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Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Apr 1930, p. 1

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The Oshawa Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer "All the News While It Is News" VOL. 6--NQ. 92 Pi : Sundays and at Oshawa, Oat an Every vy OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, APRIL 19, 1930 15 Cents 8 Week; 3 Conts a Copy, SIXTEEN PAGES t News in Brief A (By Canadien Foses) Workmen Want More Money Toronto--Taking their eue from thelr superiors, some 3,600 mem- bers of outside departments at the city ball, such as garbage collec- "tors, sewer workers, tax collectors, ete., approached Mayor Bert Wemp through their Civie Employes' Union executive asking for an in- crease of #1,20 weekly, Recently the city council passed a motion recommending Increases for nider- men from $300 to $1,200, and sl- %o a substantial raise for the mayor and board of control, Ld LJ LJ Doped, Then Robbed Toronto, ~After being rendered unconscious with a "'doped" clgar- ette in his store, Christopher John son was relieved of $1,100 by two men, he informed police last night, Johnson and two men entered his store Thursday night and, after purchasing _soft drinks, offered him a cigarette, He awakened ears ly today minus his $1,100, LJ Ae LJ Narrow Eacape Toronto--B8ix persons escaped death miraculously when an auto- mobile in which they were riding swerved sharply on a steep hill in the north western part of the city last night, rolled completely over sideways and then crashed on fits wide. A Police constable who saw the crash dashed over and opened the door. He expected to find the occupants dead or badly injured, but instead found all unconscious but none seriously hurt, LJ LJ LJ Vessel Aground Sarnia ~Thé steam barge William Shupp; en-route from Port Colborne to Chicago for a cargo of corn, ran hard agrowsd in the St. Clair river opposite St, Clair, Mich, this morn- ing, according to a report received here, a A a Ra » \ Counterfeiter Sentenced Syracuse; N.Y, ~John Rania, 29, of Rome, who pleaded guilty in federal court yesterday to charges of passing and possessing counterfeit $10 bills, was sentenced to five years in the federal penitentiary at Atlanta and fined $3,000 by Judge Frederick H, Bryant, Sam Frangipani, also of Rome and indicted with Rania, plead- ed not guilty and was ordered held in $10,000 bail for the next term of court, SIX HURT AS RIVAL MINE FACTIONS FIGHT Royalton, 111, April 10.==A cots stable and five miners were wound. ed, ono weriously, in: wshooting ats fray on the main street here be- tween two rival mine factions yesterday, Approximately 25 shots were fired at random, a man 'was shoved through n plate-glass win dow, rocks were thrown, and num- erous blackjucks and clubs wield. ed, BRITISH RETURN WEIHAIWEI TO CHINA (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Nanking, China, April 19, Official announcement Was made today of agreement for rendition of Welhaiwel, a British leasehold in Shantung, back to China, The agreement was signed last night by Sir Miles Lampson, British min. ister, and C. T, Wang, Chinese foreign minister, HONORARY DEGREES TO BE CONFERRED (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, April 19,--The honor ory degree of Doctor of Divinity will be conferred by Chancellor K. W. Wallace on four ministers, at the convocation of Emmanuel Col. lege here next Tuesday. Thots to _rocelve tlie degrees are Rev, F. C, Stephenson, M.D,, Toronto; Rev, John Bailie, M\A,, of Toronto, and Rev, Frank Langford, M.A, sec sretary of the Board of Religious Education of the United Church, Six-Hour Flight To Span Atlantic Berlin, April 19=-Dr, Paul Hey landt, one of Germany's leading authorities on the upplication of liguld gases for Industrial = pur- poses, predicts that the time is + mot far off when airplanes can be shot thousands ,of feet into the sky by means of a Mew-type rocket wotor and ean reach America from Europe in from six to eight hours, ; v © More than that, Dr, Heylandt said, so high will be the » 600° miles an between 300 an