@he Oshawa Daily Tones Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer "All the News While It Is News" - VOL. 6==NO, 93 Diy acer Sundays" and Putte Holders OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, APRIL 21, 1930 15 Cents 8 Week; 3 Cents a Copy TEN PAGES News in Brief % Investigate Dog Polsunings Toronto~Volice ure Investigating the wholesale poisoning of dogs in the north western section of the ¢ity, During the last two weeks nine dogs have died us a result of strychnine poisoning. Last night an effort wus made to add "Count" to the fatal ity list, but quick werk by a vet- erinary saved the most popular dog of the district, » LJ Steatford Adam Zimmerman cel- cheated Kaster Sunday by gathering around him his exceptionally large fumily to celebrate his 109th birth. diy, He has 40 grandchildren and 26 great grandehildren, Mr, Zimmer. man Is a blacksmith by trade, He re- mining in excellent health and en Joys long walks and fishing. " LJ Urges Naw Airport Toronto=1aking the stand Tor. ontv urgently requires more ade quate meropline facilities, the local Board of Trade hus addressed a let ter to Mayor Bert Wemp suggests ing the ercation of an serodepime on the site of the present regatta course on the Island, just. n stone's throw from the heart of the ety, ¥ w M Hold Up Twenty People New Yorke=Three negro gunmen who had Jined up 20 patrons of an upstilrs Farlem resort early this morning shot It out with two negro policemen summoned by wu patron who slipped out u side door during the hold up, Ong of the gunmen wis shot and seriously wounded and a negro patron of the place was shot The two other gunmen Cai E . in the made Jw thelr ' Automobile Production Up Washington, D.C==An Increase in automobile production during March to 401,378 vehicles us compared with JU0I8 In the preceding ompth but a decrease from the 585455 total of the corresponding month of last year wis reported yesterday by the Depart ment of Commerce, Passengers cars comprised 35,789 of the total output, trucks 04,200 and taxicabs 1,389 » v ' Famous Publisher Dies New York, Charles Horibner, chairman of the board of directors of the Publishing house of Charles Soribner's Bonk, 607 Fifth Avenue, which was founded by his father, dled suddenly Haturday of heart disease at his home, 0 Last Sixty- Mixth street, LJ v 3 Large Road Program Guelph, == Kstimates providing for an expenditure of $400,000 on permanent rondws, bridge vonstryes tion and maintenance were passed by the Wellinaton County Council on Haturday, the closing day of thelr spring session, The largest gontract was for the completion of the highway trom Guelph to Klora, about smeven miles and costing ap- proximately $171,000, This is the Inrgont program ever taken in one yoar by the council, . L] » Old Doctor Dies Sault Ste, Marie, Ont,==Dy, H, W, Ross, 00, probably the oldest phys. jolan in Ontario, died at Itiohardas Landing, ®t. Joseph's Island, Satur. day, Dr, Ross fivat came to Norths ern Ontario as construction phys- folan on. the 'C.P.R, mainline be tween Jackfish and Port Arthur, On completion of that work he moveu to Richard's Landing where he ro- pided tor forty years, SHOOTS FAMILY, THEN SUICIDES Montreal Man Kills One Girl, Seriously Wounds Another and Wife (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Montreal, April 81 == Richard Blackburn, aged 64, died yestor- day from the effects of sulphurie acld polvorting, after shooting and Xilling hie 20-year-old daughter Catherine, and seriously wounding hig wife, and daughter Mammy, a 19, Mrs, Blackburn, with threa bullets in her body is in a eritionl condition, The younger daughter was believed out of dan. ger, . The shooting took place last evening, According to the police, Blackburn had been living apart from his faimly for some years, but gosnatonpis visited them, When Mra, Blackburn and the two girls Er eames thi Joo Mibot. she. omice shopping trip Just night, the police learned, they found the Mand and father waiting for them, Ave cording to the story told to police By Mammy Dlackburn, her father at onto opened fire with a revol yer, ot area J low Prossnre cons 1 over Ia porior, one tending southward is causing unsettled weather in the vroglon of the Groat Lakes, High press sure and weather vovers the western provinces, It has hoon for the most part fair and mther cool in Quebee and the Maritimes, Forecasts: ) Tower Lake Rogloni==l'resh winds; cloudy with occasional ~rabm 'ruewiay, fresh to Moons Bow pin vr winds a hy A « Bay: Frosh winds, wnsottled and showery, Tues. day==dtrong west to northwest winds, clearing and cooler, " HEAVY TOLL WEEK-END TRAGEDIES 