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Oshawa Daily Times, 5 May 1930, p. 1

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VOL, 6~NO, 105 News in Brief (8 Conudion Fras) Takes Fatal Pluag, 1% Brags, CulitmPive persons were killed and an entire family wiv ped out in an altiomobile ueehdent on the highway, five miles south of here. A cl Car ring & picnic panty plunged 70 feet from a bridge, Ming all the Joecupants, Three Dis in Crash Fort Stockton, Texas ="Threg per- sons, » pilot and two, passengers, were killed when a taxi-sirplane crashed from an altitude near feet, The plane niitfived to the earth in an open field near the city outskirts and Jas, demolished, Explosion Kills Vow Upton, Ky-~Premature explosion of liquid ox fon used in blasting » rock quarr: Lied four men here and half, doren thers, injured a Rioting in Madrid Madrid, Three different riots, = number of arrests and several injure ies marked a speech calling for a Spanish republic Ly Professor Mig- uel dg Unamuno of the University of Salamanca, one of Spain's Republi. can leaders, . Kills Soncin-Law : Rockford, Hl=A young bride. groom vas shot and killed here by his father-in-law, when he went to seeks a reconciliation after an elope- ment, John Pokoss, 42, the father- in-law, escaped alter the shooting, A difference of opinion between him and the son-in-law, Gordon L. Saaf, 24-year-old radio shop owner, was blamed by poljee for the murder, Employment at "Yow Kbb Albany, N.Y. ~Factory employ~ ment In New York State is at its lowest point in fifteen years, and there is reason to believe it will drop still further, says a telegram from Governor Roosevelt to Becs retary of Commerce Lamont, LJ] LJ Big Mevd For Canada London--~ A despateh from Lhe Isle of Jersey states the cattle in- dustry of the island has received a severe shock in the announcement that John Pervee, Jersey's foremost breeder, has sold his herd, consists ing of about 100 head of prime cattle to B, H. Bull & Sons of Brampton, Ont; Tho Jersey breed ors vegard it as something of a calamity that the herd should be allowed to Tava the island, ». . Ap on Now Time Brampton.=For the first time in ten years Brampton is on day. Hight saving time, and will continue #0 until } 5 Ago the He vo 6 oo) dom » n iF lh nich Bpresd u nuary a fans od out the ve suatght. Ong electors, anus 'ma Jority of 800 onrriod the by-law, 05 Yoot Wall Fatal Midiand,~Police are. investiga. ing the death of Thomas L. Sim. nett, 61, night watghman, ens the C.P.R, trestle which stretohes for 1,800 foot meross an arm of Geol gian Bay near here, Police helieve that Simnett fell from the single- track trestle, plunging head-long a5 feet over the edge to the pler hendath, and then rolled oft into the water, ji Dies From Drinking Alcohol ioronto,~Sald by police to have been drinkink quanti ien of mothy! hydrate, Ricliard McCarthy, ne 48, of 80 Power Street, di Michael's Hospital. On 'the a tions pt Dr, M, M, Crawford, chief brine d of his hody was removed to the morgue, but an fnqueést 1s une 1k oly. » 4 "Alien Smugglers Caught Niagara Falls, N.Y.=Ilve aligns, » and four women, dared the swir- Jing i of the. Niagara river in a rowbout yesterday, but were cap: tured by 4 ration border patrol men upon landing on the Amerigan shore, The party crossed periously close to the whirlpool rapids and the members we Sndeuvoring to Sin r up the » hen . PatroImen phe Suan placed them under arrest; A man giving his name as Paul Dane, Niagara alls, Ont, is held a , Imuggl er, Saint Joh, oN s=Hon. Robert or! 0h the Newlound- land A hi + since 1913, and private jaevttary to 'the governor, t frovernment house JR ute of 62, He had ht undergoing Ol poron vivre ve eren \ ite fa the offices. of colonial. secre | yo ister of posts and tele- 'graphs, education, k bublic Itedlth, and blic. charities 911 was a le legate " he Tpweph conference, hui Ste, Marte, onal the 1 this end i aon Af tan and the to) 4 dor, Murray yr ia ie the Sault + the iene hone, at - The Oshawa Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer "All the News While It Is News" va 12 "DIE FROM ONTARIO ACCIDENTS OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, MAY 5, , 1930 -m a 15 Cents » Week; 3 Cents a Copy Forest Fires Render Over 1,000 People Homeless EAST STATES SUFFER HUGE LOSS BY FIRE Tens of Thousands of 'Acres of Bushland Destroyed -- Many Towns and Villages + Threatened EIGHT STATES ARE AFFECTED BY FIRES Entire Manpower of Scores of Communities Bending Whole Energies Towards Checking