Che Osh VOL. 6=NO, 100 ES A Gr HA Oshawa Gas Rates Reduced 'News in Brief } Montreal Vi sports for tren) --~Visas on pas Britishers visiting the Czechoslovak Republic and for Czechoslovaks tris velling to British countries have been abolished, it is announced by the Creech representative here, le ied bs pers ' apleay, Rate Lake district report several deer have been killed there recently by bears, Owing to the seer rity. of food last fall, the bears ap: parently have been forced out 4 * thelr dens by hunger, their tracks having been seen in several places in the snow. Several deer carcasses were found, Slayer Sulcided ; ~=ldentified by @ bank wen in the slabing, Jos boss mith w ! , 4 Lg the Desjardins Car nal, He Jived at 112 Wilson iret where his wife, Lottie, was ound strangled with a mans tightly knot. ted 'handkerchief on the evening 0 March 12, Whils no chase Jad been t Smith, an f A laid again juvestigated Mrs, Smith's ure! an open verdict, po- Jatch satisfied that Smith strate: ted his wife in & terrible rage whieh followed hours of, quarreling. Meeting Planned Totomar-gueens Park will be the y ! rend A ghe rh vgn istory of the the htc y, Thursday afternoon, ¢ t made ceording 10 an announcement | by the Bective committee of fhe Toronto May day conference 1a night, 4 ". asha Wins Nonsush Stakes Ruston P England~Rustom Pasha, owned by the Aga Khan, prince of the turf, raced into the limelight of Derby ' contention this afternoon by wining the Nomsuch stakes, Rustom Pasha finished rour lengths in fron of W. M. Gazalet's Paradine, Stingo, owned by D. M. ant, was third, another three fengths back, MEE Elected Moderator London ~Rev, J. D. MeCullough, Kincardine, has been chosen = er ator of the Hamilton and ank h Synod, in session here. More har 200 delegates sre Jn attendance. ht Trafie Police rotons Toul Victor Williams, Commissioner of Ontario Provincia Police, has announced his intent! on to place highway traffic conta on night patrols. The provincial orte recently took aver © and the force has now gh sm 'to 100 men, and will thened even more once the a oy Ret well underway, Night patrols will be put into force at all strategical traffic centres. LINDSAY MAY ADOPT DAYLIGHT SAVING (hr Co hat the moot nays April §9=- . a Town Council next week, ressure will be brought to bear rom many quarters to have a by- law for daylight saving for at least two months put inte effect this summer, Resolutions are being presented by the Kiwanis Club, the Rotary Club, the Lindsay Athletie 'Association, the soft ball leagues and a petition is being prepared by a group of business men also urging is & market town and & railroad centre there has heen atin opposition to the idea up to now but in view of the tact that Oshawa, Whitby, Orillia, Bracebridge, Gra yenhi and Peterboro are all 'on Daylight Saving time this year some action may be taken here, FOR TROPHY DAMAGED (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Botton, Ma A ars of a the oe or ertrade ebaud on her s a fisherman when ts fishing vessel at eT hebaud, i tive: challen+ trophy, now id by the Bluenose of it, As this henturg, vas seriously dam- . ghparcntly wat o l, 4 small RN mt on Wh boo, re ig i on U ent A fl 89.~The House ot i its sessions t .dfter the Easter recess with Rt. mn. J. H, Thomas who has Ars o ment probe charge of the unemp mont Ly he : vo Ph oh how his measures by ? the west i beon fale with tome ature, Sim iupt teen aed ort n 5 oderate to fresh cast and southeast winde, tar today and Wednesday, not change in rE Th 05 awa Baily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer "All the News While It Is News" | AAAS OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 1930 "186 Cents » Weeks 3 Conts » Copy al A ER "TWELVE PAGES \ 4 INDUSTRIES, COMMERCIAL USERS BENEFIT MOST BY UTILITIES BOARD ACTION Rates for Industries Reduc- ed From $2.10, Com- mercial Rates From $1.90, 10$1.85 Per 1,000 Cubic Feet SAVES CONSUMERS $700 PER MONTH Domestic Users Also Get $1.55 Rate, Being Reduc- tion From $1.68 -- Dis count Basis Changed A reduction in gas rates which will mean a saving to gas consum- ers in the eity of approximately $700 per month has been announ- ced by the Publig Utilities Come mission, The commission decided