'Rebel' Laborites Make Drastic Recommendations HIGHER TAXES ON WEALTHY, SUPPORT OF GANDHI GROUP IN INDIA, ARE I. L.P. PLANKS Independent Labor Party Would Give Every Child in Country Allowance of $1.28 Per Week INDIANS SHOULD HAVE OWN GOVT. LL.P. Would Support Indian People in Case. of Clash With Britain, M.P. De clares (By GEORGE HAMBLETON, Canadian Press Staff Correspondent) Birminghivn, April 21==A resolus tion adopted unanimously by the eons ference of the Independent Labor Party this afternoon culls on the gov ernment to "drastically Increase the taxation of wealth to finance a non contributory scheme of ghildren's allowances.' The policy of allowances for chil dren up to 10 years of uge, would In volve the expenditure of between $500,000,000 and $700,000,000 yearly, This would provide five shillings (a bout $1.25) & week for each ehild in the country, A married woman delegate spoke In support, urguing that members of the royal family were born with a family allowance, "What Is good In the. best circles," sha suid, "surely cannot be deemed to the working Clans Indian Independence Another resolution adopted recog nleed the right of the people of In din 10 determine their unin form al government, A. Fenner Brockway, left wing member ef parliament; said that If there was a elash between the British government and the Indian people, the LLU, must publicly \[T clare itself in Die with the Tndian people and must stand by them in thelr fight for self«determination, The conference previously after an Important debate had upheld the lament, about 30 In number to vote vight of the LLP, members of pars aalngt the main Labor party on questions where the "true policy of social im" was Involved, Work for Socialism Birmingham, April 21-=Labor's leftswingers are determined to pads dle thelr own canoe, Aw a distinct entity they will work for "Socialism in our time," Dy large majorities the Independent Labor Party cons ference meeting here yesterday en- dorsed the Parliamentary stand of Labor's wo-ealled 'rebels w- the Maxton group, Toronto Girl Is Murdered inBed Lunatic Brother Arrested and Charged With Crime (By Canadian Press Leased Mire) Toronto, April 81.-=With her skull terribly battered and mutile ated with a small axe, Allce Dare ton, an attractive 1§-year-old girl, was found murdered in bed in her home at 46 Xlm Grove Avenuo at i o'cjock Saturday afternoon, Her brother Frank, aged 34, mental cawe, WAN arrested neav Bronte early Saturday morning es a vagrant, Me was under arrest in Oakville when the Toroute polled learned of the murder, Undiscovered For Hours he girl had been killed between the hours of 3.80 and 8,30 Saturs day mornhig. She had been up moat of the night, suffering from neuralgia, and for this reason, her mother told the police, she had not gone to her daughter's room during the day, thiuking the giv] had fallen asleep, and needed the reat, * oo Shortly before § o'clock In the afternoon another brother, Jack, aged 17 yoars, on his return home from looking for work, went up staien, The door of his sister's beds Poon Was partly open, and, gases ing in through the open door, he made the Ertesome discovery that his sister had been murdered, Hatohot Found Beneath tho bed . the bloods stained hatehot was found, This was identified by the mother as oe aha Kept in the kitchen for splitting wood for the Kitchen stove, The brother who fa held for the orime had been subject to mental dicordora ainon belug Inju on Feb, 24, when he was run down on the Hamilton Mighway hear 'Waterdown by a transport truck, 4th Birthday of Little Princess (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Windsor, Eng, April 21e=A tiny goldou<baired girl usurped the lirl- tish throne without opposition this morning and for a brief spell ruled her native land with charming grace which brought delighted plau- dits from her subjects, | This day belonged to Princess | EMzaboth, daughter of the Duke | und Duchess of York aud beloved granddaughter of the King and Queen, for it wus the fourth ane ulyersury of her birth, | Bright and early little "Illybet," | an sho calls herself, with delighted | laughter seized the scepter beneath | which the gray-halred king-empeor- | or, his queen and all the royal fams | fly bowed in pleased submission, Thera wus a wonderful birthday party in old Windsor "castlo---such A purty as the falry books record for children to read all over the world, And there wero presents galore, 2) NCENE Found murdered in her bed, Alice Barton, 18, of Kim Grove Ave, Toronto, is belleved to have been killed by her brother Frank, who In sald to be suffering from mental trouble as a result of having his skull fractured in an accident last Aerial Ma Govt. Is Taking Special Action -------- Indian Governor + General Issues Edict to Suppress Disorders y Leased Wire) | (By Canadian Pre Nombay, India, April 21.