| sir in SE i RE Appointments, - THE DSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 1930 - J race THREE Ex-Ald. Douglas Ele Life Is a Succession of Ideals, Judge Mott Tells Audience of Young People Famous Juvenile Court Au thority Addressed Young People's Union at King Street Church Last Night MUST HAVE REAL PURPOSE IN LIFE First Meeting of Union Un. der New Executive -- Splendid Program Was Provided ri The spirit of reverence and de- votion with whieh the first meet. ing of the Young People's Union held in King Street United Church on Monday evening, was carried through augurs well for the future success of the Union and its work in the eity, The address of the evening was delivered hy Judge Mott, judge of the juvenile court of the eity of Toronto, Judge Mott spoke the true meaning of sere vice In the present age, Lite is a succession of Ideals, Just ag the sea is a succession of waves, the speaker affirmed, Today we are riding on the crest of the wave of youth, Modern youth worships truth, but the young peor ple of the present age are a div oriminating class, They will not continue to follow anything that Is false or untrue, The young people have made it thelr ideal that they worship truth; Life is not a true existence unless we are of service to our fellow men, asserted Judae Mott, 'The greatest thing in life is in giving service, Service is not A Bit for t returns (0 us man times over, Too many Jesbie wis to take everything without giving in return; The present day offers no bargains in life, we put somes thins down for everything we take, ® must have a purpose in life, asserted the speaker, A life withs out purpose lacks the true essence of ving, The young people were advised to live no day through without having an objective, He who bas & purpose is the one who overcomes the difficulties of life, In having & purpose we are governs ing ourselves in a stricter manner han if we just live an aimless cas It is the doing of everyday thogs that in worth while, Religion in lite, continued og Mott, We cannot get veligion in churches although we may get stimulation there, 'The true res Hglon ia in the lite we lead, The i nt fact is whether we make each day mean something to our selves and to others, The wellbe« ing of every man and woman's life depends on clean thinking, We cannot harbour the unpleasant things of life and be safe, If we oan do this there iv no need to be in fear of the future, The speaker warned the youns Jeopie not to get disgouraged if hey did not get what they wanted, Lite, he sald, was a series of dine It we got every. we wanted lite would not be wort! Aving: Edward Kiefhaber, president of the union was in charge of the meeting and Introduced Judge Mott, The meeting opened with rayer by Rev, Mr, Small, A very mpressive part of the evening was the period of sllent prayer in which the lead was taken the presidents of the various societies, and several of the ministers, The thin devotional Jaried was in charge of George Fletoh ar, Special music was presented hy Miss 1. Stephens and Miss M, Ama. * who sang a duet; and a men's uartette composed of B, Bddy, W, raworthy, A. Horton, and B 'ood, A story of love and peace was recounted by Miss P, Fletoher, The meeting closed with prayer by Rev, Mr, Fletéther, MARCH PRODUCTION OF AUTOMOBILES WAS INPROVED Conditions Better Than in Earlier Part of Year Ottawa, April #0, == Vroduetion of automobiles In Canada during March numbered 20,780 cars, While this output was just about one-half the total of 40,621 care made in the corresponding month of last year, It was the highest number reported for any month of the year to date, being almost double the output of 10,888 ears In January and 84 percent greater than the 15,648 cars of Vebruary, The rate of production In March wan 660 oars per day, an increase of 114 cars a day over the dally Average of 660 cars a day in Feb. ruary, Data for March when com ared with the figures for ¥Yebruary, showed output gains in all types of oars with the exception of taxicabs or huses which class dropped to 10 from 13 in February. Open pas wenger cars advanced to 8,430 from 2,848; closed mode! passens gor oars vose to 18,640 from 10, 021: truck output remched 1,011 an against 680, and the number of chassis was increased to 4,740 In March from 2,788 in the preceding month, Of the March total, 88 per cent or 17,160 units were intended for passenger service and the bal. ance of 17 per