3 | 1 THE DSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MAY 3, 1930 PAGE THREE Police Make Six More Arrests In Connection With Alleged Thets from Six Employees Are Now Out on Bail of $5,000 Each, While Two Are Still in Custody POLICE SEARCHED HOMES YESTERDAY New Amests Include E. Humphries, J. Searan, G. Bedding, Jas. Boddy, S. Byers and C. Rycroff or) until (By Staff R Whitby, May J~Up connection with alleged thefts the Ontario. Hospital here, The mien taken into custody ace cording to the police and released on bait of $5,000 each are EK, Lomax, D Gilloughby, E. Humphries, J. Seur~ y an, G, Bedding, Jas, Two others, arranged, On Friday many houses spector Boyd, Chief H., Gunson, hitby, Provincial Constable Mitchell, of Oshawa, and Detestive Dismond, of Toronto, with the res sult that a large quantity of goods, he in and. stor- alleged to be the property of hospital, were gathere ed at the court house. The eight men wifl appear before on Magistrate Willis, of hithy, Wednesday 'next at 2: pm, The investigation is continuing, In~ spector Boyd has left for Toronto Yor the week end but Provinelal Con~ stable Officer Diamond is remaining to carry on in conjunction with Chief Gunson, of Whitby, Condemn Detroit Prison Detroit, Mich,~~8peedy abandon- Noo today, eight arrests have been made and another is expected hourly in 0 goods from the stores department of . Byers and C, Ry+ croff were still in custody at noon but it Is thought that bail can be were searched by the police officers, Inc 0 T.| and the spring clean-up In progress Ontario Hospital GREATER CALL FOR CASUAL LABOR EVIDENT IN ITY Major Hamilton Gives Monthly Report of Em- ployment Office Major George Hamilton, was very optimistic as regards the cone ditions of employment in the city, when interviewed by The Times on Saturday. Conditions have heen better he sald, but he considered that the city was mn one of those periods of depression that act as counter balance In the growth of all cities, Major Hamilton expres. sed every confidence In the fu. ture of the city, There was no reason why it should not continue to expand both in population and In industries, he asesrted, Rellet work was discontinued during the month of April and as a result a few men have been plac. ed on the unemployment list, With the: gardening, season at its height the call for casual labor has shown an inorease, Calls from factories have heen small except for a few skilled men, There has been no eall for general workers, The building trades have been slow but with the advent of warmer weather it ig confidently expected that conditions In the trade will he much better, In the women's sphere the de. mand for skilled cooks-general hag always excoeded the supply, As in the men's fleld the demand for cas. ual workers has been heavy lately with the spring house cleaning to be done, 'There is no shortage in the supply for this kind of work, STOBIE-FORLONG CREDITORS TO MEET WERE NEXT WEEK Meeting to Take Place Wed- nesdsy Night, T. K. Creighton Announces A meeting of much Importance to many citizens of Oshawa and the vicinity is to be held In Welch's Parlors on Wednesday evening of next week, at' 7.30 p.m., when the creditors from this eity nnd dis triet of Stoble-Forlong, Limited will meet to consider the present situation of the affairs of this bankrupt concern, in which many people here have an interest, T. IK, Creighton, of this city, who is a member of a special commities appointed recently to represent the interests of n large hody qf credi- tors, informed The Times this morning that Meleolm Stoble, one of the pringipals of the firm, had promised to be present at the meeting, and' that one of the ins spectors was lo expected to be present to explain the present pos. ition to the creditors, The Btoble-orlong Company operated an ofMce in Oshawa, and had a large clentele In this elty and district, so that considerable interest should be taken in this meeting, COURT GIVES SECOND CHANCE Leniency Shown Charles Floody Who Stole Load of Hay Chas, Fioody, who was