to reduce the rates at a special meeting held yesterday afternoon at. which the report prepared by George W. Allin, gas survey engin. eer, of Toronto, was received, Domestic users of gas will from the first of May pay approximately 5 cents less per 1,000 cubic feet of gas than they have heen paying, according to the new rates, The present charge to domestic consumd ers Ig $1,868 per 1,000 ouble feet, with a discount of 10 per cent it the bill is. paid on or hefors the due date, Under the new rite doe mestio consumers will pay $1.60 per 1,000 ouble feet, with a straight discount of ten cents if the bill is paid en or before due ate, Rig Saving to Industries The commisison considered that in the past, contrary to the system (Continued on Page 12) SHIP MINK TO THE FAR NORT (By Canadian' Press Lonsed Wine) Vancouver, B.C, April 29.+The usual procedure of shipping furs from the far North has been revers- ed and an order for three pairs of mink, bred and reared amidst the bright lights of Steveston, a fishing hamlet south of Vancouver, was fills ed by J. A. Ransford, fur farm oper. ator, and landed on. the shores of Great Slave Lake, : Instéad of coming out of the wild. ernest to civilisation as furs, the shipment went back from the sea side farm alive, as prospective pro genitors of a new mink colony and they covered the last 300 miles by airplane. Mr, Ransford was much surprised shrly in February to receive confor. mation of an order for three pairs of his best mink from the Oblate Fath. ers, Montreal, for shipment to Fort Resolution, on Great Slave Lake, The animals were promptly erated, ship. ped by express to Fort McMurray, and from there carried by airplane to their new home, On February 28, Mr, Ransford res ceived a radiostelegram trom J, Due racher, consignee at Fort Resolution reading: "Have received the three pair of mink in good condition," r---- EIGHT INJURED IN EXPLOSION OF SERVICE STATION (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Philadelphia, Pa... April 20ew Eight firemen were injured, six seriously, teday in an explosion of gasoline in the sub cellar of a fll ing station in the chestnut hill 'section of the eity, A policeman was burned as he leaned into a window to aid in the rescue a few seconds before the blast occurred, | Shortly after the last fireman had been pulled from the smoke. filled cellar, three more explosions shook the place, Firemen were summoned te the fitling station after gasoline seep ing through the ground had pene. trated the sub-cellar, where there way a small coal stove, Led by Fire Captain James dute tle the firemen entered the ment, While they were attempting to ventilate the structure, there was a. deafening report, niel Ladd, hoseman and John Leary, ladderman, were blown partly through a window, Th were hurned about the face an body and cut by glass, Seek Husband Of Slain Woman Beattle, April 80-=Finding wm the mutilated body of Mrs, Kliga- beth Audrey Lindsey, 60, buried in the garden of her former home here, today resulted In an Intensi- fled search for her husband, Frank, aged 46, who disappeared several weeks ago In company with his adopter daughter, Penrl, 12 years old, The woman had been missing since Feb, 10, Lindsay, maintain. ing that she had deserted him, had given away her jewelry and other possessions to another of his adopts ed daughters and the girl's mother, who lives here, Speaker of the Senate Is Dead Hon, Hewitt Bostock Had Been in Public Life for 38 Years (By Canadian Press Lessed Win) Vancouver, April 20-=A distin guished member of the Canadian paviiament: and of the senv ate during the past elght years Hon, Hewitt Bostock, died at his home in Monte Creek, near Kame loops, B.C, last night, * The 66-year-old senator arrived at his home at Monte Creek last Saturday suffering from uraemis, His condition gradually grew worse, until yesterday when he lapsed Inte uncomsclousness, His wite, two sons, and three of his daughters were at hia bedside, Long Public Service ; Hon, Hewitt Bostock was born in England, May 81, 1864, He was educated at Cambridge and was called to the bar in 1888, He came to Canada in 18938 and settled at Monte Creek where he took up ranging and fruit growing, He was elected to the House of Commons 