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Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Apr 1930, p. 3

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| | | 4 THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1930 PACE THREE No Further Action Taken by P.U.C. Re Purch Gas Is an Increasingly Popular Utility, Survey Engineer Tells P. U.C. Outlines to Commission . Plans to Discover Means of Increasing Efficiency of Gas Distribution in Osh- awa MAY BE OUTCOME Commission Desirous to Make Department Profit- ablo--Will Hold 'Special Meeting Monday , - a I'he use of stand; rd appliances, Ine eluding ranges and heaters, combine ing a nmximum of safety with wu maximum of efelency, is making gas an increasingly popular willity, ne cording to George Wi Allen, Indus trial survey engineer, of Toronto, who has been engaged by the public utilities commission to wake an ine dustrial survey of the gas situation in Oshawa, Mr, Allen appeared bes fore the commission at lis meeting fast night and outlined In detail his plans to "discover ways and means of Increasing the eMciency of h dis tribution In the elty thus allowing the commission oppartunity to reduce the gas rate to consumers, Mr. Allen pointed out that In the majority of the larger cities, gas is recognized us the best utility fos heating purposes, thus decreasing the demand for electricity whieh may then be uvsed more extensively for power and light, Through the efforts of the Canads fan and American Gas Association, practically all the manutagturers ol ge applinnees in Canada und the nited Status are making thelr pros ducts to conform with the minimum standard set by the assoclation, Mr, Allen stated. Such appliances bear the seal of the association and are much more eMelent and safe than aps pllances which were formerly manys atured, Oshawa merchants will be urged by Mr, Allen to display the mest modern gas ranges and heaters and in this respect they will have the co-operas tion of the public wtilities commis- slon, During the period in which he Is mn Oshawa, Mr, Allen will ens deaver to place before the pablie the atlvantages of was and the many uses to which it may be put in Indus. trial processes, The commission Is perplexed to know why in recent years the com- merelal rate for large consumers of gas has been higher than the rate charged to smaller or domestic econ» sumers, This system seems out of harmony with that conducted in the hydro and water "epartments wheres by the larger consumption of hydro oF water by any consumer means a decreased rate, It was thought that the consumption of gas for indus trial Jihotes was being adversely af» fpeted on account of the higher rate, The commission is desirous of give Ing consumers the lowest possible rates for gas and to make the gas department profitable, Although the city's plant Is not of the most lms proved type it Is yet capable of pro dueling per cent, more. gis than which Is now being weed, The pres ent problem, Mr. Allen explained, Is nat of production wut of more econs omles! and efficient distribution, with an increase In the number of eons summers, Chplrman Mason requested the sure vey engineer to propas " faport on the "result of his Investigations to date, which will be considered ut a special meeting of the commission next Monday afternoon, MOVIES INJURIOUS 10 THE COMMUNITY DEBATE DECIDES Affirmative Side Wins in De- bate at Christ Church Men's Club ------ In an interesting debate held at the regular oD .. of the Christ Chureh Men's Club, In Christ Chureh parish hall, last night, the affirmative side by John Borrewdale, was glven the decision by the judges on the subject "Resolved that the Motion Pleture Theatre Shows Are More Ins furious than Beneficial to the Com munity," The negative side was lead by Mr, H. Copeland, the judges being Rev, 1. B, Patterson, honorary pres dent of the club Mr, Corben, presis dent and Mr, Pennell, vice-president, The debate was keenly contested and many different views were brought forth on the injurious and beneheis! nature of the motion ples ture theatre, It was pointed out that If more care were taken by the producers to eliminate immoral scenes, the