-Two lenders in the civil disobedience campaign of Mahatma Gandhi and the All-India National Congress wore arrested today for violations of the Balt Act, They were Sadhu Swami Anand, who recently took charge of the civil disobedinece camp at Vilios parie, near Bombay, in succession to Jamnalal Naja), also arrested, and KX, M, Munshi, who recently resigued his seat in the legisla tive council to join the civil diss obedinece movement, | Take Special Moasures The government today took spegs fal measures to combat the wides spread unrest and tension in Dens gal growing out of the raid, of "Insurgents" Friday night and Saturday morning on the police arsenal at Chittagong, on tho east bank of the Mieghna Estuary, Siz police were killed in the raid, Vicoroy Lord Irwin at Simla, summer capital, renewed the specs lal Bengal ordinance conferring oxtraordinary powers for the sus pression of disorder, The viceroy's statement sald "In order to fores Atall further outbreaks or outs rages (like that at Chitlagong) by terrorists elsewhere, the governs ment of Bengal have represented that it is ensential to renew the powers which so recently lapsed," When the ordinance expired re cently ft was left unrenewed but with reservations that the gover nor general could fuvoke it again If necessary, LAKE YIELDS BODY MISSING 3 MONTHS Dark Communist Hints of Capitalistic Murders Are Quelled by Find (By Canadian Presa Leased Wire) Port Arthur, Ont, April 21,=The body of John Voutilainen, 29, Fine nish, was found Saturday in Onion Lake, Voutilainen, in company with Victor Rosval, another organizer for the Lumbermen's Tudustrial Union, disappeared November 19 lust while attempting to cross the lake, The disappearance of the couple after being investigated by the police was made the subject of a number of communieations to the provincial and federal authorities by Hiendy in the Soclalist organisations who usks ed nauiryeint suspicions they held that the two had been murdered by capitalistic sympathizers, Circumstan cen of the discovery of Voutilainen's body indicate the men were drowiied crossing Onion Lake, just as the pros vineial police surmised in their report. on the vase, } " Byrd Expedition Has Com P plete | of Antarctic | (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) | New York, NY, April 21Cap-| tain Ashley C, MeKinley, aerial sur veyor of the Byrd Expedition, return ed here yesterday with the negative of un ale mup of 170,000 square miles | of Antarctien and a vivid recollec on of a "ticklish moment gr two on his flight with Rear Admiral Ri chard E, Byrd to' the South Pole, Capts McKinley came here by train from Biv Francisco, having arrived on one of the steamers which left Dunedin, New Zealand, shortly alter the arvival of Byrd and his cum rade He sald that he used a 40 pound camera pointed from the windows of the trimotored monoplane, Floyd Bennett, to snap the south pole at! the moment Admiral Byrd I the United Stutes flag weighted with a stone from Dennett's" grave He made a continuous pictorial re cord of the historie flight from the | moment of the tnke-off at Little Ame | erica to the time of the return whe nl wireless towers loomed shead and all danger had passed WALES HEATH FRANCE Paris, France, April 21.<Wales de feated France in a rugby ' football match today by 11 points to nothing I'he international title was involved Had France won they would have become champions for the first time By Wales' victory today England gets the title GREAT EXPANSION DURING YEAR BY ASSOCIATED PRESS Great News 'Agency Holding Annual Convention Today (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) . New York, N.Y, April 21=Du ing the past year the Associated Press passed through probably the greatest expansion of facilities for ine creased service to the mewbership in the history of the organization, aes cording to the report of Kent Coops or, general manager, released today to coincide with the annual meeting of the news agency members held this morning, Secretary of State Henry L. Stimson, speaking uper the radio from London, addressed the publishers and editors ar the annual luncheon, On Wadnoesday the threes duy convention of the American Pub. lishers Assoelation will begin at the Hote! Pennsylvania, A survey of the Arsociated Press service made for a week, declured Mr, Cooper in his report, disclosed that from all sources an average of 300,000 words of