1500 an a Liberal member, and in 1904 was called to the senate, On March 19, 1014, he was chosen leader of the Liberal members of the senate in succession to the ate Sir George Moss, Upon the forma. tion of the King cabinet, Dee, 20, 1021, he was sworn In as a mems ber of the privy council and aps pointed minister of public works, Resigning, he was appointed speak er of the senate, February 3, 1983, Crazed Slayer Takes 3 Lives (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Modes', Calif, April 28, Armed posses today wers seeking an apparently ecramed slayer who shot and killed three men yesters day and then disappeared alter waiting 'for nearly twa houra for someone to arrest him, Hig vieting were all ands, The yesterday, rifle and ranch shooting occurred early The killer carrying u hearin marks of a tendant of the crimes, Officers were called, hut when they did not arrive, the man walked inte nearby underbrush, struggle, told a thing atation ats | TWO KILLED, FIVE HURT IN RIOT AT ~ BOMBAY, INDIA Indian Troops Mutiny Dur ing Fighting at "Peshawar (By Canadian Press Leased Wim) Bombay, India, April 80.-Two Pathans were killed and five ser: fously injured today in a flerce en. counter between a band of seven Pathans and villagers from Nau gaon near Nasik, Troops Mutiny London, April 80,~The India office last night revealed the fact that, during the rioting In Pesh- awar, northwest frontier province, Inst Wednesday, some of the In. dian government's native troops had hecome mutinous, Onlentta Mayor Re-Klected Caleutta, April 80,.=J, M, Ben Gupta, who now is serving a sen. tence of six months rigorous Im prisonment for sedition and con. spiraey growing out of the eivll disobedience campaign, was today unanimously re-elected mayor of Caloutta, This will be his fifth term, Loughran Loses | 0 Ernie Shaaf (By Canadien Press Lossed Wire) Philadelphia, April 29. == Ernie Schaaf Boston sailor, won the judges' decision ever Tommy Loughran, of Philadelphia, former light heavy» weight champion, in a slashing ten. Lround bout at the Arena last night, Sehaaf welghed 200 pounds, Last night's battle was a renewal of one started in Bosten nearly a year ago, when Loughran, the king of the lghtweights, won a deeision over the 2lsyear-old navy graduate, Schaaf, with an additional year's experience, was a greatly improved hoxer last night, Loughran digplayed the better skill, but the Boston gob had an authoritative punch in either hand, & fighting heart and the abil: ity to take everything the Philadel. phia phantom had 10 offer, At times Schaat tore in with both fists fly: ing and drove Loughran to the rones with a body attack. Loughran started early with speedy left jabs that bothered Schaaf for a time, but the sailorman shook them off and waded in with both hands to the bedy, COURTNEY KNOCKED OUT Holyoke, Mass, Apr, #=Lea (One Punch) Williams, Harlem negro light heavyweight, turned in one of the biggest upsets of the season when he knocked out George Courtney of Ok Iahoma, in the firth round of a sche duled 10-round bout here last night Courtney, regarded as an outstanding contender for the middleweight title, never hefore had been knocked out in a career of more than 78 bouts, Ship Six Snakes But 53 Arrive New Yark, April 29.~Henry Har« tels called at the steamship Baracoa for his six boa constrictors, shipped from South America, The captain yelled down the hate wav? "Bring up those 83 snakes. "ix, I-said" Rartels repeated, "Yeah? Well, T said 53, and if you don't believe it=gount 'em, Farty se. ven of 'em were born on the way up ere, "That's » break for you! Shin six; ay for six: get 33, And, as far as 'm concerned, vou can have 'em. Bartels sent 30 ta the Rronx Zao, New York, April #0-=Business activity in Canada is steadily in. creasing and normal conditions may again prevail by August, 8iy Henry Thornton, Chairman and President of the Canadian National Railways declared yesterday upon his arrival from Montreal, y "Traftio on the Canadian Nations al continues well below & year ago, hut {t 1% better than it was earlier this year. The present quiet period in industry, which followed the au. tumn stock market deoline, prob. ably will prove to be euly tempor ary." Sir Henry asserted. "Mining activities