motion pleture would bes come the best means of betterment in the education and upbringing ol avery one, The Judges congratulated the affirs mative and negative sides for the able manner In which the debate was conducted, Next Thursday evening In ress Rolie to an Invitation from the Holy I'rinlty Church the Christ Church Men's Club members' will be driven down to Moly Trinity Chureh in private ears from the Christ Church parish hall' at 7.30 o'clock, where they will enjoy a social evening, -- EE O. Hemanded In Custody Mrs, Allee Rodesky who resides on Wilson Road was remanded une til Friday of this week, in police court this morning, Mrs, Rodeaky was taken Into custody on the 18th of this month on a charge of have ing a quantity of liquor In her pi pession without being the holder of an Individual permit, The arrest of Mrs, Rodeaky wan made by Pro. vinoial Constable Mitchell and 1 C, Fawhert, _. IT PAYS T0 BUY USED Oshawa's Greatest 920 OLDSMOBILE SPORT fenderwells, six tires and trunk rack, condition mechanically, new. 929 OLDSMOBILE BUSI six tires and trunk rack, mileage. Cannot be tol 9290 PONTIAC BIG SIX BUSINESS COUPEE ped with Lovejoy hydraulic shock absorbers, For who wants an almost new car at a used car someone price see this one, 1928 CHEVROLET new, 1928 1927 BUICK FOUR P. ASSENGER conditioned, Duco and upholstery in excellent for someone, 1927 STAR SIX CYLINDER TWO' DOOR owner driven and in the best of condition, a go ASK ABOUT OUR EASY TIME : PAYMENTS | Open every evening until 10 o'clock Roger L. Corbett, Ltd. shape. A bargain Al Uph and Oldsmobile. V "3 Athol Sty W, ~' Branch-=King Street, Bowmanville . COACH==This is a beautiful four cylinder car in Al condition, Runs and looks like PONTIAC SEDAN==Finish, upholstery and motor : © faultless. One of the best thuys in the city, A GUARANTEED CAR Used Car Values COUPE «= Rumble sea Weonderfu finish and upholstery like enderwells, New car condition and low d from new car, » quip. otor re iking Dealers Oshawa LITTLE THEATRE PRFSENTING FINE UKRAINIAN DRAMA UNIQUE PRESENTATION WILL BE MADE NEXT WEEK Wess rem reve Dramatic and Musical Fear tures of Play Are Outstanding The remarkable interest that has been wrouped In the last few months in the wonderful and dra matio and musical talents of the Ukrainian colony of Oshawa will roach iis climax next week, when on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, the Little Theatre will present to the eitizens the Wt, (leorge"s Ukrainian Dramatic Koo aloty In a colorful Urainian Oper. ottn, "Hrits. and Marusin" This should prove to be of the outstand- ing presentations in loeal Theatre history, The operetta Is one of an intensely dramatio character, af- fording a wide weope for the splens Aid natural ability of those who take part in it, and with musio typleal of Ukrainian art, and of a highly appealing quality, The members of the Bt, George's Ukrainian Dramatia Koclety who ave taking part in "Hritz and Mar. usin' have already shown to Osh- awa nudienee thele skill ps inter nreters of the highest tpye of drama, and tht voeal work, both that of tha soloists and of the en esmble echolrv, 1s significent, The colorful siage settings, combined with the vieh national costumes used hy the entive casts, made the production one that will live long in the memories of those who see it, From the principals down, with Mrs, Btaslek and Stanley Mozewsky playing the title roles, every part is filled with infinite skill one of the most remarkable hits of action In the play heing that of Mr, Halowles nlaying the part. of the hunehbsok lover of Marusia, Mis skill in this chars acterigation In amazing, and In alone worth going to see "Hrits and Marusia' 1s nrasonted for four nights at Ro. tary Hall, starting on Monday evening, and with the unigue ap peal of the play and those taking part in it. there should be a crowd. od hall each night, The box plan for reserved esata is tn be opened At the Arveade, Limited, on Baturs day morning at nine o'clock, and will be open each day while the play in on, Tickets will also be wold there, and lovers of music and drama who wish to enjoy somes thing out of the ordinary are urg od to make sure of