news dally is coms piled and delivered to menbor nowss papers somewhere, During the. test week news items from 1850 cities, comprising 17,323 stories, with a total of 2862718 wordy, were thstributed to the 1,280 member papers, Notable in the oxpansion of" the service has been the broadening of the market. report, . Mr. Cooper res ported, with antematic printers ins stalled on. most of the trunk wire | circuits to speed delivery, The news features service was readjusted, he said, and tha Associated Press Photos graphic Service, founded two years ago, hay become the largest news Rapes picture organization in the world, AND ACTORS IN TORONTO TRAGEDY February, The Inyout shows: (1) Allee Barton, the murdered girl (2) Frank Barton, her brother, who is thought to have killed her while In a evazed conditiong (8) the house at 40 Klm Grove Ave, where the tragedy occurred, Dratt o Treaty Given Approval Heads of Five Delegations Give Formal Assent to Document London, April 21.The houds of the five delegations to the naval conference mot today and forme ally approved the draft treaty which wus then nent to the print. ore Those Ramsay Secretary ol present were Premier MaeDonanld, United States State Stimson, Reljire Wakatsuk!, Ambaseador Meuriau of France and Ambassador Bore donaro of Italy, The two ambassas dors officiated in the absence of their chiefs, Paria, April 21 Premier Andre Tardieu: will be kept here by his official dutios and will not be able to go to London to slgn the final net of the naval conference, the Chamber of Deputies told Premier Ramsay MacDonald in a communis cation today, The chamber asked Forelgn Minister Aristide Briand Lo express the friendly sentiments of the I"'reneh government, TWO CHARGED WITH MURDER IN RIOT Prisoner Shot : During At. tempted Jail Delivery on Saturday Providence, RI, April 21. «Ernest Condello, John Condello and Ralph Colarusso were today charief whi the murder of Peleg Champlin, life prisoner at the Rhode Island State Prison, during the attempted jail de livery of Saturday afternoon, The trio were in the visiting room of the prison when the outbreak oes curred, Juhu Condello, North Bergen, NJ, hay been identified by Harry MeVay, wonnded prison guard, as the man who shot him, John and his brother Ernest who lives at West Now York, NJ have also heen identified by wo convicts who were in the prisons ers' cage at the time of the outs break as two of the gunmen, McVay, a bullet wound in his chest and a pd gash on his scalp as a result of an attack by one of the men with the butt of a revolver, is not expected to recover, SENATOR G. C. DESSAULLES OF St. Hyacinthe, Que, who died on Saturday as the vesult of shoek sustained when his home burned: | British Soccer Results Today (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, April 21-Resulis of league footbull matchey played in the British Isles today were as follows: English Lenguesjrst Division Aston Villa 0, Portsmouth 1, Derby County 4, Bheflleld W, 1 Lolcoster City 6, Arsenal 6, Liverpool 0, Newcastle United 1, Middloshorough 2 Blackburn R, 4, Hindarland 4, Bolton Wanderers 1, English Leagues=fecond. Division Barnsley 1, Millwall 2, iradford City 2, Hull City 1, Bristol City 2, Chelsea 1 Nottingham Forest 7. Bury 2 Oldham Athletie 1, Blackpool 2, Reading 2, Cardiff City 0, Southampton 2, Bradford 2 Bwanson Town 2, Charlton A, 0, West Bromwich Alblon 4, Totten ham Hotspurs 9, Wolverhampton W, ¢, Third Divislone=Nouthern Nrentford 3, Queen's Park R. 0, Bournemouth and Boscombe 2 Norwieh City 3 Clapton Orient 3, Nristol Rovers 0, Crystal Palace 4, Luton Town 1, lixeter City 6, Northampton T, 4, Fulham 8, Walsall 2, Newport: County 0, Plymouth A, 2, Southend 1 0, Gillingham 0, Torquay Unilind 4, Merthyr 7, 0, Watford 4, Swindon "Town 1 Third Myislon==Northern Nection Accrington KB, 1. Bouth Shields 2, Harrow 1, Crew Alexander 0, Halifax 1, 8, Chesterfield 2 Hartlespools U, 2, Rochdale 8 Neottish League=l'irst Division Celtle 0, Clyde 2 | Rangers 2, M 0, | flock C, 1, Nection SEVEN VIOLENT DEATHS IN THIS PROVINCE IS TOTAL FOR EASTER HOLIDAY TIME 300 People See New Canal Open (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) St. Catharines, April 21---1'lag~ bedecked, to the accompaniment of n siren chorus blown by six other vessels in the new harbor at Porl! Weller, the steumer Georgian, off the Northwest I'ransportation Co., with Captain Hudson on the bridge, unofficially opened the northerly section of the Welland Ship Canal ut 7.20 the morning when she en tered lock 1. Although a drizzling rain falling about 200 people hud gath- erod for the occasion, Although the lock is