, we have alun & wise and eapable teagher of the nurses in training, of nevar falling energy and efficient man. agement of hospitel affairs 04 tributed not a lttle to our present high standard of efMolency, "Relations with the Medical Steft have been harmonious throughout the your, abd with this co-opera- tion the Wosrd has been able to maintain its position, "The various commitiees .. ve heen conscientious in the dis charge of their duties, The Fin. ange Commiltes, of which Mr, Hohell is chairman, the House Com~ mittee, with Dr, ¥. Li Henry ay olairman, the Property and Duild- ing Committees with Mr. Bohofield ae chairman, have been unfailing in thelr efforts throughout the YOAr, "Much remains to be done, but if In the year to come the ss willingness to do that which will help others ochayscterizes the mem- bers of the Hoard for 1980, the welfare of the Oshawa Genera) Hopital is assured." Mr. G. D. Conant, who seted as chairman for the meeting, briefly outlined the present position of the hospital and pointed out that while four years ago there was a deficit of $17,000 this had been wiped out and the institution was practically standing on its own feet, Driefly he referred to the founding of the hospital sud its growth, the erection of additions to the original buliding and the improvements made in equipment which AkVe csused it to be recos- nised by the American College of Physicians and Surgeons as a standard hospital, At the present time he stated the accomodation of 94 beds Is taxed to the limMR apd it was evident that a new wing with 40 or 650 beds might i] have to be built in the near futs ure, Fortunatey the heating plant now in use would not ni to be enlarged and Mr, Conant estimate ed that the total cost of a new ad- dition would be between §75,000 and $100,000, Explanation of the annual state "mont of the auditors was made by Mr. W. P, Behell who showed (hat the total assets of the Oshawi Honpital, fooluding lands, bulld- ings, equipment, accounts receiv. able, and other miscellaneous items amounted to $385,678.00, The operating expenses for the your were $71,008.26 or an avers age of approximately $6,000.00 per month, The total Hospital garnings for the year totalled $60 091.16, including only receipts 001,45, including only receipts partments, such as laboratory, X. Ray, operating room, case room, dressings, private nurses board, This leaves a deficit of $1,107.10 on operating account lone. Thiy defiolt however Las been made up by the statutory allowances from the Provincial Government, the grants from the City of Osha- wa and the County of Ontario, and sundry donations, A very interesting 'history of the foundation of the hospital was read by Mrs, MoLaughlin who hae evidently delved into the records of the past year in order to re. veal how the institution grew from comparatively small begin. nings, Reminiscences of the ae- tivities which lead up to the es tablishing of the hospital were also J vided In a brief spesch by Mr, P, Owens, of Toronto, and who was {ncorpor- formerly of this alts, among the eight original ators, Satisfaction 'was expressed hy the meeting for the work of Miss MoWilllamey, superintendent; Miss Chinook, dietitian; and Mim Power, of the office staff, Col, Chappel acted an chairman during the election of the direct ors, The secretary and the treas urer will be elected by the direc tors from among thelr number, Following the election Presi. dent Conant again resumed the chair and was in charge of the meeting until its conclusion, PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL RESULTS Port Perry, April, 1é--=Port Perry High School -- Report of Form 1 for Winter Term -- B, mes 77.7: M, Prentice 77.8: H. ight 71,0; H. Downer 70.7; A. i A Balfour 84.4: I [} N. MeMillai I, Milner 6 W, Heayn 61.3: R. Lyle 80.4 H 2; F. Phoenix 50.4 or 80.1%; T W Orde 87.8; J Cle 50.8! A. Hood 55.8; M. Smallman 88.1; R, Nottingham ' D, dors Yo 1-=8, Nind Wallace 82.8; O. Lakey 78.8: Miller 71.7: M, Pyatt 70.3; Currah 88; W, Rerholds 1. wil T Reynolds 03.9; 7: D, O'Neill 03.4; 0.8; 0 Badia, 80,0; WH, Wililamson 88.5: A, on 68.41 A, Gawker 58.1: A. 54.8: D, Wanchope oo eal 82.5: O. Ward 40.8; Burton 40.4; R. Woods 48.8; Bu. Romer ville 47.8: M, Black 48.31 ® Switeer 83.6; J, Cumming 96.3, Form II.