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Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Apr 1930, p. 3

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| | as nf So po 7 THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, APRIL 19, 1930 TTA HAIG. 313 Bt AO Po rh Bb 41 AE Opinion Favors Lakes Good Friday 2 "With Holidsy Travellers and Country to City | IDEAL SPRING WEATHER PREVAILED | | Parade of New Cars Seen on . | City's Streets -- Motorists i Enticed by Fine Weather Ideal Spring weather made Good Yriday a day of travel to many who { thronged the highways with motor E | curs, buses packed to the doars or 1 jammed rullway (ruins which speed Lover the province's network of steel Ll People from the larger cities west of tl here poured forth for thelr holiday, 81 and In some cases the week end, with parents or friends in the country or 1 small rural hamlets which dot south. ern Ontario, 11 "Those from the country flocked In- § to the cities some for like purposes and others pleasure bound, Thus the great exchange of urban and ryral Li! population went on swelling highway i and rellway traffic and bringin i friends and relatives In contact with i} onch other for one of the best ap. i) Rreciated holidays of the year, the il first holiday In Spring, i I* was most Impressive for ong had but to take u short stroll on King street || the main artery of the city about noon yesterday to realize the number 1! of cars grocesding in both directions fon the Kingston highway, © Taking the corner of King and Simeoe i | { 4 4 streets as a vantage point one had I jmple opportunity to Inspect the ves - hicles which were hurrying the mul | titude on thelr way, As one stood { and watched the graceful sedans and porty smaller models pass, one reas ised the wonderful Improvement there has been In the automobile In | the past few years, 1t is well within the memory of a great many Oshawa | citizens when ugly looking cars pros | ceeded up the streets on & holiday twenty years ago ralsing & cloud of | dust behind them and thelr nolsy en« Ines still heard when the cars were mile away, Now If one was not | watching a car could easily pass with I! out notice, Gone with the coming o) {| the paved higlrway is the dust a gone ls the noise of the chugging ! auto of 1910 and in its place one | Steady | Buses and Trains Crowded ~=City Flocks to Country| Locally, the heavy highway traffie| | Day of Travel; Highway Carries | Flow of Traffic pri sat Srenithe of fnodary one neers whic sliently on the paved highway Ko] t the cloud st in its trall which at one time marked Its progress, A number of the ears seen yes. Moda General Motors in this sity. Some had not been driven five hun dred miles and thelr drivers were keeping well within the limit of twenty-five miles an hour while many other 'bore 'dealers licenses bearing proof of thelr recont discharge from the plant, '. Practically' all 'of them, however, bore Ontario licenses and very few United States cars. were seen, through the day. It fs still & little 4 for the great tourist in- flux y the time the next public holiday comes around on May 24, the highways will likely be erowded with cars bearing leenses from fifty or sixty different states in Canada and the United States, An Indication of the large number that travelled east from Toronto was seen in the number of Collucutt's bus ses passing through on Thursday eve- ning In every case crowded to the doors with many having to stand, These passengers were in most cases on week end trips to Belleville, King- ston and other eastern points, The railways also export extra heavy traf fic and many of the train passing through Oshawa were equipped wit extra conches to accomodate the many who were paying thelr first visit home since the long winter set 'were apparently. brand new) y s not long from the factories n, Good Friday comes but once year and luckily in 1980 It came with falr ther and sunshine enticing thousahids of men and women to make good use of It, Born ORPWOOD--0On Wednesday, April 16,, 1030, to Mr, and Mrs, Orp- w (nee Gladys Barber), 73 CadTllac avenue, a danghter., A } Card of Thanks Mre, F, Jones, 700 Giftord Bt. Cedardale, wishes to express her sincere thanks to Dr, MeKibbon, the hospital staff, Cedardele Lad- fos' Auxillary, all friends and neighbours for the flowers and kindness shown to her during her Hiness, "e | Alex, Shields, 'provinolal see. | retary of the Legion, writing to the | chairman of the local e: 1 fakes the follow! | the Vimy Banquet; "Let § | congratulate Jeu personally on | the wonderful banquet held on " Thursday evening last, | was the finest function of the Le- fon that I have attended for a ong time, and it reflects great oredit on all concerned in the ore genisation," The Oshawa branch and Ladies' Auxillary have been invited to | tend the Ladies' Night which is | to be at by the itby Branch lon May 1, In the Whitby Counell | Chamber, Mrs, Ginn, the provincial | seoretary of ladies' auxiliaries, in 'to be present to deliver a briet ad i dren to the gathering which is ex- || pected to bo a large one, il The Legion exsoutive is now working hard on details of the building » and a deputation will appear before the city couneil on Monday evening next with a re quest for some Sdvistones in the roject, The nature of uot Be SOARS A ven Ul fkncla by the city, 0 y Hood been a speak "A two more branch | dition to mon ty iid Lemon Slice Dressed Youny Tutu and in nberty Saves | Gravy : I think it | lease of lif gatherings, He goes to Peterboro on Wednesday of hext week, and to Port Perry on Friday next. It in likely that a large party of tho Oshawa comrades will join in the trip to Port Perry, where where the brand bas taken on a new J ( 8 Th are quiet at Ottawa while jariisent is having its Baster econ, but Lt, Col, L. R. Las Fleche and the headquarters staf are by no means idle, their time being. devoted to preparing their plans for the resumption of the sessions of the pensions committees after Kastor, In order to provide a grovids [) substantial nucleus for the builds ing fund, the Yooat Legionnires Ate planning several 'special events or the near future. details of which will soon be forthcoming. of a highly interesting and will Ng v4 nature, The first of these is svhe- duled to be held about the middle of May, The amount of money brought into Oshawa for war veterans, widows and children in the last Legion 'months through the their oases stands at' : or ollef. fund have 0 rovi relief to the t brovided, jo un exten o the sa The adjustment \ ssouring \ 1 Prowned, nolled end Mashed fd}: Green lens Deep Abbie Pre wad Whipped : Cream tomon Ple ° Rhubarb Tart | Ctrawberry Jelly and Whip : wo PMR Cotter New Buttered Carrots ou eos WOMAN ENTERS ACTION AGAINST LOCAL HOSPITAL Plaintiff Claims She Injured Wrist While Operating Dumb Waiter Miss Maude Jarvis, of Toronto, who entered an action for damages against the local hospital at Osgoode Tull, Toronto, Ia; hursday, was a pupll dietitian at the hospital two Years ago, Kecor % to G. D, Con- unt, president of the Board of Di- rectors, Miss Jarvis alleged that her wrist wis bruised, in the operation' of 'a dumb walter used by the hospital, Mr, Conant states, contends In her statement of claim that the accident was the result of negligence on the part of the Institution, The plaintiff * left. here about u year ago and some time later applied for the position of dietitian at the hospital but was unsuccessful in see pow ip this position, Mn Conant is geting as counsel for the hospital in ) matter, EE ---------------------- EXAM RESULTS AT WESTMOUNT SCHOOL WESTMOUNT SCHOOL Br, IV, ~=Joan Imeson, Ralph Fer guson, Byron Carswell, Winnie Car. ter, Aage Johanson, Wanda Coul- tor and Violet Corbett, equal, Ver non Young, Kila®.eckie, Joan. Stap- ley, Velma Bowen, Dorothy Bowen, I"lorence Stapley, Doris Leigh, Jean Leckie, Cyril Sawyer, Toucher, A, MH. Loar. Jr, 1IV,=Ninora Blakely, Lilian Barnes, Alex Smith, Velma Hamil. ton, Krnest Gomme, Walter Wright, Alma Jay, Vietor Bigwood, Mar. garet Hamilton, Reta Thompuon, Winona Houlding, Bernice Linton, Trnest Barnes, Bert