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Oshawa Daily Times, 1 May 1930, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1930 WANTS JOQUTED OF ILLING FRIEND! tno Grouer Maintains Gum Mast Of by Accident Toronto, May 1.~Walter lar, Gregor, ke oud" Ri J [) Mimic of Feb- oa need not zes court yesterday Sully in ly shaken by the or y counting | o Taal t end 2h re: jihad ow he kept a stol in - a idl protect large sums of money. he Jrequently hag on ut no sir" ex- wid 'dW, xo) 0 Fr oy hk " him some money and he was teas- ing me shot t running awsy, My hand ed the gun and it went e were Joking, sir, Ed, was my friend" Gregor came from Seotland six hi Mp» and had worked in the for four years. He had foo orm given him by Chie erman, to protect his shoot King," fence dounsel. before Mr, Jus- was tr Gauld was 1 tics Jofirey. G. W, fence counsel, and Peter White, K.C, prosecuted on behalf of the crown, THREE NEW PIANES FOR FIRE SERVICE: Arrive st Soo in Few Days to Assist Forestry Men a ------ Sault Ste. Marie, Ont, May 1 Vive new planes which will be put into servieg by the Ontario Proving #1 Air Bervice 'will reach the Sauli ii | the nest | few days accordin apt, Roy Maxwell, director o he ps Woy who is In the city tor 'day In connection with the prepara tions for the opening of the summer work, Three of these planes which sre coming from Toronto, may arrive here to-day while the other two which are being brought from Mil Wallen are expected at the week: The three planes which are com- Ing, from Toronto are moths, which wil | be weed for fire detection work and théy will be permanently sas tioned at the bases at Orient Bay, Shebsndowan and Caribou Luke, The other planes which are wl metal Hamilton planes, are designed for transport work and will be stationed at Sioux Lookout und Kenora, all in the western district' where the reatest troubles from fire occurred ast season, There are no wdditions this year to the number of planes in the east ern districts, One plane is already engaged In ,| patrol work In the Fort Frances re~ glon and there is a plane standing by at Sloux Lookout and one at Ken ors, It is enpected, however, that the machines now at the Sault will Jeave for thelr varios posts for another rack or ten days, as there Js stil) in most of the inland Jakes, here ure seventeen planes here, Tamilton all metal planes are expected to be of great service in the work of fighting forest fires this year, They have necomodation for six pass sengers as well as two Jhats with baggage room for an additions! 400 pounas, PRESBYTERIAN WORK PROGRESSING fe ------ Reports Presented at Mis- sionary Society Conven- tion in Toronto Toronto, May l=The tions of Presbyterian mission wor in Canads, were outlined yesterday by Miss Bessie McMurchy at the sixteenth annual meeting of the On tarlo. Women's Mission Society of the Presbyterian Church in Canada The work Includes education in In dian schools, hospital work in the outposts, weleoming orientals to Can ada, and welcome and welfare wt Canadian ports, Preshytgginl reports from Algoma, Barrie, rockyille, Bruce, Owen Sound, Chatham, Glengarry, Cuelph and Hamilton, were received Progress in the "Home Helpers," "Canadian Girls in Training," move ramifica ---------------- i] ture and Industry, ments were secorded by dvery speaks or, Membersh) inh have increase youtniés secordingly, Mre, k, Ballantyne spoke on "I'he Missionary Bookshelf in your ow Chureh," urging reading as one o the best means of exjonding mise slonary work and interesting young people in the chiiveh, Socicties which diverted funds withered for missionary. causes to] 6 other p.'rpeses, were scathed by Mrs, Charles Thorburn, Ottaws, She did not approve either of wunilisries holding buck funds for fenr of » more difficult yeur, A