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Oshawa Daily Times, 1 May 1930, p. 3

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' THE DSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 1. 1930 PAGE TAREE Ward Chairmen A | Wm. Morrison, Alleged Slayer H ' Ot Wife Ex pected to Recover From Sell-Intlicted Wounds Condition Fair in Spite of Loss of Blood and Lysol Poisoning INQUEST HAS BEEN ADJOURNED | Date Not Definitely Known ~=Funerol of Victim To Be Held Tomorrow After- noon William Morrison, alleged slayer of his wite, Anne Morrison, well known young Oshawa woman, 1§ expected to recover from solf-1ne flicted wounds and a dose of lyso) olsoning which he is thought to ave taken after performing the deed, Morrison who was always regarded as a man of good char acter is thought to have. become deranged last Tuesday morning through 111 health and in a fit of madness slew his wife with an axe at their comfortable little home, 304 Kingsdale Avenue, When the tragedy was discovered by neigh. bors Tuesday noon, the husband could not be found but when » search was instituted he was lo- oated by Detective Sergeant N, Mer Gee and P, C. Quontrill, of the local police force, lying in a fleld on the left bank of the Oshawa oreek, near Park road north, He had evidently cut his throat with A rasor and was weak with the [loss of blood, i lysol swallowed, 4 The unfortunate man 1s now re- covering in a private ward at the local hospital and Corener Dr, », J, Rundle informed The Times today that hopes were held out for his recovery in spite ¢f his throat wounds and the large quantity of which he is sald to have An Inquest was to have been held tonight into the death of Mrs, Morrison but as the accused man may be able to testify it has heen adjourned indefinitely, The murder and attempted sul ' olde is one of the most pathetic and tragic incidents which has ever stirred this city and 'has aroused mingled feelings of borror and pity, The funeral of Mrs, Morrison will be held privately tomorrow | afternoon fromthe. chapel of the | Luke Burial Pavlos, King street east, interment to bo made in the Union Cemetery, Rev, Duncan Munro, pastor of Knox Presbyter- fan Chuveh, will conduct the sers vice, Will Tell of Mission Work in the Sudan rw ---- Rev. Albert Hughes, home direc tor of the Sudan Interior Mission, | Africa, will present | lecture on 'Savages n interesting A ade Saints in the Sudan," at Calvary Baptist Chureh on Monday night, May bth, The lecture will be {llustrated and promises to show clearly the con~ || structive power of the gospel among "| the native peoples of this important i J ortion of the "Dark Continent," veryone is urged to attend, What Others Say? CHARITY OR WORK Oshawa, Ont, April 20, 1030, Bditor, The Oshawa Dally Times; Dear Sir! Forty thousand without work in | Ontario province, What a sham nay a orime when church an are stressing the care and 1 being of the ohild before and iw J] after birth in no unmeasured term, (| what woman can bring a normal | | workers be they ever so J efclent for they take awa ¥ |] years, social workers are 1] well balanced child into the world when she has been underfed or badgered and worried by meagre charity, Yet, I say badgered, for what are the visita of n indly and the ride and crowning glory of life, fie, man's and woman's power of self support and self advancement, not alone of themselves but of 4 those near and dear to them who, because of infirmity or tender need their cave, Yes, those or x Suutishing | & green tree' and poin with "are he numbers they rescued andstill help Shame, thrice shame to state and church that these be when ground les untill are a of mud | Sed and streets '2 while men stand idle on styeet tok 4 A 3 % 5 the government, on of building as the papers state it is going to do, more institutions for the incompetent and undesi officials and Meh salaries and Wages bu asrrice bio would ae RE ba ecko i ven 0 Oot towns And cities, tn all the provi FLAG VES Ba BE i ELAIE McLUHAN Noted Canadian dramatist who Is {iving a rocital at King Street /nited Church tonight, NEW MEMBERS ARE INITIATED BY ORDER OF GHOSEN FRIENDS Local Lodge Will Hold Fu. ture Meetings Above Dewland's Store The regular meeting . of the Chosen Friends was held in the Bank of Commerea Building last evening with a splendid attend ance, Dr, C, W, Carr, ehief councils lor was in the chair and the initias tion team admitted the following new 'members into the order, Mrs, Weeks, Mrs, Simpsor, Mrs, Armor, Mrs, Gragg, Clarence