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Oshawa Daily Times, 2 May 1930, p. 1

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mmm Ts Commbnish Sentenced roti amu Feb tein, 17, who was arrested yesterday on a charge of vagrancy during the ate tempt, to stage » Communist gather. ing at Queen's Park, was sentenced today by Magistrate Margaret Pat. terson to three months at the mun~ igipal farm for women, The magis- trate recommended the girl be de- ported upon the conclusion of her sentence, 18 Pairs of Twins, Record of Parents, Children Total 37 (By Canadian Press Loassed Wire) Mexico City, May 2~The news: paper Excelsior's unique effort to find Mexico's most prolific mother has brought an entry from Tuxtla Gulterrez, capital of Chippas, where Leoncio Chavarria and his wife, dur ing the forty years of thelr wedded tife have been the parents of thirty. seven children, Twenty three were boys and fours teen were girly, With the exception of the first horn, the subsequent ar- rivals were 18 pairs of twins, ROBERT W. EATON DIES IN TORONTO (By Canadian Press Loased Wire) Toronto, May i--Robert Well ington Eaton, superintendent of the T, Eaton Company Limited, for many years, died at his home today following a lengthy 1liness, He was in his 66th year, 'Born at St, Mary's Ont, March 16, 1864, he wan the son of Robert Baton, Kidest brother of the late any, Coles ns. # director of the Btand- ard Bank until its amalgamation with the Canadian Dank of Come merce in 1028, He was & director of the Canadian National exhibi- tion and was for many years an ae tive member of the Board of Trade, ------------------ FATHER THREATENS DEATH TO TORONTO GIRL'S ASSAILANT 2 Leaps on Defendant in Court a | n inister of fi. nance dresented the Bit Billy re- specting py transfer of the natural When Daughter Tells Story of Crime (By Canadian Press Laased Wire) Toronto, May 2.~While listens ing to testimony nmainst Samuel Richmond and Willlam Marous, who are charged with a serious ot- fence against a 13-year-old girl, the father, incensed, as he heard his daughter describa the men's : notions, leaped from his seat In the courtroom today and pounded on Marcus, He knocked his glasses off and punched him in the face aud then seized him by the throat, *'l rould kill you," he yelled excited. i, "I could kill you," A number of court constables rushed across the court and lawy- ors standing nearby intervened but it was only by physical force the men were able to separate them a8 he sought to tighten his grip on the prisoner's throat, . Lot him at thew," yelled a o wolee from the benches, as officie als release d the father's hold, Marcus and, Richmond were ar rested Saturday ening following a "com t th ther that his aint from on pill by (| two men to an apartment and mise "Marous and Richmond were com« mitted for trial, SS -------------------- Ottawa, May 2~Today in parlia- ment} The House of Commons wil ake on ibe War Veteran yoy Bl ill then go, int tt { on either pout wy po 0 Saskatchewan an r the transfer of the Peace Riv k and the railway belt in given second passed the committee iy SAR |} , Soe bill 10 ame / Act, he @shamua Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1930 ADOES RAGE THROUGH U.S.A. TOR Ratt Nearly All Classes of Citi zens Affected by Sweep- ing Revisions in Taxation Big Reduction in Tea Prices EASTERN ONTARIO DAIRYMEN BENEFIT Fruit Dealers Pleased With Changes--Big Saving to Investors Under Lower Stock Taxes--Some Dis- appointments -------- (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) Ottawa, May 2.~Politieal, Ot. tawa is today studying the tariff schedules brought In by yesterday's sweeping budget, Out of the maze of changes the predominate fea~ tures are to increase general tare ifs and lower duties under British preference, The hundreds of changes in the steel schedules are perhaps the most intricate, They mark a stifs fening proteciion for primary pro« ducers under the general tariff, It is estimated that the tariff has inorensed the duties on steel pro- ducts of which over #260,000,000 was brough in from the United Staten last year, In most cases the ineransed have been where the same goods are manufactured in Canada but in many cases the changes even effet goods not made in this country and on these the duty under the British preference was lowered, Now Plant For fault Bie, Marie, y a A new steel mill Tor the Sault Tor the manufacture of larger strue- tural building shapes is forecast in a statement issued this morning by Ww, ¢, Frans, goma Steel Corporation, comments ing on the tariff changes announced in yesterday's budget, Other features of the budget are favorable to the local industry, it is pointed out by Mr, Frane, Satidfaction Kxpressed (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) Toronto, May 2.