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Oshawa Daily Times, 5 May 1930, p. 7

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i | ' He OAH SE TAS PPA THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, MAY 5, 1930 PACE SEVEN Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets ge wh, BLE gi ft a Ye we | ites ] Roo FARMERS MARKET th ing ore quotations, re he #10 quer ect on the St Lawrence orontr eis ¥1 ++ Od 0d 0.38 paragus, § 1b bunch ,.., 125 alto, 8 sorennearnnnne aves ik 6 qt serennnrenne anes Bost bus. erennnnenenen wens bi Do, 6 gt fussssensrasy ee Bloke do. at : t barks? 340 0.35 ions, ary, gt, basket, sees , O+0by basket ere Nene i How SOR RRIRIRRRRIRIOIINTYS ci OWE srvvrnnnnnsnnane 025 6. ndivy n sevenernnr anv by Insel, PEEK vivrivriiiiree 0.3) ushrooms, per pound sie sees 0060 Leaf 'tue three for oe 4000 010 Hen" lettuce, twa for +s vise arsley, per bunch i ivieee Crees, three for viivivee ose 040 Celery, doen ,.iveevesrvens 126 ranges, per dof +.i0eee 0.28 P, Honeydew melons, each ,., 0.75 100 Strawberries, pt viiriiiiine 0.28 ape! rult, each rrenene 0 ols Potatons, DOE «i vorvriviiin git Cucumbers, each Ameng, per dove? i wel dann TTT ly por dosen Pi Br dary, per pound pou, ereams , per b .. "oe revere ee pam ER -------------- os seg 4 fio Bananss, Ad Jou vireo 025 030 pics, Gra rere rere O88 fan an, gi] bt: oo FrrREERRIEE Ri on reen ae Oat, (riven of peppers, " for «ii 0,25 ranberrien, ab soeririee sone Ui23 "urn bus PORRRIIRRIE Sip Parsn 08 4 Gt siererennins 1 Apples, # I LA 1.26 1.50 bason een peas, 6 gt, CRRRRRIE Hee dae [ 88068, I, riiririrnnns 0.18 Arp) 04h 111rrererrr 025 0.35 u rb, neh BEPRAREY 2 5 Radis r bunches + 410s 025 New carrots three bunches 02h New beets, two bunches ., 0.25 TORONTO PRODUCKH QUOTATIONS (Buying) Toronto wholesale dealers are buying produce at the following | yy [on ' Elis. Ungraded, oases returned, fresh extras, 880; trosh firsts, 20¢; seconds, Sie, Butter==No, 1 Sredmory. solids, to B1%e; No, 4, 204e, urning oream-=gpecial, Bie} No. 1, dle; No, 4, #0e, Cheeso~=No, 1, large, eolored, parafined and government graded, 18% to 1b¢ Poultryes Alive Rronsed Hens, over 6 Ibs, ,..., 24 Do, over 4 to 0 Ibs, ,, 28 Do, under 4 Ibs, each 20 spring "eollers, over # Ibs, 25 20] Old roosters, over b Ibs, 19 Do, over 4 to 6 Ibs, ., 16 (Malling) Toronto wholerans denlery are offering produce to retall dealers at the following prices: Kggs=Vrosh extras in eartoonn, L101 840; fresh extras, loose, #20: firsts, 40s} seconds, 370, utter «== No, prints, -8be; prints, He, Cheese~=Now, Inrge, 28 to 80%e, twine 28% to 84c; Lriplets, 88% stiltons, 27¢, O14, large, 880; twins hes triplets and cuts, S0e; old stil temp, Ble Creamery ereamery, 1, 4 ) lowing 01 livers: Poultry Chickens, 6 Ws up reese Do, #10 608 reins Do, 6% to 418, 40004 Do, 610 8% 08 cov Do, #108, ivi iiveee Hews, over 6108, sirens Broilers ,.iiivervitnns DUCKS irvvrnnrsrorins Turkeys soivvovivervine TORONTO HAY AND STRAW Wiwlesule duulers wm hay und v siraw re (Sutin hi pe | th rag prices for en on track, Torgnte No, 20methy orvieirried 1450 yo No, 8 0methy, covereiie 14, Wheat stBW cresrreere i Out slraw , veronniprer My CHICAGO PRODUDE VUTUREN Chicago, Muy B==Qpon commii- menis--=Muy eggs bi Nov, eggs 1, 071; May buttery 20; June butter 1; Nov, butter 321, Two market veoelpie~~Buttier, dog, STEIN nt yor 10008) bgin {oeny B1,660; Inst yeny, 40, ' / Chicago wpot market Butter, extvns, HO%e; Lone easy; OBEY, graded Nests, loss carvots, $86; cary 22%; tons unsettled, Movement at four markets Butter, net In, 212,174; last year, net in 11,008; eggs, net in, 44, 110; lust year, net in, 25,7601, New York spot market---Butter, extras, B0%ec; eggs firsts, 88% to 24%; tone easy, TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on the Toronto Board of Trade are making the fol lowing quotations for car lots: Manitoba wheat == No, 1 North. orn, $1.11; No, 2 do, $1.08; No, 8, $1.06; No, 4, $1.00 1-8; No, Bb, Pé%e; No, 6, 78 1-8¢; feed 67 1-3¢ (ef, Goderich and Bay ports), Manitoba osts==No, 1 feed, 61. 