Rider, Mrs, C, Rider, Mrs, C, Hall, Following the Initiation a short business ses wion was held when new quarters over Dewland's Store were rented to 'serve as lodge rooms, The phoruses were busy at prass tle for a short time practicing for the banquet whicn is being held in the Rotary Hall on May the 6th and which is expected to be one of the biggest events the Order has held since its inception in this city, Noftball teams In large num» bers were represented at a sporty meeting and arrangements were made for two men's and two ladies teams to operate this coming sum mer, - A communication was read from the Bowmanville club invit ing the attendance of members at &. dance being giver In the Bale moral:Hotel, Howmanville, on Fris ¥. May 2nd. The meeting was bought to a close with a social halt hour, and thelr far-reaching claims. on the country's pension lists, Look at the employment the ine stalling of the Hydro should give and the great benefits to the pro- vince as a whole, A glory and res nown, not gilded wsepulchres as Government institutions now are with ever increasing octopus power, Methinks much as the Soviet Russian government is oriticized and condemned the present plan of the state taking full charge of all the children ls preferable to our present one with ita gilded powers of espionage by both chur¢h and tate, Give men and women plenty of chances of employment, show them the dignity of labor and ita resultant good and then you will breed a race of self-reliant, foroes ful people, not dole ineiplents herd. ed and kept In subjection by paid time servers and black listers as the present system now tends to produce, Instill the axiom of "no work, no bread" and you will find workers and they will find a aweet- ness in self-eatned bread that no social worker's dole can give, Sty Paul was a tentmaker, al- though he was a Roman citizen of Tarsens a "no mean city," and he could think and write, and when one has done a homely task cheer fully or cut and made a simple garment well, one gains a clarity of thought and poise and gatisface tion unknown to the idle rieh or idle poor, be they in government institutions or out of them. The ory now is, "mive ua work" and: to fle work that will buy bread will cost no more than to give bread without work, The former will Jleld a harvest 'of improve ments and beautifications in town and country for the same outlay and a higher class of citizens, Yours truly, Maud Motheraill, RR, No, 4, Oshawa. any SPRINKLER SYSTEM WORKED 'be a false alarm however, An alarm was received last evening from the W, J, Trick Lum« ber Company. The gall blovad wn ® d | Times waa Informed this morning, p 3 eh! der pet patronage of civil servants that a sprinkler head had opened and an the sprinkler system 1a connected directly with the Fire Hall an alarm © was rung in, It a well for tha etfficlency of the tem when it will ring in ana Yup even though there li no fire, mm when water starts to | hee A ---- LARGE AUDIENCE ENJOYED PLAY AT LITTLE THEATRE Beautiful Cat Takes Unas- suming Part in '"Hritz and Marusia" Worthy of the mention Is one un assuming metor in the cast of "Hrits and Marusia," the Ukrainian operetta presented at the Rotary all, who, though, having only a silent part, made & great hit with the audience and popularity with the players, This is Goofy", » black feline beauty, with flerce eyes and gentle manners, who is brought to the party by Dmytro, a village raseal, to seare the girls, The cat 1s owned by Mrs, 4, Con. ant, and for the time being is cared for at the Notary Hall by Mrs, John Craig, Dmytro, the youns fellow, who bursts on the stage with "Goofy", Again surprises the players with un. expected thing--a big keg of beer ==which he carries high over his head and dances the Cossack dance at the same time, accomplishing a very unusual feat, On the whole Dmytro (Mr, Julius. Lysenko) i» great in his dancing, as well as act. ing, heing the life of the party, Only Woostia (Mrs, Bhestowsky) overshadows him at the end of the Act 1, In her rollicking "three o'- olook in the morning' seene, The audience that practically filled the Hall last night, as well as Tuesday night, was very enthusias- tle, applauding heartily some of the excellent aoting of the principals four or five times during the act, To-night, the last night of the pro- duction, a big crowd of people is expected, including pome proms inent Toronto people. ---------------- STUDENTS FIGHT POLICE, 300 HELD (Continued from Page 1) ders on the university campus