thelr sents as early us possible, FIRE THREATENS HARMONY HOME City Fire Brigade Called to Extingulsh Chimney Blaze Last Night (By Staff Correspondent) Harmony, April When broke out In the chimney of the residence occupled by Mrs, A. Ter willegar, King street east, shortly after seven o'clock, last night, it was found necessary to call the Oshawa fire brigade, A high wind was blowing and It was feared that the fire might spread and cause great damage, A number of neighbors hurried to the scene and through their efforts the blaze was kept 4 cheek until the arrival of the firemen, After using chemicals the brigade found it necessary to employ a line of hose before the fire was finally extinguished, Mrs, Terwillegar Tn over eighty fpr old and lives with another aged ady, Little damage was done other than that by smoke and water, being fire Cause Who ave expected to visit Osh awn next Sunday, Commissioney Hay In Tervitovial Teader of the Nalvation Army for Canada and he is expected to conduct the evens I ---------- Te Father of Boy Who Was [Killed in Motor Accident { Near. Bowmanville Re: | ceives $1,000 -- Buffalo | Plaintiffs Receive $2,100 | [and $4,100 | TIMES' REPORTER | ASKED TO TESTIFY | Justice McEvoy Refuses to Allow Plaintiff's Lawyer to Berate Scribe (Special to The Times by) Ntaft Heporter) Cobourg, April 28-=Dumugos am» ounting to $7200 were nEainst the elty of Toronto Robert Abate playground super visor, at the completion of the threo day in the Npring non=jury sittings of tha Supreme Court of Ontario In the: Court House at Cobourg Inte last evening ufter threes prominent counsel had argued for the better part of three hours, The dampgos follows To Loul Toronto $1000 for the son In A fatal neeldont manville last and to J Murray of Duffalo, a passenger in one of the eure that figured in the pooldent $2,100 and to John 1, Hohnlk, driver of one of the ears $4,100, The declslon was given hy Mr Justice Moelivoy of London after a five and one-half hours session yesterday afternoon, The learned judge In giving his doelsion stated the olty must assume the respons sibility for any negligenca on the part of one of thelr supervisors when conducting wu haveball toum from one of the playgrounds to an outside engagement and for which he was bein pald a salary, He certainly believed, he added, that there wis negligence on the part of Abate in letting dhe boy drive the oar or In the alternative in driving the ear himself in the manner in whieh he had," Following the and notion were awarded nan Wetstein, of loss of his near How eptemhes recess for lunch NOTED BAVATIONINTE COMING Total Damages o Awarded Plaintitfs in Suit Against Toronto and R. Abate who | | ing nt the time that he | erash awarded | ing sevvies at the loeal Balvation Army Chindel, Many were disap. pointed when he was unable to aps pear sovernl months ago on ser CANADIAN LEGION PLANS FOR HALL ARE ENDORSED MEMBERS GIVE PLEDGE TO PROVIDE THE FINANCES Enthusiastic Meeting Filled | Council Chamber to | Capacity With an unanimous and enthuse instio vole, the members of tha Oshawa Branch of the Canadian Leglon, at a meetng last night which Alled the council chamber to the Hmit of its capaeity, endors- ed the plans of the executive for | the bulging of the Oshawn Le count of ness, ($7 200 Are when Abate was on the stand and which wan reported In yestorday's Issue or Phe Vimes, Abate was eross-oxamined by counsel foe plain His and was urged to give un fon #ihln gaplanation of the statement he had made at the time of the nes eldent that he was driving the ear and the stubsequent statement at Inquest and at the trial for vrim inal pegligence that on of the boys had heen Nathan was driving Nn statement that an the boy wis not old enough to drive and not know» Wis ROINg tir die he had made the sintement referred te, to protect the lad According other evidence given in | the course of the trial It was shown that the Rubinoff Jad was after the found leaning unconscious {from the driving seat, Other wit | nesnes - called Included Gordon | Wlackwell, former constable of the town of Bowmanville, Vrank Abate, brother of Robert Abate and Harold Callander who heard several states