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Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Apr 1930, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, APRIL 28, 1930 PAGE FIVE Women's Interests in the Home --- and the Community S" CIAL and PEN. ONAL rs, T. B, Smith and daughter, | June, Bimaoe Biroet North, returned home week after sponding some weeks in California, Miss Bdith Vindlay of spent the week-end with ents In Bobeageon, Mr. and Mrs, Rassell Poel, of Whitby were in Boboageon over the week-end visiting the latter's par ents, On Friday evening Miss Bernice Larmey, Roxborough Avenue enter- tained at a shower in honor of Miss Dora Mountjoy of Oshawa, who Is to be married next month, There ware thirty-two friends of the bride present and all presented her with some gift, Sewing dusters for the bride, provided enjoyable entertain ment for the guests, Miss Lois Cermond, Charles street is entertaining at a bridge this afternoon in honor of her guest, Miss Isobel Yockney, of 1d: monton, Alberta, Mrs. J. W. Caldwell, Bond street, was ine her son in New Toronto, over the week end, , Johnston, of Peterborough, ign week end with her dangh ter, Mrs, Milton Porter,' of Oshawa Dr, and Mrs, 8, D. Dougall, of To + ponte, were guests of Mrs, Wi A Luke, King street east, over the week end, Dr Bougall had charge of tha services in Simcoe United chureh yesterday, Mr, Howard Adalr, of Queen's Un: Iversity, who has been spending a few days in town with his parents, left yesterday for Hamilton, where he will spend the summer, Mr, Allan Willams, of Queen's University, Kingston, was In town for the week end. Mr. F, Ball, of Oshawa, spent the week end In Lendon, Ontario, Miss Winnegene Pipher, of Toren to, was In town for the week end, Whitby, her pare street A very pleasant time was spent at Mr, and Mes, Melsane, Kingsdale ave, on Friday evening, when. they entertained the members of Vietory <O.BA at a euehre, "The prizes were won by: Ladies' first, Mrs, Geo Lee; second, Mrs, Johnson; consolas tion, by Mrs Erwin, Gentlemen's first by Mrs, E. Burt, who played as entleman, second by Wai, George 00, consolatien by Mr, Melsane, Refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by Mrs, Sellick and Mrs, Foote, A pa NEW SPRING COATS AND } DRESSES Many styles to Choose from. Our prices are right, SHOPPE 'THE FASHION 84 Simcoe Bt, §, | LINGERIE | Near Cor. King & Nimcoe Wt. Weddings LAVENDER +» LOGEMAN At four o'clock Saturday after noon, April 26th, a very preity wedding took place at the home of Mr, and Mry, George Lo Hn, Mill Jtreet when thelr daughter, Marlo dorothy hecame the ol Alfred James Lavender, son of Mr, and Mrs, James Lavender, Bloor street, The reoms of the house were pret- tily decorated, with streamers of white and white bells, The bride entered the room on the arm of hey tather to the strains of the wedding marvel played hy Miss Bmma hort, cousin of the bride. The bride's dress was of brown, georgette trim. med with transparent velvet, with shoes to match and carrying a bou- anet of earnations she looked very pretty, The bridesmaid, Misg Nel lle Logeman, wister of the bride, was gowned in green eanton erepe and earried a houguot of earnation, Mr, Herbert Cooper naeted as best wan, Rev, Jarrett, performed the ceremony, after which about forty auosts were entertdined at a wed ding supper. 'The pianist, brides- maid and best man were presented with beautiful gitts and the groom's #ift to the bride was a fine fox fur The gusts were given the oppor. trinity of viewing the numerous wifts, Mr, and Mrs, Lavender will reside In Oshawa, EE LADY LINDSA 70 WORK HARD FIXING HOUSE | Wife of British Ambassador Has No Time for Favor. ite Pastimes Washington, April 28, == Lady Ronald Lindsay, who will soon be mistress of one of the largest houses in America, plans to spend the hot summer "with her sleeves rolled up" Nhe will be getting wettled In the great new British Embassy, With furniture coming over from London, a corps of 16 servants to select and plans for formal enters talnments to be made the wife oi Great Britains new embassador will have little time for her favorite adores his pastimes, motoring and gardening. Dressed In brown to mateh the oolor of her eyes, the lively and gracious wife of one of England's best known diplomats sat In the big drawing room of the old em- bassy and talked of her plans for runing the 97-room home of which she Ia to be mistress, Nandy, a droll little old man of @ grey foeoteh terrier, sat at her feet, Plain to be seen Handy