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Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Apr 1930, p. 10

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, APRIL:25, 1930 MATS "Mrs. Quack's Proud Moment By Thorton W, Burs this I'm sure we all agree-- ide is good to see, ~Old Mother Nature, 'Nothing happened to those precious eis of Mrs ary Plenty of wor- ries she had and many moments when she was terribly frightened, But Peter Rabbit and Chatterer the Red Squirrel were the only ones who dis- covered her secret and so in time those ten eggs hatched and ten fuzzy fittle ducklings were ready to go for their first swim, Jt was a proud mo- ment for Mrs, Quack when she led them out from under those big, broad skunk cabbage leaves, which had so well protected that nest, and started for the Smiling Pool, But if Mw, Quack was proud, she Was as anxious as she was proud, All the anxiety which had been hers avhile she wa on the nest was. noth. ing compared to the anxiety which she felt row and knew she would continue to feel as long us thou ducklings were too small to care for themselves, A lively lot were those Brighteyed babies, Yes, indeed, they were a lively lot. Mrs, Quack felt as if she needed eyes all over her body to keep track of them. The very first thing she taught them was to mind instantly, She knew that their safety depended on this and she took great pains to make them understand that something dreadrul would happen to them if they didn't mind, Down to the Laughing Brook Mrs, Quack led them first, - You would have laughed to see them paddling about for the first time. They had ne more fear of the water than thw had of the ground when they had Mrs. Quack came over at once to get the corn that Farmer Brown's Boy threw in the water, fow water and searching in the mud below for things to cat, Curiously enough, that every night Une' Billy Possum found the deserted nest, He never had given up looking for it, Every once in a while when he had nothing else to do he would go looking for Mrs, Quack and her nest, and it just happened that the night arter that nest was deserted Une' Billy poking around, happened to push his head under some big skunk cabbage leaves and right into a mass of feathers. They were the feathers with which Mrs, Quack had lined her nest. But the nest was empty save for some broken egg- shells, Ung Billy didn't waste any Almonds, 'April * 24, ~~ Miss Helethia Vanstone, of Whithy, spent the week-end with Mrs, Milda Lee, Master 'Donald Kemp is spending Easter holidays with his grandpar. ents, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Boyce, of Plekering, Mrs, W, Hall and daughters Violet and Evelyn, visited on Wednesday with relatives in Oshawa, Mr, and Mry, Gordon Slade and family, of Toronto, were Good Frie day visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Nor: man Wood, Mrs, Jefferies, of Ridgelown, visits ed at the home of her sister, My, and Mrs, T. Moscombe, last week and other relatives in Whitby, Miss Betty Adams, of Toronto, is holidaying with her sister, Miss Susie Adams, at "Stone Hoven" Farm, Miss Hilda Lee, of Toronta, spent Easter holidays with her mother here Wednesday last, Mrs, M, Lef, Base Line, Mr. and Mrs, RW, McQuay and pon Leonard spent the weck-ond with relatives in Eclleville, Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Cawley and little son Teddy, have taken up resi= dene in Toronto and moved on Mr, Cawley hus a position with the Dominfon Bank there, Mr. and Mys. J. Tuesday in Toronto, Mr, Fuh Leask, of Toronto, was n week-end visitor with Mr, Lloyd Moreombe, Miss Mabel MacKey spent the Easter week with her mother here, Mrs, CL. Morcombe and daught- er Doreen, of Omemee have returned home after spending a week ut the home of her father, Mr. WV. H, Bals~ don, On Tuesday evening next a de hate between the United Church Young People's and Almonds Young People, will. be held in