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Oshawa Daily Times, 29 Apr 1930, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 1930 OSHAWA WOMAN ~ FOUND MURDERED (Continued from Puge 1) stockings ley on the floor near the bod, The deed, it wus boleved by the detectives, wus committed with i short-hiundled, henvy-hended lnt- thet found on the floor of the cel Jr of the house, It showed traces of bloodstnins and a fow hairs were #dhering to it. Alongside the hat. + whet lay a pair of socks, rolled in« @ euch other, and coversd with bloodstaing, these having apparent. ly been used by the murderer to clean the blood from the head of the hatchet, Pools of Blood 'I'he bed in which the woman was Iylog was in a terrible state from blood, The two pillows, between whieh her head was lying, were cov. ered wih blood, clotted in some places, The back of her head had bean battered in with crushing blows from the hatehot, und, as Dr, Rundle remarked, she had probably passed from a natural sleep right into the last long sleep us her slay. or showered the fatal blows on the back of her skull, he blood had drenched the mats teens, and had loft a large, red pool en the floor underneath the bed. At the foot of the hed lay a man's blue work shirt, but there KARN THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE wore no sign of blood-stains on the garment, nor on uw pair of trousers whieh were hanging in the reon. There was no sign of any Atriggle. The bed clothes were wrapped around the form of the woman in a natural position, and the furn- ture in the room was orderly. It was evident that the woman was taken absolutely by surprise, and that the crime was committed ale most without her having been aware of It, { Reconstruet Crime Police this afternoon were trying to reconstruct what took place in the Morrison home this morning, None of the nelghbours had seen Mr. Mor- vison since ast night, but the twe tittle boys, Donald and Billy, told Mr, and Mes, Harmer that thelr fa- ther had gotten thelr breakfast ready this morning, and had sent them off to school, The crime must have heen committed soon after the lads had departed from the home, for Mrs, Harmer informed The Times that she had gone to the back door of o'clock, und could get no response, She had done the same thing later in the forenoon, with the same futile result, and she was beginning to he serlously worried when her husband came home from work, and the ters vible discovery was made after the Morrison children had had their dine ner with the Harmer family, None of the neighbours could ne count for the trapedv, Both My, Harmer and Mr, Taylor, the next door neighbours, testified that the couple had apparently been on the best of terms last night when they were all talking together outside the Morrison home. They stated, hows ever, that since he had been come pelted, owing to a nervous breuk. Fdown, to give up his position In the General Motors plant last Fall, Mr Morrison hand been unable to secure regular employment, and was subject to spells of great depression, He had recently been working as a collector for the Luke Furniture Company, but PHONE 378. NEXT THE POST OFF iC - --CO SEMET - SOLVAY WE ARE SOLE AGENTS KE POCAHONTAS SCREENED AND CLEAN CANNEL SIZED FOR FIRE PLACE DIXON COAL CO. TELEPHONE 262 Five Direct Lines the Morrison home shortly after nine | on Saturday sight his smplyoment therd & cane wi "nu end, hether the wurder occured shortly after the two children went to school, or whether it was Jat the Taretioon 19 a matter of gon ed ure, Willlam Morrison, husband of the hn, woman, has not been seeit joduy, 4 and inquiry from his sls- ter, Mrs, W. imeley, 288 King street east, Ne oi out the informa tion that she had not seen him for sore time, Couple Believed Happ: Mr, und + fy Walter oy 93 El don avenue, the parents of the murs dered woman, could throw no fight on what might have been the cause of the tragedy, So far as they know. the young people in spite of the uns employment of Mr, Morrison, were quite happy and on the best of terms, hele home was always well-kept, and neat, and say. and this was ap- parent when the police made search of ig, after being called there, Everything was in perfect order, and the rooms looked well-furnished und decorated, The couple had been buy. ng their home, und it was u typics! working-class home to which the blight. of tragedy came so suddenly on this sunny April day Had Novus Breakdown Mer¥igios, ather o rs, Mor. rison, alo spoke of the spells of depression from which his son«ine law had suffered. He told of Mor- rison having to give up his work on sccount of 4 nervous bremk- down making it impossible for him to continue working at the mach- ine whieh be had been operating at the General Motors play, and