hour--of this rocket-propelled plane that the motor can be turn. od off over Newfoundland and the pilot can glide the rest of the way to New York, 2 ---------------------- WEATHER Pressure is relatively low on the Atlantic const and to the northward over chee and high to the im 0 west of the Great es, while ane other shallow low area cens tred over Nebraska is moving northeastward, Showers have occurred in many districts in ern Canada out it has ves mained for the most part fair and rather cool in the west, Forecasts: ' Lower Make Region and tH . still IND Senator G. C. Dessaulles Dies Today, Aged 102 Ld SHOCK OF FIRE IN HOME THURSDAY MORNING WAS FATAL TO AGED SENATOR Home Was Destroyed and He Had to be Transferred to Hospital, Excitement Causing Death HAD LONG LIFE OF PUBLIC SERVICE Was Member of House of Commons Ten Years, and Senate 23 Yeunrs--Mayor of Home Town for Quar- ter Century en----_---- (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) St. Hyacinthe, Que,, April 10, Senator Georges Casimer Dessauls les died here today, He was 102 years old, The Benator's old home was destroyed by fire early Thurs. day. morning and it was found necessary to take the senator to hte Laval hospital, The shock of the loss of his home and excite- ment from the fire proved too much for the centenarian in thought, Senator at 70 Appointed a Senator at the age of 79, when most men Aare cous sidering retirement to "husband out' life's taper at the close," Georges Casimir Dessaulles had given 21 years devoted service to that body when, on Thursday, September 20, 1027, 43 of his descendants gathered at his home at St. Hyacinthe, Quebec, to cele« brate his 100th birthday, It was not until he had reached 69 years of age that Federal public life called him and he was elected to the House of Commons for Bt, Hyacinthe division, Kew. 10. years he represented his constituency when on the dea™ of Sir William Hingston, Sir Wilfrid Laurier ap- pointed the veteran Mr, Dessaulles to represent. Rougemount division in the Senate. The veteran of the Upper House was a regular attendant of its sess sions, he was quoted as saying that he had never had a headache and in fact didn't know what they were except from hearsay, Municipal Services Senator Dessaulles' services to St. Hyacinthe, where he was born on September 20, 1827, were not confined to his federal activities, For 10 years he served as alder. man; then was elected and re. elected mayor for a term of 26 years, He was the son of Jean Dessaulles, of Swiss origin, and Rosalie Papineau, daughter of Joseph Papineau, of Montreal, and & sister of Louls Joseph Papineau, last, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Lower Canada and leader of the "Papineau Rebellion" of 1837-88, Senator Dessaulles was a lifes long Liberal and a member of the Roman Catholic Church, it Ottawa, April 19---Regret at the death of Senator Dessaulles was ex- pressed today by Hon, Hewitt Bos« tock, speaker of the senate. Senator Bostock said that, although Senator Dessaulles had not taken much part in the discussion of the upper cham- ber he had been onc of the regular attendants at committees, He was very highly respected, The death of Senator Dessaulles creates the fifth vacancy in the se- nate, BLAME WORKERS FOR FIRE WHICH TOOK MANY LIVES veed-- | Laborers Would Not Fight Manila Blaze Without Overtime Pay iL (By Canadian Pross Leased Wire) Manila, April 19,-The lloilo correspondent of the Manila Tris bune today quoted Carlos Lopes, an. engineer, as saying refusal ol laborers to fight fire without overs time contributed to the death of numerous persons and damage of $2,600,000 insular Lumber €om« pany property near Fabrica, in northern occidental negroes pros vince, Lopez is employed by, the Gil Lopes Sug central in the same istrict, which suffered damage estimated at $100,000, Wire pnage gut Toawday the ume for two ays, ma N ns homes less, Twelve bodies have been re- covered and numerous children iissing are belleved to have : . . he Secret Six Ready For Capone Gang Chicago Crooks (By Canadian Press Lessed Wire) Chicago, April 19=~From Hous. ton, Tex, yesterday