-~After digest ing Won, ©. A. Dunning's ' first hudget overnight, Ontario citizens today confined their studies of the important proposals of the finance minister to those sections effects ing them more potently than others, Importers of tea have snnounged a reduction to the consumer of about 15 cents each pound In On- tario, Quebec and the Maritimes, and 10 cents a pound to the tea drinkers of western Canada, Fruit dealers expressed pleasure at the tariff changes in regard to fruits and vegetables, They will not only protect the farmer from undue competition, but will regus late supplies and provent overloads ing of the market, one wholesale dealer sald, Benefits Dalrymen Favorable comment came from dairy producers in eastern and central Ontario regarding the tar itt chan affecting butter pro- ducts, while bean growers of weat- orn Ontario consider the changes effecting that farm product will help the growers, v ope was renewed at Windsor the tariff changes In connection with the steel industry would re sult in the re-opening of the Cana« dian Bteel Corporation Plant at Ojibway which has been operated on a partial basis since the great war, "Representatives of a large Canas dian tobacco manufacturing come pany expressed disappointment that no changes had been made in the tobacco excise tax, C, NB, Watts, SOOTEtATY-LreaBuTer of the Dominion Millers' Assocla~ tion, does not balleve the increases the tariff on wheat and other raing their products as laid own in budget, will afteot trade in items between Cane adn and United States, He stated very little wheat or flour comes lute Canada from United States, Hales Tax rp ity the reduction WW iiastion ~ Otflolaly 1st believe Tr ALAN M06 (FRUIDE at the DroseRt i. When the market assumed a more , however, 'wan laved a conalderuble saving to the investor would result, WT ------------ hi wa AU by and al a Alek | ry ber of the RELEASE NEAR FOR INNOCENT YOUTHS Two Who Confessed Ottawa Crime Have Pleaded Guilty in Court a-------- (By Canndian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, May 2.~Release from Portsmouth penitentiary of Henvy Lacasse and Eugene Vontaine fs again apparently just around the corner, Kugene Barnabe and Dune ean Larocque, two other young men of Ottawa who recently cons fessed to police that they commits ted the holdup for which Lacasse and Fontaine were sentenced, and then pleaded not guilty to the crime when they appeared for pre. liminary hearing, changed their minds once again ahout the mat. ter when they were hailed today in county judges' court," Pleas of guilty were entered by both and Judge 1, J, Daly remanded them for sentence until May 9, The photographs reproduced here show two of the men behind the federal budget, a feature of which is a surplus of $44,000,000, LEFT, Hon, Chas, A. Dunning, the min. ister responsible for the budget, IN THE LIMELIGHT TODAY and, RIGHT, W. HW, Moore, chair. man of the tariff beard, which took the evidence upon which the bud. fet was based, Two others prom nently connected with the hudget, but not shown here, are James Satisfaction Is Expressed in Dunning's Budget STEEL MILLS BENEFIT T0 GREAT EXTENT - T0 BUILD NEW STEEL PLANT AT $00 Russell, wotiving commissioner of tariffs, who deafted hudget resolu. tions for the last time, and Wector Melnnon, new tariff commissioner 18 Cents » Weeks 3 Cents a Copy "All the News While It Is News" TWELVE PAGES STORMS KILL EIGHTEEN AND CAUSE TREMENDOUS PROPERTY DESTRUCTION BRITAIN WELCOMES DUNNING BUDGET Possibility. of Increased Trade Hailed in London (By Canadian Press Leased Wine) London, May 2-British reaction to the Canadian budget especially as cancerns Its proposals for inereased British preference an many articles, is likely to be profound The difference in time between London and Ottawa resulted in lat reception of the Canadian finance minister's proposals last night and there were no comments in this mar ning's papers, Only in the headlines and in the prominence given the Of« tawa despatehes, Is Hritish opinion indicated, A note of welcome is saun ded for the possibility of Increasing trade between the Mather Country and the senior dominion Politieal leaders today were relue tant to express any definite opinions hefare they had time to make & study of the Canadian budget Nevertheless there is little doubt the Canadian proposals for inereased British preference are destined to fis and former secretary of (arif¥ hoard, gure largely in the press and on the platform in Britain Whitby Baby Judged Finest In Empire, Dies in Toronto Big Air-Rail Merger Mooted New York Paper Hears C.NR., CP.R., and Air. way Lines Are Involved (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) New