since that time the periods of de- pression and illness had become more marked, He wos at u loss to necount for the tragedy, and he and his wife and daughter, who were at the house after the body had been removed to the under- taking parlors, were prostrated with grief, ; Morrison, Mr, Knox stated, wus about 85 years old, He was born in Beotland, and cae to this coun try when he was about thirteen or fourteen years old, le had been marrlod to his wife, who was formerly Miss Annie Knox, ten years ngo, when he was twenty-five and she was seventeen. Thely mar riled life, to nll appesrancos, been quite happy, and they had two sons, Donald, now nearly nine years old, and William, who was seven yeurs old only a few days ngo, Morrison, now 45 years old, Is about five feet weight or nine fnchos tall, He was formerly a man of good physique, but {ll-health necording to My, Harmer und Mr Taylor, his neighbours, had pulled | him down somewhat, and they esti | he would welght bo- | It 1s | mated that twoen 140 und 145 pounds, not known what clothes ho was woaring when he left the house, but on aecount of the fact that no clothing could be found in the house with any signs of blood. stains, the police are inclined to believe that it he were the per. pretator of the crime, he must have made his departure in the clothes he was wearing at the time, | Was Deliberate tam From the position in which the hatchet was found, and the pains which had been taken to partly clean the bloodstaing from it, there was every indication that, after the erime hud been taken down to the cellar, movements had been deliberate, 11 had ben taken down to the cellar and there partially cleaned with two socks rolled up in a ball, The socks and the hatchet were lying side by side near the foot of the cellar stairs, and the police took possession of A, SD had | Los Angeles Times, OE I SR Se (y i theme Mr: Harmer stated that he kuew the hatchet as tig Ly onging to the Morrison howe, and that he had himself often used it at the buck n| door to split wood, Nothing else in the nature of i clue could be found in the house by the police, and ine vestigations were at once put under way to try to hsare Morrison, Morrison's only relative living in Oshawa is Mes: W, RR. Emsley, of 288 King street cast. Called by The Times before she knew of the trae gedy, she said that she had not seen lier brother for some time, and cere tainly not at any time today, It was stated by Mr, Knox that Morrison had two brothers living in Toronto, In addition to instituting a city. wide search for Morrison immediate. ly on learning of the crime, Chief Feiend had & watch kept on the rails way stations and on the highway for signs of the wanted man, Messages were also sent to police departments along the highway to be on the look« out for a man answering to his de- scription, The neighbours suid they knew that he did not have any funds with which to travel very far, and the police are hopeful that he will be located within a very short time, Inquest Dr, Rundle, coroner, has taken charge of the cane for the Crown, and was making arrangements this aiternoon for the holding of an in+ quest Louls Beaudreay, fireman attach- ed to the local fire department is married to a sister of the deceased woman, Shortly after noon today Mrs. Beaudreay phoned her husband to ask what was wrong at her sist: er's place, Beaudrean made inguiry from the police and it was only then thut he learned of the terrible tra. gedy, AUTO THIKVES C CAUGHT Brockville, ~8mart work on the part of Constable T. J. Foster, Pro- vinclul Constable 1. P, Robinson und Highway Traffo Offfcer Jer guwon, roshilted in the arrest of Mose Josnler and Reginald Jar. dine, both of Cornwall, wanted In that place for the theft of a Me Laughlin-Bulek w»edan, owned by the latter's father, There are two plieos #0 husband | moh go to find what's wrong with | him=n doctor's oMce and home, | _--_ IX Atlantic City is always t'in scason' There's never 8 dull moment at Atlantie City oo all. year- round J you'll return home IngAt=lresh=vig One of rhe Tinest Hotels In Atlantic City week of 8 week-end enjoy the hixury of fos ve nest Aepointments Jrithout ¢ rhitant price, Pook! rite or wire for reservations | improve the situation," INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCIAL USERS BENEFIT THE MOST (Continued from page 1) followed by the utilities in other dopurtments, the larger consumers of gas were forced to pay a higher prico than the small or domestic consumer, It Is thus easily evi~ dont that a big saving will be ef- foctod by these two. classes of cone sumers,. Whereas at the present time the Industrial user pays an average of $2.10 per 1,000 ecuble foot, with a ten per cent discount for prompt payment, he will in fu« ture pay $1.60 