came word from Colonel Robert Randolph, president of the Chicago Associa~ tion of Commerce, that the asso- clation's *'secret six' already has taken steps to meet and defeat the new alliance of Chicago gangsters under the leadership of Al, Capone, "The 'secret six' is fully cogni- zant of the situation, and is oper- ating," Colonel Randolph sald, "These organized enemies of so- clety are more formidable as a single unit than as scattered out- law bands," he sald, "In fact, the pew alliance may make them a simpler object of attack." URGES LABORATORY | it, WILFRED DEROME Divector of the laboratory of legal medicine and police science, Quebec, and oxpert sclientifiy criminologist of Montreal, who urges ostablishmont of a crime inal Inbhoratory in Ontario as an ald to crime solution, Shipping at Standstill A York, ~ Shipping in New York ew Harbor was at a standstill today as | # result of u thick fog that descend ed yesterday morning High Loss Caused as Waves Flood Areas Near Kingsville Four Perish in Airplane Crash Three Passengers and Pilot Killed When Fog Blinds Vision (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Jersey City, N.J, April 19.<Three passengers and the pilot of a Col onial Airways plane, bound from Al- bany to Newark, were killed yester- day, when the plane crashed into a power station on St, Paul's avenue and 'was' consumed by flames, The pilot was John Salway of Al bany, Coutt de la Vaux of Paris, president of Aeronautique Internation al, was among' the victims, Harry Lehman, 8 watchman at the Public Service power station, saw the plane apparently searching for a lan. ding-place ten minutes before it crash ed, lt was flying low, and just miss. ing the top of houses, he said, and the pilot appeared to hive lost his way in the fog. The power plant is in the Marion section of the city, and-not far from open meadows, where a safe landing might' have Leen made, All power in Bergen County was cut off for 20 minutes atter the crash The list of passengers, ag given out by the Colonial Airways Company, included : Count de 1a Vaulx, President Acro nautique Internationale, Paris, rance, Mrs. Marie E. Williams, 1111 Sos- eyte street, Providence, RI A. V, Conklin, New York City. Known in St, Catharines St, Catharines, April 19,~-John Salway, pilot of the ill-fated Cols onlal Alrways machine which crashed at Jersey City yesterday, taking the lives of all four ocou- pants was well known here as a former student of Ridley College. ASKS DISMISSAL OF HYDRO EXPERT Ontario Labor Party Also Asks Minimum Wage for Boys (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, April 19<«-Dismissal of Dr, Thomas , Mogg, electrical ex. pert employed by the Ontario Hy. dro Electric Power Commission, was requested in a resolution pass. ed at the annual convention of the Ontario Labor Party here yesters day, Delegates alleged Dr. Hogg was favoring privately owned hy. dro-electric power while a mems- her of the public ownership sys. em, The resolution referred to the fact Dr, Hogg had worked in direct opposition "ot the principle of ublic ownership while he was acts ng In an advisory capacity to the Winnipeg Electric Company and the Manitoba government, Other resolutions adopted urged the Hydro Electric Commission to direct the distribution of surpluses among the use of domestic power; the provincial' government to undertake an investigation inte the cost of bread, meat and other foodstuffs, amendments to the Minimum Wage Act to set a wage for boys unemployment insurance and that there should be Nor fuss. invari oma #8 Lo (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Windsor, April 19.