sufficiently large to have taken in the seven craft in the har bor in two lockagos only one was permitted to enter and single lock. ages will continue for some time, The steamer Weyburn entered the lock second in order with the I.LLI. 106 third, the Irwin foorth and the Colfax fifth, Above lock 4, the boats will revert to the 14 foot channel of he rocently used sanal until July 1st when the offis oinl opening will take place and the twin loens at Thorold are put in commission. The summit level of the ship canal from Thorold to Port Oolborne, which is the old channel widened and deepened, is in use today, Mr. and Mrs. Lindbergh Set a ntinent Record| New Cross-Co (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Roosevelt Field, N.Y., April | 2 Col, Charles Lindbergh lint night set another mark for his follow aviators to shoot at when with his wife he shattered all speed records fn a flight from Los Angelos to New York, Flying most of the way at alt! fudes above 10,000 feet In order to test the feasibility of commers c¢lal orulson in the upper air, Lind. bergh piloted his own Lockheed Sirius monoplane almost with the nocuracy of a bullet across the con. tinent, with one 16-minute stop at Wichita, Kans, to refuel To the cheers of a great crowd TAndbergh brought his plane down in the glare of the floodlights at 11:11 pm, He broke ths trang-continens tal record by nearly throe hours, The previous record was held by Captain Frank M. Hawks, who flow over the same course last June in 17 hours and 43 minutes without a stop, Col, Lindbergh's arrival at Roosevelt Field at 11,11, gave him an olapsed time of «4 hours 44 minutes 40 seconds--2:08:20 under Captain Frank Hawks' re- cord, made in a solo flight, The total distance was roughly 2,580 miles, EXPORTERS MUST CLEAR WAREHOUSES OF STORED LIQUOR Liquor Found. in Sheds at Border Will be Seized, Department Says (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, April 2L=Determined lo plug every possible louphole in the Ontario Liguor Control Act, provine cial. police and the attorney-geners al's department have issued a warns ing to liguor exporters along the Windsor border to empty and diss continue using liquor storage wares houses, As a result of a visit to this area last week by W. B. Conunon, legal adviser to the department, chief jne spector Frank 1 Elliort of the lig uor enforcement branch of the lige vinial police, and M, Knox of the control board, liquor exporters were reported over the week end to be making frantic efforts to remove their stocks by Monday night, At the border warehouses visited, it is stated, huge stocks of liquors were found piled and awaiting ship. ment aboard boats by which they would be transported across the St. Clair riven This is in direct contravention of the board's warning that warehouss es were to be discontinued and ships ments of liguors must be made dis rect from the railway box cars or trucks to the holds of the boats, Otherwise the department takes the attitude that the liquor is being held for some illegal purpu.e, and it iy seized under. the provision of the Liquor Control Act which prohibits "illegal having," Niagara Fally, Ont=The Norton Company of Niagara Falls, N.Y, pro ducers of crude-abrasives, announce their large plant will be moved from Typhoo Takes A Heavy Tol Red Cross to Aid Thoussnds| of Homeless on Leyte Island (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Manila, April 21.-~Crippled communications today brought fur- ther evidence of the toll taken Friday by the destructive typhoon which swept over 14 towns of the Island of Leyte, demolishing the communities of Tolusp and Dulag, Thousands were homeless and many believed dead or injured. Official reports from the devase tated region sald that a complete oheck could not be completed for Nn week or more, since many towns had been isolated with telegraph and telephone wires down, Governor de la Crus of Loyte wired the United States Red Crows here, 48 hours after the typhoon struck "please secure immediate ald for thousands of homeloss people, especially food, clothing and building materials," THREE DEAD FROM CHIGAGO MASSAGRE Gangland War Renewed and Capone's Henchmen Suffer (By Canadian Press Loased Wire) Chicago, April 21-=Two owners and the bartender of a South Ride saloon were shot and killed in thelr resort . yesterday morning in what probably will come to be known as the unsolved aster Sune day massacre; The circumstances surrounding this outburst from gangland contain all the elements of this particular form of assassin. ation familiar to Chicago. When detectives arrived on the scene they found Wakefield