mistress, Nhe has a most direct and likable personality, She is approachable, friendly and has a sense of humor, "By all means 1 shall have An Amerioan ehel," she says, "Will I supervise the marketing awd the menus? Well," her eyes twinkled, "I don't know, but I like to eat!" Lady Lindsay says she will bring her own pots. and pans, linens, qlans and china to the new em- hasey, Plotures of the royal fame 'Iy are the only articles whieh will Ye transferred from the old em. bassy to the new, Heveral months ago Lady Lindsay made a trip here gognito to "get the lay of the land," "I think the kitehen is lovely," The says. "I like having the stove In the centre and the windows 10 feet above the floor, It In A save ing In steps and wall space," The hig garden Interests her most, for a hae studied landscape gardens ne, On the occasion of their golden wedding anniversary, which My, and Mes, Robert Ashton celebrated on Monday last, they were reeiplents of a beautiful floral gift from the Cols umbus Women's Association, and al- #0 a silver bread tray from their neighbours An error was made In the report of the Holy Trinity Church birthday party, whieh took place last Wed hesday evening, Those who were pre sented with flowers, the play were Mrs, Jarrett and Mrs, Wells, ATTENTION! ON Cshawa Technical School Offers Spacial Class for Women in DRESSMAKING COMMENCING APRIL 30th From 2 to 4PM. The launching of the Quest, the Vite designed elght-metre yaeht which has been completed at Oaks ville, Ont,, Yneht Building Co, for the Canada ugh rine; will take place April 99, Miss Audrey Goods evham, fourteensyenr-old daughter of Norman I. Gooderham, wil) hive the honor of thristening the now boat==Vhotograph of. Miss Gooderham by the Milne studios, STUNT PLANE MILLS SPECTATOR (Continuad from Page 1) Neven Killed Nashville, Tenn, April 29, Heaven persons in a crowd watching A stunt filer at an air Neold at Fay. ottaville, Tenn, were killed and approximately 20 wore Injured yesterday when the plane crashed to the erowd, The pilot, Milton Covert of Cols umbia, Tenn, was sweeping over A rallway embankment to land, when the plane suddenly dived, falling about eight feet, He and his two passengers were unhurt, The dead are: Booney Weard, awed 14; Kelly Towry, ned 20; Florence Smith, aged 30! Monro Marbury, aged 01; Hurley Spray, Aged 30 Marvin Ashby, aged 00, and J, OG, Hurlson, uged 85 Tragedy at Vort Worth * Alvord, Texas, April 88, «= An aeropiane erash during a storm five miles northwest of here oam the lives of James H, Kolly, aged 20, of endurance Nght fame, and two companions Saturday night, Kelly and G0, W, Monnis Br, aged B50, an oll operator, both of Fort Worthy Texas, were killed almost instantly, and €, I', Williams, aged 40, of Tonkawa, Okla, dled in a Fort Worth hospital, QC. Rows, Oklahamn City oll operator, the, fourth cocupant of the plane, wis injured seriously With R. L "Reg" Robbing, Kel ly sot a now world's endurance feht record at Fort Worth In May, 1080, by kepping aloft thelr monos plane the Fort Worth, more than 178 hours, Pliot and Friend Die Milwaukee, April 385 Pilot Als bert Roden, aged 26, of Hankville, Wis, and his friend, Harry Wags ner, aged 16, of Grafton, Wis, wero killed yestorday when Roe data plate orashed near the Hols terhoff Alrport here, In Dead Grayling, Mich, April 88, w= Herbert J. Fahy, noted aviator, died in a hospital here yesterday of injuries suffered in an aefoplane acoldent near Roscommon, Mich, last Friday, Boy an Gird Vietims Portsmout, NH, April @8-A hoy and a girl were burned to death In an aeroplane crash beside the Portamiouth Country Ciub yess terday afternoon, The dead were Geneva Nrackett, aged 14, of Ruf field, Conn, and Bruce Hessler, aged 14, of Greenland, N. HW, Falla Twenty Foot Los Angeles, April 28, ~ Mim Bonnie Nrown, aged 25, a Neensel alr pllot, died Saturday from fund Juries received yesterday when a glider she wan Nying orashed from an 7altitude of 20 feet, WESTMINNTER ABBEY BECOMING OVERCROWDED London, =Dr, Foxley-Norrls, Dean of 'Westminster, has made the pros posal that if a certain great mem: erial tomb in the abbey were res moved it would make room for at 'oust 100 more worshippers, And, Fah - by the cast of Judked by the attendance at the Abbey, not at special services but on ordinary 'weekday oooasions, thin additional space for worships pers in badly needed, Whether the Dean of Weatmins wer will ba enabled to proceed with the removal without encounts ering a variety of apposition in Wihly doubtful, . All manner of folk become