Jay, Marguer- ite Annis and Edwin Cochrane (equal), Viviang Heott and Leta Hamilton (equal), Keith Carter, Margaret Shaw, Orpha Leigh, Ber« nard Lounds, Bert Ashby, George Smith, Br, 111,==Mildred Stacey, Robert Smith, Bert Coull, Violet MoMiliian, Leonard Mitchell, Oliver Rodd, Isa- bel Dutcher, Philip Morton, Peat. rice Murdock, Lloyd Collacutt, Jaok Ashby, M, HW. Altken, teacher. Jr. IILe=Molly Worsley, Mabel Stapley, Leila Tamlin, Marjory Car« tor, Verde lor, Luella Bagshaw, Edith Brooks, Douglas Weeks, I'red Langley, Kenneth Bryant, Richard Nowell, ' Leonard Weeks, Bernloe Silver,, Fred MoDonough, Archie (Continued on page 4) GOOD FRIDAY IN OSHAWA CHURCHES Day of Sad agd Sacred Mem- ories Fittingly Observed In keeping with the Easter season the churches of the city fittingly observed Good Friday with Services of a solemn nature. Rev, R, *I, Richards of Port Perry concluded a course of special sers vices which had continued through« out the week at Simcoe Street United Church, A special service was held at 11 am, ut St, George's Anglican with Arch» deacon Warren as speaker, The Sac. red Cantata "The Darkest Hour" was presented by. the choir at 8 pm, The Rev, 8. C. Jarrett conducted a service of Devotions at Holy Trin. ity Church, Evening Prayer was observed at Christ Church Anglican with the Venerable Archdeacon Warren as speaker, The choir of #St, Gregory's Church resented the oratorio "The Seven t Words of Jesus" in the church on Thursday evening: WONAN APPEALS AGAINST DECISION OF WHITBY JUDGE liars | Sarah Collis Had Sued Carew had Lumber Co.--Osgoode Hall Reserved Judgment he aps LE Sarah Cole, pis: ant 'of ii u 0) Honor ot a The in he A late ednese + Av C.. MeMaster, and A, O, L, Burnieses appeared or the appellant, The DINE rehased 'a. house In Oshawa, in which a r furnace ind beet inatalled, under a sondis sale. a ent, This was no! Pak (om at the HAY Pad V0. pay: d In ought to recover from onor held that co, and pipes bysten vees Installed and t salle * with ico or registration, lost a th hia lige ay | CITY AND DISTRICT NEWS LODGE ANNIVERSARY Lorne Camp, the local lodge of the Bons of Bcotland Is next week colobrating its anniversary with a banquet and entertainment in the Rotary Hall, The lodge officers have been making elaborate pres paration for this event, to which not only the members, but all the Scottish folks in the city are cor- dially invited, J N.C.0/s DANCE, The N.C.0/s of the Ontario Ne giment have issued Invitations for their annual Easter Dance, which is to be held in the Armories on Monday, April 28, with Herh Po- wor's Radio Orchestra supplying the music, Already there Is ane surance of a large gathering for this interesting mocial event, The dunce is under the patronnge of Hon. Col, and Mrs. R. ¥, McLaugh n, TO SING AT RECITAL Vollowing Wer ralllo engagement over CKCL last week, Alice Weston Trueman, popular Whithy soloist and professional pupil of the Chevalier Gualter De L'Evellle, is to be pre sented In a recital ut the Hamboury Conservatory of Musie on Wednes day, April 16, Mrs, Trueman is well known to Whitby and Oshawa audi ences, WOMEN'S AUXILIARY The work of the Women's Auxil lary of the Oshawa Hospital' was sub. ject to much praise at the annual meeting of the board of directors held last night, Mrs, R, 8, McLaugh lin, secretary, pointed out that the Auxilinry had ralsed a great deal of money for the institution and had also reduced the overhead consider ubly by doing all the sewing and mending. GRASS FIRE A small grass fire at the corner | of Court street and Emma street, opposite the gas house, gave the Fire Department a run at 12 o'clock this morning, There was no TO EXPLAIN TOAST The Maori toast "Kiora Kitara" will be explained by J. C. Fowlds at the weekly luncheon of the Rotary Club on Monday, Mr. Fowlds, who was & member of the Canadian Bow ling team which toured the Antipodes during the past winter, is a very in teresting speaker, His Impressions of the countries, visited by the bowlers, are sure to be a revelation to his listeners. EASTER VACATION The Collegiate Institute