cent or 3,605 units were for trucks, Customs records showed that 8,» 80% oars were imported into Cane ada and 6,560 cars were exported during Mareh, Corresponding Ag ures for February indicated an im port of 1,800 cars and an export of 4,880 oars, Of the total output during March 16,044 oars were made for sale in Canada and 4,486 were Intended for export, The apparent consumps ton of automobiles in Canada dure ing the month, as determined hy adding the 16,244 cars made for sale In Canada to the 8,805 cars imported, amounted to 20,040 cars, For the first quarter of this year the apparent eonsumption, thus computed, amounted to 03,887 OAs, GENERAL MOTORS NEW APPOINTMENTS F. B. Coats, Appointed Comptroller of General Motors of Canada Mr, ¥. B, Coate, formerly Mane ager of the Motor Accounting Come pany of Canada, Limited, has bean appointed, effective immediately, to the position of Comptroller, General Motors of Canada, Limits od, vice Mr, M, N, Glowdy, who han been granted two months leave of absence and will assume special duties to be assigned by the Gens eral Manager, upon his return, Mr, Coate's headquarters will be In Oshawa, Mr, PW, Sims, has been appoint~ od, effective guhedistely, to the position of Manager, otor_ Ae» counting Compan of Canada, Lim. ted, due to Mr, I" B, Coate being tranaferred to other duties, Mr, Site headquarters will also be In Cairn to Honor Memory of Scarboro Pioneers Soarboro, April 28,~Erection of a oalrn somewhere on Kingston Road to preserve the memory of old ploneers was agreed on by the Soarboro Township council tonight when application was made by the York Ploneers, The council referred the request of the Searboro Citizens' Band for the construction of a bandstand to a special oo'.mittes, Members of the band otated that residents did not want to travel too far for cons certs during the Summer, The re port of Fire Chief John Love for April showed that 31 out of 87 blazes were grass fives, ROTARY CLUB T0 CONTINUE WORK PLANS MADE FOR NEW TYPE OF ROTARY FAIR Event To Surpass All Pre. vious Efforts Will Be Held in June -- A frank statement of the heavy commitments facing the Oshawi Ror tar Club for its community work, hoi § particularly its work for the healing and euring of erippled chil dren of the community, éoupled with announcement of the plans for the holding of an entirely new type of Rotary Valr, to 82 held in Rotary Park on Wednesday and Thursday, June 18 and 19, formed the features of a keenly interested meeting of the club held In Weleh's Parlors Inst night, The meeting was ulmost one hundred per cent, meeting of Rotar: fans, and displayed before them was u large chart, showing the organizn- tion plans for the Rotary Falr, the scheme for which was outlined hy President George Hart and Past Pre sldent Gordon. 1, Conant in sueh « manner as to arouse the keenest ens thusiasm on the part of all the club members, who wire thoroughly cons vinced of the responsibilities placed upon them to maniain the splendid community and welfare work whieh has been accomplished in the last few years, and whieh mugt be con tinued, While the details of the new type of Fair to be presented to the pub- lie by the Rotary Club are still shrouded in mystery, enough was told the members last night to indieate that it will be something far sur msaing uny similar event cver held in the City. of Oshawa, and for the next six or seven weeks the ¢lub members will be hard at work com pleting the details, President Hart In introducing the matter, Pres dent George Hart outlined the past accomplishments of the ¢lub in pro- viding the Rotary Red Crops Cottage at the lake, In acquiring und laying out Rotary Park as a playground, In placing Rotary Hall at the disposal of the community, and In carrying on u splendid work on behalf of the crippled ehildren of the elty and dis trict, This work, he sald, had given the Rotary Club a high measure of publie confidence and support, Ai through that support the work had heen made. possible, It was neces sary, he emphasized, to maintain the high standard of public service whieh had been set by the club, and su the Rotary Falr was necessary to re plenish the club funds to carry on this work, The present situation, he sald, called for more initiative, mor hard work, and more thinking on the part of every member, and he aps pealed for the greatest effort In the club's history, G. D. Conant Gordon D, Conant, who spoke next, involved