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Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Apr 1930, p. 1

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Che © Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer hawa Daily Times VOL. 6--NO, 97 Ra v ot Osbaw v Dar Bacers Sundays and" Pubthe:Slotidors OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1930 ' 16 Cents » Week; 3 Cents » Copy a TWELVE PAGES ---- News in Brief Beer Party in Cells Kemptyille~Gaining entrance 10 un inner coll. by forcing a lock, John Robinson, Ottawa, came upon several cases of confiscated beer, Being of a generous nature he im- mediately commenced passing out the bottles to other knights of the yond confined in the outer cells, Vollce arrived on the scene before the refreshments had all been porved, inn Improper Bregtimens on Owen Bound, ury em - ted to enquive into the death of Allan J, Yord, 2h, who dled on March O while under treatment by un chiropractor, veturned a verdict fast night stating that the tronts ment accorded ord was improper and thot negligence had been shown in not reporting to the benlth authorities the presence of communicable disease, The Jury implicated no one fn thelr verdict, New Game Preserve Poronto,~Rapidents of the Al- goma district who Lave been seeks ing for some time to have n game preserve established in the Goulais River-Ranger Lake soction have had their wishes granted, Yester- day the Ontario government, by order-in-council, watabljshed oi crown Kame preserve there, The usual restrictions with regard to game birds and animals thereon will apply, The preserve is one of the largest ever established In thd north, v 4 v Grandmother Would Nerve Torm Toronto, Because Thelma Wine nifred Deacon, an eight-year-old tot was not returned to her father, Mrs, Lydia Oswin, the aged grand- mother of the child which bad been entrusted to her, volunteered Lo porve her term for contempt of gourt, whon she appeared this morning at Osgoode Jal on a Yor turnable writ of habeas corpus, Mrs, Oswin insisted that the moth. or of the ehild and the tot could pot he found, v Avvost Fourth Bandit Stouftyille. With the arrest to- day of John Vincent Ison, 04, Stouffville, poitee believe they have taken Into custody. the last of the four men who ave alleged to have stolen 82,000 worth of cloth from the shop of John Monkhouse, Bolly Flader, Thomas Garlpek and Ralph MoPhaden, who wero arrested pre viously, will appeur In court wita Ison 'en April 30, LJ . Veteran Teacher Die Collingwood, Edward Ward, =» member of the teaching profession for forty-five years, dled here in his S4Lh year early this morning. He camo to Collingwood as writing and drawing master in the eollegl: ate institute in 1870 and three years later was appointed principal of the public schools, a position he retained until 1907 when upon re. tiring he was Appointed registrar af the Board of Edueation in which he continued until 1025, 4 * » » Nond Pleads Guilty Toronto, --- Pleading guilty 10 stealing more than $4,800 by fal- sitying his reports as a Dominion government customs collector, at Newmarket, Ont, Charles 0, G, Nond, was remanded until Monday for sentenge, when he appeared be. fore Magistrate Keith in County Court today, Ww w A) Meighen Refuses Nomination Regina.--Rt, Hon, Arthur Meighen former prime minister of Canada, has been offered and has declined nomination of the Conservative party in Long Lake constituency, Saskat- chewan, it was'announced, after Mr, Meighen's arrival here on a business visit "1 am out: of polities," he explained, . 0» Hangs Himself in Jall Port Arthur, ==John Majer, 500 Meolntosh street, Fort Willlam, hanged himpel? with a plece of binder twine in the district Jal this morning, He was thirty-six years ald' and came to Canada five yoars ago from Csechoslovakia, He was committed to jail January drd for five months on a charge ol yagraney, ----------------------------h ENGINEER DIES AS RESULT OF ACCIDENT (By Canadien Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, April 85--Willlam Hon- ry Baldwin, dean of hydro-eleotrieal engineers in the capital and the groatost authority on the hydraulics of electrie power equipment in the district, dled yesterday from the effects of an accident last Decoms per, Mr. Baldwin, who was also one of the old-time lumber kings of the Ottawa Valley, was 84 years of age, WEATHER over the Gulf has decreased in a EVACUATE NORTHE Toronto's First Girl Bandit Is Quickly Captured THREE HOURS TORONTO POLICE TO SOLVE ENOUGH FOR Pretty 17-year-old Miss and Her Brother-in-law Face Charges of Robbery While Armed OTHERS CHARGED WITH ABETTING Pair Had Gotten Away With $3,000 From Bank of Commerce Branch at Dun- das and Gladstone (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, April 25,~Churged with armed robbery, Ceeil