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Oshawa Daily Times, 29 Apr 1930, p. 11

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PAGE ELEVEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 1930 SERIED SECTION, 4 jf Se NANT & pas rg | EG or rh APA A Ed i | PRANK EOE WAWWINTRM, : a Ppt Fo i v, Batristers, Converansern. Coat Nosarmos Publie, ote Tg Kod e Jo F ieron KC. EE wn 5 he fours s J S. HVMAN. BARRIS fn Bad ici tor Lig BY 2 muscle 250 rH a, 0 Development, oi pposite Post Otfice, (Apr, 14:1 mo) soesiaiin oa fh Phone ok fo fand AND SMITH) AR- 5 analnzers 47% ig aL aoe, Fo Leling street, co sires i Ti _-- th hone or} Residence UR Soli or ele, ALEX U, rm Conve , ole, Be fon, TH hone 3387, Sineos YO As BARRIS (1) Solicitors, « Algor | wldg Oshaws - ' Poh "Perry, Probes LL Gnem, Port Perry 34 ng THD hy 3 me) A PARKHILL, BAR etc, \foney to loan, Alger Bldg, opr posite' Post Office, Phone 1614, J lk hl A TR -------- Medical | PRE HAZLEWOOD & HARPER, Disney Block, Phone "050, Oftice hours 9 a.m, to 8.10 pn, Dr, B J, Hazlewood, special atiention to Purgery and X-Ray, Jr, B, H, Hap per, special attention to children's Diseases and Obstetrics, Sunday and night calls "416 or 122, j HYSICIAN," SUR DE USKAY ny Office and resi ence, King St, Eest, ome Victoria Osh Phone DW, TRICK, PH IS], | BE Hoa HE * references to maternity work and dis of Soe St N.. (cor, Brock) DR. GR eon, Obstetr n, diseases of pn, and chi: Office and iY ic st. Phone 1158, f= ; MER M.D, CM, J Obstet of ce 142 Simeoe St. N° Phon gin | 2 i Yos\dence 30 Caalllae Ave, "North. i Phone 81605. Pi. C. W. CARR, ricla i and triclan, Office Sut hos. mice strest north. I 8415. d bstetriclan, office sah, Sur dense, "3 Simcoe Street, i x 3 £1 a orth phone J ST64T, | EFL, 9 -] . -- oo hth | tore eac alu y or consultation and treatment of egos of ear, nose and throat oo only, Appointments mav be mad: #t A Bre, Ear io SE Throat : C | over Mitchell's The Store, Hours | 10 to 12 am. 2 to 5 Evenings Oftice phone - a ra (A | teed 0 consult R, Johps, B00 Simoos north, Your (nsurasce "vants ab Unde to sad your .nterests pro- te CANTA He A ST0KAGE coLF men's, Specialist in tural A on storage ware house sad moving ven equipment Phone 89%, CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL a 190 Saulias. A con Phone 034, 10 Bond Bt, West. OSHAWA'S OLDEs?T po ESTAR. lishat furn'ture 8 movers. Par! CAT ame. stanee frank o, "pie o" Park Rd Sout! (Apr, 19-1 mo) Beauty Parlors UETTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE Shop, HSpecialats In permanent, finger and marcel waving, Fer manent wave prices $5, $7.80, 10 and $15, All other lines of Heauty fluiture, Phone 2008, Apply sb Bimcoe street north, Bot iv hen ' Gules i We AND clalize adler, | ing adil na, mar, aad 3 0 ine off X id 147 Agami oy for Mich 26407, Apr, 201 mo) Tam ANTROWLYNDE, or (Hambourg Conservatory, To: roote) papke repared for all axams, Oshawa Tussday, 64h Wik fam street wast, uprialrs, Phone (180t0) 7 R, OR. apist and cholr master of Klos Sirest United Church will accepl pupils fo plano, organ and vocal music, For particulars apply 80 William street east. Phone 2806, (Apr, 6-1 mo! music, Oshawa gl and Public $ihosts Studiod bb St, phone 1084), 6-1 mo) Ee Se | GRHAWA RADIO GERVICE, AS cessorive for skle, repairs uu ele: rio: apd battery sets, tubes and tteries tested, batteries re Sl ohare "Walon 11s i 'Bets (Apr, i mo) ALL SETS