as well as the public schools of the ¢ity closed for the Easter holitavs on Thursday afternoon, They will nos re-open uns til the 28th, which Is a week from Monday. The students at the Collegiate have had a slege of examinations during the last week. Dut the holidays will give them a chance to recuperate for the final grind leading up to the De. partmentals in June, With the fin als only a matter of six weeks away, the time will slip away all too soon, ANOTHER YVISW STORY Several members of the Police Department took the opportunity on Friday night of going on a fishing trip to Newcastle, It In not every fisherman who is able to bring in the evidence of thelr prowess, The party however met with unusual success and brought home the daddy of all the sucker family in the form of a fish which measured 22% inches in length, Unfortunately the fish had not been weighed. Workmen were busy, on Tuesday afternoon, repairing the pavement at the corner of King street cast, and Ontario street, The ares under cone striction was about eight feet long and three feet wide, This work will do away with several large holes which formerly adorned the corner, LINEMEN BUSY The linemen of the Bell Telephone are busy making repairs to the un der~ground cables on Victoria street, With the building of the new Osh awa-North Bay line much equipment has been installed ROAD ROLLER USED Work Is progressing on the worl of repairing Simeoe street north, The steam voller belonging to the Standard Construction Company las been in evidence on the streets since the first of the week, With the coms pletion of the work, some of the haze urds of motoring on Simcoe strect will be removed, NEARING COMPLETION Mount Luwn Memorial Park Ce metery on the Kingston Roud west is nearing completion, The ground has been levelled and seeded, During the lust week the work of building o sual! shed far the caretaker hus pre gressed rapidly AUDITORIUM GRANTED Ward | Ratepayers! Asso has been granted the use of the au ditorium of Centre street Public School by the Board of Education for itd meetings to held on the last Monday of each month REPAIR WORK PROGRESSING The program of work being car ried out by the Standard. Paving Company Is progressing at a rapid rate, The men wore noticed worl Ing on Bimeoe Street Nouth at the corner of Bagot and on King eust ut the corner of Ontario, to-day. The work will make nn great im provement In the surface of the streets, Many holey were an hazard to traffic since the frost went out of the ground in the early spring. INSTALL MEMORIAL WIN. DOWS Hew lation bi Beaverton~Two memorial win dows will soon be unveiled at Bea? verton Presbyterian Church I'hey have been given to the church hy Licut-Cols H, 8S, Cameron and Don ald A, Cameron in memory of their mother, the late Mrs, John Gameron, | of Beaverton, : | PLOUGHING STARTED Winter is gone und Spring is here | In earnest. The verification of thi | fact was seen today, A farmer, in the vicinity of Whitby, was observed in the net of breaking land, with a plough, for the first time this year, It should not be long before seed ing I» in full swing, KONERNICK SENTENCED Charged with having alcohol In his possession: and not being the holder of a permit, Frank Kober nick was sentenced to sorve thres months in Jail, The accused stated that he secured the alcohol from a man by the name of Smith, who lived in Toronto, MUST PAY DILL Herbert Bilston of this elty who appeared in police court a week ago charged with attempting to leave lodging house without pay ing hin bill appeared again this morning and was given one week to pay the $11 and costs which were imposed on him, LOCAL KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS HOSTS T0 PETERBORO LODGE Enjoyable Time Was Held-- Ranks Conferred on Three Visiting Members Oshawa Lodge, No, 47, Knights of Pythias was, yesterday host .to the officers and members of Marathon ode Now 39 of Peterboro who brought with them three candidates Spon whom the ranks of Esquire und of Knight wero conferred by the Rank Staff of Oshawa Lodge No, 47, The