Irving, 28, and his 17-year-old wigter-in-lnw, Kath. leen Doyle, of Buffalo, N.Y. were remanded to April 28 when they ap- peared in police court today before Magistrate Robert Browne, charged with the hold-up and robbery of local branch of the Canadian Dunk of Commerce, yesterday Kenneth Walsh and Edward Cdn. ngrs who were arrested us "access sories after the fact" did not appear in court today, but will come up with the man and girl "Monday, Addi. tional charges of recelving stolen funds will be Tald against them as the result of police discovering ubout $250 in Connor's and Walsh's spart- ment where leving was arrested, Pos lee stated today they had recovered all but $23 of the $2867 stolen Quickly Caught Toronto, April 26,~=Three hours after a pretty, neatly-dressed 17+ year-old girl and a male compan- fon walked coolly from the Cank- dian Bank of Commerce branch at Dundas © Street and | Gladstone Avenue yesterday afternoon with nearly $3,000 in bank notes, To- ronto's first girl bandit robbery had been solved, With the arrest Inte yesterday afternoon of Kathleen Boyle of Buffalo, and her brother-in-law, 28-year-old Cecil Irving, Glad. stone avenue, police last night stated that they had recovered nearly all the money stolen and obtained full confessions, Doth appear today in police court for preliminary hearings on charges of robbery while armed, Two others held by police last night for questioning were later released, They were "Joe", prop- rietor of the White Rose Cale, Queen Street and Gwynne Avenue, in whose establishment the rifle allegedly used by Irving was found, and Donald Stewart, Queen Street oust, whosh car had heen used in staging the hold-up, but who sat- Isfactorily showed that it had been horrowed by Irvine, ostensibly to meet a train, Climaxed Smooth Work The arrest came asa climax lo one of the fastest, most smoothly staged hold-ups ever tackled by the (Continued on Page §) CORONER'S JURY LAYS NO BLAME IN YEOMANS DEATH Harry Longe Held in Con- nection With Case, Is Not Implicated (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Southampton, Ont, April 28=The jury in the inquest conducted here today by Dr, J. A. Rannie of Ches- ley, to inquire into the circumstances surrounding the death of Earl Yeo. mans who died as a result of injuries received on Thursday, April 10, in Southampton, failed to fix any re- sponsibility of any person or persons, The preliminary trial of Harry Longe held in connection with the death of Yeomans, will be held in Southamp» ton on Friday, May 2 The chief witness at the inquest was Mrs, Lily Longe, wife of Edwarl Longe, and sistersinelaw of Harry Longe, She told of the relations which had existed 'tor somé time bes tween Harry Longe and herself and stated the former was jealous of any attentions paid, when by anyone else and had even threatened to commit suicide if she went away. She swore that on the day of the tragedy she was walking slong the road: with Yeomans' when came in sight and that the latter, us. ing foul language, ordered him to beat it down the road. The two men approached each other, there were threats and: Yoeman's fell to 1 ound stunhed- and N go BANK HOLDUP YESTERDAY ge | the place. Evidence was KINGSTON STREET RAILWAY REPORT Cost of Rehabilitation Set st $328,000 by Expert Kingston, April 25,~~Rehabilita- tion of the Kingston Street Rails way Company will cost $825,090, in the statement of Norman D, Wil. son expert, of Torento, who has Just made his report to Mayor W. H, Cralg, he plant of the Kingston Street Rallway was destroyed by fire » few wheks ago and since then » private bus line has been operat- ing here, In the meantime the elty engaged an expert to make a come plete survey of the situation, On his findivigs will be determined whether the ratepayers will be asked to vote on the question of the purchase of the rallway com- pany, It is learned that the report also shows that a five-cont fare, which was in use here up to the time of the fire, even with the most careful management would mean an annual deficit of $18,000, EIGHT YEARS FOR ILLEGAL OPERATION Toronto, April 25.