be- gan, the students had attended the annual "Ivy Week" celebration of the burning in efligy the "twe most unpopular professors at the institution," After being reprimanded by Di. rector Bohofield the students, with the exception of twenty, were res leased, The 20 boys being held for A hearing were lot go on the order to clear the police station, There are several versions as to the manner in which the disorders started, A number of students sald the affair begun after a nervous policeman turned ia a riot call when he saw a crowd collecting. Hundreds of undergraduates and extra detalls ot police joined in the clash near the campus shortly before midnight, The melee turned Into an old fashioned battle royal with police rushing into nearby stores, cafes and fraternity houses, arresting anyone who looked like a student, the prisoners were soores of youth who had been taken from their quarters clad only in pajamas. Several class officers and athletes were seined, Members of several fraternities refused to admit police and the doors to the houses were forced by axes, In some cases the locks were shot off, Several merchants whose stores had been invaded by the officers sald they will band together and take concerted motion, THREE ARE UNDER ARREST AT WHITBY (Continued from Page 1) Willis, has signed warrants others, It was also learned on veliable authority that several weeks age the matter of the alleged thefts was reported to the authorities at Toronto, with the result that a de- tective was sent to Whitby to ine veutigate, This offleer, it is stated, has been working at the stores des partment, and as a result of reports made by him In conjunction with other officers, Inapectar Boyd was despatohed to Whithy:**He has been here for two days, All forenoon Wednesday he and Chief Gunson and Provincial Constable Mitehell were in conference at a local ho tel, In the afternoon, it ia leanned, they went to the hospital, and tos wards evening 1, M, Lomax wax taken Into custody. Refore night, it is expected, fume ther information regarding the ine veatigation will be forthcoming, In Whitby, nothwithstanding the re- fusal of the police to give out any Information, news of the Juvastiien tion and arrests ham spread like wildfive, forming the chief tople of conversation, Ofticlals Mum Officlals of the Ontario Foapital are handing out no inférmation, Wild rumars, however, are afloat, and an official statement from the police alone will elear the air, The Stores Department of the Hospital containg supplies of almost every kind used in the hig institus tion, Supplies are obtainable only by requisition, duly signed by the proper hospital autharitien, Goods now in the hands of the nelice, pare tHoularly the blankets, it is sald, have been positively" identified as having been in the stores depart. ment, Magistrate J. B. Willis at one o* olook today stated that no bail had 'heen granted in connection with ars rests made at the Oatarie Hospital, for Humane Society to Hold Children's Pet Parade * Interesting Event Will Take Place on May 16th -- So- ciety Plans to Hold Tog Day on May 17th -- A children's pet parade will be held on Friday night, May 16th, from six o'clock to eight o'clock, fecording to arrangements which were completed hy the Oshawa Hu~ mane Moclety at its meeting held Tuesday night, Doge, ponios, eats, horses, rabbits, pigeons and In fact pots of any kind are eligible for this parade and handsome sous venirs will be presented to the winners in the various classes, Those who ig to take part In the parade will line up on John street, opposite the park, and a short line of march will be follows ed from John to Bimeoe street, north on Bimeoe to Athol street, wast on Athol to Centre street, and south on Centre to John, A feature of the contest 1s that onch animal will be judged accord: ing to the eare whieh it is given by its youthful master, To be a does not hut han prize winner the pet have to be thoroughbred rather must It show that it heen glven kindly treatment, The judges for the parade have not been announced as yet but it is understood that they will in- clude men and women who are well versed In Humane Soclety work sand know much concerning the care and treatment of animals, On Maturday, the day following, the society plans to hold o tag day and 25 captains have been appoint. od to take charge of the work in various parts of the city, Each captain will have a team of 15 to 20 taggers and the generous sup~ port of the public 1s hoped for, Proceeds from the sale of