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Oshawa Daily Times, 1 May 1930, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1930 PACE FIVE Latest News of Stock Markets, Grain and Produce Exchanges Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES { Chicago, April 30~~Changes on the spot egg eall were negligible this morning, but a weaker tone was op« enly noticeable and could easily re sult In declines tomorrow, Trading on the futures cull was limited to the November contract, which was again lower, Daily storage movements into warehouses of the four principal mar kets are largely responsible for the continued weakness of futures, as these daily statistics are interpreted Cus untuvorable, Top grades of butter were allowed to hold unchanged this Porning and appeared to be a bit more steady as the morning passed, On the future ell trade wis o small volume with prices unchanged oh the May and 1-4¢ higher on Nor yembers, Open commitments--May egds, 1 November eggs, 9085; Mayhut ter, 15; June butter, 1; November butter, 200, Two market receipts--=Butter, to- diy, 16,575 ; last year, 322018, Fggs, to diy, 75377; last year, 07,044, Chicago spot market=Butter, ex- tras, 36 1-4¢; standards, 36 1-4¢} tone steady, Eggs, graded firsts, 22 1:2¢- 28¢1 tone barely steady: Street stocks= Butter today, 91,908; f $1.10; No, 2 du, last year, 76,554, gs, today, 150,579, Four mark ts on hund=Bulter, #, 088.043, Kgs, 2043016, Movements at ten markets--=DButter get in, 56,032 lust Hig] net out, 17, 700, Vege net in, 08,981; last year, "ero a May butter, % 1 dosing prices--=May buiter, 36 1. HH November butter, 40 1-4¢; Nove ember eggs, 28 3c, TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on the Toronto Bonrd of Trade ure Mikio the fol lowing quotations for car lots; Manitoba whent-==Ng, 1 Northern, $1.07; No, & $1.04; No. A, W 1:2¢c; No, § 93 d4¢; No 0, 7) 1:2¢; feed, 00 1:3} (edd Gods erigh and Bay ports) Manitoba oats==No, 1 feed, 49 J-do No. 2 do, 47 3-4¢, American corn=No, 2 yellow, 94 Ide; No, § do, 92 J3-4¢, Millfeed, delivered Montreal ton, $33.25; shorts, per ton, $34.25; middlings, $36.25 Ontario graln-=Wheat, $1.10; oats, freights, bags Ancluded==Bran, her|' TORON TEhov IBION Smoked ments==Ilams, medium, 26 ting the following prices te the trade 10 3be § cooked loin, 48 to 52e, sniok: ed rolls, 28s: breakfust bacon, 30¢ to #0gs backs, pon-mealed, Me; do, smoked, 46 to Bb Pork loin, butts 200; hams, 6 a7, aes shoulders, 22¢; to Me, Cured meats=Long clear bacon, 50 ta 70 Ibs, gle 70 to 0 ths, 22; 90 to 110 Ibs, 21g Hunvyweight rolls Lard=Pure, therces, 15¢1 tubs, 106} pulls, 17¢i prints 17 to 17 1+2¢, Shortening = Tierces, 1J¢g 13%et valle, Mc, Tarento wholesale dealers arg quo- Hct light-weight rolls, 25 ('A -- tubs TORONTO FARMERS MARKET The following sre quotations, ree tall, fa effect un the Bt, Lawrenge Market, Toronto Produces / Lars, extras, per dozen 0 1000 040 Do, firsts, per dozen... 0.35 Bott op, dalry, per pound ., 0.95 O00 Do, crenmery, per Ib, 7... 042 048 Fruits and Vegetables = Asparagus, 1 1b, buneh i. 025 wrrots, bus oovirdvenniiie rene #00 Do, 6 qt, semessenase sees (NBD Baets, bus, 5 Dey, 6.4t, Brussels sprouts, qt, Ozlons, dry, 11-qt, Coble 1 basket, ,,., 000 dilabimt | | 50 to. 82¢; barley, 52 to 88ej rye, 2) to 75¢; buckwheat, Bc, Do, 6:01, basket Cabbage ivi s Cauliflower Hr 0.20 L704 . 