Rr Vi i + PAGE 8IX THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 1930 THOUGHT BURIED, MANTURNS UP AND "ANAZES WLTON *REkzs own ATH Question Now Arises as to Who Actually Was the Dead Man Goderich; Apr, 16--~Who was the erson. buried at Milton on Feb, 24 st? This Is now a mystery which files not only the authorities but very woman who id.ntified the hody as that of her husband, Areh- bald McMillan. The remains of this known man were identified 4 Mrs, eMillan, by a relative and by & bank manager, Mr, MeMillar, howev- er, {s very. mueh alive and is at pre- pent living with his wife at Goderich, Nearly two. months after he had goviie ldeptined he bod ol [} bi Milton hat of her hy, on So Men Wan wes dumb husband entered her ) ounded when, her ik * Yesterday afternoon the cou ere, der ribed thely experience, Mr, MeMil- an Iv about 75 years of age, He farmed at Rames , about ile north of Forest, untll ubout three years ago, and since then has been working in various parts of ih Pro- vin 4 Wein lived In Forest until #80, when she came to Goderle Trebly Identified Aout the middle of Yebry last the of & man was ins ba about 14 ios rom 8 ton, Mr, Hemister, manager of the Bank of Commerce branch st Court- right, saw the description of this un~ known man, and It was he who went to Milten and first Identified the re- mains as those of Mr, McMillan, Mrs MeMillan was notified as she sent # photo of her husband, with his_de~ seription, to the authorities, Mrs, McMillan. received word ach through the police that the Yeserip: tion tallied with that of the. dead man. She left immediately for Milton with & relative, and both positive) identified the man as her hushand, Certain marks on the arm, hack and 48| eye, strongthened Mrs, MeMillan's r- of the bedy, together with th net that the man og bln n one re Men a da re, MeMillan stated yoster Shut she pald the funeral ex wa She produced the death cer! Aout and My, MeMillan commented that if wis indeed a strange experience to rend one's death certificate, Milton Milton, Aor Ie, he return, alive and well, of Archibald MeMillan of Goderich, has caused considerable ex- elt nt among officials concerned In the ease here, After identifying the body as that of her husband, Mrs, MeMillan bought a plot In Evers ean cemetery here and also pald or & funers! and coffly, Crown Attorney Dick stated last night that he would Mtach A note to the official record, stating that Me- lan fad turned up alive and that proved, outed nu delegate to attend the at Toronto, The treasurer veported $48.80 procees of the convert on March 17th, Relief supplies valued Bt SUB were sent Mrs, O, the Health Commitiee took charge of the program, : on "The Medroom in Health and Biokness" and gave many splendid suggestions for home nursing, Whe "180 gave a demonstration of band~ uging, Miss Taylor was hearty vote of thanks for hor ex~ cellent address, The meeting closed by singing God Mave the King Lunch wan worved hy West Group, Next meeting will be held May It AM the home of Norah Horn was apr Uoational Convention to he held on Canadien Industries, The Young Veople's to Manitoulin, meeting on W. Wouch, convenor of opening exercises, Leona Taylor, Molina, gave 4 LaIk part of the meeting, raligements were aster concert, to April 21st, given a charge of the Devotions! In Canada', rend a While Mrs, UG, Allcock, nm All members are requested to ate tend as it in the election of officers, The program will he in charge of Miss Katerson and the committee Longue Yriday evening was presided over by the second vices president, Mr, H, Walter, After