--~Damags roughly estimated at hundreds -of thousands of dollars has been done along the north shore of Lake Erle in the Kingsville-Leamington area, during the past three days, by high winds and heavy scas, Last night there was some abatement of the hammering of the big waves as the wind had swung to the west, There Is some subsidence of the water level, hut reports indicate that the monetary Joss In the ares will be heavier than during the record storm of last May, Avound Leamington thee has been consid. erable damage to the shore 'line, but the heavier damage in that area has come on Point Pelee, The area known as the New Marsh or Fraser's Marsh, an area of about 500 acres, in under sev oral feet of water and the total acreage of newly-seeded onion beds in likely to be a erop loss this year unless it is possible to remove the water quickly, About all that ean be seen of 15 cottages In the flooded area is the roofs and part of the upper stories, Residents and their house- hold effecis were ramoved by boats, Boma of the buildings along the point have been totally destroyed, among them a large ice house, the property of Captain Grubb of the life saving station, Youth Drowns In Toronto Bay Three Rescued When Train- ing Shell of Rowing Club Is Swamped (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, April 10,.-Toronto's first drowning accident of this year was recorded at 4,30 o'clock esterday afternoon when James Pica and three other members of the Don Rowing Club were swept from a training boat when pulling out into the lake from Coatsworth's Cut, ' The light craft, as it was caught in the heavy backwash, according ing to an eyewitness» appeared to be carried from beneath: soullers as they sat with outstretched army to skim their oars on the water, taken a toll of four lives, but for the herol¢ efforts of Bdward who witnessed the mishap, Taking of hlg coat und shoes, litessnving apparatus on Coata- worth's Cut, and, making his way down the rocks to the water's edge, threw the line, which was grasped by one of the young men, Drawing the rope back as quickly as hig arms could move, the young man got his first man ashore, As the rescued youth sat down on the rocks, Cracknell again threw out the lifeline, which was quickly grasped, and. in a short time a second rescue 'had been, made, As he was hauling In hia third man, Cracknell. saw Dixon's hand appear above the surface, then he sank. The three saved by Cracknell were Cameron Andrew, 1485 Dane forth avenue, Gordon Aubrey, aged 18, of 728 Rhodes avenue, oy caught in a swell as they were | The holiday tragedy might have |T Cracknell, of 165 Golfview avenue, | Cracknell took. a lifeline from the | TH Bean, aged 16, of 09) Rhodes avenue, i om \ Ralston Says Naval Parley Was a Success Head of Canadian Delegs- tion Expresses Views on Return Home (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Halifax, N.K., April 10.-"1 do not think at we need have any doubt about the conference belug # success," sald Colonel J, L, Ral ston, Minister of National Defence returning to his native country af- ter three mobths in England as Canada's representative at the na~ val disarmament parley, "To have the three greatest naval powers in the world in agreement definitely limiting naval armament and tak. ing immediate practical steps for definite reduction must be regard- od os a long step forward, "We as Canadians," he continn- ed, "should he particularly cone scious of its success when we re member that one of these powers is our meighbor directly to the south, another our nearest neigh. bor on the pacific, and the third the British commonwealth in which we are associated," Comparing the work of the Lon- don conference with the previous parleys at Geneva and Washington, Colonel Ralston remarked one of the causes for fallure to agree nal Geneva had been said to be the undue pre-eminence given to the expert and technical view, That had not been the case at London, It had been recognized that the outstanding questions discussed had to do with policies of govern- ment, and the technical side had been called on, not to decide but to advise, English Soccer ngllsh Ses Today J (By Canadian Press Lossed Wie) London, April 19--Resulty of league football matches played in the Dri tish Isles today were as follows: English Laegus. First Division Birmingham 1, Portsmouth 0, Blackburn Sheffield Wednesday 1 ; Grimsby Town 2, Derby County 1. Huddersfield Town 2, Arsenal 2, Leicester City 3, Manchester City 1. Liverpool 0, Sunderland 6. Manchester United 3, Everton J Middlesborough 3, Burnley 1, Newcastle United 