arraigned Jast weak on a charge of theft, came up today, after being re manded for a week, "loody nlend od guilty through his eounsel 7T, K. Creighton, The court was told that Flendy did not intend to take the hay, which he was charged 'th steals ing, His counsel claimed that Ht was a misunderstanding * siwean WINNERS IN BIG SUBSCRIPTION CONTEST WILLIE HALL, 4th The photographs above are of the six carrier boys of the Oshawa Dally Times who won prizes in the | Local Schools' Music Promises Treat For Oshawa VOITTO LENTI, Oth big wubseription received thelr aw A rare troat is in store for the gitizens of this city when on the ous Toronto Symphony Orchestra, Leonard Richer, director of mus Fest campaign has just been coneluded, The boys the Re- ards at which de " tn ANGE JOBANSEN, Bth night when all guests at a gont Theutre Inst the carrier hoys were theatre party, rr Er ---------------- val FOR SECOND DAY STOCK MARKET | bourg on | | Prizes Presented to Winners of Times' Contest Last Night Presentation Made by Mayor ARRESTED WIFE FOR ABANDONING CHILD FARMER 1S SUED Harold Spears and Father are Asked $10,000 for Malicious Prosecution SH HA . | Cobourg, May 2-~Being party to the arrest of his own wife on a charge of abundoning an infant under two years of age, the chill of his first wife who died in No vember, 1929, has involved Har old Spears and his father, James Spears, Haldimand Township In an suit for $10,000 damages for false and malicious arrest and further sult for $20 weekly as sep- aration allowance brought in be- half of Mrs, Bpears by Hon, G, N, Gordon, K.C,, Peterboro, Mrs, Spears was brought to Co Thursday, May 1, and, after preliminary hearing, remand. od for trian] until Saturday, May 10, The arrest was made by Provin- cial Comstable Thompson of Petor- horo, Mra, Spears, it was charged, wid at the time of the arrest in "he Township of Harvie, Peterboro County, It was alleged that the Infant wan loft alone in the Bpears homeo. stead from approximatély 3 p.m, April 80, until the father and grandfather returned from work for thelr evening meal, The Bpears are roported to be wonlthy farmers, The Crown's caso rests on [so tion 245 of the Criminal Code which provides a maximum penal« ty of threes years penal servitude, Suit by Hon, GG, N, Gordon, K.C, howaver, is a civil action in behalf of the wife who claims what tem- porary absence is not abandonment and that her arrest was in the na- ture of persecution, Mitchell at Regent Theatre To Successtul Carrier Boys His Worship Congratulated Circulation Department And All Boys Who Took Part--Praised Paper For Enterprise CECIL SPROULE WAS AWARDED BICYCLE 'H. Boyce, Circulation Mane ager, Also Spoke -- Cars rier Boys Enjoyed Thes atre Party The big subscription contest staged hy The Times was brought to un climax last night with the presentation at the Regent Theatrs of the handsome prizes to the six boys who ranked highest in the contest, The paper's staff of smart young city salesmen was present in full force at the first show as the guests of the management snd of Mr, Leon Osler, anager of the Hegent Theatre, Half way through the performe ance, the curtain was rung down on the silver talking scroen and Mayor T, 15, Mitchell wu.d Mr, H, Boyce, circulation manager of The Times appeared upon the stage, The handsome prizes, ipcludivg the splendid, glittering new bicycle, were placed in plain view of the audience and the prize winners were then called on the stage In order of thelr standing in the cons test, Coell Sproule, Billie Clark, Walter Alexander, Willie Hall, Aage Johansen and Voitto Lehtl. Briotly and appropriately Mayos' Mitehell reviewed the contest in which he said the boys had enter= ed with keen enthusiasm and hed given their beet efforts. His Wore ship offered congratulations to all the boys and particularly . those who were successful in winning the prizes, Great credit he said #le in the sehools, reports wonders ful enthusiasm among the children and grateful co-operation and real interest on the entire staff of teach ors. Mr. Murphy