Disastrous Fires (By Conadisn Press Lossed Wire) New York, May b---Hundreds were homeless today and scores of communities counted losses mount ing into millions of dollars as 110 result of fives in eastern seaboard states, The most disastrous fire destroy- ed the southeastern section of Nas- | bau, N.H,, where more than 500 persons were made homeless when flames consumed more than 228 houses, two churches, a school and four large Industrial plants yester- doy. Estimates of the loss ran from $2,600,000 up, New York was encircled by bush fires which burned summer cottages, imperilled dozens of com- munities and taxed the forces of the metropolitap fire department, 8,000 Cottages Threatened On Staten Island bush fires des troyed 32 summer bungalows «nt Oakwood Heights, damaged 200 others and threatened a colony of 8,600 cottages until 20 fire com panies hurried over from Manhat- Jn; brought the flames under cop- trol. An aren 100 miles square on Long Island was dotted with duh d five, starting in a lumber yard at Amityville burned a path 10 miles long and three miles wide, At Pate ghogue, a village near the eastern end of Long Tsland, a warehouse three stores, a contractor's stores house and garage were burned, In southern New Jersey fires swept through thousands of acres of dry bush, serub oak and jack pine and destroyed more than a scores of homes and other struce tures, $10,000 in Cash Last At Forked Ricer 10 homes and the Presbyterian church were des: troyed, One ot the burned houses was that of Carl B, Updike, town ship collector, All of the township tax books and $10,000 in cash were lost, A fire burned over 10,000 aores in the vicinity of Tuckerton in 'southern ocean county, AT Alaire in Monmouth county 'the De Lisle Inn was destroyed, 12 Mile Path Part of the village of Passville (Continued on Page 3) Five Drown as Boat Hits Boom Rescue Craft Also Upsets and Men Are Saved With Difficulty (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Edmundston, N.B, May Se=Their boat capsiging when it struck against aint holding a boom of logs in the mint John River at Ba A blook Madawaska county, 18 miles north of { Edmundston, five men, all employees of the sawmill at Jaksrbrook, of the Fraser Sompany Limited, were dro ed yesterday, Three of the five i and were not seen again, The other two were carried down river, Five other men in the boat were saved, The men drowned were: James]! Clair, his 'son, Albert; his brother, Fhonasi Benolt Daigle, and Samuel uchard, All of the ten men in the boat were residents of Bakerbrook, Three mon on the shore seeing the ont pact; mada haste to reach the in 4 ae by Seat Their craft Iso awift waters and churn a er men on the shore swung a at bottom boat out into A Surient reached the spot in al ck ragged the 8 men a. broad, To of the men in the first boat Were say the gui t strength iW Br dow tion and the pili The ten | were hoi RB di and of he go Ro agtaund Ab i EE boom and etween ifs two 1h hey failed 10 follow, ot the Instructions; 1 Lord Willingdon to Open New Trinity College School CURTAIL DUMPING | OF UNITED STATES | FURNITURE HERE Higher Duty To Be Imposed | Immediately at the Border (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) Kitohoner, Mey B.The dumps ng of American furniture on (he Onnadian market to the detriment of Canadian manufacturers is to be curtatled immediately owing Lo inereassd "uties to ho imposed on it at the border, This Announces ment was made here today by Hon W. D, Euler, minister of national recenus, who has had a special in- vestigator in the United Htates looking Into the situation owing to the, fact that American furniture has beon wold in Canade of less than it can be made here Up to the present the valuation for duty has been a fair valuation based on the price In the coun try or origin, Under new orders the duty will be raised us he says Canadian manufacturers are en: titled to cost plus a reasonable profit, COLLECTIONS OF INCOME TAX HIGH| (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Kitchener; May 0-~Income tax collections for Canada to date this year have been unexpectedly high, The total to date, according to Hon, W. E. Euler, minister of nationas revenue, In $44,000,000, which fin $1,000,000 more then at the same period a year ago, It is evident, Mr, Euler sald, that mony income tax payers are maks lng remittances for the full amount rather than paying In instalments, Falls 800 Feet, Is Still Alive (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) San Diego, Cal, Muy