REPAIR. fo Baal vechar le work gu ra. one ie Bow Vie eo. Burroughs, | [] . LADY, 16-1 mo) an 8) onarged, '150 called for and de Pig Radi ie. Sirisha erevt: od. Piatt, Phone 18 rv 20-1 mo) ¢_ hour! eps: 20-1 mo "ROME TAYE PORK steak and Kiduey ples, Hot or cold brawn, cakes a ote, yg Coy X braked, 0s street, P » oueral ure "Pei ; : rol 41 mo) |! ae RL repairing delvore Baond Ad-1 wo), cleaning, All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Etc, STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and lose arising from handling a large number of small arcounts of this nature, For thy eonvenlence of customers who find it inconvenient 0 some personally to The Times' office, a telephone call will bring a messenger who will recsive the advertisement snd collect for same, "Times" Classified Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT Ads Bring Results Work Wanted | ATTERIES CHARGED. CALLED oy und fo are hg re - hen" Hligdon, 80 Will Phone 1885 W, Apr ie 1 mo) Phone 1884M, » Ah (81) YOUR "/TNDOWE CLEANED TV the Oshawa cleaner, Bid Thomas, Plorms removed, awning hung, hardwood floors polished, Phone 2087), and' blocked new at The West, Shoe Cleaning. Work 40, Victor Col Aor, 4 = 1 mo) ein old hat cleaned to. look lke Hul, 13 King, & $ret Shine and Juasangsed Phone For Rent KPANTMENT= MOLWINHONE Hike suites, Home furnished, laun- dry, conveniences, 'eles dryer, eto, eleg stoves, eles refrigeration, bot water year round, Phone 1660 or JUeTW, (HLH FOUR AND PTV RUONYD Mo orn suites Including eleetric retrig: eration, stove, laundry, vonveni ences, ote, continu' 8 het water supplied, Apply Supt, "phone 467), or The Trusts und Uusraptes Uo, Atd,, manager for owner, Toronto, (471) TWO ROOME TO RENTw=§UN- Risbed with every gonvenience for Ughi housekeeping, Phone §33y, (Phe) HOUSE TO LET w= ALL CON- yenlenses, hardweed floors, Apply Bradley Bros. (86t1) -------------- So ---- -- - WANTED DREBSMAKING, LA die's dresses, Ensemble suits, children's clothes, and alterations, Mrs, Connolly, 287 Richmond, East. Phones 800) (Apr, 20+1mo,) 'Articles For Sale get gro w= 'wood T0 LET ~~ 2 CHOICE APART. ments, Baird Block, 148 Simcoe 8, every 'gonvenience, Phone 466 or 2563. (Apr. 16-Ma VOR RENT «= FIVE ROOMEDL brick house, conveniences, hards floors, newly decorated, '| paved street, Possession May firat. APply 31 Elgin east, phone 1054J, (hbo) aterous M 09, i oc s if Apply ©, Tull, Phi . 2 Waterous. » , 40:1 mo) onl - dr -- or driveways Mook Limited, Phont 1 -- a a Ne {shes, We have the largest assort ment of paints, varnis ete, In in tite city, The Paint dtore, 80 King street west, (Apr, 28 tf) 68 Lloyd St, used bleycles from $13 up, These are in absolutely first lass 'condi+ tion and are offered 10 you at ony a fraction of their market yalue. Telephone 2774, Open evehinsn 12 Richmond E, a hair chesterfield suite," "used six months, Wood top electric wash [J] (Beatty) uearly new, [Eleotric fixture 'fve lights), Apply 454 Montrave avenue, south of on pot LOW WHT enamel bed, Taleo veranda gate, Apply 86 Buckingham Ave, olka furniture, writing desk ani book case, table, heds, oil stove 487 Colborne street east, LL Od a Shen Ht 181 Oshawa ooh [APPLY 104 Albert ak (90h) u AGH. 410, _do0D condition, 8 amp, Tunger Battery Charger, Ha and clothes reel, $3, A Ave. UL 1st "olan shape, $44 come Katte fas Jona M engher, 92 {doe 0 lage, one dining room table, one sideboard, and other household are ticles. Apply 221 Division i ti [OTT HH Ro " 40, 36. 