~Mrs, Antonia Hespner, who was convicted of pers forming an illegal operation which resulted in the death of Mary Bars aza lust January, was sentenced to- day by Mr. Justice Kelly to eight years in Portsmouth Penitentiary, TORONTO'S FIRST GIRL BANDIT CAPTURED | FLAPPER, ALLEGED VEMININ The photograph shows 17-year: (of Commerce, Toronto, being taken | Ave, Toronto, who Is her alleged | from No, 1 Court Mt, police station old Kathleen Boyle of Buffalo, are rostod last night, following armed holdsup of Dundas and Gladstone Ave, branch of the Canadian Dank | with Coell Trving, FE TOUCH IN COMMERCE BANK this morning to ap cont, whera sho ros of Gladstone HOLDUP, FACES CHARGES accomplice, Most of the $8,000 stolen froug the bank is reported rocovered, Two others. are held md appear In court In connection with the holdwp, way four miles from: here, are in hospital where their condis RN INDIA TOWN | READY FOR E AUXILIARY TROOPS STAND MERGENCIES; MAY STOP MILITARY LEAVE & > | | FIRE THREATENS 300 OFFICE GIRLS | Battalion Fire Chief Over- come by Smoke in Buffslo Blaze (By Consdian Press Leased Wire) Buffalo, N.Y. April 25,~"Three hundred girls, employed In the Remington-Rand office building here, were driven to the street b) fire today, most of them making | thelr way down the five escapes ! Battalion ¥ire Chief Walter Ma honey was oversome hy smoke and was taken from the burning build. ing by three of his men Twelve firemen were trapped in the basement and escaped only bh dropping to the floor and creeping under the encircling flames, The fire centred in the basement which contained office furniture and equipment in storage, Prelim inary estimates by officials of the Remington-Rand company placed the damige at $86,000, FOUR PERSONS HURT IN LINDSAY CRASH (By Canadian Prose Lowsed Wire) Lindsay, April 25, ~Returning from a family reunion at Janet. ville, four persons were injured today when a wheel of their mot« or snapped off and the vehicle was buried into the ditch on the high. Mr, and Mrs, William Maher tion is reported as not serious, while Miss Minnie Duffy, . and Migs McCabe, were taken to thely homes suffering minor injuries, All are residents of Lindsay, Prince of Wales Arrives in England After Long Trip 12 Years for Manslaughter Toronto Man Convicted of Killing Aged Man in Drunken Brawl! (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) Toronto, April 28=Convicted of manslaughter in connection with the death of 75-year-old Patrick Shearn following a brawl at the Shearn home last February, John Jackson was sen- tenced today by Mr, Justice Kelly to 12 years in Portsmouth Penitentiary, The day following the brawl! police found numerous cans which had contained canned heat which . the believed had been consumed by Jac yon, Shearn and his 71-year-old bros ther who was also injured during the altercation, TORONTO COUNCIL MUST NOT ACCEPT SALARY INCREASES (By Canadian Press' Leased Wire) Toronto, Apt 25=Upon the apoll cation of J. M. Bullen, on behalf of Irving E. Robertson, managing direcs tor of the Toronto Even " Tele: ram, Mr, Justice Raney, at Qsgoode fia today granted an interim ine Junction restraining the Toronto city council and finance commissioner George KE. Wilson until May §, from aying any salary increases to mems Pen of the council, This was done with the consent of G. R, Geary, K.C, MP, corporation counsel, Hermit Is Dead After Long Fast ( y Canadien Press Lenped Wire) Port Arthur, April 28,~=A cor oner's jury inquiring into the death of Fred Pentland, whose body was found Tuesday in a lone ly shack ten miles from. this clty, decided he died of weakness and {lines resultant from a aelfims posed fast of forty days, A marked onlendar and a bible found by the body indicated the direction of thought followed by the dead man, There was no sign of food in ven, the jury. by acquaintances who: knew of the nature of hia religious fer: vor, Pentland was 21, unmarried, a former member of the Irish Sonusbultey and; game tu Conga 3 IE OR -- -- (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) Windsor, England, April 25 «= The Prince of Wales returned today from his long hunting trip in Afriea and landed in what is, in effect, his own backyard ut 4 pm, The landing was at Smith's Lawn Greatwindsor Park, to which a pri vate round is being built from the Prince's new country home, Fort Belvedere, at Sunningdale, And with his return there was a general feeling of gratification anny | the British people that the heir the throne of their realm was safely among them again The Prince left Marseilles, Trance, this moming and completed the BIO mile flight in remarkable smooth and speedy fashion, His jilane glided to a perfect landing und the prince found his brothers, the Duke of York and Prince George, there to greet him, He appeared exuberant over his return and leaned over the side of the plane before it landed, waving cheerily to those beneath him, ---------------------------- Bank's General Manager Dies H. B. MacKenzie of Bank of Montreal Drops Dead Today (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Montreal, Que, April 23~\While preparing for the usual Friday mor- ning board meeting of the Bank of Montreal at its headquarters on St, James street, here this morning, ugh Blair Mackenzie, ita general manager, was taken suddenly ill in his office and died within a few mins utes, Ho way 52 years of age and aps rently in robust health, Mr, Mac. cengie became general manager last ear in succession to Sir Frederick illams-Taylor, now