playet "I'he Challenge of Op, pr wilt" directed and wifi by EF, Perry, was successfully Had ed hy the Toronto Mission Band Children, Missionaries and deaconesses shorts Iy ta leave for thelr various fields were to leave for thelr viriows fields were tendered n_fagewell by the delegates und. Mrs, Daniel Strachan, president of the Dominion Counell, congratur lated them 8s agressive 'workers in missionary endeavors TT | GANADA SHOULD STAY CANADIAN EDITOR ASSERTS Industrial Future Lies North. ward, Traffic Club is Told Boston, =H, Napier Moore, adits or of Matlean's Magosine, T orélito, told the Traftie Club of New Eng: land at its "Canadian Night' meet~ ing here that "the United Btates {| and Canudd co-operating fully, but in no way encronching, represents the working out of (we great exr periments ln. government agricul future," Mr, was 120 telboms or 790 test' and | length, and the three ropes whic constitute its strands were each 11 -1uches in eireumtorence and ongh strand of the thres ropes was five around, Counting syory |, yarn usd to make one of the nine |. stvands, there were 2175 yarns ni |e the cable, The dimensions of the Soll into: whish 4t was rolled were | fost i B/1oot hy 6% foot, The. three large strands were (wisted together h # direction op~ posite to the twist of the smaller strands, a trick which bolds such 6 large cable' together, A vope of this donst¥uction does not have the strength of 8 pisindeid vope, but it 1s more elastic, has greater re, Mistance to abrasive wear, and does ot abworb water ne quickly, It 1s the old sellorman's "waters Inia vope," It is a good vops with which to anchor in a tidewaier, Its paw © in estimated at 100 tons plus, AUSTRALIA WANTS TRADE IN EMPIRE Commonweslth Would Re. move Many Impediments To Trade Montreal "There is un intense de sire in Australia for the parts of the Empire to get together to Increase (rade within the Empire, remove the many Irritating impediments now re tarding the trade and create a bets ter understanding of the economic value of buying within the Empire, W, €. Davidson, general manuger of an engineering tpmpany of Sydney Australia, declardd in an Interview here Mr, Davidson's Kem employs about 2000 people und manufactures Meo. motives, rallway carriages, bridges and steam and water turbines and is hy Spdner eve Harve oof Arg A Wo it market n Austr] if Ho a products" Mr, David hon #0 out " need: A Stontpr fs ew 0, the on h yp ish i" fumble de a the, Austra i] jo i for hy ots, My, David ports from the hi Cy $0 Aus- tralia were immense, 1 Bruton he stated, are inking everything and give ing hack ---- VALUE OF PUBLIC HEALTH STRESSED): Tuberculosis Will be Rere Disease in Fifty Years -- Montreal="1t Is the simple dally hublts of life that the health of the individual depends upon," declared Dr, A, Grant Fleming, professor of public health at MeGill University, in an address before the bond of direc tors of the Montreal Associntion of Bib Brothers, Dr Fleming address took the form of describing the relation of public health to the work of the A de dy Tracing the development of modern public health, Dr. Fleming sald 1 grew out of the English Industrial revolution, With the rapid. growth of cities consequent upon the indus: trial revolution, very undesirable con. ditions arose and out of this came the reform movement, One of the results of the movement had heen the campaign of education to eradicate tuberculosis, "Fifty years fro mnow tubergulosis will be a comparatively rare disease" the doctor declared, "and this has been the Jesult of public health Instruee tion" i i unmense ies "wh oy their ro: plied ined. that Ime hi the health of the individu i de dent upon the simple da Rabite| # and In order to bring the (Pd to. do the proper things we must strive to educate