the the president, N, Horn, conducted the business Vina) made tor the be given on Kdna Reynolds Miss Cantpbell dealt very interest- ingly with the topic "The Indians and Grace Hastings uper on "The Black and oys"', Frankie Wood told of the origin of the hymn "In the Cross of Christ 1 Glory", which Wag sung os & closing hymm pre vious to the Mizpsh benediction, Kithel Mtephens 1s spending io few weeks ut the home of Leslie #nowden, Maple Grove, Mr, and Mre, A. K, Jennings, Oshawa, visited Mr, and Mrs, W, Huse recently, We sro glad to report Miss Nahoy Johns progressing favorably since her operation for goitre, in the General Hospital, Toronto, on Waturday, Mrs, Grant and sons, end her mother, Mrs, Creeper, Toronto, and Mrs, MeNofl and family, Haydon, visited at the home of Mr, Albert #iainton on Munday, James Miainton, Yoronto, spent Munday under the parental, root, We are sorry to lose the family re had period, home, A IS the hody found frozen In Nassagaw- oys Township was that of an un mown man. As for exhuming the y, Mr, Dick stated that this would not be done unless some one believed the body 'to be that [] relative, and requested that It be ex- humed for the purpose of identifies. A BE of C, H, Wallace trom our village. Mrs, Wallace and Anna went to Toronto on Saturany, Ved Chant, having rented necessitated the change, 'Yhore was an aluminium der onstration at "o home of Mrs, 1), J. Keorslake on Wednesdny night, Mrs, Milton Slemon, Haydon, 18 iI at the home Mrs, Kimina Johns, My, and Mrs, ¥, WKogery Toronto visitors recently, Mr, W, 1, Verrett has taken a position with the Automobile and Supply Co, Toronto, Mr, and Mrs, W, (, White, visit 6d Toronto friends recently, Helen Virtue returned to Mark- ham after spending a few days at Women Favor Labels Yor All Women are joining in the move, mont urging the labeling of al) the people of England, which was started recently, They believe that the plan would be of partieylar value as & protection to them, Tt in thought thet it would help wives' In Indentifying deserting husbands / and In preventing bigamy, for the' idenity of both persons would have to. be proved befors ma . IP the plan of esrrying 1dentifieation cards or disks, such ss 'sre used In Japan, is adopted, the record of the marrisge would be made on the document, Another plan presented in the thumbeprinting of 'eyeryons. The Tabeling ides is expected fo give additional protection to men ss to women, the creamery Las of her mother, were ELTON FSP LU) ad HORSE BROKE L00SE AT HANPTON AND {FELL INTO WELL ---------- || Neighbors Assisted Farmer in Rescuing Injured Animal Hampton, April 18.~~When Mr, Andrus went to the stable, on Monday morning to do his chores, he found that one of his fine team, had broken through into the well, which is located inside the builds ings, having broken lose during the night and wandered about, With the help of neighboring men, dl they managed to get it out, and put It up in a sling, Just what in. Jury the animal has sustained Is Bot yet known, Hampton Women's Institute met St the home of Mrs, Arthur Allin on Thursday afternoon, April dvd, Mrs, NH. BE, Rundle, president, was in the chair, The minutes of Inst meeting were read and ap- NEILL'S THE ATORE OF BETTER VALUES \ ARE INTRODUCING ~ New Spring Shoes IN STYLE AND COLOR You will like the new | Almoral colour in our straps and pumps, New your our for Select one of AVIATRIX cases Baster vacation, at the A & P Is always genuinely good, the Ontarlo woman rarely desires to shop at any but an A & P store, ESTABLISHED Throughout Ontario you find women