session was lively and opened at 3.30 pm, atte the visitors of the day were welcomed, the Lodge pros cod d with the sonferring of, the Rank of Knight which way extinplh fied in an able manner after which those present retired to the banquet hall and sat down to a hearty sup. per "ly wet up by the Pyihiun Sis. ters, Lodge reconvened at 8 o'clock pm, and after the regular business trans. acted, the candidates were instructed in the Rank of Kuight which was officially conferred upon then The evening was conducted by real fraternal entertainment and delicious ASlreshuents which were enjoyed by all, ---- MUSIC SUPERVISOR Guelph, April 19=-Disappoaring from the home of his father-in- law, Thomas Plekering, at Mount Forest, Saturday night, Joseph Yi. Yule, supervisor of musio in. the Guelph schools, was drowned yess terday in the BSaugeen river, at the edge of the town, The Tri-State Alreraft Show, to be held at Camden, N, JI, April 18:26, will open with the first pars ade of alrplaner alops a highway, FOUND DROWNED | "Was WAR VETERAN DIES INLOCAL HOSPITAL Edward Pope Passed Away Yesterday--Had Been Gassed Overseas \ The death occurred in the Oshs awa General Hospital yesterday of Albert Edward Pope, resident ol this city for the past ten months, Deconsed who was in his forty wocond year had been in ill health for several weeks and his slcknoss was attributed in part to gas res celved In the Great War, He was a votoran of the 4th Canadian Rifles and had enlisted in June 1914 serving several years in the bats tletields In Flanders, Since coms FORMER OSHAWAN USED CANE AS GUN WINDSOR HOLDUP Roy Tompkins Was Arrest hore Route Between Toronto and Oshawa Meeting May be Held at Birchclitfe to Consider Plan for Duplicate Road ed in Border City Last Night Windsor, April 18=Roy Tompkins, 3% years old, Wyandotte Street ust, Windsor, formerly of Oshawa, was areested tonight eligged wth held ing up an cigar stove in Pitt Street Werl, Windsor, Tomoking, police civ, walked into the store wind pre seed what appearsd 'to he & revels ver purtly covered by i handkerehief, conipelling Berniz Marton], the manager, to hand over $35, Running freen the store, he hourded n taxis ei, and wus preparing to tice when Fred Fallon of Windsor and Albert Lith of Detroit, wie nenrd the cries of the store manager, famped inte the taxicab and grappled with hin, They were pulling him from the cab when Sergeant William Neale, who as pacemg handeuffel nim, Tle: was then to Police Headgnarter und searched, This disclosed that the supposed revolver used in the hold. np wis nothing deadly than the handle of a walking stick, POST OFFICE T0 CURTAIL SERVIGE | EASTER MONDAY To Be But One Delivery by| Letter Carrier 1 As Laster Monday, is a statutory holiday the local post office will pros vide only morning delivery by letter carrier, the afternoon delivery to be cancelled, Ihe public lobby will be open from 8 ann to 6 pm, while the general delivery, registration and postage tamp wickets will be open from 9 1, ot 11 am woney order and savings bank wickets are to be closed throughout the da HOME ON JOHNSON BLVD. DAMAGED BY FIRE YESTERDAY Blaze Broke Out in Frame House Owned by D. Stewart--$500 Loss ---- Fire which broke out in the resi dence of Donald Stewart, Johnson Blvd, about four o'clock yesterday afternoon, sprend with great rapid. ity through the building and caused damage estimated at $500, The fire brigade was called and spent a busy half hour in fighting the flames, The cause of the blaze has not been ass certained, The building is of frame construe- tion and although occupied, the in« terior is but partially finished, ---- HOLY TRINITY JUNIOR AUXILIARY 1S ACTIVE The Holy Trinity Junior Auxiliary, which has been in existence since February 13th, has been having notable success in its work, Thirty- eight new members have been ens rolled in that time, The class are ongaged in sewing for missionary work for a bazaar which it is hoped work for a baaar which it is hoped will be held in the near future, Any girl between the age of six and twelve years iy invited