130; No, 8 do, 49 1:8¢, American sorn-~No, §, P8%e; No. i do, 01 %e, Milifesd, deliverad Montreal froights bags ineuded---lran, per ton, $48.20; shorts per ton, $84, #6; middlings, $066.85, Ontario grain--~Wheat, $1,110} outs, 60 to Be; barley, 63 te bbe} yellow, rye, 74 to 760; buckwheat, 80¢, 5 a INN GRAIN OPENING ts "y ter Whats i or a to ip 5 her to 34 low WN Otiober 14 ho a 100 344, Ont wer ut 49 1o 48 7-81 O of wer 47 dA, Wino ond ping wit oh 4 the Ch nidion prajfis vere sonew hot n the innipey nia oh by an fri a wt Liverpool and Ni OWOLes were only fractionally down, Wrading was fuitly ow ut the start, ned ph) ge] We to 18 low. ou y wis 1-4 107 1:2 to on 18 10 12 wt er - i higher to I w" $1.07, October wan #110 to $100 3-4, CHICAGO AIN Chicago, May Bo Auenced. by downturns at Liverpool, wheat A ces here uveraged fower early today, with May touching a new bottom price record for the season, Favors uble erop reports concerning domes tie winter wheat tended to given an advantage to the bear side of the market, Opening at quarter off to 18 up, Chicago wheat afterward un- derwent a general sug, but then ral lied somewhat, Corn and oats were also easy, with corn starting at 3-8 decling to wn e qua! advance, and subsequently receding n little, Provis slons held steady, FOREIGN EXCHANGE New York, May §~Mercantile pa- per 3 3d per cent, Forelgn exchange steady, demand rates (Great Britain in dollars, oth.re In cents); Great Britain 4.85 7<81 Canadian Dollars at 7-16 "of one per gent, discount. CHICAGO GRAIN OPENING Chinego, May S~Wheat, Muy 100 1:21 July 102 14 Sept, 105 1-8, Corn May 78 1:2; July B0 3-4; Sept, Bl 7:8 Ours, May 41; July 40 5-8; Sept, 40 1.2 TORONTO LIVESTOCK Toronto, May S~Cattle trade on the Toronto Livestock Exchange was unsettled with bids 25 to 50c lower on wll grades of cattle, There were few sales made up to 11 o'clock, Calves were steady at $1000 to $11 _, -- M ------ power to her! Aad to all who use "SUPER-SHELL," the perfect anti. knock fuel for modern high-compression motors. "SUPER. SHELL" is made entirely from petroleum --nothing added. ""SUPER-SHELL" starts with the starter . , , The surplus power is there, whether always needed or not, And then more=""SUPER.SHELL" has been refined to eliminate motor "knocking" and "ping" on stiff pulls , , ,»"'SUPER-SHELL', burns completely, avoiding oil dilution . . . gives added power, faster pick-up and more miles per gallon, Should cost you more but is actually the least expensive fuel you can buy, Convince yourself by trying 'SUPER.SHELL" today! STOP AT THE SIGN OF THE SHELL me NEW ANTI-KNOCK . GASOLINE THE SHELL COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED # ah om, nthe nied tates south | eher hulls, fair 87 to § Flock High Low Br. A OW 85% Brag, ., Cockshutt' 18% City, Dry 40% Dis, fgrm, 11% Pm, Bre, 84 Gypsum Ind, Aleh, Imp, Of Ms, Hr, Ma, ¥rt, Mt, Pwr, 1 Pg. Hr, haw, 74 B. Bation 44% DRAWER DAW a DD N06 147 76 , 480 , R10 650 660 Hy, 1p po Hd, Bay 9%0 Lk, Wh, 8800 2374 24756 Ninda, 3640 26010 Abgna Marke, Summary by Canadian Vress Toronto aud Now York Bock Quotations Supplied Biggar sug Crawtord, Algor Bullding, Oshawa | Latest News of Stock Markets, Grain and Produce Exchanges Stock Marker ricer] SUPPORT FOR SOME | each $1, Warner ros, in, with & Wieck of 20, 00 shaves, up § cepts o shore, LEADERS ON NEW YORK EXCHANGE