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Oshawa Daily Times, 29 Apr 1930, p. 2

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| | i i Ti izes SE - News, advertising and Bowmanville Daily Times subseriptions Bowmanville Office of The Times, 1elephones==Office, 647 REPRESENTATIVE~B, HERBERT MOR Wellpse of the Bun ont interest was evinced by ibe st hs hi. Sevrts ne Between four and Ave 19's Many were seen Easing Peavenw arts looking through mamoked pd at the eveseent ship ed sun, During the eclipse the sum seemed to lose part of iis brilliance giving the day a kind of a twilight eflect, Who Is kohn Febson? At last night's meeting of the town council A communieation was yond from the Counties' Clerk al "Cahourg Matin that 6 man by the name of John Hobson whe claims to be trom Wowmanville has been J BAmitted into the Toronto Geners) nenlial, The rellef committee of the council will try and find out "auring the next week who this man (48 and how long he has lived in owmanville, ny person who 'Wnows this man is asked to com munieate with Mr, T, H, Lockhart, chairman of the rellef committes, Opera Presented Betore a large audience in Trine ity Bunday Behool room last even: ink the opera "Martha' was pre pented very successfully under the auspices of the Young People's Nos olety, The singing was exceptions ally mood and each part was filled 10 perfection by the fine cast, will be revived of the Income Tax Hoturns Citlgeng, at least those who are fortunate enough to hayes an ine me that Is large enough to {an the it ay on Which returns of thelr income tax forms are due, There Is duis " jurge ne for any who fall to do the bidding of the AW In this matter and those wha Ave nol yo filed thelr reports had hotter do them tonight while the doing is good, Work Commenced ' Work was commenced this morn hy on the relaying of the C, P, It, Bringe at the westerly limits of the town, This work is done each year and new planks are Inld over the antive wpan, One wonders somes times when the Joug promised new subway will be put In and the rad sirnightened, About ones every two yours the town counell make appli ontion Lo the vallway to have this bridge vemoved and a new one bullt ov a subway built and the rallway come ahd make all the ROOCOBRATY MeABUYEmMeniy and plans And then the matter 1s forgoiten again until some bad acoldents oor our and that is quite often in the summer time This bridge has long haen a had trap for motorists with the exeaptionally sharp turn at the east ond of the bridge, Heating System Chosen AL a meeting of the Publie Behool Board held at the latter part of last week the Dunham sys» tem of heating wan chosen as the one most sulted te the Bowman. onders for the work ville gehool Bt ta wii wn rw ( ] fe " on of (he pu AB will be entirely altered providing heat in the eloak rooms and halls a fonture which has not heen fn existance hetors now, Jations! { Amos, of "Amos 'n' Andy," the radio lsughsmithe, 1s a proud father for the Setnd time, "™, gemnn CQosden was vee ported bir nies) " f Claus iospital after (he birth of Virgin. in Marie, The girl baby lus a URSE 'FOR BOWMANVILLE, Yor PROPOSE NU AND OTHER TOWNS A. J. Gould of Cobourg Points Out Advantages to Support One Nurse for Three Towns Chatrman A, J, Gould of the Cor bours Publie Hehoo! Board advoes ates appointment of o Publi Health Nursp who woud serve Bowmanville Port Mope, and Cobourg and whose yourly salary would be paid hy the towns named on a bugis of wohoo! popuintion, v, Gould points out that hy the three towns Joining In nu plan of this sort the financial hurden would not be consideranie for any one of the three centres and that A salary whion would lusure ams ployment of a highly e¥ielent publie health nurse coud he pad Without sehool nurses there 1s Whiz GearF Tush ingeiF illing Day at Our Station. 