behind the bar in front of tho cash regis. ter, Apparently he had been shot through the back of the head as he was counting $65 which still lay beside the register, neatly piled up, This, incidentally, eliminated robs bery as a motive for the crime. The body of Special, who had been shot foup times, lay beside a stove, near the entrance to a rear room, Beneath him was the shate tered plaster of paris image of a saint, and open penknife, Tt was assumed he rushed from the rear room at tho sound of the first shots, armed with what weapons he could find at hand, bent on attacking the killer, Dol Ray's body was found near tha front door: He had been shot #8 ho attempted to flee, : According to the police, Wake fleld and Deol Ray were workers for Daniel Serritella, Capone lieutenant in the primary committeoman tight in the Firat Ward, Whether or not the triple assassination had 'any political 'significance has not yet derogs the Niagara river to Chips pewa, Qutarios . | | | Motor Car Accidents Take Two Lives, One Is Drowns ed, and Woman Dies From Burns SMALL BOY KILLS SELF; ONE MURDER Terrible Deaths Reported From All Sections of Western Ontario Over Week-end (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, April 21-=A total of poven violent deaths were record. ed throughout Ontario over thd woek-end as » result of motor car, boating and other accidents, At Jordan, Harry Goodman, 94, Toronto, was killed when the auto mobile in which he was riding col- lded with a passenger-laden bus, Lewis Berger, Montreal, owner of the car, is in a Bt, Catharines hos« pital In n werious condition while un third members of the party es« caped with minor injuries, Bix passengers in the bus suffered from shock, Jules Chelklera, 74, was killed on the highway near Chatham, when he stepped from the side of the road directly in the path of an nuto driven by John Kell, of Raleigh Township a Drowning Tragedy Archibald Little, 18, burg. was drowned whon a boat capsized in the Sydenham river. Two other men, Arthur Lozon and Thomas Druer, swam to shore and were arrested by provincial police on chargos of intoxication, Mrs, Thirza Sutton, 86, residing eant of St, Thomas, died as a result of burns suffered when her clothes caught fire while starting a grass fire, Despite her age she climbed a fenco and jumped into a diteh of water to extinguish the flames, Small Boy Sulelde Disappointed because his mother would not purchase a bicycle for him, Frank Wright, 11, hanged himself in an outbuilding at his home in London. The murder of Alice Barton, 18, Wallaces (fn Toronto by her mentally unde balanced brother, Frank Barton, 24, and the fatal Injury to mn Itallan, Grazlo Carucelo, in =» street fight at Hamilton, were the other tragedies, In addition to the fatalities scores of motor car accidents, in which panengers were more or less seriously injured, were ye ported. Two women had narrow escapes In Tolronto, when they at- tempted to commit suicide. by drinking poison, but were dis covered in timo to defeat thelr pure pose, CATTLE THIEVING NEAR KITCHENER Kitchener, April 21, --DProvindial police are investigating one of the boldest crimes and the first theft of cattle reported in this section for a long time. Thursday, during the night three cows valued at §400 woro taken from the barn of Henry Brubacher, 234 miles from St. Jacobs. The animals were ap- parently loaded on a truck and driven away, leaving little or no clues as to the identity of the Five Killed in heen determined, New York Fire Two Others Seriously Hurt as Blaze Traps Family New York, April 2l=Fiye tems bers of a family lost their lives, ans other is dying and the seventh was seriously injured, yesterday, when tire racéd through the upper apaits ment of a two-family brick dwelling in Brooklyn, The origin of the blaze has not been determined. Fire Mare shal Thomas Brophy conducted an in vestigation and said that he had found nothing "to indicate® ingens diarisme He put the house under po- lice guard, however, He added dat scemingly the fire had started just® outside the apartment door and had been fed by a wicker hamper which stood there, The dead were: Christopher Johns son, 45 years of age, captain of a lighter; his daughters, Clara 18 years old, and Gladys, 10 years old, and his sons, Harold, 14 years old and Elwood, 9 years old, Mrs, Mary John son, 82 years of age, mother of the children, leaped from a window to the 'rear od She wes reported to be dying in United lzrael Zion hos pital, Christopher Johpson, Jr, 21 years 0 was to have been mars ried next Saturday, 2s in King's Couns ty Hospital suffering from body bute severe SA NS simi ad