per thousand fe with discount of ten cents. Simi- larly the commercial rate has been roduced from $1.90 to $1.65 per 1,000 cuble feet with the ten per cont discount for prompt payment, As ong member of the commis sion put it at yesterday's meeting, it has been known for some time that the 'gas situation In the eity would have to be grappled with, By n reduction In rates and more officient distribution, the commis. slon hopes that this department of the city owned gas plant will he so increased that this department of the utilities y be placed upon 6 sound husiness basis, Sliding Scale Proposed The opinion was expressed by several members that in the past the gas consumption in the city has suffered hocause of the unusually high rates which were charged to commercial and industrial consum- ors. Figures supplied by Mr, C. T. Barnes, superintendent of publie utilities, showed that in a recent month the revenue from domestic donsumers amounted to $3,370.00; from commercial, $542.47 and from industrinl, $850.70, This is In sharp contrast to the situation in the majority of cities where the rovenue from commercial and in. | dustrial consumers is much in ex- cons of that from the domestic cus. tomers, and the explanation lies in the fact that the price of gas to larger consumers has been such here that they found it too costly to use, 'The commission will at a Inter date discuss the question of adopting a sliding sealo of rates for large consumers, A suggestion for a decrease In local gas rates was contained in Mr. Allin's report, Mr, Allin also outlined work which he hos done to date In Influencing seven local dealers to make a special effort to display standard and approved gas ranges and appliances during tho months of May and June. Mayor Mitchell pointed out that the step the commission was tak- Ing was much in the nature of a gamble and he did not altogether like the prospect of decreased rev- onues which might result from the out in price, He agreed however, that something would have to be done in order to place the gas aw partment on « profitable basis, Action Needed "We must do something now to commis sloner Conant commented, "If wo leave things as they are now we will soon run inte difficulty ana | think heroic measures ure needed in order to cope with the problem." Commissioner Ross favored prompt action and was confidept that a reduction in rates would moan increased business and no » lossy In revenue. fncresse the use of that the reductions in revenue. increase In consumption, Ross, chairman, Free Installation during the months of June, at a nominal charge, demonstration purposes, ing Included Frank L. chairman; Ross, I", L. Helen Dowdell Toronto, April 29- row shoulders of an schoolboy motorist, of Helen Dowdell, sponsible" Miller, the previous svidence showed, chine at Danforth crossing the street, street, Commissioner Stacey ilvo approved ot making a réefuction In tho rates as a very racessary step in the campaign to as in Oshawa, ¥. L. Mason, chulfrman, believed were needed andgthat there would be no loss He pointed out that the commercial and industrial eon sumption of gas was very low und that it could be greatly increased by making the price of gas such that it would pay the copsumer to It bad always been the ox perence of the Hydro he stated, that reduction in rates meant an A motion authorizing the rate reductions as previously outlined was moved by Commissioner Con- ant and seconded by Commissioner The motion met with no op- position when put to vote by the According to one of the clauses ineluded in the motion the com« mission will {nstall gas connection to homes on existing maing from the main to metre free of charge May and An appropriation of $200 was sot aside for an advertising came paign in which the local dealers in approved gas ranges and applian- ces will be invited to "hook During the two month period gas will be pro- vided. froe of charge to dealers for Members of the commission who were present at yesterday's meets Mason, Mayor T, B. Mitchell; 0. D. Conant, John Stacey, W, Hare, secretary; C, T. Barnes, superintendent, 18 YEAR OLD BOY HELD RESPONSIBLE | FOR FATAL CRASH Togpnto Schoolboy, 7, in Bor. rowed Car, Took Life of and On the nar 18-year-old whose sight failed to pass an impromptu tost before the Coroner. was Inid the blame last night for the death aged 9, who on April 3, with seven other persons, was run down on Danforth Avenus, Found by the jury "directly re- for the child's death, the youth, Philip Hutchinson, was re-taken into custody after the In- quest by Detectives Greenlee and charge erithinal negligence wan changed to one of manslaughter, and ball was raised from $3,000 to $6,000, In a borrowed motor car, young Hutehin- son speeded up to pass another ma- Avenue