of the Collegiate staff, has been rendering valuable asgistance bt giving unsparingly of hy time as pianist, ment of the 80 year old Detroit House of Correction, which has a population of approximately 1,600 was ordered yesterday by the eity goungil, which was spurred to ac tion b the Ohio Penitentiary dis- aster, 1 The prison has been de- nounced again and again as a fire week of Mav 24th, the first musi festival will be given by the chil dren of the Oshawa publie schools, The concerts will be held in the Collegiate auditorium on Wednew day, May 21st and Thursday, May 22nd, and not In the arena as for merly planned, wus due to Mr, H. Boyce, cireulas tion manager, and members of The Times' circulation department for the efficient manner in which the compaign had been conducted, His Worship was impressed by the fact that The Times' staff of carrier boys hus grown so rapidly the owner of the hay and Floody, over the amount that was to be taken, The court was told that he was in very straightened eircum- stances and was trying to make a living in a small way with & horse and rig. The court was asked to be as lenfent as possible, BREAKS BADLY (Continued from Pago 1) steadily mounting volume from overy brokerage house in the eity, roanching such proportions at the beginning of the JHfth hour that trading became demoralized, APRIL CUSTOMS COLLECTIONS ARE SECOND HIGHWAY EAST IS SUBJECT the festival trap. Police. Kill Young Robber Kansas City==A 19-year-old youth, who said his name wag Jim- my Callahan of Chicago, was shot and killed here late lakt night by one of three patrolmen who fired at him after he held up and rob- bed a street car motorman, "Viking" | Bigger Value Hot ater Bottle $403,078.40 Slight Decrease Noted From Figures For March The use of Canadian materials in the industries of the city seems to be on the increase, The report of the Customs Office given out this morning shows a large drop as compared with the totals for the corresponding month last year, This drop can be accounted for in two ways, His Worship, Magistrate Willis, asked the Crown if the accuse! was nentally sound, To this ques. tion. the Crown replied, "Smooth, smooth as a kitten's wrist, In placing him on suspended nentence for a period of one year the court ruled that he was being lot off qasy, He wan duly warned to keep the peace In future, ACCIDENT REPORTED Two cars are roported to have collided on Simcoe Street North, on Saturday morning. It was not ascertained who the drivers of the cars wera or what damage, it any was done, The Police had.-no re. port of the neoldent, when ap proached hy The Times, The general plan of the program has been dosignad in keeping with the sentiments and ideals inspired by the 'observance of "Empire Day"... The singing by a groat chorus of carofully chosen child ren, of such stirring old national songs as "Rule Hritanuia," and "Bay of Biseay™ 1s musie which neo one should miss, JXvery class In all the public schools will partie pata and the singing of the primary clanses will be accompanied by the orchestra, Thess contributions by the smaller ehildron will no doubt be much enjoyed, A fine festival orchestra Is to be in attendance including the best professional players from the fame Preparations have w. for boen practice the committee of the Board of Bdu« cation In charge Including Me, A: Bell, ehairman, Mr. Ross MeKipnon and C. I, Cans ally completed, Dr. Donovan, non, supervising principal, TRAGEDY VICTIM LAID TO REST late Mrs, The funeral of the Anna Morrigon, vietim of the mur« der tragedy which shocked this city The storm broke in fu.lest force in the Jast halt hour, duripg which time brokers on the floor of the Stock Exchange and on the Curb were overwhelmed with sells ing orders Dealing during that period was, for Lhe most part, in huge blocks, for which reason the ticker: fuclilities were not as cons posted as. might have been ox- pected While the heaviest selling was In 16 or 20 "hig stocks," the whole market felt the force of the liquidation, Big Loss nt Toronto Toronto, May Toronto RBtoek Exchange suffered the throes of reaction during the last FOR DISCUSSION Lake Shore Municipalities Will Wait on Hon. G. S. Henry Soarboro, May 2.