SI LIS ERI WW 1S bas wh | ye , poliays : Hr SAYS STATESHA Costly Internal Wars Only ~ Reason For Lack of Budget , i " A his! iJ Se Year mprovements, sinee during th Mtionsl a arty 3 y i d improved its ny tH at the al lear, by the sume of 1h ) Joverament wii na Hi on to balance wi t resorting to for ourrent expenditure, and for the a time In almost 8 Jeans to break the violous sive ng on loans secured on cup yon vovenues, Which inexorably to more and more loans In the future, / The last few months since then have shown unfortunate votrogression, for which the re- nw aL avi a in reabonaIvle, Expenditures have mounted, ver ven ave fallen, and the clutch. ing 8 of the militarists, never completely stilled, once move reach out to 0 Fovernment Lo and indulge in wholesale smugslin But that does not vitiate the lesion of the 17th Piseal Year, whieh is, that with tha reestablishment of peace and order the government vevenues would increase by leaps and bounds, so that in a brief space of time the budget eould be balanged, money for eon~ structive Jute hv the dom: ostic and foreign credit of the na: tion restored, he basin of ou nations! economy is truly soun and only awaits peace and order to exhibit jis 00 a] ranagn." An Wlustration is furnished by what he JT about the salt mon- opoly, which, like in India, is an important part of the national fine ance, held to he a tax to which the entire population contributes with the least possible burden, The ve: ort states: "At the beginning of he fiscal year he salt revenue wan AL 8 very law ebb, both as regards vavenus collected and in point of administration, The Cenvalt Gov. ernment had then actual control of the revenue of only three provine: os Kiangsu, Chekiang, and Anhui, And a large portion of this revenue was already pledged for wah lonye, In point of administration the It Inspectorate, which was the sole unifying factor of what has always been a loosely-administrat- ol Javenus, wane all but disin mated, ow the vevenue till, before the recrudescen I war, in the Autumn, it rivalls the haleyon days of the Bali abelle, illustrates how great a rae forward is possible if only peace and ordeal can be restored," China has only vecently establi- shed the budget system and here Again the sontly internal warfare, not only meaning heavy military axpense but crippling the econs omic sthucturs, is the one uncer ah factor that makes impossible the realisation of a balanced bud. aot, Discussing this problem, the minister of finance says: "With all the vielssitudes of olvil way, the fall in allver, which means a sharp de- oline in the purchasing' power of the country are not beyond splue on + With relatively peaceful ditions and ae to 4 LA the presen ! rd, hands mouth, wastetu hods, by wirtue of which b try pend upon expe ther ¢ aperate on policies, fn L) improvements, a oked for, The party early ised the 'need for a budget, in order that ® government may work alen A Ooneeived Jibn and the fulles publicity be given to ita aperations a that the publie confidence cou! maintained, It has, therefore, in the party platform enunciated CAS & main policy that a budget should be se uw a8 HOON AN DORs 10 gulde the operations of the government, © At every Plenary Session of the 'Central utive Committee Con. J oe, this ministry has called attentibn of the government '| conducted against Hankow an y ha dud 1 the an of & Lhbike an # sure to he inte H, Bedferd-Jonea in his ar Oh 10 the fact thet without & budget however, myers - overn 1] ie horus rendeved hy iH soni is the misinspring of publle confidence and provides the moral sanction foy toy is diMouit to furnish, "he. main diMculty with the establishment of & budget es, of course, in the inability of the guy~ orament to foresee and ourh mills tary expenditures, The ment on its baer avery tary expenditures, bandment Conference in Vebrusry 1040, after the entive vecelpts of the National Government wers ve: poried in detail to the important military loaders, it was unanimous. ly decided to fix tha annus mili- tary budget at $102,000,000, be- ishand- ment Kwangs! Clique rose in revolt, ex. pensive milliary eampaigny ere 0 defend Canton, and when these were belg quelled the Kuomin- chum vevolt broke out, Dishandment, Conference, "The fallure of the Kuominehum encouraged the government ones more to organise a Dishandment