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Oshawa Daily Times, 1 May 1930, p. 15

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1930 EDS meets ---- CONA AIS, BARRISTERS | snosls Opposite 11 r, Barristers, 18, J. | J dvismen, KO. ? C, Celina: street, Oshawa, Corner Buco Tren Am ha. Froan Bay | Opelgton : A ------ / ilao : ligitor, Notary, over Lewia i rh hou 6 g Sifu torte ioe & ALEX U, HALL, 'B ter, ote, Convéyanein action, 38% K' (ADE, 4:1 Wo) x ToT ARRHILL, BARKIATER ote. Money to loan, Alger Bldg, op- posite Post Office, Phone 1614, J od Medical Disney Bloek, hours 9 am, to 840 pm, BRR RN Ka WE SAE seases gud Obstetries, and night calls 1416 or 135, DR. McRAY, oon, h DR. HAROLD G RI clan, urgeon, "| re erences to Matern - © stetrleian, eid nd hon © ho ht beter! Phone §105, reson, Obstet 00 Pestdence, 013 Surgeon and (i c00 eterinary Surgeon Apecialist Diseases Domestio Ahk (May 1-1 me), mals, Cat and dog hospital, King W, Tel, 620, i " vation and tre ave ear 0 Store for con of "disenses of ear, nese and throat ent, fare me" L. be made al J 1] 1] onion | ? | N 1987, Rea UIEFORL 'NHOUS w- LUENER/ aval B uildi J y R B { Cony i Putts, ets. © oy # Bal Rntrance Re ghons 00D « WARPEN, Phone, "060, Office Pr, B sloawoed, special atvention to LS ns lar speci attention to © . Sunday ' / LL 1" work 4 ears' post 4 nen " boo ou nants en on. and 4 Da CM. R. DAVID ARCHIE. Mi BR 40 oaailne, 7 EHH MAR AN, n, Oftice and Simoeoe street north, Te batetriclan, office Street, he Gal, i 8 ment, rf Office. EL HE oh fo i dy Wg, aA foul 006 street BOFLH, x | Tneurance FORTE ava % WEN OING § consuls R, N, Johns, north, Your insurance 'vant ab jad to and your .nierests pro- Transportation CANTAUR AND NTONRAUGNR, man's, 80 Bond West, Bpecialiste io turaiture moving, storage ware house d moving van equipment X CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL = | ata' adds, "galt d C0 Phone 034, 10 Bond Ht, West, DIN WAS OLDEST _ ESTAS lahet furn'tu Pork Pn Xf L M_and Jone: 4 ange. " Pr r ! Wik, $rems HE (Apr, 10-1 mo) Beauty Parone DRITY Lou PURMANENT WAVE Bbop, Bpecial.ets In ART MAGI, fluger and mareel wav ver manent wave prices §8, $7.80, 510 and $15, All other lines of Heauty fulture, Phene 2008, Apply #6 Himeooe street vorth, [1 1 at An Lou Permuns Shop| ont Wa areel and sham: Ay 4 ' ne * AD eauty shop, 0 pee iatize In ladies' halr ufine mare selling, sha a _ focal . M veel (CTH Ni igs Apel 131°) " ( J I§, Clarke, 147 Agnes street. Fhove 26400, Apr. 80-1 mo) -- ST -------------- HERBERT CO, TRE -ORe anist and choir master of Kiog reet U Chureh will agoept pupils 1p plano, organ aud vocal musi, For particulars poly 1] William streec east. Phone 3806, (Apr. b+1 mo) ate and (ithb St, 6-1 mo) of musle, Oshawa Colley Publie Pohosts, Studio phone 1084), (Apr in > en * tested, : 1" charged. reatal 8860J, Charles Kant, ALL M SETS REPAIR. ed, prices reasonable work Kuarane teed, hlteries, rec) ged, 50a delive nd fhere ho. Burroughs, n LADY, 16:1 mo) charged, The tor hivered, Radio se ed, Platt, Phone de } BN (Apr, 20-1 ma) NADA en rom 6 pa: and on, sf For terms hh ev urdays fram 10 an, rl i Sethi BET, gE whi OFFICE By utirul amirodly work dren' al sale, poh wn) in ak he) m 00at, 37 Nlmcoe Bt North, (T-H8 tf ) You CAl NURS \4 y | OTIC URI DIBEN aged, maternity or eneral nurs fhe: For Information phous JIUW, : (ADI 4 mo) » Meant "AM NT 1) J pr nd a Wo Jpirelia , Ly ak Apr, 15] me) Rood | [ All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Etc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule hes been found necessary because of ex; loss arising from handling » large number of small arcoynts of this nature, For ths convenlence of © come personally to will bring » messenger who will receive