S=Jack Bar. stow, holder of an unofficial World's fowl record, Is resting easily at a ospital here, jecoverit from injurs des suffered Saturday night when his sail plane was hurled to the ground from a height of about 800 fect by far Approwiivately a gust of wind, ma, near here, He had been gliding off Point Lo- eight hours, In an attempt to break the world's record for motorless flights, when the mishap occurred. J -» IMPOSING NEW GROUT OF BUILDINGS READY MAY 16 The new fine buildings of Trine Ity College School, Fort. Hope, which veplace the old 'ones that were destroyed by five, will he formally opened by Viscount Wille ingdon May 10. The photographs Te a lll i es i fl hd fd oa AY [sma Tornado | | | ee Nl | | | here show! (1) The Jaw Wait | Tower; (8) Rev, Dr, VV, G4, Or chard, headmaster of trinity Col | lege Sehoolp (8) memorial cross, | ono' of 187 such evosces sent fron | France; (4) memorial doors uns | der 'Fhe Tower, and (8) new swine ming pool, Terrific Blast Rocks Factory Three Killed, 40 Injured, Many of Whom May (By Canadian P Lossed Wire) Liverpool England May 6. A terrific explosion In Bibby's oll cnke mill on Great Howard stroet today killed three persons and in Jured at least 40 more, Beveral of the injured had little chance to live, Three upper floors of the building were enveloped by flames after the blast which oeceurred just bhofore noon, Al traffic in the distriot ex- cept for ambulances, was dmmedi« ately suspended, Smouldering Since Friday The explosion, occurring in the room whera meal was stored for conversion into oll cakes was he llaved to have been caused by ins ternal combustion, One of the sure viving workmen sald the meal had been smouldering since I'riday and that firomen had been watching closely for any outbreak of flames, An the blast gocurred on the eleventh floor the victims were trapped without much ghanee, One workman who had beon standing on top of the mill with flamon leaping about him was ves. cued and taken to a hospital, Ans (Continued on Page 3) Golden Haired Miss Starts on Lone Flight of 22,000 Miles (By Canadian Press Loased Wire) Croydon, England, May BieA pretty goldenshaired 23 year-old- girl, Amy Johnson by name, starts ed at 8,40 a.m, today in a tiny moth plane on a lone flight of i miles to Australia and re- urn, Her plans fa named the "Janon", after the Grecian hove who rolght dns golaen flevce, In it the Knghah wise, he na fuNnher of fhe o| London eroplane Club, hopes to better (ha record of Bert Hinkier, who flew: 10 Australia in fifteen or plane carries no radio, and she will depend upon telegrams to keep in touch with home, She cars vied a ohange of dress and some other traveling equipment in a light bag behind the cockpit, Her chief worry at the start was the flight had been deluyed: until the monsocn season had begun over the Indian ocean, and it will he necessary for her to fly right across their track, ' The aviatrix fs the only woman fn Greut Hritain to whom the air minlatry han rete Wi ow ans sera. Jim Hep du v Wh Jon eon ah i Giovoon | wa d there oe A hes for any a ety about her trips 9 \ | | | | ITALIAN KNIFED AT BELLEVILLE, GOMPATRIOT HELD Victim Walks Half a Mile After Stabbing, Then Drops Exhausted (By Canadian Pros Leased Wire) Nelleville, May S-=Nicola Fraticelli was charged with stabbing a compat riot, Joe Calessals, with a knife in an alleged drunken brawl, when he appeared today before Muglstrate Mike! in police court, The aWair is sald to have taken place in an tlalian home on Emily street, early today, Fraticelll was remanded for = one week without bail, The party started late last night and continued until three o'clock tos day. Calessais, after being stabbed in the left hip, lert the home and walk ed nearly half a mile before coming exhausted from loss of blood, He was rushed to the hospital where he implicated Fraticelli, After Calossai's admittance to the hospital the pos Hee rushed to the house en Kmily street and arrested Fraticelli, The wound was deep but not serious, ARRESTED TODAY INIA AN ANAS ten RTT or of passive b+ Syainat British In India, | do centering whe wa ted at ut, A how nh at na, 9 " . Near Marmora (By Canadian Press Sneed Wire) Belleville, May §.