Trading in Large Volume, | But More Orderly Than on Saturday or p----r-- | New York, May bB-=A wide ns sortment. of lending shares on the New York Block Exchange atiraet. od strong support Ledey, fier Wyuidation of impaired marginal neeounts in the rst half hour of trating Eastman Kodak sold up $46, | Paramount Public #5, Westing: house Electric $3, and UB, Biles], American Can, General FKlectrie and United Alreraft, $1 to 82, Init Ia) Jowses of $10 and 87 In cass and Worthington Pump were large { ly regained, | Trading was in large volume, ! with several blocks at 6,000 to 4u, 000 shaves changing hands, hut it falled duripg the early trading to reach the feverish pace set durs ing the flood of Kauidation on Hat urday, when stocks changed hands In blocks of 10,000 to 20,000 | wharves, Brokers stated a larged | amount of so-called bavgain-hunter | [ wy Bh, Grd, wd, Bn, Th, Wi, Wr. Hr, New York Exchange High 2% 40% 150 200 600 100 180 191 hah i186 180 In #40 154 Close "in Ll] 67 b% Moy bo IY 11% FIL "e 047% 106% Wook Low Alleghany Amn, inter, Amn, Bmel, Amn, Tel, Ansgonda Baldwin Borden Borg War, Beth, Weel Can, Dry ;., Can, Pac, Com, Moly Chrysler Dav; Chem, Vox vue: Gen, Klee, den, Mot, Goodyear , , Ken, Copper Mt, Ward Nt, Ch, lig Pen, Nall Indio Rem, Bim, Bin, OIL 4. buying was appearing. U8, Bteel and Ktandard of N.J opened unchanged from Baturdn closing levels, Radlo and Public | Werviee of NJ, mounted 75 cent Raid # shave, Vanadium and Loui @( 5 for Mother on Her Day send Karn's Chocolates, I'his choice not only cons veys the utmost love to Mother=it is a recogni tion of her good taste, "Mother's" Day special boxes of chocolates at prices to suit you, 90¢ to $2.50 Varn' Drug Store Phone 378 Next P.O, Wt, of N.J, Hludebnkey Thi RI, Boar 76% U.N, Bieel 175 U8, Rubber 27% Money § per vent, for choles and as low as $5.00 for common: Hogs were unsettled with packers bidding 25¢ lower ut $10.50 f.0.b, for bacon or $11.75 off car Lambs were steady at $11 to $12 for good yearlings, Spring lambs sold up to $14.00 each Sheep were steady for top, Cattle receipts 2996 Heavy beef steers $10 to $11,251 butcher steers, good to choice $10.50 to $11.25; but: ¢her steers, falr to good, $10 to $10.50; butcher steers, common to fair, #9 to $10; butcher heifers, good te cholee, $10.50 to $11; butcher hels fers, fair to good, $10 10 $10.50; hut. cher cows, goud to cholee, $8 to $8.75 butcher cows, fair to good, $7 10 88; canners and cutters $3.50 to $5; buts cher bulls, good $7.50 to 5§8.25: hut. $7.50; hologna, $0 10 871 feeding steers good $8.75 10 #9.251 feeding steers, Yair $8 to $8.50; stockers, good $8.50 to #9; stockers, fair $7 to $8; mileh cows, chose $70 to $901 springers, choice $80 to $110, Call receipts 263, Good te choles, $0.0 to $11; medium and heavy, $3 to $0.50; grassers 85 to $0 Hog receipts 400 Sheep receipts 80, Good ewe and wanther lambs $11.50 te $12; medium S10. 50 to $111 bucks, $8.50 to $9: culls #8 10 $9; good light sheep 87 10 $7.50; heavies, bucks #0 to $60.75; eulls $3 to 88 STOGK EXCHANGE SHOWS RECOVERY selling ut 87.50 After Dip in First Hour of || Trading, Prices Go Up Toronto, May b-=Declining a! the opening as selling orders placed after the markets left off for last week were executed this morning, the market on Toronto Stock Nx. change recovered later in the morn- ing and at midday pivotal stocks were selling anywhere from a small fraction ta a couple of points high. or than they' had at the clone Sat. urday, The volume was heavy the first halt hour and for a time the ticker fell behind, But once the intial rush was out of the way there was no further heavy liquidation and as the pace slowed prices slowly works od upward, Not all stocks