tags will be devoted to the worthy werk of the Humane Soclety in Oshawa, A commities, including Thos, Woeclen, B, Young and Inspector N, Dalrd was appointed to take charge of the pet parade, The committee will endeavor to secure the services of a band for this occasion, In the absence of the president, Mre, RR, Grigg, the vice president, Mrs, It, B, Smith, was in charge of the meeting, HIGHER BRITISH PREFERENCE IN DUNNING BUDGET ------ (Continued from Page 1) dinary and special revenue, of $447, 322000. His figures reveled a des crease int anada's ordinary and wpe celal revenue during the vear under review, In comparison with the fiscal vear 1928-29 amounting to $14,328, do. The minister stated that, while the fiscal vear ended on March 3 lust, the finn] counting has not yet been completed, Minor ehanges in the figures submitted might be made las ter, Total expenditure; as estimated by Me, Dunning, wus $22.515000 greater last fiscal year than during the pres ceding twelve months, His statement revenled total estimated expenditnfe for the fiscal vear just closed of S402.815,000, For the fiscal vear 1928 29, this total was $380,301,000 With respect to the drop in Dénw inlon revenues, Mr, Dunning told the House that last session ua number of the so-called "nuisance" taxes had |! been abolished while a substantial reduction was made in the sales tux These reductions he estimated had decreased the total revenues hy $20, 835,000, while customs duties dropped & further $7,000,000, on the other hand Income tax revenue was estims wed us $9,700,000 higher than the pre coding year, post office revenues wer up $2,700,000, excige duties Incrensed by $1,205000, and returns from in vestments by approximately a million Important Expenditures The minister mentioned some of the important items of expenditure, He sald that $25,342,000 was estim-| uted for expenditures on capital a count, all being pald out of the rey enues for the year, The more im portant items were $10,000,000 for the | wew Welland Ship Canal, und $6,500, 000 for the Hudson Buy Rallway and terminals, In connection with the St Lawrence River ship channel it was estimated that $2,700,000 wa and, In addition, the construct regulating and retaining dams in that river cost $400,000. Halt a million dol lars was spent in improving the har bours at the head of the Great Lakes, while 81,500,000 is the estimated ex prediture on account pf the construc tion of the lower lake terminals, The) ather major item under oupital we count was $1,900,000 spent in constr ting new public buildings in Ottawa he unmatured, funded debt of the pent mel ADVERTISING AGEN CY CONSOLIDATION J J Gr Who as President of J. J, Gibs gor, maintaining advertising sere chalrman vice offices in ten of the chief cons bons Limited, and of Crawford: Harris Ldmited, t will direct the operations of a mers NNONS res of distribution in Canada, An {tem of unusual Interest and importance to manufacturers, banks, investment houses and other national advertisers doing business in all parts of Canada, In contained in the announcement of the consolidation of Crawford Hare ris Advertising Service, the larg est and Most successful of the urely Weatern Canadian adver ising agencies, with J, J, Gibbons Limited, one of the oldest and most rogressive agencies in the Domins on, The merger of these two firma places the new consolidation in an extremely favorable position to give looallzed service to all adver tisera who have Canadian markets that they are anxious to hold and cultivate, The Crawford Harvin Advertise ing Service was organized 12 yeava ago by David Crawford and Frank Harris of Vancouver=-two men who had an unbounded faith in the future of Western Canada that has since been move than justified, The business they established has steadily grown in volume, ecoinvle dent with which it haa kept stead: i expanding ita field of operations til today it maintains fully staffed offices under trained advertising executives, in six of the most im. portant Western cities, By uniting with the larger and 'older Gibbons advertising agensy; it means that oach organisation will be able to offer business hous of a complete Trans-Canada ads vertiaing and merchandising were vice, with local contact and an ine timate knowledge of lool market condition iy Hallfax, Montreal, Toronto, Hamilton, Winnipeg, Re gina, Calgary, Edmonton, Vane ocouver and Vietorla-=ten of the mont. strategloally located centres of Canadian distribution--an well aa the facilities of offices in New