0.25 0.50 f Wl 7 Wi d i " Foopriition y HE ithatuyboay f i nail il li i of ne I I "4 i po Tu | | fl fi 3) I i | a | N |S; (maith 0) ro ag) os ( : 0 \ i) J k uN oes AD { ITEMS FOR WEEK OF MAY 1st to MAY 7th AYLMER Pork AND Ready to Nerve 2+'17¢ LIFEBUOY HEALTH SOAP Have You Learned This Better Way? Every woman owes it to herself to take advantage of the finest shop- ping pian that is offered, HNituated At over six hundred convenient points tn Ontario you will find Sup. erior Chain Stores offering you the maximum in quality products at prices made lower by tremendous masaqd buying, Bach store is ewned by an experienced grocer who can serve you better and who stands as A personal guarantee behind each artiole he sells--~and in addition, he maintaing a prompt delivery service that eliminates all the unnecessary walking and carrying from = your shopping, Try this. service once and be convinced, WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESH CATELLI'S Macaroni More Vood Value Meat 23¢ CHOICE PUMPKIN than 16 oz. Pkgs. PREVENTS B. O, (Body Odor) cake TC SURPRISE SOAP A Pure Hard Soap 7~39¢ FINEST CREAMERY | BUTTER |2m73¢ ZEBRA Stove Polish |Boue 15€ | HALLOW! DATES 1 Package "ST. CHARLES MILK 2 tor 25¢C CHEESE, Finest Loaf, 1b, 85¢ TOMATO CATARUP gt. bot, 810 LUNCH WAX Rolls, a for 100 BOVRIL, 1 on bottles 100 PLUMS, 2's, L§8, per tin 140 PEACHES, 9's, Canadian , Cholee, HH, por tin ,, Bio MOLASSES, No 8 sige, tin Whe PEP, Kellogg's, 8 pkgs, , , 280 GRAPE NUTH, per pkg... 170 RASPRERRY JAM, Pure, 40 on, Jars VANILLA, Shirvitt's, hot, Rac BROOMS, Good, strong, meds lum weight, cach .,., de SARAD DRESSING, Keaft Son dar, LT QUAKER OATS, Large Packs age with China, per pkg, 88 LICORICR ALLSQTS EE ERE ERE EERE ) } ERE 100 HERRINGS, Brunswick, in Tomato Sauce, per tin 18e¢ CO RY FRUIT CAKE, ker's, por plece ,,. Wo BEETS, Frankford, No, 8 Tins Per Toy RAISINS, Patfed, 9 lbs, for We EXTRA SPECIAL! ALL FOR C EEE ER § Bars Ivory Soap, Gueat, 1 Bar Ivory Soap, Medium, § Bara P, and G, Nap: tha on 2 Bars Gold Soap 1 Package Ivory ed, small 1 Galvanized ol tas, 14 Quarts. Large 2V4 Size 21 250 = Endiyg dozen BORARIRORR BEM 1.50 nach, DOCK srevnresnriner ¥) ushrooms, per pound vee wre DOO Ail "ug, three for 40 4000 010 Hews tettuee, two for ie vine Parsley, por bunch oi ievs 0,10 Crees, three for' overs vane 010 Celery, dosen ,..ooiieiriree 1,88 200 Ofunges, per dow, +, « 0. Honeydew melons, each .., Strawberries, pt, Grapefruit, each Potatoes, hag rat ERRRRN Cucumbers, each (ives Lemons, per dosen ,oiihiie vies Bananas, per dozen 100004 Apples, G-qt, basket vv 1000 028 Cal, green pens, G-gt, kt, +» 0,90 ggolant, eneh oviviieire eevee 0.28 Green beans, 6 qf, ive 1.2% Green peppers, six for ve 0.28 veenianes eon 028 crrvnnnnner anes 10 CERRRAERIAN 28 0, 78 1.00 Cire 0,25 Herren 0 7 0,12 250 2.75 Cranberries, qt, Turnips, bus Parsnips, 11 qt, 00 Apples, Dus covvvinnriene 1.25 LB Green peas, 6 qt, ).30 Tomatoes, 1 5 oiviverininn 01 Pineapples, each vo vvvieeir 025 0.38 Rhubarb, huneh vernon ore 00 Radishes, four bunches .v voi 025 New carota three bunches 0.28 New beets, two bunches ,,,, 0.25 TORONTO PRODUCE QUOTATIONN (nying) Toronto wholesale dealers are buying produce at the following prices; Eggs==Ungraded, cases returned, fresh extras, S8¢; fresh fArsts, Ue} seconds, Se, Butter==No, 1 creamery, solids, B08 to Ble: No, 8, 80 