1 Id life Su r cases flushed This new, Nader), viiod to provide you wi Let us flush out the transmission and differential gear cases of your car, and Takes WL O you know that just packing new grease in with the in your gear cases greatly shortens the your gears? Car manufacturers advocate that old grease be REMOVED and and refilled with fresh grease after the first 00 miles and every 5,000 miles thereafter, Also in the Spring Summer service and in the Fall for Winter service. ate equipment is used at our Station , accurate, clean service, THIS SERVICE IS FREE Few Minutes But a I 3 Stop these Devils of Destruction Man" on hand to supervise the work. Gear Lubricant used. ¥ i : There willbe a *, b hers willbe 0S Ma Weuse Bring your car around for this FREE service, ¥ or - Pa a ee ig wm wa ro td J | There are only about | 50 of these Spreads te olear on Wednesday . morning at SR kiddies from 2 to 6 years, and especially popular with mother at this Wednesday Morning Special Price of 97c Girls' Dresses, Play Suits and Boys' Wash Suits The smart, snappy styles in these Dresses and Wash Suite of Prints, B\ Chambray, with Chinty trimming, Beto, are sure to be popular with the The Gear Flasher removes all the ple, wel ropes, metal o X and Mushas gears and goat wees with oil, Th Metered Lub. reat pein LUT ately Meaires the exact amount of grease put in YOUR gear cases, hig Gear Lubricant because it is the best we can buy, Remember the date, * Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. 99 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa Wednesday Morning Special 5 STORE CLOSED WEDNESDAY Afternoons UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE | 79c ea. ¥ A.DEWLAN SIMCOE STREET NORTH . PH ), LTD. Co SHE OSHAWA DAILY TUAES, TUES -- RR EE, lh ab no systematie cheek up ut present on wueh serious problems ng male nutrition which, wirangely, often finds more vietims In comtoriable and sven wealthy homes than in the homes of the poor, The selentine explanation 1s that while the ehila of poverty may run risks, actus! leks of food 1s not one of them In Canada, However, limited means do eure that Inalination to be fu leat in dist which 1s marked among. st olldren of the well-to-do, The whole range of preventative medieine |v today hullt on the sers viees of the public health nurse, Mr, Gould points out, Her work in to prevent, not to cure ne of the mont serious problems of education is that of occasional slokness whieh keaps classes In many centres tar helow perfect al-| tandance records, My, Gould will bring The Three Town Plan before his own board nt An early meeting where, It enoour agement Is given, representations would be made to the publie sehool hoAH of Port Hope and Newman- ville, Ratepayers Wi AL the present time no suggestion of a nurses for the three towns has been made to the Bowmanville Board and just how they will sone slider the matter when it Is brought to thelr notes is not known, At the prosont (ime there is 8 publie health nurse in the town and her duties are manifold and she is kept quite busy so: that the chances are thet she would not have time to do three towns If she were appointed to the position, The school board ment on Friday of this week and likely the matter will then he brought to thelr attention, A LOVES WIB DAD (Guest "1 suppose the bahy Is fond of you?" Fathere"Fond of me! Why, he sleeps all day when I'm not at home and stays up all night Just to enjoy my society ==Answers, And shout the only differance sinea Prohibition In that nowadays A Carrie Nation wouldn't know which windows to smarh,= Judge, --, . .... Il Vote on Hydro Purchase Before October 31st This Year Hydro Commission Ask $76,000 for Local Plant Council Decide to Place the Matter Before Rate: payers This Year At a apecial meeting of (he town counell held Inst evening the counell went on record on a motion of Reeve Carrnthers seconded by Counelllor Garton that the matter of the purchase of the loeal Hydro Plant be placed bhetore the electors for ratifieation on or hatore Onto ber #1st, The reason for this date In that under the terms agreed Lo by the councll and the Mydro the town will: ba enabled te launch thelr bonds for the nrojest of 4% per vont, Instead of the austomary rate if the matter In yYolad on he fore Oetober Uist which 1s (he end of the Hydro your The meeting opened with Mayor Elliott In the chatr and all moms bers present except Councillor Plateher who 1a on the slek list The bylaw made out by the Hydro commission has yet to he altered slightly an the figures stated ns the purchase price will likely bu lowered a little, A goneral discussion of