~Municipalitios onst of Toronto fronting on the lake will meet Hon, G. 8. Heary, Minister of Highways, on Tuesday, May 18, to find out what plans he has for construction of a high way parallel to Kingston Road, AL i recent conference of representa. tives from Oshawa, Whitby, Scare boro and other municipalities there In recont years, and that the paper Is also delivered dally by carrier boys in Whitby, Bowmanville, Plekering, Port Perry and other centres in the district, It spoke voll, he sald, for the enterprise of f the paper, It afforded him great pleasure to present the prizes, Mayor Mite chell stated, The first prize, the mueh coveted new C,C.M, bicycle was awarded to Cecil Sproule, who with a total of 1,050 points ranked highest in the contest, Cecil Is the son of Mr, and Mm. Jus. Sproule, 2062 Albert street, The second prize, a fine sult of clothes, was presented to Willin Clark, nephew of Mr, KE. Clark, 549 Oxford street, on. Tuesday last, was held yester- day afternoon, The funeral, a pri- vate oney wan held from' Luke's Burial Parlours, interment being mada, In the Union Cemetery, A large nuniher of intimate friends and relatives attended the funeral, The streets wera lined with other friends and ertizens who waited to pay thelr last respects, The service was conducted hy Rev, Mr, D, Munro, of Knox Pres hyterian Church, There were a vory large number of floral tri hour of trading yesterday, follows ing the New York market's break, Before trading closed approxis mately $100,000,000 in market values had been wiped out, Brag fifan Traction, International Nickel, Noranda, Imporia] Oil and Inter. national Petroloum were the chief sufferers Waltor Alexander, son of Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Alexander, 254 Verdun Rd, who came third, re colved a valuable watch as' hy award, The fourth prize, a camera, went to Willie Hall, son of Mr, ana Mrs, Les, Hall, 241 Dearborn Ave. Aage Johansen, son of Mr, and Mrs, Johansen, 100 Montrave Ave, fifth prize winner was awards ed a complete baseball outfit, To Voitto Lelitl, son of Mr. and Mrs, Victor Lebt!; 2564 Albers The General -Motors have made it their policy to use Canadian materials wherever possible in the manufacture of thelr motor cars. As a result the amount of taxable material coming In from the United States and other countries has been reduced slowly but sure. Iv, The same conditions apply to many of the other industries wm the city. The second cause for a falling off in the total may be traced to the fact that the Govern. was disagreement as to where such a highway should be, although it wan definitely decided that it was necessary to relieve the Kingston Road, The New VIKING Hot Water Bottle made specially for us has all the qualities of the most expensive brands. It is made in one piece and properly moulded from real live rubber, The Viking bottle is guaranteed for one year but with care will last four «: five years. GRASS FIRE Grass fires are still the order of the day in the city, The fire depart- ment were given a call at 1145 today 10 extinguish a fire of the grass va. riety on Whiting avenue, It was not butes, The pall-bearers were K, Coad, W, Calder, H, Davidson, W, Knox, 1. DPouldau, und F, Mor rison, Legion Corner By "REAR RANKER" Regularly it should sell for $1.75 but for its introduce tion we are selling it at a SPECIAL PRICE $1.19 Sold Only at THE REXALL STORES Jury & Lovell Simeoe S, Phono #8 Phone 0 piaths Dadly mach nerves Too much acid and intestines The Mag- 50 years has re- ned '(he StandaNd with Dhyal- ake» Apoonful fn water and | this for your own sake, 2 uh hs rg ment has reduced the tariff rates on iron and stee! goods during the last year, The total collections by the Cuse toms Office last month was $400. 