-Kvlo' Npsmith 81.8; Hugh Nind 77.6: Mervin Cun 71.8; Walter Phoenix 171; Aland 60.3; W, Lyle 08.3; Gi 3 hal | Niame 53; 5. Moore 48.8; Florence | a fof Noamith i ny; Hubert Collscutt 40.8; Tom Har. re Jo.780 0, Smeliman 88.8 Vorm, V.~Ruby Leo 78; Helen Viekery 72; Dorothy Balfour 69.4; L, Murphy 60, Dorothea Nasmith 08.7; lvey Vralick 05, Ivan Wal lace 68.8; Wether Turnar 62.4; Juok' Clarke 61.9) Grace Cawker 61; D, Dow B65; Tvs Nott 66.4; Iwobel Cuwker 068; Doris Murray 01; Jean Cawker 47; Thors Knutman 44.8, } Miss Core Bowerman, of Detroit is visiting her parents Mr, and Mra, J. rorman, Mrs, Bower. men is very dM at present, The sympathy of the commun~ ity is ded to Mrs, Thos, Cook and family in thelr recent bereave- ment, 4 My. and Mrs, Wikood Oarguthers of Glen Major, visited Mr, and Mry, A. D, Potars on Wednesday, Congratulations are extended to Mr, 'and Mrs Ansol Beverley (nee Margaret Hall) on their marriage which took plage at the United Chueh Parsonage on Wed, April Miss Frances Mellow of Toronto was home for the week-end, Disd-=In Port Per on Mon day April 7th, 1980, Mrs, Kleanor Keele, beloved wife of J, C. Cock~ burn, 'The funeral took place on Wednesday April 0th to Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto, Mrs, W, Tummonds of Wood. ville visited Port Perry friends last week. Mr, Bert Bartley, of Toronto visited friends in this vicinity last week, Mr. and Mrs, D, W. MoIntosh visited friends iu Cobourg last woeok, Mr, and Mrs, John Cawker and son Jim, and Mrs, Frank Mitchell were fn Toronto on Wednesday, NOT MANY WOLVES IN ALGONQUIN PARK Only Seven Wolves Shot by Special Hunters in Two Months Toronto, Apr, 14. Contrary to the belief held in many other quarters, W. C, Cain, Ontario deputy minister of fand and forests, believes wolves are not nearly so plentiful in Algons uin Park as some reports whi | ine lcate, Mr Cain has received from the park superintendent, J. W, Millar, a report which shows from January 27 to April 1, this year, the 32 ettra hunters sent to the park to aid the 30 permanent park rangers, secured only seven wolves, The permanent rangers trapped 17 wolves in the same perlod, Mr. Cain sald the hunt was an Ine tensive one, held in response to the public outcry that thousands of deer and other animals were falling vice tims to the wolf peril. The hunters were ven an added incentive to trap the wolves as $15 bounty was given for each pelt, The comparatively small number of wolves bagged by the huntsmen is an indication these animals are not ov. greunning: the park, sald Mr, Cain, $e confirms the department's previe ous assertion wolves are not de. sroying protected game In anything like the numbers alleged," he said, ------------------------ Another Prodigy-- Champ. Rock Thrower Ohloago, April 16, ~ Joe Brim- Ingham is the champion three year old rook thrower of Chicago and points west, Joe throw a rock through a win. dow of Mrs, Louise Bolak's house. Mrs. Bolak did not know lttle Joe did ft, Bhe thought it was big Joe, BE GOOD TO YOUR TEETH AND THEY WON'T BE FALSE TO YOU! pov The lon howls, the mon- key awings his tall, the kite ten ourls up on your lap, the donkey brays and a dog wags his tail, all in token of friendship