York and London, England, All the personnel of the Craws ford Harris Advertising Service Ia retained under the name Craw ford-Harris Limited, with J, J, Gib bons as Chalrman of the Board, and with other officers and divecws ora chosen from the personnel of Crawford Advertising Service, I'his new congern, bealdes functioning completely, as an advertising agency in ita own territory, will act as western agents for J. J, Gib bons Limited, whieh latter Come pany in turn will act an eastern agents for QrawtordsHarvia Lid, "Progressive companies in Cans ada," says Me, Gibbons, "are talks Ing advantage of the present altus ation to extend their business, They are stepping out for new business and making extensions all along the line, The companies which fail to follow this policy are | there remained the simply golng to drop back in the race' of frit YO : J HR. WINNER OF TIMES CARRIER CONTEST Results 'Announced Today Delegates to ppointed at Liberal Conservative Meeting CECIL SPROULETS Each Chairman Will Select Attend Big Whitby Convention Tomorrow Billie Clark in Second Place Cocll Sproule Is winner of The Times' carvier boy sub. sorviption contest. with 1,000 points to his eredit, it way an» nounced today noon by M, 0, Noyce, circulation manager of The Times, who Is in charge of the dontest, The big cams paign closed promptly at noon today and Coell was found to bo 100 points' shead of Bil Clark who makes a splendid showing at second place with 050 points, The campaign Jas even heen more successful than first antiels puted and the paper's staff of young salesmen entered Into it vith a spirit of enthusiasm wideh has made it a thrilling race from start to finish, Cecil, as winner of the first prize, un dandy new bl cyole, Is now the envy of all the boys but like all good sports should, they are offering him their congratulations hacause he hap won fairly and squarely, Within the past week the cams palgn gained wurprising impetus and those boys who wdre in the front rank all made n special effort to bring it to a whirlwind finish, In addition to the special prizes, every contestant is awarded ag cording to his success, and a treat Is promised to all in the form of mn theatre party which will likely Va plaes tomorrow night, The boys who came among the (irat wix are as follows Int--=Cecll Bprouln, 1,050 points 2nd--RBil1 Clark, 950 points drd-=Walter Alexander, points, ith 460 Willie Hall, 940 points, hthe=Aungo Johansen, 8450 points th==Voitto Leht/, 200 points, All these lads are worthy of special mention nnd may fea proud In thelr achievement, The complete results of the contest will be published later, Dominion Mr, Dunning placed at $2 250,837,336, OF this amount approx mately $50,000,000, 1s held ag sinking fund, leaving $2.194,746,563 in the hands of the publics He did not ans ticipate that the debt financing pro gram for the present fiscal Year would he a serious problem, but much larger question of re<financing the 1043 und 1034 loans - totalling $082,» 000,000, Careful consideration wos now being given to this, Obviously these large loans could net be met out of surplus revenues, Co No I Earnings Down Financing of the Canadian Na+ tional Ratlways and of the harbor commission was dealt with by the minister in a brief review, Karns ings of the rallways system, he paid, had Leen "severely reduced" under the extraordinary business conditions prevailing last fall" The system had come through with a defioit of $5,800,862, Duys ing the fiscal your the government had been called upon to finance capital expenditures of the various harbor commissions, amounting te $10,416,000, With respect to Farm Loan Board, informed the house that Initial capital paid by the Dominion treasury to the board in 1020-80, the firat year of the board's op» orations, amounted to $2,400,000, while there had been subsorips tions to capital stock of $59,083, Trade Situation budget statement review of the Canadian Myr, Dunning the As usual the contained a brief trade situation an it affects the Dominion, The past fiscal year, sald Mr, Dunning, bad been marks ed by a decline of $44,000,000 in the value of Canadas visible ex ports, Preliminary statistics for the last fiscal yenr showed lms porta into Canada to the value of $1,048,200,000, ax against ex ports of §1,144,900,000, This left an adverse balance iu visible trade of $108,800,000, "Canada's largest trade" atated the minister, "continues to be with the United States, During the year our total imports from that country decreased $20,600,000, as compard with the previous year, while Canada's total exports to the republic increased $15,300,000, Total exports to the United Kingdom decreased by $148,000, 000, the minister sald "but duving the period our exports of grain to the United Xingdom decreased §188,000,000, The same influences had affected the salen to the cons tinent of Europe. Thete wan, in comparison with the previous year, u deoreane of eight million dollars in the value of Canada's exporta to the continent "but the decrease in value of exports of grain amount ed to $81,000,000", The minister sald that, as there are still large quantities of grain in store here for marketing it ix reasonable to anticipate "A gradual readjust. ment of our trade balance with the United Kingdom and Europe" Automobile Imports Reduced In comparing the imports from all countries, a large increase 1s to. be found in the petroleu group, owing to imports of orude petro eum having increased by over £13,000,000," sald Mr, Dunning, "Another fnoregse among specitie groups wan in eleotrion! apparatus where tmports expanded by over twelve million dollars, Principal import decreases In specific group sections include the automotive velilole group which fell off by $38,000,000, ana farm implements importa by $10,000,000." On the export side thres (Continued on page 8), Cematery, Whitby, copy. WANT OPINIONS OF HERGHANTS Retailers' Association To Ascertain Feeling Re Uni- form Closing Hours for Stores ns ---- All merchants of the city will bo canvassed in order to ascertain the consensus of opinlon on unis form hours for closing, it was dar ¢lded ut the meeting of the He. tall Merchants' branch of the Chamber of Commorne, held 1 Walsh's parlors, yesterday noon, The chairman of the branch sxecu- tive, Mr, John Burne, was In charge of the meeting, Sovernl other motters of Im portance nffecting the interests of Oshawa merchants were discussed including the proposal to estal) Heh a eredit bureau here, Members of the n ganization are In agoord with the Wednesday af ternoon closing. of stores which will be In general e!fect through out the city during the summer monthy, Noted Dramatist To Give Recital in King -------------- Street United Church | Elsle McLuhan, of Winnipeg, noted Canadian dramatic reader, will glve a recital in King Street Umndted Church tonight Including stories, ona act plays and humor ous character sketches, Miss Mos Luhan was heard by many in the church last Sunday night when she presented '"T'he Mansions' by Henry Van Dyke, No doubt a nums ber will be glad of the opportunity of hearing her agaln, TRUCK CAUGHT VIRE The Fire Department had a call this morning to 1560 Annis Sirest shortly after ten o'clock, The run wan necessitated by a small five which originated in one of the trucks belonging to the well known firm of Waterous-Meek Limited, Tha fire wan extinguished witg the ald of chemicals, and the dam~ ago to the truck will be slight, Rastus--"1K¢ yo' says anything ter me Ah'll make yo' words. man," Exodus YChicken dumplings, hot biscuits, and watermelon," The Pathfinder, In Memoriam yo' eal CRANDELL==In loving memory of my dear mother, Mrs, BR, 1D, Crandell, who departed this life May 1st, 1025, . I miss her, oh how I missy her, I could not miss her move, But God in love has called her Where sufferings all are o'er, He whispered to her "Come", And with farewell unspoken Quy dear Saviour called her home Missed by daughter, " Lillie B, Ernest, (102a) GILRURT In loving memory of Arthur Henry Gllburt, who died May 1, 1027, Wite and Children, (103a) Deaths GIROUX -=At Whitby on Wedneas day, April 20, 1080, Klfsabeth Kllen Hickey, beloved wife ut Joseph O, Giroux, age 03 years Funeral will take. place from hey late residence to St, Hernard's Catholie' Churdh on Saturday, May Srd, at ® am, Interment in R, C, Please omit Journal please (10%) On Thursday, May 1st, at 64 Park Road, N,, Oshawa, Charles Marshall: Larmer, dearly loved husband of Mattie TL, Might, Intel ment Little Lake Cemetery, Poteis boro on Saturday, Alameda, Sask, Semans, Sask, and Peterboro pipers Pleteg cob, flowers, Ottawa Coming Events Fun, Sen Shares for each insertion, 880, ROUND DANCE, Barphart's Pavilion, Thursday ae Saturday nights, Admission 200, 00-08-102:104) RUMMAGE SALE SQUARE AND AT MARKET, Friday, May 2, at 2 o'clock, (101) HEAR MISS ELSIE McLUHAN AT . King Street Church, Thursday, © May 1st, at 8 o'olook, Adwie sion 2be, (96-98-100-102) CHOSEN I'RIENDS DANCE, BAL: moral Hotel, Bowmanville, Kris Cday, May 2. Admission 