2, Leeds United 1, Sheffield United 3, Aston Villa 3, West Ham United 5; Bolston Wan. derers J, English League, Second Division Barnsley 3, Wolverhampton Wan- derers 1, Blackpool 3, Bradford City 0, Nradford J, Stoke City 2 Bury 1, Swansea Town 0, Chelsea 1, Cardiff City 0, Millwall 2, Notts County 0, Nottingham Forest 2, North End 4, Oldham Athletic 2, Bristol City 2, Southampton 4, Reading J, Tottenham Hotspurs J, Charlton Athletic 0, ; West Bromwich Albion 7, Hull City 1, Third Division, Northern Section Barrow 1, Tranmere Rovers 1, Carlisle United 2, Rochdale 0, Crewe Alexandra 1, Darlington 2, Nelson 0, South Shields 1, New Brighton 1, Chesterfield 1, Southport 2, Accrington Stanley 0. Stock Port County 8, Doncaster Rovers 0, Wigan Borough 1, United 1, Wrexham 2, Halifax Town 1, York City 4, Hartlepools United 1. Third Division, Southern Section Brentford 1, Dournemouth and Boscombe 0, Brighton and Hove £2, Queen's Park Rangers 3, Bristol Rovers 8, Walsall 1, LOlapton Qrient 6, Luton Town 1, Coventry: Clty 5, Southend United 1, Merthyr Town, Crystal Palace, missing, Newport County 2, Northampton own 1, Plymouth Argyle 4, Norwich City 1, . Swindon Town 1, Fulham 1, Torquay United 1, Gillingham 1, Watford 2, Exeter City 1, o Soottish League, First Division Aberdeen 8, Queen's Park 0, Alrdriononigns 1, Rangers 0, Ayr United, Clyde, not played. Celtle 4, Kilmarnock 0, Cowdenbeath 3, Hamilton Aca demicals 0, \ Dundes United 8, Hibernians 2, Hearts 1, Dundee 0, Motherwell 8, Morton 0, Partiok Thistle 3, St. Mirren 2, St, Johnstone 3, Falkirk 4, ish Hocond t Division Alloa 1, Montrose 3, 'Arbroath 1, Queen of South 1, Hreohin City 2, Dunfermline Athletie 3, Dumbarton §, 8t, Bernards 0, Past Fite 3, Armadale 0, Forfar Athletic £, Bo'ness 8, King's. Park §, Clydebank 3, Leith Athletic 5, Stenhousemuir "Raith Rovers 6, Alblon Rovers \ - Rovers 0, rh Preston Rotherham av oY ON LONG HIKE W. H, CHAPMAN S1-year-old hiker, who is+on his way to New York, where he ex pects to receive a prize of $5,000 for his 10,000.mile hike, which bas taken him seven years, Wanted in Hamilton Galt, =On a warrant issued in Ham ilton, Lyall Ruddell, local service std. attendant arrested by the charge, In tion Wik Galt police on a serious volving a local gir! IAN ARMORIES ARE ATTACKED MILITIA IS PRESSED INTO SERVICE T0 SIX KILLED IN One Officer Killed as 100 In. Plane to Race Graf Zeppelin Across Atlantic (By Canadian Fress Leased Wire) Rio Janeiro, April 18==An ins ternational wir-mail race beiween an airport and an aeroplane from Europe to Rio Janeiro is in pros pect for the early days of May, The Graf Zeppelin will leave Friedrichshafen. Cermany, at a date in May to be'fixed later, foi | her long-scheduled Bouth Ameri can fight, carrying mail and pas- sengers, A day later an aeroplane of. the French Aero-Postale Co, will leave Paris tor the first all-aly transport of mall from France to South America, Experts. here estimate that. the Graf Zepplin will take at least 06 hours to make the distance, while the regular air mail from Paris should reach Rio in 72 hours RRR ---- Lake (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) | 1 Toronto, April 19 The blue waters of Lake Ontario are due for a merry old churning this week-end, as several lake vessels race for the honor of officially opening the Welland Canal on | Monday morning, There is noth. | ing official about the race at all, ft is just for the privilege of gel- | ting through the first lock first, | Two of the favorites for the; tugsle will leave Toronto samo | time today in order to make Fort Weller before nightfall, end thoy be &ll get to nose inte the canal at daybreak tomorrow, No eerce mony is scheduled or expected, alr though the captain of the winning boat will probably lean casually from the bridge and wuggishly wave a rope's end to-the loser, as is so often the custom, Heldom does the victorious skipper omit this little gesture after his vessel pulls ahead, It's meaning is ob. vious to the disgusted second, 'Do you want a tow?" the supreme in. sult of the Great Lakes, is what the rope's end implies, Today Captain Dave Mudson