We, Churning cream==Hpecial, No, 1, lle; No, 8, 800, CARRERE Bape LET Toronto Stock Exchange 5| Hews, over 6 Ibs, rene, 00| Old roosters, over 6 Chesse==No, '1. Iatge, colored, §| paratined and government graded, 18% to 10e, Poult ym Alive Brest Do, over 4 to 6 Ibs, ., Do, under 4 lbs, each 20 fprine heollers, over oo. 1 Do, over 4 10 6 Ibs, +4 i {Selling Toronto wholesale dealers are offering produce to retall dealers at the following prices: . Egga==Vresh extras In cartoons, B40; fresh extras, loose, $20; firsts, $00; seconds, 270, Butter, == No, 1, Creamery prints, B6¢; No, 2, "creamery, prints, Hie, Cheose==Now, large, 88 to 88%, twins 28% to el triplets, 20% stiltons, 870, ON, large, 26¢; twins 800; triplets and outs, 800; old #iil. tons, Ale, Pouliyys= Chickens, 0 Ibs, up 1vvevs Do, 410 0 Ibs vivine Do, 4% to 4 1b8, ves s Do, 810 8% Ibs 10000 Do, BIDS .0r0evs Hens, over B IDB, sovvi0ie Brollers ...00 00 Ducks Turkeys ovr vovonrvines CE ---------- TORONTO HAY AND STRAW Whelesale dealers wm hay and straw are quoting shippers the fol lowing prices for earlond lots, der livered on track, Torunto m= No, 2 timothy ,, vere 14.50 $15.00 No. 3 timothy, +... 13.00 14.50 Wheat straw eerie 11.50 Dressed HL] ne ann ha "eee Hh-40 oa-0 46-48 (EERE EN REE EERE EE) Out straw , .., 11.50 rarer Stock Market Prices Marke Summary by Canadian 'ress Toronto and New York Mock Quotations Supplied by Biggar and Crawford, Alger Bullding, Ushawa Th, Hg, Ventures 1805 Wr, Hr, 104 Walnwell 1 47h Low 10% ha LR " 10 11% Hlook High Br, A OI 10% Bras, .«. OH8W Can, dal Can, Bird Cockshutt Dis, Berm Dm, Kirs, 2 Gypsum Hr, Wal, Int Int, Int, In HE) 1% Ul, { i Nk! i Pet bb i Aleh, . Imp, O11 20 ET | Lob, "A" J 10 Ms, Hv, i Peg, Hy TAM MN, Biation 47 WN | Standard Mining Exchange on 140 LE aa LLL] Luh aso 700 in aon 8216 2040 100 200 W YW W LE "4 [4 i | ) | LY 145 LE] ae R0 ano faho 700 7" hilo 23174 Mio 200 200 (1) 148 LL nt she dio 450 (00 £0 flo gion anno ann 804 | Abana | Ajax [ Amulet { Rig Mis, De, Mns Faleon, Holl Me, Ol) Hy, Gold Hd, Pay Lk, Hh, Ninda, sh, Grd, Bd: Ps, New York Exchange Close Low TW 1h 47 ULERY hy AO ny ROH 10 PEW 018 1008 Ahly hl) FE High LA] 61% 11% 08% 2HLN 00M iy LF) 40 100 IR 202 an 01% BAG LER LIAM LB] Ah UL) Hlook Alléghany Alls Chal, Amn, Inter Amn, ¥mel, Amn, Tel, Anaconda Baldwin Horden Norg War Heth, Hieel Can, Dry Can, Pao, Chrysler Dav, Chem, Pox i109 Gen, Klee, ten, Mot Goodyeny Ken, Copper Lig, Carb Mt, Ward Nt, Ch, Ry Pen, Rall Nadie Nem, Nand Sim, Bed ., Bin, OH Rt, of NJ Ntudebaker Th, RL Rear 824 ILA, Heel 180 U.N, Rubber 20% Money 4 per cent, - Ee lath 1 TF - =e PRUNES Large Size 2129¢ GRANULATED SUGAR 61.32¢ PREMIUM TEA on COFFEE With Cup and Saucer VRER ' round O9C . HAWE'S "FLOOR WAX 'Slze ---- 2230 HIGHER BRITISH PREFERENCE N DUNNING BUDGET | (Continued from Mage. 3) Kroups show material depreciation, | Grain were down $249,000,000; flour exports decreased by 320,000. 