him, This, Dr, Wem. ng Snpined, must be aecomplished through lsctures, radio snd other similar forms: "But there is no ee instructing if the habits are not ap. LT is necessary to got fn cone thet with the indivi A and instruct im" MOTORING ADMIRAL MIXED When Admiral James gave evid- onoe In nautical terms during the trinl of Mrs, nm Melaxs in # London sourt Tooontly on charges of dangerous automobile jtiving, he created mueb amusement, tafe ofMcer had testified that Men, had pulled out from bee bind & stationary tine of trafio, Admiral James seid he was just PAGE ELEVEN soiling uader, Biyf when (0 Bi uaass puod amarement foros him bi netern to go herd to starbosrd to avoid a smash, He mounted the pave- ment und his bows rested In (he orehway of a publiehouss, Mrs, olaxa said she had driven 700 miles in two days on the Continent, where the used the right of the road," and she meds A moms ontary mistake, Fhe was fined, ond spperled the case, ; TC i NEW RECTOR APPOINTED Kingston=-Announcement was made by Bishop C, A, or of the Auglican Dioceses of Ontaris this morning thet Rey, #, B, Herrin, ton of Newburgh has heen appoin od rector at $t, Luke's Church in this eity to succeed Rev, §, B, Mor- ton who has appointed to Trinity Church, Brockville, NOW IS THE TIME! TO SECURE THE SCREENS You need for Summer use Why not have yours made to fit your windows, Let us give you a price on your requirements, Millard's Planing Mill 443 RICHMOND ST, EAST « PHONE 2354 "Canada Moore said, "isthe most important part of the British Bmpire, Its proximity to the United Htates, to the Orient, and to the shortest alr routes between important points In the northern hemisphere, ull make Lit an land of great possibilities, It i derives Immense bouefit from the iil example of the Unite Btates, but it {is my opinion Cansda should be kept Canadian, "Tourists from the United Htates expect Canada to ba different, Of. ton they are confronted with the fame roadside stands snd methods of advertising found In thelr own tountry, Ninety per cent of tour {| iste from the United States go to Canada to see the scenery, and about dont to get of the at present constructing the next lar gest bridge In the Commonwealth to STORES OF QUALITY The neatness, the convenience, the courtesy that you find in every A & P store speaks of the high quality of A & P foods. You know that in such a store you can buy the best of foods. You serve both A & P meats and groceries to your most fastidious friends, confident that they will be pleased--and you save at A & P, too. (ili) "It Is not generally appreciated that ont' Hguer, "Canada's future agriculture! and industrial development lies to the north, not to the west, Aero: planes have played a Inrge role in pushing the frontier up toward the Arotie Cirels, Peace River, the il immense new grain-produsing il] aren, starts at 64 degrees north Intitude, and runs nearl, to the Arvctle Clrole, Formerly, wheat i| growers helleved It could not be || grown so far north, | "In Hudson's Bay are fron des posits that Invite Industrial setive 1 1ty, The damming of the Bag. uanay Niver has made possible an Aluminum Industry that supplies a l'rge part of the world, demand Dramr ondville, on the Bt, Francia River, has heen transformed Into ila toxtile center, "The growth of Canadian pro- duetivity In the last 60 years iy tre. mendous, Our grep now Alls In une year the equivalent of 185,000 d0-aar freight tralng, Winnipeg, I'l formerly 'mgrieuitural almost en- [1 tirely, vow has 600 factories, Man [| {toh In becoming a mineral center, lustead of a farming ares," Other speakers and guests Ine 10 per MEATS BACON am. = 31 HAM Steed . yh Pork Shoulders».23. Butt Roast re n. 28 FANCY VEAL ROASTS RACK ROAST i. 2Qe SHOULDER ROAST nn. 18¢ LOIN ROAST ». 