In continuing the crippled children's work, "There is a definite obligation," he sald, "te maintain the work already started, and to reach out to new objectives of serve lee, This places a responsibility on the members and we propose that, instead of holding a street fale this year, to inaugurate the holding of a igantie fair on our own property, Ronar Park, using the Rotary Hall as vi 4 and to establish It there on a permanent basis" : fr, Conant then expressed some of the ideas of the elub directors an to how the faly would be conducted, and explained some or the attractions which would be featured in order to make It the most outstanding event ever held by Rotarians, These ideas were received with enthusiasm, and the meeting adjourned with the mem bers swinging into action to perfect the plans for the part which each will take In making the Rotary Fair a complete success, The entertainment part of the pros gram consisted largely of a comedy sketeh, "A Dark Secret," presented by a clever troupe of young men, Among the guests present at the meeting were Judge H, WV. Mott, of the Toronto juvenile court, and Judge Hamilton, also of Toronto, It was announced in the course of the meeting that D. I, Johnston, vigespresident of the elub, would be the official delegate to attend the convention of Rotary International to be held in Chicago in June. Another interesting announcement was to the effect that the club would held a farmers' night at Ebeneser on May It doesn't pay to be vich in Great Britain with Hon, Phillp Snow den making the budget,~=Leth. bridge Herald, 3 FOR COMMUNITY went into details as to the obligation Little Theatre Last Night --------ry Acting in "Hritz and Mar. usin" Was Finest Ever Witnessed by Little The. atre Patrons in Opinion of Many With all due respect to the casts of the former plays produced by the Oshawa Little Theatre, the Ukrainian drama presented last evening under the direction of Stanley Morewsky and John Cralg, contained the finest acting that IAitle Theatre patrons have ever witnessed, "'Hirte and Marusia", the favorite drama of the peoples, in 'whose tongue it is written Is from the pen of Mychall Staryehy, famous Ukrainian novelist, dram« ntint, poet and sotor, The fact that it was spoken In native langusse of the actors, all of whom are na» tive horn Ukrainians or of Ukraine Inn fathers and mothers, dotracivd from the Interest in the details of the plot for those who Usiened to the unfamiliar lingo, but the spontaneous meting, that seemed to be done with the height of natural ease, In sufclent avidence that the Ukrainians are "at home on the stage', nny even without words are able to portray, by the speech of body, any emotion that In aroused, Mrs, Anna Biaseck as Marusia, the leading lady, did a superb plece of noting, Her por. trayal of the role Is worthy of the professional stage, 'Through the play 'she changes from the happy ponsant girl to 0 mad woman, out of her mind, who poisons the man she ,oves, The highest tension In the drama Is the scene where Mar. usin, insane with brooding over the unreturned love of Hyltg, gives him the glass containg the poison which kilis him, Her rendering of the theme song In this art displays not only unusual dramatio ability, but nu remarkable volee, which aids hier to do the tragieal role, tn such a manner that Is not soon for. gotten by those fortunate to be watghing, Mrs, Hlaneck ox cells herself In this scene, As lead: ing Indy she is most ably supports od by Btanley Mosewsky, who aots the part of Hrits, the lover whe has been mislead by the cunning Khoma, the wealthy hunchback, in love with Marusia, The role of Khoma Is admirably de. ploted by Peter Holovaty, Mrs, - 4 Auesiasia Bhestowsky, as Woostls the mother of Marusis, bas not » heavy vole, but her cleyer acting in the scene where she pleads with Marusia to tell her why she Is so upset, brings tears to many "o in the audience, in spite of the fact that her words are spoken in 4 strange language, Dmytre, the oung cavalier and village rascal, s played by Jullus Lysenke, He is the life of the party of young poople in the cast and brings shrieks of laughter from them as well as from the audience, Other principals of the east ave Potap, played by W, Krayduba, a village cavalier, Malymn, the village hells, with designs on Hrits, played by Anna Baran, Ochrym Bbural far ther of Marusis, is John Kamnylo, and the part of the witch vif on Marusin the