but through out all the animal kingdom we do not find a LAUGH until we come to man, Yot though richly endow od with this marvelous gift from above even some are ashamed to laugh, Grimy, filthy decayed teeth 'are not A beautiful scene to look upon, Don't be afraid to laugh. Keep your teeth das sling pearls and your mouth healthy hy the dally use of KLENZO DENTAL OREAM 35¢ AND 50¢ | MOUTH WASH 25¢ ao S0c You "Save With Safety at The Rexal Store the father, and sho had him are rested, When he told Judge Johu Lupe that his little three year 01d had done the throwing, Mrs, Bajn« nid that baby could not even itt the stone; let nlone heave it, "Being fu the offspring," maid Judge Lupe, "and wo whall wee." The baby toddled in, walked over to the rock (which was ex bit A) pleked it up end hauled off to hurl it, Me was aiming of o particularly attractive window pane at the rear of the courtroom, "Caso dismiged,'" suid the court hurriedly "and somebody grab that roek!', Anglican Bishop Has Flying Record Toronto, Apr, 16-By aeroplane from Aklavik, the headquarters nf the Anglican diocese of Macken wo River, to Edmonton in 17 hours, was the record wet up by Rt, Hon, Rev, W, A, Geddes, Bis~ hop of Mackenzie River, who se. companied by Mry, Geddes, arrive ed here today en route to London hy the Lambeth conference. The quick trip out of the north to the Albertan capital was made with Captain W., R, "Wop" May, Items Marked You will find below a notable list of remarkable Easter Week Values=be sure to avail yourself of this splendid opportunity to stock your pantry with quality foods before the holiday, SUGAR Limit 20 Pounds to a Customer, 0 A Fiuer | Quality at A Bpecially | Reduced Fries 40 oz Jar pl © walonia ORANGE 'MARMALADE | 23¢C | Easter Limit=--=2 Jars to a Customer, A TREAT VOR THE KIDDIKN EE f VAN CAMP'S Tuna Fish y Lb, Tin 29¢ c-WARARIA LSA a 10 Pounds 49 With the © Trade Mark Denote Extra Specials Lh CE th Lb BROOKFIELD A New Tempting} I iil Flavor, deal tor A Lb il Sapdwiches, Pkg. gt ---- I | Licorice Allsu"ts, 11 os pkg S8¢ Maple Buds, .... Butterscotch Drops, 14 os pkg 10¢ Salted Peanuts, CANDIES I" mr---- | Picnic Hams 4 to 6 Pounds Hockless 11 os pkg 4¥0¢ 4 Ib Bag Ve Mor All Your Baking, JEWEL Shortening Le: 16¢ -_-- POST'S Here is your chance to stock up, = - BRAN FLAKES 2n«21C or All Cleaning Purposes, CLASSIC CLEANSER Tin 8C 1¢ No. 2 Size Tins ® ancy GOLDEN BANTAM RA 2 For All Fine Laundering LUX ~ Small P kgs. 19¢ 200 Only Six Quart Baskets Spy Apples basket 29C 'A Better Butter--Noted for it's Finer § Flavor, For a Cleaner, Whiter Wash " REINSO | Large Pkg. 19¢c Lb. YL New Carrots .... Choice Lemons .. Oranges, large . .. Fruits Special! Bananas ..,., doz 28¢c .. .bunch 10¢ Large Head Lettuce ...2 for 23¢ Jove odox 69¢ Tin PABST Malt Syrup 79c kg, RATON A Str Poarline, large SIRLOIN STEAK Pound [RCE BE SO Pound ...... ....¢ { Jury & Lovell Fp. | --_ rg H NER EY TOTS ol A HR : Aas BLADE ROAST BEEF 26¢ 'berry Jam, 40 ox, jar , .4d¢ Qxye I, warge pkg Mite small pp ,. @ for 100 SWRI i saanneey TO A FEW ITEMS OF REGULAR GOOD VALUE Kellogg's All Bran t BAYVONLG Vaeshes, 10¢ King Ate Salmon, Red Cohoe, No, 1 Aylmer Apriaots, vee Oe quality, No, 2 size EATON'S MEATS 34c PEEL Pound ..... =) Bl 3 (4 sy | LEANPORK for Frying: 33¢ Pou AAR EEE EAN LILI BEY HAMBURG STEAK. Pou COOKED HAM. PEE SL RUT NO Boneless. Pound 20¢ * 55¢ 1] AYER : BY» *T.CATON Nogg#l size tin ,, Ble vo nm HR cov anniinna B00 i \l ohoice UR ci vaananane MO LRU REUBEN AL BB RRO Machine BREAKFAST BACON |. Aylmer Spinach, No, 2 size tin +.4,300 Aylmer Buffet Fruits i B'enohen, Greengage ! ume, Lombard' Huw, Pineapple Tide bite, tin seven naiile SMOKED HAM. 50¢ 35¢ Sliced

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