In Canada are holding w substantially ta last year's hig levels, Reflecting this activity, are loadings, on the Canadian National so far this year have heen practical ly as large as a yoar ago, Thornton Sees Normal Business by August Next "There are wore than 100,00, 000 bushels of grain in storage in Canada, which fs substantially in oxotss of the amount in storage at this time last year, Despite these extraordinarily large stocks, moves ment of grain, an our lines is slow, The net loss of more than $40,000, 000 reported by the Canadan Na- tional for last year la misleading, in that, in large measure, it veapres sents hookkeeping items between the railways and tha Government When the present railway tem wad formed, it took aver the heavy 1ubded eht of maw unprofitable roads, correct thin sttuation a financial "reorganization is neces sary, and a bill aimed to effect this finanelal house cleaning in now bes ing prepared for submission to the Canadian Parliament." ! or | | { | NOTED WENTERNER PASSES Hon, Senator Hewitt Bostock, P.C., of Monta Creal, British Columbla, whe has just died, ' Four Captured After Chase by 0) | Toronto Police Youths Admit Taking Owen| Sound Car and Driving to Port Hope (By Canadian Prose Lossed Wine) Toronto, April 20-=While t y» ing to epeape from the police in 6 stole gutomobilo after a chase along Danforth Ave, four men, Mareel Hylvestory 15, Draglon, Ons tarlo; Lerald Manders, £24; FKlgin Robinsgn. 18, Leslie Bmith, 14, of Owen Bound, Ont, were captured on Hleor Street Kast Just west of Sherbourne Hirget hy motoroyle constable Wilfred Rumley, Paps Avenue Hiatlon, after the . oMeer drew his revolver and forced them inte the curb, The men, taken (a the station, admitted they had stolen the car from Owen Bofind on Honday night and drgve to Bhelbourne, stole gas oline, drove to Collingwood and went tow lort Hope, police state, The Teponto police were notified the em" was stolen at five o'clock last night, 1n police court today Haund wan fined 360 far having a loaded gun and all were reman ded ta be taken back te Owen Sound on charges of stealing the Car, Servus Is Winner Of Epsom Feature (By Canadian Pete Sains Wire) Epsom, England, April 29-Lord Derby's aged horse Servius won the Great Metropolitan Stakes, first long distance handicap of the ture season, yesterday afternoon, A length and a half behind came Lord Allendale's Highbury, and T, Richards' Jugo was third, another length back, Sevens teen horses travelled the 2-1-4 miles The winner, a gelding hy Rochester wAncilla, started at odds af four ta one agailnst, Highbury at 13 to 2, and Jugoe at 100 to 6, The race, with the later City and Suburban, 4s « ¢ of the turf's great "doubles" fixtures Ralph (W, Buttery, 290 Princess Aveo, Landon, Oat, formerly of Strathroy and now a studens in the electrical engineering wt Uhiveisily of Tovento, who was avarded the hrange medal of the oh MEDAL FOR VALOR Carnegie Hera Fupd Commission | by for saving « fellowsNtyathroy enllooiate student fram drowns WA WOMAN MURDERED MRS. WM. MORRISON ~ FOUND SLAIN IN BED; HUSBAND IS MISSING $500,000 Fire In Holyoke City | (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Holyoke, Mags, April 80---Vire oMcinls were today investigating the origin of a blake, which last night caused $600,000 loss and nee essitated the summoning of ald from three other cities dnd the call Ing out of the National Guard Hix bulldings of the Ranger Cas par Lumber Company, in whose yard the fire started, were destroy- ed and sparks carried an eight of # mile by a high wind, started hlarkes at the City Hall, the Peo ple's Baving Bank Farr Alpaca Mille, Skinner Bilk Mills and Fred H, Frants' garage Companies K., and VV, giment Massachusetts National Guard, were ealled out to patyol the streets when the crowds about the fire lines grew too large fur the loeal polices ta handle 104th re. To Investigate English Soccer Bribery Charge London, April 29=8cccer foutbal circles have been startled by an wl leged attempt to of the mateh played between and Bradford City at Bradiord April 12 The teams play in the He cond Division ef the English League The match in guestion wus won by Bradford City By 3 goals to 1, The aceusation does not involve the plays ers or