--Hastings coun fy was visited hy a4 miniature torna around the village Marmora Saturday veveral residents saw | homes Hutjed off by the gale, 'Ieles | pho ne poles were torn loo and trees nh woted and seversl sections presented scenes of devastation, The tornado lashed itsel' into intensive fury on the Madoe road and a school wat damaged, Motorists were forced to shelter under the barrage of "rain "and hail vo reports of injuries were received here, ol roofs of thelr Ae Gandhi Placed Under Arrest Fellowers Maintain Absolute Silence as to Next Move (By Conadian Press Leased Wire) Karachi, Bombay; Indie, May § White and Indign soldiorg and forces of mounted and foot alice today were stationed in all import. ant. thoroughfares following the arrest of Mahatma Gandhi, Machine guns posted at strategie points were trained upon the streets and publio buildings, The atmosphere was tense but thus far no disturbances were re ported, Nombay, May 6-=More than 100,« 000 followers. of Mahatma Gandhi, assembled in a mass demonstration this evenings Hpeakers addressed the multitude from seven platforms congratulating Gandhi upon his ars reat, Bombay, Indin, May S==The In. dian government today caused the avrost of Mahatma Gandly, thus for the moment halting the eivil realstanca campaign upon which for more than two months it had looked with patient eye, and ef fectunlly preventing entry of "the holy one" Inte Bombay. Gandhi's arrest executed early today, was followed by a silence upon the part of his followers so intense as to give no indication of what attitude would be, The Mas hatma himself was mute, Whirled away to Poona, here for the third time in his eventual career prison doors closed behind him, he made no statement, voiced no thveat, Mrs, Gandhi alone spoke for him, TWELVE PAGES [FINE WEATHER LURES FIVE PUT FULL FIRE +2 FORCE IN FIELD Officials at Sault Take Pre. cafitions Against Forest Outbreaks (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Sault Ste. Marie, Ont, May § Warn weather hits succeeded the heavy rains of the week end and while the bush was given a good soaking preparations are heing mada to put the full fire detection foree in the field, Arrplanes of the provinelal alr service herve are today making a survey to determine whether the ran gers should be sent out to their posis at once The chief rangers and thelr depu ties ure already on the job, The two Hamilton all metal transport planes | recently purchased by the forestry | department are expected to arrive this afternoon from Milwaukee, with Captain Roy Maxwell, director al the service, pilots Jack Leach and W. H, Lyons and> Mechanic Tyrrel in charge. These planes will he sti tioned at » Lookout and Kenora BRITISH CAPITAL WOULD BUILDNEW NORTHERN RAILWAY Charter Sought for Line From Lake Athabaska to Churchill Ottawa, "A British capitalists whe vodtrel large mineral depocits north of Lake Athabaska, It is Wnderstood, pre henind the application for a charter for the Hudson Ray West~ ern Rallway The proposed line would link Fond du Lae on Lake Athabaska with Churchill, the new port on Hudson Bay, Notiea of an applieation tn parliament for the charter Is given 'in vesterday's issue of the Canada Gaette, For some years" considerable prospecting has heen done in the nrea about Lake Athabaska, The distance from Fond du lace to Churchill Is in the neighberhoed of 600 miles, Construction of a valle way over this distance would give the. mineral area of northern Saskatehewan an outlet to the sea, Big Copper Find Winnipeg, May §.--A new rush of miners te the North country, by land, water and alr, is forecast for this Bummer, according to rus mors reaching Winnipeg from the West, The move to the sub-Aretie is said to be precipitated by a cops per find in the Great Pear lal region, more than ' 1,000 miles north of Edmonton, ---- May [ group of ROBERT W. EATON BURIED IN TORONTO (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, May S-~=Raobert Wellings ton Katon, business leader, philans thropist and devout layman was bus ried today, Friends from all walks of life followed the casket fram the home where a private service was performed: ta the Timothy Eaton pba Church where Rev, KE, B, Lanceley said the prayers, while Rey, I. 1. Eaton, a cousin of the deceas sed, and Rey, A, Williams, read from the scriptures, Rev, Trevor Davies, pastor of the Timothy Eaton Memorial Churel paid tribute to the late Mr, Eaton, commending the part played by him in the churely, in the instruction of youth, and by the meneral religious | §2 spirit whieh pervaded his life, At the private service held at the Raton home, Rev, € IL Hunter sketched the life of the deceased, Entombment was made in the tame "I fervently hope India will (Continued on Page 3) ily vault at Mount Pleasant Cemes tery, This Week To Be Momentous One in House of Commons Li Ottana, May O.