to join the class, The officers are Irs, C, Wells, superintendent; Miss Alice Mann, assistant; Irene Warne, secretary Mary Bellingham, treasurer, and Joun Townsend, pianist, assisted by Annie Bellingham, Orillia, April 18=Ted Winds, aged 22, of Orillia, was seriously cut and braised when a ear in which he and seven other young people were rids ing crashed near here tonight, The car took fire, and was completely destroyed, ' ing to Oshawa Mr, Pope has been |) in the employ of Mr. Lewington, local florist, He is survived by his wife and three children, a girl aged nine and two boys aged seven and two respectively, algo his mother and one alster in England, The funeral will take place from the Oshawa Burial Parlours, 87 Cos lina street tomorrow (Sunday) At one o'clock and the Rev, T, W, Irvine of South Simcoe Swe: United Church will conduct the service, Interment will he made in Brampton Cemotery, a ------ FLORENCE WILLIAMSON RAPIDLY RECOVERING The Times was informed this morning that Florence Williamson making very satisfactory rogreas toward recovery, The shawn General Howpital stated that she had recovered so well that she would bu allowed to res turn home in the next few days. Florence was severoly hurt last Saturday afternoon when she was run-down by a motoroar, driven by Donald Minng of Athol 8t, The ohlld was playing with a number of "other 'ohildven on Albert Ruy When tha ageldent gcourred, OBITUARY DEATH OF GEORGE PERKINS In the passing on Friday, April 18, of George Merking, in his th year, Oshawa lost one of its oldesh and highly Tespscted citizens, . Bora in Devonshire, England, the deceased moved to Canada a good many years ago, He had lived in Oshawa fop the last ning years, Besides his sorrowing wife, he iy survived by eight sons and six duughs ters, They ave, Norman, Drayton, Ontario; Wesley, Palmerston; News ton, Toronto; Herbert, Toronto} Lloyd, Woodrow, * Susk.; Clifford, Moose Jaw, Sask; Wilbur, Oshawa, and Roy, Oshawa; Mrs, James Mas son, Oshawa, Mrs, F, Smith; Oshawa; Mrs, Ro Lander, Oshawa; Mrs, WV, Listowel, Mrs, RR, Richm, Listowel and Mrs, W. Armstrong, Toronto, A timber of grandehildren also survive, The funeral will be held 'from his late residence, 102 Division St, on Monday afternoon at "230 o'clock, Rov, Mr, C. E Cragg, of whose eons regation, the deceased was a mens er, Will have charge of the service Rev, Mr, Ao M. Irwin, will assist in the yevvice, Interment will: be made at the Union Cometenyy Le ok ae ) Break Wall to at quantity of chocolate har Enter Grocery $60 in Burglary Here Thursday Night Breaking through a double plaster bers entered the store of 8S. Finestin 166 Division street tobacco, cigarettes valued ut $00 had evidently entered is still un und The thieve the store next door which der construction and going back had, with the aid of instrument, broken 'through one wall and then a second making a hole large enough for a man to crawl through, Entering the back of the store they had emptied «bag of potatoes and using the suck had filled it with tobacco, cigarettes and choco late bars and hud left by the front door without detection Mr, Finestin had left the 'store shortly after eleven o'clock * that evening and had taken all the cash with him and although the robbers Thieves Take Goods Worth| WOULD | ed wall fate on Thursday night robs | and stole al { | New Highway Would Re. lieve Congestion on the Kingston Road Between Toronto and Oshawa BE A SCENIC ROUTE Many Municipalities Are Ins terested--Would Traverse Beautiful Countryside Althoug!i the 'Toronto Board of Control has intimated that, it is not interested in the proposal to call to the | pieeting of municipalities us suggest harp | ed by the Whithy town counetl fon the purpose of discussing the pros posal to duplicate the Kingston high« way by a parallel highway following the Jukeshore between "Toronto and Oshawa, there is indication that the demand for such a thoroughfare i» steadily increasing und it is expected that uw meeting will be held in Birch cliffe in the near future, when the lakeshore proposition will be