200 LEGS mator whole 1b. 25¢ Breasts-Shanks » 12 | A © P Quality Selected ROAST BEEF Shoulder Roast ». 23 Blade Roast 5. 37. RumpRoast » 28 | FISH=Al Fresh FLOUNDERS i 1 3e SEA HERRING i 10 ® 22 mn 13 FILLETS COD By the Plece FRUITS one VEGETABLES PINEAPRLE iN Each 27 SPINACH me 3 Ibe. 25¢ CABBAGE 0 &¥lwa 2 Ibe. 17 ORANGES "dem Dox. 69¢ ONIONS Yellow Cooking 6 lbs. 250 POTATOES New Florida § ibe. 29¢ BANANAS "Whoa 3 ibe. 210 SooKiNG LETTUCE leeberg 2 Heads 23¢ 2 Heads 21 VEGETABLE and FLOWER SEEDS For Spring Planting 7 Phage. a Tar Gmear A | There are 7" strong reasons why we recommend , . Goodrich Silvertowns %* Here they ares THE PRODUCT ITSELF 1 Ess impartnsn RArURM We need make mo unsupported | ways, and €, W, Johnson, preside 2 oral Wom I aR claims for Goodrich Silvertowns, Ii ent of tho Montfeal Trathe Club, 3 -- gc because public performance in all | 4 ANT ( ABLE | FOR 8 ln kinds of weather, and under all | CHILEAN STEAMER kinds of driving conditions have convincingly proved their worth, Nien Rope Which is 720 Feet Long Weighs Well Over BLAKE AND ROY BOND Always at Your Service Ready to Show You How to Cut Dowh Your Tire Expense. No one can tell a good tire simply by looking at it, Even the most experienced tire dealers can't do it. Why then should you trust to luck when you buy tires? | ype patugtnne, Baward { Neschenen, assistant to the presid. ent of the Canadian National Rails LT Sp \ ev il FIG BARS Crispe 8 cums 30280 AYLMER CHOION QUALITY or V---- \ TOMATOES od¥ 27 AYLMER FANCY wi fon 3 tor 2% PINEAPPLE ™ Ww 19 AYLMER GREEN LABEL JAM Swawberey ion. Jar 37. AYLMER---MADE FROM ONTARIO'S FINEST FRUIT CATSUP Tomato ith 17 A TORONTO PRODUCT-AND A GOOD ONB* Manyflowers Wir 3 Cakes 170 More Money-Saving Values AYLMER CHILI SAUCE ......... Bottle 3c LAYER FIGS EEC EEERE LEE EEE EE REN Lb. 21c BRANSTON PICKLES--C. & B. . .. . Bottle 28c STRAWBERRIES JW My Tin 38 LYON'S BLUE LABEL TEA wii Phe 38c 'PREPARED CUP MUSTARD... Bach 6° NUGGET SHOE hot Tinidde: {NUGGET SHOR TQLIN:, TIS ween Phgude, f TRLEY POWDERS Asst: wm 111113 Phas. 17¢ FIGS EL FY 10 A CONSOMME AA mn AYLMER SOUP "weet gf. Tin le DRI-PAK PRUNES---No, 314 har Td, Me AYLMER PORK & BEANS (3 Tails | «+ « and millions of motorists swear by Silvertowns! So do we! Goodrich Silvertowns are supers traction, super-mileage tires, Wo know what they will do locally for you, We recommend and stand behind them, Come in and see us. a Ton ( Plymouth, Mags,~-0ld timers at ! the Cordage Works here had a || chanoe to turn back the pages to the good old days when full rigged plilps" dalled the ocean and steel equipped steamships were nothing but a toy, with the completion of A 8140 pound. rope for the Ore dleamahip Company of Chile, || The rope wis a 91 inch manila hawser, which, when completed, | || Quickly Builds U Th Hoi Women Would you "lke to to quickly add pounds of frm, attractive flee banish nervousiies and freitab =N1l that tired out body of 44 A Amaging. strength and ener Do you want te bring out HY hidden beauty==agquire a smooth and cloar skin--hyight eyes Te. Roget your glorious health with. Then: take MeCoy's Cod Liver Hxtraot Tablets=just ohook full bo} powerful flesh-adding, strength ing, Yeluvenating and health Ho, 1ding eloments, i Who'd ever thik the livers of lowly Codfinh would yleld suoh wit health Sndsatials pt they "do A or yoary docto and world's onl a | them ik orn ho down 'mew; women and ¢ oe { i i y Pl ou oan got MoOay's Cod r | : at Tule Ho arn or any oo oents and If you | don in at least § lbs, In 20 days pi Cmwmoney Doky | 7 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY THESE TIRES Left~The Goodrich Silvertown made in Vg ad a extra heavy lo LLL pd Goode rich Cavalier made in ular dich' trucks i Right-=the y Duty Silvertown fue

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