~Parllament stands at the thveaheld of ita most momentous week this session,' a week promising, in the start otf the budget debate - on Tiesdy, the first steps toward the aitting's olimax, That the budget debate Will end in an election campaign, few now seem to doubt, Spooulation has passed that point aud has vee wolved itself, in the wain, into guesses at the date of dissolution, Home say the government will snap at whatever challenge there it in the Conservative = budget amendment and dissolve the housy before the end of this month with ai' election the last week of July, Othera there are those who #ee both parties, struggling on, Jooke oying for position, until well into Jutie with' dissolution then and the election late in August, Tuesday looms an an exveptions ally busy day in the house, In the afternoon Mr, Hennott will lead off for the opposition in the buds got debate, In the evening, the Ontavie Divorce Courts bill will come up for what J. 8, Woodswerth, ita shonsor, hopes will be its last ape | fishing expeditions, FISHERMEN T0 DEATH BY DROWNING, CARS KILL 4 YOrownings Occur at Parry Sound, Muskoka Lake, Callander Bay, , Tilbury and Port McNicoll LITTLE GIRL IS BURNED TO DEATH Fatal Motor ( Car Accidents in Hamilton, Toronto and Orangeville Kill Two Chil« dren and Two Adults (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Tovonto, May b--Lured out tn the wide open spaces hy almost summer-like weather, 12 persous fell victims to drowning, motoring and other accidents throughout Ontario over the week-end, I'ntalities took a heavy toll of five persons heing drowned while out on stream {and lake endeavouring to coax the wily perch and trout to bite, Aus other was drowned when he fell off in bridge Motor cars took a toll of four lives, while fire took the life of one and a rvallroad accident another, Fatal Fishing Trips Two Niagara Falls men, John Gabriel, 40, and John Waugh prominent lumber merchant of that city, were drowned at Mand Lake, some Ih miles east of Parry Sound, when their oat was upset in a squall, George Heyne, United Plates customs inspector, a third member of the fishing party, man aged to reach shore, Kenneth Kivkness, Rracebridge (Continued on Mage 3) BIG VOTE FAVGRS RADIAL PURCHASE Four Municipalities in York County to Take Over Line (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, May 6=~With the passe age of the by-law in the four York municipalities on Saturday evening providing for the purchase of thy radia line as far as Richmond Hill, / It In possible that York County may withdraw ita action against Torons to. for the continuance of the sers vieeg Kvery polling booth in the four municipalities, Markham, Vaughan, North York and Richmond Hill, res ported a majority in favor of the bylaw. 'The total vote was, 1,388 for and 107 againgt, In one subs division at Newtonbrook 186 votes were in favor with none againat, A.B.C. Slander Suit Dismissed Waldron Absolved of All Liability For Statements During Hearing (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, May §=Mr, Justice in a judgment fim BL ---- fore commissioner Gordon at the Amalga amated Sullders Gut cil enquiry were "absolutel riven : ed" and therefore his Jordshi 7: ed the affidavit en behalf of iN brought by W, I, O'Conner K.C, 5.000 damages for alleged slandere The affidavit was upen the that the statement of claim disclosed no reasonable cause of action eon xatious, The defendant also contends ed he was "absolutely privileged an the occasion on which it is Aleged he spoke the words complaine Justice Orde said if the applica ment of claim disclosed no reas cause of action it would fail, but lordship found admission made Me, O'Conner in particulars lurnihe od by him and which his suminat mone Wh " " he Hall today, sald the proceedin i a Waldron for dismissal of the action that the action was ivivelous and evs was made simply because the sta for discovery clearly establish an thy warcy spoken on a privileged eens alg Tistice Orde held that on & privile eed occasion, Mn Waldron, by reds son of his status as sonmlanaher wit ; entitled to the same proteat on na judge, He ruled the dertendant clearly performing judicial Nnctiona in camving out the objects of ihe commission, If counsel and witness wera protected then the, Lamm must alse be proteteed, "Other venient if not praviiculls impos My lordship sald, "it would be tn 10 conduct an enquiry undee - tha Combines Investigation Act in the pearance. 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