thorous ghly aired, It is a well knows fact that the Kingston highway is one of the most had opened the till they were unable | jmportunt tourist routes in Ontario to find any money, notified immediately the robbery be un investigation is under way, | came known yesterday morning and | ome of the 'The police were and that year after year it has borne a heavier share of traffic, As it is oldest paved thorougl= | furey it is narrower than the majorit® This robbery is of the same nature | of 'roads which have been taken int committed recently in the as two same section of the On the | later years, the provincial highway system hy The congestion of tral former occasion the stores of Soanes | fig Is particularly gredt between these Brothers, at the corner of Alice and | Ane | populated and every town, village and Mary streets, and that of G, 1, drews on Brock St. were robbed in a similar manner, only tobacco and stolen, cigarettes were former by breaking the glass in the | by forge. The front door and in the latter ing the lock on the back door, at large, Coming Events 8 Cents per word each fine sortion. Minimum charge for each insertion, BSc, BQUARE AND ROUND DANCE AT Barnhart's Pavilion every Thurs. day and Saturday night, Admis. sion 20e¢, (91h) MANY FROM OSHAWA WILL GO to Whithy on. Monday evening, April 21st, to attend the annual Firemen's Ball in the Town Hall, Good programme and music, (92a) HEAR PROFESSOR DUXBURY, England's greatest reciter next Thursday afternoon and evening, St. Andrew's Church, (92x) CHOSEN FRIENDS ALL EVEN. ing dance, Winter Gardens, Wed nosday, April 23rd, an orchestra playing the latest motion ples ture musie., Lemon dances, Rousing Paul Jones, Fun go lore, Lucky prize dance, Ade mission to all 35 cents, (920) two paints, The district i thick] suburb adds its quota of cars thuy In these cases also | swelling the traffic which this por« tion of the highway is ealled upon to Entty was gained into the | bear. Advocates of the lakeshore routs point out that it would not enly materially relieve congestion but from { robbers in both these cases are still | a scenic standpoint could be made the finest highway in the province traversing as it would a loyely couns tryside and skirting the beautiful shore of Lake Ontario thus affording the tourist an almost unbroken view of its sparkling blue waters, An interesting pleture of the arts ist's conception . of the . proposed highway, aa it will appear when comin pleted, will be published on Monday, "Too Late To Classify TO RENT SMALL KITCHEN and living room downstifirs, bed« room upstairs, conveniences, cens tral, rent reasonable, no children, Phone 027M, (92) EGG FOR 17 y - sity of British Columbia single comb White Leghorns, world's premier layers, large healthy stock, One dollar per thirteen, soven dollars per hundred, Moore, 28 Wilson road. Phone, (0%) few odd lots of kitchen utensils, top floor, over the Bank of Come merce, (08¢) OTP h - - ly marked, about 7 months olds kindly return to 178 Centra street, or phone 2600. Reward, (9%) A IRSCINR MARE FA vn Ths as Sle swreer o Ta AVENUE. oy OPPOSITE FER Cyr To 4 Hotel of 1200 Rooms each having Bath, Servidor, ting lce Water and many other vations...featuring a sincere spirit. Many people, two hours after eats ing, suffer indigestion as they call it, It is usually excess acid. Correct it with an alkali, The best way, tle quick, harmless and efficient way, is Nillips' Milk of Magnesia, It has remained for 50 years the standard with physicians, One spoonful in water neutralizes many times its vols unie in stomach acids, and at.once, The symptoms disappear in five thine You will never use crude methods when you know. this. method. And you will never suffer "from exe cess 'acid when you prove out this easy relien Please dot! yout own sake==naw, Sas SARE Be sure to get the genuine Bhits lips' Mill of Magnesia preseribed by: physicians for 50 years in correcting excess acids, Bach bottle wontaing {LH ERE ST | Ill dirscuipna-nay: QIUEILONS: adieu \ \ 4

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