ments made hy Hehalk on the day of the ncoldent, These witnesses stated 'that un reporter of the Osh awn Times wan present at the time these statements were made and consequently BW, 1, Mortlock, of the Times staff who was In the eourt wins onlled te the stand Anked why he did not report what he had heard to the erawn Attarney Mr, Mortlock explained that in the course of a reporter's duties he hears many things whieh he does not consider 16 hig duty to tell bie Crown Attorne My, Maeddnald fuformed witness that he was sup posed to tell what ha knew and Mr, Justiea MeKvyoy intervened and sta ted that My, Mortlock had explain. od himself from his position an A reporter and that it was not hin duty to tell the crown attorney all he hears when covering a story for hin nowspaper, H, J, Macdonald outlined the cave of Watstien while Joseph Walsh argued the ocuse for Nohalk and Murray, Me, Titus spoke on hehalf of Abate and Col, Geary and in an sloguent adaress presented the case tor the elty of Toronto, This cane had heen before the econrt for the past three days and eight legal practitioners were in attendance, Phe costs of the case are helleved ta faye run' into thousands of dol» Inv, COBOURG SEEKS THREE HOURS ARE ENOUGH TO SOLVE 10 REGOVER BOND (Continued from Page 1) | ported during the lie time of the yearly policies, Several of these shortages went back to the year 1920 and therefore, did not come under the existing pos ley, I I, Cross, an auditor of the Oss ear Hudson Company, who audited the books of the town was the first witness called and in his evidence tuted that the discrepancies were rat noticed when the 196 books wer. audited in the Spring of 1937, There was in that year a shoriage ol 194 noticeable at the time but later twas --. that back taxes had als so been used making the total up to 9e, | The final cheek following the death of the collector showed that in addi tion to the sum spent in 1930 there wan used in 1937 the sum of $2,080 and in 1928 the sum of $727, It was found very difficult to trace the figures exactly as the deceased had taken eurrent years taxes to cos ver up money taken in previous years, Me, Cross was still belong examined when the court adjourned for lunch Gideon Grant, K.Cy and Fraver Grant are Tepatonting the Linarantee Company and Frank Meld, K.C, and 1, N, Phelan, KU, are appears ing lor the town of Cobourg pr -------- MUST PAY FOR LODGINGS Herbert Bilston who appeared in court last week and was ordered to pay $11 and costs on a charge of seeking to defraud his lodging hourekeaper out of her money; eAma up again this morning, He bad promised to pay the money this week hut today he sald he could not pay it all now, He asked tor TORONTO HOLDUP (Continued from Page 1) Toronto police department, Knters ing the bank unostentatiously, the girl asked for change for a #0 bill, When the teller looked up after counting the change he stared into her small, niekel-plateq res volver, Behind her, hey compans fon appeared with a rifla with sawed-off stook and with which he herded three customers and the hank staff into the vault, The two disappeared as suddenly and quiets ly an they arrived, leaving no trace of thelr identity, The final solution was reached an a result of the susplelons of a woman who noticed a wan and » girl leap from a ear at Gwynne Avenue and Queen street and dash Into a restaurant, Her curiosity aroused, she watched and when they emerged telephoned Charles Curtin, oity hall doorman, whe in turn telephoned the police, The arrests followed, Police Claim Confession Hrought to detective headquarts ora early last evenius from No, police station Wh Inapecter William Miller, Doteotivo-sergeant MeAllister and Duteotive Crows first took them, the prisoners wore © questioned, Hore, polipe state, they made full confessions, the girl and man both wating they had driven about the 'oity before the robbery and had even parked near a North Toronto bank branch contemplating holding it up, time to pay, The court ruled that he must pay up by next Priday a» take the sonsoquone es, Hubinolf, | He explained this by | gion al), and pledged themuelvay to support the proposal by thelr | Wao heurted effort