38.0. This total was made up three items, Import duties $306,884.70; . Sales Tax $106, 093,62 and sundry collections $100, The total for the month of March of this year was $610, 681,61; The total foo April last yoar was $1,040,647.08, The totals for last year may seem large as compared with this year, But if the conditions which surround the collections are takes "into consideration, it cannot be t ken as an fntaliible indloatlon of a slack condition in the manus facturing of the city, ' unhappy 'condition will pros ond in five minutes, Then ou will always know what to dao, eo and harmful methods will ppeal to you, Go prove It may save Jou A great many disagrees Al ura, by physicians for 50 years in core reoting excess acide. - Bagh bottle contains full divections--any drugs atore, i TA '| at the four corners of ty | gram, N All Legion members and war vet. erans throughout the whole of Dig trict No, 12 of the provincial coms mand are looking forward to the dis. trict rally to be held in Whitby town hall on Friday evening of next week, This is sure to be a big affair, and every branch is working hard to brin along 4 large representation of members, The branches which are to be reptesenied are Whitby, Oshawa, Brooklin, Beaverton, Port Perry, Brock branch of Sunderland and Cannington, Port Hope, Cobourg and Peterboro, There will be keen corns etition for the honor of having the largest attendance in proportion to membership, and the Oshawa branch which is the largest in the whole dis- triet, will make a keen bid for the honor, hei The Oshawa comrades will travel by bus and private car to Whitby, leaving the market building at seven. fifteen, so as to be in Whitby in time for the parade which assembles town at seven-thirty, and which will make a tour of the town before going to the town hall, The Whitby Citizens' Band is to lead the parade, and will also play in the hall George Walsh, preside of the Oshawa Braneh, will be the song leader for the occasion, and, in addition to the program ° of speaking, there will be a musical pro. i. M, Hood, provincial repres sentative for the district, will = be master of ceremonies, and Provincial President C. H. Ackerman will be the chief speaker, Other prominent officials will also take part, and on the whole, it should be a rousing ogs casion, - w Transportation for, the Oshawa contingent is being provided free of charge to all who wish to make the trip, A certain puipber of busses being secured, but all members who have automobiles and wha intend gos ing to Whithy are asked to join with the others ut the market building so #3 10 take a load along with them, Cards have been sent out to all Le glon members, 50. as (0 secure an accurate estimate as to how many will he going to the rally, and these shold be returned to the branch secretary, A, H Power, ut once, The branch meeting next Thursday evening will be of much importance, There will be further consideration and discussion of the plans for the Legion Hall, and the adjustment of+ ficer will have a report to present on some of the more recent activities in connection with pension and other cases, In spite of daylight saving time, an effort should be made by every member to be at the council chamber for the meeting at' elght o's clock, an there is a good deal of busi. ness to come Up for conyiderntion, One of the matters to he given at. tention is that of the summer pros gram of the branch, It is the inten tion of the branch officers to maine tain a lively interest in the Legion work during the summer; and plans for doing this will be given consids eration i CR Oh, yes, lest we forget--any war veterans in Oshawa and district who art not members' of the Legion will he made very welcome to join the Oshawa: party going to the rally next Toronto Stock Exchange Stock High Br, A. OIL 18% Braw, CLR Can, 1st 21% Cty, Dry, 60 Dis, 8grm, 11% Dm, Stra, 2M Gypsum nn Hr. Wal: 11% Int, Util, 46 Int, Nkl. #1'g Int, Pet, 81% Imp, Ol 286% Lob, "A" 13 Ms, Hr, 3 Mt. Pwr 127% Pg. Hy, 96 8, Station 46 Low 18 45 ny 40 1y 2M 20 4" 3 147% 0a "i Clove s18 WN NY 40% 11y Mn 23 1% i6 31% NW WK 16 1% 1074 LI) "my Friday evening, They should he at