love potion 18" Mer Markiw, This cast of principals 1s sug mented by an chorus of girls and men, ail possessors of fine voles, who assist In the musical numbers, The costumes cannot go without wpocinl mention, Those worn by the girls are native dresses of Ukraine sand many have been made by the wearers themselves, White blouses, heavy with colored em- colors, gay jackeis of velvet artisls eally embroidered and gay head. dresses are the features of these charming and pleturesque outfits, The men wear red trousers with top boots, long bright blue coats and fur caps, For the benefit of the English speaking audience the last met of the drama is almost entirely In English and several other solos quies of Marusia In Act four are spoken in English, 4 The muslo for the performance is under the divection of Mr, M, ftaseok, nssisted by. Mrs, HB, C, Carnell, My, Humphrey Carnell und Mr, Blackwell, Unfortunately the audience last night was much too small to be worthy of the performanee, Lovers of drama and musie have provided for them in "Hritse and Marusia" one of the most magnificent things ever done in this line in Oshawa, and the hall should be crowded on the remaining three nights to do Justice to the play, Performances of "Hrits and Marusia' will continue for the next three nights, at Rotary Nall, Tickets are on sale during the day at the Arcade, Bimeoe Htreet North, CITY COUNCIL AND P..C. T0 HOLD JOINT NEETING Will Discuss Possibility of Erecting Administration Building for All Civic Offices A special meeting of the oity council -and utilities commission will be held in the council eham: bers tonight for the purpose of considering the possibility of erect. ing a civic administration building In which all glvie offices, Ineluding the offices of the commission, might be housed, The Publie Utilities Commission has had under consideration the purchase of the Y.M,C.A, building, on Himooe street south, which It might remodel to suit ita own needs, The cost including the pur ohase price of the Dbullding and property and the making of the Recepary alterations would be In the neighborhood of $40,000, At » recent meeting of the commission ft was suggested toat instead ot purchasing a bullding or erecting A new and separate structure for {ta needn, the comamission might be willing to combine with the city gounell in the erection of a elvic administration building, Before taking further action the coms mission agreed to meet with the olty council, A great deal of interest has been aroused ia tonight's meeting and it is hoped by many that it will prove an important step in the solving of a problem which has vexed successive oity councils for the past several years, -------------- DIPLOMATIC RORTICULTURK Lady (to nurseryman who Is a bit of a muddier) «= Ohsorsome time ago I planted some of your columbine seeds, and dilphiniuma 0Ame up~=now what seeds ought I to plant #0 as to get some mars guerites?==Paping Show, wR LOCAL IMPROVEMENT--SEWER TAKE NOTICE THAT: : 1, The Council of the Corporation of the Cit street between the points mentioned: Tooation Street Park d, North Bide of T, KE, R, Ht LS d, 0k Ade of Jing Sieel to North Side of T. KE, R. property property to North Limit of Lot 15, Total of the cost upon the land abutting directly on the work, Paid fu fifteen annual (nutalme ath. 4 . \ TAA yy PUR IT ts Ts Ta a EERE) BALAN RRA Ray TARAS IAA y of Oshawa intends to construct as a local improvement a Storm Sewer on the following Cont Per Estimated Lin, Cont Foot 2,060.87 8.50 8,0080,1% 8,00 wn -- $3,008.00 ' Nine 18" 1s" Length 476,25 1,000.78 1,467.00 8, A petition to the sald Council will not avall to prevent ita con struction, but a petition against the work or the manner in whioh it has been undertaken may be of the own 4 A bye at @ regular or special meeting 'Dated, Oshawa, April 26th, 1930. A thereof to be held thereafter, 8 pursuant to section § of the lLasal Improvement Act, to the Railway and Municipal Roard, by a majowit representing at least one-half of the value of the lots which are to he specially assessed therefor, " "yy hori Ww for undertaking the work will be considered by the Council at a meeting thereof to be held on the 2nd day of June, 1930, "IF, B, HARE", City Clerk, - { HUNDREDS GAZE SKYWARD TO SEE SOLAR ECLIPSE Fine View of Rare Phenom. enon Was Seen in Osh. awa Yesterday ---------- The solar eclipse which yesters day caused practionlly the whole of Canada to turn