0} Ford dw: fators, $10, Also auto parts at a prices, Motor Accesso Co, 31 King west, ca 20864, i Sime.) ang BW, 8 ot Alms 81 Phone liven a gat) All canyeniences NMpRly Bradley. liros, TO RENT somisprivate entrance, Modern, app! ( TLE X OOM HOUSE ON re liam 8t, Past, venlenoes, Oshawa. Bivd, sion, Phone Sos ri Bowmanville, } (081) APARTMENT TO LET, CENTRAL hardwood floors, (L1H BEAUTIFUL APs artment over Karn's Drug Store, Arge, spacious living room and Possession May tieat, 1080, Apply Dr, Fi | Henry, 201 King East, Phone 11, 1000) "1H "FOR convenlenc oh, Phone (980) rent, All J00W, age, unfurnished, All conveniences, Apply 160 Agnes street, (00D) TWO UNTT RY TERED ON PAR lg furnished light housekeeping rooms, close to Motors and bos) ness. section, Phone J184F, (Bg FOR MUNT=TWO UNF UTNTE: od roows and sun reent 816 per month, 72 Buckingham Ave, -- (dhe) ENTER WALL, Courtice, two nights each week for publie or private parties, An idea! place to entertain your friends, Phone 385 r 2-4; (080) TREAT LOMA APANTMINTE 101 King St, Bast, Oshawa, Three and Five Room with Hath, Very to Apart, 2, (080) Newly. decors ated, conveniences, aM Royal Ht, Tone 188, (80) furnished Yop ms, All convents ences for light housekeeping fuk Triohdn "Horan oouple or 8 golugm to huginess, i. General" Motors, 93 borough Avenue, Rox- (Blo) newly. decorated, 13% Immediate possess | 'Rates for | Classified Ads, Minimum charge 80¢, Ru Arr ont ) Tn Or Bes oS {ihren ton cents a kd Meri an 6 tat WN re Box aumber 100 a Ta or pine moyth tor $0 J 1" for ae a. per oath | A on Lloyd Why "lern conveniences, | Sieg, 16 Halliday For Root on Elgin Bt, W, Apply 84 Elgin street west, (DELL) Rooms to rent, Al conveniences, Apply £66 Albert Btreet, aah. roomed fiat, nicely furnished; vay convenience, go mo nee 21 Warren avenue, galo, garage, hardwood trim, Cone venienves, 178 College avenus, Phone 1017W, (hoe 4 oo ' conveniences, § rooms, Apply 196 Albert Bt, (90g) with conveniences and double garage, Apply a" [1] Idoyd Wt, (98a) A TRE" 0F% and with three roomed house on Gibbon street, Rent $18 per month, Apply 131 Mary street, hone 204, (hie) ground floor, with garden, private entrance, Rent #10 monthly, Phone 1666 rv 4, (Phe) TWO UNPURNIAHED ROOMS, ground floor, private 'entrance, ovary convenlence, Phone 8087J, 147 Oshawa Diva, (1000) TWO COMPLETELY FURNIRAED rooms for light housekeepina, lovery convenience, 168 JHurke street, Phone 14807, (1000) T0 RENT= 6 "HOOMI ANT BATIT All modern Improvements, Ors chard and garages, 280 and 984 Nassau Bt, (1008) VOR RINT=NEWLY™ DECON: ated, modern home on Drew Ht, $87.50, Phone Holden B71W, (1000) TO RENT == NEVEN"T ROOMED brick house, All conveniences, Vary central, Apply 188 Chureh street, (100¢) FON RENT=¥90, BMALL BUN: gale, at 2856 Vrenoh street, Apply 204 Huron street, Phone nav. (100¢) THRU HOOWE ¥URNTRRED on unfurnished suitable for houses keeping or hoard If desired, Cen tral, Reaponable, Phone 1848), (100¢) Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT-THREE OR four roomed bhungale, cottage, or three unfurnished rooms, ground floor, Conveniences, Apply 1858 Als bert Hireet, (98e) t ed brick bungalow, 40 Emma Bt. Phone 18627 6 pm, te 8 pm, (hi) Real Estate For Sale PROMTANCE VITO ATE i nore ohicken ranch, with or with | out birds and equipment, Hatiataes | tory reason for welling, Easy terms, or