Almonds Ansley spent church, The debate, Resolved that it is better to be brought y in the country than in the town, Dr. Mills and Miss Mildred Price will speak for Whitby, white Miss Irene Sallis bury and Mr, Tom oGrdon for Al monds, as this is the third debate between "there societies, this no doubt will be interesting to hear and to see who wins out, Mr. and Mrs, W, Hobbs and chil. dren, Murray. and Kenneth, Mrs, 8, Vanstone, were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. T, C, Oshurne, Mr, and Mrs, 1. C, Osburne visits ed last week at the home of the latter's sister, Mr. and Mrs, Challes, of Bowmanville, Mr, and Mrs, Harry Wilcox and children, of Toronto, were Sunday visitces with Mr, and Mrs, T. Mor- combe, Mr, Oliver Mutton, a resident of this vicinity 'or a number of years, passed away in Oshawa hospital on Sunday morning, following a short iness, Three, weeks ago he was taken to the Hospital where he un~ derwent an operation which proved that little could be done to save his life, and on Sunday he passed qulet- ly away, He was removed to the home of his sister, Mrs, Charlton, of Bowmanville, The funeral was held or Tuesday from the home of his cousin, Mr, anc Mrs, J. Mutton, which was largely attended, Many floral tributes were tokens of sym: pathy, Those from a distance who were present at the funeral were Mr. M, Lee, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Lee, Mr. and Mrs, Cephas Osburne, Mr, Robert Howlond, John Howland, of Whithy, Mr. Cookston, Mr, Stanley MeDown, and Mrs, Dwine, of Pick. ering, ---- After being lost for 12 years, o malaccn cane bearing the preesns tution inscription, was found in England and returned recently to its owner, SEEDING IN MARITIMES Halifax, ~According to OG, Le Lacheur, Acting District Inspector, Dominion Seed Branch, Maritime farmers this spring will sow ap proximately the following quanti tien of woed: oats, 1,500,000 bu; wheat, 90,000; barley, $0,000; 000; field beans, 4,000; and rye, 1,000 bushels; red clover, 1,000, 0600 pounds; aleike clover, 200, 000; timothy, 2,000,000; turnip, 20,000: mange), 40.000; and care rot, 5,000 pounds, The quantities of seed yequired are based on the 1028 acrenres In fleld crops and on average rates of seeding for dif- ferent kinds, buckwheat, 55,000; fleld peas, 0, Nallway employes of Limerick, Ireland, recently decided at a mags meeting tn boycott sll merchants hihi encouraged bus transporio- on, DODD'S ADL 7 od | IB Tali, Li Kionk Bac upctia! Diop rn0 At an auction in London recent 1y un first edition of Charles Reade's "The Cloister and the Hearth" brought #1,320, TELLING TOMMY 3 tem antiteinpfoS U, 8. Par. OF; Copyright, 1000, by Metropolitan rah Jago. [i 4 TUR Nt --rr------" INNALING time there, His nose told him that SIR JAMES CNIOROPOAM MANY MEN HAVE RISKED DEATH FOR feft the nest. Then Mrs. Quack swam down the Laughing Brook, going slowly, so that the babies could keep up with her. And in this way they reached the Smiling: Pool, A proud mother, indeed, was Mrs, Quack, as she sailed out into the Smiling Pool with her ten babies just back of her, Farmer Brown's Boy happened to come down to the Smiling Pool with some corn, just as Mrs, Quack and her babies appeared, and perhaps you can guess how delighted he was. Mrs, Quack came over at once to get the corn that Farmer Brown's Boy threw in the water. The babies didn't know what to make of it when they first saw their mother seeming to stand on her head in the water, They gathered around and just stared at her in round-eyed surprise, Of course they couldn't eat yellow corn, as they were so little that they had to have setter food, So presently tneir moth er led them over along the swanipy edge of the Smiling Pool, where among the tussocks of grass and bul. rushes they could quickly hide in time of danger. There they found insects of various kinds and they soon were tipping up in the shal- PHONE 22 "For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 40 Simcoe St. 8, == We Deliver Machinery Repairing NOTHING TOO SMALL 'Adanac Machine Sho 101 King St. W, Phone 1214 Diamonds ! Bassett's that nest hadn't been deserted very long and «ight away he started to look for those ducklings. Those baby ducks would be quite as good eating and perhaps better eating than the eggs would have been, " The next story: "A Baby Disap- pears," ad $ TIME TABLES x : ¥ i AN A Ana Ln J LN TIME TABLE 4d Time (randard Ti ) Dally (Except Sunde), Daily (Except Sunday), Dally [Bacept Sunday) 2332 -- Daily. Jaily (Except Runday) ally (Except Sunday), Dally (Except Sunday) Daily. P-BRNO NA®Om 85228 Bias STPPe DPESSP g3FE3 BF ADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS AN. Effective Jan, §, Jae, Dally, excent Sunday, Sunday enly, Dally. daily, except Sunday, daily, except Sunday, daily, except Sunday, 3zaz oon--~Smm =] l 4 La Daily, aily, except Saturday Daily, Dall Dally. ally, . daily, escept Sunday, Dull : wa LEZ ome BS5328ea8 BREaLEISER SP PEPPPPPIRES 32 p3EZ El y, daily, except Sunday, Sunday, 333; Daily, except dally, m. Sunday enly, ym, Dally, except Sunday, 43 pane Dally, except Suuday. Whithy, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE NNAROO mma vPrIssae 323 = o WEEK DAY SCHEDULE (Effective on_and altar Septs », Ue Arrive Hospital 30 a.m, am, 1035 am, 1! 2.30 pm, am, pm. 1 238 a] EJ 411 23 wpm 6.45 pn ES Oona B383u8% 52:3 232 Sela = £3 PPPSFTOTE? 2 ir BaE3asauss PPOPS » ses=fr 385322258 229s82 Smo = $ ESSERE =33 34341 11,00 am, 1.00 pme E: PP FoePeas 8z332 EE ona tera 2S me 25 on 20 me em 6.50 p.m, 29s 233 ---- = ne, , pan, Ld 11.00 pom, 1010 pin 0 pom, 12) Tinie rk ¢ ou a D0, NET. woupyy sensmuns 'oot Leave rrive ile Oshawa thy 0.30 am, 94S am, pom, 12.18 pany 15 pn 2.90 pv 430 pn. HEH Pd 10, pm. 1.00 pm, SCIENCE, TOMMY, HUMPHRY DAVY TRIED NITROUS OXIDE ON HIMSELF BEFORE b HE ANNOUNCED THAT "LAUGHING GAS" MIGHT BE USED 11 DENTISTRY AMD SURGERY a sr E3R James simpson seuieven THAT CHLOROFORM COULD B€ USED SAFELY FOR SURGICAL OPERATIONS, BUT HE HAD TO PROVE IT BY TRYING IT Of HIMSELF, AND HIS ASSOCIATES, SIMPSON UNCONSCIOUS, BUT HE SURVIVED. LR MAURICE HALL FOUND THAT CARBON TETRACHLORIDE WOULD KILL THE HOOK: ORM PARASITE, HE GAMBLED WITH DEATH BY DRINKING A DOSE TO SEE 75 EFFECT ON THE HUMAN SYSTEM, © 1930, King Peatures Syndicate, Ine, Great Britain rights raserved TRIER WHO DO YOU THINK WAS THE BRAVEST MAN In THE MAN {HO SWALLOWED THE FIRST RAM OYSTER BRINGING UP FATHER By Geo. McManw ARE NOT TO GO WELL WE ARE nw LU PORT- BUY ORDERS © 1990, Int") Pebtore Service, Tne, Crest Britain rights reserved GEE' THE TOWN) LOOWS Goo FROM HARK CROERD OR NG ORDERS: I'M GOIN TO BE IN OINTY'S PLACE TONIGHT: DOLLY DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE ER ---- BOBBY = COO-CO0, SAID YWE KNOW WHERE HE 1S + HE 19 IN dy py QUEEN'S PALACE IN LAPLAND COO * 4 '@ 198 Bg Peat Bra, tan, Grant Ariat fue ord 4 2 § THEN YOU SMALL BIND HIM: SAID THE ROBBER MAIDEN AND BME SAT DOLLY AND COMBY ON HER PET REINOERR AND SENT HIM OFF AG PAST AS HE COULD GO 4 A [ITA iE 5d THE REINDEER PUT THEM DOWN AT THe CB QUEENS PALACE AND TOLD THEM HE WOULD WAIT FOR THEM = Sy BUT Vv HAVE J MRS. TONES . OH, BY. t's MARVELON By Russ Westover © | Rae s ommrrinG | | TO WHISPER TO YoU. I DON'T WANT "TILL TO HEAR \T'» (TS A SURPRISE - Pe THE GIRLS ARE PLANNING A BIE SURPRISE MOR MOTHER ING | {ARP AND THEYRE GONNA WHEN THE "PHONW pei k OUR SPECIALTY i 1¢ your watch is wot giving satisfaction we can repair "and make it tell the correct fl vO HEAR Vouk VOICE : REAM, DO YOU MEAN ALL 'THOSE PRETTY THINSE You'Re SAYING V = DID 1 der lg AN ARROINT MY kid F=y TILL'E : pe 9.00 prom, % 11.30 Ra pram For AD TON, i ME AT NINE o CLOCK dur ime Whithy : THE JK 101] Qffigial Wateh fi for 'Canadian National and Osh. : awa Railroads 0. K Phone 180 e £3 pe Sen E2822

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