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Oshawa Daily Times, 2 May 1930, p. 6

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A ier ops HE ig char SL A od Ca A A bid a Sodus i bgt i Cl A 3 THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1930 SOC ERSONAL WOMENS MEETINGS | of Cen. eld thels on i" The Ladies' Ald Joolet Miss Lorraine' Francis, of the | re Street United Chure regular monthly meetin fsolntion Hospital, Toronto, speot | [ ih days with her day mfternoon, the Toh. parents, Mr, \ and Mwy. R. Francis, Arthur St. J. Johnston, presiding y Mrs. Trueman read Inttenburg, of Grimsby wT the 14th fed in prayer. A sh session foi wed the " ew days with ber fas vice Bull, Jones Ave, The Oddfellows of Oshawa held n dange in the Oddfellows Hall last evening, A very gorgeous supper was served. Part Perry, the guests of the evening put on a degree, A party of come thirty members of (he Ladies' Auxiliary and the Oshawa Brunch of the Cana- dian Legion went to Whitby last night te attend the special ladies' night af the Whitby Branch, Mrs. J. ¥, B. Livesay of Toronto, was the guest of Mrs, G, D, Conant while in Oshawa attending the presentation of "Hrits and Mar- usia' 'by the Little Theatre, story of "Pan Pan" school by the ladies of the Society, Miss Taylor was sent out by School in Chengtu, China, mountain Fujiyama, trip was ex A trip down sacred seen on her outgoing pressive and colorful, very interesting, ences in China with the Chinese¢ ns told by Miss Taylor, lightening insight into ners and customs of the people, A number of costumes added interest to information, The adrdess was concluded by a hymn, 4 Jonés---1 went to church last Sun. ay. Brown-~What was the matter? Jones--My Sunday paper wasn't delivered and my radio wouldn't Thurs dent, Mrs, hn and Mrs, Vietcher chapter of Jo d Aff bd orship sere Mrs, George Webster gave the the Chinese il. Miss a Taylor, of Enniskillen, then gave & very tine address on China, which was much enjoyed the General Board of the United Church as matron of the Canadian Her word ploture of the Cana. dian Rockies, and Japan with its nm the Yangtse River to Shanghal was Personal experi. gave an en: the man and curios "Polly" on the Air forms a sequel to to scones of new adventure in the Introduces the resented for the first time ay 11, from 0,15 to 9.45 p.m, corn is one of nature's most appetizing and healthful grains. More than 12 million people every day enjoy the fla. vor of golden corn at its best . « « in crisp, delicious CORN FLAKES *The patented wantite, inner seal wrapper hoops them ovenfresh Bargains in Guaranteed Used Cars Below are listed a fow of our selected "Guaranteed Used Cars". These cars are in every way BETTER VALUE PER DOLLAR than any néw cars that can be purchased at the same prices. 1.1929 Essex Sedan. Very small mileage. Trunk and many extras at a saving price. New car Guaranty, 1-=+1929 Essex Sedan. You would not know this car had been driven a mile. New car guaranty - |~==1929 Essex Coach. Looks and runs like new. New car guaranty. 1-~1928 Essex Sedan. Thoroughly reconditioned and in every way an exceptional good used oa. ) +1927 Pontiac Coach. .New tires. Looks and runs like new. 1=~1928 Essex Coach. New tires. Thoroughly 'reconditioned. A real family car at a very low price. '1--1927 Ford Coupe. A real buy for either young or old. | 11920 Chev. Coach. Small mileage. Tires, paint. upholstering and mechanical condition all in 1-=1927 Essex Sedan. For cheap, comfortable. | transportation, buy this car. All te abave.cam are Fully guaranteed to give sh: tire eo 'sfaction. The folly sun pid de Pa¥iman Pian int La eo Bf ent gar tal ly on down payment of an oa Vf a if "I Have a Saviour" and the Lord's Prayer hoth given i, in the Chinese language, A honris vote of thanks was passed for the splendid address, ,) "N d ENGAGEMENT Mr, W. Sheather announces the engagement of his younger daugh- ter, Edna Mae to William Drysdale Robertson, only son of Mr, and Mrs, W. Robertson, of Oshawa, The marriage to take place the early part of June, GRANDMOTHER SURPRISED All the sons and daughters and grandchildren of Mrs, Wm, Me» Laughlin, 44 Broek St KE, sur prised her with a surprise party in memory of her 77th birthday, last night. Many beautiful gifts were Miss Vaughn de Leath, Original Radio Girl, attractive singer of the National Broadcasting Company, John Gay's second comic opora, the rascally Captain MacHesth fro saving time, in the Canad'an Paclfi grammo of music from station V', 7 "Polly", which Fhe following w. take part