would consider eity prop. erty, J, Davies, 244 Gllddon Ave, Phone 080M, (98) rooms, Hardwood floors, All mods Metal garage, Wall planted grounds, Central, Bowmanville, Phone 468 Bowman ville, (080) COT WON SALE AT WACRIFICH On very easy terms, Apply 243 Centra street, (Apr, 288 wkn,) JOR FALE--NEW" f1vil ROOM ED rug briok cottage, furnuce, cement collar, three plece bath, oak floors, $0,800.00 with small payment, Will take used car or cheap lot as first. payment, Hee A, J, Riokell, 430 Simoee street mouth, phone 1240W or 25681W, ( 00b) home, 7 room, All conveniences, 0 piece bath, furnace, electric, ete garage and outbuildings, barn with stone stabling, large hen house and colony houses, splendid orehard, Close to school ohureh, Kverything collected. Will 'sacritios on account of other business, Would exchan but must have some cash, fi ind Box 640 Times, (10 00) THORUON RUTTANLY FON UN: tleman, to share with another Vioinity Brock Street, Board it deslved, Phone 1867), (9 e) no TW0 A rooms to rent, Apply 280 Dears borne Ave, IPhone 2083W, y (1000) VATE family, Phone 1008), (1000) TURN TRU PHILS TIRED and repaired; Also tetrimming and decking autos, hone 1488N, Prices modera o, (Mar, Ril mo) sutomobiles and furniture, The best in workmanship at the Jontat prices, Note new ad on, 4% oe South, G, A, Constable, IW, Ln 303 wes) CONTRACTING === CONURETT tions, tt) Very central, | plastering, eleotio oi alk Phone 130 for estimates, and gavage floors, sidewalks and roadways, sand, gravel elnder, Chris Siam, hone 201M, Apr, 20-1 mo) catalogue, Hailida Motor Cars AVI YOU TAIL « repaired at 40 Bond Bt, West, Body and fender work done at shortest notice, also repairs to motor bouts and general wood work, Phone W, ¥ry 8805, (Apr 82-1 mo) paint, trim, condition "oxcellon/, rivately owned, girefully driven, Phono 670W, 241 Mary Bt, (M9e) stake body, Bmall mileage, will take $100 cash, balance monthly, Phone 200, (1008) for good car, Bax 650 Times, (hie) "Pets and Live Sivek, , THTORA from carefully soldered large heavy layers, after May 1st, All Hatching eggs, Visitors 'welcome, Geo, Reynolds, Courtles, (Apr; 86-1 mo.) Awnings Q 5 m= PORCH awnin 6 vergnduh curtaing, eunopy tops installed, FT, Tayler, Toronto, hone 1053 (Apr, 10:41) A . CAGR, all kinds of ennvas goods, Come plete camp equipment for rent, Fog Hardware, phone 85 or 30, Agents for J, J, Turner upd Mon, Peters boro, Ontario, (Apr, 80-1 mo) uditing and Accounting AUDITING ANE XCUCUNTING service at reasonable rates, In Come tax reports and abBu.d statements prepared, It, A, Holden, 2 Blmcoe street porth, phone §w, (Apr, 11:1 mo) Wanted T at fa ULE By CHAD horse, or will take on for its feed, Mend full particulars to Hox 684 Times, (1004) Palmist MADAME NENA, PALNINT, 008 Beunn Vista, Appolptments, Phone BW, (Apr, 811 1-1 uo) Agents Wanted YARN 886 TO V0 WEEKLY AT home addressing cards, No oan vassing, Hyerything furnished, Hpare or full time, Hend stamp for particulars Box 041 Times office, (100m Rugs AUGN = AMYRNA REVEWATETE rags, 80 to #1 down, 200 per week, Vor samples phone 1818W, (Apr, 20 1 mo) Sp Corsetiore NRE SCATTER SPTHRLCA WE resentative, north west and south oast districts, 100 Frederick street, Phone S180M, Apr, 16-1 mo) Tenders Wanted FOR SUPPLYING, FILLING AND leveling approximately seven huu- dred yards of earth at Bt, Greg ory's Cemetery, North. Oshawa, Contractors will tender by yard und for job, All tenders to be in by May 2nd, 1930, For full informas tion see I, J, MeCatfery, 21 King St, EB, Oshawa, Ont, (08e) CHOKES INTENDED WIFE, BUT SHE BEGS POLICE FOR PARDON Evanston, 11, April 80.