THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1930'. PAGE NINE RADIO SYSTEM HELPS POLICE 10 CATCH GRIMINALS Most of Large Cities in United States and Can-, ada Adopt it Montreal--The rapidity and stvice ofered ny by H, H, Hig ns of hern Electric y o Hom Montreal and District Fire Chiefs Club, Citing Detroit as an example, the speaker sald that the radio system is Leing gradually adapted the large cities of Canada and the nited States, By means of a powerful cen~ tral radio telephone transmitting sta. 0 aE in patroliin ce are transmit Bd headquarters to officers of the department in any section of the city, Each car has its section to patrol and when any- thing unusual is reported all the cars recelve the message and the one nearest to the point where trouble is brewing, proceeds to investigate. report is immediately forwarded to headquarters, A police department which ued ot io equ motor cars glo ne ho the fastest, most. efficient and most economical means of catche ing and _convictin criminals, Mr. Higgins declared. The faster the po- lice get to the scene of a crime, the tess chance the criminal has to es cape. 'The speaker showed the value + of radio for the police department SY ating that in September, 1929, | i oit, 171 arrests were made In an De ge of 61 seconds after the call had been/'recelved by police head- quarters, With the' large number of motor cars already owned by the City of Montreal, radio equipment for these automobiles could be purchased at moderate sum and public protection would be greatly improved, Mr. Hig~ gins said in conclusion, SARDINE CANNERS BEMOAN SHORTER PACKING SEASON Bastport, Me, ~While the mos- uls of the sardine industry bemoan their hard luck, the people of. the nation wilt. contig to eat last ear's supply of sardines, Sardine canning forms the big- gest part of the industry around these parts and around April 16, the 26 factories located here and in neighboring seaports used to look forward to the arrival of the boatloads of herring, Recently rastic changes have taken place in the sardine industry and from a once busy and prosper. ous season of seven months it hae dwindled to less than four mopths, This year, because large stocks from last season's pack have been on hand. in storage, can ners bere have not been eager for | another opening until the old pack has been disposed of, URGING DOMESTIC RELATIONS COURT IN MONTREAL CITY Montreal ~The establishment of a domestic rélations court in' Montreal will be urged upon Hon, L. A: Tash- area, Attorney-General, by the Montreal Council of Social Agencies, and it is hoped that the support of French-ipsaking kindred organiza. tions will be vbtained for the project, It was. stressed that, such a court would be a great help in dealing with the num cases of marital dis sension and juvenile deliquency which come: before the Council of Social Agencies, George B, Clarke, pointed out that |' officers id a system of adults would have to be crea make a court of domestic re! of real benefit, t wi harrassed unempl had their ion at the pg a a a Te retary of the: me spoke v neglected tions | and SPRINGS URGE MADE SCULPTOR A BUDDING POET But His Prancing on Roof's' "Edge Landed Him in Police Toils New York, May 2.~~About this time of year sap runs in sugar maple trees and poets, Grass turns green and livers torpid, The wan winter sun faintly smiles, and in the Latin Quarter, Greenwich Village and Soho, painters and seuiptors and scribblers erawl to their dormer windows to thaw in. spirstion in the balmy effulgence of the vernal season, In Brooklyn the tradition is dif- ferent, Perhaps there are no dorm- or windows, Anyway, in Brooklyn spring comes in with a zip and a sowie, & yell and a hell of a hullobaloo, frightening little maids on the way to school, stop. ping stolid trolley cars dead In their tracks, filling the streets with crowds and confusion and Al calling out the police. Dances on Cornice Roistering spring romped through an open window in the olumbia Heights section of Brook Ayn and made a playfellow out of IMs Dartols, Bilis is a sculptor who has experienced twenty-nine springs, all of thom about the sama --ox00pt this one. This spring grabbed him around the waist and whirled him round and up through the skylight of his studio to dance 8 gay fandango on the cornice, The cornice and roof are only four stories above the earth, so when Ellis emitted a pagan war ory and began to skip mlong the edge of the roof ho attracted at- tention from the street, First one, then two, then half a dozen and finally about two thousand persons jammed the street in front of the studio watching the young sculptor invoke the spirit of springtime, As the spirit of the thing began to grow on him he made offerings to the goddess, First his shoes