vicespresident, Mr. MacKenzie is survived by his wife and three children, Coroner Los | renzo Prince found that death was dug to cerebral hemorrhage, Me, Mackenzie was horn in Ingors soll Ontario, in 1827, Later the fame ily moved to Brantford, where for nearly 40 years his father, the late Venerable Archdeacon G, C. Macs Kenzie began his banking career with the Bank or Commerce ut Brant ford, After three years he left to join the Bank of British North America, He rose steadily from one responsible ponition to another with this institu tion until he was chief inspector Then he turned to branch wianaging at Victoria BC, and was later Sup» Cobourg Seeks Tax Collector (Deceased Official Embezzled Over $5,000, Is Claim (By Times Staff Reporter) Cobourg, April 25.An action ap» ened in Supreme Court here this morning in which the Town of Co» bourg is the plaintiff; to recover from the Dominion of Cunada Guarantee Co, the suni of $5000, the amount ol a bond which protected the town against loss by its former tax collects or, This had been found following his death in January 1929, had embezzled several thousand of dollars of the town's money, These discrepancies als though known previous to the death of the collector had not been reports ed to the council and the full amount ol the loss sustained was not known until an audit of the books was made following the death of the collector, When the new collectér had taken over office sums totalling nore than the amount of the bond were found to have been converted to the use of the deceased collector, Company Refuses Payment Application was then made to the defendant company tor the amount of their Hability, under the policy is« sued to the town, This the guarantee company refused to pay claiming that the discrepancies were not res (Continued on Mage 3) DIES SUDDENLY H, B. McKENZIE General Manager of the Bank of Montreal, who digd sulldenly in ft" | videnge fof Clark County, 'died from pneus fand for the first time in four Several of Vessel's Crew Believed to (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Stamford, Conn,, April 25. Sixteen members of the crew of the Long Island Sound freighter Thames, ply» ing trom New York to Bridgeport, hurned last night off here, were miss ing late this forenoon and ten had been saved Nine of the ten were taken to Pro: by the steamer Lexington, and one picked up by an oyster boat rejoining his family in Bridgeport, The hulk of the eraft, blackened by fire, was on a reel seven hundred yards off Tod's Point on the Sound| beach shore | Although the water's edge for miles was searched this merning and na coast guard patrol boat cruised about the Sound no trace of the missing men was found, The fire swept the vessel, from which also there were several small explosions during the night, and there seemed ilttle possibility of sal vage of cargo or equipment, Prisoners Are Again Quiet Passive Resistance Cam- paign in Ohio Penitentiary (Ry Canadian Press Lossed Wire) Columbus, Ohlo, April 86,~Hu: bert 1, Richeson, day guard at Ohio Penitentiary, refuted testi. mony of other guards in the ine vestigation of the disastrous prison fire when he declared today that the door to the ram fn which 219 priponers suffocated was open all during the five, Columbus, Ohio, April 25, w=The death tall in Monday night's fire at Ohip Penitentiary 'way increased to 319 varly today when Alvin Partesko monia whieh resulted {rom exposure, viets n yColumbys, Ohio, April a8 =Anpars Suny accepting restoration of prisen Hiscipline, conviots in the Ohio: Penis tentlury, where 319 prisoners lost their lives in a fire Monday, went to breakfasy in an orderly manner early today. h Catealls and hooting were. absent 2) the men marched with a firm, snappy step, Guards expressed amazement at the demeanor of the men who only yesterday were a how m their keepers and refu to orders until their a Wh for the removal of Warden Preston: Thomas were mot, The warden wus not ges evintendent of Central Branches ol Winninas Montreal daddys Lot IN 400 Paralysis Sufferers May Chatham Bank Teller Writ wins the weLord Astor's ob | pro I refusing to abide by the. orders of Have Perished Doubt Recovery Ginger Victims Never Get Well, Doctors State ---- (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) Oklahoma City, Okla, April 25 OMecials of the state health departs ment laboratory sald today that phy« sigians doubt that seme of the vies tims of a strange paralysis-like mal: ady believed ean by drinking Jas maica ginger ever will recover No complete recoveries have been reported among the more than 400 persons in Oklahoma afflicted with the strange malady, The exact cause of the epidemie has not been deters mined, The state laboratory has abandoned chemical tests and now in experi menting with animals, but has noth ing to report on