Conference, and this time the an- nual military expenses were fixed at #816,000,000, besides #80,00, 000 for disbandment purposes, Bhortiey after the close of the Conference, however, the Kuomiy- chun was again revolt, and poareely had that been erushed when the vevolt of Shih Yusan's troops At Pukow, the mutiny of Tang Bheng-ehi at Chengehow, and a venewed attack on Canton b the Xwangsi Cligue and the soeall- ed "Ivonsides'" again broke out, Ones 'more the government had to our expenditure 'of veserves on and, funds were raised by all means available, Phe statement of receipts and Disbursements from July 1088 to June 1080 gives the tetal record military expenses as §300,.5060,060, but it must be vememhbered that this does not mean the total of military expenditures within the gountry, The military establishe ments of the Thres Eastern Pros vinoes, Jehol, Buiyuan, Chahay, Shans, Bhens!, Honan, Yunnan fgechuen Kwelchow, Kwangtung and Kwangsl, some of whioh were maintained by all forms of irveguls ar impoats, foreed loans and ad. vance collections, ave net included in Tiritish v Is fast hecom popular in the east as well as the west; 16 has been played in the west for a good numbey of years, The British Columbia team Is now ng | making a tour of the east, The } ph fai! Back row, to BIGHT, W. Robbin, 0, Ingham, 1, MeConnnchle, K, Martin, VV. Rogers, BK: Nixon, M, Gaul, Veont vow, Bert Barvat (vies enpininy, BI Locke tain), Art Meveoy, Wood, B, Murray (vieowwn 1. Mason, wecond vow, 1, Wright, A: Estabrooke, 1, MeNeill, Cleveland, duck Tyrwhitt (conch), by Norman, P, Baveatt; D, Tye, B, win), therein, so the sotal military ex- jonditures OF the country are vast~ in nocesn of either of the two gures established by the two Dis bandmént Conferences as reasons able and which conld be met," "How to vestriet military expends ftuves during the: curvent year »o that the ministry of Finance ean meet expenses without further mortgaging of the future and he able to begin to privide for recons struction and debt consolidation reduces itself to the problem of attaining peace within the country, A problem which nosingle ministry can he expected to solve, In the satisfactory treatment of this pros blem les Indeed the future of ve: mooratie government, econemie reconstruction, foreign relations and financisl progress, and there- fore it constitutes the one challenge to the statesmanship of the govern: ment, and the party together with he suppor of the entive nation," LIBRARY NEWS A number of new books have just been received at the Library, These are being placed on the shelves as quickly as possible in order to meet the incessant des mand for books, hooks and yel more books, Earth ang Pater diNAushgkaldwp Those who remember Giants ob the Karth and Peder Victorious hy 0, B. Relyaag, will welcome 'the author's lant book, Pure Gold, Pure Gold, in the form of a gleam» ing gold pisce Implanted the pass slon of avavies which shaped the fives of » young and hitherto con. tented farmer and his wife, Lam and Liege Houglum and led to thelr destruction. Although this story like the author's other two in about Minnesota Norwegian (no longer pioneers but of the present tme) fia subject of miseriiness a universal and fh in hers develops od by a master hand in a definite, moving, conerete way amid all the homely details of a simple and in orensingly parsimonious farming 1ife, The Young ldea by 1, As wine nerton in the story of lower middie elans life in London about whic Swinnerton writes so effectively and with such sympathetio insight, Young love, bound by poverty and duty, struggling against an adyerse fate that kindly relents on the lash pare, provides motive for the story, A bok written around Cyrano vano, has given us a dramatio and AWit-moving atory, Cyrano it not mean to slay a great noble in a lowly fon, yet it changed the ene tive course of his existence and des livered Richelieu's secret inte Ww hands, He matehes his wits with A'Effiat and fights tor Francs Dawn in the Valley, hy H, W, Freeman, Is laid in rural Suffolk, an wan Joseph and His Brethren, The whole course of Everard Mule liner's lite was changed when he found himself free to indulge his aston for the sell, He woved Tom the oity to a rural village, where he lived on terms of intime | anlute distin [AY and abnormal, Ineludes a chap ney with the villagers and