York, May 3-The Herald Tribune today published a story from ita Montreal correspondent predicting a huge alr-rall service merger involving, in all probability, both the Canadian National and Canadian Pacific Rallways besides the Aviation Corporation of Can- ada and Western Canada Alrways, The story says that merger ru- mors, current for ever a year, have been new life by the report that a tentroliing interest in Wastern Alrways has been offered to the Canadian Pacific Rallway, It is pointed out that already several companies in the east have come under the control of the Avis ation Corporation of Canada, while Western Canada Alrways has os tablished itself as the obief air transport agency in the west, These two steps are taken as an indica» tion that further developments will occur to link air transportation under a single control right aoross the country, The story goes on to say that the control may take the form of a holding company subs sidised by he dominion governs ment, This conclusion is reached as u result of reluctance of the railways to enable aotively in aviation pro. jects, Tt 18 thought that the rail ways, however , would be drawn into the nationalisation of airways, through the necessity for air-rail connections, without assum ing financial vesponaibllly for the maintenance of the = airways themselves, NOTED BUILDER 0 RAILWAYS DEAD George Decks Was Pioneer in North American (By Condion Prom Lonsed Wire) oronto, May 2-The death yesters morning Decks, presi f George h i Cl tion etl Bo Ci American engineers and ploneers was | ti Announced v by his relatives, He was 72 years old, Mr. Dooks had just completed the laying aver heavy snow, in 40 below Rather, the rn to for the ove pogo railway ne for. Nort tion a FFARR, Little Teddy Rowe, Whe Won Contest From 60,000 Entrants, Succumbs to In. fluensa Toronto, May 2+"Teddy" Rowe, the boy that a4 a tworyear-old was weclaimed six years ago as "The Ron: nest Baby in the British Empire," and won an award of $500, is dead, There were 60,000 haby competit- ors in the contest held throughout the Kimpire in 1934 10 find the bon. niest baby, and 18 prize winners were selected. James Edward Rowe, or "Teddy" as everybody ealled him, then residing in Whithy, was the flawless child selected as the finest of the 60,000, But it is the most beautify! flower In the garden that falls beiore the chilling frost, and "Teddy" Rowe, fighting' to recover from an attack of flu ten weeks ago, was the vietim of a germ that found its way to the inner lining of his heart, Today the white crepe on the door at M Fernbank ave, the home of the parents of Mr, and Mrs, Themas E, owe, tells the tragic story of the passing of a beautiful ehild, eut down n the bloam of his boyhood, Teddy" was adjudged an almost erfect child when he won the Bri ish baby competition in 194 and the prize, Teddy had large brown eyes and light hair and his weight and size were in floner proportion: As he rew uw is hair became darker, He ad a bubbling spirit of good hum- or and saw the lovely and beautiful side of everything that attracted his attention, When in Whithy, Teddy's parents, onerated a gatoline service station, They came to Toronto about five VOATS ARO, Gandhi's Plans Regarded in a Serious Light r-- Arrest Cannot Be Delayed If He Persists in Intentions (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) london, May 2Plans of Ma. hatma Gandhi to lead his civil dis. obedience movement personally in Bombay 1f 100,000 followers wear. ing homespun can he assured him were regarded here today as pors tending possibly te the most peri. ous developments yet of the pre. sent unrest, While there has heen no nel tending to confirm published states ments yesterday that arrest of the Satyagraha leader was imminent, there was general oplonin that the government could held Hs hand longer 11 the Mahatma persists in this Intention, He has thousands of followers in Bombay already enrolled, with recruits coming constantly, Als though professing a polley of non- violent veaistance to law, It has been the experience of the Indian authorities In the past that such non-violence sometimes breeds dis turbances, which, in some cases at least, have had regrettable out. comes, Hamilton, =A burglar who wis prowling around 'n the home of Norman 8, Lang last night, is ber liaved to have been the cause of a fire which broke out in the upper part of the house this morning, doing damage estimated by the owner at $1,000, : Thirteen Communists Are rested--Four Held at Fort William When They Re. fuse to Obey Police (By Canadisn Press Leased Wie) Sudbury, May f2-=Highteen com munists arrested yesterday as & result of May Day disturbances were remanded for one week when they