Linsmore Crescent plowed through A group of pedestrans who were bowled them over like nine-pins, and careened across to tho wrong side of eye. the and the Little Helen Dowdell and her mother were the most seriously in- jured, and for almost three weeks the whole of Toronto followed ea- gerly the nightly reports of the flavor and 1l-bodied richness r ence, Every package guarante EDROSE TE A is good ted' RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE isextra good 'Blending Red Rose Tea is an'art, To obtain the fine fa eduised ysarasl gaps. fight for life, last, night, except Mrs, General Hospital, BITS oy HUMOR Ty GOING Magistrate a young patient's brave 'but Most of the other seven victims were able to testify Dowdell, who is in a plaster cast In the Kawt FAST "How do you know that these fowls you accuse your neighbor of stealing were yours?' Prosecutor--"They were black futile Magistrato--'"Why, not prove anything. fowls." precious ~Detroit News, H, of and how | THEY GROW. Garden time should find you equipped to assist Mother Nature in her annual task of covering the earth with edibles and floral loves thunder clouds dissolve into infinitudes of and answer liness, When the first blue, and the vegetable flower kingdoms call, § with a spade, and Cooper Smith seeds, absolutely the finest, by record, and white fowls, Your rr | that does | 1 have black | and white fowls myself at home," Prosecutor--"Yes, Your Honor, this Isn't the first time I've missed A golfer in India turned up ruby with a niblick, 'While we had heard of dismonds in the rough, rubles are unusual, Garden Seeds ay We have a large assortment of Tested Garden Seeds in stock. Flower Seeds Spencer's Mixed Sweet Nasturtiums, Asters, Zinnias, etc, in bulk worth up. Peas, Cosmos, from Se Cooper Smith 16 CELINA ST, OSHAWA od SIMCOE ST., N. Phone 1000 -- -- OUR POLICY: WE BELIEVE IN SHORT WORKING HOURS. WE ARE THE ONLY MERCHANTS THAT WE KNOW OF IN OSHAWA THAT OPEN AT 9.00 O'CLOCK A.M., AND CLOSE EACH DAY EXCEPTING SATURDAY AT 5.30 P.M. OUR DESIRE IS TO CLOSE EACH SATURDAY AT 1.00 P.M,, GIVING OUR EMPLOYEES THE HALF HOLIDAY WHICH IS SO DESIRABLE TO OUR (AND WE BELIEVE ALL SALESCLERKS), THE HALF HOLIDAY BEFORE SUNDAY. WE ARE HAVING OUR ATTORNEY LOOK THIS QUESTION UP. BEFORE TAKING THE STAND, AND IF IT IS LEGAL, WE WILL KEEP OPEN WEDNESDAY, AFTERNOON AND CLOSE EACH SATURDAY AFTERNOON DURING JUNE, JULY AND AUGUST. THIS IS THE MODERN CUSTOM FOLLOWED BY ALL LARGE STORES. IF THERE WAS A VOTE TAKEN AMONG THE EMPLOYEES OF. THE DIFFERENT STORES, YOU KNOW AS WELL AS WE DO THAT THE MAJORITY WOULD BE FOR THE SATURDAY AFTERNOON HOLIDAY, THEN WHY NOT LET THE MOST INTERESTED GOVERN? CLOSE SATURDAY AFTERNOON, OPEN AT 9.00 A.M., CLOSE EACH EVENING AT 5.30 P.M., THEN WE COULD POSE AS PHILANTHROPISTS. WE DID NOT SIGN THE PETITION FOR CLOSING WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON AS WE BELIEVE IN USING MODERN METHODS. CAN WE WONDER THAT THE PUB- LIC GO TO TORONTO TO BUY THEIR MERCHANDISE BELIEVING OUR GOODS ARE THE SAME AS OUR METHODS. WE WILL KEEP OPEN WEDNES- DAY AFTERNOONS OFFERING EXCEPTIONAL PRICES ON QUALITY MODERN MERCHANDISE, READ OUR SPECIAL OFFERINGS AND WE WILL BE PLEASED TO LAY ASIDE ANY ONE OF LINES ADVERTISED. PHONE AND C.0.D. ORDERS ACCERTED. REMEMBER WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS. THE ARCADE, Limited OSHAWA ONTARIO Ee -- WE WILL BE OPEN AS OUTLINED ABOVE. Kayser, Corticelli clear, ARLEN RARAR AY LADIES H HOSE make. Sizes and colors broken, . isd price $1.98, To Gloves Fei Commencing Ladies' Pure Silk pn pure silk gloves. While 39¢ at 2 o'clock Dying Colored Table Damask B4 in. wide in rose, blue, gold, green. Reg. 59 c $1.28 yd, for, yd. Pure Linen Napkins 8.95 95 $7.80 a Half dos. ....... Figured Dimity In fine, even weave, and beautiful texture, Very suitable this time of sea. son for Tinaerie purpose. Reg. 39¢ yd Ladies' Embroid: . ered A s Ladies' Bloomers and Vest 60 only Ladies' Silk Ray- Bloomers and on Vests. Broken sizes and colors sale Wednesday at 2 Ri A very fine 98¢ yuality. Each ... Embroidered Regular We 98¢ b 1 only, price, $2.98. nesday a.m. Silk Marquisette 21 yards only. Color, rose 36 inches wide. While it lasts Wednesday, 10¢ Per yard oo On Jud at 2 o'clock. MADRAS 45 yards only, Madras. EEE Sr On sale all day Wednesday MEN'S TIES 28 only, Men's Neckties, assorted shades and cols ors. While they last, each ............ 29¢ CHINTZ 100 yards only Chintz. Colors assorted, width, 36 inches. On sale all day bd h 28 Ruffled Marquis. ette Curtains Cream only, 3 1.4 59 ¢ vs, long. Pro Ladies' Dresses 1 at $1.95, 2 at $5.95, 1 at $7.85, Assorted sizes, a shades a oly While they last, each $1. je. $5.95 and $7.98 Tia wonderful mer. ' PHONE 8

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