the advertisement and collect (or same, "rn imes" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT se and 19 who find it inconvenient os' office, o telephone call | Dearborne, Work Wanted I CHARGED, CALLED alivared, J cepts 1 fen. , Masteries repairs 20 B11) Bt. Pboue Abr 16:1 mo) : (0810) R= WAVE YoU old hat cleaned and blocked to look like new at The Hub, 15 King treet West, Shoe Shine and Hat Cleaning, Work varanteed, Phong 2349, Victor Cols op, REL EE Tay TAMOPNE--PrOvCHED-- XING removed and cartage of all kinds, Prices reasonable, Phone 1001W, (101¢e) A or and | sunplie tan Blig J18OW, on, Phone 1284M, and garage floors, sidewalks and roadways, sand, gravel, eindery, Chris Graham, Phone 8051M, (Apr, 80:1 mo) Dr emaking ARING, . idie's dresses. Ensemble sults, ohildren's clothes, and alterations. Mre. Connolly, 2587 Richmond, East, Phone (Apv, 33-1me,) w_--- AND aU wr load, aterous Lid, pianos, new and used planes, Fy dancing and physical culture 2 "Bond Bk Eat, Lessons given 11780 eac ng Also radios, latest I] abn = 4: ADDN Ch ] Clips for driveways. 8 Lor drives a aterou Meek Limired, tone 1 " mo) w= PAINTH, VARN- fshes, We have the largest assort ment of paints, varnishes, ete, in in the ¢ity, The Paint Store, &0 King street west, (Apr, 30 ¢1) used bloycles trom #12 up, These are in absolutely fivat class condis tion and ave offered Lo you at only a! fraction of thelr market value, T)iephone 2774, Qpen evenings 1 fehmond K, WLLL 10, _aoon vandition, 8 amp, Tungar Battery Charger, #10, and clothes reel, $1, Apply 203 Vimy Ave, (1000) "TOLER TOR (101b) gondition, alse vielin cheap, I'hone 286 or call 161 Athol East, (101) - TWAN a WAND player piano, splendid tone, 100 good volls, Would exchange for good car, No Ford, Also 200. chivk Buckeye Brooder, Stove, hone ly ° FOR FALE=RU.= i TUTAXORY $8.70 per bag delivered, hoes sale, Phone 1000, HL atone-chips and black loam, Phone J, Forrester, 210 Alice (Apr, 80:1 may DUBKY, cheap, for quick sale, Deatborn Pivenus, Phone ¥ 1080)! suite, bedateads and springs, Ap« ly #8 Division Street, Hobe 10140. : (1086) ~~ Alte Acc Toran 0.00) Ford 4) fators, $10, Also auto. parts at reasonable prices, Motor Accessory Co. 21 King west, Faong 1081, y 1, 28-1mo, to vallable PR: mort asst, vel EY lsicee. South rhanger, painting wud grain Wah HIgh Worv uatanieed. 140 Plas Ave, Bho one 306d or AEA i", 1 o $1 week. For and 1 ), conveniences, Phone La Y For Rent APARTNENT="MJLuHN"HUNY like suites. Home furnished, aun. ary, copveulences, eles dryer, oto, 6loc stoves, eles refrigeration, bot water year round, Vhone 16060 or BUATW, (oth FOUR AND VIVE ROOMED MUL: orn suites Including electric retyige eration, stove, laundry, convenls oenoes, eto, supplied, Apply Supt, 'phone ¥67\, ov The Trusts und Uuarantes Uo, Ltd, manager tor owner, Toronto, (87th) TWO ROUMB TO MENTw=k Ue uished. with every onuvenience for Hght housekeeping, Phone §8U¥, (Phe) HOUSE, 10 LET w= ALL CON. vanlonoes, hardwood floors, Apply ( FO tf 4 CHOICE ~XPART ments, Balrd Block, 148 Simeos §,|° Phone 466 or pr, 16-May 1 INT = OOM brick house, eonvenlences, harde wood = tloors, newly decorated, paved street, Possession May tire, Apply 81 Kigin east, phone 1686J, APARTMENT TS TUT CENTRAL All gonvenionces, hardwood floors, Apply Bradley bros, (HULL) 10 MENT = DEAUTIVUL AT: fatten: over Karn's Drug Store, APES, spacious livieg room and semi-private entrance, Possession May first, 1000, Apply Dr, ¥, L, vest, Henry, 341 King Phone 10, o (1001) ATX ROOM TOUR RET C0N: veniences, nawly decorated, 283 Oshawa Pivd, Iminediate posses elon, Phone 208 r § Bowmanville (VBI) FIVE NOONE HOTRETT on Elgin St, W, Apply 5 TEN sLreet west, (O8Lh TREY TORRTENED rooms lght housekeeping, very convenience, 163 JHurke street, Phone 14004, (1000) TO RENT=6 ROOM ANT DATH' All modern improvements, Ors chard and garages, 280 and 24% Nassau St, (1001) ( ) entrance, every gonvenience, for ) ground « floor, private avery convenience, Phone 2027). 