the. market building at 'seven o'clock, (#0 that 'they can be provided with transportation. A large party of the officers af the Oshawa branch and the Ladies' Auxe iliary went to Whithy on Thursday evening to attend the Ladies' Night function of that branch, It was a highly successtul affair, and among those who took part in the program, as speakers and entertainers, were Dan Dougles, Ac He Power, Bob Gib. bie, George Smith, Mes, Harry Gay and Mrs, Fodte. As a result of thiy meeting, iil should soon he an auxiliary. formed © by the Whithy branch vig . Standard Mining Exchange Abana Ajax Amulet, 80 Dig Mia, 37 Ch, Row, 478 De. Mns, 838 Holl, ,¢ 648 He. OIl 683" Hy, Gold §0 Hd, Bay 830 Lk, 8h, 2373 Nenda, 3700 Sh, Grd, 185 61 134 61 110 8 1s 227TH 2650 181 Ld 134 80 an 473 808 630 660 80 918 2275 3878 181 Stock Market Prices Market Summary by Canadian U'ress Toronto and New York Stock Quotations Supplied by Biggar and Crawford, Alger Bullding, Ushawa eam, | 105 G40 150 190 200 LI 120 100 8d, Ds, Tk, Hg. Ventures Wr, Hr New York Exchange Close HN 43 Qs 248 aT 80 49 py GU 9% 106 63h 120 190 Stock High Alleghany Amn, Inter, Amn, Smal, Amn, Tel, 240% Anaconda 68% Porden ,... 80 Borg War, 19 Beth, Steel 00% Can. Dry 65 Can. Pac, 1074 Com, Solv, 28% Ohrysler ,. 84% Dav, Chem, 83% Fox .vvoo NM % Gen, Klee, 80 Gen, Mot, 15% Ken, Copper 44% Lig, Carb, 8 Mt, Ward 11% Nt, Ch. Rg. 08 Pen, Rall RR) Radio «yoy B4Y Rem, Rand 30 Sim, Bed ,. 44 Sin. Of 0 20 St, oft NJ. T4 Studebaker 381% Thy RL Boar 70% UR, Steal 1744 US Rubber 37% 20% HN 688% ascertained what the extent of the damage, if any, was, Card of Thanks Mr, and Mrs, John Knox and family wish to thank the many friends and neighbors of the kinds ness shown in their bereavement, (104a) Mra, A. M, Goyne and son wish to thank Drs, Mills and Bird, Miss Hill and Miss Shoather for their kind attention during Mr. Goyne's recent illness in tho hospital, also thelr many friends and acquaint- ances for the kindly sympathy shown in their receal sad beroaves ment, (1040) Deaths REYNOLDS-=Josus called: a little child in Oshawa on Friday, May 2nd, Lois Isabell, infant daugh- tor of Mr, and Mrs, Ormond Reynolds, age 8 months and 8 days, Funeral from the family real dence 38 Bloor street east on Sais urday, May 3, 1930, Service at 4 v'olock, Interment Union Comer tery, (1040) Too Late To Classify street, went the sixth prize, cone sisting of a rugby Eall, ' H, Boyoe, circulation manager, thanked all the boys for the patt they had playéd in the campalg: . All "had shown such enthusiasm 'he said 'that it had succeeded beyona anticipation, He appreciated the support which the boys had re ceived from the public. ' Mr. Boyce also oxpressed the appreciation of The Times for the kindness .of Mr, F, Johnston, of Johnston clothing store, In loan= ing his window for the display of the prises and for the hospitality of Leon Osler, manager of the Re- sent Theatre, Those who ably assisted Mr. Boyce in the campaign were Miss Lillian McKnight and Miss Bileen Fipher, of the cifcujation departs ent, i The theatre program including' comedy, coloured pleture and feat ure film was much enjoyed by alt the carrier boys present, 3 ' ¥ Coming Events & Cents word each & polo Bi oe for each insertion, 8Se FIRST CLASS GARAGE FOI rent, Also gas rudd heater for sale, good as new. 36 Colborne street onat, Phone 386, (108¢) 216 Church St, Phone 1287. (104¢) FOR SALE=SUNMER BOARDING house at Bowmanville Beach, Splendid beach, safe -and sandy. Bleotrio stove and lights, furnishe of, accommodate from thirty lo forty, Possession at once, Phone Bowmanville '207, W, Ji Berry, (104g) ( MARY: STREET HOME A ANN School Club Mond. . Good program, lve! hc come. (1040), YOU ARE INVITED TO THR Chokbnt Friends banquet = and May Sth Eo cloons" Danes: an May % o'clocki nee diuner §1,00, (1042), OLD TYME SQUARE round dance, Oshawa Gardens, Monday, May 6; Aus spices LOL. 2167, Pat Shas non's Orchestra, 04d) W. C, T. U. TUESDAY, MAY 8, 3 o'clock, King street chuveh, Al ply- 78 Fisher: Strost or phone, 2100W, © 0de) a #