farmers, and after a love alfalr with a soups try giv), settled down as a farmer, The romanes of the move to the West, to the Mississippi and aoross in 1500 has always been of inteps ost and James Boyd In bis new povel, Long Munt, has dealt with hin subject well, In those times thers were men who frequently went alone for many months into the heart of the Indian country, These were oslled Long Hunters, Hueh a man, in this novel, encoun: ters the girl he will 'never for got, In spite of all he does she haunts his mind and the final outs come in indyitable, Rebeccn West in Harriet Hume has written a sativeal fantasy of an unsorupulous politielan and & beautiful woman whom he meets at various erises in his life, ¥aoh reader will interpret differently the ph allegorioal meaning of the ale, Other new fetion reealved; Mea Cobra, by NH. B, Banner; Mooriand Terror, by HW, Droadbridee; The Green Complex; by HW, MaeGrathy Detil Drums, by C. Ripley; Dance, Little Gentleman, hy O, Frankaui The Red Meaah! hy G, R, Dalley} The Rovder Wolf, by R, A, Hens neti The River, by K, Tynan, His Royal Highness, the Duke of Connaught and Strathearn, by Biv 0, Aston, 1s the biography of a notable publie servant who has fll. od many high oNices as soldier and statesman, It is a complete answer to the charge made in his younger days that royal birth more than attainments explained his vapid promotions, Using a wealth of an- eedotes the author has written a most. intevesting aveount of the Duke's lite from hin ohildhood up, acing his travels around the world,' his commands at Porte mouth and Aldershot, his work In Ireland and South Africa, and the apelin) services he vendered ay Governor-General in Canada, It Ia nob only a biography, hut ft is als moat a history of the Rritish army and the changes it has undergone during sixty years, In view of the naval conference Amerioa and England, hy T, Roose: volt 1s timely and of ahsorbing ins tarot, The author tells us the purpose of his hook a "to appraise the relative positions of the Mr tah Empire and the United States in the world today." The volume 18 In two parta==the fivat five chap: ters are oocupled with a summary survey and eompathon of the two countries in natural resources, in dustry, trade and financial devel opment and operations, He then I concerned about the freedom of the seas, and towards the elose of the hook makes some interest'ne and acute ahaervations upen the contrasts heiween British and Ane orion character and habits, The Human Mind, hy Dn K, A, Menninger 8 a fascinating hook Dr Menninger, of the University o' Kansan medioal sohool, states thn hin hook represents approximate! the views of the younger gronn i Amerioa payohiatry, Tt in intend od for the doctor who fs not tray od In payohiatey and far the Intel lgent layman, Theva fa little thenry; aketehes of hundreds of onmeN are miven, hut thee Ino attempt to make ab: 0 hatween nop ter an treatment and one on edw cation, industrial, legal and medt: onl anieations of pavehiatey, gotar das, A Butane Oh v ME Rurham's Outs hoard Motor Boats and Engines will be usetul, It A bi heginnem RO) of outheard malar hoats, [The author » who is an expert and an enthusiast in this' form 'of sport, discusses slaen, types, and uses of the out board, the selection of a bost; the prinoiple makes of hulls and ene ginen; speed, materials of construe tion; equipment and operation; de. signs and bullding. construstion, Gallipoli Memories, by Compton Mackensie is an nocount of the of floors commanding at Gallipoli and that piece of the war in which the author took part, It is a pleture of great and little men who are soon. at first hand in thelr mos ments of greatness and of despair, Other non-fetion reesive; Pulp and Paper Making in Canada, by{on June 18, The ceremony wi J, W, Shipley; Queen Klisabeth, by K. Anthony; A Gvest Rich Man, the Bomanee of Bir Walter Neott, by L, 8, Boas: Mary's Rosedal and Bossip of Little New York by A, G, Meredith; Adjectives and Other Words, by 1, Weekley, CEREMONY TO BE NINTORIC Inverness, Reotland, is preparing for the ceremony of conferring the trosdom of the Burgh of Inver ness on Ramsay MacDonald the Prime Minister; Stanley Baldwin, ax-Premior; and Bly Murdoch Maer donald, MP, for Inverness shire my for the oMeinl luncheon, funetion haw as the double objec of honoring three distinguished M