officials of either elub, Bury players. are reported to have told & Bury official prior 19 the game that an attempt had ben made to inter: fere with the result by the offer of an illegal payment, The facts have heen 8 before the Football As sociation, Jt 1s uaderstood the bribe was offered by an eld international Koals' eeper, The association has appointed ymmittee composed of Sir Charles Clog (president), J. McKenna, A Kingseott and Sir Frederick Wall (secretary) to hold an inquiry In sheffield this week, Hradford City at the time of the Bury game were one of the Becond Division teams facing demotion ta the Third Division on account of their poor showiig during vhe season, "aeuare TWO CHILDREN ARE BURNED TO DEATH (By Canadian Press Leased Wine) Minneapolis, Min, Apr, 20=Two ohildren were hurned to death and filve other persons were burned ov injured seriously in a fire that swept, the Washburn apartment bulldng on the edge of the down town district today, -------- Skull Broken, Lived Two Years Taronte, April 20.=The coroner's staff and Toronto police may find that Mrs, 1sobel Rushton, of 1 Hrock avenue, had been suffering front a traetured skull for more than two vears prior 10 her death yesters day. It was net until a post-morten examinatiga had heen made late yous terday that anvene knew that the woman had such an injury, Friends and relatives could not explain, ex. cept to state that she was in 4 mo tor mishap in November, 1927, | | Several Wounded When De- NEIGHBORS DISCOVER KINGSDALE AVENUE WO. MAN IN BED, BRUTALLY MURDERED BY HATCHET, SHORTLY AFTER NOON TODAY William Merrison, wanted for the murder of his wife this morning, was found by pelice on Park Road at 4.05 o'clock this afternoon, Morrison was lying in a field close to the bank of the Oshawa Creek and apparently threat, Hospital, he had attempted to slash his He was removed in an ambulance to the General Brutally murdered, her head battered to a pulp by blows from a short-handled hatchet, Mrs, Annie Morrison, 27, wife of William Morrison, was found lying in her dale Avenue, shortly after neon breathing when the discovery was bed in her home at 354 Kings« today, Mrs, Morrison was still made by Mrs, William Harmer, who lives next deor, but she expired within a few moments of the arrival of the police, Her husba employee of the General Motors nd, 38 years old, and a former of Canada, Limited, is missing, and up to the time of going to press, had not been located by the | police, who have instituted a search for him, The terrible tragedy ereated a tremendous sensation in the neighbourhood, the neighbors, and were believed although Mr, Morrison had been || cause of his inability to secure regular employment, Mr, and Mrs, Morrison were well-known to all Only last to be an ideally happy cou somewhat depressed of late night, the couple were laughing and chatting with the neighbours the result | outside their home, and it was a terrible shock to all who knew Bury them when the news of the tragedy spread along the street, The murder was probably committed some time this forenoon, according to Coroner Rundle and Dv, J. A, Brown, whe were to the scene, although opinions vary as to the actual time, led orvie son had not been seen by any of the neighbors this morning er forenoon, and his movements during that period are a sourge of speculation and mystery, Guards Fire on Ohio Convicts * termined Effort to Es. cape Is Foiled Columbus, Ohio, April, 20 0m Revolting eonviets in the white eity or idle house at Ohle Penitens tary, scene of the disastrous five were fired upon hy guards when they made a concerted effort to escape from the cell hlooks "ha mutineer were driven back from the doors leading to the main en trance hy automatio viflo fire, Bove eral convicts were wounded, When the mass of convicts made thelr break for liberty they ats tempted te gain entrance to the guard room, Hullets drove them bok, Then the conviets held sevs eral guards as prisoners for a short time, hut released them whey National Guard ofeers. threatened to enter the white city and reseue the men, -------------- Women SoC ager Vietims (By Conadian Press Leased i Viehita, Kas, Aparil 3=="lake Wi Kas, April 30="1ake" has severely affeeted hundreds of per sons who