In this contralto, as "M and twelve asso- 0 ciated stations of the Natio eo Jom. The Boggar's Opera", following | pan Sul Broatoanting Com m & London gaol West Indies, and celebrated Polly Peachum, will be on the air on Sunday eastern daylight ¢ Railway's pro- oll-known Canadian artists will presentation: Jeanne . soprano, as Polly"; Allan Burt, late of the American ra Company, as 'Captain Dusseau MacHeath" masquer- orano", s mulatto; Beatrice Morson, ". ; John baritone, as 'Lieutenant Vanderblufl"; Heather, tenor, as 'Mr, Ducat", Traps"; Detweiler and Alfred lven Mrs, McLaughlin during the inner, After the dinner the even- ng was spent in a social way playing games, ete, ---------- - May Day Tea Held At Christ Church The parigh halPof Christ Chureh was a happy scene yesterday afters noon when the Women's Auxillary held their annual May Day Tea sale of work and home cooking Mrs, Gordon Summers was cons venor for the afternoon tea and was assisted by members of the Women's Auxiliary. - The visitors were received by Mrs, R. B, Patter. son, prosident, and Mrs, Sweet and Mrs. Weldon, vice presidents, The tables were: tastefully dec- orated in pale mauve and yellow, having tulips, stocks and daffodils New York, says 'contealtos don't mind colds for they are able to sing Just the same, 'What New York Is Wearing By Annabelle Worthington Yluse trated Drossmaking Lesson Furnished With Every : Pattern A printed crepe silk in Patou tan printed in balloon motifs in ohare trouse green whose extreme feml. ninity makes it a popular choloe for Spring as well as for imme- diate wear, It's youthtully becoming in moulded silhouette, with godets Inserted in the eircular skirt to contribute fluttery fulness to hem, It shows directoire {intluence through swathed effect of walsts line, created by shirred sides, The flared cane sleeves are ohie, ._ Style No. 3424 comen in sizes 14, 10, 18, 20 years, 16, 38, 40 and 42 inches bust. A Chiffon sheer cottons and geors motte suitable. | Patern price 20 cents, Ne suré ta AI In sige of pattern, Address Pattern riment, Our Spring Fashion sine in 10 cents, No, 3424 Size (ENE ENEEE AL REE Nama RY AREA FARE ay ee a Street Address AARNE AAN NE gras : ity Prov. NY CEE EER SE EE WAAR Aen a LEE RE PATSERN PURCHASE COUPON n'y 20, fg, Pen : Fe haa doves ents in dainty vases, A colorful note was added by the large table of plain and fancy sewing, nicely displayed at one end of the hall, and was in charge of Mrs, Harry Pennall, as sisted by Mrs, Normsworthy, and Mrs, Dayman, The home cooking and candy tabel held a delightful choice of dainties, which were ia great de- mand, . This table was supervised Mrs. Humphrey Alchin, During the afternoon delightful instrumental music was rendered by Mrs, Carnell at the plano and Mrs. Kinder at the violin, and sev- eral vocal solos were contributed by Mrs. Cameron, whose singing was much appreciated, SUMMA: OF TARIFF CHANGES (Continued from Page 1) mitted free of duty under all eol- umns, while tariff is altered rom a specific to an ad valorem basis on forrosalloys, The iron and. steel schedule of the customs tariff, over which the ofMecers of the tariff ad- yistory board spent many months revising, rewriting and bringing up to date, shows the result of that arduous labor. As it appears in Mr, Dunning's budget it is entirely Altered from its former states, Roe ductions in the performance rates feature the heavy forms of Iron and steel, Free listing under the British preference is given to steel plates, in those products which the old country stesl-makers turn out in volume, while in those of iron and steel, not manufactured in Canada, the preference is further extended, One of the most important items of the schedule, skelp, for pipe- making, Is free under the British preference, but higher rates may be imposed. provided parliament sanctions them, when Canadian steel-mills begin making skelp, The spread between the prefenen- tial rate and the others will, how. ever, be maintained, should the new rates ever become effective, Farm Machinery With respect to agricultural machinery, all such items are made free under the British preference, by and Mrs, George WILL NEVER BE WITHOUT SARGON "A succession of colds and grip left me In badly run down condi: tion, My energy seemed complete- ly drained and two or three times in the course of the morning's work I'd have to lle down and rest, My food disagreed with me, my sleep was restless and there was nearly always an awful pala across my back, "Sargon restored my ap. petite, my digestion is