and hy thelr parsons! financial contributions, The plans for the hall were une fouded In the report of the execs tive commitien, which was presen ted hy the president, Geo, Walsh, in the absence of the chairman of the executive. and wfter a keen discusion, In which all who took' | part exprossed enthusiasm for the plans proposed, the largs majority of those present at the mesting pledged themselves to give sub stantial support to the propossl, and to glve unstinted effort in the raising of funds, The mesting also endorsed the appointment of Vres Ident George Walsh, Vies-presi dent IT, K, Creighton, and M, M¢ Intyre Hood as the specinl bwid fing sub-committes of the execu tive Tawst night's meeting showed further growth in the branch meme harship, 18 new members benng in itiated, and 16 applications for membership being approved, Plans were discussed for hraneh ropresentation at the dis triet rally to ve held at Whithy on Friday, May 9, when it is expected that 200 members of the Legion will go from Oshawa to join In a convention of all the branches in the western section of Distrie No, 12, In order to make it possible for all members to go, It has heen des ¢ided to provide the buses and cars necessary for the trip without ex pense to the members of the party, and arrangements are that the mombers will leave Ohsawa short ly after seven p.m, 50 As 10 take part in the parade at Whitby at 7.00 pom Arrangements were also made for an party from the Oshawa branch to attend a gathering at Port "erry this evening President MH, James . and Be retary LK, Lomax of the Whithy Branch were present at the meet ing and spoke briefly, expressing thelr admiration for the splendid state of the Ohsawa Branch, and issuing a eal! for a full attendance of al! members at the Legion Ray on May 0 in the Whithy Town Hall The financial statement present. ed by the treasurer showed the finances of the branch to be at the highest level in its history, Walkout Was Threatened { by Trim Line at Motors According to Rumor A report was current in the elty this morning to the effect that n walkout was threatened hy meu employed on the "trim" line in the paint shop department of Gens eral Motors of Canada, Lid, yes terday afternoon, when a wage out Wis proposed by the company, It Is rumored that matters were. ads Justed to the satistagtion of all concerned and that for this reason the walkout did not materialise, The line Ia now operating as usunl it is stated, H, A, Brown, general manager, and W, E, Davis, assistant general manager, when called hy The Times this afternoon both stated that they had heard nothing cons cerning the threatened walkout, My, Davis commented that things were running satisfactorily, en Sm ------_-- RESULTS OF EASTER EXAMS, AT SAINT GREGORY"S SCHOOL Results of Easter lxaminations in St, Gegory's School tes Names are i order of merit, Sr, 1Vo=82 per cent, to 60 per cent, w=Lierald Solmes, 82 per cent, Gladys Rodeski, Gertrude Uraversy, Patricia Murphy, Agnes Kelly, Olive Curtin, Pat O'Donnell, Keith Melntyre, Mars garet Moore, Raymond Hrogkman, James Law, felon O'Donnell, Kath» eon Kroll, Edmund Dumontelle, Dor. ean St Thomas, William Cantwell, Mary Gitford, Marie Fontaine, Ju, 1V.==72 per cent, to 80 per cent, mits Wilkinson, Lawrence Kinlin, Jerome Hickey, (equal), Jean Mas vurk, Lorne Craddock, Vincent Dus aquette, Arthur Kearney, Loretta Gates, Josie HMolik, Robert: Beatty, Margaret Mullen, Filtysnine 10 0 er cente=Victor MeAdam, Annie Morels, Peter Nvoll, Jack Buckley, Angela Moore, Maria Milne, Gerals dine Lemee, Chas Brockman, Chas, MeDonald, Peter Baron, Jack Walks or, Donald Smith, Leonard Lackie, Bernice Higgins Teresa Doyle, Sn HE=Those who obtained 60 per cent, and over in order of merit Violet Horak, Victoria Colgovis, Marion Sammut, Margaret O'Dons nell, Jean Krawehyk, Francis 'Baran, Donald Hilton, John Stanton, John Wi ase 'Y.' Building Commission Would Discuss h City Council Question Of Erecting Joint Offices rr -- the | " (Continued on Tage §) VEN ee w (0D 1S A GOD OF OPTIMISM SPEAKER SAYS Rev. Dr. Graham Gives En- couraging Message to Sim- coe St, Brotherhood Rey, J, WW. Grahaw, Chalrman of the Edueatioin Department