147 Oshawa Rivd, (1000) 3" JUONT = AEVEN"WOOMED brlok house, All conveniences, Very central; Apply 182 Church street, (1000) FEN NENT=¥I0, TATE Ea bd Ja, with garage, y 288 French reset, Ppiy 204 Huron etree, Phone H901W, . (100) ROOT FO unfurnished suitable for houses keaping or board If desired, Cons tral. Reasonable, I'lione 13447, (1000) (101¢) EXWUHBHE STING ROO fo anti vary central, with hoard, L 208 King street east, Phone 1104W, (101e) Rates for | . FN . Classified Ads. | Fim fasertion --1 44 eenta | per word, Minimum charge 300, Bach subsequent congecis Ure. lasertion lo per Three consecutive fipsers tions tor thy price of \neertion two fret " (three cents a word), Minimum oharge for three [rer ty oents, 'Rox bumber 100 additional ; ons. yg ER Ra for each wo | ie, | W t ¢ rd, other children, Phone 1830 Continur 's hot water | Ses | -- an (| class tea room, Apply Mra, Flom: {] ink Morvison, Glen Cairn Tea Ron "For Rent FORTHENT == LOUNCY GANATE very central, Apply 143 Contre Btret, Phone 643J, (101¢) TONING ED or partly furnished. Apply 134 Clarke street, (101e) HOURER uv ING OONN, HEAT, light, water, telephone, eelldr, éx- change two hours domestic seryice dally, An opportunity, Phone 850 Whithy, (1016) ME -- WAID: wood. floors, nll conveniences, 21% Huron streel, (1010) THX NOON" FNICR ~~ HOUKER, garages, All conveniences, Jarvis, Horton & Fronchd, L rf FOREN" OU FLAT, ¥UR- nished, newly decorvted, modern conveniences, with garage, Apply #7 Colborne street east, (1010) WRIGHT DO AVA ment, four rooms, hardwood floors, electrig refrigerator, stove, sien n lieat, "ot water, J itor, Teason- nhle rent, Phene 1400, (1010) HOUSE JOR RENT-=0] ARLINGZ tom Ave, Phone 416 r 23, 0%) 0 THE Fon o electric stove, Apply 107 Wail moreland Avenue, (1080) "0 0 BED A TING room, kitchenette If desired, Prices moderate, Phone J4U2W, 451 Bim. con south, (1080) Wo NEWLY DECORATED Hight housekeeping rooms, furnisi- ed or unfurnished, nice looalily, near Motors, No objection to sma'l ehild. Rent reasonable Phous 27200, (108¢) TO RENT XT FRE CARY, FIVE room cottage, sun porch, suit family, or furnished complete, suite, business girls or gentlemen, Phone 250 r 18, (103¢) Wanted to Rent FTO TENT=THARTE unfurnished rooms, for refined couple, no ehildren, Phone 8814J (108a) WANTED TO NERT=IN"THR immediate vieinity of the Oshawa General Hospital, a garage for one oar, Phone 3165, (1080) INCE==RTR OOM Must be central, Box 044, (108h) For Sale or Rent FORNTATE © - . od brick bungalow, 40 Emma Bt, Phone 18637 6 pm, to § pm, : a (081) FOR ALE OR WENT=T"NOOMY and back kitehen, Nieotrie Lights, Apply 158 Gibbons Btreet, after 7 o'clock p.m, (1080) RONEN COTTOY TON WATE or rent at Ronniebrae, Apply Jones Real Kstate, Phone 2007, (10%¢) Real Estate For Sale POT ON RAL AT RACH ICE house, Times, ud * all ' On Yery easy terms, Apply Centre street, (Apr, 25:3 wka,) POULTRY VAN ==" SRAUTIIOT home, 7 room, All conveniences, § piece bath, furnace, eleetrie, ete, garage and outbuildings, barn with stone stabling, large hen house and colony houses, splendid orchard, Close to school church, Everything collected, Will sacrifice on necount of other business, Would exchange but must have some cash, Apply Dox 440 Times, (1000) FOR V AND TEN acres, Also waeant land, Kasy terms, Close to Oshawa, Apply 140 Agnes Bi. Oshawa (1011) LEE] briek house, on Reynolds sireel, Kast Whithy, all conveniences, hardwood throughout, also four roomed bungale, corner of Wal nut and Brook streats, Whitby, hardwood floors, all