=Mys, Kisie Richards' neck bore finger marks, and Thomas Jovanger's head had a deep gash in it, The police wot a oall Sunday night from Mrs, Richards, a widow, She sald a man had choked her 'and waa even then in an alleyway near her apartment, 'The police found Joranger, rubbing his head, Mm, Richards, he sald, had heaved a milk bottle with unerring aim, This episode apparently waa subs sequent to an encounter during which the finger marks were in|), flicted on Mrs, Richarda' neck, An the law was about to look Jovanger up, Mrs, Richards step ped forward, "Don't jail him, 'she sald, "He couldn't pay a fine, Nealdes we in. tend to got marred next week." KILLS MAN HE BLAMES FOR MARITAL WOES Chioago,: April $0==Frank Gass oon, Jr, 'and 'Lather MoWilllams, beth: divovead, blamed each other for their marital troubles, So Gascon shot and killed MoWilllama while the former Mra, Gascon and her parents stood by, helpless, Gascon had just returned to hia former wife's apartment after have ing had their twosyear-old ohild out for the afternoon, as provided hy the dvorce decree. MoWilllama present, witness sald, he drop A 0 obild, drew a pla tol and five reated, er Knocks Alarm Clock Off Dresser, Kills "His Sleeping Child Chicago, A " 1), $e Adora "vas wa quiet a My rib after her fas ther, James Padgett, had turned oft the alarm, 'dressed and eaten i ft ¥ wot Monte, old bahy girl, father leaned over the orlb, en was dead, Her father, upon avising had knocked the oloek. into Wer onlb and the how had fractured her skull Ee ------------ iy Ah time, an detive a8 any \ re 2000 REDS IN When he saw) He fled, but was ras | o he usually was | FUNERAL PARADE Bury Port Arthur Strike Agitator Without Re- Tailor-made i Suits Scotland Woollen Mills 8, HOTISH, Manager $25.00 | | liglous' Ceremony EE -.-_,e Port Arthur, April 29=Dgtermined to uphold 10 the last the theory that the two Jumher strike agitators, Vou tilatne and Kosvall, had died martyrs to the cause, # Communist ny yess terday pmaded through the streets us the two bodles were borne to the comelery, Qut in the thousands, to view the eclipse' of the sun Port Arthur resis dents watched the great. procession move slowly through the darkened streets, Nearly two. thousand men, women and children marched, & digs play of Commmunist sentiment bee yond any ever before seen In the two elias, Last Fall two lumber workér ore Rganigers, sent out to organise the men In the camps for a strike, dls wppeared ut Onion Luke, Provinelal police investigated and reported they had probably met death by falling through the lee while attempting r cross the lake against advice, he explanation wip not seeepted by the | Reds and letters were written to the department of ustice at both Terente wd Ottawa usking further Inquir les This Spring the bodies were found, The talk of foul play was renewed, Three surgeons Instead of the one as usual, attended the postemortem ex« amination preceding the inquest to assure those Interested on the point of foul play, One was # nomines of the Communists, The coroner's ury found aeeldental death by drowning on the basis of the medical men's re. port Yesterday the Reds paraded In strength to the cemetery, where In- terment was made without religious