voeally indignant whenever a proposal Is atoot to a fect alterations In a building such an Westminster Abbey, There la not the leagt doubt, hough, that while the Abbey con: alng much in the. way of memen lal that should forever be regarded MAN JUMPS FROM BED tEELS GA» ON HEART 'Stomach gases pressed wo hard ft my heart 1 had to got up nights, began using Aldertka ang have spon entirely rolleved," « R, I i here Vog to Vind and make a path queer WOMEN'S CORNER| I HAVE MY BOOKS Out of sen-wind cloud fell down "Stop," wald fest, "and let the fou " 0, / PN A said courage, 'to glve the day wo)" Words said, "Liston for the fog: Vollow cortamly and walk well" "Load," 1 said, "pursue, and come hy Line of hedge, snd my own gote's oye, "When I lateh again my door-lock Lot fog heat with Its soft gray« knock; "Fog on fell stil) queerly bind it; I have my hooks I shall not mind i." Marthe Wobster Morrichew, MINT INLAY Ye oup apple vinegar 1 oup water Green coloring W% cups (1 1h, 7 on) sughy YW eup bottled pectin % to 1% tesspoons speurmint extract, Combine vinegar und water, snd add enough coloring to give 'tint desired, Add wugnr, stir, end bring to a boll, At onee add pee tin, stirring constantly, and bring again to a full rolling boll and holl % minute, Remove from fire und add sponrmint extract, acoord. ing to favor desired, Let stand 1 minute, skim, and pour quickly, Cover hot jelly with tim of hot paraffin; when jely is eold, cover with % neh of hot paraffin, Roll gloss to spread paraffin on sides, If lemon juleo 1s used Justesd of vinegar, use 1% cups of water and wirained Jules of two lemons, Makes 4 to Bb elght-ounce glosses, un sacred and untouchable, it also containg 4 lot of the variest rub. bish, In the way of monuments to persons who are entirely forgotten ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs, J, ©, Sargeant wish to announeg the engagement of thels oldest daughter, Rhoda Vietorla, to Melville Hil Smith, The wedding will take place the Intter part of May. ==Peterboros and Kingston pap- ers please copy, (998) FIRE SITUATION CANADIAN FORESTS SEVERE IN 1929 Might Have Been Disastrous | Except for Modern | the wport has hecome popular, Fighting Methods Ottawin ~The forest fire situa. tion in Canada during 1030 was one | of the most severe ever experienced | snd might easily have heen the mont disastrous In history but for the Intensive development of fire fighting methods, Canadian forests extending bes tween Waoutern Ontarie and the Pacific Const wora chiefly affected by fire, Home 6,080 fires were res ported during last year, With the exception of 1082 thin is the largest number. of fires for apy year on record, The loss is estimated at $0,802,400; 6,020,749 acres, which two-thirds was non-forested, wore destroyed, Much greater disastors undoubtedly have heen hut for the efficient work of large fire fighting orews which tolled for weoks and sometimes months at a time to prevent monstrous confiag: rations, The cost of suppression nlone Is estimated at $078,000, This does not pepresent the total cost of protection but merely the cost of nutualire fighting, Ad unparalleled conditions of ex. treme drought throughout Western Canada 1s responsible for the fre- auency and the furor of the years fives, Now Ship Kleetrie Marvel The new Canadian liner, Em press of Japan, has an unusual elevtrie equipment, It has wires loss telegraphy, with a wireless direction finder, electric apparatus for submarine signalling, a gyros sope company, electro phono graph repeater, electric motion pleture outfit and eleotrio stoves, of | | would | recorded | "Ppisoner" Will Not Leave Lewisham. Ungland, police have a prisoner in a cell of their sta- tion which they are anxious to got rid of, but has no dosire to go, It isa large swan, which alighted in a busy street and tied up trae, Two oven Inrger policomen finally captured it, Polleo reports show that It has a large nppetite and no friends, Australin is starting au campaign to Induce American tourists to visit that country, A first-odition of Charlotte Bronte's "Jane Eyre" was wold in| London recently for $2,100, | The first Irish-spoaking battalion | of the Irish ¥ree Miate has Just added n pipers' band, In avery country in which Ame orien baseball has been Introduced The Mendosa wine growers of | Argentine have adopted a system | of cosoperative produetion and mars | keting. wohl : Viscountess Coke In the wife of the son and heir of the third Karl of Lelcoster, who in turn Is a dow condant of Nir Kdward Coke, chief Justice