of the United Church of Canada, the guest speaker at the closing banquet of the Men's Brotherhood of Bimeoc Street United Church on Thursday evening, The gathering wus the larg est and most enthusiastic that ha attended any of the meetings of the Men's Brotherhood this year, Key Mr, Graham addressed the gathering In an optimistic manner stressing the fact that the world to day was taking te imistie a view of life, He deplored the faet that many people were considering God in # light of a pessimist, "T'hey looked oft God us a deity who built up the universe only to destre it with it Inhabitants nt il, The speiker pointed out that this was an entirely v point to tiske He stated that there were no more great disa ters today than there had ever heen With the great increase in the facili ties for communications in the world almost all the people wre able 10 read of events the world over, In the early centuries knowledge was con fined to a compirntively but with the increase in radio and telegraph events wer common knowledge all over the world, where they had been only known in a very small locality before, Great disasters such as earthquakes are no more numerous now than formerly for the same reason, The speaker continued by saying that the population of the world had inereased beyond compres henalon, There was need for pessimism in any way hen new problems arose there vere alway new lonovations to take care of the human race, The advance of Medical Selence In the last century has shown that God Is not a pessimist, continued the speaker, he great epidemics that swept the world fn #nflent thnes have been curbed, snd have wlmost disuppeared, Within the last few vears the discovery of insulin and radium have been symbols of the optimism of God Ihe ndvance of ¢hild weliare worl In all fra forms and the of working conditions fc Ing man advancement of life Rey, Graham sald that ago the world was In the war ut almost wll times tures of note were showed the great warriors of the time, Statues were erected to the memory of the heroes and the monument of that country's achievements, Today that ides had almost disappeared, War was looked upon as # slaughter and earnage to day the speaker continued, The Disarmament Conference was a step forward and a step toward a better universe, The people cannot hut ad mit that the world is a better place to live in than it was in the centuries that have gone vA very delightful musica! program was given during the banquet, Com munity 'singing was an enjoyable part of the evening, lead by Geo, Hanley With Bruce Halleran at the plano, Several solos were presented by Mr, Geo, Flemming and Mr, R, A, Hols deny Mr, J, H, Renwick acted as accompanist for these two numbers, The Camelot Tuxis Boys, who had acted as walters presented an exes tremelySinteresting skit entitled "The Employment Bureau." Four visitors from the Men's Brotherhood of Deonlands United Church of Toronto, headed by Mp, H, D, Tresldder, were introduced by Me, C. My Mundy, They expressed thelr pleasure at being able to be present at so fine a gathering, Archie Muedonald conveyed his thanks and appreciation for the splendid spirit that had been shown by all members of the lrotherhood during the year and especially for the help that had heen so willingly given to make the evening such a success, Rev, Mr, Harston voleed his appres elation of the work of the Hrothers Deaths CAVERLY « Thuraday evening, April 24th, 1000, Harvey 8, Caverly, aged 68, beloved hues band of Raloma Caverly, Funeral at his late residence, 180 Albert atvept, Oshawa, Saturs day at 3.00 pm, (Ta) MOODY==At Howmanville, Ons tario, on Wednesday, April 23, Freddie 8, heloved younger son of Major and Mwy, IY, H, Moody, aged Oi years and § months, Funeral Saturday, at 2.30 paw, from the family residence on Cone conslon Street to Rowaaville Cemetery, (0%) oo Lat ly CONTIN VIOTRTTY 01 FOUR corners, Thuveday, ® pearl aun buat, Fodder please phone 1806W Reward, (37a) (7 pe VIONK ' " vork the the ces ww wre only evider ol 100 years throws of I'he ple those whieh A \ aN. vonlences, newly decorated, 28h Oshawa Divd, Immediate posses slon, Phone 200 vr 3 Rowmanville, ' (971) Suggestion