the pur ohane was held hy the members And some Interesting facts were brought to light In favor of the urehase, The thing that will per Ape most effect the voters whan the time for voting comes Is the Hurry, Before Our FREE CAMERAS Are All Gone! LL GHILDREN whose ional th A \days come are invit +] w aoepti Film t Ife LJ oda Ha Smoration J Fy A Karn's Drug Store Next PO, hone ATH Y A fact that the purchase will not Hkely affect the tax rate at all as the profits which will sderue to the town will take care of the ins { 8ront principal and all earfying charges, Other olties ineluding Oshawa who have housht thelr own plants have all had reduced rales following the purchase, The huge profits each year should ene uble Nowmanville to have reduced rates In the first year following the purchase Figures presented to the coun oll by one of the Hydro engineers AL a meeting held In February showed that for the year ending October Bint, 1085, the profits on the local system, afier all charges had been cleared, realised the tots) of $30,675, The origine) surplus had beep somewhat over $98,000 And the $5,000 had covered all ex: panses such as repairs and upkeep of equipment, The hook value of the lecal plant Aooording to these figures in placed very conservatively at 905,000 While the purchase price asked is about 876,000, This, will be pald by town bonds which will be ae oopted by the wevernment at the 4% per cont, yvute If the question In voted upon hy October Bist, All oarrying charges and Interest should be covered by operating profits without resorting to a highs OF tax rate and «therefore the Hydro could he purchased at pra toally no expense to the ralepays ors and would in time, In fact a Yory short time, provide for a res duction In rates which would eeps tainly be welcome, ST A WHITBY FAITHFUL WORKER GIVEN A PURSE | John Fulton Honored by Staff Associates at Ont. Hospital ---- On the occasion of Kis superanua: ton after many vears of fithiul LU vice, John Fulton, & popular and highly esteemed employee of the On. tario Hopital, wax on Saturday pres sented with a purse of money by his associates on the staff of the bly institution, The presentation was made by the medical superintendent, Dr, G, IL Stevenson, Who in a well ehowen words expressed hin appreciation of the service. whieh Me. Fulten had rendered to the government as a pub lie servant, and reteered to the high exteen in whieh he {x held, Dr Stes venaon expressed the heape that Me, Fulton would be spared for years to enjoy awell earned rest, In a few words Mr Fulton expressed thanks to these wha had se' kindly at severing hiv connection with the Hospital and those: with whom he What Are You That Stiff Swollen Joint Did you ever stop to think that MANY times the lnexpensive vomes Alen ave hept? Many & man has lost a week's wages with a slows-aoting vemedy Wwheh one or two good rubbings | RA with awittl netrating JOINT. Ran wou! Nave kept him on his Now Just hear tn mind that a Renerous tube of JOINTSBARR made vight here in Canada oonts but 60 cents and when JOINTS had long heen associated: Doing For . { other uehon and paling get out! Give your sailing, palnstortyred oink a Joyful treat ie t a good rubbing with JOU you don't say that the 80 cents you paid in the greatest Investment you ever made, get your money baok from any drugeiat in Canada, Jury and Lovell, Lid, know all about the gooduess of Jolni-Base DAY, APRIL 29, 1930 many || remembered him, and alae his regret || HARE gets in a joint agony and)! SE and to-morrow morning if] ST. JOHN'S CHURCH WILL CELEBRATE 05TH ANNIVERSARY Interesting "Announcement Made by Rector st Fine Social Gathering There was & Iarge stitendance at # ublque event held iu the Varish Mall of $y John's Church lest ev- mig when the first parish social was held, The objeot of Lhe gathers ing was Lo enable people of the cons grogation to get moguainted with the members whom they had uot met before, The event ay might be expected wns & huge success and every wout in the hall was filled for the ooeasion, The guests wer seat od in oiroles enabflng them to chat and make now frends, A fine pro. ram was given with & plano duet by Mrs, Jaok Gunn and Mrs, Bonk. fer for an opening number, This was