its eyes skyward was plainly visible In Oshawa from half past three till shortly before five, Business was practio ally suspended for the hour when hundreds of citivens gased toward the heavens to get a single of this rare occurrence of the Moon's shadow orossing the path of the and could not have heen better for viewing the phenomenon, For the space of one hour old pleces of smoked glass became Important ar ticles an with their ald the view became more easily seen and with. out any strain to the eyes, In many parts of Canada and the United Slates the eclipse was seen to bets ter effect than In this district, and in Southern California for the apace of an hour the countryside Was practically in darkness and eleotrio lights were brought in use, It was not totally dark, however, but more like a halt moon glows po | through a troploal night, In Oshawa ft wan only a partial eclipse, but still it proved very in. teresting and no doubt the stu dents at qur schools had the phenomenon fully explained, and Are now the wiser by having seen an eolipse, Solentiflc men in camps along the path of the eclipse flew through the dimming skies in aire planes but this racing with the rushing shadow of the moon was a joke, The airplanes roared along At more than a hundred miles an hour but the shadow of the moon was much faster-=ita speed being Jutwosn 1200 and 1000 miles pe) our, \ Obituary DEATH OF AUSTIN GOYNR Death came last night to Austin M. Goyne, fu his 38rd year, son of Mr, and Mrs, A, R, Goyne, 43 Chureh 8t,, Oshawa, at the Oshawa General Honpital, The late Austin Goyne had lived in Oshawa for the last thirty years Death came an a vesult of pneu. monia and asthma, The deceased was an employee of the General otovh, | Boaides hia parents, be ia survive od by a sorrowing wife, Mrs, Corin. na Austin and one son, Rilly, aged seven years, ; The funeral will be held from his late residence, 221 Dearborn Avs enue, on Thursday afternoon at 3,00 pm, Rev, Nr, C, BN, Crags will have charge of the service, Ine tarment will be made in the Union y SRB SR ww sun, The day was fine and bright | 48 HOURS T0 GO INTINES' CARRIER BOYS' CONTEST EXCITEMENT RUNNING HIGH AS BIG CON. TEST NEARS CLOSE Who Is Going to Win the New Bicycle? -- With only forty-eight more hours to go the Times Carrier Boys contest is fast drawing Lo n close and excitement Is running high as the final hours approach. Young whlesmen are siraining every selling point to gain a few more customers in the final spurt, Two or three customers might easily change all the positions al the top of the list as may be seen from the change In places from last week, Of course the prizey have been so worth while that any normal boy could not do Any more than put his best into the fight and try to win a brand new latest model C.C.M, bike or one of the other valunbe prizes which have been on view In® Johnston's store on North Bimcoe Btreet, The contest has aroused consid erable interest throughout the ety and friends of the boys have heen helping them on towards the gon! und that CCM, Wheel, The atest statement from Mr, Noyes, elreulation manager under whose sponsoring the contest '» being curried out, shows a wight change in the positions of the board, Cecil Hproule has agai taken the lead with 440 pointy and Bile Clark who was In the lead last week has dropped to wecond piace, Walter Alexander han Laken third place from Willle Hall bul Willie is not far behind and one grand last effort should put him forward again, Voitto Lehtl is still fn fifth place and has twenty more points than last week which moet to show that he is still working hard, Aage Johansne is in sixth place and ha appears to be the dark horse of the contest, Who knows but what Aage will roll home on the last lap with a hun dred more points, One ean never tell and anything might happen in a contest of this kind, The groutest tight appears to be bes tween Cecil Hprovle and Billie Clark for first place, Nillle Is only 80 points, (2 new customers) bes hind and he will likely put every ounce to the wheel for the past two days to win that fine wheel and also the honor of winning the contest, With the end in sight The Times wishes to thank PF, Johnston for the use of his store window In which to display the prizes and also all those who Lave helped in any way to make the contest such a marked success, Mr, Hoyeoe informed us quietly this morning, and it is supposed to be @& secret, that he