drank Jamaden ginger, hove today elalmed nine mare viet, members of a women's Bridge Club in the fashionable College Hill vesis dential section Start Divorce Blockade to Force Ontario Courts Bill (By Comadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, April 29. =="Threntoning a divorce blockade unless Wis One tario divorce courts bil 18 ape proved, J. H, Woodworth, Winnis peg Laborite, cracked his whip tn the House of Commons for the fivet time yesterday afternoon and precipitated twa divisions on ins dividual diverce applications, When second ren my was called for the first bloek of divarce billa te come fram the Senate to the House, Mr, Woodaworth moved that the whole 42 wessures Lo bald until May 12 to facilitate coil sideration of hig courts bil, He sought to have this amend: ment apply blanket fashion to the entire G3 bill, but with the House {naisting that they be called ene one, two ourioua divisions ve silted, On the fivst division, eail 'od on a bill sponsared by George 'W, Black, Yukon Consevvative, in during a summer camp at Nonthampton, the delaying amendment was aie vied by 64 votes to 4%, the antl divorce Quebea blog voting With My, Woodsaworth and the diveres courts' proponents in favor of It, On the second division, the bil under consideration was a Monts real case and after weving hia amendment, My, Woodaworth sought to withdmw it, declaring that he wished it to apply only to Ontario oases, The House stubs barnly vetused to consent to withs drawal and another diviaign lob lowed, Thiv time the House Vit nesged the curious spectacle of Mi Woodawerth himeel! voting against hin own arendmant, With the Progressives joining hw, the amendment was voted down in this Instanon, 48 to 83, Thera are now 418 divorea peti tiona filed so that today's G2 ve | resent about ane-sixth of the total | Of the 818, all but 48 ave trom Ontatio and 166 of them wre from Toronto, | Marrison, hee head in a mass Learned Afternoon Fhe awiul fate which had befallen Mrs. Morrison, a young woman of Prepossessing Whpearange and neat» ness, wan learned about ene o'clock this afternoon, Mrs, Morrison's two Children, Donald, aged eight, and William, aged seven, came. homo trom sehool shortly after twelve, and unable to get inte the house. hey vemained outdoors until = Mes, William Harnier, who lives next door and who had been making unsuecesss ful efforts to arouse anyone in the Marrison hame during the forenoon took pity on them, and teek the two hays into her home for dinner After dinner, thinking it strange that thers should be na response to the knocks on the door of the Morrison home Mr, and Mrs, "Harmer secured a key from Enos M, Taylor, whe lives on the opposite side of the house in whioh the tragedy oscurred, and ope ened the back door Found by Sen Not wishing to enter the house they sent tha oldest boy Donald, ine tu the house to see if his mother was all vight, The boy searched through the downstairs rooms, and came ous (0 say there was no sign of Js neths ers Mr. Harmer asked him to a upstites, and he did so, He had juste reached the bedroom upstairs when he gave @ plevelng seream, Mrs, Hare er van upstairs, and there, ou the bed in the front bedreom, lay Mes, of bload which covered the pillows and the bed, Mr, Hammer also' went ups stad, and after one look at the uns ort de woman, who was still bres thing and moving slightly, he called the police Constable Harvey rushed to tha house, und took eharge until Detegts vox: Meee und Quantrail = areived, The woman was still breathing when Constable Havvey entered the bai but when Dp, 1 A, Brown areived, the last feeble Hicker of life had ex» pived, and she lay dead, vietm of a orued murder, Killed ww Sleep Mus, Morrison had evidently heen beaten to death, we she lay as in bed. Bhe was partly elothed her underwear, while her shoes and (Continued on page 13) Wer Tem resem TTT------ 192 Drowned As Ship Sinks Disaster Occurs During Sews 4 ere Storm in lsolated Part "of Bengal -_-- (By Canadian Press Lonssd Wine) Caloutta, Bengwl, lading, Apt Ph==0ne hundred and BineLy-tw passengers aboard the steamer Condor lost their lives when that ship in the River Jamuna in jv orl Bengal, the ship's ownem sald today, Only 18 of the PARES] FOUR Were suveu, :