Made by Mayor Mitchell at Meeting Last Night--Commission Must Act Soon Chairman States OFFER OF Y.M.C.A, DEEMED REASONABLE Would Cost $5,000 to Alter "Y" Building for Com mission's Purposes No further action was taken by tha Public Utilities Commission at it4 meeting last night with regard to tha proposed purchase of the ¥, M, C, Ay building for offices of the commisse but it was decided after cons siderable discussion to approich the glon mak area; | betterment ety eouncil in. order to ascertain the councll would considen ! erection of & ity hall, or othen sultable building, in which the com» | mission's offices could be housed Jointly with the city offices, Mayon Mitchell, who w present at lass ight's meeting, stated that " thought the council might be willing to [hoot with the commission some | night ne | whether | the | us Lt weel {| The general opinlon expressed lnsg | nlght was that the eommission would { hive to take some action in order ta wequire un office building in the very ur build one suitable ta purposes, Mayor Mitchell that before the commiss any Independent action id with the city eoune'l of joining in the | erection of & structure with offes weeomodation for. both municips { bodies and' which would be & credit | to the elt If the city counell pro posed that this he dene, a portion of the cost might be berve by the como mission or else it might' arrange 11 rent from the city the necessary oy (Continued on Page 1), 4 neat | Hs sugested sion too) might diseuss the advisability Tuture awn | | Duncan Campbell Shows | Interesting Motion Pictures Taken on World Tous The 'motion; pletures of "A Tri Around the World" shown by My, { Duncan Campbell at Knox Church [last evening proved very interesting j and instructive, In. the trip the | uudlence was taken to Howat, Honcs [lubu, the Fiji Jolands, New Zealand, | ' | Australia, and up the Sues Canal td | Egypt, Colro and Palestine, and baght [to ands, During the evening goloy | were sung hy Mr, George Rey A 1 " Frank LeRoy and a duet by Messy " William Thompson and Frank Pros | wer, The evening's entertainment wits given in aid of the building | fund, There was a splendid attens { dane 0 | WOMAN JAILED FOR HAVING LIQUOR stood ax | Mrs. Allee Rodesky, who was take on into custody on the 14th of this month appeared for trial this moms ing, Provinelnl Constable Mitoheld and PC, Pawbert who had arrested her told the court that they had gone to the house of the accused on Wilson Road South where they found nine bottles of liquor cons conlod under the floor In a pantry, The Defendant pleaded gullty te the eharge of having the liguer ils legally, not being tha holder of an individual permit, His Worship in passing judgment stated that ams it was her second offense he could nog do otherwise than send her to jai for 'a period of three months, hood, He said that it had been of great henefit to the church as & whole as well as a great aid to hime self in his work, In closing his res marks, Mr, Harston expressed tha very real thanks of the Men's Bros therhood to Rev, Graham for hin very excellent address, Geo ,\Weals, president of the newly formed Men's Rible Class which has grown out of the Brotherhood moves ment, gave a pressing invitation ta all the men of the congregation to attend the class which meets in the Chureh every Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, During the banquet the Sundaw School orchestra under the eapabin direction of Mr, Uartlett entertained the guests with some enjoyable muale, The position of "Master of Cones monies" for the occasion was taken by Mr, Howard Bradley, Presideny of the Brotherhool, i Coming Events 8 Conte por WON each Bhs NUCH all, Friday evening, (S00) SQUARK AND ROUND DANCE, Rarnhart's Pavilion, Thursday and Saturday nights, Al uiaslgn 280, (D008=102:104) HEAR MISS ELSIE MoLUHAN AW King Steeot Churoh, Thuraduy, May 1st; at 8 a'oloek, Admiss won 240, D6:98:100-100) CONEULT MADAME EREDDA, solentitlo 1~lmisty at 234 8b Jullen Street, (Aa) MADAME RROWN, PALMISY Phone 26001 93 Louisa Nt, (97.00) TWO AUTOMORILYE SALESMEN wanted. Apply Nox 629 Tes, LI ve w ARR R

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