330, Bus J leaves Prince street at 8.30 yee turn fare 400, Come with us, (1038) RUMMAGE SALN BASEMENT "Moly Trinity. Uhureh, Court street, Friday, May 2: 1,30, 4 (1030) MADAME BROWN, PALMIST, gPhone 2636, 83 Loulsa Boh $F Tee a LT mn Ny Large and Enthusiastic Meet ing of Party Stalwarts Held in Old City Hall Last _ Night MASON DEPLORES LIBERAL TACTICS Defeated Candidate in Pro« vincial Election Declares Oshawa King of Bootlegs gers Was Behind Liberal Party --. Lauds Conserv« ative Fiscal Policy A large and enthusiastic meting of the Lihoral-Conservative Asso« Clatlon of the city of Oshawa gathe ored on Wednesday evenlug in the Old City Hall to appoint delegates Lo the convention to be held in Whitby on Vridey evening, The meeting was unanimous in all its choleew und evinced groat Interest In all the matters that were brought before it, The meeting resolved that the ladies bo permitted to nominate 25 of the delegates to the convention. chulrman fn each case be delegated It was also moved that the ward chairman appoint the given numbey | of delegates from his Ward for the | convention, I'he chairmen appointed in each ward wero aw follows: Ward No, 1, Leo Keeler; Ward No, 2, W, Grae ham; Ward No, 8, Clift Hamwond; Ward No, 4, Mr, Vickery; Ward No, 6B, Lorne James, The 'ward chairman was handed (he eredenw tals for his ward and the meeting was told that anyone wishing tor In touch with his ward chairman and get one of them if he 'wished to vole, The number of delegates entitle od to vote at the convention is as Ward 1, 14 women and Ward 2, 26 women and [90 men; Ward 3, 12 women and | 18 men; Ward No, 4, 20 women fand 30 men: Ward No, §, 9 wie men and 15 men, Transportation | were also announced for Friday I night Two busses for men will leave the Collacutt Bus terminal on Princes street at § o'clock, while busses for ladies will leave Alex. Hall's office on King street east at 7.80, The meeting tn Whitby will commence at 8.350 Day Som Daylight Saving IL was announced that ©, w, Bell, K.(', of Hamilton and Dr, Kaiser, the member now sitting in this riding, would address the mooting in Whitby, Besides these two speakers it iw confidently hop+ [@d thut there will be several pros | minent members of the Couserva« | tive Party present, [Mv FL. Mason addressed the | meeting at some length and stated that in his opinfon many of the {Audience were aware of the fact [that many articles were made in other countries of Canadian maters lals upon which we have to pay duty, This was he oontinued, one Of the great problems of the day, Ho sald that it will not be until the people of Canada wake up to thiy fact, that there will' be a change in the existing condition of depression In Canada, He state od that the Conservative party.was the only party that would 0 it, | Mr, Mason stated that thers has not been one question on IMscal matterg that the Conservative PAT ty has not carried to a successful conclusion, . Mr. Mason stated thatthe had to resort to the taotiog used by the Liberal Party in the last proviuvglal olection, he would not um &s a onndidate at any time; He oimed that the King of the hootleggers. ot the Province and the king of (1 bootleggers in the oltyi of Oshawa wore behind the Liberal Partsain that election, He deplored such a fact in a very heated manner. Groat tribute waw paid to. the work done by the women in the last provinefal election, by Mp, Raat Ho stated that 10" the men did~ as much for the Conservative ty there. would be no question ot rerilt of any election, 55 a Ex-Mayor. John Stacey madd s short but appropriate address; in Which he stated that he belleved in W Protective tari that would give Canadians their vighttul Cans adlan market for Canadian goods produced by Canadian labour, He stated that there weirs many Ame orfoRn manufacturers' whi 'had planta in Canada to escape the dus ties placed on American goods. alko In order to get a prefers! tariff on goods for export to Gre Britain and the empire, be tinued by saying that the Qanadia manufacturer had toe tes n with other Canadian industries his line but with American indu tries that had come into Canad® for the reasons stated above, bd oo Late To 1) '] housework, two or three half day a week, City rvoterences, Phone ow, (100) | follows 24 mon; iE the convention should get | | | | Arrangements " Ra he Nr. and Mra, Burrows and fams {ty wish to thank their neigh h and General Motors for the kin ness shown them in the recent sa PERT ATL ERIE

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