praising the A & P [" WHERE ECONOMY RULES" for its good foods and good values . . . and for the + at prices as low WATCH our Windows for New Styles in all kinds of po Footwear R. NEILL, LTD. 12 SIMCOE ST. NORTH peace of mind that this goodness brings, Nationally advertised groceries of all desoriptions are found on our shelves , , or lower than you will find them elsewhere, OHOICE QUALITY Blueberries 2: 41. A FREE TOY BARN WITH EACH PURCHASE OF TWO TINS NESTLE'S "x2 ins 3 Je PUT UP EXPRESSLY FOR A & P=GEO, WESTON SELECTOR uae 2% EXORLLENT QUALITY ONOCOLATES, MIXED CENTRES GONDOLA =~ 39 wp tosses Jum, ese. JB GGS FIS yi FIRSTS caflion DOR. 320 CHOICE CONOR EXTRAS ..34¢c¢: | SALMON":"1.26¢ Loose, Doz, 310; Yoose 8 dog, Nbc. Steaks ib. 29¢ FINEST QUALITY SMOKED SUGAR-CURED . Silverbright ex 31eVL5"1b. 16¢ HAMS wa PicnicHams».19. [COD nr wn. 13s 3 70 1 LB, AVERAGE Steaks SMOKED RUGAR-CURED HALF OR WHOLE CRICKEN switt's HAMS ». 31: | Halibut uw. w». 24 10 70 12 LB, AVERAGE HALF OR WHOLE WAM CHOICE WINTER-CAUGHT Whitefish ». 13 Wiltshire Hams GAMMON HALF--Smoked. . Ib, 37¢ Haddock =». 13. CUSHION HALF ...........lb. 3%¢ Finnan Haddie vox Ib, 136¢ SLICED--For Frying ...... lb, 48¢c Fillets OSH ib. 18¢ ( Tb and a host of other attreniive fish FAMOUS HORSESHOE OR CLOVER LEAFY SALMON 2: 45 DEL MONTE OR LIBBY'S SLICED PINEAPPLE 21.49 SALADA <i n.69: ORISPY, DELICIOUS CORNFLAKES Brown Label Black Tea rm REINS KELLOGG'S 37.25 FANCY MILK.-FED EASTER VEAL LEGS YE. 25: "od" RUMP FILLETS ........ LOIN ROAST ........... RACK ROAST ..........os Ib. 22¢ SHOULDER ROAST ....... lb, 20c MILK-FED ROASTING 4 10 3 LD AVERAOR Chickens » 40 FINEST QUALITY MACHINE-SLICED Boiled Ham mn. §3¢ CMOICE YOUNG ROASTING LAMA LAMB LOIN ROAST ~~ Ib, 27 LEGS wn. 350 CHOICE CUTS TENDER A & P QUALITY WING ROAST « 1b. 3§¢ Porterhouse ». 38. WITH LARGE UNDERCUT FRUITS and VEGETABLES CARROTS aspen Joven J 10 LETTUCE ow ww = 3mm 3le 2 reas 19¢ LETTUCE or wan ONIONS vuow cooxwne Ibs. 2§¢ POTATOES it... 41bs.25¢ ASP ARAGUS ri eroy 1h, 29 ORANG car, swmoress DOR. ie ORANGES cr suouss Dox. 5 BEETS = mu Zwwem 2k BANANAS a" 3 ibe. 19e SPINACH ili 2108. 33e itis SEEDS i. 7 oe 280 Hi \ TER GREAT ATLANTIC & Pacteie Tra Co. SHE THOUGHT: "We'd squeeze you in 'somehow iis weren't for "8.0" Yeh to be polite, SHE SAID: "We'd give you a Lift if we werer' 80 crowded," Another invitation lost ++. all because of "B,0." way to be safe, Wash and the with Litebuoy, Like millions of other cular men and women, you'll say it's the finest toilet soap in the world, Leaves you glowing with fréshe ness and healthy vigor--gloriously, sate olea " y V's b - by ng el i ge Punt 45 Poteamends every trace A Radiantly fresh complevions thousands of delighted women, Life. buoy's lather gently pores of impurities frees makes dull skins bloom with healthy, radian bea » Ita b evira. clean Yer A a Dhan rinse ~tells you Lifobuoy purifies. HEALTH "Lifebuoy "2: stops body odor OF REE-Try Litebuoy Shaving Cream~--It's NEW : L] ous t, Its " RE Pins all agreed he was a nice chap, But somehow they never had room for him, The car was filled, The bridge ta ranged, A dance already T day he discovered hia trouble, "B.0,"~ body odor, Af once he Ho Nor perspiration odorless, A risk we all run SLICED BACK---Smoked. ... lb. 45¢c SLICED SIDE ,........civ.ilb, 38 FANCY MACHINE-SLICED BREAKFAST BACON oii: 1. 3§e SPECIALS For the Nolidays Y PR FANCY UALIIX, RIN XR, TRAPPED IN SILVERBROOK CREAMERY 2 we. §9e "vm on gumima 3 tu T30, AOR ARgy, HOT CROSS B For Good Friday Dos. tema await your selection at all A & PF Stores, Se gl, Se LRG TRs mses a