of the King's bench in the | ralgn of James I. From the birth | of the first earl in the present Jno (0 the death of his son there was thy long interval of 137 years (1758. HON), the second peer having boon born when his father was over 70 and daving himself ronched the age of Mi. The sooond earl was twice married, having elghtean ohildron, the eldest of whom was 40 years older than the youngest, who now nc A niece BY yoars older than him. Lal) ET = eT vy oy TIE --, 4; 5 Ry : = - WHAT NEW YORK 18 WEARING By Auneholle Worthington Mlusteated Drossmaking Lesson Furnished with Every Pattern A moulded sllhoutte that ads heres wirletly to tallored lines, that smart women are choosing for sporth and street, In 1llustrated In Style No. 23878, It Is almond green shade that 18 especially wearable, The bone buttons that give the bodice a double-breasted effect, also con bine with inverted plaits of the skirt to carry out vertioal line that gives the Afure holght, It can be had in sizes 10, 18 {ram 86, 38, 40 and 42 Inches Violet:grey wool jorney, navy lua silk ere 0, rua brown covert W hinesviolet sl Jounty ideas, i, rope orn price 20 cents, sure to fill In wise of ty Address Pattern Dopartment, Our Spring Fashion Magasine in 10 oentn, No. BITE Bln cia ivinias iiss EEE EEE RT] "Name a DEERE TY Htreol "Address "a BERNAL A ARAYA oly State PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON Thin Siler" [1 tnolow Sais Year ies i 1 RAR A Marjorie White, star of "Sunny Nido Up" and "Happy Days" und two new movies, who arrived in To. roto to spond a few days at her old home with her widowed mother, | Estacion Calles and Guerrero, | Moxico, have just been connected by a new rallway line, | Great. Britain and Northern Ire-| land hays 1,000,000 more telephone | then in 19020, Vrance esnt more than 100,000 | tons of silk products to the United Btutes last your All plantation workers in Hawaii are busily employed this season, Following the increase of the tariff in Australia on elgaretios the country is to have its first "fag" Inctory, Btockholm, Bweden, April 28 The total wales of Bwedish wood | for this your's delivery now amounts to about 600,000 stand~ ards, which Is an excellent figure for this time of year, It Is reports od here that the proposed Russian agrooment with the English syndls cute of importers has not yet heen concluded, Russia, however, in the meantime han sold fairly large quantities to Importers outside of the syndicate, 4 A fine, distinctive flavour, guaranteed the best you ever tasted in a corn flake Freshness and crispness protected by the triple seal and wax wrapper Corn Flakes _ MABE BY THE MILLERS OF QUAKER OATS L,I LLL. 7 A For Safety First | in Home Dyeing ++ -use SUNSET No acids used=will not injure the finest gooda--your hands--or utensils, Sunset dyes boautifully, quickly and evenly, _ SUNSET wr DYES MADE IN CANADA "Vogue for Colour | in Dishes demands modern dishwashing," by RuTH WASHBURN JORDAN Home Economics Expert "T'S colour everywhere==from fragile im. na in Fifth Avenue shops to the gay cups and saucers at the "five and ten!" And best of all, the salespeople tell you, these lovely new tints are easy to ported care for, hands! And red, rough dish-pan hands Are 50 UNDECEssAry, Washing dishes the moderna way in bubbling, sparkling Lux gives the hands real beauty hier ESP thew smooth and white as the hands of leisure: Start today to give your hands end your dishes this moderna care, It's so wondes fully inexpensive, Lux for all your dishes costs less than 1c a day: «As one of the foremost experts on china, I. J. Cuthbertson, President of the famous New York china house of Wm, H, Plummer Co, saide "We have always warned against harsh, strong soaps for the new china, But Lux is perfectly safe!" Saves colonrs=--saves bands The gentle, bland Lux suds that modern homemakers everywhere have adopted to save the beauty of fine things save, too, the delicate colours of these new dishes. I ordinary, coarse soaps dull the beauty of your dishes, think what they do to your Le Bien Lg, SNL RRA en LL sve | Krueger, if "ot | Adlerika relieves GAR and roar - a ron RS stomach in TEN minutes! Acta on | . ROTH and lower bowel, res moving poisons you never knew bt ore. Don't take medicine Ei SR 4 oath oh OF | omach an bowels a REAL cleaning and see how you feel. Jury and Low oh, dd. Drugs, y LUX in the dishpan \ Wed. and Friday Until June 10h keeps your bands lovely py big lc a day! LJ I 5 BOAR ARERRRRA NNN 1 He RERRES

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