followed by an address of wel some by Mr, Rk, M, Cotten with whom the ides of this jat-togather function originated, This was fol towed hy u fine solo by Mrs, A, Cols ville which was encored, Many of the old favorites were sung during the community singing that follow. od and then two delightful solos by by Miss Jane Mason brought trem« ondous nppinune, Arthur Culley, Bowmanville's golden volead boy soprano received a great ovation when in his usual fine style he sang the '"Hecond Minuet" and as an én. core the "Pagan Love Hong', Mr, Shires Announcement A very interesting announcement was made by the rector in (he gourse of n short address which proved to be of oxceptional interest to all members of the church pre- sont, Mr, Shires was introduced by Mr, Cotton, the master of ceremon fon and In his opening remarks Mr Shires told of the object of the ga thering which he said was to give the church members an opportunity | of meeting other mambers of the vhureh and Nnding out what fine fellows they ware, "After all," he said, "wo are all part of one great family and there is nothing like the team spirit to make the work of the cohureh a success," The fu. ture plans for the Bt, John's which gave the audience a pleasant sure prise was the fact that during the coming fall the chureh was to @sles brate In » Atting manner the bth anniversary in Bowmanville and the 76th anniversary of the laying of the corner stone of the present ohureh, The church haw never had an anniversary before but this year they were to have one which would be a leading step to Lhe centenary in five yoars' time, 'The corner stone of the present church was Iald soventy«five yours ago on the 19th of July but the services will be held til] the fall the rector stats od A litle booklet, a kind of sous venir of the occasion, in belfig pre. pared and will be distributed when the anniversary is held, In his con» oluding remarks, Mr, Shires anked that there be a united family feels ing among the members of the ehuroh as more good ean be done In this way than any other, Following Mr, Nhires' address more community singing was-indul. ged tn with the whistling contest bringing the climax of the evening, The prises In this contest were awarded to Miss Jane Mason and Mr, Coombe, At the vonelusion of the program refreshments were served by the Indien of the congregation with Mrs, C, Kent and Mra, 1, M, Cote ton pouring coffee at a nicely decors ated table, The whole hall was docorated tastefully for the ocons sion with green and yellow stream. ors stretohing noross the welling and planta and lies on the plats form, The evening was brought ta a olose In a novel way with all pre« sent forming olrelen and singing verses of "Rlest be the Tie that Binds." PRetween each verse prayer was sald first for the person on the right and then for the pers pon on the left and lastly for the persons themaelves A short prayer and the henedles tion broumht an exceptionally pleas sant and long to be remambered eve oning to a close, Tr ---------- Woman Henator Speaks, says a headline, Yeon, and birds sing, and Kren grows «And men listen, = Chatham News, EE What Lovely Smiles! Beautiful teeth ave the' background of vadiant smiles. That white lustrous | look is the di stinguishin mark of beautiful teeth, Klenzo Tooth Paste Will vender them white, polished and scrupulously oloan, Will check fermentas ! tion of food particles and leave the mouth pleasantly vefreshed, Sold in two sles. Jury &Lovell's THE REXALL STORE n Simove ®, Phone 8 Phone: 08 Kavser \¥ Kayser Colours Classique Guide to Hoslery Chic... They're 80 harmoniously toned to the mode that the colour of your costume determines the shade of your hose. Aphrodite for beige + + « Juno for vivid blues . , . Diana for soft blues... Phoebe for an indefinite shade... and for the new baby colours for evening, lovely Aurora. If you desire the new, nar- row French heel ask for Kayser Slendo® Heel Hosiery ... in the new shades and smart weights, $]:95 Style No. 139x Extra sheer .., 45 gauge ivvall silk ii, 2 tone picot edge. Kayser Colours Classique APHRODITE AURORA - DIANA PHOEBE JUNO K Ehsaan Tae A * Trademark Reg owMade in Canada L AYSER bo

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