the experiments, Victims are seen daily dragging themselves about the streets ore, and many continue to spend most ol their time in bed, although they have been confined for mare than two months, Sought for Theft . (By Canadian Press Lose Wire) Chatham, April 28--Abandou- ing hope of Ralph Rowland, miss ing Chatham bank teller, returns ing to the Prince Rdwarn! Hotel in Windsor, where he has rot to cheok outy-lecal police have ogun to olroulate desopritions of the 18-yearold youth wanted vor theft. of bank monies, The wars vant oharges that he stole a sum of $3,500, Craven Stakes (By Canadisn Press Leased Wire) Newmarket, Eagland, April 23, wellsbred colt Writ, a Derby candidate, won the oldsestablished Craven Stakes tos day by two lengtha over Walter Guinness' Gay Felar, with Somers ville Tattersall's Meredith in third place another four lengths back, A mreat field of Derby horses , olght of the 13 starters being wminent candidates for the Ep» some: olassio, Writ started at odds of four to one against, Gray Friar at 20 to one and Meredith at seven to four, he dlatanee was the Rowley. flo, | YY oe ww . Na All Women and Children Be- ing Evacuated From Pesh« awsr on Northern Border, Centre of Recent Rioting SERIOUS VIEW IS TAKEN BY BRITISH News From Punjab and Northwest Frontier Cen~ sored by Government Eighteen Indians Placed Under Arrest (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) April 28.=Inereasingly felt in Great Bris items of disturb from India, London, Krave econeern 1s tain at sulve ng nt eee received tor The chiel shock eame early this afternoon when it was reported that all women and ehildren---presumably European women and ehildren---wers heing evacuated from Peshawar on the northern border and that all mils itary leave from India would likely he stopped, In addition it was re ported that the special railway for ces in the Bombay presidency wern being called upon to supplement the regulars in the event of an emer gene | Always Disturbed | It was pointed out in oficial cine cles that wand which is near the famous Khyber Pass, is always mors or less in a state of war in view of its position commanding the stra- tegic pass and the number of wir+ like tribesmen whe inhabit the coun try almost to the gates of the city, Consequently women and children are likely 10 be evacuated at the slight proveeation but nevertheless publia opinion here has been thoroughly dis« turbed, Nor was anxiety allayed by the of+ ficial admission there was & stMey censorship of Indian despatches, Half Dosen Injured { News from other parts of the cosh try, if less grave, was still sufigient+ ly serious, Another salt makigg des monstration took place at adrav ending in a police charge and the The jury of half a dozen persons, New Raids Reported Peshawar, India, April 25.=New raids were reported today from Kes hidaman, where Afghan governments troops recently captured a number of raiders and killed them by blowing them from guns, Reinforcements Lave been sent te the disturbed aren, Fighting also was reported today between government troops and ins surgents at Kalakan and Kasabaghy The insurgents were defeated and fled to the hills, Toronto---Archibald Strouthars 70, leaped 100 feet to his death day trom a window of his solicitor's office on the ninth flogr of a builds '| ing at Front and Hay Streets, Strous thers was aisd te have heen despois dent over financial worries, RECENT FROST \¢ HAVE DAMAGED "ONTARIO CROPS Western Ontario and Ning» ara District Farmers Heavy Losses Toronto, April 28 Ontavie farmers were given promise of some relief from their anxfety ever fall orops today when the weathen man Jredietes milder weather. The sharp frost of the last four nights dealt agrioulturists, parties Heri in Western Ontario, a severa ow, summarising the situation, J, A, Carroll, director of markets Mud co-operation hranch of the Ontarie Dohartiment of Agriculture, wa fall wheat and winter crops this year has suffored to & greater des gree than in past years, It 14 too early to estimate the damage. he sald, but there ia doubt farmers in Western Ontario have been hehvy losers as a of the brand of weather recen In Niagara Penincula dis more than 80 per cent, of the wheat has been killed and au even larger peranntage of spring grain has been hopelessly damaged, Cons ditions in moat parts of Central: Ontario are not quite so gloomy, but in practioatly all eastern couns tries damage has occurred, Considerable replanting will ba done, the agviouitural director stated, In the Sarnia distiot fare mers on olay have forced to replant a large hile South od somewhat terday, Norther Ontar was emerging from a storm that as sumed bhliasardslike proportions in some districts, Several inches of SNOW Way renorted ab 1 ot \ Co ON Ta

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