appeared this morning hefore Magistrate MoKessock, Ball was sot at $100 each, At loast 200 employees of the International Nickel Company of Canada and associated mining com. panies will be discharged as a ree sult of the part they toek in the umonstration, Audbury, May 2-=Thirteen Com. mubists, including threa 'women, were under arrest here last night, after a olagh with elty and provine ola! police Who broke up an Ate tempt of several hundred to stage a May Day parade, Most of thode taken Into cus tody. were leaders of the Commun: fst organization here, They were arrested after a group of demons strators charged the police, Release Demanded No sooner had the thirteen heen lodged in jail, than the remnants ot the paraders reassembled and mars ohed to the Police Btation, There a spokesman demanded the immedi ate release of those arrested, Pole reserves wera summoned to meet the possibility of violenge and an emergency call was sent out for the fire veels, When the pavaders refused to disperse, fire: men divected a stream of water into the midst of the evowd, This had the desived effect, and men and women in water-soaked elothing sourried In all drections, . SUMMARY OF TARIFF CHANGES SHOWS BUDGET HAS EFFECT ON LONG LIST OF COMMODITIES Ottawa, May 8-=The nprineipal tarriff changes announced in the budget follow! In the vegetable sohedule: the changes for the most part involve an extension of the British prefer ence, The Jratrentinl vate of 14 per cent, eliminated and the inter. mediate and Aepetel rates of 27 par cent, and 30 per cent continu on the Rilawin imports, Asparagus, green beans, brigaels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, and beets, Rot otherwine vided for oaulifiower and egg plant, celery, ououmbers, lettuce, parsley, geen peas, rhubard, spinach and water Or'eNE, The 20 per cent, Rritiah prefers sutial Tate on tomatoes uoed 0 » © With regard to tinned vegetables the preferential taritt is o naa. to free entry an 0} area cents inter 1 d 11s cents -- to WT Ay hi hiktive Ags SES on this item, ~Mrujte and vemetables under the { pound od beans oorn and tomatoes ye the tari from 1 new 'tariff will have the following rates~--Hritlah preference, inter mediate and general rate respec tively: Apricots == freew=20 p.0,, 20 Po, but not less than leo, per pound under general tavife, Oherrias--troe--120 po~~20p.0, but not lesa than 2¢, per pound, Cranberries free-=20 p.o,»=28 pound, Peaches trea=~20 p.0,28 no, but not lean than 1340, per pound, OATS = f100==R0 PO =88 DO, but not leas than %o, per pound, Plums and prunes = free--120 PO=28 po, but not leas than §o, per pound, Strawberries, raspberries and lo- nherries=11e0==20 Poi==28 Do, ut not leas than 30, per pound, © Other berries (ree=-20 pow 25 po, but not less than 20, per pound. \ \ uinges and nectarines «= free wed OPO 20 po, but not leas than 10. per pound, freas=20 pow Apples trogh we 86 p.0, but not leas than «be, per Po, but mot lesa than ie, perf ye Grapes fresh == free==1ije, per pound--20, per pound, Cantelopes and myskmellony == free==20 p.o-=88 po, but not less than 130, ot pound, Other mellong == free 40, per pound-=fle, per pound, Grapefruit == When imported through Canadian povige=trea=-- 0, POY pound==1o, per pound, Otherwise the tariff is §o,==1¢, and Olives and ohervies and brine ry bottleds=10 po=1Tlh PO peo, Sugar: Tavit Up The olaims of the sugar refiners have heen met to some extent in the {tems covering that commadity, duvet} augar will he brought under A tari tnoreased from A8 cents British preferende to 68 'cents; ins termediate 46 cents to $1.23, and general 80 th to $1,048, Acoords ing to the proportion of total sugs Are In the product the tail is on A aliding, seaie, ranging from an inorease of 100 per cent, te 200 per cent, on the present syhedules, . Steel Duties Sorap of wrought ivon or steel, to be used for remelting will be ad (Coutipued on Page 6) Sudbury 'Police Turn Fire Hose on Red May Day Parade Cobourg Wife Sues Husband $10,000 Balm For Alleged False . J " Asks i "w (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) Cobourg, May 8A writ for $10,000 on the grounds of false arrest has heen issued against Harold Apear, Haldimand farmer, by his wife, acting through her oouncil, the Hen, George N, Gow don, of Peterboro, The case was heard yesterday by Magistrate W, H; Floyd ana wae Journed for lack of evidence, The geneals of the cases lies in the fact that fpear came home from work one day to find his wife gona and a six-month child left alone, Hpear's first act was to nes tity the proviaeial police whe Yuund and arrested Mrs, Bpear at: the home of an uncle in Peterboroe, Mra, Spear claims, in her action againat her husband, that it was moat difoult to live with