000 and dairy products by #8: 000,000, On the other hand among the inorease in experts ave, farm implement exports whieh increased by $2,600,000; exports of paper and ita products were up $4,000, 000; alunimum and ita products 20,800,000; copper and fis pros duets increased hy $11,000,000 and precious metals. by. nearly twentystwa millions," Tavift Changes With respect to the tarilt changes, Mr, Dunning declared that they were not the result of any "bargain" with any other country, They wera an expression of the apivit In whieh Canada would approach the Imperial Keon: amie Conference in a few months time, "In other words," he continued, "we do not intend to mest the other countries of the: Britian Commonwealth of Nations fn a Apivit of petty harmaining but rather in the broad spirit of will. a Correction Train Time Canadian National Rys, Train No, 6 TORONTO to MONTREAL Will leave Oshawa 4.40 » "om, dally lnwtead of 44h pm shown In Time Table folder, y [ Ingness to hecoma in ever increas Ing measure good customers to those who treat us 'n lke manner, Thin is the spirit In which we des are to meet all nations, but we bolieve that within the British romnyalty of nations les the Kreatesl measure of opportunity fer mutual development of trade becauss of our common heritage, kindred institutions and a coms mon patriotism," Sm ------ CHICAGO GRAIN Chicago, May 1-=Wheat prices Look an early upward jump today, deliveries on May coutracts both here and at Liverpool proving less burdensome than was expected, IMivat deliverien in Qhicago totaled 1,781,000 bushels and for the moat part found thelr way Into the hands of governor sponsored agents, live erpoel deliveries were only 688,000 ushels, Opening {oe to 10 higher, Ohloamo wheat afterward scored ad- ditional uptuvne, Corn, eats, and provislons were likewise firmer, With corn starting Ye to Yo up, oil Mubuequently reacting Aomwe what, Tm -------------- FOREIGN KXCHANGR New York, May l-=VForelgn ex» change steady: demand rates (Great Aritain in dollars; others in conta): Great Rreitain 4.868; Canas dian dolinr 4 of one percent dla count, WINNIPEG GRAIN Winnipeg, May 1 «== Averaged fractionally higher on the Winnls Pog grain market today on strength at Liverpool and veports of fairly Rood export business overnight, Trading Wu moderately active, May % to % up, opened at $1.08 to $1,08%, July was wp 1 to W at $L00% to $1.00, and October was up AN to 3% at 31.12% to 4. EAST BUFFALO LIVESTOCK Kast Buffalo, N.Y, May 1=llogs £00; holdayers 100; above 150 lbs, active, 15 higher, lighter averages stoadyi, bulk 150-260 lhe, 11.00% 200-280 Ibs, 10.76-10.80; below 150 lbs, mostly 10.50; packing sows 9,10 to 9.50, Cattle 100: medium steers bares Iy steady 10,80; cows unohanged; cutter grages 3.80 to 6,80, Calves 100: vealers ateady: bulk better lots 11,50; some higher Sheep G00; lambs strong to 18 hgher: good to echolee olippers 5.28 to 0.08; madium and strong welghts §,80 to 5,007 few spring Jamba 14.000 STOBIE CREDITORS GET NEW TERMS $250,000 to be Distributed Among Creditors Annually ry Toronto, May l==lmportant am endments to the terms upon which it was originally proposed to reorganize the hf house of Stoble, Vor« long & Co, have been sent out to creditors by the trustee, N, L, Mur tn, Under these amendments the new company will have a capital of 128, 000 shares, one shire to he allotted for every #50 debenture lield by ere ditors, "I'he debenturg Issue will co ver every dollar of Indebtedness of the former firm, und will Le divided among creditors on the basis of thelr equities us of Jane 30, 1950, the date of the firm's bankruptey, Ihe deben: tire issue Is to be personally guars unteed by Messrs, Stoble and Toys long, The original proposal was «to Issue one shire of stock for eneh $100 debenture held by creditors To retire the