is planning to arrange a real treat for all the boys who took part in the cons test, Well what's the use of holds ing it back anyway? All the boys who have tried so hard in the con. test are likely to have a theatre party in the near future, That is something else to look forward to so make one grand effort for the last forty-eight houms, CITY NEWS| GRARS FIRE The Fire Department were given a call at 11,80 am, this morning to & grass fire on Patricia avenue, This is the only fire in the last twenty-four hours, The advertisement in Saturday's paper re Wednesday afternoon closing should have read Leader Outtitters, (formerly Kroch Hros,), 38 Slmeooe At, 8, 70 BLROT DELEGATES y Local Conservatives, are meets {ng In the oity hall tomorrow night for the purpose of electing dele gates to attend the big caucus in Whithy on Friday night, May ind, All those who are interested are urged to attend tomorrow night's meeting, INOREARE IN AGNEW:SURPFASS SALEN 4: Sales of Agnew=Surpass Shoe Stores for February show a galn, both for the nine months' period date and for the month itself, as compared with a year age, Total sales for February were $833,100 an compared with $174,488 in Feb raary, 1980, Thin is an inorease of over 27 per cent, These sales represent combined factory and store sales, In February, 1089, there wore thirty stores operating, while in February, 1930, there were forty-six stores, Cumulative figures to date show total sales for the nine montha ended February, 1080, a $2,842,230 as compared with $1,888,048 in the previous nipe montha' period, an increase of approximately 28 per cent, In Memoriam JACOBRI==1n memory of Justyne Ruth, only child of Mv, and Mrs, Torden Jacobi, died April 2, 0, Sate in the Arma of Jaous, Grandma, Grandpa White and family, (1000) JACORT==In fond and loving mem. ory of our dear baby, Justyne Ruth, who died April 29, 193% Dearer to memory b Than words oan teil Are the thoughts of our darling We loved so well, we, MARES 834 Didy cted President of Ward 1 Ratepayers Ukrainians Excelled in Presentation of Play at Executive Jot Formed at Firs Regular Meeting of Association Held in Centre St. School HEADS RATEPAYERS EX ALD, DAN DOUGLAS Whe was last night elected president of the newly formed South-West Ward Ratepayers' Adsociation, WELSH MALE CROIR HOLD WHIST DRIVE Successful Event Held Last Evening in S,.0.E. Hall - Under the nusplees of the Osh awa Welsh Male Volee Cholr a ver wucoonsful whist drive was held in the B,0.E, Hall last evening, There were 260 tables and wix prizes were awarded to ladies and a like num her to gentlemen, The prize win. ners wera as follows, Ladies, 1st, Mra, R, Walker; 2nd, Mra, Missott; fird,, Mrs, Hinton; special prise, Mrs, J, Witaker, travelling prise, Mra, B, Clement; Mystery prise, Miss Cowley, Men, 1st, prise Mrs, Brownle, and, prise Mr, A, Black; Ard, prize, Mr, J, W, Ayls ing! special prise, Mr, 85, Thoma fon} travelling prige, Mp, The Hughes; mystery prise, Don Juan, Mero dtinton and My, B Thomas net» od In the capacity of masters of ceremonies, The committe wish to thank through the press the mers chants and eltivens who so kindly helped with the arrangements and the donation 'of the prizes and made the event the outstanding success that iL wan Simcoe Municipalities Favor Daylight Saving Orillia, April 88,«<0ut of 06 res presentatives of the various muni olpalities in the county of Himeos Who met at luncheon at Orillia tos day, 805 voted in favor of daylight saving time throughout the towns and villages of the county during the months of July and August, The Alssenting delegate was one of fhe Barrie council, Alderman Nels LB Orillia, Darvie, Midland Vietoria Harbor, Penetang, Port MoNleoll and Hala were munioipalities re presented at the conference, It is confidently expected that daylight saving will be general throughout the county of Rimeoe and the Mus. koka district July and August, DRIVER WAS GASSED NOT INTOXICATED Court Accepts Toronto Mos torist's Plea and Acquits H ---- -. The only case to come up for sets tlement this morning was that ol William Knihnicki of 28 Denison av- enue, Toronto, Knihnleki was charg: ed with being intoxicated in charge of a motor vehicle on the evening of the 20th of Apvil, The acoused way taken into enstody by Provincial Constable Hilliard, The constable testified that he followed the accused for almost a mile on the highway between Whithy and Oshawa, The accused wan driving