ceremony of any kind, quite in keep. ing with he cult PAIR ARRESTED AT NEW TORONTO FOR OTTAWA HOLDUP| Michigan Youths Alleged to Have Confessed Robbing Taxi Driver New Toronto: April 2 Louls Shel ton and Albert Elmer Jackson, both giving their addresses an 18 Midland avenue, Allan Park, Mich, who were taken foto custody at New Toronto by Chief Hedley Padgett, have admit. ted, the police state, that they are the two men who had held up and bound Olivier Ouellette near Ottawa. Thrown Inte F Quellette, a taxi driver, complain. ed to the Ottawa police that he had been held and bound by passengers who, after throwing him Into a fleld, had made their getaway In hiv ear, The youths, whem Ouellette states he heard planning a bank held-up, headed for Toronto: Chie? Padgett, notified of the stolen car by Ottawa, discovered it unoccupied en Tenth street, new Toronto, About ene hour later he noticed two strange youths walking on the lake front, whem he took to the police station en a noms inal charge of vagraney, Under close questioning they admitted having dri- ven the ear found on Tenth street, and this was communicated to the Ottawa 'police, whe wired back to Chiel Padgett notifying him that the two were wanted en a charge of robbery with vielence, Thraw Gun Away, H When apprised of this, ry " logs edi both prisoners confessed to the charge and further admitted having hroken into a gasoline station at Na paneo on the way, They ale teld Chief Padgett, he claims, that they ad thrown their gun inte a river near Kingston, Wath -- -------------- / 78 [F ~ J JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLONS J. W. Wernall, Oph, D, Eyesight Specialist Phone 8316 10] HARDWOOD ii] LOONS n Eleotrio Nanded and Vinishe ed Complete W. J. TRICK CO, TAD, 85 Albert Street, Phone 2380, 281 fo EATON GROCETERIA | It Pays To Shop Here Always Oshawa Burial Co. successor (0 Nisney-Colt AMBULANCE 87 Celina St, "hone 1088 LUMBER ¥. L. BEECROFT Whithy Lumber and Wood Yard I'hone Oshawa 094 Whitby 18 FOR SALE=On account of health, good 100 acre farm, plowing and seeding done; complete with horees, sows, pigs, fowl, implements, ote, Let go at $6500.00 half cash, Balance 514%, No exchange, We have others to exchange for Oshaws property, Bee DISNEY REAL ESTATE, BUGA DISPLAYED IN COUM! Sued for arrears of rent, a ten- ant recently appeared in Sherif Court at Rothesay, Scotland, and Rleaded that the ouNe Was unine abitable, and in support of hip | Olney contention, produced a small tin box ontaining a variety of insects d to have been caught in the sesh With almost fatherly solos tude, he displayed the contents to the Court, While the clerk apeed- ly collected his hooks and papers and transferred them as far away an possible from the "producten", The Sheriff showed no P halination to view the "peta" at close quarts ers, and no one cared to Argue about the akaerstly of the collees elon, So the defender a returned the 'box to hin pocket. He. had not even the satisfaction of getting off with his rent, Drink Delicious Kara Coffee | Always Fresh at Supezier Chain ' Good Weather Ahead! ==D)0 not lose your CAP | Let me finance yous=Addiy tional Cash Given, - G. R. Holden Moon GOIN nah pot Refore plaet Antomobile hi pe ry special or for lois in in "ask, Subdivision West of Simooe "Sts + Noh J. W R LUKR egent Theatre Bldg s,s ea ---- #3 UOXD AJ, WEAT

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