debentures a fund Is to he ereuted by the allocation eneh yeur of $500,000, and under the am: ended plan hall of that smount ans nually 1s to be distributed pro rata among creditors the balance to he used for purchase of debentures on the open' market below par, If sueh purchases are approved by five of the seven director Of the seven directors five are to be elected by the creditors. Shares of the new company, neluding the 20 per cent, of the Issue to he allotted to Messrs, Stoble and Forlong, are to remain with the trustee until the dehentures ure retired A meeting of ereditors will be held here May 12 to pass upon the reor ganization scheme, RADIO MARKET IS FAR FROM SATURATED Statistieally the Canadian radio market for modern receiving nets Is only IB per cent. saturated, Theoret! cally the potential market much less supplied than the above percentage Indicates, as that figure Is made without regard to possible in erease in population or to -the 1a that a large percentage of the 500,000 unwired homes In Canada at present will be equipped with electric sery lee In the next few years APRIL BUILDING TURNS THE TIDE Montreal, May 1==Canadlan eon struction figures for the month of April, Just made publie, Indicate a very definite Spring revival, even more pronounced fw the aggregate is even than a year ago, when a considerable boom In building was under way in the Dominion, New projects commenced In April had a value of $48,778,000, which to- tal represents an increase of 12.7 per cent, over April of last year, Yor the first four months of the current year there Is still shown s slight decreass from the total for the corresponding four-month period of last years SHANNON FIRM TO MAKE SETTLEMENT Hope to Satisfy Creditors by Return of Their Stock Toronto, Muy L=An understanding that 1, 8, Shannon & Company, sus pended fron trading on the Standurd Stock and Mining Exchange yesters day, hopes to make a complete sot tlement to its creditors by return of thelr stock was glven last night by members of the firm wo N, L, Mars tin, Interim recelver, In whose custody the Sompuny wis placed under an or der of W, J, Reiley, Registrar in Bunkreuptey, Mr, Martin stated that he had taken possession of the books but was unable to make any state ment Application for the Interhm reeely Ing order wis made ut Osgoode Hall by: Meyer Brenner, who, In the af fidavit accompanying his application, sates that he Is uw creditor of (he company to the amount of $12,000 OF this tol, $5000 is In cash, My Brenner eluims und $2,000 consists of profits which, he says, the company owes him, Mining and brokerage clreles were first informed of the developments In the compuny's affairs by an announ cement made at the close of 1rading on the Standard Stoek and Mining lxehango at J o'clock yesterday ui ternoon, when F, J, Crawford, Presi dent of the Fxchange, stated that the company had been suspended from trading on the fleor following fallure to meet Its clearings, FANHIONE HIT IRISH FARMERS Woman's desire to he fashions Able is causing the agricultural de pression in Northern Ireland, sald Mir Bdward Arehdale, the Minister of Agriculture, in a speech in the Northern House of Commons re cently, He declared that becauss women of Great Britain, In thelr desire to be slim, now refuse to ont potatoes, merchants who herve tofore hought large quantities of Irish