in an erratia manner: he stated, wand ering from side to aide an the road The magistrate ruled, however that the evidence was net conglusive and dismissed the ease, The acoused pleaded that he was suffering from the affects of varbon monoxide polsoning, Too Late To Classify CXUNDRY WAT WANTED, AW ply Commerelnl Hotel, (1004) CATANLE GIRL TO ANSIET with oatoring at Feterbora Golf Club, one with some knowledge of catering preferved, Phone 28 _y {100¢ WANTER FOR PRR ANENT work two wen with vetall. shoe store, ohaln store of ether selling, experiance, Apply Box G43 Times, giving experience and telephone PDO sme KRLITYY Ald, Boddy Urges South. West Ward Ratepayers' Association to Consider Civic Questions From Broad Angle PRESIDENT DESIRES SUPPORT OF MEMBERS r-- Association Asked to Cone sider Question of Building Subway, City Administras tion Offices and Decent Quarters for Police i Lix=Ald, Dan Douglas was elected president of the Mouth-West Ward Hatepuyers' Aswociation at the firss regulur megting of the Association held In the assembly hall of Contre Aireet Publig school last night. Three others who were nominated for the position withdrew thely | names and ex-Ald, Douglas woy | lected hy ncclamation, the cholem heing an popular one among the members present, Ald, oddy acted as chairman during the election of officers, Others who were elected included Vice-president, Wm, Suddard; secs retary-tyeasurer, Harry Brownj executive committee, (consisting of seven members) Jerry Darrow, Bde ward Clark, A, Judd, ¥, Kirby, ¥, Rorabeck, Wm, Geodehild, and Dan Bmith, The election of the vige-presi= | dent and members of the executive | took place hy ballot, while the sets | rotary-treasurer received acelamas | tion, E [ Previous to the election, A, Ws Brown, a former alderman, sug gonted that the officers should not he chosen until a later meets Ing when more could attend, IA Was Lhe concensus of opinion however that immediate action should he taken ns the association sould do little without officers, On behalf of the ratepayers Ald, Boddy installed those who had boon elected and urged that them receive the full co-operation and loyal support of every member of the association, There was ane pitfall, he coms mented, In whieh he hoped the Ward 1 organisation would not fal} that of advocating expenditures in the ward without considering the olty as a whole and the cost which these improvements might involve, He hoped that the Nouth-West Ward ratepayers would take a broad viewpoint of all elvie ques tions and not advoonte any expens | diture or improvement without frat considering itv value to the olty aw whole and the de d which Would be made oa" he trensuny, Deus resident ouklas considered Ald, Boddy had made a good sug» gostion and he 'was confident thay the organisation would not seeks the Interests of Ward 1 alone, bun Also the Interests of Oshawa as » olty, He expressed appreciation fon his appointment as president and trusted that he and all other mems bers of the executive would be giien the support of the members allp, : There were several vital niatters confronting the eity which the Ase sociation might discuss, the presis dont sald, Thesa included the buflding of the new subway, suite able administration offices #nd ® new police station, He strongly emphasized the fact that the pol must he given hetter quarters an he doubted whether any man press ent would be able to endure W nlght In the police cells as 'hen nox oxint, 'resident Douglas thanked the proaw for ita co-operation in giving publiolty to the organixation of the association, The regular ment would take place in the asse hall at eight o'clock on the Monday night of each month, "hi announced, The ratepayers adjourneg » promptly at ten o'clock, A Born oy : WHITE=At Oshawa Hospital, Sats | urday, April 26th, to Mn 3 Mrs, Charles White (nee M Stevens), a daughter, B Gertrude, (100 LL Coming Events 8 Cents per worl oooh tne for each theertton, rr HEAR MISS RLSIN MoLUNAN King Htreet Churoh, Thurad May 1st, at § o'clock, A slon 280, (D0 08-100 DON"! FALL TO SER THR dentul acting and hear the niflcent ainging of Osha talented Ukrainians in the oretta "Helte and Marusia' pi sented hy the Little Theatre Rotary Hall, tonight, Wedn: day and Thureday, Plenty S0Rta available at §0 cents, RUMMAGE SALE ST, GRO HS Contra street, Wednesday, 1, 1 o'0look, (10 SQUAR \ St George's Ma No AR At, tonight, April 39 won ade y ROUND "AND 890 oN