Pa, and the Ntting recognition n three representatives of Clan Don mony will be attended by chief of Clan Donald, prison life, wt srr-------- om -- 4 Campaigns Aisi (cape take place in a publio hall, as the ssoommodation iv limited In the Town Hall, which will he required As the ald who hive brought fame to the Clan, it in expected that the cere A well-known writer visited a Juil Lg take notes for an article on On returning home ha ' miles a doy at the end of the Journ described what he had seen, and bis deseription meds a deep ime Uhetbion on the mind of hig Hite 0] little tor, waek InieF (he writer and hig irl were in 8 train Which at 8 slation near a gloomy ding, "What piace Is that?" asked a PaEsenger, "The county Init)' another wn. swered, promptly, Whereupon Mary embarassed he) father and sroussd the wsusplolon of the other passengers Vy anking in a loud shail! voles, "In that the nil you wore in, fathei | kid ------ GATLANT BOLDIER DIES George Taylor, who as & trooper of the 17th British Lancers in the nie War tn Alricn, wus one of the little party who recovered the hody of the Prince Imperial of Vreanee, and enrried it to the camp of Gen oral Newdignte on a siretcher formed hy men's lancus, diad nt Losds, Kngland, rvecenily, st the age of 19, Trooper Faylor also helped to vecover from the Luftgln River the hodles of Tdeutensnts Melville and Coghill, who had wo gloriously saved the Colors of the gallant 24th after the disaster of the Isandeliwane, He rode in the charge of the "Desth or Glory Boys" at Ulundi into the thick of 28,000 Zulus, MANY VARSITY ACTIVITIV Some Toronto, University settlement uow has In full running order 24 glubs for men, women, bhoys and girls, a nyrsery school, a specinl reading club, two art groups, twn y| modelling classes, ono physiest oducation class, one-parent educss ton clans, & little theatre for ghildren, a ehildren's hraneh of the pubMe Hhrary, a well-bahy elinis, {And 8 muse school 1 CANADA'S MIGRATING BIRDS " Many of the birds migrate hy day travel slowly and feed as they #0 slong, The cliff swallow Js s | nald to average twenty-five miles a day for the first twei ty days of its two thousand, Nve hundred mile flight from winter to summer home, and Increases this to sixty 1] oy, doubtless fosding Lo a Bresier oxtont during the early wisges of he L7ip, hm --T he Great Nortiam Vilens hove 1s an ron in Northern Cane udn lying between the thinber-lins and the tidewater of the Arvetls oceonn and Hudson buy, which in- eludey shout 506,000 square miles or Nearly .aesevenih of the ares of the whole Dominion, Althouss woh producing trees this aves is not hurren hut provides pasturags, places Tusuriant, tor the migrai- ory wmuskox and oarihou, Peverdl exploratory expeditions have bem made through portions of this ares during vecent years hy surveyors of the Topographical Survey, Der paviment of the Iuierior, I------ Hiustration stations In Cansds The operation of Dominion #x~ perimental furms and wiations dif fors from thet of the demonstra: tion farms operated b the Deperis ment of Agriculture 13 that the Government owns and operates thy former, 'hile the farmer, himself, manages and works the Nustrne tons, siatious of which thers are 156 distributed over the different provinges of Canada, Ends Piles Quick prs ------ Piles are caused hy congestion of blood In the lower bowel, Only an Internal medicine ean remove the cause, That's why sives and cutting fall, HEM-NOID, the pre seription of Dy, J. 8. Leonhardt, removes this congestion and strengthens the affected parts, HEM-ROID is now sold by drug gists everywhere, and has such a wonderful record of success even in ehronie and stubborn oases that Jury and Lovell 1Ad,, invites every pile sufferer to try HEM-ROID and guarantees money-hack If It. does not end all Pile misery, ws - ------ ---------------- now prepared FREE of charge 4 ¥, a C It also vice is The Oshawa Daily N Times entral Ontario's Leading Dail enjoys a Let us help you sell your goods by planning your advertising, This ser free. TELEPHONE 3 and our representative will call THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES y WA Is used by Many National Advertisers because it covers a field worth while cultivating. local advertising patronage, which, however, could be greatly increased and be more repre- sentative of the City of Oshawa. rd