of the 8.8, Georgian expects to leave this city Dave is one of those young-old mariners, About the same time Cap'n lke MeTier, five foot two Inches of all man, wil pull away with the John Irwin, It will be a great race if the two pull away at the same time, Deepen Canal In St. Lawrence U.S.A. to Aid Canada in Vessels Race To Be First in Ne w Welland Canal Work from Kingston to Ogdensburg (By Canadian Presa Loased Wire) Washington, D.C, April 10m= The House Rivers and Harbors Committe yesterday adopted @ project for a channel, 27 feet deep, on the St, Lawrence river, from Lake Ontario to Ogdensburg, N.Y, at an estimated cost of §1,600, 000, of whieh the Canadian gov= ernment is to contribute half, It was adopted at the request of the Canadian government, , Ottawa, Ont,, April 19-~Nego- tlations: have been proceeding for some time for the improvement and deepening of the channel be tween Ogdensburg and Kingston, and the action of the Rivera and Harbors Committee of the United States House of Representatives in endorsing the scheme, confirms the proposals to which the Canas dian government is understood te be committed, The 'channel crosses the bound. ary line between the twe couns tries and vessels of both countries will (have equal navigation vigifts, The cost of the improvement work, amounting to $1,600,000, will alse be met equally by Canada and the United States, The present channel between Take Ontario and Prescott is not deep enough to accommodate the large vessels that will come down from the upper lakes upon the opening of the new Welland Canal this summer, Gots Fife Imprisonment, Chicago=Ira Johnson Rey, 50, negro, head of the "Moorish Science Temple," veliglous establishment, was sentenced 'ta life imprisonment yes- terday for murder of twa policemen in a gun battle last fall, His son, Mose Johnson, 30, and Eugene Jacks son, 67, were sentenced to one to 14 years each, All pleaded guilty 50 Killed as | Church Burns Church in Roumania Destroyed With Worshippers (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Bucharest, Rumania, April 10,0 Ninety-six bodies of men, women and children were recovered today from the fire swept ruins of an anelent church in the town of Cotesg which was struck by a catasrophic fire and panie disase ter during Good Iriday services last night, There were 'still forty persons missing whose bodies, it was fear. ed were atill among the smoldering ruins, Frame Vienna, April 10Tha death toll in a chureh fire at Costeshti, Roumania, last night and reached 160 and was mounting as details of the tragedy reached here, The burgomaster "was among those reported dead as fire tranped hundreds attending evening Tasts er services, The wooden building blazed lke paper as the congregation inside screamed and stormed the doors in vain, Most of the adult population of the tiny villagé had gone to the church for Good Friday services, The fire broke out at 9.80 p.m, Costesht!' is about §5 miles northwest of Bucharest, in Wala chia Provinee, Tt has a population of 1,010 persons, Candles, lighted as part of the service, ignited heavy curtains In the chureh, The people rushed in panip towards the doors, which, opened inward, The first to rench the doors wera orushed against them by the surging mass of wor. shippers behind, There was a piles up of bodies against the doors, oasy pray to the raging flames, All the prominent people of the village were at the service, hut it was understood the majority of victims were women and children, Two priests were listed among the known dead, LET CONTRACT FOR BELLEVILLE SPAN New Bridge to be Erected Over Moira River by Kingston Firm . (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Kingston, April 19-The Holdcroft Construction Company, Limited, of Kingston has been awarded the cons tract to construct tho new hridge over the Moira river at Belleville, it was announced here this morning, Work is to start on Monday and wi take about three months to complete, The contract price is $54,000, The new bridge will replace the one which forms part of the provincial highway but which ' has long 'been proving