joined in the movement as many o fthe lean notive. issnes whinh had been sold to protect more speculative ae: Makes Children Bright Active -- Health Rosy Cheeks brad Cod Liver Lxtract, wo abundant in sugar-conted MoCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets, fs the quickest and surest way of setting skinny, nervous loys and girls on the right road to wonderful health, attrac: tiveness and happiness, When children take MoCoy's they obtain the full beady. hane and mentality building enefit of Cod Liver Nxtract whieh doctors preseribe for thelr awn ohildren and whieh world's aveateat medion) authorities claim are so essentia! for health and growth, MoCoy's adds firm flesh, fills out flat chests --- hones mrow straight and strong, plenty of energy and vitality to realist disease in created, Your vosy oheeked, bright eyed, well developed kiddies will he a wonderful reflection upon & moth. or's expert cavre~--auoh happy and healthy days ahead of them! One alekly ohild gained 12 pounds In 7 months, Gat MoCoy's Cod Liver Extract Taha at Jury and Lovell, T B, Mitchell or W, WH, Karn, or any goad drugstore, 60 tablets, 40 cents, hn br Bho do me MAKING MONEY counts reacted au point or more, In addition the ells were weak throughout most of the morning, the rebound not heing nearly so WORK HARD ER impressive as with the other re cognieed eaders Bragilian and Nickel both went lower the first few minutes, At noon Brazilian had elimbed to show a net gain of more than a point while Nickel was up two points, Noranda falled to make headway, Fdro of Canada eames out lower, sold off still more, eamé back part way, Vamous players lost a couple of points and Hteels, despite favor able tariff changes In the new hud got, declined, Walkers followed much the same course as Brasillan and Nickel, showing a net gain at midday, All stocks in the beverage group held | up wel during the break and thes | were sound today, meney, in makes mon the coupon The truth study and taking adv succeed, EE -------------- | MINING MARKET HAS EASIER TONE Recovery of Nickel Fails to Impress Rest of Bwd Torento, May S=In spite of a sharp recovery In Nickel to $32.00, the tone of the mining market was easier during the early perlod today, practically all classes of Issues suffer ng under continued Haul dation. Fol: lowing a brisk opening, volume of sales fell off towards noon hut the cessation of selling produced little reaction, this close it for you, 'down of industry to sap her individuals, business houses There is as much money in IN the investment of never go together, investment requires constant ities to make suitable changes in securities--~to make money work harder -- that investments I you find difficulty in giving investments we are ready to do work to study investment trends and to submit advice to our clients accordingly. We are always glad 10 answer onguiri by mod or telephone, TH Dominion SEcurITIBS CORPORATION LIMITED Preparation for the next upward swing of b 'ness--certain to come--should be made now by dolence and profits No investor ey merely by clipping 8 is that successful alertness. It is by antage of oppertuns attention to your It is part of our in Canadian life. Eh wer for her people to allow any temporary alowine: self confidence. | | and municipalities. the country now » ever there was, Those who have it should not! be over cautious in employing it wien We repeat a remark from our previous advertise: \ ment: "What we do ia more important than what we say, Let us buy and sell--build--~ge ahead plan and work--keep the wheels turning to the' utmost of our ability as individuals." The Canada Life © Assurance Company

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