ench one removed while teefesing on one leg on the very edge of the roof--then his cost, shiry socks, He flung them to the brees- on, skipping and dancing as he un- buttoned, In five minutes he was down to trousers and underwear, He flung his arms in a shower of kisses to the crowd below and pran- ced off the stage to the modest dressing room space afforded by a chimney, And thes he made his reappearanco-~this time dressed only fo his short and gauzy under- wear, J - eptember Morn The crowd wet up a roar of en- courngement. and Ells clasped Spring in his arms and danced with even more abandonment; He van. Ished for an Instant and reappear. ed without the underwear. The crowd gasped in shocked surprise, Twoscore of little girls, trudging by on the way to a nearby school, had stopped jn open-mouthed won. der to gaze at the funny man on the roof. Matrons in the crowd hurriedly turned the little girls around and started them off to school with admonitions not to look back, One young lady scream. ed and almost fell in a faint, 0 Spring! O Goddess of the flow'ring bough!" intoned Kis, aburidoning the chisel for the fam- bie pentameter, "Gimme Spring Three-One Hundred!" some one down below was Intoning into a telephone at. the same moment, The line did not scan but it invoke. od Police Headquarters and two patrolmen materialized within a few minutes, They called more men to clear away the crowd, They gained the roof by way of a fire escape and crawled across it, edge ing closer and closer to the seulp- tor who was still manufacturing poetry and new dance steps with- puta thought to custom or cos- They grabbed him with sudden rushes and carried him away from the brink of the roof, scratching and kicking, For fifteen minutes they struggled and had him sub- dued sufficiently to wrap him In & ploce of canvas, when he broke loose ngain and ran back to the edge of the roof, This time ten stout citizens wore enlled up, and Ellis Dartols wos carried down to a waiting ambuls ance from Kings County Hospital, Dr, Gardner of Long Island Col. lege Hospital took a look at him and suggested the observation OUR LOW PRICE INCLUDES ERECTION We arrange for building permit and sttend to the erection in Osh. awa and district of every PEDLAR'S "MAJESTIC" GARAGE Strong wood frame covered with Nu<Root Siding and Roofing, Pan elled doors 7 ft, high, 8 ft, wide two lights of glass in each door Low price includes Sales Tax Order yours now, The PEDLAR PEOPLE Limited. 'PHONE 950, OSHAWA, ONT. PEDLAR"S mt TAL- BUILT PRODUCTS a RL | JOE g / into ¥ ----" HRA rE, ment believed it will open a new fleld for musical expression, As yet unnsmed, the instrument is played In the manner of a pleno, land the experimental model, which | bas x three-octave keyboard, wae | designed to simulate the deep re. | sonant tones of an organ, It eau he made to produce the sounds of al most any musical instrumente=sich uy a violin, clarinet or ohoe, BRITISH FLOUR MUST BE IN EVERY LOAF London, May 2 =~ The British Government has definitely decided vio establish regulations requiring » minimum . percentage of British wheat flour in every loaf milled in Britain, according to the agricul- tural correspondent of the Dally Express yesterday, The newspaper ndds the minimum will be a varying not a fixed figure, and that the Government's policy will shortly be published In the form of a govern- By the new, up-to-date police signal system which Toronto officially took aver the other day, with considerable ceremony, the Pol co Department Is enabled to transmit a description of a stolen car, hold-up man or bandit to every man on his heat; this new system is also available for service every moment of the + night or day for the conduct of ordinary routine business and communication of orders. The system is spread over the entire 82.8 square miles of city ares, and is divided into twelve police divisions, The. pictures: upper loft shows former Police Chief Col, Grassett receiving the golden key from W. R. Ostrom, Distrie Manager of the Northern Electric Company who handed the system over to the Police Department; right, typical installation at street corner showing officer turning in a call, Lower left, the main swite snd Col, Draper, Chief of Police are seen at his left, hboard and recording instruments; right, Col. Grassett putting in the first call, Mayor Wemp ward, They will know shortly whether every succeeding spring Is going to affect him the same way, PLAYWRITES GET HUGE. ROYALTIES Successful Plays Bring In. comes Running into Six Figures Washington, ~~ Royalties paid authors of successful plays well roward them for thelr work thelr shares often running Into hundreds of thousands of dollars, Loo Bhu- bert. New York theatrical pro- ducer, told the House Patients