inadequate, While the new pridge is being built traffic is to he diverted to a smaller bridge a little west of the present one, Stock Exchanges Clos Toronto=The Toronto Stock Ex» change and 'Standard Mining Exe change remained closed ' today as they will do Monday, reopening for business Tuesday morning. VI | the QUELL RIOT, FIGHTING dian Nationalists Storm Police Armory at Chitta~ gong, Near Calcutta TELEPHONE LINES ARE CUT, TRAIN WRECKED Seventeen Arrested in Raid on National Congress Headquarters -- Strong Guards Established at Cal. cutta Gun Shops (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Calcutta, Bengal, India, April 10,~A group of 100 Indian ~ Na- tionalists today attacked the police armory at Chittagong, across the Melgna estuary east of here, and killed six of the defenders, The dead included one sergeant major, Before assaulting the armory insurgents cut telephone and telegraph lines leading out of the eity, which is of about 40,000 pop ulation, and derailed a train about 40 miles away, blocking the rails road line, Militin Takes Charge A detachment of eastern: fron« tier riflemen Wider command of Lieutenant Colonel Dallas Smit was ordered from here to Chittu« gong to handle the situation, They left. Calcutta this morning «and were expected to reach Chittagong Lomorrow, In Caleutta strong guard werd establighed in all gun shops, while armored cars and police took up positions fn strategic locations, The authorities ordered an ims mediate search of the ¢ity for arms | and ammunition, The headquarters of the all India national congress committe was raided and 17 arrests made, Five of those arrested helonged 1d the Henggl Provincial = Congress Committee, and six to the Sout) Caleutta Congress Committee, Oppose Liquor Drinking Jalnlpur. Bombay, India, Aprid 19==Mrg, Gandhi, wile of the Mas« hatma, or "great one,' today uUrg+ od the women nationalists voluns teers who are following her in 4 eampalgn for Indian ndependanced to go into the interior and uprop the palm tredw from which Indians derive the constituents of thelr als coholie drinks, Mra, Gandhi, accompanied By group of women devatees marche to localities frequented by habituad toddy drinkers today, singin songs exhorting the residents t abandon strong drink, The voluns teers went from house te house and urged wives not to give thein husbands food if they continued to drink liquor, Manufacturer Suicides New York--After writing a notd in which he premised ta "haunt" hig cousin and "do everything possible ta scare him," Silvino Portfolio, 38, & textile manufacturer who lost $150,000 through the stock market erash, ends ed his life yesterday by inhaling gas, Portfolio blamed his misfortunes 'ou a cousin, hg a BELLEVILLE MAN © ELD ON MURDER CHARGE IN KANSAS Grand Jury Returns Indicts . ment in Case of Major C. Shepard \ r-- A (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) Topeka, Kans, Aprils, 19, == Losy than a year after the attragtive young wife of Major Charles Ay Shepard died in his quarters at For Riley, central Kansas military post the middle-aged medical officer was charged with first degree Murdel Shevard formerly lived in Belleville nt, A A federal grand jury returned yess terday the indictment," after guess tioning about 20 witnesses, The list included pretty Ming Grace Brando Kelly fing field stenographer, an Major Paul R, Hawley medical offis cer stationed in Nicaragua \ Investigation disclosed * Shepard was infatuated with Brandon while his second wife, Jean his junior, suffered a mystors ous illness, She formerly was Zens ana MeCoskey of Los Angeles, She died last June 15 . Authorities traced correspondence between Major Shepard and Miss Brandon, -It was disclosed he receis ved a telegram from San Antonie Texas, "Am upset, embarrassed an bewildered, Love," After Mrs, Shepard's death an ans topsy was performed on her body by Major Hawley, post, surgeon, ajor Shepard, associates disclose ed, had stubbonily refused to permit the autopsy and it was ordered by the post commander. Traces of poise oning allegedly were found: --d

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