him, dhe alleged he ill-treated her and had threatened to commit suicide, The husband had charged his wife Mth desertion before the present action, APPRENTICES 10 HAVE NEW CLASSES Boys Learning Building Trades to Attend School in Winter (By Canadian Proas Losasd Wie) Toronto, May f-=Announcement was made tdday by the provincial apprentiveshin commities that have been approved by the ntavie government for establishe ing distriet apprenticeship classes next winter in Windsor, London Hamilton, Toronto, Ottawa and at least. ane centre in Northern One. tario, All fivet and second year ap. prentices in the nine bullding tradea throughout the pravinee will he required to attend day classes for eight weeks during the slack period in' winter months, The Ontario Apprenticeship Act, which han been in farce ainee, April 1028, was amended at the last session ol the legialatuve an that all employers th the building trades named in the act may be ass sogued for the purpose of waiming apprentices in special sohool elas: of, Apprentices will be paid for the time spent in achool Their, rails Way faves and tuition fees of hav attending from eutside towns will be paid hy the munioipalities and larger captres where vocational sohools have heen establighed, | Conta Will he ahared by the provine {al government and empl in {he AN of small w Ra tibtes. Cloudburst Traps Three in Submerged Auto ~~ Four Killed When Tornsde Swoops Through Fine Residential District ly NINE STATES COME UNDER STORM'S SWAY Nebrasks, Minnesota. ond Missouri Hardest Hit w= List of Dead Includes Seven Women and Sevs eral Children (By Canadian Pross Leased Wire) Chicago, May 8---Angry weather ftormed through the middle west Inte yesterday killing 18 parsons, injuring many and destroying pro= perty valued at hundreds of thous sands of dollars, Faven of the dead were women, Tornadoes struck at Tekaman, Nehr, Norborne, Mo, and Westhy, Win, In North Dakota, Minpesata, Iinels and Towa the loss of life and property" damage was dus tn electrical storms and hgh winds, : Nine Mates Hit The storms bounded up and down erratically In a (ervitory ins eluding nine states Nebraska, Minnesoln and Missouri were hard» est hit, hut the destructiveness of the wind and driving rains wan alsa felt fn the Dakotas, Kansas, Towa, Wisconsin and Illinois, The deaths were distributed in seven states, Four persons wera killed at Tekemah, Nebr, A farmer was struck dead hy lightning near Lawton, N.D, An Indirect death attributed to the tarnade occurred when a Chins ARO lineman was killed while ves pairing wires Three Die In Cloudburst Twa women and & ehild were drowned near Lake Oty; "Minn, when a cloudhurst sent a wall of water down a ravine upen thelr stalled automabile, Two women died when thelr aus tomohile skidded in a storm near Duluth, A boy wan killed at Westhy, Wis, when the tornade avertosk him as he ran hefors it, seeking the (Continued on Page 5) TET -------- Woman Driver Faces w Negligence Charge > After Man's Death (By Canndion Press Lonsed Wire) Hamilton, May 2=Mry, . Myra Curry, Lincoln Plage, Nia ars Falla N.Y, was remanded in today's eity police court on a charge of eriminat negligence arising from yesterday's accident on Main street east which teulted fatally for John Butterworth is ely, Mr. Butterworth died in the gens eral hospital early this moving fram a fractured skull and other injuries THEATRE MANAGER 1S ACQUITTED IN PAISLEY TRAGEDY Denies That He Left Gate Locked Contrary to + Regulations L (By Canadian Press Leased Wine) Edinburgh, Scotland, May gH les Darward, manager of the cinema theatre in which 70° ghil died after a five pantie New Kve, today was found not guil culpable homicide in sonnection wi he deaths , 'he prosecution charged that Dora wird had obstructed one of the twa exists hy padiooking an iron wate asserting that persons - eutside ~ the theatre had to wrench off the Inel but could not help because the dren by that time were jammed heap near the exit, A The theatre manager asserted tha he had unlocked the gate and le Jadlock on the pat He added that 0 had pushed the gate all the' hack, leaving the way open, the matinee started, \When he was his ottice, 1) fantinued, a in and told hiv ken out, children were sitting quietly," he tified, "There was x little A a ing through the ventilaters, . 10 the vestibule and saw a a hd container, and pushed it out of a sid done inte the apen MT went hack inte the hall, w the children apparently were § Inge restless, 1 told thew every io all rah and to wit stil then shouted 'fire' and mm the ohildren rose like a flack of and dished to the erless m that a fire Wd are "I rushed ihroush the hall wheres wo ! exits 1 was pows rl --

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