conveniences, Immediate possession, Terms are ranged, Apply F. M, Burns, Nox 448 Whithy, (1032) "Room and Board WOON AND BOARD OR. TWO rooms ta vent, Apply 289 Dears borne Ave, Phone 3008W, _~ (1000) NPRIvVATE central, Phone (1000) ON sutomobliles and furniture, 'The beat fn workmanship at the loweat prices, Note new address, 451 Sime con South, G, A. Constable, Phone a402w, (Apr, 20:2 wk) Con ting lastering, elegirio of alterations, 'hone 130 for estimates, (1¥i1) family, Very 10288), an emaie with catering at * Felerboro Golt Club, one with some knowledge ot catering preferred. Phone nN 0) Dunbarton, 010) service stations vequirve experienc: od saleaman thia territory, selling fon, Room 810, 372 Yi fd) nto, (108%) Hi od, Must be food ali round NT nelon ateck issue, Good ¢ codfell' w & W lo, Appl h, " Hd (108¢) Peterbore, Ontario, RIND NERFONETITE WONAN would care for ohild by day or week, reasonable. good home, no (1030), Motor Cars MXVEYOUN UAT ON "THOCR |! repaired at 49 Body apd fender work dove at shortest notice, also repairs to wotor boat and general wood work, Phove W. ¥ry 8590, --a (Apr 22:1 ma) NW THEVIOLET UTR; stake body, Small mileage, Wii take $100 cash, balance monthly, Phone 400, (1000) FORD Coury TR 000 COND: ton for sale, Phone 1603, (101) 'd Bond Bt, West, Wy JI exlinder conch, small mileage, good condition, Phone 1419W, (108h Pets and Live Stock. WHITE THGHONN™CHICRY from carefully selected largo heavy layers, after May Ist, All Hatching egaw, Visitors welcome, Geo, Noynolds, Courtice (Apr, 26:1 mo,) . Awnings WINDOW AWNINGS = PORCH Awnings, verandah eurtuing, canopy tops Installed, 'I, Tayler, Toronto, Oshawa phone 1054 (Apr, 10s1) AWNTROR,-- CONTATRG FLATS, #1 kinds of canvas moods, Com plete camp equipment for vent, Vos Hardware, phone 25 or 26, Agents for J, J, Turner und Son, eter boro, Ontario, (Apr, 80-1 mo) Auditing and Accounting SUDTTTRG™ AND ACCUUNTING AOrVice AL romsonable rates, Ine Come (ax reports and Annu Statements prepared, it, A. Holden, 08 Simcoe street north, phone 1W, (Apr, 111 mo) Palmist NADINE RENE, VALNIET, 518 Beuna Vista, Appointments, Phone Mw (Apr, 81-1 mo) "Business Opportunities FUTON ARD GNOURERY WORT: Ness, tourist town, equipment $1500, stock flavelce price, Nent store, dwelling 26 per month, Jan, Ryan, Cannington, (101¢e) JANATE RQUIPMIRT, TOUNIAT town, highway, rent $20 per month, Quick sale $1200, Terms arranged, LJ . J General Btore, good town, must be sold, 111 health, rent reasonable JAB, RYAN, Cannington (1010) Lost and Found COVE=X TAT OF APRCTAULER, dark vim, In a brown case, Contre Street United Church or on King street west, Plepse phone 1066, (1028) Building Supplies . -------------- ----- CEMENT DLOUKS FON SALE- To fosure prompt delivery, place orders In advance of delivery date, W. Borrowdale, Phone 101% Notice Bylaw Number 1044 of the Core poration of the Cily of Oshawa enacts as follows: That no person shall allow a dog to run at large within the Vim ita of the City of Oshawa between the hours of § o'clock PM, and 1 AM, during the months of May, June, July and August, Any dog found running at large as afore. sald may be captired and killed or otherwise disposed of by the police or other persons appointed to enforce this bylaw after having been kept In pound three days, No deg shall - he permitted or Allowed by ita owner to become a nuisance or cause Annoyance or damage to any person hy running over and damaging or injuring the property of puch person within the Clty of Oshawa, For any violation of the hylaw the person: so: offauding shall be liable to a fine not exceeding $50 And conta, OWEN D, FRIEND, Chief Constable (100-108-114-120) EDWARD JOHNSON TAKES POSITION Noted Tenor Joins New Canadian Opera Company --------. Montreal --Rdward Johnson, fas mous Canadian tenor of the Met. ropolitan Opera Company, New York, has accepted the position of honorary director of the proposed Canadian Opera Company, it ia ans nounced by Vietor Rrault, member of the organisation committee, in hit hands the project at present PORE, . Writing to the committee, Mr Johnson said in part: "I offer you my heartiost eonavatulations on the organization of the Canadian Opera Company, I wee no reason why it should not have an immense sues cons, and in a great elty ike Mone freal, with such exeellent operatic traditions, your enterprise ought to receive a wonderful support from the publie," Nw Mp Jo always glad to lend his support in any way to advance the cause of ood musio Ih Canada and that, als though hin contracts for the next year or two would Supe 8 great deal of his time, yet he hoped that he would be able to devote some a Cause of Musio Non: also sald he way) part of it (0 this effort which tend« od to develop a taste for good mus le, Wilfred Pelletier, vondusior of the Metropolitan Opera Company, New York, has nccepled the posi: tion of honorary musical divectos, it is understood, Albert C, Jean. otte will be the artistic director Bod. Vietor Brault director of sing: ne Canadian Knevprise The Canadian Opera Company is being planned as an all-round Cans adian enterprise, The committee of direction, when formed, will re- crult singers from all over the Dor minion, who will be trained in the various departments of theatrical singing, surythmics and noting, To form a company of first class notor-singers, who will be able to Kiva a 'successful season of opera throughout the country, is the ul timate aim, Guest artists of inter national fame will be invited to appear from time to time, Pref. erence will be given to Canadians and singers will, in any case, be limited to British subjects, It is understood that both Mr, Johnson and Mr. Pelletier will visit Montreal in connection with the affairs of the projected company early in the fall, It is also under. stood that the company will he floated primarily on a popular subscription basis, Many Good wingers It was further pointed out that Canada has produced a fair share of great singers in proportion to het population, In drawing up a list of well-known Canadian artists, who might be in a position to ap- pour in a guest capacity with the company, the following names weer eited; Edward Johnson, Kdward Ran. som, the new Canadian tenor of the Metropolitan Opera Company, New York, Edmund Burke, bari tone; Florence Easton, Jeanne Gore don, Jeanne Dusseault, Pauline Donalda, Eva Gauthier, Cedia Brault, formerly of the Manhattau Opera Company; Rodolphe Plam- ondon, formerly of The Opera, Paris; Germaine Manny, Sarah Fisher, Albert Corneiller, Jacques Gerard, John Moncrieff, of the Am erioan Opera Company; Lionel Daunis, o fthe Opera of Alglers; Allan Burt, of the American Opera Company; Karl Spicer, Camille Ber pard, formerly of the Deritsa Thea. tre, Paris; Roy loyal, of the Schola Cantorum, Paris and Dougmne Bhanbury, The Canadian Opera Company is being formed as a travelling unit with a repertoire in French and English, It is planned to open with An engagement of two weeks in Montreal whioh will be followed by a tour throughout the principal oities of the Dominion, It is esti mated that aboyt two years prepar- ation wil be necessary before the company is in a position to make its publie debut, Headquarters will be in Montreal and the staff will be recruited from this city and Toronto, ------ RAGLAN PERSONALS Raglan, April 29.