tubers, are purchasing caut fously, Representative Collinag added that because girls had adopt ed artificial silk knlekers instead of linen ones the flax and linen trades were hard hit, Represent ative Nixon, of the, opposition, sald the charges were just another onne of Adam blaming Eve, LITTLE TRADING * ON'TORONTO MART By Prices Fluctuate Narrowly Slightly Above Last Night's Close Toronto, May 1="Trading Was almost ut un wiandstill on the Tors onto stock. exchange this morning the volume of sales the first two hours being extremely low, While active demand wos lucking there was good underlying support to the market and consequently prices fluctuated narrowly at or slightly nbove thelr Wednesday night's closing, Walkers merely continued to regain the ground lost after iis re cent rise, moving up (his morning from whera if, Joft off last night, Welling at 18 it showed u net gain of Yh point, LIST FIRM ON THE MINING MARKET Nickel Firm, Lindsleys Fairly So, Golds Stronger Toronto, May 1 xcept on two oases, Dase Metals and Home Oil, lowses were scatiered and upimpors tant on the mining market during the early period today, the list as mn whole; retaining the firm appents ance In ealdunce yesterday, Olin, generally faMed Lo respond to the improved feeling, Dut both copper and gold groups displayed some ine Laresting movements, International Nickel again shows od Armness throughout the session, exhibitng n gain of 256 at $35 at noon, Neranda was unchanged from last night at 820.50 hut Hudson Bay moved up 20 to $0.20, Linde sleys were firmer though ventures receded # to 81,25, Jaleonbridee gained 10 to $4.86, Bherritt Gores don 7 to #4 and Sudbury Basin & to $2.08 CHICAGO GRAIN OPENING Chicago, May l-=Wheat, May 1.« 02: July 1.06%: Cept. 108%} corn, May ROM; July BY; Rept, Nis ons, May 40% July 41% ay, LL Nept N The San Yranclseo Chronicls says the only big ship driven by wind In thesh days ix the ship of state, ~-Chatham News, a a ATTENTION Hundreds of our many Customers have asked us to continue our Smoke Sale a little while longer, to enable them to get more of the real Bargains, which we have been selling at very Low Prices in the last few weeks. There: fore, to oblige our Customers we will again put on Sale, for Friday and Saturday only, our First Quality Merch. andise at Greatly Reduced Prices. chance. Don't Delay! Buy Now! and always at the Dominion Clothing Co. This will be your last FTL TOL 0 LVL JC CHILDREN'S NAVY BLUE SERGE REEFER COATS, COL SLL SOL SRL WL SLY $1.69 Regular $2.49 ..... Regular $8.95 . Ln BOYS' TWEED SUITS, 2 Pair Knickers, JUL RLV TO J SL JOC Regular $16.80... MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS, COR JLT STO JOC WL LRN JT SL BE LY $9.49 MEN'S SUITS, With Extra Pants $12.95 Sizes 30 to Ri 27 Only, COLLEGIATE SWEATER COATS, CHILDREN'S STOCKINGS, Regular 28¢ Pair, ...... CLR CTL JL WWE WY 2 80888000000 ; 9s i, By Pain fr REE LI BOYS' NAVY Regular 96c LLL TE LN BLUE AND TWEED KNICKERS I RR RO FOR SEY 59¢ VILE SL TL EY MEN'S COTTONADE WORK PANTS LIL SLL LT J YR OR J, JL J J WY 89¢ Regular $1.49 » LC SHR TOL LY CHILDREN'S PLAY SUITS CON JH J JUL VE WLC LI NL LT ETUC ESOL WL TLC ELT, : S BALBRIGGAN COMBINATIONS, 3 Sizes 34 to 46. Regular 88¢ EE TT TS A NN SSR RR RL) b9c Dominion Clothing Co. 68 KING STREET WEST. + We Deliver . PHONE 2141

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