perfect, 1 am strong and full of energy and sleep the whole night through without the slightest disturbance, I've gained aix pounds in weight, and I never intend to be without Sargon again, Sargon Pilla stim. ulated my liver to healthy action and completely overcame my cons tion, '==Mrs, Laola Potter, 159 Balsam Ave, Hamilton, Sargon may be obtained in Osh: awa from Karn's Drug Rove. dv) phish att ti Aton dd Reductions in the British pre. forentinl rates are noted in many ftems of structural steel, although ong~iron or steel shapes not punched drilled or further manu factured than hot rolled, weighing less than 36 Ibs, per lineal yard---- will carry a tariff that has been in- creased by 100 per cent from the former rates, In addition to those drops, an alloy surtax will be levied in line Canadian steel men to the tariff board, This surtax Involves eight items of the tariff schedule rela. tive to the structural steel sections, and will be five per cent ad valor- ". over the above the customs du~ ties, The British tinplate manufac. tures are given extension of the profenence on that product, the rate being reduced from 15 per cont to 10 per cont, The intermedi. ote and general rates ars unaltered At a hearing before the tariff board inst November W. J. Frith, presi. dent of the South Wales Tinplate Association, appeared and asked for a preference extension in this product, Alreraft. Rates The tariff on imported alreraft remains the same except Insofar as it concerns British-made air. oraft, which will enjoy a reduction from 15 to 10 per cent, At the same time Canadian manufacturers of aircraft will have an Increase of 10 per cent in their drawback on airplane engines installed in air oraft of 256 per cent Canadian con tent, In this connection a new drawback item has been created on materihls used in the manufacture of alreraft, not Including engines, with 50 per cent, Canadian cost content, This drawback amounts to 60 per cont, of the customs duty on those imported materinis, Toa Free From Empire Among the Important food com- modities which the budget makes free under the British preference, is tea, Tea Imported direct from the country of growth and produe~ ee tractions of the time on Thursday. A Further press this afternoon, gw - Of these smart tub-fast frocks are expected by ex- and morning will be just as good as on the first day of the sale. Refer to your circular for descriptions. » SIMCOE STREET SOUTH v 'omen's Interests in the Home --- and the Community Wash Frocks at 88¢ For Girls and Women proved one of the great ate 3 BIG DAYS' SALE A throng of thrifty buyers were crowded round these racks from 8.30 a.m, right up until closing Shipment choosing to-morrow PHONE 982 tion, and tea purchased in the United Kingdom, when In wrap ping, cartons or other packages of not less than five pounds will here- after enter Canada free under the | British preference, Formerly there was a duty of { #ovon cents a pound British pre- | ference, It is provided. however, that the toa shall be entitled to entry under | the British preferential tariff upon | evidence satisfactory to the minis ter that suth tea has been produc od wholly in the British dominions, colonies and possessions, The old rate against tea, under the Intermediate and general tar- ifs, was ten cents a pound, The present budget makes it nine cents under the Intermediate tariff, but 1 - ah Raa NEW SPRING COATS AND DRESSES Many styles to Choose from. Our prices are right, THE FASHION SHOPPE 84 Simcoe St, 8. does not disturb the ten cent gen- oral tariff rate, Sheer Chiffon ull Fashioned HOSIERY, A ATKINS HOSIERY & LINGERIE SHOP Near Cor, King & Simcoe St pra "dei IT " EL | |] ALL IN ot ONE BOX CHOCOLATES" NUTR " Cr most precious thing has happenes ~what | mean, it's positively ravishing=-- Lowney's have put out a new box of really dainty chocolates--they're the most scrumptious things, only one bite to @ piece; and the unbelievable number of 80 pieces in a pound box. | simply must have a couple of boxes for my party tomorrow aftemoon. I'm not going to have the girls spoiling thelr dresses and the table covers with big, soft creams or melted chocolate at my party--it's $0 ruinous to the cards, too. So, be a treasure, and bring me two boxes from the Lowney dealer when you come up tomorrow--they ere called Eighty Dainty Chocolates--and only cost a dollar." Tons of love, JOWNEY'S "ORIGINATORS OF PACKAGE CHOCOLATES" voy Confectioners « 26 Simcoe St. GUTH JOINT) CHocoraTl hi BETTY: South

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