=The Ladies Ald are having a drama put on by talent from Albert Street church, Oshawa, entitled "Strictly Business," on Wed: nesday evening, May 7th, Come and enjoy a real evening of entertainment Watch for bills, Mr. Norman Hughson has engaged with Mr. Wolfe to act as foreman At his farm just east of Myrtle: We are sorry to lose Mr, and Mra, Hughs son from our midst in Raglan, Miss G. White has returned to hee position as teacher at Mount Cars mel school. after spending her Easter vacation at her hote in Bethel, Mr, and Mra. Andy Pllkey spent Sunday with friends in Goodwood, Messrs, Arthur Ormiston, Frank Grose und Gordon Thompron, all of Toronto, spent the week-end at their respective homes here, Miss Stella Wilson entertained the membery of the choir en Thursday evening, The evening was spent in Paving progressive Lost Meir, Mrs, fohn Kellington winning the prise tor the highest number of points, A number of the young people are enjoying themselves by' going sucks or fishing in the evenings, Mr, Lloyd Hughson has secured a position in Terente Little Doris Bray had the misters tune to fall and sprain her arm on Friday evening, Mrs DD, Thompson with Jean and Olive "Thompson, Miss Lila Wilson, and Messrs, Lloyd Thompson and Walter Lang spent Sunday in "Tos onto, Mr, and Mes, N, Hughson and Miss Susio Bray spent the week-end with triends in Oakville, Miss Jean Pollock has returned from her Easter vacation at her home at Norval Station, School reopened on Monday with a larger enrollment as a number of little children have started, The following is the report of the Faster Examinations of Raglan Pub lie School, 8, 8, No. 9 Names ure jo ordes of merle Sr VestHarold Bray, George Orme Iston, Inex Wilson, " Je IVie=Howard Thompson, Bruce Bright, Clifford Wilson, tf, l=Lorna Evans, Doris Bray, Marjorie Bray, Jack Bray, Dorothy Bright, Lloyd Evans (absent), Sn Ho-tlaion Miller, Harvey Wilson, Blanche Wilson, k Bright L=Stewart Bray, Marjorie Knapp, Frank Pierson, Pre Ae=Ruth Bray, Pr, BewJean Davidson, Edna Evans Llovd Davidson, Gordon Miller, Rots Dickey, Harold Luke, Norma PR XK \ Jean lock, Teacher GENTLE REMINDER Mother=="Mabel's young man han taken offense at something, Have you sald anything to him? Father--"Not a word, haves n't seen him sinoe I ported him the last quarter's gas account. '==Loedy Merourys . . SHOW APPRECIATION Halifax, «To show spproclation for her [ab vest in. thelr work, members of the Children's "Ald Hoclety of Maint John, N.B, have presented Mra, W. B, Tennant with o Hts membership In the Saint John Women's Council, E ------ COLEMANG CATAL Op #0 BOND 8T, WENT rly placing Automobile get. my wpocial Before Insurance rates, Bargain prices for lots in Dearborn Pavk, subdivision wont. of Nimooe St, North J. HL LUKE Regent Theatre Mdg. JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLONIN J. W. Worrall, Oph. D, Eyesight Mpecialist b Phone 8810 | Tailor-made aterm $2500) Scotland Woollen Mills | 8. ROTISH, Manager | : \ oa HARDWOOD FLOORS AID Electric Sanded and Finish. ed Complete W. J. TRICK ©€O, 1TD, 85 Albert Street Phone 280, 281 [Oshawa Burial Co. successor to Disney«Cote AMBULANCE 87 Colina St. Phone 1088 mm i LUMBER | F. L. BEECROFT | Whitby Lumber ana Wood | Yard 'hone Oshawa 084 Whitby 19 | FOR SALE=~On account of health, good 100 nerve farm, plowing and seeding done) complete with horses, sows, pigs, fowl, implements, ote, Lot go at $0500.00 half enh, Ral 4%. Neo exchang We have others to sxehange for Oshawa property, See DISNEY REAL ESTATE, Thousands Basie A Delightful Breakfast Food a ------ -- EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Specialising exclusively le Good Weather Ahead!" wel)O NOL 1088 YOUR OARew. Let me finance date tional Cash Given, G. R. Holden MO LOANN TOR | ' # Roown 6, 14 34 King St. Kast i) Spo usidopinig King x & Prince Sta, 3

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