Committee, Mr, Shubert, accom panied by A, H, Woods, also n producer, and representatives of publishing firms, appeared before the committees to protest against the enactment of the automatic copyright. bill, which would pers mit authors to dispose separately of book, play, motion pleture and radio rights, Mr, Shubert gave a list of plays upon which large royalties had been paid. The highest amount, $575.000, went to the authors of "The Desert Song", a musical comedy play, which ran last year, For writing "Begger on Horseback," Mare Connelly and George B. Kaufman were paid $104,722, Bayard Velller, author of "The Trial of Mary Dugan', re- ceived $312,060, "The Shanghal Gesture' brought Samuel Shipman $188,000, nnd Michael! Arlen re celved $240,000 for "The Green Hat," So tar, RN, C. Sheriff, author of "Journey's End," has received $181,000, and Ring Lardner and George 8, Kaufman have been pald $262,000 for thelr rooyglties of "June Moon', Philip Dufning and George Abbott, who wrote "Broadway", were paid $300,000 in royalties, while Mary Roberts Rhinehart roceived n like amount for writing "The Bat," Ax the present law stands an author gets full rights to a play that does not run for twenty-eight successive performances, Over that number, however, the produc. or has a half share in motion ple ture rights, book rights and the ike, i HUSICAL SOUNDS BY OPTICAL MEANS Device Uses Light and Photo-Electric Cells for Strange Effects 4 Cambridge, Mass, May 2-~An in- strument which may open a new field for musienl erpression has been doveloped at the Massachu- setts Institute of Technology here, Utilizing beams of light and photoelectric cells, the new device which was constructed by Professor Arthur C, Hardy and Sherwood ¥F, Brown of the physics department, for Duval R. Goldthwaite, New York music patron produces en. tirely new musical sounds by opti- onl means, According to Professor Hardy, the instrument produces synthetie musical sounds which have never been heard hefore and in addition, in capable of producing the sounds of most existing instruments, Mu- siclans who have heard the instru mental "white paper." MAY 1S AWARDED AVIATION TROPHY, (By Canadian Press Lassed Wire) . Ottawe, May 1,--W, R, "Wop" May, intrepid flier of Edmonton, Alta, Is 1029 winner of the Mc- Kee trophy, awardea annually te the pilot who renders the mosy meritorious service to the ade vancement of aviation in Canadas, In addition to performing plon~ eering work over western Canadas air mall routes during 1999, "Wop May made several senpu~ tional flights on errands of mercy. Even If You Have a Larger ] Cleaner You Need The Spic-Span 4 Y PREMIER Spic-Span, the great new cleaner that brought the famous Premier Complete Cleaning Unit to perfection, doubles the usefulness of any ordi- nary vacuum cleaner. This clever cleaner takes the full cleaning force of super-suction into odd cor ners that clumsy, inefficient Jun well SpieSpan with Deodoriner and Blower $17.50 0 Pr farms part of both Premier Com. lots Closning Unita (418 [reias either the Pre. mier Bop x or the Premier lor, and 8 Yioor Pelishe rd a" the Splebpun, make seclenning saier, quicker an fare thorough thas it '} The Premier ote ait These if, A a ver attachments can't reach. It protects materials against moth ravages --it sweetens the air when cooking odor get around--anditdislodges and removesdirt from places that no other cleaning method can reach. Add the Spic-Span to Jout cleaning equipment. Phony a Premier dealer now ana get him to demonstrate its great usefulness, Authorized Premier Dealers Bowra Electric Shop : Harry Wilson Hardware » Oshawa, Ont, * -we 'Oshawa, Ont. Good Cars To Ch Ys = 1927 CHEVROLET COACH CHEVROLET SEDAN light «of wives by he husbands and 3 ay a rule to engage a lawyer are to represent them. this' car has been driven a very small 'mileage by a careful driver, - S345 1928 CHEVROLET SEDAN Mtr just Javedidled, $478 Ny Only driven very small mileage. Good motor, . Price ~~ 1928 PONTIAC SEDAN In splendid condition every way. Looks and runs like a new car. % b2§ 1928 BRITISHER ) oh Used Car Lot of Ontario Me. tor § Simcoe St. South, Oshawa, where these Used Car Bargains will be on dis. i play. ¥ ET 3 ale Jee 3 : May 2="I should like to oo and female, under Ar ki th Saunders, form. of the Cailisle omnission. ut \ Wi ably, which among 'young tem of lig 1 & 7 Paty us a Visit. You're Welcome Used Cars Guaranteed For 30 Days p = Look 'For The Cars or Trucks a CHEVROLET COACH Not a mark on paint or upholstery. yi i 27 ESSEX SEDAN Thin car ia listed at $330. { r Price $380 5 lea CHEVROLET TRUCK! With new ¢ab and' stake' body. Two new tires, license. "A real' © bargain, Price A 5 $695 5 PONTIAC TRUC 1927 N Closed body, Price | w oy LR a ep 30 Day Guarantee Stickers les Limited.